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宾川苦橄岩的水含量:对峨眉山大火成岩省成因的启示 被引量:3
作者 俞浩然 刘佳 +3 位作者 夏群科 顾笑龑 王子桢 毕垚 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期24-32,共9页
近几年来对西伯利亚、哥伦比亚河、塔里木等大火成岩省原始岩浆水含量的分析表明,其源区的显著水化是造成地幔熔融异常的重要原因之一。峨眉山大火成岩省是全球二叠纪大火成岩省的重要组成之一,前期对其位于宾川剖面底部的大理苦橄岩水... 近几年来对西伯利亚、哥伦比亚河、塔里木等大火成岩省原始岩浆水含量的分析表明,其源区的显著水化是造成地幔熔融异常的重要原因之一。峨眉山大火成岩省是全球二叠纪大火成岩省的重要组成之一,前期对其位于宾川剖面底部的大理苦橄岩水含量的分析表明地幔的水化在峨眉山大火成岩省形成中起到了重要作用。然而大理苦橄岩只能代表峨眉山大火成岩省初始阶段的熔融条件,而在其后的喷发历史中水是否也起到了关键作用还不清楚。定量分析后阶段喷发的苦橄岩水含量有助于更完整评估水在大火成岩省形成中的作用。本文报道了位于峨眉山大火成岩省西部岩带宾川剖面中上部的宾川苦橄岩的水含量,结果表明原始岩浆水含量可高达2.8 wt%,比大理苦橄岩的水含量略低,但仍显著高于MORB和OIB,达到了岛弧玄武岩的水含量范围。这表明水对整个大火成岩省的形成中都扮演了重要角色。 展开更多
关键词 峨眉山大火成岩省 苦橄岩 含水量
二滩玄武岩的水含量:峨眉山大火成岩省地幔源区水含量的区域性分布特征 被引量:2
作者 孙浩 夏群科 +2 位作者 刘佳 王子桢 毕垚 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期121-132,共12页
近期对科马提岩以及许多大火成岩省中的苦橄岩进行的水含量分析以及地幔潜能温度的研究表明,无论是太古宙还是显生宙的大火成岩省的形成都和含水的地幔柱有关。晚二叠纪的峨眉山大火成岩省(ELIP)位于扬子克拉通西缘,目前主流观点认为其... 近期对科马提岩以及许多大火成岩省中的苦橄岩进行的水含量分析以及地幔潜能温度的研究表明,无论是太古宙还是显生宙的大火成岩省的形成都和含水的地幔柱有关。晚二叠纪的峨眉山大火成岩省(ELIP)位于扬子克拉通西缘,目前主流观点认为其是由地幔柱形成的。前人根据大量的岩石地球化学工作将ELIP分为西区、中区和东区;证明了位于西区的大理、宾川的苦橄岩和玄武岩地幔源区的水含量高于2500×10^(-6)。然而对于其他区域玄武岩源区的含水性还不清楚。文章以位于中区的二滩剖面底部高钛型玄武岩为研究对象,采用单斜辉石斑晶反演的方法研究恢复了其原始岩浆的水含量。结果表明,单斜辉石斑晶水含量范围为76×10^(-6)~424×10^(-6),对应的平衡熔体水含量为3.01 wt%。在考虑分离结晶影响后,恢复的原始岩浆水含量达到2.71±0.95 wt%。该水含量略低于大理苦橄岩水含量,与宾川苦橄岩相当。而计算的地幔源区水含量最低估计为1357×10^(-6),该值低于大理、宾川苦橄岩的源区水含量,但仍显著高于正常洋中脊玄武岩和洋岛玄武岩源区。ELIP中不同区域的苦橄岩和玄武岩都存在高水含量,这表明在ELIP的形成和演化过程中水都扮演了很重要的角色。 展开更多
关键词 峨眉山大火成岩省 玄武岩 水含量 空间分布
作者 夏群科 刘佳 +3 位作者 张宝华 李佩 顾笑龑 陈欢 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期3631-3646,共16页
自二十世纪九十年代起,通过对天然样品的观察、矿物中水的溶解度的实验研究、以及地球物理的观测,人们逐步认识到地球内部以矿物晶格缺陷形式蕴含着至少与现今海洋水量相当的水。地球内部的水除了显著影响矿物的热导率、电导率、流变学... 自二十世纪九十年代起,通过对天然样品的观察、矿物中水的溶解度的实验研究、以及地球物理的观测,人们逐步认识到地球内部以矿物晶格缺陷形式蕴含着至少与现今海洋水量相当的水。地球内部的水除了显著影响矿物的热导率、电导率、流变学、扩散等性质之外,还对不同构造背景下的地幔熔融产生了重要影响。水作为强不相容元素,在地幔发生熔融时会更倾向于进入到熔体相中,从而改变熔体的结构,影响与残留固相之间的平衡。总体上讲,在等温等压条件下,地幔中水的存在可以显著降低其固相线并增大熔融程度;而在绝热减压过程中,水的存在则可以加深初始熔融的深度,增大地幔整体熔融的区间,从而降低平均熔融程度。近年来,越来越多的证据表明,水对于从岩石圈-软流圈边界的低程度熔融到地幔超大规模熔融产物(大火成岩省)的形成都具有重要作用。本文综述了不同构造背景下(大洋中脊、岛弧、地幔过渡带、大火成岩省、大陆板内、洋岛等)水对地幔熔融影响的新进展,并提出现有研究的不足和未来的挑战。 展开更多
关键词 地幔 熔融
作者 周靖钧 刘佳 +2 位作者 夏群科 Eero HANSKI 孙浩 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期4198-4210,共13页
