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2个桑树品种果实不同发育时期营养物质的变化 被引量:1
作者 孙志超 郭新淼 +5 位作者 李蒙 张若彤 王晓萍 谢岩 王晖 李季生 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期703-711,共9页
【目的】有针对性地对桑葚品质进行遗传改良,了解果实发育过程中营养物质组成的动态变化。【方法】对桑葚鲜质量进行测量,使用渗透计测定果实硬度,采用便携式糖度计测定桑葚可溶性固形物含量,采用NaOH滴定法测定可滴定酸含量,采用NaNO2-... 【目的】有针对性地对桑葚品质进行遗传改良,了解果实发育过程中营养物质组成的动态变化。【方法】对桑葚鲜质量进行测量,使用渗透计测定果实硬度,采用便携式糖度计测定桑葚可溶性固形物含量,采用NaOH滴定法测定可滴定酸含量,采用NaNO2-Al(NO3)3比色法测定总黄酮含量,采用福林-酚比色法测定总酚含量,采用气相色谱串联质谱法测定可溶性糖和有机酸含量,使用荧光定量PCR分析糖代谢相关基因表达水平。【结果】通过对安葚和桂花的形态及营养物质分析发现,与安葚相比,桂花的单果质量较大,果实硬度较小。2个品种桑葚的总酚和总黄酮含量存在显著差异,安葚的总酚和总黄酮含量不断积累,桂花的积累量则较少。此外,葡萄糖和果糖在2个品种桑葚中具有相似的积累趋势,但二者蔗糖的积累存在显著差异。安葚和桂花桑葚中的有机酸主要为苹果酸,其次是琥珀酸和酒石酸。随着果实发育,2个品种桑葚糖酸比逐渐增大,糖酸比在7.99~81.06之间,且在各个不同发育时期,安葚糖酸比大于桂花。蔗糖代谢相关基因表达分析表明,中性转化酶1(INV1)基因在10~30 DAP桂花中的表达量显著高于安葚,桂花中蔗糖磷酸酶(SPP)基因表达量显著高于安葚,蔗糖合酶2(SUS2)基因在安葚40~50 DAP间表达量较高且显著高于桂花。【结论】在河北承德的生长条件下,桂花果实的蔗糖、苹果酸和可溶性固形物含量高于安葚,安葚果实的总黄酮、总酚和可滴定酸含量高于桂花。此外,INV1、SPP与SUS2基因在桑葚糖代谢中发挥重要的调控作用。研究结果为不同颜色桑葚成熟过程中营养成分动态变化的研究提供了信息,为桑葚果实品质形成研究奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 桑葚 安葚 桂花 总黄酮 总酚 可溶性糖 有机酸
2013-2016年广州市气象因素、空气污染与猩红热发病相关性研究 被引量:8
作者 陆剑云 刘艳慧 +5 位作者 李美霞 马钰 陈宗遒 汪慧 王大虎 李铁钢 《首都公共卫生》 2018年第3期146-149,共4页
目的了解广州市近年猩红热病流行特征,利用负二项回归分析气象因素、空气污染中PM2.5与猩红热发病间关系,为广州猩红热防控提供参考依据。方法收集并分析2013-2016年间广州市猩红热发病信息,以及同期的气象和PM2.5数据,通过交叉相关分... 目的了解广州市近年猩红热病流行特征,利用负二项回归分析气象因素、空气污染中PM2.5与猩红热发病间关系,为广州猩红热防控提供参考依据。方法收集并分析2013-2016年间广州市猩红热发病信息,以及同期的气象和PM2.5数据,通过交叉相关分析筛选影响因素,在考虑周末效应与假期效应下,应用负二项回归模型分析气象与PM2.5与猩红热发病的相关性。结果 3-6月和11-次年1月为发病高峰期,0~14岁病例占99.72%,其中3~7岁病例占78.42%,男女比为1.75∶1。猩红热发病数与发病前7天的平均气温相关系数为-0.05(P<0.01),与发病前6天的累计降雨量相关系数为0.005(P<0.05)。结论广州市猩红热发病每年存在两个流行高峰,儿童是重点防控人群,猩红热发病数与发病前7天的平均气温和发病前6天的累计降雨量存在关联,结果为发病预警和防控提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 猩红热 气象因素 空气污染 负二项回归 相关性研究
近疲劳强度循环荷载对泥质石英粉砂岩力学特性影响研究 被引量:5
作者 苗胜军 王辉 +1 位作者 杨鹏锦 王亚欣 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期2109-2119,共11页
通过开展上限为80%单轴抗压强度的循环加卸载转单调加载试验,研究近疲劳强度循环荷载作用下泥质石英粉砂岩的峰值强度、扩容点应力、弹性模量、泊松比及滞回环、应变、加载和卸载柔量等随循环次数的演化规律与力学特性。结果表明:(1)岩... 通过开展上限为80%单轴抗压强度的循环加卸载转单调加载试验,研究近疲劳强度循环荷载作用下泥质石英粉砂岩的峰值强度、扩容点应力、弹性模量、泊松比及滞回环、应变、加载和卸载柔量等随循环次数的演化规律与力学特性。结果表明:(1)岩石峰值强度随循环次数呈先小幅下降后持续提升最终趋于稳定的演化趋势,最小和最大峰值强度分别低于和高于单轴抗压强度7.35%和16.57%。(2)每次循环扩容点应力与扩容点体应变呈线性负相关关系;不同试件循环末次扩容点应力与峰值强度比值随循环次数服从对数函数分布,由此提出近疲劳强度循环荷载转单调加载岩石峰值强度预测公式。(3)多次循环后岩石单调加载应变比和峰值处应变比分别稳定于0.58和1.02附近,说明近疲劳强度循环加卸载使泥质石英粉砂岩抵抗变形能力显著提升,并可将单轴压缩试验峰值处应变作为循环荷载下岩石变形破坏的参考量值。(4)每次循环轴向应变和体应变加载柔量分别呈先增大后线性衰减和弯钩形演化规律,而卸载时分别呈加速增大和V形演化趋势;且下限荷载处体应变加载和卸载柔量均与其对应的残余应变呈线性正相关关系,可用于反映循环荷载下岩石的损伤累积进程。(5)基于泥质石英粉砂岩力学参数和变形演化规律及微细观结构特征,揭示了近疲劳强度循环荷载下岩石峰值强度和扩容点应力演化机制。 展开更多
关键词 泥质石英粉砂岩 近疲劳强度 循环荷载 力学参数 变形特征 柔量
最低工资对城镇居民收入差距的影响 被引量:2
作者 叶林祥 王辉 +1 位作者 吕文慧 童亚军 《南京财经大学学报》 2018年第2期9-15,共7页
利用中国家庭收入2007年和2013年的微观调查数据以及《中国城市统计年鉴》的宏观经济数据,研究最低工资对城镇居民收入差距影响的作用机制。结果表明,最低工资对包含流动人口的城镇居民比只包含城镇户籍人口的城镇居民改善收入差距的作... 利用中国家庭收入2007年和2013年的微观调查数据以及《中国城市统计年鉴》的宏观经济数据,研究最低工资对城镇居民收入差距影响的作用机制。结果表明,最低工资对包含流动人口的城镇居民比只包含城镇户籍人口的城镇居民改善收入差距的作用更明显,说明多数流动人口被沦为低收入群体。进一步将工资不平等作为衡量城镇居民收入差距的指标,结果发现,提高最低工资标准能缩小低收入群体与中间收入群体之间的差距;提高最低工资标准不仅能直接提高低收入群体的收入,还能间接促进中间收入群体收入的提高,对高收入群体影响甚微。 展开更多
关键词 最低工资 基尼系数 工资不平等 收入差距
