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作者 熊果 胡黄灿 +3 位作者 刘桥云 曾力 徐文婷 杨宏昀 《当代化工研究》 CAS 2024年第19期185-187,共3页
逆水气变换制是CO为CO_(2)加氢二步法合成甲醇过程中的第一步。本文在逆水气变换反应过程引入脱水耦合反应,突破该反应在低温下的平衡限制。本文考察了脱水剂性能、脱水剂含量、H2与CO进料比等对该反应的影响,证明添加20%的脱水剂即可... 逆水气变换制是CO为CO_(2)加氢二步法合成甲醇过程中的第一步。本文在逆水气变换反应过程引入脱水耦合反应,突破该反应在低温下的平衡限制。本文考察了脱水剂性能、脱水剂含量、H2与CO进料比等对该反应的影响,证明添加20%的脱水剂即可至少提高商用催化剂低温(220~330℃)活性4~5倍,并获得远超平衡限制的CO_(2)转化率。 展开更多
关键词 碳中和 RWGS反应 二氧化碳加氢 脱水剂
作者 张君权 武婷婷 +5 位作者 姚翔宇 熊果 蒋炳军 陈庆山 孙石 韩天富 《中国油料作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1251-1267,共17页
为实现大豆高通量基因分型和分子标记辅助选择(MAS),根据大豆中已报道的重要性状基因功能位点,开发了22个KASP标记,分别对应大豆结荚习性(Dt1基因)、多粒荚(Ln基因)、炸荚(Pdh1基因)、籽粒大小(GmSSS1、GmST05基因)、开花期(J,GmPRR3a,G... 为实现大豆高通量基因分型和分子标记辅助选择(MAS),根据大豆中已报道的重要性状基因功能位点,开发了22个KASP标记,分别对应大豆结荚习性(Dt1基因)、多粒荚(Ln基因)、炸荚(Pdh1基因)、籽粒大小(GmSSS1、GmST05基因)、开花期(J,GmPRR3a,GmPRR3b,GmFUL2a,GmLHY1a,GmLHY1b,GmSOC1a,E4基因)、蛋白和油分含量(GmSWEET39基因)、胡萝卜素含量(GmCCD4基因)、磷利用效率(GmPHF1基因)、氮利用效率(GmGLP20.4基因)、根瘤共生兼容性(Rj2基因)和细胞分裂素合成(GmCXK7-1基因)等性状和基因。对标记的分型鉴定表明,除e4-sore大片段标记不能区分杂合样本外,其余21个标记均能对杂合和两种纯合基因型进行准确分型。结合表型信息对多粒荚、叶形和结荚习性标记的表型选择效率进行了评估,结果表明多粒荚Ln基因分子标记对表型的选择效率为84.0%,对叶形的选择效率为94.8%,结荚习性Dt1基因分子标记对表型的选择效率为87.4%,显示出较高的预测准确性。本实验开发的22个功能标记可对基因型进行准确分型,在大豆分子标记辅助选择中具有重要利用价值。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 功能标记 KASP 分子标记辅助选择
城市中心区大型购物中心的社会空间生产与地方重建——以南京水游城为例 被引量:6
作者 张敏 熊帼 《现代城市研究》 CSSCI 2018年第9期11-18,共8页
作为资本与城市经营结合的产物,在城市中心建设大型购物中心已成为一个新的全球化现象,其带来城市空间结构和传统地区的社会生活剧烈重构。本研究在回顾国内外大型购物中心在内城及城市中心崛起的社会经济背景与影响的基础上,运用列斐... 作为资本与城市经营结合的产物,在城市中心建设大型购物中心已成为一个新的全球化现象,其带来城市空间结构和传统地区的社会生活剧烈重构。本研究在回顾国内外大型购物中心在内城及城市中心崛起的社会经济背景与影响的基础上,运用列斐伏尔空间生产理论的"建构的空间"与"感知的空间"概念,以南京水游城购物中心为例,剖析城市传统商业地区大型购物中心作为一种社会空间生产的过程、特征与机制。研究指出自上而下的空间生产对地方具有强力控制和影响,来自居民和消费者底层的挪用和抵抗是生动、丰富却又是边缘和脆弱的。居民的日常生活实践仍然是一个值得关注的领域,有助于启发城市政府、公共利益部门以及规划设计机构在城市更新与引入开发项目中更好地协调矛盾与冲突,以保护地方特质与传承历史文化。 展开更多
关键词 空间生产 社会空间 建构的空间 感知的空间 购物中心 南京水游城
含锌转炉炼钢泥的理化特性分析研究 被引量:4
作者 熊果 刘欣 +4 位作者 周云花 陈彤 刘燕飞 郑自豪 单家云 《烧结球团》 北大核心 2021年第3期93-98,共6页
转炉尘泥是转炉炼钢过程中产生的副产物,由于炼钢时加入了含锌原料,使转炉尘泥中的含锌量持续升高而不能直接利用。本文采用ICP、激光粒度分析、XRD和SEM-EDS等分析手段对转炉炼钢湿法收尘泥进行了分析。结果表明:含锌转炉泥中主要含有F... 转炉尘泥是转炉炼钢过程中产生的副产物,由于炼钢时加入了含锌原料,使转炉尘泥中的含锌量持续升高而不能直接利用。本文采用ICP、激光粒度分析、XRD和SEM-EDS等分析手段对转炉炼钢湿法收尘泥进行了分析。结果表明:含锌转炉泥中主要含有Fe、Ca、Zn等元素,其中,w(Fe)为48%~50%,物相为Fe3O4、Fe2O3与FeO;w(Zn)为3.5%~3.7%,物相为ZnO与ZnFe2O4,且主要以ZnFe2O4形式存在;含锌转炉泥的粒径分布窄,主要集中在0.1~1.0μm之间,90%的颗粒粒径小于1μm。此外,通过对其特性分析发现,目前常用的含锌尘泥处置方法对其存在一定的不适用性,解决含锌转炉尘泥的回用问题还需寻求更有效且经济的技术方法。 展开更多
关键词 转炉炼钢 转炉泥 含锌尘泥 理化特性
激光熔覆无碳Fe-Co-Mo高速钢涂层的组织结构与性能 被引量:1
作者 熊果 谢丰伟 +2 位作者 袁紫仁 康希越 贺跃辉 《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》 EI 2021年第1期84-90,共7页
用水雾化合金粉末为原料,通过同步送粉式激光熔覆技术在40Cr基材上制备无碳高速钢涂层,对涂层的显微硬度、红硬性和抗回火稳定性进行测试和分析,研究工艺参数对涂层形貌及硬度的影响。结果表明,在适宜的参数下能够在基材表面获得无宏观... 用水雾化合金粉末为原料,通过同步送粉式激光熔覆技术在40Cr基材上制备无碳高速钢涂层,对涂层的显微硬度、红硬性和抗回火稳定性进行测试和分析,研究工艺参数对涂层形貌及硬度的影响。结果表明,在适宜的参数下能够在基材表面获得无宏观裂纹和气孔的无碳高速钢涂层。涂层致密度高、稀释率低,与基体呈现出良好的冶金结合。涂层熔覆态下显微硬度(HV0.2)达到700,经过600℃下1 h时效后,涂层硬度(HV0.2)明显提升至900。经过4次600℃保温1 h的时效后,涂层硬度(HV0.2)保持在800。此外在600℃保温30 h的长时间回火后,涂层仍然可以保持硬度(HV0.2)达750,相较于常规高速钢ASP2030以及热作模具钢H13具有更加出色的抗回火能力。 展开更多
关键词 激光熔覆 无碳高速钢 组织结构 抗回火稳定性 涂层
亚胺培南西司他丁钠美罗培南在重症肺部感染患者治疗效果及成本分析 被引量:24
作者 熊果 吴秀芹 +1 位作者 黄琼秀 李小露 《河北医学》 CAS 2020年第12期2083-2087,共5页
