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作者 陈略 唐歌实 +2 位作者 王保丰 路伟涛 王欣 《载人航天》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期191-195,共5页
针对复杂条件下的地基观测红外图像目标检测问题,引入二维经验模式分解(BEMD)方法对复杂条件下的目标红外实测图像进行了处理分析:首先对目标观测原始红外图像进行中值滤波,对原始红外图像进行噪声抑制预处理;然后利用BEMD算法对预处理... 针对复杂条件下的地基观测红外图像目标检测问题,引入二维经验模式分解(BEMD)方法对复杂条件下的目标红外实测图像进行了处理分析:首先对目标观测原始红外图像进行中值滤波,对原始红外图像进行噪声抑制预处理;然后利用BEMD算法对预处理后红外图像进行自适应分解,获得按频段分布的二维基本模式分量与残余图像,并对分解后的红外图像进行有效重构,获取处理后的红外目标图像;最后利用点锐度方法定量评估目标红外图像处理效果,并与原始红外图像进行比对分析。基于实测红外图像处理结果表明,BEMD方法有效抑制了云层背景杂波噪声,且有效检测出清晰的红外目标,处理后的红外图像清晰度较原始红外图像显著提高。 展开更多
关键词 二维经验模式分解 航天器 红外图像 噪声抑制 点锐度
作者 路伟涛 唐歌实 +1 位作者 任天鹏 陈略 《遥测遥控》 2017年第3期28-35,共8页
信号频率和相位是连线干涉测量(CEI)以及甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)本地相关处理的主要测量元素,其中相位测量精度直接影响着无线电测量精度。在对Rife算法及其改进算法(M-Rife算法)分析的基础上,提出一种新的改进算法(I-Rife算法)。该算... 信号频率和相位是连线干涉测量(CEI)以及甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)本地相关处理的主要测量元素,其中相位测量精度直接影响着无线电测量精度。在对Rife算法及其改进算法(M-Rife算法)分析的基础上,提出一种新的改进算法(I-Rife算法)。该算法通过增加一次固定频移,解决了M-Rife算法在信号频率位于整数倍FFT频率分辨率附近时频移方向容易出错的问题,估计性能有所提高。对I-Rife算法的误差性能进行分析,其结果表明,改进算法的频率估计误差、相位估计误差分别约为克拉美-罗下限(CRLB)的1.0073倍、2.3562倍。最后,通过蒙特卡罗仿真和无线电干涉测量试验对所提算法的性能进行了验证。 展开更多
关键词 频率相位估计 Rife算法 固定频移 CRLB
APOD卫星大气密度数据处理与标校 被引量:9
作者 李勰 徐寄遥 +4 位作者 唐歌实 陈光明 满海钧 刘舒莳 李永平 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期3567-3576,共10页
APOD卫星是我国首颗以热层大气密度探测与精密定轨为科学目标的微纳卫星,搭载大气密度探测器、双频GNSS接收机等载荷,于2015年9月20日发射入轨,2015年10月27日进入轨道高度460km、轨道倾角97.4°、降交点地方时6∶20的工作轨道,各... APOD卫星是我国首颗以热层大气密度探测与精密定轨为科学目标的微纳卫星,搭载大气密度探测器、双频GNSS接收机等载荷,于2015年9月20日发射入轨,2015年10月27日进入轨道高度460km、轨道倾角97.4°、降交点地方时6∶20的工作轨道,各项载荷随即展开例行观测.本文给出了APOD卫星大气密度探测器的基本原理和数据处理流程,采用基于双行根数(TLE)反演获取的密度数据,对2015年12月至2016年12月的就位探测数据进行了标校,并与经验密度模式进行了比较.结果表明,反演密度与APOD卫星就位探测数据的线性相关性达到0.943,采用线性拟合与二次函数拟合的残差水平基本相当.两种不同方法标校密度相对于NRLMSIS00模式日均值误差的均值和标准偏差为10.1%、18.2%和5.1%、17.1%,二次函数标校略优于线性标校;相对于JB2008模式日均值误差的均值和标准偏差为0.6%、14.9%和3.9%、16.9%,线性标校略优于二次函数标校.总体而言,APOD卫星大气密度就位探测数据与常用经验模式精度基本一致,可为开展大气密度变化规律及应用研究提供数据基础. 展开更多
关键词 APOD卫星 大气密度探测 处理 标校
空间机械臂抓捕动态目标快速稳定跟踪方法 被引量:3
作者 王晓雪 刘传凯 +3 位作者 王保丰 唐歌实 王镓 郭祥艳 《中国空间科学技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期18-28,共11页
面向空间机械臂对在轨飞行器、对接舱段等目标进行抓捕的应用需求,对近距离交会对接中的动态目标跟踪问题展开研究,提出了一种基于反向投影模板自适应更新的快速跟踪方法。该方法在分析发光目标灰度特性的基础上,设计了一种能够充分表... 面向空间机械臂对在轨飞行器、对接舱段等目标进行抓捕的应用需求,对近距离交会对接中的动态目标跟踪问题展开研究,提出了一种基于反向投影模板自适应更新的快速跟踪方法。该方法在分析发光目标灰度特性的基础上,设计了一种能够充分表征目标差异的特征选取算法,有效消除了随变性较小的信息对跟踪过程的影响。利用该特征,设计了目标在不同帧之间的相似性比较方法,并制定了目标特征模版更新策略,解决了由于目标姿态和光线的变化而导致的跟踪错误问题。对跟踪过程中可能出现的目标移入移出相机视场问题提出了一种临界目标抛弃、找回策略,避免了目标的局部跟丢问题。最后通过跟踪试验,有效验证了该算法的实时性和鲁棒性,实现了10帧/s以上的稳定跟踪。 展开更多
关键词 机械臂抓捕 自主交会对接 连续自适应均值漂移算法 目标跟踪 反向投影
COSMIC-2掩星反演数据质量分析 被引量:1
作者 薛子悦 鲍艳松 +3 位作者 唐歌实 成巍 朱孟斌 袁帅 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期453-466,共14页
为评价COSMIC-2掩星反演数据精度,利用探空站点资料,对比验证了基于COSMIC-2附加相位数据由无线电掩星数据处理软件ROPP计算得到的大气折射率及温湿廓线。实验结果表明:COSMIC-2数据经反演后的大气廓线质量较高,大气折射率相对偏差标准... 为评价COSMIC-2掩星反演数据精度,利用探空站点资料,对比验证了基于COSMIC-2附加相位数据由无线电掩星数据处理软件ROPP计算得到的大气折射率及温湿廓线。实验结果表明:COSMIC-2数据经反演后的大气廓线质量较高,大气折射率相对偏差标准差为1.5%~4.3%,大气温度和相对湿度均方根误差分别为1.3~2.2 K、10%~15%;低纬地区样本精度总体优于中纬地区;季节性差异不明显,但冬春季样本精度总体略优于夏秋季。反演数据与COSMIC-2二级产品相比,折射率与温度在部分高度层精度更优,相对湿度在总体上精度更优。 展开更多
关键词 COSMIC-2 GNSS掩星反演 ROPP 大气廓线 质量分析
作者 袁帅 唐歌实 高鹏 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第2期244-252,共9页
