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柴胡桂枝干姜汤合酸枣仁汤加减方治疗原发性失眠的随机对照临床研究 被引量:15
作者 朱雪琦 付清楠 +8 位作者 张捷 郭蓉娟 谢颖桢 杜捷 杨婧 王嘉麟 李倩倩 石广霞 刘清泉 《北京中医药》 2022年第7期781-785,共5页
目的观察柴胡桂枝干姜汤合酸枣仁汤加减方治疗原发性失眠的疗效和安全性。方法选择2014年9月—2015年12月于首都医科大学附属北京中医医院、北京中医药大学东直门医院和北京中医药大学东方医院门诊就诊患者258例,采用区组随机化方法按1... 目的观察柴胡桂枝干姜汤合酸枣仁汤加减方治疗原发性失眠的疗效和安全性。方法选择2014年9月—2015年12月于首都医科大学附属北京中医医院、北京中医药大学东直门医院和北京中医药大学东方医院门诊就诊患者258例,采用区组随机化方法按1∶1比例分为中药治疗组和安慰剂对照组,因误纳剔除18例,最终中药治疗组121例,安慰剂对照组119例。中药治疗组采用柴胡桂枝干姜汤合酸枣仁汤加减方口服治疗,对照组采用安慰剂口服治疗,疗程均为8周,随访4周。对比2组匹兹堡睡眠指数量表(PSQI)评分、失眠严重程度指数(ISI)评分、简明健康调查问卷(SF-36)评分、中医证候评分治疗前后的变化值,以及实验室安全性指标、不良事件、镇静催眠药使用情况。结果中药治疗组在治疗第8周和随访4周,PSQI总分下降值高于安慰剂对照组(P<0.05),其中睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍、日间功能在治疗第8周评分下降值高于安慰剂对照组(P<0.05),睡眠时间、睡眠障碍、日间功能在随访4周评分下降值高于安慰剂对照组(P<0.05);随访4周中药治疗组SF-36生理健康评分升高值高于安慰剂对照组(P<0.05),治疗8周SF-36心理健康评分升高值高于安慰剂对照组(P<0.05)。2组治疗后血、尿、便常规、肝肾功能及心电图均较治疗前无明显变化。试验过程中中药治疗组无不良事件发生;安慰剂对照组发生不良事件3例。2组镇静催眠药使用情况比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论柴胡桂枝干姜汤合酸枣仁汤加减方治疗原发性失眠有明显效果,且有良好的安全性。 展开更多
关键词 柴胡桂枝干姜汤 酸枣仁汤 原发性失眠
基于中医复合体质的缺血性中风病复发早期预警模型的构建及验证 被引量:3
作者 高阳 谢雁鸣 +9 位作者 张景肖 王蕾 蔡业峰 沈晓明 赵德喜 谢颖桢 赵性泉 孟繁兴 于海青 姜俊杰 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2022年第10期1955-1961,共7页
目的开发和验证中医复合体质的缺血性中风病复发早期预警模型和风险评估工具。方法采用多中心、前瞻性的注册登记研究设计,选取2016年11月10日—2019年2月17日期间7家临床分中心(北京中医药大学东直门医院、首都医科大学附属北京天坛医... 目的开发和验证中医复合体质的缺血性中风病复发早期预警模型和风险评估工具。方法采用多中心、前瞻性的注册登记研究设计,选取2016年11月10日—2019年2月17日期间7家临床分中心(北京中医药大学东直门医院、首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院、广东省中医院、长春中医药大学附属医院、河南中医药大学附属第一医院、北京中医药大学东方医院、太原市中医医院)1741例首发缺血性中风病的住院患者。采用距离相关系数、互信息熵和广义线性混合模型进行了单变量分析,变量多因素分析采用多因素的Cox回归模型并结合中风领域的专家意见进行建模变量的确定。使用Cox比例风险回归模型进行不同时间的中风复发预警模型的构建和验证。使用ROC曲线下面积(AUC值)评估模型的预警能力。结果随访时间1~3年,中位随访时间为1.42年(95%CI:1.37-1.47)。175例发生了复发事件,累积复发发生率10.05%(95%CI:8.64-11.47)。模型训练集的AUC值为(0.62±0.03),验证集AUC值为(0.70±0.03)。结论中医复合体质模型可能较早的对中风复发进行预警,为缺血性中风的二级预防评估提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 缺血性中风病 复发 预警模型 风险评估工具 中医体质
中风发病前出现“毒损脑络”病情变化人群临床特点研究 被引量:3
作者 何丽丽 马苏苏 +9 位作者 王秋月 杨友财 谢颖桢 李广路 曹锐 陈婷婷 于存娟 宋文英 马鹏珍 王丽 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 2023年第4期787-795,共9页
【目的】通过总结中风发病前出现病情变化人群“毒损脑络”的临床特征,增进对发病前病情变化的识别及治疗,以预防中风的发生。【方法】对337例急性缺血性脑卒中(急性脑梗死)患者进行回顾性调查,采用调查表采集包括发病前病情变化在内的... 【目的】通过总结中风发病前出现病情变化人群“毒损脑络”的临床特征,增进对发病前病情变化的识别及治疗,以预防中风的发生。【方法】对337例急性缺血性脑卒中(急性脑梗死)患者进行回顾性调查,采用调查表采集包括发病前病情变化在内的临床信息及发病72 h内的血常规、生化指标等资料。依据调查信息并结合专家意见,判断患者是否属于“毒损脑络”病情变化。通过病例对照研究,分析出现病情变化人群的临床特点,通过聚类分析总结其证候特征。【结果】(1)337例患者中,排除数据不全病例23例,经专家经验判断,符合病情变化97例,未出现病情变化158例,可能属于病情变化59例,最终将出现病情变化的97例和未出现病情变化的158例,共255例纳入本次研究。(2)与中风前未出现病情变化的人群相比,发病前病情变化者更多出现在高血压(P<0.05)、嗜食肥甘厚味(P<0.01)、少食蔬菜(P<0.1)的人群中,且发病前诱因多见(P<0.05)。同时具有发病时较高的中性粒细胞百分比(NE%)及中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比值(NLR),较低的淋巴细胞百分比(LY%)、总蛋白(TP)、总胆红素(TB)、直接胆红素(DBIL)的特点。(3)发病前病情变化以神识情绪、头面五官清窍受扰失养,出现头晕昏沉、疲乏倦怠、嗜睡思睡、口干口苦、急躁易怒/烦躁不安/心神不宁等为主要表现(P<0.01),呈现痰瘀阻络、风火上扰、清阳不升、清窍失养、肝阳上亢、痰火上扰等证候,符合毒性火热、秽浊蒙神扰窍的“毒损脑络”临床特点。(4)理化指标与中医症状关系方面,TP、DBIL分别与反映清窍失养受扰的病征相关,TB与反映痰火内扰的病征相关。【结论】高血压病、嗜食肥甘厚味者需要重视神识情绪、头面五官清窍受扰失养的变化,及时诊治,可有助于预防中风的发生。 展开更多
关键词 中风 急性缺血性脑卒中 急性脑梗死 发病前 毒损脑络 病情变化 临床特点
