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胃泌素释放肽前体、鳞状细胞癌抗原在非小细胞肺癌中的表达及临床意义 被引量:1
作者 白咪红 崔雅婷 +1 位作者 魏宝 曹喻 《癌症进展》 2024年第1期68-71,75,共5页
目的探讨胃泌素释放肽前体(ProGRP)、鳞状细胞癌抗原(SCCA)在非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)中的表达及临床意义。方法选取122例NSCLC患者和93例健康体检者,分别作为观察组和对照组。采用化学发光法检测两组受试者血清ProGRP、SCCA水平,比较不同... 目的探讨胃泌素释放肽前体(ProGRP)、鳞状细胞癌抗原(SCCA)在非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)中的表达及临床意义。方法选取122例NSCLC患者和93例健康体检者,分别作为观察组和对照组。采用化学发光法检测两组受试者血清ProGRP、SCCA水平,比较不同组织学类型NSCLC患者ProGRP、SCCA的水平和阳性表达率,比较两组受试者和不同临床特征NSCLC患者的ProGRP、SCCA阳性表达率。绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,计算曲线下面积(AUC),分析ProGRP、SCCA单独及联合检测对NSCLC的诊断价值。结果鳞状细胞癌患者的血清SCCA水平高于腺癌及大细胞癌患者,差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。鳞状细胞癌患者SCCA的阳性表达率高于腺癌患者,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。观察组患者ProGRP、SCCA的阳性表达率分别为90.98%、78.69%,分别明显高于对照组的8.60%、6.45%,差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.01)。有淋巴结转移NSCLC患者ProGRP、SCCA的阳性表达率均明显高于无淋巴结转移患者(P﹤0.01)。ROC曲线显示,ProGRP联合SCCA检测诊断NSCLC的AUC为0.797(95%CI:0.714~0.880),灵敏度为90.59%,特异度为89.25%,均高于二者单独检测。结论ProGRP、SCCA在NSCLC患者中阳性表达率均较高,且其表达与淋巴结转移有关,二者联合检测对NSCLC具有较高的诊断价值。 展开更多
关键词 非小细胞肺癌 胃泌素释放肽前体 鳞状细胞癌抗原
Dietary oleic acid intake,olive oil consumption,and risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality
作者 Huihui Lu Buyun Liu +3 位作者 Wenjun Fu Kaiwen Ji Shuang Rong wei bao 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期45-53,69,70,共11页
Objective:Oleic acid,a subtype of monounsaturated fatty acid(MUFA),is present in abundance in certain edible oils,particularly olive oils.Epidemiological evidence concerning dietary oleic acid intake and the long-term... Objective:Oleic acid,a subtype of monounsaturated fatty acid(MUFA),is present in abundance in certain edible oils,particularly olive oils.Epidemiological evidence concerning dietary oleic acid intake and the long-term risk of mortality is lacking.This study aimed to evaluate the associations of the dietary intake of oleic acid and other specific subtypes of MUFAs,olive oil,and other vegetable oils with cardiovascular disease(CVD)and all-cause mortality.Methods:This prospective cohort study included adults aged 40 years or older who participated in the included U.S.adults National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(NHANES).Dietary MUFA intake was assessed via 24-h dietary recall interviews in NHANES 1999–2018,and the consumption of olive oil and other vegetable oils was assessed via a food frequency questionnaire in NHANES 2003–2006.Deaths and underlying causes of death were ascertained by linkage to the National Death Index through December 31,2019.Weighted Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to estimate the hazard ratio(HR)and 95%CIs.Results:Dietary intake of total MUFAs and oleic acid was associated with a lower risk of CVD mortality,with HRs(95%CI)of 0.62(0.39–0.99)and 0.61(0.39–0.97),respectively.Total MUFA and oleic acid intake were inversely associated with all-cause