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作者 曲虹宇 胡文德 +8 位作者 李相呈 徐睿 韩笑 李俊杰 陆怡卿 叶迎春 王传明 王振东 杨为民 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第5期253-261,共9页
生物质平台化合物的选择性氢解对生产可持续化学品和燃料具有重要意义.2,5-二甲基呋喃(DMF)是一种重要的生物基化学品,其不仅可作为汽油添加剂,还可与乙烯发生Diels-Alder环加成脱水反应直接合成生物基对二甲苯.DMF主要通过5-羟甲基糠醛... 生物质平台化合物的选择性氢解对生产可持续化学品和燃料具有重要意义.2,5-二甲基呋喃(DMF)是一种重要的生物基化学品,其不仅可作为汽油添加剂,还可与乙烯发生Diels-Alder环加成脱水反应直接合成生物基对二甲苯.DMF主要通过5-羟甲基糠醛(HMF)氢解制备.当以氢气为氢源时,常用的催化剂体系包括贵金属(如Ru,Pt,Pd)及多种非贵金属(如Ni,Cu,Co)复合催化剂体系.虽然上述催化剂表现出良好的催化性能,但是贵金属的高成本以及非贵金属复合催化剂的回收难等问题阻碍了其工业应用.因此,利用单一非贵金属催化剂实现高效HMF氢化制DMF具有重要意义.本文采用简单的配位-浸渍-热解法制备了超低Ni负载的非贵金属Ni-C_(3)N_(4)/HC催化剂,Ni负载量低至0.86 wt%.在190℃及1.5 MPa氢气条件下,经过4 h反应,HMF完全转化,DMF产率达到94.2%,DMF生产能力可达12.8 mmolDMF mmolNi-1 h^(-1),在已报道的Ni,Co和Cu基催化剂中处于较高水平.此外,Ni-C_(3)N_(4)/HC催化剂表现出良好的稳定性,在固定床反应器中连续反应120 h未见明显失活.透射电镜结果表明,Ni物种高度分散在活性炭载体上,其平均粒径约为2.6 nm.Ni纳米颗粒被约1.3 nm厚的C_(3)N_(4)壳层紧密包裹,有效稳定了Ni纳米颗粒并抑制了其在反应过程中团聚.X射线能谱分析显示,Ni和N元素呈现均匀分布,表明可能形成了Ni_(3)N物种.X射线光电子能谱和电子能量损失谱结果进一步证实了Ni_(3)N物种的存在.密度泛函理论计算结果表明,Ni_(3)N是氢解反应的本征活性组分,它表现出良好的C-O键活化性能.推测反应主要遵循HMF先转化为MF(5-甲基糠醛),再转化为MFA(5-甲基-2-呋喃甲醇),最终生成DMF的路线进行.鉴于Ni-C_(3)N_(4)/HC催化剂中的Ni_(3)N物种表现出了较好的C-O键活化性能,进一步考察了该催化剂对木质素衍生单体和木质素模型化合物的催化性能.实验结果表明,Ni-C_(3)N_(4)/HC催化剂在C-O键活化断裂加氢反应中表现出广泛的适用性.另外,H_(2)处理的活性炭载体也发挥了重要作用:(1)降低了活性炭的含氧量,提高载体热稳定性,并减弱了载体的酸性,从而有效避免了底物的HMF聚合;(2)有助于Ni物种的均匀分散,减少了NiO物种的生成,增加了Ni_(3)N活性物种的含量,从而提升了催化剂的性能.综上,本文制备了超低Ni负载的非贵金属Ni-C_(3)N_(4)/HC催化剂,其表现出高效的HMF氢解制DMF性能及良好的稳定性.同时,该催化剂对木质素衍生单体和木质素模型化合物也有广泛的适用性.本研究为开发用于生物质加氢和氢解反应的单一非贵金属催化剂提供了新思路. 展开更多
关键词 生物质 5-羟甲基糠醛 2 5-二甲基呋喃 氢解 Ni_(3)N
SCM-36分子筛纳米片用于乙烯和2,5-二甲基呋喃转化制可再生对二甲苯 被引量:3
作者 马多征 李相呈 +6 位作者 刘闯 Caroline Versluis 叶迎春 王振东 Eelco T.C.Vogt Bert M.Weckhuysen 杨为民 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第4期200-213,共14页
分子筛是一类重要的结晶多孔材料,广泛应用于化学工业.开发新型分子筛特别是硅铝酸盐分子筛,一直是该领域的研究热点.分子筛的晶化过程一般需要结构导向剂的参与,包括碱(土)金属离子为代表的无机阳离子,有机胺或季铵盐为代表的有机物以... 分子筛是一类重要的结晶多孔材料,广泛应用于化学工业.开发新型分子筛特别是硅铝酸盐分子筛,一直是该领域的研究热点.分子筛的晶化过程一般需要结构导向剂的参与,包括碱(土)金属离子为代表的无机阳离子,有机胺或季铵盐为代表的有机物以及分子筛晶种.采用两种及以上结构导向剂的分子筛合成策略,具有调节分子筛骨架原子、晶体形貌和化学组成的作用,是开发新分子筛的有效手段.对二甲苯(PX)是合成对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)的重要原料.PX主要来源于石油资源,开发基于生物质原料生产PX的技术有利于缓解日益严峻的环境和能源危机.本文采用两种有机结构导向剂,以四甲基氢氧化铵(TMAOH)为有机结构导向剂,同时向体系中加入十六烷基溴化吡啶(C_(16)Py Br)或正辛基三甲基氯化铵(OTMAC),合成了一种新型铝硅酸盐分子筛,命名为SCM-36(Sinopec Composite Material No.36).SCM-36分子筛具有独特的X射线粉末衍射谱图(XRD)和纳米片状形貌.原位XRD结果表明,SCM-36分子筛在焙烧过程中由于晶胞收缩而导致衍射峰的偏移.扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜以及共聚焦荧光成像显微镜表征结果表明,分子筛为纳米片形貌,厚度为6.9-14.9 nm.N_(2)和Ar物理吸附-脱附结果表明,SCM-36分子筛的BET表面积为355 m^(2)/g,其具有0.59 nm和0.67 nm左右孔尺寸的微孔孔道.两种有机结构导向剂都进入了分子筛孔道,在焙烧时于不同的温度区间发生分解.原位CO傅里叶变换红外光谱结果表明,SCM-36的Brönsted酸强度(△υ(CO…OH)=313 cm^(-1))与ZSM-5相当.采用原位紫外可见光吸收光谱监测4-甲氧基苯乙烯和4-氟苯乙烯的低聚探针反应过程,证实了SCM-36分子筛同时具有强酸和弱酸,且以弱酸为主的酸性质.在催化DMF和乙烯制备PX的反应中,SCM-36分子筛不仅表现出与传统分子筛(ZSM-5,Beta)相当的高转化率,而且表现出更高的PX选择性(93%).其较好的催化性能归因于该分子筛良好的扩散性能和适宜的酸性质.且SCM-36分子筛的稳定性较好,可重复使用.综上,利用双有机结构导向剂合成分子筛是开发新分子筛的有效策略,采用该策略合成的SCM-36纳米片分子筛具有潜在的应用价值. 展开更多
关键词 分子筛 硅铝酸盐 SCM-36 原位光谱 对二甲苯 生物质
An Iterative Detection/Decoding Algorithm of Correlated Sources for the LDPC-Based Relay Systems 被引量:1
作者 Haiqiang Chen Hang Cao +3 位作者 xiangcheng li Youming Sun Haibin Wan Tuanfa Qin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第9期190-198,共9页