基于原位双环、试坑浸水试验和数值模拟反演的Q3黄土饱和渗透系数对比研究 被引量:1
作者 蒋小虎 黄跃廷 +5 位作者 胡海军 陈铄 陈锐 王崇华 汪慧 康顺祥 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期2941-2951,共11页
为准确获取原状Q_(3)黄土的竖向和水平饱和渗透系数,进行了原位、室内试验测试以及数值模拟反演,并应用大型试坑浸水试验检验了所获饱和渗透系数的可靠性。进行了不同内径尺寸的原位双环入渗试验,获取了竖向饱和渗透系数,并应用室内试... 为准确获取原状Q_(3)黄土的竖向和水平饱和渗透系数,进行了原位、室内试验测试以及数值模拟反演,并应用大型试坑浸水试验检验了所获饱和渗透系数的可靠性。进行了不同内径尺寸的原位双环入渗试验,获取了竖向饱和渗透系数,并应用室内试验测试了竖向和水平饱和渗透系数以及持水曲线;应用COMSOL软件对双环入渗试验进行数值模拟,检验了所测饱和渗透系数的可靠性,利用正交试验获得了最优的竖向和水平饱和渗透系数取值,并利用反演结果对试坑进行数值模拟,将其水分入渗情况与实测值对比。研究结果表明:在现场进行双环入渗试验时选取较大内径的双环获得的竖向饱和渗透系数更为合理。针对双环入渗试验,数值模拟反演所得最优饱和渗透系数在竖向上接近于原位试验所得竖向饱和渗透系数、水平向上接近室内所测水平向饱和渗透系数,竖向饱和渗透系数比水平向饱和渗透系数更加显著地影响水分入渗过程。通过对大型试坑水分入渗情况的验证,检验了反演所得最优饱和渗透系数的可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 黄土 饱和渗透系数 浸水试验 双环入渗试验 数值模拟 水分入渗
基于世界大学第三方指数评价的粤港澳大湾区高等教育竞争力态势分析 被引量:10
作者 曾志嵘 王慧 师璐 《高教探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第12期84-92,共9页
利用世界大学第三方指数工具,分析粤港澳大湾区高等教育竞争力水平,对粤港澳大湾区高等教育发展进行SWOT分析,探究湾区高等教育竞争力提升过程中的机遇与挑战,提出提升战略。结果发现,粤港澳大湾区高等教育竞争力列四大湾区第二位,但一... 利用世界大学第三方指数工具,分析粤港澳大湾区高等教育竞争力水平,对粤港澳大湾区高等教育发展进行SWOT分析,探究湾区高等教育竞争力提升过程中的机遇与挑战,提出提升战略。结果发现,粤港澳大湾区高等教育竞争力列四大湾区第二位,但一流高校竞争力不足;相较纽约湾、旧金山湾和东京湾明确的湾区标识,粤港澳大湾区定位不明确;内部高等教育发展存在多方面差异,香港高校师资力量、学术研究和国际化表现优于粤澳高校,但与珠三角地区教育成果和学生培养结果相比,表现不突出。建议依托国家发展战略,明确粤港澳大湾区国际化发展定位,借鉴世界一流湾区竞争力提升路径,整合三地优质资源,建立湾区互补式融合发展平台,打造区域高等教育中心。 展开更多
关键词 高等教育竞争力 态势 发展策略 粤港澳大湾区 世界大学第三方指数
An impacts of logging operations on understory plants for the broadleaved/Korean pine mixed forest on Changbai Mountain, China 被引量:4
作者 wanghui SHAOGuo-fan +3 位作者 DAILi-min XUDong GUHui-yan WANGFei 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期27-30,i002,共5页
Natural regeneration of tree species is important to the sustainability of native forest ecosystems in the temperate zone of north- east China. This study compared the densities and heights of seedlings and the divers... Natural regeneration of tree species is important to the sustainability of native forest ecosystems in the temperate zone of north- east China. This study compared the densities and heights of seedlings and the diversities of shrubs and herbs on three sites of logging op- erations: log-skidding trails (LST), logging gaps (LG) and log landing sites (LLS). Sites undisturbed by logging gaps operations were sam- pled as control. The species, counts and height of tree seedlings and the species, counts, height and percentage coverage of shrubs and herbs were recorded in the field. The highest density and greatest height of regeneration trees were observed at LG and LST. The effects of LST on the densities of broadleaved trees were greater than those of coniferous trees. The difference in seedling density between LLS and control was significant (p=0.05). There was no significant difference in average seedling height for all the tree species between the disturbed sites and control. There were more shrub and herb species at the disturbed sites than at control. The diversity of understory plants at LG was the highest among all the sites. LST and LLS were different in shrub diversity, so were LLS and control. Both LG and LLS were different from control in herb diversity. Active measures need to be taken on the operation sites to protect the coniferous trees and the diversities of under- story plants for sustaining the structure and composition of the broadleaved-Korean pine mixed forest on Changbai Mountain of China. Since different operation sites have different effects on different tree species, site-dependent actions must be taken to assure the regeneration of ecologically important tree species. 展开更多