目的:分析重症肺部感染患者临床症状,依照个案实际情况给予亚胺培南西司他丁钠、美罗培南治疗,探讨该方案的最终效果并计算治疗成本。方法:选取2017年1月至2019年12月我院收治的80例重症肺部感染患者作为研究对象,红蓝球分组法将其分为... 目的:分析重症肺部感染患者临床症状,依照个案实际情况给予亚胺培南西司他丁钠、美罗培南治疗,探讨该方案的最终效果并计算治疗成本。方法:选取2017年1月至2019年12月我院收治的80例重症肺部感染患者作为研究对象,红蓝球分组法将其分为两组,亚胺培南西司他丁钠组患者行亚胺培南西司他丁钠治疗,美罗培南组患者行美罗培南治疗。对比两组干预效果、血气水平、炎性指标、治疗成本。结果:两组患者的干预效果并无明显差异(80.0%VS85.0%)(P>0.05);亚胺培南西司他丁钠组患者血气PaO2、PCO2、PaO2/FiO2、PCT、CRP水平优于美罗培南组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);亚胺培南西司他丁钠组治疗成本-效果优异于美罗培南组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:亚胺培南西司他丁钠与美罗培南均对重症肺部感染的治疗均具有积极意义。但亚胺培南西司他丁钠在改善患者血气水平、炎性反应等方面效果更佳,与美罗培南组对比,亚胺培南西司他丁钠组治疗成本-效果更佳,有明显的药物经济学优势。 展开更多
关键词 重症肺部感染 亚胺培南西司他丁钠 美罗培南 效果 治疗成本
Numerical simulation of dendrite growth in Ni-based superalloy casting during directional solidification process 被引量:8
作者 Xue-wei YAN xiong guo +3 位作者 Yan-ling LIU Xiu-fang GONG Qing-yan XU Bai-cheng LIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第2期338-348,共11页
An understanding of dendrite growth is required in order to improve the properties of castings. For this reason, cellular automaton-finite difference(CA-FD) method was used to investigate the dendrite growth during di... An understanding of dendrite growth is required in order to improve the properties of castings. For this reason, cellular automaton-finite difference(CA-FD) method was used to investigate the dendrite growth during directional solidification(DS)process. The solute diffusion model combined with macro temperature field model was established for predicting the dendrite growth behavior. Model validation was performed by the DS experiment, and the cooling curves and grain structures obtained by the experiment presented a reasonable agreement with the simulation results. The competitive growth of dendrites was also simulated by the proposed model, and the competitive behavior of dendrites with different misalignment angles was also discussed in detail.Subsequently, 3D dendrites growth was also investigated by experiment and simulation, and both were in good accordance. The influence on dendrites growth of initial nucleus was investigated by three simulation cases, and the results showed that the initial nuclei just had an effect on the initial growth stage of columnar dendrites, but had little influence on the final dendritic morphology and the primary dendrite arm spacing. 展开更多
关键词 numerical simulation directional solidification dendrite growth Ni-based superalloy
Efficacy of Long-term Selenium Supplementation in the Treatment of Chronic Keshan Disease with Congestive Heart Failure 被引量:6
作者 Yan-he ZHU Xin-feng WANG +6 位作者 Guang YANG Jin WEI Wu-hong TAN Li-xin WANG xiong guo Mikko J.Lammi Jie-hua XU 《Current Medical Science》 SCIE CAS 2019年第2期237-242,共6页
Few effective treatments for chronic Keshan disease have been available till now.The efficacy of long-term selenium supplementation in the treatment of chronic Keshan disease with congestive heart failure is inconclus... Few effective treatments for chronic Keshan disease have been available till now.The efficacy of long-term selenium supplementation in the treatment of chronic Keshan disease with congestive heart failure is inconclusive.This study aimed to determine whether selenium supplementation is associated with a decreased risk of cardiac death in chronic Keshan disease with congestive heart failure by ten years of follow-up.A retrospective long-term follow-up analysis was performed on a monitored cohort consisting of 302 chronic Keshan disease patients with a mean age of 40.8±11.4 years.Of the 302 chronic Keshan disease patients,170(56.3%)were given selenium supplementation until the end point of follow-up.Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to identify the independent predictors of cardiac events.Our results showed that during the follow-up,there were 101 deaths of patients with chronic Keshan disease in the selenium supplementation group(101/170,59.4%)and 98 in non-selenium supplementation group(98/132,74.2%).Multivariate analyses suggested that selenium supplementation was associated with a decreased risk of cardiac death(HR 0.39,95%CI 0.28-0.53)after adjustment for baseline age,sex,cigarette smoking,family history of Keshan disease,body mass index(BMI),heart rate,electrocardiogram(ECG)abnonnalities,blood pressure,initial cardiothoracic ratio,left ventricular可ection fractions(LVEF)and whole-blood selenium concentration.Our ten-year follow-up analysis indicated that selenium supplementation,specifically combined with the use of angiotensinconverting cnzyme inhibitor and beta blocker therapy,improved the survival of patients with chronic Keshan disease with congestive heart failure.BMI,selenium deficiency,male,combined ECG abnonnalities,LVEF,and fast heart rate increased the risk of cardiac events. 展开更多
关键词 Keshan DISEASE SELENIUM supplementation FOLLOW-UP
Co-delivery of resveratrol and docetaxel via polymeric micelles to improve the treatment of drug-resistant tumors 被引量:4
作者 xiong guo Zhiyue Zhao +5 位作者 Dawei Chen Mingxi Qiao Feng Wan Dongmei Cun Yi Sun Mingshi Yang 《Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences》 SCIE 2019年第1期78-85,共8页
Co-delivery of anti-cancer drugs is promising to improve the efficacy of cancer treatment.This study was aiming to investigate the potential of concurrent delivery of resveratrol(RES)and docetaxel(DTX)via polymeric na... Co-delivery of anti-cancer drugs is promising to improve the efficacy of cancer treatment.This study was aiming to investigate the potential of concurrent delivery of resveratrol(RES)and docetaxel(DTX)via polymeric nanocarriers to treat breast cancer.To this end,methoxyl poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(D,L-lactide)copolymer(mPEG-PDLA)was prepared and characterized using FTIR and 1H NMR,and their molecular weights were determined by GPC.Isobologram analysis and combination index calculation were performed to find the optimal ratio between RES and DTX to against human breast adenocarcinoma cell line(MCF-7 cells).Subsequently,RES and DTX were loaded in the mPEG-PDLA micelles simultaneously,and the morphology,particle size distribution,in vitro release,pharmacokinetic profiles,as well as cytotoxicity to the MCF-7 cells were characterized.IC50 of RES and DTX in MCF-7 cells were determined to be 23.0μg/ml and 10.4μg/ml,respectively,while a lower IC50 of 4.8μg/ml of the combination of RES and DTX was obtained.The combination of RES and DTX at a ratio of 1:1(w/w)generated stronger synergistic effect than other ratios in the MCF-7 cells.RES and DTX loaded mPEG-PDLA micelles exhibited prolonged release profiles,and enhanced cytotoxicity in vitro against MCF-7 cells.The AUC(0→t)of DTX and RES in mPEG-PDLA micelles after i.v.administration to rats were 3.0-fold and 1.6-fold higher than that of i.v.injections of the individual drugs.These findings indicated that the co-delivery of RES and DTX using mPEG-PDLA micelles could have better treatment of tumors. 展开更多