mortality;the multivariable-adjusted HRs were 0.77(95%CI:0.60–0.99)and 0.78(95%CI:0.62–0.99),respectively.There was no significant association between palmitoleic acid intake and all-cause mortality.The habitual consumption of olive oil,but not the consumption of other vegetable oils,was inversely associated with the risk of cardiovascular mortality.In the joint association analysis,the HRs(95%CI)of cardiovascular mortality were 0.36(0.19–0.69)for people who exclusively consumed olive oil,0.59(0.27–1.32)for people who consumed both olive oil and other vegetable oils,and 0.73(0.46–1.14)for people who exclusively consumed other vegetable oils compared with people who never consumed vegetable oils.Conclusions:In a U.S.nationally representative prospective cohort,higher dietary oleic acid intake and olive oil consumption were associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular mortality. 展开更多
关键词 oleic acid monounsaturated fatty acid olive oil cardiovascular mortality all-cause mortality
云南省泥石流灾害时空分布规律及典型区域孕灾特点分析 被引量:12
作者 孔艳 王保云 +3 位作者 杨昆 魏保 郑璐 张祝鸿 《云南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第6期55-63,共9页
通过整理2006-2016年云南省泥石流灾害数据,分析了云南省泥石流灾害发生的时空分布规律,并选取了怒江傈僳族自治州、德宏傣族景颇族自治州以及昆明市东川区三个典型区域对其孕灾特点进行详细研究.研究结果表明,云南省泥石流灾害在时间... 通过整理2006-2016年云南省泥石流灾害数据,分析了云南省泥石流灾害发生的时空分布规律,并选取了怒江傈僳族自治州、德宏傣族景颇族自治州以及昆明市东川区三个典型区域对其孕灾特点进行详细研究.研究结果表明,云南省泥石流灾害在时间上与降雨量变化有显著的正相关性,空间上主要集中在年降雨量较多的州市、水网密集区以及海拔落差较大的沟谷地带.然而,由于各州市地形地貌、水系分布以及人类活动的不同,泥石流灾害的分布及孕灾特点又具有较大的区域差异性.通过掌握云南省泥石流灾害的多种孕灾条件,为灾情的防治工作提供重要的理论参考依据. 展开更多
关键词 泥石流灾害 时空分布 孕灾特点 区域差异
紫花苜蓿混播草地分区位置和放牧阶段对绵羊采食行为的影响 被引量:3
作者 何峰 代先林 +6 位作者 韦宝 马晓颖 李振松 杨帆 仝宗永 王瑜 李向林 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1485-1490,共6页
在紫花苜蓿混播草地放牧利用过程中,由于家畜行为对分区位置和放牧阶段的适应机制尚不清晰,制约了混播草地的科学利用和高效转化。本文研究了苜蓿混播草地分区位置和放牧阶段对绵羊活动距离和活动时间的影响。结果表明:放牧分区位置距... 在紫花苜蓿混播草地放牧利用过程中,由于家畜行为对分区位置和放牧阶段的适应机制尚不清晰,制约了混播草地的科学利用和高效转化。本文研究了苜蓿混播草地分区位置和放牧阶段对绵羊活动距离和活动时间的影响。结果表明:放牧分区位置距离饮水点和休息区的距离每增加100 m,绵羊的活动距离增加2.42 km·d^(-1),活动时间增加46.74 min·d^(-1)。不同放牧阶段草地质量差异明显,绵羊的活动距离和活动时间随着放牧阶段,即进入放牧分区后的天数增加而显著增加。绵羊通过改变活动距离和活动时间适应放牧分区位置和放牧阶段草地质量的变化,增加活动速率来适应草地质量的降低。苜蓿混播草地集约化放牧育肥时,饮水点和休息区距离放牧分区最远端的距离不宜超过198 m,每个分区放牧时间不宜超过4 d。研究结果可为苜蓿混播草地肉羊高效放牧育肥提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 苜蓿混播草地 划区轮牧 肉羊育肥 活动距离 活动时间
划区轮牧对放牧型紫花苜蓿人工草地产量与品质的影响 被引量:2
作者 王瑜 代先林 +4 位作者 马晓颖 韦宝 何峰 李向林 仝宗永 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期2477-2482,共6页
为探究划区轮牧对放牧型紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)人工草地产量与品质的影响,本研究开展周期为36 d的6个小区划区轮牧试验,通过对在牧期和牧后再生期紫花苜蓿地上生物量与粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维指标... 为探究划区轮牧对放牧型紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)人工草地产量与品质的影响,本研究开展周期为36 d的6个小区划区轮牧试验,通过对在牧期和牧后再生期紫花苜蓿地上生物量与粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维指标含量的测定,研究在牧期和牧后再生期紫花苜蓿产量与品质的变化规律,以期为轮牧制度的合理制定提供依据。结果表明:7—8月进行划区轮牧时,在牧期紫花苜蓿的产量和品质均随放牧时间的延长而降低,根据地上生物量和粗蛋白含量的降低量计算出苜蓿草地平均每天为每只羊提供的干物质和粗蛋白量分别为1.65kg和318g。牧后再生期紫花苜蓿的产量随时间的延长而升高,品质则随时间的延长先升高后降低,在21d时品质最好,经过30d的再生,地上生物量可达3.73t·hm^(-2),粗蛋白产量可达0.8t·hm^(-2)。另外,由于绵羊采食的选择性,导致仅剩木质化茎秆的残茬对再生初期苜蓿品质的影响较大,建议牧后对残茬进行刈割以提升再生期草品质。 展开更多