Analysis of Transgenic Tobacco with Overexpression of Arabidopsis WUSCHEL Gene 被引量:10
作者 LIJun-Hua XUYun-Yuan +1 位作者 CHONGKang wanghui 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2004年第2期224-229,共6页
The Arabidopsis WUSCIHIEL (WUS) gene plays a key role in the specification of the stem cellsin the shoot apical meristem (SAM). A cDNA of WUShas been amplified with the RT-PCR approach fromArabidopsis. The plant over... The Arabidopsis WUSCIHIEL (WUS) gene plays a key role in the specification of the stem cellsin the shoot apical meristem (SAM). A cDNA of WUShas been amplified with the RT-PCR approach fromArabidopsis. The plant overexpression vector was constructed. It was driven by a dual enhanced CaMV35Spromoter. The construct was transformed into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) via Agrobacterium mediation.Dramatic phenotypic changes appeared in the WUS overexpression transgenic plants. Aberrant celldivisions and ectopic organogenesis could be found in almost every aerial parts of the transgenic tobaccoexcept the meristems and the inner two floral whorls. The data showed a highly conserved function of WUSin tobacco, and suggested that WUS is involved in organogenesis. The leaves were malformed, whichstrongly matched those only described previously for plants grown in the presence of polar auxin transportinhibitors. It suggested a possible function of WUS in leaf development. These results provide usefulinformation for functional analysis of WUS and important biotechnological implication as well. 展开更多
关键词 WUSCIHIEL 拟南芥 转基因 烟草 表型分析 表达
Occurrence and Culture of Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated with Oaks in Dandong Region, Liaoning Province 被引量:4
作者 wanghui DAILi-Min +2 位作者 YANGBao-Shan LANGQing-Long GUHui-Yan 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期232-237,共6页
With both field investigation and pure culture experiments, the occurrence and optimal essential growth of mycorrhizal fungi with oaks in Dandong Region of Liaoning Province, China were investigated from 1997-2002 A t... With both field investigation and pure culture experiments, the occurrence and optimal essential growth of mycorrhizal fungi with oaks in Dandong Region of Liaoning Province, China were investigated from 1997-2002 A total of 36 species of mycorrhizal fungi associated with oaks were observed. The results showed that the occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi was related to tree species, tree ages, and months of the year, with at least 20 fungi species being associated with more than two oak species. The highest Sim… 展开更多