本文基于小波协方差变换法,使用COSMIC和ERA-Interim两种数据的折射率获取了全球海洋边界层的时空分布情况并进行了对比分析.结果表明:在空间上,由两种数据反演出的海洋边界层高度所显示出的分布特征大致相同,即沿着赤道呈不完全对称分... 本文基于小波协方差变换法,使用COSMIC和ERA-Interim两种数据的折射率获取了全球海洋边界层的时空分布情况并进行了对比分析.结果表明:在空间上,由两种数据反演出的海洋边界层高度所显示出的分布特征大致相同,即沿着赤道呈不完全对称分布,仅在个别海域有所差别;在季节及月变化方面,两者均呈现出夏季较高的特点;在日变化特征上,两者变化均不明显,但ERA-Interim数据的海洋边界层高度的日变化特征与太阳辐射的日变化特征更加符合;在数值差异上,COSMIC数据要比ERA-Interim数据的结果高500~1000 m,且低纬度地区两者差异大于高纬度地区,夏季两者差异小于冬季. 展开更多
关键词 COSMIC掩星 ERA-INTERIM 折射率 海洋边界层 小波协方差变换法 时空分布特征
Lunar topographic model CLTM-s01 from Chang’E-1 laser altimeter 被引量:22
作者 PING JinSong HUANG Qian +3 位作者 YAN JianGuo CAO JianFeng tang geshi SHU Rong 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第7期1105-1114,共10页
More than 3 million range measurements from the Chang’E-1 Laser Altimeter have been used to produce a global topographic model of the Moon with improved accuracy. Our topographic model, a 360th degree and order spher... More than 3 million range measurements from the Chang’E-1 Laser Altimeter have been used to produce a global topographic model of the Moon with improved accuracy. Our topographic model, a 360th degree and order spherical harmonic expansion of the lunar radii, is designated as Chang’E-1 Lunar Topography Model s01 (CLTM-s01). This topographic field, referenced to a mean radius of 1738 km, has an absolute vertical accuracy of approximately 31 m and a spatial resolution of 0.25° (~7.5 km). This new lunar topographic model has greatly improved previous models in spatial coverage, accuracy and spatial resolution, and also shows the polar regions with the altimeter results for the first time. From CLTM-s01, the mean, equatorial, and polar radii of the Moon are 1737103, 1737646, and 1735843 m, respectively. In the lunar-fixed coordinate system, this model shows a COM/COF offset to be (?1.777, ?0.730, 0.237) km along the x, y, and z directions, respectively. All the basic lunar shape parameters derived from CLTM-s01 are in agreement with the results of Clementine GLTM2, but CLTM-s01 offers higher accuracy and reliability due to its better global samplings. 展开更多
关键词 Chang’E-1 LASER ALTIMETER (LAM) LUNAR topographic MODEL
New features of the Moon revealed and identified by CLTM-s01 被引量:7
作者 HUANG Qian PING JinSong +2 位作者 SU XiaoLi SHU Rong tang geshi 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第12期1815-1823,共9页
Previous analyses showed a clear asymmetry in the topography,geological material distribution,and crustal thickness between the nearside and farside of the Moon. Lunar detecting data,such as topography and gravity,hav... Previous analyses showed a clear asymmetry in the topography,geological material distribution,and crustal thickness between the nearside and farside of the Moon. Lunar detecting data,such as topography and gravity,have made it possible to interpret this hemisphere dichotomy. The high-resolution lunar topographic model CLTM-s01 has revealed that there still exist four unknown features,namely,quasi-impact basin Sternfeld-Lewis (20°S,232°E),confirmed impact basin Fitzgerald-Jackson (25°N,191°E),crater Wugang (13°N,189°E) and volcanic deposited highland Yutu (14°N,308°E). Furthermore,we analyzed and identified about eleven large-scale impact basins that have been proposed since 1994,and classified them according to their circular characteristics. 展开更多
Chang’E-1 orbiter discovers a lunar nearside volcano: YUTU Mountain 被引量:4
