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网络攻击源追踪技术研究综述 被引量:17
作者 姜建国 王继志 +2 位作者 孔斌 胡波 刘吉强 《信息安全学报》 CSCD 2018年第1期111-131,共21页
在网络空间中,网络攻击源追踪是指当检测到网络攻击事件发生后,能够追踪定位真正的攻击者的主机,以帮助司法人员对攻击者采取法律手段。近二十年,研究人员对网络攻击源追踪技术进行了大量研究。本文对这些研究进行了综述。首先,明确了... 在网络空间中,网络攻击源追踪是指当检测到网络攻击事件发生后,能够追踪定位真正的攻击者的主机,以帮助司法人员对攻击者采取法律手段。近二十年,研究人员对网络攻击源追踪技术进行了大量研究。本文对这些研究进行了综述。首先,明确了问题的定义,不同的攻击场景所采用的追踪技术也有所不同,将问题分为5类:虚假IP追踪、Botnet追踪、匿名网络追踪、跳板追踪、局域网追踪,分别总结了相关的研究成果,明确各种方法所适用的场景。最后,将各类方法归纳为4种类型,对比了这4类方法的优缺点,并讨论了未来的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 网络安全 IP追踪 跳板检测 僵尸网络 匿名网络
作者 隋彤彤 王继志 刘雯 《软件导刊》 2024年第11期25-31,共7页
随着云计算和控制理论飞速发展,云控制系统应运而生以实现高效率的控制计算,但在通信网络与第三方云之间传输和处理敏感数据易受到窃听和篡改数据的网络攻击。由于同态加密可解决这个安全漏洞,在传输和计算的各个层面加密数据,为整个控... 随着云计算和控制理论飞速发展,云控制系统应运而生以实现高效率的控制计算,但在通信网络与第三方云之间传输和处理敏感数据易受到窃听和篡改数据的网络攻击。由于同态加密可解决这个安全漏洞,在传输和计算的各个层面加密数据,为整个控制环路提供数据保密性。首先,综合分析了利用同态加密对云控制系统进行安全保护的研究,然后介绍了基于同态加密的线性控制、分布式控制和模型预测控制的研究进展;其次,分析了解决动态控制器运行时间有限问题的不同方法的特点和局限性;最后,总结了用于加密数据的量化技术,并展望云加密控制系统未来的发展方向。以期为基于同态加密的云控制系统的研究者提供参考与借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 同态加密 云控制系统 云计算 安全
我国中原至华北平原冬季雾-霾与北半球大气环流异常 被引量:4
作者 王洁 王继志 +3 位作者 王宏 陈怀亮 杨元琴 张梦 《气象与环境科学》 2017年第4期1-8,共8页
采用2000—2017年1月地面和高空观测基本气象要素(气压、温度、湿度、风、能见度和雾-霾天气现象等)观测信息、1980—2016年1月NCEP再分析资料等,基于气候平均态的环流异常特征分析,发展对平均气候态出现异常变化的综合诊断分析方法,研... 采用2000—2017年1月地面和高空观测基本气象要素(气压、温度、湿度、风、能见度和雾-霾天气现象等)观测信息、1980—2016年1月NCEP再分析资料等,基于气候平均态的环流异常特征分析,发展对平均气候态出现异常变化的综合诊断分析方法,研究华北地区冬季典型雾-霾多寡年大气环流的三维结构及其遥相关异常特征。结果表明:2000—2017年冬季1月,华北平原、中原等黄河中下游地区冬季雾-霾的发生日数呈增加趋势,雾-霾发生日数线性增加拟合趋势相关确认系数为R2=0.36,超过0.001的显著性水平。基于气候平均态环流异常特征分析表明,华北平原、中原等黄河中下游地区雾-霾污染出现多、寡年的对流层大气大尺度环流分布差异显著。气候平均态的环流异常特征分析表明,多雾-霾年,在冬季1月影响中国的冷空气主要路径上,自极地区泰米尔半岛,经中西伯利亚、贝加尔湖地区到中国东部区域,对流层中层与高层位势高度距平呈现"高—低—高"的分布,在低层则出现"东高西低"的气候平均态异常分布;少雾-霾年,该分布型不复存在,并出现反位相特征。多雾-霾年的这种异常环流分布型可为中原至华北平原冬季雾-霾的频发提供有利的气候背景,是该区域冬季雾-霾多发的重要原因。 展开更多
关键词 中原与华北平原 冬季雾-霾 北半球环流 对流层环流三维结构 “高低高”距平分布
益生菌改善抑郁症潜在机制研究进展 被引量:2
作者 王纪智 孙宁 《临床心身疾病杂志》 CAS 2020年第5期118-121,共4页
目前,越来越多的人们遭受抑郁症的侵扰,严重影响工作和生活.如何预防和缓解抑郁症所带来的痛苦,成为我们所关注的问题.近些年的研究表明,抑郁症的发生可能与肠道菌群失调密切相关.益生菌可以调节肠道菌群失调、改善抑郁症状,其机制可能... 目前,越来越多的人们遭受抑郁症的侵扰,严重影响工作和生活.如何预防和缓解抑郁症所带来的痛苦,成为我们所关注的问题.近些年的研究表明,抑郁症的发生可能与肠道菌群失调密切相关.益生菌可以调节肠道菌群失调、改善抑郁症状,其机制可能与益生菌促进神经递质的产生、降低炎症反应、调节下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴功能有关,本文围绕以上三个方面对益生菌在改善抑郁症状中的作用进行论述,旨在为临床诊治提供依据. 展开更多
关键词 抑郁症 益生菌 神经递质 炎性因子 下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴
作者 王俊彦 张兴磊 +5 位作者 王纪智 张爱霞 杨春霞 刘志芬 张克让 孙宁 《中国神经精神疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期98-102,共5页
目的比较抑郁障碍患者和正常对照外周血浆miR-34a的表达情况,及抗抑郁药物对miR-34a表达的影响,以寻找抑郁障碍相关的生物学标志和抗抑郁治疗生物学预测指标。方法收集82例首发未用药抑郁障碍患者和60名正常对照,采用实时荧光定量PCR方... 目的比较抑郁障碍患者和正常对照外周血浆miR-34a的表达情况,及抗抑郁药物对miR-34a表达的影响,以寻找抑郁障碍相关的生物学标志和抗抑郁治疗生物学预测指标。方法收集82例首发未用药抑郁障碍患者和60名正常对照,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测其外周血浆miR-34a的表达水平。患者接受8周规范化抗抑郁药物治疗,根据汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton depression scale,HAMD)总分判断患者是否临床治愈和显效,并再次检测外周血浆miR-34a表达水平。结果miR-34a在患者组表达高于对照组(P=0.001)。治疗后抑郁障碍患者组miR-34a表达水平明显降低(P=0.032),仍高于对照组(P=0.001)。治愈组和未愈组,以及显效组和非显效组,miR-34ap表达水平治疗前后差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。ROC曲线分析显示miR-34a表达水平区分患者与对照的AUC为0.849(95%CI:0.787~0.911),取最佳界值点时敏感度为76.8%,特异度为85.0%。结论抑郁障碍患者外周血浆miR-34a高表达,经抗抑郁药物治疗后miR-34a表达水平降低。miR-34a表达水平可能对抑郁障碍诊断具有价值。 展开更多
