为研究水中高压电脉冲作用下页岩多条预制裂纹同步扩展应力干扰作用对裂纹扩展影响,通过裂纹扩展轨迹、扩展长度、平均宽度、偏转角度和裂纹间等效应力分布的变化规律,综合考虑裂纹夹角、裂纹数量、水平地应力差等因素对裂纹起裂、扩展...为研究水中高压电脉冲作用下页岩多条预制裂纹同步扩展应力干扰作用对裂纹扩展影响,通过裂纹扩展轨迹、扩展长度、平均宽度、偏转角度和裂纹间等效应力分布的变化规律,综合考虑裂纹夹角、裂纹数量、水平地应力差等因素对裂纹起裂、扩展的影响。采用真三轴高压脉冲水力压裂试验平台进行实验室压裂试验和扩展有限元法(extended finite element method, XFEM)数值模拟计算,利用PCAS(pore and cracks analysis system)裂隙分析软件分析裂纹几何形态特征。结果表明:水中高压电脉冲作用下,预制裂纹可沿径向及轴向起裂、扩展;径向双裂纹间夹角越大,缝间干扰作用越弱,裂纹扩展曲折程度越好,扩展效果越好;等夹角径向三裂纹扩展,中间裂纹受应力干扰、受抑制作用最大,不等夹角径向三裂纹扩展,远离中间裂纹的右侧裂纹受干扰最小,扩展效果最好;随着水平地应力差增加,裂纹间应力干扰作用增强,裂纹扩展效果逐渐减弱。研究成果可为分析水中高压电脉冲作用下页岩多预制裂纹扩展过程和规律提供一定的参考。展开更多
Based on the coupfing between the spin of a particle and gravitoelectromagnetic field, the equation of motion of a spinning test particle in gravitational field is deduced. From this equation of motion, it is found th...Based on the coupfing between the spin of a particle and gravitoelectromagnetic field, the equation of motion of a spinning test particle in gravitational field is deduced. From this equation of motion, it is found that the motion of a spinning particle deviates from the geodesic trajectory, and this deviation originates from the coupling between the spin of the particle and gravitoelectromagnetic field, which is also the origin of Lense-Thirring effects. In post-Newtonian approximations, this equation gives the same results as those of Mathisson-Papapetrou equation. Effect of the deviation of geodesic trajectory is detectable.展开更多
文摘为研究水中高压电脉冲作用下页岩多条预制裂纹同步扩展应力干扰作用对裂纹扩展影响,通过裂纹扩展轨迹、扩展长度、平均宽度、偏转角度和裂纹间等效应力分布的变化规律,综合考虑裂纹夹角、裂纹数量、水平地应力差等因素对裂纹起裂、扩展的影响。采用真三轴高压脉冲水力压裂试验平台进行实验室压裂试验和扩展有限元法(extended finite element method, XFEM)数值模拟计算,利用PCAS(pore and cracks analysis system)裂隙分析软件分析裂纹几何形态特征。结果表明:水中高压电脉冲作用下,预制裂纹可沿径向及轴向起裂、扩展;径向双裂纹间夹角越大,缝间干扰作用越弱,裂纹扩展曲折程度越好,扩展效果越好;等夹角径向三裂纹扩展,中间裂纹受应力干扰、受抑制作用最大,不等夹角径向三裂纹扩展,远离中间裂纹的右侧裂纹受干扰最小,扩展效果最好;随着水平地应力差增加,裂纹间应力干扰作用增强,裂纹扩展效果逐渐减弱。研究成果可为分析水中高压电脉冲作用下页岩多预制裂纹扩展过程和规律提供一定的参考。
文摘Based on the coupfing between the spin of a particle and gravitoelectromagnetic field, the equation of motion of a spinning test particle in gravitational field is deduced. From this equation of motion, it is found that the motion of a spinning particle deviates from the geodesic trajectory, and this deviation originates from the coupling between the spin of the particle and gravitoelectromagnetic field, which is also the origin of Lense-Thirring effects. In post-Newtonian approximations, this equation gives the same results as those of Mathisson-Papapetrou equation. Effect of the deviation of geodesic trajectory is detectable.