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基于创新人才培养目标的分析化学课程教学改革探索 被引量:2
作者 赵煜 谢鲜梅 +1 位作者 靳利娥 燕先玉 《教育教学论坛》 2020年第20期217-218,共2页
针对分析化学在山西太原理工大学的授课情况,通过对现行的理论课程内容、实验在教学中所占比重、实验内容及考核形式等方面进行改革调整,对分析化学理论及实验课程进行了一系列教学改革;以培养创新人才为目标,将改革的重点放在课程内容... 针对分析化学在山西太原理工大学的授课情况,通过对现行的理论课程内容、实验在教学中所占比重、实验内容及考核形式等方面进行改革调整,对分析化学理论及实验课程进行了一系列教学改革;以培养创新人才为目标,将改革的重点放在课程内容、实验教学环节以及教学方法和教学手段上。 展开更多
关键词 分析化学 教学改革 实验改革 创新人才
丹皮酚对高脂血症大鼠肝脏脂质代谢及自噬的影响 被引量:4
作者 董兆旻 谢先梅 +1 位作者 孙颖 戴敏 《安徽中医药大学学报》 2018年第5期50-54,共5页
目的探讨丹皮酚(Paeonol,Pae)对高脂血症大鼠肝脏脂质代谢及自噬的影响,为揭示Pae抗动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)早期病变的作用机制提供依据。方法采用维生素D2及高脂饲料联合应用法复制大鼠高脂血症模型,将大鼠分成Pae高剂量(300... 目的探讨丹皮酚(Paeonol,Pae)对高脂血症大鼠肝脏脂质代谢及自噬的影响,为揭示Pae抗动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)早期病变的作用机制提供依据。方法采用维生素D2及高脂饲料联合应用法复制大鼠高脂血症模型,将大鼠分成Pae高剂量(300mg/kg)、中剂量(150mg/kg)、低剂量(75mg/kg)组,雷帕霉素组(0.2mg/kg),阿托伐他汀组(5mg/kg),分别每天灌胃一次,连续6周,模型组和正常组给予等容量溶媒灌胃。采用全自动生化分析仪检测血脂和肝脂水平,光镜下对肝脏脂肪变性程度进行评分,电镜下观察自噬小体,免疫组织化学法观察肝脏中自噬相关因子微管相关蛋白1轻链3-Ⅱ型(microtubule-associated protein 1light 3,type 2,LC3Ⅱ)、p62及过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ(peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma,PPARγ)的表达。结果 Pae可以降低血清和肝脏中甘油三酯、总胆固醇水平及肝系数,减轻肝脏脂肪变性程度,减少脂滴数量,促进自噬小体的产生,上调肝细胞中LC3Ⅱ、PPARγ表达,下调p62表达。结论 Pae可以促进脂质代谢并升高肝脏自噬小体形成及相关因子表达。 展开更多
关键词 丹皮酚 高脂血症 肝脏 脂质代谢 自噬
掌侧钢板内固定治疗桡骨远端骨折腕关节功能恢复的影响因素 被引量:28
作者 王瑞 黄山 +3 位作者 刘昆 蒲金川 谢鲜梅 刘斐 《创伤外科杂志》 2019年第10期742-745,共4页
目的对掌侧钢板内固定术治疗桡骨远端骨折后影响腕关节功能恢复因素进行分析。方法回顾性分析巴音郭楞蒙古自治州人民医院关节创伤外科2014年5月—2016年5月行切开复位锁定钢板内固定术治疗的142例桡骨远端骨折患者资料,男性77例,女性65... 目的对掌侧钢板内固定术治疗桡骨远端骨折后影响腕关节功能恢复因素进行分析。方法回顾性分析巴音郭楞蒙古自治州人民医院关节创伤外科2014年5月—2016年5月行切开复位锁定钢板内固定术治疗的142例桡骨远端骨折患者资料,男性77例,女性65例;年龄19~68岁,平均57.8岁。术后第6个月评估所有患者的腕关节功能复原状态,同时总结分析有可能影响恢复的因素。结果随访时间6~24个月,平均14.2个月。139例(97.89%)患者的切口Ⅰ期愈合;X线片检查见骨折端影像愈合时间平均84.6d;术后6个月复查时评估患者腕关节功能恢复情况,其中恢复优良率80.28%,可差率19.72%。根据腕关节功能恢复情况将患者分为优良组(n=114)与可差组(n=28),两组在年龄、粉碎性骨折、骨质疏松、医源性软组织损伤、功能锻炼、桡骨短缩畸形等方面比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归表明腕关节功能恢复受到患者年龄偏大、骨折严重粉碎、桡骨短缩畸形、术后未行规律康复锻炼的显著影响。结论桡骨远端骨折患者行掌侧锁定钢板内固定手术时,不仅要加强手术操作的精细与安全性,确保内固定效果,还应该重视患者术后的康复锻炼,才能加快腕关节功能的恢复。 展开更多
关键词 桡骨远端骨折 掌侧钢板 内固定 腕关节功能
Paeonol inhibits NLRP3 mediated inflammatory reaction in rat endothelial cells by elevating hyperlipidemic rats plasma exosomal miRNA-223
作者 SHI Xiao-yan xie xian-mei DAI Min 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第9期676-677,共2页