An iterative detection/decoding algorithm of correlated sources for the LDPC-based relay systems is presented. The signal from the source-destination(S-D) link is formulated as a highly correlated counterpart from the... An iterative detection/decoding algorithm of correlated sources for the LDPC-based relay systems is presented. The signal from the source-destination(S-D) link is formulated as a highly correlated counterpart from the relay-destination(R-D) link. A special XOR vector is defined using the correlated hard decision information blocks from two decoders and the extrinsic information exchanged between the two decoders is derived by the log-likelihood ratio(LLR) associated with the XOR vector. Such the decoding scheme is different from the traditional turbo-like detection/decoding algorithm, where the extrinsic information is computed by the side information and the soft decoder outputs. Simulations show that the presented algorithm has a slightly better performance than the traditional turbo-like algorithm(Taking the(255,175) EG-LDPC code as an example, it achieves about 0.1 dB performance gains aroundBLER=10^(-4)). Furthermore, the presented algorithm requires fewer computing operations per iteration and has faster convergence rate. For example, the average iteration of the presented algorithm is 33 at SNR=1.8 dB, which is about twice faster than that of the turbo-like algorithm, when decoding the(961,721) QC-LDPC code. Therefore, the presented decoding algorithm of correlated sources provides an alternative decoding solution for the LDPC-based relay systems. 展开更多
关键词 CORRELATED sources ITERATIVE de-coding LDPC CODES RELAY channel
Chinese expert consensus on conversion therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma(2021 edition) 被引量:26
作者 Hui-Chuan Sun Jian Zhou +77 位作者 Zheng Wang Xiufeng liu Qing Xie Weidong Jia Ming Zhao Xinyu Bi Gong li Xueli Bai Yuan Ji li Xu Xiao-Dong Zhu Dousheng Bai Yajin Chen Yongjun Chen Chaoliu Dai Rongping Guo Wenzhi Guo Chunyi Hao Tao Huang Zhiyong Huang Deyu li Gang li Tao li xiangcheng li Guangming li Xiao liang Jingfeng liu Fubao liu Shichun Lu Zheng Lu Weifu Lv Yilei Mao Guoliang Shao Yinghong Shi Tianqiang Song Guang Tan Yunqiang Tang Kaishan Tao Chidan Wan Guangyi Wang Lu Wang Shunxiang Wang Tianfu Wen Baocai Xing Bangde Xiang Sheng Yan Dinghua Yang Guowen Yin Tao Yin Zhenyu Yin Zhengping Yu Bixiang Zhang Jialin Zhang Shuijun Zhang Ti Zhang Yamin Zhang Yubao Zhang Aibin Zhang Haitao Zhao Ledu Zhou Wu Zhang Zhenyu Zhu Shukui Qin Feng Shen Xiujun Cai Gaojun Teng Jianqiang Cai Minshan Chen Qiang li lianxin liu Weilin Wang Tingbo liang Jiahong Dong Xiaoping Chen Xuehao Wang Shusen Zheng Jia Fan 《Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition》 SCIE 2022年第2期227-252,I0011-I0014,共30页
Recent advances in systemic and locoregional treatments for patients with unresectable or advanced hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)have resulted in improved response rates.This has provided an opportunity for selected pa... Recent advances in systemic and locoregional treatments for patients with unresectable or advanced hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)have resulted in improved response rates.This has provided an opportunity for selected patients with initially unresectable HCC to achieve adequate tumor downstaging to undergo surgical resection,a‘conversion