近年来对太古宙科马提岩和显生宙大火成岩省中苦橄岩的水含量、地幔潜热、源区成分等研究表明,这些短时间内喷出巨量岩浆的地表过程都与水化的地幔柱有关。峨眉山大火成岩省位于扬子板块西部,是我国被公认的大火成岩省之一。前人从地球... 近年来对太古宙科马提岩和显生宙大火成岩省中苦橄岩的水含量、地幔潜热、源区成分等研究表明,这些短时间内喷出巨量岩浆的地表过程都与水化的地幔柱有关。峨眉山大火成岩省位于扬子板块西部,是我国被公认的大火成岩省之一。前人从地球化学的角度将其分为西、中、东三区;并通过对西区丽江、永胜、宾川、大理苦橄岩和中区二滩玄武岩的水含量分析,发现形成峨眉山大火成岩省的地幔柱可能自喷发初期就已普遍存在强烈的水化,且该特征持续至喷发中晚期。然而前人的研究着重于苦橄岩,对作为大火成岩省主体部分的玄武岩研究甚少。本文以位于西区的仕满、大具剖面中的高Ti/Y玄武岩为研究对象,采用单斜辉石斑晶反演原始熔体水含量的方法,得到仕满、大具玄武岩原始熔体的水含量下限分别为1.15%和0.83%,该水含量略低于丽江苦橄岩水含量。而计算出的源区最低水含量分别为1380×10^(-6)和1245×10^(-6),与二滩玄武岩相当。结合前人报道的数据,本次工作的结果证明了峨眉山大火成岩省的地幔柱水化现象普遍且长期存在,地幔柱内部的热化学组成是不均一的,且其热化学结构是随着时间而发生变化的。本次工作还暗示了峨眉山大火成岩省地幔柱内部的水含量可能是由轴部南端向轴部北端,由轴部向边缘呈放射状递减的,这对于进一步认识大火成岩省的形成过程有一定的启示。 展开更多
关键词 峨眉山大火成岩省 玄武岩 单斜辉石
作者 郝艳涛 夏群科 李佩 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期4184-4197,共14页
利用电子探针、激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱和傅里叶变换红外光谱分别测定了华南地区福建省白琳大嶂山新生代玄武岩中橄榄岩包体矿物的主要元素、微量元素和H_(2)O含量。橄榄岩矿物主要元素之间的相关性符合部分熔融趋势,部分熔融程度... 利用电子探针、激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱和傅里叶变换红外光谱分别测定了华南地区福建省白琳大嶂山新生代玄武岩中橄榄岩包体矿物的主要元素、微量元素和H_(2)O含量。橄榄岩矿物主要元素之间的相关性符合部分熔融趋势,部分熔融程度在0~21%之间。大多数样品(23个样品中的21个)部分熔融程度较低(<6%)并具有亏损的球粒陨石标准化稀土元素模式。单斜辉石、斜方辉石和橄榄石的H_(2)O含量分别为78×10^(-6)~262×10^(-6)、37×10^(-6)~124×10^(-6)和~0。尽管不能排除橄榄石包体上升过程中的潜在H的扩散丢失,但两种辉石保留了地幔中的H_(2)O含量,这可以从①单个辉石颗粒中的均一的H2O含量和②单斜辉石和斜方辉石之间的平衡H_(2)O分配推断出来。基于矿物模式,并假设单斜辉石和橄榄石之间的H_(2)O分配系数为10,计算出的全岩H_(2)O含量范围为15×10^(-6)~67×10^(-6)。水含量与熔融指数、交代指数、氧化还原状态和温度之间缺乏良好的相关性,说明白琳地区岩石圈地幔中水含量的控制因素是复杂的。已有研究表明浙江省建德地区岩石圈地幔具有较高水含量。白琳和建德两地对比显示,两地岩石圈地幔在熔融程度、交代程度、氧化还原状态和平衡温度非常类似,但是水含量差异巨大。华夏地块(以建德和白琳为代表)的岩石圈地幔在主成分和微量成分上可能均一,但H_(2)O含量有巨大差异,体现了地幔的不均一性。 展开更多
关键词 水含量 橄榄岩包体 岩石圈地幔 地幔不均一 华夏地块
Destruction of the North China Craton 被引量:180
作者 ZHU Rixiang XU YiGang +3 位作者 ZHU Guang ZHANG HongFu xia qunke ZHENG TianYu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期1565-1587,共23页
A National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) major research project, Destruction of the North China Craton (NCC), has been carried out in the past few years by Chinese scientists through an in-depth and systemati... A National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) major research project, Destruction of the North China Craton (NCC), has been carried out in the past few years by Chinese scientists through an in-depth and systematic observations, experiments and theoretical analyses, with an emphasis on the spatio-temporal distribution of the NCC destruction, the structure of deep earth and shallow geological records of the craton evolution, the mechanism and dynamics of the craton destruction. From this work the foUowing conclusions can be drawn: (1) Significant spatial heterogeneity