关键词 mycorrhizal fungi rnycorrhizal relationship OAK pure culture
作者 李潇涵 闵玉娇 +3 位作者 潘子辉 吴皓杰 王荟 邵启祥 《江苏大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2018年第4期282-285,共4页
目的:研究Notch3信号对胸腺上皮细胞(thymic epithelial cells,TECs)增殖的影响。方法:人工合成Notch3胞内活化片段(NICD3)序列,构建慢病毒载体,并进行酶切和测序验证。将NICD3包装后感染小鼠TECs系m TEC1,荧光显微镜观察记录绿色荧光... 目的:研究Notch3信号对胸腺上皮细胞(thymic epithelial cells,TECs)增殖的影响。方法:人工合成Notch3胞内活化片段(NICD3)序列,构建慢病毒载体,并进行酶切和测序验证。将NICD3包装后感染小鼠TECs系m TEC1,荧光显微镜观察记录绿色荧光细胞的数量与可见光下细胞数量并计算感染效率。采用Ed U增殖试剂盒检测m TEC1细胞增殖率。结果:酶切和测序证实成功构建NICD3慢病毒表达载体,荧光显微镜观察表明该质粒能较好地感染m TEC1细胞,感染效率约为20%。Ed U增殖实验显示过表达NICD3可抑制m TEC1细胞增殖(P<0.01)。结论:Notch3信号抑制m TEC1细胞的增殖。 展开更多
关键词 Notch3胞内活化片段 胸腺上皮细胞 细胞增殖
Genetic Analysis of Combining Abilities and Heterosis for the Contents of Soybean Isoflavone and Its Components Among the Soybean Varieties [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] 被引量:2
作者 LIANGHui-zhen LIWei-dong +1 位作者 wanghui FANGXuan-jun 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2005年第7期555-560,共6页
The genetic analysis of soybean isoflavone content and its components were carried out based on the NC Ⅱ matingdesign in eight soybean varieties. The results showed that the isoflavone contents and its components of ... The genetic analysis of soybean isoflavone content and its components were carried out based on the NC Ⅱ matingdesign in eight soybean varieties. The results showed that the isoflavone contents and its components of soybean seedare quite differences among the tested materials, the contents of isoflavone and daidzein are controlled not only byadditive effects and but also by non-additive effects, while the content of genistin is dominated by non-additive effects,and genistein, glycitin and daidzin are mainly controlled by additive effects. There are significant differences in thecontents of isoflavone and its components among the combinations derived from different parents. Results also indicatedthat the tested traits are negatively heterosis except for the contens of daidzein and daidzin are positively heterosis basedon the data of the GCA and SCA in average heterosis values. In this research we have a suggestion that soybean varietywith high isoflavone should be used as one of the parents in the breeding program, and it is the best choice that thecombinations crossed between two high isoflavone varieties or a high variety and a low one. 展开更多
关键词 Soybean[Glycine max (L.) Merr.] ISOFLAVONE Component of isoflavone Combining ability HETEROSIS
作者 MoJiaqi wanghui ZhuJiang 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第3期251-257,共7页
The singularly perturbed initial boundary value problems for reaction diffusion equations are considered.Under suitable conditions and by using the theory of differential inequality,the asymptotic behavior of solution... The singularly perturbed initial boundary value problems for reaction diffusion equations are considered.Under suitable conditions and by using the theory of differential inequality,the asymptotic behavior of solution for initial boundary value problems are studied,where the reduced problems possess two intersecting solutions. 展开更多