关键词 紫花苜蓿 划区轮牧 产量 品质
区域金融基础设施建设研究 被引量:4
作者 卫保 张飞龙 王越 《西部金融》 2021年第7期76-79,共4页
金融基础设施是金融市场稳健高效运行的基础保障,是宏观审慎管理和强化风险防控的重要抓手。随着《统筹监管金融基础设施工作方案》发布,金融基础设施在金融市场运行中的枢纽地位进一步明确。目前我国已逐步形成了功能较齐全、运行整体... 金融基础设施是金融市场稳健高效运行的基础保障,是宏观审慎管理和强化风险防控的重要抓手。随着《统筹监管金融基础设施工作方案》发布,金融基础设施在金融市场运行中的枢纽地位进一步明确。目前我国已逐步形成了功能较齐全、运行整体稳健的金融基础设施体系,但随着金融市场快速发展,金融基础设施的安全和效率也面临一定挑战,在管理统筹、规划建设、功能发挥等方面还有待加强。本文通过研究区域金融基础设施建设发展情况和面临的风险挑战,探索提出建设规划的路径建议及统筹监管的思路和方式。 展开更多
关键词 金融基础设施 数据信息管理 支付体系
基于叶绿素荧光参数的紫花苜蓿种质苗期抗旱性评价 被引量:24
作者 梁欢 韦宝 +4 位作者 陈静 宫文龙 马琳 王学敏 王赞 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期45-55,共11页
为筛选出干旱胁迫下抗旱高光效的紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)种质,本试验采用室内苗期抗旱评价方法,对109份(28个国家)紫花苜蓿种质在正常浇水(Water Treatment,WT)和干旱胁迫(Drought Treatment,DT)处理下的株高(Plant Height,PH)、... 为筛选出干旱胁迫下抗旱高光效的紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)种质,本试验采用室内苗期抗旱评价方法,对109份(28个国家)紫花苜蓿种质在正常浇水(Water Treatment,WT)和干旱胁迫(Drought Treatment,DT)处理下的株高(Plant Height,PH)、地上生物量(Aboveground Biomass,AB)、叶片相对含水量(Relative Water Content,RWC)、相对叶绿素含量(Relative chlorophyll content,SPAD)以及叶绿素荧光参数(phi2,NPQt,RFd,qL,Fv/Fm)等9个指标进行测定,并利用方差分析、相关性分析、主成分分析、综合加权隶属函数法与聚类分析等方法进行综合评价。结果表明:通过对9个指标进行统计分析,在干旱胁迫下,各指标呈现不同程度变化,变异系数最大的为AB,DT组为0.61,WT组为0.59。相关性分析显示,除qL和RWC之外,其余指标均与综合度量D值显著相关,表明叶绿素荧光参数可作为干旱胁迫下筛选高光效紫花苜蓿的指标。通过聚类分析和综合加权隶属函数分析,筛选出抗旱高光效种质14份(CF048333,ZW1231,CF031987,ZW0810,ZW1005,CF049861,CF031979,CF034260,ZW0730,CF031946,ZW0793,CF049906,CF031986,CF031988),这些种质大部分来自干旱半干旱地区,如哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦,摩洛哥、阿塞拜疆、北美、也门等。综上可得,本研究筛选出的抗旱种质可作为紫花苜蓿抗旱高光效育种的基础材料。 展开更多
关键词 紫花苜蓿 叶绿素荧光参数 苗期 抗旱性
沙打旺EST-SSR分子标记开发及其遗传多样性分析 被引量:4
作者 宫文龙 王赞 +4 位作者 赵桂琴 马琳 韦宝 龚攀 刘希强 《草业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期147-158,共12页
沙打旺是一种高产优质、抗逆性强的多年生异花授粉豆科牧草,但分子标记的缺乏限制了其在遗传育种等方面的研究和利用。本研究旨在开发大量沙打旺EST-SSR分子标记,为沙打旺种质改良和遗传多样性分析提供参考资源。首先利用De novo转录组... 沙打旺是一种高产优质、抗逆性强的多年生异花授粉豆科牧草,但分子标记的缺乏限制了其在遗传育种等方面的研究和利用。本研究旨在开发大量沙打旺EST-SSR分子标记,为沙打旺种质改良和遗传多样性分析提供参考资源。首先利用De novo转录组测序技术对两个沙打旺种质(CF019650, CF020070)进行RNA-seq测序,并对测序数据进行拼接获得总长度为190587631 bp的151516个unigenes。进一步在其中的30262个unigenes中检测到39163个EST-SSR位点,SSRs分布频率为25.85%。其中6635 (21.93%)条unigenes含有两个及以上SSR位点,复合SSRs有3514个(11.61%)。对所有EST-SSR位点进行引物设计,共得到22367对特异性引物。利用两个沙打旺种质(CF019650, CF020070)对随机合成的100对引物进行初步筛选,其中90对可扩增出目的特异性条带。随机选择其中51对引物对27个沙打旺种质的遗传多样性进行评估,结果表明:51对引物的平均等位基因数、平均多态性信息含量(PIC)、平均期望杂合度(He)和平均观测杂合度(Ho)分别为8.750、0.682、0.719和0.730。主成分及聚类分析结果揭示不同生态型(匍匐或直立)沙打旺种质的遗传分布具有明显的种质特异性,且聚类结果与其地理来源之间具有较高的相关性。新开发的EST-SSR分子标记可促进沙打旺遗传改良和基因组学研究,有助于沙打旺分子标记辅助育种、QTL定位和遗传变异分析。 展开更多
关键词 沙打旺 EST-SSR 转录组 遗传多样性
紫花苜蓿产量、品质和根系对刈割高度的响应 被引量:13
作者 杨帆 韦宝 +1 位作者 王瑜 何峰 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1597-1602,共6页