therapy’strategy.However,conversion therapy is a new approach to the treatment of HCC and its practice and treatment protocols are still being developed.Review the evidence for conversion therapy in HCC and develop consensus statements to guide clinical practice.Evidence review:Many research centers in China have accumulated significant experience implementing HCC conversion therapy.Preliminary findings and data have shown that conversion therapy represents an important strategy to maximize the survival of selected patients with intermediate stage to advanced HCC;however,there are still many urgent clinical and scientific challenges for this therapeutic strategy and its related fields.In order to summarize and learn from past experience and review current challenges,the Chinese Expert Consensus on Conversion Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma(2021 Edition)was developed based on a review of preliminary experience and clinical data from Chinese and non-Chinese studies in this field and combined with recommendations for clinical practice.Sixteen consensus statements on the implementation of conversion therapy for HCC were developed.The statements generated in this review are based on a review of clinical evidence and real clinical experience and will help guide future progress in conversion therapy for patients with HCC. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) conversion therapy surgical resection systematic treatment locoregional treatment CONSENSUS China
Two-Stage Constructions for the Rate-Compatible Shortened Polar Codes 被引量:1
作者 Chunjie li Haiqiang Chen +3 位作者 Zelin Wang Youming Sun xiangcheng li Tuanfa Qin 《Tsinghua Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第2期269-282,共14页
In this paper,we propose the two-stage constructions for the rate-compatible shortened polar(RCSP)codes.For the Stage-I construction,the shortening pattern and the frozen bit are jointly designed to make the shortened... In this paper,we propose the two-stage constructions for the rate-compatible shortened polar(RCSP)codes.For the Stage-I construction,the shortening pattern and the frozen bit are jointly designed to make the shortened bits be completely known by the decoder.Besides,a distance-greedy algorithm is presented to improve the minimum Hamming distance of the codes.To design the remaining Stage-II frozen bits,three different construction algorithms are further presented,called the Reed-Muller(RM)construction,the Gaussian Approximation(GA)construction,and the RM-GA construction.Then we give the row weight distribution numerical results of the generator matrix after the Stage-I and Stage-II constructions,which shows that the proposed constructions can efficiently increase the minimum Hamming distance.Simulation results show that the proposed RCSP codes have excellent frame error rate(FER)performances at different code lengths and code rates.More specifically,the RM-GA construction performs best and can achieve at most 0.8 dB gain compared to the Wang14 and the quasi-uniform puncturing(QUP)schemes.The RM construction is designed completely by the distance-constraint without channel evaluation thus has the simplest structure.Interestingly,it still has better FER performance than the existing shortening/puncturing schemes,especially at high signal noise ratio(SNR)region. 展开更多