关键词 抑郁障碍 MIR-34A 表达调控
Study on wavy distribution of rainfall associated with typhoon Matsa (2005) 被引量:10
作者 LI Ying wang jizhi +1 位作者 CHEN LianShou YANG YuanQin 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE CAS 2007年第7期972-983,共12页
An analysis is made to investigate the structure features of the extensive heavy rainfall left by typhoon Matsa, after its landfall in China's Mainland in August 2005, based on a range of observational results, in... An analysis is made to investigate the structure features of the extensive heavy rainfall left by typhoon Matsa, after its landfall in China's Mainland in August 2005, based on a range of observational results, including surface intensive observation data, TBB data from China's FY-2 satellite, and NCEP 1°×1° reanalysis data. The study tries to explore the interaction between atmospheric waves, 3-D atmospheric structures, and typhoon rainbands. Observational facts, diagnostic analysis, and atmospheric wave theory are used to look into the formation mechanism of distant typhoon rainbands. Results show that (1) Matsa rainbands have the features of noticeable wave train distribution and long distance propaga-tion; (2) the typhoon rainbands extend as far as 2000 km northwardly from the typhoon center, with a wavelength of 500―1000 km and a wave period of 12―24 h; (3) the wave structure of Matsa rainbands is closely associated with the corresponding wave variation of the ambient 3-D atmospheric structures, including disturbance vorticity, divergence field, vertical motion field, water vapor flux divergence field, etc. (4) both observational facts and theoretical analysis show that the northward extending typhoon rainbands are associated with the mixed effects of atmospheric inertia wave and internal gravity wave; (5) only under proper atmospheric stratification and vertical wavenumber of gravity wave, can a ty-phoon stimulate such a wave being able to reach such a distance, and result in extending wavy rain-bands. 展开更多
关键词 2005年 麦莎台风 降水 波状起伏分布
Discriminant Genetic Algorithm Extended (DGAE) model for seasonal sand and dust storm prediction 被引量:3
作者 YANG YuanQin wang jizhi +2 位作者 HOU Qing LI Yi ZHOU ChunHong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期10-18,共9页