为探究紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)生产力,品质形成和可持续利用性能对刈割高度的响应机制,本研究采用盆栽精细控制试验,探究了4个刈割高度处理(H30,30 cm;H40,40 cm;H50,50 cm和H60,60 cm)对紫花苜蓿地上地下生物量、营养品质和根系... 为探究紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)生产力,品质形成和可持续利用性能对刈割高度的响应机制,本研究采用盆栽精细控制试验,探究了4个刈割高度处理(H30,30 cm;H40,40 cm;H50,50 cm和H60,60 cm)对紫花苜蓿地上地下生物量、营养品质和根系形态特征的影响。结果表明:随着刈割高度的增加,紫花苜蓿地上地下生物量,再生速度,比根长与主根直径均显著增加,相对饲喂价值显著降低;主根直径与地下生物量和再生速度均呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05);刈割高度与粗蛋白产量和主根直径变化率呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05);刈割高度低于45.13 cm时,降低紫花苜蓿草地的持久性,限制生产潜力的发挥。研究结果可为紫花苜蓿草地科学利用提供数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 刈割高度 地上生物量 再生速度 相对饲喂价值 根系特征
紫花苜蓿与蓝花苜蓿抗旱性比较研究 被引量:13
作者 陈静 宫文龙 +3 位作者 张尚雄 韦宝 王赞 黄琳凯 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期32-40,共9页
试验采用两次反复干旱法在三叶期对77份紫花苜蓿及蓝花苜蓿材料进行干旱胁迫,以正常浇水为对照,于第二次胁迫后调查植株存活率、株高、地上生物量、地下生物量、根长及根冠比等6项形态指标。对各指标抗旱系数进行方差、相关性、主成分... 试验采用两次反复干旱法在三叶期对77份紫花苜蓿及蓝花苜蓿材料进行干旱胁迫,以正常浇水为对照,于第二次胁迫后调查植株存活率、株高、地上生物量、地下生物量、根长及根冠比等6项形态指标。对各指标抗旱系数进行方差、相关性、主成分及聚类分析,以揭示紫花苜蓿及蓝花苜蓿材料对干旱胁迫的响应及抗旱性差异。结果表明,在紫花苜蓿与蓝花苜蓿材料中,地下生物量均为抗旱系数差异最大的指标,最大值与最小值之间的差异分别为4.07倍(紫花苜蓿)和2.11倍(蓝花苜蓿)。株高的抗旱系数在不同亚种及种质间差异均达到极显著水平,且与存活率、地上生物量及根冠比间均存在显著相关性,表明株高在鉴定苜蓿抗旱性的6个有效指标中效果最明显。主成分分析可将6个形态指标分别归类为地上部性状和地下部性状,且可根据前两个主成分因子将紫花苜蓿和蓝花苜蓿清晰地划分为两个抗旱性不同的独立类群。聚类结果将77份材料划分为抗旱特征不同的5个亚组,可根据不同研究目的进行选择利用。综上,依据6个形态指标对紫花苜蓿及蓝花苜蓿进行抗旱性评价的结果为四倍体紫花苜蓿的抗旱性要强于二倍体蓝花苜蓿,试验结果对多倍体逆境胁迫研究和紫花苜蓿抗旱育种研究具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 紫花苜蓿 蓝花苜蓿 多倍体 干旱胁迫 抗旱性
紫花苜蓿花青苷合成的转录组分析 被引量:4
作者 潘新怡 史昆 +3 位作者 龚攀 韦宝 吴欣明 王赞 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期866-875,共10页
为探究紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)花色形成的分子机制,本试验以紫花苜蓿及其白花突变体为研究材料,进行转录组测序。结果表明:紫花和白花之间共有差异表达基因4857个;代谢通路富集分析中,苯丙氨酸生物合成途径等6条代谢通路显著富集;研... 为探究紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)花色形成的分子机制,本试验以紫花苜蓿及其白花突变体为研究材料,进行转录组测序。结果表明:紫花和白花之间共有差异表达基因4857个;代谢通路富集分析中,苯丙氨酸生物合成途径等6条代谢通路显著富集;研究还发现类黄酮合成通路中关键基因二氢黄酮醇4-还原酶(Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase,DFR)在白花突变体中的表达量显著下调,其启动子中存在MYB和bHLH等转录因子的结合位点;转录组以及荧光定量PCR的结果均表明:MYB,bHLH和WD40等基因的表达量都具有显著性差异。这些结果表明MYB转录因子或MBW复合物可能通过调控DFR的转录影响紫花苜蓿花色形成。本试验为探明紫花苜蓿花青苷合成的分子机制提供了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 紫花苜蓿 转录组 花青苷 转录调控
羊尿施入对苜蓿-无芒雀麦混播草地氮转化和吸收的影响 被引量:2
作者 马晓颖 韦宝 +4 位作者 代先林 王瑜 李向林 仝宗永 何峰 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期3768-3774,共7页
为探究苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)混播草地施用羊尿后土壤氮素转化和吸收规律。本实验通过温室控制,研究了4个羊尿施用梯度下(0,8.64,25.92,43.20 kg·hm^(-2),分别记为N1,N2,N3,N4),苜蓿+无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis Leyss.)混播草地... 为探究苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)混播草地施用羊尿后土壤氮素转化和吸收规律。本实验通过温室控制,研究了4个羊尿施用梯度下(0,8.64,25.92,43.20 kg·hm^(-2),分别记为N1,N2,N3,N4),苜蓿+无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis Leyss.)混播草地和裸地的土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量、土壤酶活性、地上地下生物量等指标的变化规律。结果表明:所有施用羊尿处理的土壤铵态氮含量在第1天达到峰值;硝态氮含量在第9天到达峰值;N1和N2处理下,土壤脲酶活力显著增加,N3处理下脲酶活性降低;羊尿施入提高了亚硝酸还原酶的活性;羊尿施入显著提高了混播草地中无芒雀麦的株高、叶绿素含量、地上生物量、粗蛋白含量,添加羊尿增加无芒雀麦在混播草地中的生物量和竞争力。苜蓿混播可以调控羊尿中氮素转化吸收效率,减少畜牧业生产过程中尿液中氮的环境释放风险,具有广阔的推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 苜蓿混播草地 羊尿 硝态氮 铵态氮 酶活力
一种钴-铜分子筛催化剂的合成及其催化氧化性能 被引量:1