Construction of an Early Warning Model for Ischemic Stroke Recurrence Based on Generalized Estimating Equation
作者 GAO Yang xie Yan-ming +9 位作者 WANG Zhi-fei ZHANG Jing-xiao WANG Lei CAI Ye-feng SHEN Xiao-ming ZHAO De-xi xie ying-zhen ZHAO Xing-quan MENG Fan-xing YU Hai-qing 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2022年第1期1-10,共10页
Objective:To explore the appropriate modeling method of the early warning model of ischemic stroke recurrence in TCM.Methods:This was a prospective,multi-center and registered study conducted in 7 clinical subcenters ... Objective:To explore the appropriate modeling method of the early warning model of ischemic stroke recurrence in TCM.Methods:This was a prospective,multi-center and registered study conducted in 7 clinical subcenters from 8 provinces and 10 cities in China between 3rd November 2016 and 27th April,2019.1,741 patients with first-ever ischemic stroke were recruited.Univariate analysis was carried out using distance correlation coefficient,mutual information entropy,and statistical correlation test.Multivariate analysis adopted multi-factor Cox regression model and combined with expert opinions in the field of stroke to determine modeling variables.The generalized estimating equation of longitudinal data and the Cox proportional hazard regression model of cross-sectional data were used to construct and compare in the early warning model of ischemic stroke recalls.The area under the ROC curve(AUC value)was used to evaluate the early warning capability of the model.Results:The follow-up time was 1-3 years,and the median follow-up time was 1.42 years(95%CI:1.37-1.47).Recurrence events occurred in 175 cases,and the cumulative recurrence rate was 10.05%(95%CI:8.64%-11.47%).The AUC values of the TCM syndrome and TCM constitution model were 0.71809 and 0.72668 based on the generalized estimating equation and the AUC values.Conclusion:The generalized estimating equation may be more suitable for the construction of early warning models of stroke recurrence with TCM characteristics,which provides a certain reference for the evaluation of secondary prevention of ischemic stroke. 展开更多
关键词 Ischemic stroke RECURRENCE Warning model Generalized estimating equation TCM syndromes TCM constitution
芪龙胶囊临床应用专家共识 被引量:11
作者 王志飞 谢颖桢 +6 位作者 谢雁鸣 赵德喜 王敏忠 于海青 曹晓岚 李博 编制组 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第24期5287-5290,共4页
芪龙胶囊是中医药补气活血理论的代表药物,临床应用具有鲜明的中医特色;其适应症缺血性中风(脑梗死)病情复杂、病理环节众多,各阶段的治疗原则和方法也有不同,如果药物的介入时机、使用剂量、用药疗程等不合适,不仅难以充分发挥疗效,还... 芪龙胶囊是中医药补气活血理论的代表药物,临床应用具有鲜明的中医特色;其适应症缺血性中风(脑梗死)病情复杂、病理环节众多,各阶段的治疗原则和方法也有不同,如果药物的介入时机、使用剂量、用药疗程等不合适,不仅难以充分发挥疗效,还有可能引发出血等不良反应。为进一步提高临床医生对芪龙胶囊的认识,更好地指导临床合理用药,项目组邀请了来自全国相关领域的临床一线专家、药学专家和循证医学方法学专家编写该共识。该共识采取临床研究证据和专家经验相结合的方式,对于有研究证据支持的临床问题形成推荐意见,对于没有证据支持的临床问题形成共识建议。该共识推荐了芪龙胶囊临床应用的人群特点、介入时机、剂量、疗程、合并用药及使用禁忌,并介绍了其安全性特征,以指导中医、西医和中西医结合医生应用芪龙胶囊治疗脑梗死的临床实践。 展开更多
关键词 芪龙胶囊 专家共识 推荐意见 证据分级 临床应用
基于中医证候的缺血性中风病复发早期预警模型的构建及验证 被引量:10
作者 高阳 谢雁鸣 +10 位作者 王志飞 张景肖 王蕾 蔡业峰 沈晓明 赵德喜 谢颖桢 赵性泉 孟繁兴 于海青 姜俊杰 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期686-692,共7页
