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针灸治疗荨麻疹的探讨 被引量:8
作者 蔡玲玲 张丰川 +7 位作者 林欢儿 许开拓 吴希玲 林毅 张欣宇 梁思奇 姚美玉 李元文 《中医临床研究》 2019年第27期84-86,共3页
目的:探讨荨麻疹的病因病机,针灸疗法治疗本病的特点、优势及常用取穴,以期为临床提供指导意见.方法:检索近几年有关文献,归纳医家对于针灸治疗本病的方法与见解,结合笔者多年的临床经验,提出具有代表性的治疗取穴.结论:中医认为荨麻疹... 目的:探讨荨麻疹的病因病机,针灸疗法治疗本病的特点、优势及常用取穴,以期为临床提供指导意见.方法:检索近几年有关文献,归纳医家对于针灸治疗本病的方法与见解,结合笔者多年的临床经验,提出具有代表性的治疗取穴.结论:中医认为荨麻疹属廪赋不耐,致风邪搏结于肌肤,与气血相搏,发生风团.荨麻疹风团属于"局限性、过敏性水肿反应",根据《黄帝内经》中观点"诸湿肿满皆属于脾",加上慢性荨麻疹患者中不乏脾虚湿蕴的证型,因此笔者在治疗中也注重健脾除湿消肿的针刺配穴.总之,针灸疗法治疗本病时,应以扶正益气固表、健脾除湿消肿、养血祛风止痒为原则,局部与整体辨证相结合的方法,选取主穴后根据不同的症状配以相应的腧穴,医家选穴均依照辨证选穴、循经选穴、局部选穴和选特定穴的规律进行施治.虽然针灸疗法治疗本病以其特有的优势值得临床借鉴与推广,但其临床研究和治疗方案仍需要不断完善. 展开更多
关键词 针灸 荨麻疹 经络取穴 治疗
Study and Discussion on Acupuncture Treatment of Urticaria
作者 Cai Lingling Li Yuanwen +8 位作者 Zhang Yueyue Li Hua Yin Xia Dong Ying Zhao Fengzhu Fang Yun Sun Jie Shi Jingwen xu kaituo 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2017年第2期1-4,共4页
OBJECTIVE:To explore the etiology and pathogenesis of urticaria and its characteristics,advantages of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of it and the commonly used acupoints,with a prospect of providing clinical g... OBJECTIVE:To explore the etiology and pathogenesis of urticaria and its characteristics,advantages of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of it and the commonly used acupoints,with a prospect of providing clinical guidance for other doctors.METHODS:Methods and views of urticaria treatment with acupuncture and moxibustion were summarized and the representative acupoints were found out by retrieving related literatures in recent years.RESULTS:Traditional Chinese medicine holds that urticaria is caused by weakness and leads to the wind stroke knot on the skin,which fights against qi and blood and generates wheal..Acupuncture therapy has its unique advantages in treating,which is worth clinical reference and promotion,however,there are still some problems in its clinical study.CONCLUSION:Acupuncture therapy should be combined with reinforcing qi and nourishing blood,detoxification dehumidification,dispelling wind and arresting itching as the principle,as according to the the principle that different symptomsmatch with the corresponding points after selecting the main point.Physiciansshould treat patients by choosing acupuncture point according to the law of syndrome differentiation in selecting,tired to choose acupuncture point,local pick acupuncture point and choosing particular points.As urticaria may attack in any season,in any place and on any person.Therefore,the prevention and treatment of urticariais a protracted war,and needs to strengthen the nursing in the treatmentto achieve the desired effect. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture and moxibustion URTICARIA Channels and collaterals TREATMENT
Experience of Professor Li Yuanwen in treating psoriasis
作者 Cai Ling-ling Li Ping +6 位作者 Wang Yan xu kaituo Shi Jingwen Lin Weihua Wang Dongqi WU Meichao Li Yuanwen 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2016年第4期16-18,共3页
Professor Li has combined TCM and modern medicine in the treatment of skin diseases for more than 30 years and has accumulated rich experience.We summarize some of his clinical experience in treating psoriasis.
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