作者 董诗雨 王晓蔷 +5 位作者 鲍伟 么志伟 施岩 肖奇瑾 张春强 蔡耀荣 《精细石油化工》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第1期25-30,共6页
采用水热晶化法合成了Co-Cu-SBA-15介孔分子筛,并且用XRD、FTIR、N2吸附-脱附、SEM、TEM对所合成的试样进行了表征。结果表明:Co-Cu-SBA-15介孔分子筛具有高度有序的介孔结构和均一的孔径分布,部分过渡金属离子进入了分子筛骨架。Co-Cu-... 采用水热晶化法合成了Co-Cu-SBA-15介孔分子筛,并且用XRD、FTIR、N2吸附-脱附、SEM、TEM对所合成的试样进行了表征。结果表明:Co-Cu-SBA-15介孔分子筛具有高度有序的介孔结构和均一的孔径分布,部分过渡金属离子进入了分子筛骨架。Co-Cu-SBA-15在双氧水为氧化剂的条件下催化乙苯氧化反应,在催化剂用量0.2g、100℃反应8h的优化条件下,乙苯转化率可达32.12%,苯乙酮选择性为89.26%。 展开更多
关键词 金属改性 介孔分子筛 催化氧化 乙苯
Research on the Mixed Teaching Model in Colleges and Universities in the Context of"Internet+" 被引量:2
作者 wei bao 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2020年第7期71-74,共4页
Under the tide of"Internet+education",the new means of information technology education is constantly used in education and teaching,and the traditional teaching models and teaching methods urgently need to ... Under the tide of"Internet+education",the new means of information technology education is constantly used in education and teaching,and the traditional teaching models and teaching methods urgently need to be changed.There is no doubt about the integration of online teaching and offline teaching.On the basis of reviewing the research on the mixed teaching model at home and abroad,this paper puts forward the idea of constructing the mixed teaching model in colleges and universities in the context of"Internet+",and sets up the mixed teaching model in colleges and universities in the context of"Internet+".Through the detailed and concrete design of the operation process of the mixed teaching model,we can break the single shackles of online teaching and face-to-face teaching,and form an interactive and collaborative teaching ecosystem to realize the common development of online teaching and offline teaching. 展开更多
关键词 "Internet+education" Mixed teaching model Mobile learning platform
Solute carrier-related signature for assessing prognosis and immunity in patients with clear-cell renal cell carcinoma
作者 wei bao QIANGUANG HAN +2 位作者 XIAO GUAN ZIJIE WANG MIN GU 《Oncology Research》 SCIE 2023年第2期181-192,共12页
Background:Clear-cell renal cell carcinoma(ccRCC)is the most common malignant kidney cancer.However,the tumor microenvironment and crosstalk involved in metabolic reprogramming in ccRCC are not well-understood.Methods... Background:Clear-cell renal cell carcinoma(ccRCC)is the most common malignant kidney cancer.However,the tumor microenvironment and crosstalk involved in metabolic reprogramming in ccRCC are not well-understood.Methods:We used The Cancer Genome Atlas to obtain ccRCC transcriptome data and clinical information.The EMTAB-1980 cohort was used for external validation.The GENECARDS database contains the first 100 solute carrier(SLC)-related genes.The predictive value of SLC-related genes for ccRCC prognosis and treatment was assessed using univariate Cox regression analysis.An SLC-related predictive signature was developed through Lasso regression analysis and used to determine