关键词 NONLINEAR reaction diffusion equation singular perturbation
作者 丁希琼 汪晖 +2 位作者 尹世玉 朱娟 周超 《基层医学论坛》 2022年第15期17-20,共4页
目的探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下多院区消毒供应应急管理模式创新研究。方法华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院通过成立消毒供应中心应急管理小组、基于工作需求评估人力综合调配、精准化人员培训、畅通物资及设备供应渠道、落实重点... 目的探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下多院区消毒供应应急管理模式创新研究。方法华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院通过成立消毒供应中心应急管理小组、基于工作需求评估人力综合调配、精准化人员培训、畅通物资及设备供应渠道、落实重点工作管理等措施,进行复用物品供应管理工作。结果应急管理模式打破院区局限的壁垒,将人力及物力资源最大化应用,保障了疫情期间多院区模式下,发热门诊以及病房物资供应工作。结论在疫情期间,面对院区医疗资源转型、不同国家医疗队的物品需求,消毒供应中心采用应急管理模式显得尤为重要,能快速解决仪器设备相对不足、物资耗材短缺等困难。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 多院区 消毒供应 应急管理
The Deformation of Active Tectonic Blocks on the Chinese Mainland and Its Relationship with Seismic Activity 被引量:1
作者 wanghui ZhangGuomin +1 位作者 WuYun MaHongsheng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2004年第1期54-66,共13页
Based on the hypothesis of the active tectonic blocks on the Chinese continent and its adjacent regions (both the method of the DDA on a spherical surface and the GPS survey results observed from 1991 to 2001 are used... Based on the hypothesis of the active tectonic blocks on the Chinese continent and its adjacent regions (both the method of the DDA on a spherical surface and the GPS survey results observed from 1991 to 2001 are used), the movements and deformations of each active tectonic block are calculated. The calculation results show that although the movements and deformations of active tectonic blocks in the eastern region and in the western region of China are different, active tectonic blocks in the same active tectonic block region are coherent. Then, the relative velocities of the active tectonic blocks’ boundary zones are calculated, and the relationship between current crustal motion and strong seismic activities is discussed. Earthquakes ( M S≥7 0) on the Chinese continent since 1988 all occurred on boundary zones of active tectonic blocks with high slipping speed. 展开更多
关键词 Active tectonic blocks DDA on spherical surface GPS survey results Seismic activity
Phase evolutions of two kinds of co-precipitated indium-tin oxide pre-cursors by heat-treatment
作者 CHENShuguang LIChenhui +2 位作者 XIONGWeihao LIULangming wanghui 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第2期146-150,共5页
Two kinds of indium-tin oxide (ITO) precursors, cubic indium hydroxide(In(OH)_3) and orthorhombic indium oxide hydroxide (InOOH), were prepared by a co-precipitationmethod. With the help of X-ray diffraction (XRD), th... Two kinds of indium-tin oxide (ITO) precursors, cubic indium hydroxide(In(OH)_3) and orthorhombic indium oxide hydroxide (InOOH), were prepared by a co-precipitationmethod. With the help of X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differentialthermal analysis (DTA), phase evolutions from cubic In(OH)_3 and orthorhombic InOOH to cubic ITOsolid solution and rhombohedral ITO solid solution by heat-treatment had been