OBJECTIVE Atherosclerosis(AS)is featured as a chronic inflammatory disease of vascular stenosis.Paeonol(Pae)is a natural phenolic compounds isolated from a traditional Chinese medicine,Cortex Moutan,which exhibits ant... OBJECTIVE Atherosclerosis(AS)is featured as a chronic inflammatory disease of vascular stenosis.Paeonol(Pae)is a natural phenolic compounds isolated from a traditional Chinese medicine,Cortex Moutan,which exhibits anti-AS effects in vitro and in vivo.In this study,we aimed to investigate whether the anti-AS efficacy of Pae was regulated through inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activityvia elevating hyperlipidemic rats plasma exosomalmicroR⁃NA-223(miR-223).METHODS The Sprague-Dawley rats was induced by a high-fat diet,which was used as AS models.AS aortic pathological morphological in AS mice was examined by HE staining,and serum TC and TG levels were deter⁃mined by automatic chemistry analyzer.Rat aortic endothelial cells(RAECs)were used during the whole study.After oral administration of Pae,we isolated exosomes from hyperlipidemic rats plasma(Pae-Exos)by ultracentrifugation and characterized by transmission electron,nanoparticle tracking analysis,dynamic light scattering and Western blotting.The activity of RAECs was detected by CCK-8 and trypan blue staining method.IL-1βand IL-6 levels were detected by ELISA method.The expression of miR-223 was detected by qPCR,and the expression of NLRP3,ASC,caspase-1,and ICAM-1 was detected by Western blotting.RESULTS In vivo experiments confirmed that Pae could effectively reduce serum TC and TG levels and decrease serum IL-1βand IL-6 levels,which demonstrated that Pae restricted AS develop⁃ment in hyperlipidemia rats.Both CCK-8 and trypan blue staining showed that the survival rate of RAECs in the Pae-Exos co-incubation group was higher than that in the model group.We also confirmed via real-time qPCR that Pae-Exos suppressed the expression of the inflammatory cytokines IL-1βand IL-6.Accordingly,Pae-Exos dose-dependently increased the survival rate of RAECs and reduced inflammatory response.Furthermore,compared with the model group,Pae-Exos more successfully increased the expression of miR-223 and inhibited IL-1βand IL-6 expression,which implied that Pae-exo may inhibited the inflammatory response of RAECs by increasing the content of miR-223.Subse⁃quently,we found that Pae-Exos reduced the expressions of NLRP3,ASC,caspase-1 and ICAM-1,which indicated that Pae-Exos may reduced RAECs inflammation by suppressing NLRP3 signaling pathway via promoting miR-223 expression.CONCLUSION Pae can inhibit the downstream NLRP3 inflammatory corpuscle signaling pathway by increasing the level of miR-223 in plasma Exos of hyperlipidemic rats,providing new insights into the anti-atherosclerosis activity of Pae. 展开更多
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