作者 PING JinSong HUANG Qian +4 位作者 SU XiaoLi tang geshi SHU Rong XIAO Long HUANG Jun 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第23期4534-4536,共3页
In the day time of the Moon surface, the strong illumination from high altitude and high albedo rate radical craters will introduce the illumination effect on observing the nearby low altitude, low albedo rate and sha... In the day time of the Moon surface, the strong illumination from high altitude and high albedo rate radical craters will introduce the illumination effect on observing the nearby low altitude, low albedo rate and shallow small slop rate area seriously, and even can 'hide' the later area from the light. Based on the lunar global topography model obtained by Chang’E-1 mission, and by comparing with the lunar gravity model, a volcano named 'YUTU Mountain' has been identified. It is a volcano with diameter of ~300 km and height of ~2 km located at (14°N, 308°E) in Oceanus Procellarum. Besides, the DEM of another volcano named 'GUISHU Mountain' in the same area has been improved. This new discovery will benefit the study of lunar magmatism and volcanism evolution in the nearside of the Moon. 展开更多
关键词 火山岩浆活动 月球表面 嫦娥一号 轨道器 重力场模型 照明效果 地形模型
A digital open-loop Doppler processing prototype for deep-space navigation 被引量:2
作者 JIAN NianChuan SHANG Kun +11 位作者 ZHANG SuJun WANG MingYuan SHI Xian PING JingSong YAN JianGuo tang geshi LIU JunZe QIU Shi FUNG Lai-Wo ZHANG Hua WANG Zhen GOU Wei 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第12期1849-1857,共9页
A prototype based on digital radio technology with associated open-loop Doppler signal processing techniques has been developed to measure a spacecraft's line-of-sight velocity. The prototype was tested in China&#... A prototype based on digital radio technology with associated open-loop Doppler signal processing techniques has been developed to measure a spacecraft's line-of-sight velocity. The prototype was tested in China's Chang'E-1 lunar mission relying on S-band telemetry signals transmitted by the sat-ellite,with results showing that the residuals had a RMS value of ~3 mm/s (1σ ) using 1-sec integration,which is consistent with the Chinese conventional USB (Unified S-Band) tracking system. Such preci-sion is mainly limited by the short-term stability of the atomic (e.g. rubidium) clock at the uplink ground station. It can also be improved with proper calibration to remove some effects of the transmission media (such as solar plasma,troposphere and ionosphere),and a longer integration time (e.g. down to 0.56 mm/s at 34 seconds) allowed by the spacecraft dynamics. The tracking accuracy can also be in-creased with differential methods that may effectively remove most of the long-term drifts and some of the short-term uncertainties of the uplink atomic clock,thereby further reducing the residuals to the 1 mm/s level. Our experimental tracking data have been used in orbit determination for Chang'E-1,while other applications (such as the upcoming YH-1 Mars orbiter) based on open-loop Doppler tracking will be initiated in the future. Successful application of the prototype to the Chang'E-1 mission in 2008 is believed to have great significance for China's future deep space exploration. 展开更多