comprehensivelyinvestigated. The transformation from cubic In(OH)_3 to cubic ITO solid solution started as low as150 deg C and ended at about 300 degC, and it exhibited an endothermic behavior. The transformationfrom orthorhombic InOOH to rhombohedral ITO solid solution started at 220 deg C and ended at about430 deg C. Moreover, this transformation was composed of two processes: the one was the dehydrationof InOOH exhibiting an endothermic behavior and the other was the transformation from dehydrationproducts to rhombohedral ITO solid solution exhibiting a strong exothermic behavior. RhombohedralITO solid solution was metastable in air and it would transform to cubic ITO solid solution byheat-treatment. The transformation from rhombohedral ITO solid solution to cubic ITO solid solutionstarted at 578 deg C and ended below 800 deg C, and it exhibited a weak exothermic behavior. 展开更多
关键词 inorganic and nonmetallic materials crystal structure X-ray techniques indium-tin oxide
Soil-Column Test on Aniline Degradation in Riverbank Filtration under Denitrification Conditions
作者 WuYaoguo wanghui +1 位作者 ZhangWencun SunWeijian 《Journal of China University of Geosciences》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期183-188,共6页
Drinking water is at risk from aniline pollution and thus aniline degradation and its mechanism have received much attention. In this paper, a soil column, including sediments and aquifer media, was collected from the... Drinking water is at risk from aniline pollution and thus aniline degradation and its mechanism have received much attention. In this paper, a soil column, including sediments and aquifer media, was collected from the Weihe riverbed and its bank, and used to research the characteristics of aniline degradation in the riverbank filtration process under denitrification conditions. The results indicate that all aniline could be degraded by the habituated indigenous microbes, and even mostly mineralized under denitrification conditions, but with a long lag phase. Some aniline degradation must involve deamination, while the majority undergoes covalent binding with humic substances to form complexes, and the complexes are easily degraded and even mineralized. During the degradation no intermediates were harmful to denitrifiers. Therefore, under denitrifaction conditions, aniline is degraded in RBF, and up to now aniline has not been monitored in the groundwater along the polluted river. During the 153 d testing process, the nitrate-nitrogen concentration was about 23.0 mg/L, and aniline concentrations were 40, 80 or 400 mg/L at 0-74 d, 75-105 d and 106-153 d respectively in infiltrating water. Indigenous microbes pass a lag period of 37 d, and grow on aniline as the source of carbon in the RBF under denitrification conditions. Aniline concentration in leachate was lower than the detected limits, so its removal rate was 100 %. Total organic carbon (TOC) removal rates were 97.99 %, 91.39 % and 75.30 % for 40, 80 and 400 mg/L aniline concentrations respectively, based on TOC monitored in infiltrating water and leachate. 展开更多