exists in the NCC lithospheric thickness and crustal structure, which constrains the scope of the NCC destruction. (2) The nature of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic sub-continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) underneath the NCC is characterized in detail. In terms of water content, the late Mesozoic CLM was rich in water, but Cenozoic CLM was highly water deficient. (3) The correlation between magmatism and surface geological response confirms that the geological and tectonic evolution is governed by cratonic destruction processes. (4) Pacific subduction is the main dynamic factor that triggered the destruction of the NCC, which highlights the role of cratonic destruction in plate tectonics. 展开更多
关键词 NSFC major research project research progress craton destruction North China Craton
In-situ trace element analyses of zircons from Dabieshan Huangzhen eclogite:Trace element characteristics of eclogite-facies metamorphic zircon 被引量:26
作者 WU Yuanbao CHEN Daogong +2 位作者 xia qunke TU xianglin CHENG Hao 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第16期1398-1401,共4页
The internal structures of zircons in eclogite from Huangzhen have been studied by cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy. Two growth stages were distinguished: protolith magmatic cores and metamorphic overgrowth rims. T... The internal structures of zircons in eclogite from Huangzhen have been studied by cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy. Two growth stages were distinguished: protolith magmatic cores and metamorphic overgrowth rims. These different domains were analyzed for trace elements using LAM-ICP-MS. The protolith and the overgrowth zircons have different trace elements characteristics. The trace element contents of protolith zircons are high and very variable. The overgrowth zircons show a typical trace element feature of equilibrium with garnet, e.g. low contents of HREE (132.2-197.6μg/g) and small differential degree of HREE ((Yb/Gd)cN=8.6-11.9). The contents of Nb, Ta and the ratio of Nb/Ta are lower in the metamorphic domains (0.5-1.4μg/g, 0.7-1.5μg/g, 0.3-1.3, respectively) than in the protolith domains (3.8-19.7μg/g, 2.7-12.1μg/g, 1.0-4.6, respectively). This is the first time to give the evidence that the metamorphic zircon equilibrates with the rutile, which formed during the peak metamorphic stage. 展开更多
关键词 ECLOGITE zircon trace elements rutile.