目的:开发和验证中医证候的缺血性中风病复发早期预警模型和风险评估工具。方法:采用多中心、前瞻性的注册登记研究设计,在全国7家临床分中心,纳入2016年11月—2019年2月期间,1741例首发缺血性中风病的住院患者。采用距离相关系数、互... 目的:开发和验证中医证候的缺血性中风病复发早期预警模型和风险评估工具。方法:采用多中心、前瞻性的注册登记研究设计,在全国7家临床分中心,纳入2016年11月—2019年2月期间,1741例首发缺血性中风病的住院患者。采用距离相关系数、互信息熵和统计相关性检验进行了单变量分析,变量多因素分析采用多因素的Cox回归模型并结合中风领域的专家意见进行建模变量的确定。使用Cox比例风险回归模型进行不同时间的中风复发预警模型构建和验证。使用ROC曲线下面积(AUC值)评估模型的预警能力。结果:随访时间1~3年,中位随访时间为1.42年(95%CI[1.37,1.47])。175例发生了复发事件,累积复发发生率为10.05%(95%CI[8.64,11.47])。模型训练集的AUC值为0.64±0.02,验证集AUC值为0.70±0.03。结论:中医证候模型可能较早的对中风病复发进行预警,为缺血性中风病的二级预防评估提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 缺血性中风病 复发 预警模型 风险评估工具 中医证候
Xinglou Chengqi Decoction improves neurological function in experimental stroke mice as evidenced by gut microbiota analysis and network pharmacology 被引量:14
作者 GAO Qiang HAN Zhen-Yun +9 位作者 TIAN Dan-Feng LIU Gan-Lu WANG Zhen-Yi LIN Jing-Feng CHANG Ze ZHANG Dan-Dan xie ying-zhen SUN Yi-Kun YAO Xing-Wei MA Da-Yong 《Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第12期881-899,共19页
The current study was designed to explore the brain protection mechanism of Xinglou Chengqi Decoction(XCD)based on gut microbiota analysis and network pharmacology. A transient middle cerebral artery occlusion(MCAO) m... The current study was designed to explore the brain protection mechanism of Xinglou Chengqi Decoction(XCD)based on gut microbiota analysis and network pharmacology. A transient middle cerebral artery occlusion(MCAO) model of mice was established, followed by behavioral evaluation, TTC and TUNEL staining. Additionally, to investigate the effects of gut microbiota on neurological function after stroke, C57BL/6 mice were treated with anti-biotic cocktails 14 days prior to ischemic stroke(IS) to deplete the gut microbiota. High-throughput 16S rDNA gene sequencing, metabonomics technique, and flow multifactor technology were used to analyze bacterial communities, SCFAs and inflammatory cytokines respectively. Finally, as a supplement, network pharmacology and molecular docking were applied to fully explore the multicomponent-multitarget-multichannel mechanism of XCD in treating IS, implicated in ADME screening, target identification, network analysis, functional annotation, and pathway enrichment analysis.We found that XCD effectively improved neurological function, relieved cerebral infarction and decreased the neuronal apoptosis.Moreover, XCD promoted the release of anti-inflammatory factor like IL-10, while down-regulating pro-inflammatory factors such as TNF-α, IL-17A, and IL-22. Furthermore, XCD significantly increased the levels of short chain fatty acids(SCFAs), especially butyric acid. The mechanism might be related to the regulation of SCFAs-producing bacteria like Verrucomicrobia and Akkermansia, and bacteria that regulate inflammation like Paraprevotella, Roseburia, Streptophyta and Enterococcu. Finally, in the network pharmacological analysis, 51 active compounds in XCD and 44 intersection targets of IS and XCD were selected. As a validation, components in XCD docked well with key targets. It was obviously that biological processes were mainly involved in the regulation of apoptotic process, inflammatory response, response to fatty acid, and regulation of establishment of endothelial barrier in GO enrichment. XCD can improve neurological function in experimental stroke mice, partly due to the regulation of gut microbiota. Besises, XCD has the characteristic of "multi-component, multi-target and multi-channel" in the treatment of IS revealed by network pharmacology and molecular docking. 展开更多