关键词 RESVERATROL DOCETAXEL Methoxyl poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(d l-lactide)copolymer (mPEG-PDLA) Micelles Drug resistance tumor
血滞通胶囊联合阿托伐他汀治疗高脂血症合并脂肪肝的疗效观察 被引量:9
作者 熊果 王伦志 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2019年第2期234-236,共3页
目的研究血滞通胶囊联合阿托伐他汀钙片治疗高脂血症合并脂肪肝的疗效。方法将100例高脂血症合并脂肪肝的病人随机分成对照组与观察组,各50例。对照组采用阿托伐他汀钙片20mg,每日1次;观察组在对照组基础上加用血滞通胶囊,每次2粒,每日3... 目的研究血滞通胶囊联合阿托伐他汀钙片治疗高脂血症合并脂肪肝的疗效。方法将100例高脂血症合并脂肪肝的病人随机分成对照组与观察组,各50例。对照组采用阿托伐他汀钙片20mg,每日1次;观察组在对照组基础上加用血滞通胶囊,每次2粒,每日3次;两组均治疗8周。比较两组的治疗效果。结果观察组高脂血症总有效率为96%,高于对照组的86%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。观察组脂肪肝总有效率为94%,高于对照组的80%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。观察组无不良反应发生。结论血滞通胶囊联合阿托伐他汀钙片较单独使用阿托伐他汀钙片治疗高脂血症合并脂肪肝的疗效更佳,且副作用少。 展开更多
关键词 高脂血症 脂肪肝 血滞通胶囊 阿托伐他汀钙片
In vitro effects of sodium hyaluronate on the proliferation and the apoptosis in chondrocytes from patients with Kashin-Beck disease and osteoarthritis 被引量:5
作者 Zongqiang Gao xiong guo +5 位作者 Chen Duan Weijuan Ma Peng Xu Ruiyu Liu Qisheng Gu Junchang Chen 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2009年第2期104-110,共7页
Objective:To identify the in vitro effects of sodium hyaluronate(HA) on the proliferation and the apoptosis of chondrocytes from patients with Kashin-Beck disease(KBD) and osteoarthritis(OA). Methods:Samples o... Objective:To identify the in vitro effects of sodium hyaluronate(HA) on the proliferation and the apoptosis of chondrocytes from patients with Kashin-Beck disease(KBD) and osteoarthritis(OA). Methods:Samples of articular cartilages from KBD and OA patients, as well as healthy volunteers(6 subjects in each of the 3 groups) were dissected, digested with collagenase and the cells cultured in monolayers. Chondrocytes from each sample were assigned to an untreated group and two HA-treated groups: H0(no HA), H100(HA, 0.1 g/L) and H500(HA, 0.5 g/L). The first passage chondrocytes were used to observe proliferation using the MTT assay, and apoptosis by flow cytometry through Annexin V/PI staining. Results:HA promoted proliferation of chondrocytes in all the three groups, and.in KBD and OA groups, for cells cultured for 4 and 6 days, H500 significantly promoted the cell proliferation. The apoptotic rates of both KBD and OA group chondrocytes were in the order H500 〈 HA100 〈 H0. Conclusion:Sodium hyaluronate administration has a dosedependent in vitro effect to promote proliferation and inhibit apoptosis of chondrocytes from patients with KBD and OA. 展开更多
Screening of methylation genes in age-related cataract 被引量:2
作者 Li Wang Peng Li xiong guo 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2018年第7期1102-1107,共6页