Here we use a Discriminant Genetic Algorithm Extended (DGAE) model to diagnose and predict seasonal sand and dust storm (SDS) activities occurring in Northeast Asia. The study employed the regular meteorological data,... Here we use a Discriminant Genetic Algorithm Extended (DGAE) model to diagnose and predict seasonal sand and dust storm (SDS) activities occurring in Northeast Asia. The study employed the regular meteorological data, including surface data, upper air data, and NCEP reanalysis data, collected from 1980–2006. The regional, seasonal, and annual differences of 3-D atmospheric circulation structures and SDS activities in the context of spatial and temporal distributions were given. Genetic algorithms were introduced with the further extension of promoting SDS seasonal predication from multi-level resolution. Genetic probability was used as a substitute for posterior probability of multi-level discriminants, to show the dual characteristics of crossover inheritance and mutation and to build a non-linear adaptability function in line with extended genetic algorithms. This has unveiled the spatial distribution of the maximum adaptability, allowing the forecast field to be defined by the population with the largest probability, and made discriminant genetic extension possible. In addition, the effort has led to the establishment of a regional model for predicting seasonal SDS activities in East Asia. The model was tested to predict the spring SDS activities occurring in North China from 2007 to 2009. The experimental forecast resulted in highly discriminant intensity ratings and regional distributions of SDS activities, which are a meaningful reference for seasonal SDS predictions in the future. 展开更多
关键词 sand and dust storms seasonal prediction methodology Discriminant Genetic Algorithm Extended (DGAE) model
Atmosphere-Watersphere Disaster Reduction System(AWDRS) 被引量:1
作者 wang Angsheng wang jizhi +3 位作者 Li Jishun Xu Naizhang Liang Bijun Dong Wenjie 《Natural Disaster Reduction in China》 1998年第4期7-11,共5页
An atmosphere watersphere disaster reduction system(AWDRS), which is mainly aimed at serious disasters, such as heavy rainstorms, floods and typhoons, is presented. The system took us six years to establish. It has b... An atmosphere watersphere disaster reduction system(AWDRS), which is mainly aimed at serious disasters, such as heavy rainstorms, floods and typhoons, is presented. The system took us six years to establish. It has been put in real time operation and proved beneficial both economically and socially. AWDRS consists of five sub systems, i.e., Disaster Pre warning System(DPS), Disaster Reduction Information System(DRIS), Database & Disaster Assessment System(DDAS), Disaster Reduction Countermeasure System(DRCS) and Local Demonstrating System(LDS). Through several years of operation, the system has brought about an economic benefit of more than one billion yuan, as well as notable social benefits. Its establishment has laid a good foundation for the construction of China’s National Disaster Preventing & Reducing System(CNDPRS) and the setting up of China’s National Disaster Reduction Center(CNDRC). The system has been awarded a first prize of CAS and a national prize. 展开更多
关键词 MAJOR disasters(MD) DISASTER reduction(DR) SCIENTIFIC system
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