the risk profiles of patients with ccRCC.Patients in each cohort were separated into high-and low-risk groups based on their risk scores.The clinical importance of the signature was assessed through survival,immune microenvironment,drug sensitivity,and nomogram analyses using R software.Results:SLC25A23,SLC25A42,SLC5A1,SLC3A1,SLC25A37,SLC5A6,SLCO5A1,and SCP2 comprised the signatures of the eight SLCrelated genes.Patients with ccRCC were separated into high-and low-risk groups based on the risk value in the training and validation cohorts;the high-risk group had a significantly worse prognosis(p<0.001).The risk score was an independent predictive indicator of ccRCC in the two cohorts according to univariate and multivariate Cox regression(p<0.05).Analysis of the immune microenvironment showed that immune cell infiltration and immune checkpoint gene expression differed between the two groups(p<0.05).Drug sensitivity analysis showed that compared to the low-risk group,the high-risk group was more sensitive to sunitinib,nilotinib,JNK-inhibitor-VIII,dasatinib,bosutinib,and bortezomib(p<0.001).Survival analysis and receiver operating characteristic curves were validated using the E-MTAB-1980 cohort.Conclusions:SLC-related genes have predictive relevance in ccRCC and play roles in the immunological milieu.Our results provide insight into metabolic reprogramming in ccRCC and identify promising treatment targets for ccRCC. 展开更多
关键词 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma Solute carrier BIOINFORMATICS Metabolic reprogramming Immune microenvironment
The Situation and Development Strategy Research for Reserve Athletes in Ordinary Universities
作者 wei bao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期94-95,共2页
With transformation of Chinese sports talents cultivation mode, sports team construction at high level in universities has made great achievements. Especially establishing reserves in key universities is the key step ... With transformation of Chinese sports talents cultivation mode, sports team construction at high level in universities has made great achievements. Especially establishing reserves in key universities is the key step of new mode, which is the primary mode of sports team at high level in ordinary universities. To research the situation of key sports team construction at high level, from the degree of competitive sports sustainable development, we research and analyze the cultivation mode of Chinese sports talents and influence factors, aiming at building a talents cultivation mode suitable for Chinese professional competitive sports development and exploring the sustainable way for athletes sports in theory. 展开更多
关键词 Ordinary University Competitive Sports and Reserves
Real-world effectiveness of early insulin therapy on the incidence of cardiovascular events in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes 被引量:1