AIM: To analyze and screen the methylation status of whole-genome in age-related cataract samples. METHODS: Anterior lens capsule samples were collected from age-related cortical cataract patients over 50 years of a... AIM: To analyze and screen the methylation status of whole-genome in age-related cataract samples. METHODS: Anterior lens capsule samples were collected from age-related cortical cataract patients over 50 years of age with LOCS III score of nuclear color ≥4 along with control subjects. DNAs were extracted and subjected to methylation microarray for the identification of methylated genes employing the high-throughput sequencing approach. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, 843 sites were found methylated, including 802 hypermethylation sites with 542 corresponding genes, 41 demethylation sites with 29 corresponding sites. COL4 A1, GJA3, SIPA1 L3 were confirmed by mass spectrometry, the results were consistent with high-throughput sequencing. CONCLUSION: DNA methylation microarrays is an efficient way for screening the aberrantly methylated genes. In this study, we are able to screen a few age-related cataract genes such as COL4 A1, GJA3, and SIPA1 L3 for their aberrant methylation patterns in cataract patients however further work is warranted to understand the significance of these findings. 展开更多
关键词 age-related cataract METHYLATION GENES methylation microarrays
曲美他嗪预处理对缺血/再灌注大鼠心肌细胞凋亡的抑制及机制研究 被引量:6
作者 熊果 马康华 《天津医科大学学报》 2018年第2期116-121,共6页
目的:探讨曲美他嗪预处理对缺血/再灌注大鼠心肌细胞凋亡的抑制作用及其可能机制。方法:实验大鼠60只被随机分为假手术组(Sham)、缺血再灌注组(I/R)及预处理缺血再灌注组(T+I/R)各20只,除Sham组外各组缺血45 min,再灌注180 min建模,后用... 目的:探讨曲美他嗪预处理对缺血/再灌注大鼠心肌细胞凋亡的抑制作用及其可能机制。方法:实验大鼠60只被随机分为假手术组(Sham)、缺血再灌注组(I/R)及预处理缺血再灌注组(T+I/R)各20只,除Sham组外各组缺血45 min,再灌注180 min建模,后用TUNEL法检测各组心肌细胞凋亡;免疫组化检测p-CREB蛋白表达,免疫荧光检测Bcl-2与Caspase3蛋白表达;RT-PCR法检测CREB、Bcl-2及Caspase-3基因表达,比较各组结果。结果:(1)I/R组细胞凋亡最多,T+I/R组细胞凋亡明显减少,但仍多于Sham组(P均<0.05);(2)I/R组表达CREB最少、T+I/R组最高、Sham组居中(P均<0.05);(3)Sham组p-CREB少量表达、I/R组增加、T+I/R组显著增加(P均<0.05);(4)Sham组Bcl-2高表达、I/R组低表达、而T+I/R组居中(P均<0.05);(5)I/R组Caspase-3表达显著上调、T+I/R组显著下调、Sham组最低(P均<0.05)。结论:曲美他嗪预处理能显著抑制缺血/再灌注大鼠心肌细胞凋亡,其机制可能与其活化CREB,上调p-CREB及Bcl-2的表达,下调Caspase-3的表达有关。 展开更多
关键词 心肌 缺血/再灌注损伤 细胞凋亡 曲美他嗪 环磷酸腺苷反应蛋白结合元件 Bcl-2 CASPASE-3 大鼠
Cannot see you but can hear you: vocal identity recognition in microbats 被引量:1
作者 xiong guo Bo LUO +2 位作者 Ying LIU Ting-Lei JIANG Jiang FENG 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 2015年第5期257-262,共6页
Identity recognition is one of the most critical social behaviours in a variety of animal species. Microchiropteran bats present a special use case of acoustic communication in the dark. These bats use echolocation pu... Identity recognition is one of the most critical social behaviours in a variety of animal species. Microchiropteran bats present a special use case of acoustic communication in the dark. These bats use echolocation pulses for navigating, foraging, and communicating; however, increasing evidence suggests that echolocation pulses also serve as a means of social communication. Compared with echolocation signals, communication calls in bats have rather complex structures and differ substantially by social context. Bat acoustic signals vary broadly in spectrotemporal space among individuals, sexes, colonies and species. This type of information can be gathered from families of vocalizations based on voice characteristics. In this review we summarize the current studies regarding vocal identity recognition in microbats. We also provide recommendations and directions for further work. 展开更多
