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作者 hannah M.E. whyte h. +1 位作者 hannah W.J. 朱晓明 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第2期19-19,共1页
This study was undertaken to compare maternal outcomes at2years postpartum after planned cesarean section and planned vaginal birth for the single ton fetus in breech pre-sentation at term.In selected cente rs in the ... This study was undertaken to compare maternal outcomes at2years postpartum after planned cesarean section and planned vaginal birth for the single ton fetus in breech pre-sentation at term.In selected cente rs in the Term Breech Trial,mothers completed a structur ed questionnaire at 2or more years postpartumto determine t heir health in the pre-vious 3to 6months.A total of 917of 1159(79.1%)mothers from 85centers completed a f ollow -up question-naire at 2years postpartum.There we re no differences between groups in breast feeding,re lationship with child or partner,pain,subsequent pregnancy,incontinence,de-pression,urinary,menstrual or sexual problems,fatigue,or distressing memories of the birth experience.Planned cesarean section was associated with a higher risk of con-stipation(P =.02).Maternal outcomes at 2years post-partum are similar after planned cesarean section and planned vaginal birth for the single ton breech fetus at term. 展开更多
关键词 臀先露 剖宫产术 阴道分娩 随机试验 单胎妊娠 母乳喂养 大小便失禁 记忆方面 试验中心 问卷调查
作者 whyte h. hannah M.E. +1 位作者 Saigal S. 朱晓明 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第2期16-16,共1页
The purpose of this study was to determine whether planned cesarean delivery for the singleton fetus in breech presen-tation at term reduces the risk of dea th or neurodevelop-mental delay at 2years of age.In sele cte... The purpose of this study was to determine whether planned cesarean delivery for the singleton fetus in breech presen-tation at term reduces the risk of dea th or neurodevelop-mental delay at 2years of age.In sele cted centers in the Term Breech Trial,children were screened for abnormali-ties at≥2years of age with the Ages and Stages Ques-tionnaire,followed by a neurodevelopmental assessment if the Ages and Stages Questionnaire sc ore was abnormal.A total of 923of 1159children(79.6%)from 85centers were followed to 2years of age.The risk of death or neu-rodevelopmental delay was no different for the planned ce-sarean than for the planned vaginal birth groups(14chil-dren3.1%vs 13children2.8%;relative risk,1.09;95%CI,0.52-2.30;P =.85;risk diffe rence,+0.3%;95%CI,-1.9%,+2.4%).Planned cesarean delivery is not associated with a red uction in risk of death or neurodevelopmental delay in childr en at 2years of age. 展开更多
关键词 臀先露 剖宫产术 阴道分娩 随机试验 单胎妊娠 神经发育 筛检 试验中心 无显著性差异 险度
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