作者 Sihui Luo Xueying Zheng +23 位作者 wei bao Sheng Nie Yu Ding Tong Yue Yilun Zhou Ying Hu Hua Li Qiongqiong Yang Qijun Wan Bicheng Liu Hong Xu Guisen Li Gang Xu Chunbo Chen Huafeng Liu Yongjun Shi Yan Zha Yaozhong Kong Guobin Su Ying Tang Mengchun Gong Linong Ji Fan Fan Hou Jianping Weng 《Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第7期2953-2959,共7页
Early insulin therapy is capable to achieve glycemic control and restoreβ-cell function in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes(T2D),but its effect on cardiovascular outcomes in these patients remains unclear.In this nati... Early insulin therapy is capable to achieve glycemic control and restoreβ-cell function in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes(T2D),but its effect on cardiovascular outcomes in these patients remains unclear.In this nationwide real-world study,we analyzed electronic health record data from 19 medical centers across China between 1 January 2000,and 26 May 2022.We included 5424 eligible patients(mean age 56 years,2176 women/3248 men)who were diagnosed T2D within six months and did not have prior cardiovascular disease.Multivariable Cox regression models were used to estimate the associations of early insulin therapy(defined as the first-line therapy for at least two weeks in newly diagnosed T2D patients)with the incidence of major cardiovascular events including coronary heart disease(CHD),stroke,and hospitalization for heart failure(HF).During 17,158 persons years of observation,we documented 834 incident CHD cases,719 stroke cases,and 230 hospitalized cases for HF.Newly diagnosed T2D patients who received early insulin therapy,compared with those who did not receive such treatment,had 31%lower risk of incident stroke,and 28%lower risk of hospitalization for HF.No significant difference in the risk of CHD was observed.We found similar results when repeating the aforesaid analysis in a propensity-score matched population of 4578 patients and with inverse probability of treatment weighting models.These findings suggest that early insulin therapy in newly diagnosed T2D may have cardiovascular benefits by reducing the risk of incident stroke and hospitalization for HF. 展开更多
Critical Role of Ethylene-Propylene Block Copolymer in Impact Polypropylene Copolymer
作者 Yu-Hui Tang Na Zhang +3 位作者 wei bao wei Jiang Yuan Lin Zhao-Hui Su 《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期344-351,I0007,共9页
Ethylene-propylene block copolymer(EbP) is a vital component in impact polypropylene copolymer(IPC), yet its distribution in the multiphase composite material and how it influences the phase structure and the mechanic... Ethylene-propylene block copolymer(EbP) is a vital component in impact polypropylene copolymer(IPC), yet its distribution in the multiphase composite material and how it influences the phase structure and the mechanical properties are not well understood. In this work,four IPCs were investigated by atomic force microscopy-infrared(AFM-IR) to assess the phase compositions in situ, based on which in