关键词 Individualrecognition Social caMicrochiropteran batrecognition Species Echolocation pulse
乡土文化重塑下偏远民族乡村振兴策略浅思——以元阳县黄草岭乡为例 被引量:1
作者 熊帼 程子烨 +1 位作者 陈鹏 王治 《小城镇建设》 2019年第4期109-116,共8页
党的十九大把乡村振兴上升为国家战略。对于偏远地区少数民族乡镇,长期山林"隐居"使其难以享受城市产业、交通、资金、人才等的溢出红利。在当今快节奏的生活下,人们对乡土文化带来的归属感的渴望日益强烈,尤其是有民族独特... 党的十九大把乡村振兴上升为国家战略。对于偏远地区少数民族乡镇,长期山林"隐居"使其难以享受城市产业、交通、资金、人才等的溢出红利。在当今快节奏的生活下,人们对乡土文化带来的归属感的渴望日益强烈,尤其是有民族独特性和神秘感的文化。乡土文化引领下的乡村振兴成为偏远少数民族地区发展的突破口。本文以云南省元阳县黄草岭乡为例,基于发展困境,提炼出梯田农耕、少数民族、驿道商贸三条乡土文化主线,提出改善交通区位融入大景区、转变居民思想认识、划分文化分区、注重归属空间构建、改良传统建筑结构等振兴策略,旨在对偏远地区少数民族乡村振兴困局及路径进行探索。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 乡土文化重塑 少数民族乡村 偏远地区 黄草岭乡
Unleashing the healing potential:Exploring next-generation regenerative protein nanoscaffolds for burn wound recovery
作者 Liangwei Si xiong guo +9 位作者 Hriday Bera Yang Chen Fangfang Xiu Peixin Liu Chunwei Zhao Yasir Faraz Abbasi Xing Tang Vito Foderà Dongmei Cun Mingshi Yang 《Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences》 SCIE CAS 2023年第6期100-112,共13页
Burn injury is a serious public health problem and scientists are continuously aiming to develop promising biomimetic dressings for effective burn wound management.In this study,a greater efficacy in burn wound healin... Burn injury is a serious public health problem and scientists are continuously aiming to develop promising biomimetic dressings for effective burn wound management.In this study,a greater efficacy in burn wound healing and the associated mechanisms ofα-lactalbumin(ALA)based electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds(ENs)as compared to other regenerative protein scaffolds were established.Bovine serum albumin(BSA),collagen type I(COL),lysozyme(LZM)and ALA were separately blended with poly(ε-caprolactone)(PCL)to fabricate four different composite ENs(LZM/PCL,BSA/PCL,COL/PCL and ALA/PCL ENs).The hydrophilic composite scaffolds exhibited an enhancedwettability and variablemechanical properties.The ALA/PCL ENs demonstrated higher levels of fibroblast proliferation and adhesion than the other composite ENs.As compared to PCL ENs and other composite scaffolds,the ALA/PCL ENs also promoted a better maturity of the regenerative skin tissues and showed a comparable wound healing effect to Collagen sponge^(■)on third-degree burn model.The enhanced wound healing activity of ALA/PCL ENs compared to other ENs could be attributed to their ability to promote serotonin production at wound sites.Collectively,this investigation demonstrated that ALA is a unique protein with a greater potential for burn wound healing as compared to other regenerative proteins when loaded in the nanofibrous scaffolds. 展开更多
关键词 Regenerative proteins Α-LACTALBUMIN SEROTONIN Electrospinning Nanofibrous dressing Third-degree burn
Hyaluronic acid inhibited the upregulation of heat-shock protein 70 in human chondrocytes from osteoarthritis and Kashin-Beck disease
作者 ZONGQIANG GAO xiong guo +1 位作者 JUNCHANG CHEN CHEN DUAN 《BIOCELL》 SCIE 2019年第2期99-102,共4页