关键词 Xinglou Chengqi Decoction Ischemic stroke Gut microbiota Network pharmacology
Onset and Recurrence Characteristics of Chinese Patients with Noncardiogenic Ischemic Stroke in Chinese Medicine Hospitals 被引量:6
作者 GAO Yang xie Yan-ming +9 位作者 WANG Gui-qian CAI Ye-feng SHEN Xiao-ming ZHAO De-xi xie ying-zhen ZHANG Yin MENG Fan-xing YU Hai-qing JIANG Jun-jie WEI Rui-Li 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第6期492-500,共9页
Objective:To delineate the onset and recurrence characteristics of noncardiogenic ischemic stroke patients in China.Methods:A prospective,multicenter and registry study was carried out in 2,558 patients at 7 represent... Objective:To delineate the onset and recurrence characteristics of noncardiogenic ischemic stroke patients in China.Methods:A prospective,multicenter and registry study was carried out in 2,558 patients at 7 representative clinical sub-centers during November 3,2016 to February 17,2019.A questionnaire was used to collect information of patients regarding CM syndromes and constitutions and associated risk factors.Additionally,stroke recurrence was defined as a primary outcome indicator.Results:A total of 327(12.78%)patients endured recurrence events,1,681(65.72%)patients were men,and the average age was 63.33±9.45 years.Totally 1,741(68.06%)patients suffered first-ever ischemic stroke,1,772(69.27%)patients reported to have hypertension,and1,640(64.11%)of them reported dyslipidemia,1,595(62.35%)patients exhibited small-artery occlusion by The Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment(TOAST)classification.Specifically,1,271(49.69%)patients were considered as qi-deficient constitution,and 1,227(47.97%)patients were determined as stagnant blood constitution.There were 1,303(50.94%)patients diagnosed as blood stasis syndrome,1,280(50.04%)patients exhibited phlegm and dampness syndrome and 1,012(39.56%)patients demonstrated qi deficiency syndrome.And 1,033(40.38%)patients declared intracranial artery stenosis,and 478(18.69%)patients reported carotid artery stenosis.The plaque in 1,508(41.36%)patients were of mixed.Particularly,41.09%of them demonstrated abnormal levels of glycated hemoglobin(HbA1 c)levels.Conclusions:Recurrence in minor and small-artery stroke cannot be ignored.Hypertension,dyslipidemia,abnormal HbA1 c,intracranial artery stenosis and carotid plaque were more common in stroke patients.Particularly,phlegm-dampness and blood stasis syndromes,as well as qi deficiency and blood stasis constitutions,were still the main manifestations of stroke.(Trial registration at ClinicalTrials.gov,No.NCT03174535) 展开更多
关键词 noncardiogenic ischemic stroke Chinese medicine hospital onset characteristics RECURRENCE
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