conjunction with the chain microstructure information obtained ex situ the distributions of the copolymer components were derived for each alloy. For the IPCs whose EbP comprises long P and long E segments, the EbP fraction was found to phase separate from the rubber and the PP matrix to form the cores of the disperse particles with the E-P segmented copolymer(EsP). In contrast, in the IPC with EbP composed of long P and short E segments, the EbP fraction formed an outer shell for the rubber particles with the cores comprising the EsP alone, and this IPC, containing a lower E comonomer content than its counterpart, exhibited both better impact resistance and higher flexural modulus. These results clarify how the chain structure of EbP governs the phase morphology in IPC, which in turn impacts the properties of the composite material. 展开更多
关键词 Impact polypropylene copolymers AFM-IR Ethylene-propylene block copolymers Core-shell rubber particles
Exploring Attentive Siamese LSTM for Low-Resource Text Plagiarism Detection
作者 wei bao Jian Dong +2 位作者 Yang Xu Yuanyuan Yang Xiaoke Qi 《Data Intelligence》 EI 2024年第2期488-503,共16页
Low-resource text plagiarism detection faces a significant challenge due to the limited availability of labeled data for training.This task requires the development of sophisticated algorithms capable of identifying s... Low-resource text plagiarism detection faces a significant challenge due to the limited availability of labeled data for training.This task requires the development of sophisticated algorithms capable of identifying similarities and differences in texts,particularly in the realm of semantic rewriting and translation-based plagiarism detection.In this paper,we present an enhanced attentive Siamese Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM)network designed for Tibetan-Chinese plagiarism detection.Our approach begins with the introduction of translation-based data augmentation,aimed at expanding the bilingual training dataset.Subsequently,we propose a pre-detection method leveraging abstract document vectors to enhance detection efficiency.Finally,we introduce an improved attentive Siamese LSTM network tailored for Tibetan-Chinese plagiarism detection.We conduct comprehensive experiments to showcase the effectiveness of our proposed plagiarism detection framework. 展开更多
关键词 Text plagiarism detection Low resource Siamese Long Short-Term Memory Tibetan-Chinese
基于双目智能巡检机器人的电缆线缺陷检测以及直径测量 被引量:4
作者 冯曙明 包威 +1 位作者 杨永成 宋港波 《自动化与仪器仪表》 2022年第8期253-257,共5页
电缆是电力系统传输信息和电能的重要材料和设备。随着城市的快速发展,工业用电量规模不断扩大,电缆作为信息和能量的重要载体,其安全性和可靠性也越来越受到重视。随着计算机和人工智能等技术的发展,研究电力电缆智能化巡检和安全监测... 电缆是电力系统传输信息和电能的重要材料和设备。随着城市的快速发展,工业用电量规模不断扩大,电缆作为信息和能量的重要载体,其安全性和可靠性也越来越受到重视。随着计算机和人工智能等技术的发展,研究电力电缆智能化巡检和安全监测已经成为一种重要趋势。利用双目智能巡检机器人,结合图像处理和分析技术,实现了电缆线表面绝缘缺陷检测和直径测量。实验证明,提出的方法具有较强的可靠性和鲁棒性,对电力电缆的智能化巡检以及安全管理具有较好的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 电缆线 故障检测 直径测量 双目视觉 智能巡检机器人
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