关键词 polar codes rate-compatibility Reed-Muller codes Hamming distance SHORTENING
Polar codes: Encoding/decoding and rate-compatible jointly design for HARQ system 被引量:1
作者 Qiaoli Zeng Quan Zhou +3 位作者 Xiangkun He Youming Sun xiangcheng li Haiqiang Chen 《Intelligent and Converged Networks》 2021年第4期334-346,共13页
Polar coding are the first class of provable capacity-achieving coding techniques for a wide range of channels.With an ideal recursive structure and many elegant mathematical properties,polar codes are inherently impl... Polar coding are the first class of provable capacity-achieving coding techniques for a wide range of channels.With an ideal recursive structure and many elegant mathematical properties,polar codes are inherently implemented with low complexity encoding and decoding algorithms.Since the block length of the original polar construction is limited to powers of two,rate-compatible polar codes(RCPC)are presented to meet the flexible length/rate transmission requirements in practice.The RCPC codes are well-conditioned to combine with the hybrid automatic repeat request(HARQ)system,providing high throughput efficiency and such RCPC-HAPQ scheme is commonly used in delay-insensitive communication system.This paper first gives a survey of both the classical and state-of-the-art encoding/decoding algorithms for polar codes.Then the RCPC construction methods are discussed,including the puncturing,shortening,multi-kernel construction,etc.Finally,we investigate several RCPC-HARQ jointly design systems and discuss their encoding gain and re-transmission diversity gain. 展开更多
关键词 polar code rate compatible hybrid automatic re-transmission request polar coding/decoding
Mature typhoon “cloud gyro” model and numerical simulation study
作者 Xiaogang HUANG xiangcheng li +2 位作者 Xiaoping CHENG Chenxi ZHANG Juli DING 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第5期749-756,共8页
Due to the coarse temporal resolution of the best track databases for typhoons,some small-scale characteristics of typhoon motion have been neglected.In order to reveal the fine features of typhoon motion,the dense cl... Due to the coarse temporal resolution of the best track databases for typhoons,some small-scale characteristics of typhoon motion have been neglected.In order to reveal the fine features of typhoon motion,the dense cloud within the radius of maximum wind(RMW)of mature typhoons,defined as a“cloud gyro”that simultaneously spins around its own rotational axis and precesses around the vertical axis,is approximated to a rigid body.Based on the principles of gyrodynamics,the derived mathematical model of a typhoon track indicates that typhoon movement is composed of translational motion governed by the steering flow and superimposed precessional motion that manifests as the inherent characteristics of typhoon tracks,especially with the external torque.High temporal resolution numerical simulation of a real case verifies the conclusion of this study,which is that the smaller the RMW,the larger the tangential wind speed or the larger the external torque,and the more obviously precessional motion manifests. 展开更多
关键词 Mature typhoon Cloud gyro Precession angular velocity
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