关键词 denitrification conditions ANILINE riverbank filtration anaerobic bio-translation
作者 王慧 李婉玲 +4 位作者 王学仁 郝鹏倩 刘俊钗 杨文曲 安源 《护理研究》 北大核心 2023年第17期3087-3093,共7页
目的:基于麻醉护士综合应急能力的培养,构建三级甲等医院麻醉恢复室护士综合应急能力培训指标体系。方法:基于文献分析法及专家会议法,初步形成麻醉恢复室护士综合应急能力培训指标,运用德尔菲法及层次分析法,确立麻醉恢复室护士综合应... 目的:基于麻醉护士综合应急能力的培养,构建三级甲等医院麻醉恢复室护士综合应急能力培训指标体系。方法:基于文献分析法及专家会议法,初步形成麻醉恢复室护士综合应急能力培训指标,运用德尔菲法及层次分析法,确立麻醉恢复室护士综合应急能力培训指标。结果:共纳入18名函询专家,2轮专家函询问卷的有效回收率分别为100.00%和88.89%,肯德尔和谐系数分别为0.243~0.324和0.238~0.333(P<0.05),专家权威系数分别为0.98,0.94,最终构建的三级甲等医院麻醉恢复室护士综合应急能力培训指标包含5项一级指标、15项二级指标、75项三级指标。结论:构建的三级甲等医院麻醉恢复室护士综合应急能力培训指标体系可为麻醉恢复室护士的临床实践和综合应急能力的培训提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 麻醉恢复室 综合应急能力 指标体系 德尔菲法
Fibrous histiocytoma of the laryngeal glottis
作者 GEPingjiang ZHANGBaoquan +2 位作者 GAOZhiqiang wanghui CUIQuanca 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 北大核心 2005年第2期125-127,共3页
A case of a fibrous histiocytoma (FH) of the larynx in a 54-year-old male is reported. Laryngeal fibrous histiocytoma is uncommon. The case recurred several times over 4-year period. Its pathology is described includi... A case of a fibrous histiocytoma (FH) of the larynx in a 54-year-old male is reported. Laryngeal fibrous histiocytoma is uncommon. The case recurred several times over 4-year period. Its pathology is described including arguments on potential malignancy and the way of management. 展开更多
关键词 纤维细胞瘤 喉肿瘤 声门肿瘤 病理学
作者 纪会 柴志欣 +1 位作者 王会 钟金城 《中国草食动物科学》 CAS 2018年第4期53-57,共5页
微小RNA(miRNA)是一种内源性非编码小RNA,主要通过与m RNA上2~8位核苷酸碱基互补结合使目标m RNA失去稳定性来发挥作用。大量研究表明,miRNA在牛的脂肪沉积与代谢,脂肪细胞的生成、增殖与分化过程中起着至关重要的作用。为此,文章从miRN... 微小RNA(miRNA)是一种内源性非编码小RNA,主要通过与m RNA上2~8位核苷酸碱基互补结合使目标m RNA失去稳定性来发挥作用。大量研究表明,miRNA在牛的脂肪沉积与代谢,脂肪细胞的生成、增殖与分化过程中起着至关重要的作用。为此,文章从miRNA的合成、mi R-378调控脂质代谢、mi R-27b等其他转录因子对脂质代谢的调控、miRNA调控脂质代谢通路和在牛其他组织中的调控作用等5方面综述了牛脂肪组织中miRNA的研究进展,并对其在牛的生长发育、肉品质改良、脂肪代谢调节和牛营养水平均衡等方面的研究应用进行了展望,以期为miRNA在牛脂肪组织中的深入研究提供一定参考。 展开更多
关键词 脂肪组织 MIRNA
A Newly Designed 14.5 GHz All Permanent ECR Ion Source in IMP
作者 SunLiangting ZhaoHongwei +3 位作者 ZhangZimin wanghui MaBaohua D.Hitz 《近代物理研究所和兰州重离子加速器实验室年报:英文版》 2003年第1期146-146,共1页
A new all permanent ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) ion source LAPECR2 (Lanzhou All Permanent ECRIS No. 2) is now under developing in IMP. This source will be used to set up on thc IMP 400 HV (High Voltage) platfor... A new all permanent ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) ion source LAPECR2 (Lanzhou All Permanent ECRIS No. 2) is now under developing in IMP. This source will be used to set up on thc IMP 400 HV (High Voltage) platform. This HV platform aims to deliver high ion beams from low charge state to very high charge state, so the rigorous requirement to this ECRIS is obvious. To satisfy this requirement, the ion source is designed to be a very large one, which has very large volumc plasma chamber, larger ECR length and mirror length, and very strong 3 -dimension magnetic field. The detail parameters, are shown in Table 1 listed below. 展开更多
关键词 离子源 IMP 三维磁场 最优化 等离子电极
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