Sliding polynomial modeling with equality constraints
作者 LIU Ye tang geshi +2 位作者 YU AnXi ZHU JuBo LIANG DianNong 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期1818-1824,共7页
Sliding polynomial modeling has undergone considerable development and has been widely applied to dynamic modeling. One focus of the polynomial model is to make efficient use of prior information, which can also be ca... Sliding polynomial modeling has undergone considerable development and has been widely applied to dynamic modeling. One focus of the polynomial model is to make efficient use of prior information, which can also be called additional or constrained information. Considering the fact that much additional information can be translated to equality constraints, we develop a new two-stage approach for sliding polynomial modeling with equality constraints. To maintain its compatibility with the polyno-mial model without this constraint, only a simple adjustment based on the constraint equation is involved in the algorithm. The approach is easy to implement and is superior in observability, convergence and accuracy. The results of a simulation study of spacecraft tracking are provided to confirm the theoretical development. As no special hypotheses are required, the approach presented here can be widely applied to dynamic modeling for nonlinear systems with equality constraints. Furthermore, per-formance predictions for other dynamic models can also draw lessons from this approach. 展开更多
Matching suitable feature construction for SAR images based on evolutionary synthesis strategy
作者 Bu Yanlong tang geshi +1 位作者 Liu Hongfu Pan Liang 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第6期1488-1497,共10页
In the paper,a set of algorithms to construct synthetic aperture radar(SAR)matching suitable features are frstly proposed based on the evolutionary synthesis strategy.During the process,on the one hand,the indexes o... In the paper,a set of algorithms to construct synthetic aperture radar(SAR)matching suitable features are frstly proposed based on the evolutionary synthesis strategy.During the process,on the one hand,the indexes of primary matching suitable features(PMSFs)are designed based on the characteristics of image texture,SAR imaging and SAR matching algorithm,which is a process involving expertise;on the other hand,by designing a synthesized operation expression tree based on PMSFs,a much more flexible expression form of synthesized features is built,which greatly expands the construction space.Then,the genetic algorithm-based optimized searching process is employed to search the synthesized matching suitable feature(SMSF)with the highest effciency,largely improving the optimized searching effciency.In addition,the experimental results of the airborne synthetic aperture radar ortho-images of C-band and P-band show that the SMSFs gained via the algorithms can reflect the matching suitability of SAR images accurately and the matching probabilities of selected matching suitable areas of ortho-images could reach 99±0.5%. 展开更多
关键词 Integrated navigation Matching suitability Operation expression tree Primary matching suitable feature(PMSF) SAR image Synthesized matching suitable feature(SMSF
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