Oxygen isotopic compositions of zircons from pyroxenite of Daoshichong, Dabieshan: Implications for crust-mantle interaction 被引量:7
作者 xia qunke E.Deloule +2 位作者 WU Yuanbao CHEN Daogong CHENG Hao 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第17期1466-1469,共4页
Oxygen isotopic compositions of zircons from pyroxenite (-145 Ma) of Daoshichong, Dabieshan have been measured by an ion microprobe. Both within the single grain and among different grains, oxygen isotopic ratios are ... Oxygen isotopic compositions of zircons from pyroxenite (-145 Ma) of Daoshichong, Dabieshan have been measured by an ion microprobe. Both within the single grain and among different grains, oxygen isotopic ratios are homogeneous, σ18O = (7.66‰±0.46)‰(1 SD, 1σ=0.10, n = 22). High σ18O values indicate that the mantle-derived parent magma of Daoshichong pyroxenite have undergone interaction with crustal materials. Combing with other geo-chemical constraints, the way of crust-mantle interaction is suggested to be source mixing other than crustal contamination. The time interval between crust-mantle interaction and formation of the parent magma of Daoshichong pyroxenite is less than several million years. The crustal component involving in crust-mantle interaction is mafic lower crust, and the parent magma of pyroxenite possibly contain large proportion (】37%) of such lower crust. 展开更多
关键词 ZIRCON OXYGEN isotope ion MICROPROBE Daoshichong Dabieshan.
Zircon SIMS ages and chemical compositions from Northern Dabie Terrain:Its implication for pyroxenite genesis 被引量:5
作者 CHEN Daogong WANG xiang +4 位作者 E.Deloule LI Binxian xia qunke CHENG Hao WU Yuanbao 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第12期1047-1050,共4页
We present the results of a detailed micro-scale investigation of zircons from pyroxenites, Daoshicong Northern Dabie using a combination of SIMS and ICPMS. The SIMS measurements gave ages of 134-159 Ma. Its average o... We present the results of a detailed micro-scale investigation of zircons from pyroxenites, Daoshicong Northern Dabie using a combination of SIMS and ICPMS. The SIMS measurements gave ages of 134-159 Ma. Its average of (144.516.2) Ma is interpreted as the best estimate of the pyroxenite intrusion. The crystallization of zircons continued for quite a long time and underwent slow cooling. The pyroxenites are products of post-collision magmatism. The REE pattern is HREE-enriched, and its HREE concentrations fall between the magmatic and metamorphic range of gneissic zircons from the Dabie area, which indicate the involvement of crust material in its mantle source. 展开更多
关键词 ZIRCON SIMS age ZIRCON trace element CRUST-MANTLE interaction Northern DABIE pyroxenite.
The distribution of water in the continental lithospheric mantle and its implications for the stability of continents 被引量:1
作者 xia qunke HAO YanTao 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第32期3879-3889,共11页
The lithospheric mantle is one of the key layers controlling the stability of continents.Even a small amount of water can influence many chemical and physical properties of rocks and minerals.Consequently,it is a pivo... The lithospheric mantle is one of the key layers controlling the stability of continents.Even a small amount of water can influence many chemical and physical properties of rocks and minerals.Consequently,it is a pivotal task to study the distribution of water in the continental lithosphere.This paper presents a brief overview of the current state of knowledge about(1)the occurrence of water in the continental lithospheric mantle,(2)the spatial and temporal variations of the water content in the continental lithospheric mantle,and(3)the relationship between water content and continent stability.Additionally,suggestions for future research directions are briefly discussed. 展开更多
关键词 大陆岩石圈地幔 水含量 稳定性 物理性质 搜索方向 关键层 含水量 矿物
Oxygen isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle: Evidence from clinopyroxene megacrysts of Nüshan, eastern China 被引量:1
作者 xia qunke Dallai Luigi +3 位作者 CAO Hong CHEN Daogong WU Yuanbao CHENG Hao 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第3期181-186,共6页
Major element, REE and oxygen isotopic com-positions of fourteen clinopyroxene megacrysts from Nushan, eastern China have been obtained. They are believed to rep-resent crystallization products of one mantle-derived a... Major element, REE and oxygen isotopic com-positions of fourteen clinopyroxene megacrysts from Nushan, eastern China have been obtained. They are believed to rep-resent crystallization products of one mantle-derived alkali basaltic magma. Oxygen isotopic ratios are homogeneous within the same sample, but heterogeneous among different samples, δ18O values of these megacrysts are from 4.86‰ to 6.48‰. We suggest that the oxygen isotopic variation of cli-nopyroxene megacrysts should be inherited from their source magma, and the heterogeneity of source magma re-sults from contamination of subducted oceanic materials. 展开更多
关键词 OXYGEN isotope HETEROGENEITY laser FLUORINATION clino-pyroxene nushan.
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