This study aimed to investigate the effect of hyaluronic acid(HA)on the expression of heat-shock protein 70(HSP70)in chondrocytes isolated from patients with osteoarthritis(OA)and Kashin-Beck disease(KBD).The chondroc... This study aimed to investigate the effect of hyaluronic acid(HA)on the expression of heat-shock protein 70(HSP70)in chondrocytes isolated from patients with osteoarthritis(OA)and Kashin-Beck disease(KBD).The chondrocytes were collected from OA and KBD patients,and chondrocytes isolated from patients of accident injuries were used as the control.The chondrocytes were treated with HA at different doses.HSP70 expression in chondrocytes at both mRNA and protein levels was tested by PCR and Western blot analysis.Compared with control,both mRNA and protein levels of HSP70 were higher in chondrocytes from KBD and OA.However,HA at the dose of 500μg/mL significantly inhibited HSP70 expression levels in both KBD and OA groups(P<0.05).In conclusion,HSP70 is highly expressed in chondrocytes of patients of OA and KBD.HA intervention inhibits the upregulation of HSP70 in chondrocytes of OA and KBD patients and could be a promising agent for treatment of OA and KBD. 展开更多
关键词 Hyaluronic acid Kashin-Beck disease OSTEOARTHRITIS CHONDROCYTE HSP70
Comparison of diathermic high-frequency capsulorhexis and continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis in white cataract surgery
作者 Li Wang Peng Li xiong guo 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2018年第8期1317-1321,共5页
AIM: To compare the corneal endothelial cell counts pre-and post-operation, ultrastructure of anterior lens capsule and surgical completion after diathermic highfrequency capsulorhexis(DHC) and continuous curviline... AIM: To compare the corneal endothelial cell counts pre-and post-operation, ultrastructure of anterior lens capsule and surgical completion after diathermic highfrequency capsulorhexis(DHC) and continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis(CCC) applied in phacoemulsification(PHACO) of white cataract surgery.METHODS: Sixty-six eyes of 66 patients(33 males and 33 females) with cataract aged between 60 and 80 y(mean 72.5±5.5) were recruited and undergone the surgery from June 2014 to November 2016. Anterior lens capsule, derived from two kinds of capsulorhexis, were randomly divided into two groups according to random number table. The ultrastructure of the capsule edge and its closer tissue were observed by transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and optical microscopy respectively. The surgical completion conditions and corneal endothelial cell counts were analyzed pre-and post-operation after two capsulorhexis.RESULTS: The capsule derived from CCC had smooth edge, well-organized cellular structure and the cells filling into the cutting edge under TEM and optical microscopy. The capsule derived from DHC had an approximate 60 banded area of cell degeneration and necrosis, with dentiform prominences at the edge of the capsule, and no cell structure was observed at this area. The corneal endothelial cell counts of both groups were slightly declined 1 wk post-operation compared with that of preoperation. There was no statistical difference between the two groups(t=1.63, P〉0.05).CONCLUSION: DHC shows good clinical value in white mature and hypermature cataract surgery. 展开更多
关键词 diathermic high-frequency capsulorhexis continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis ULTRASTRUCTURE cornealendothelial cell
Effects of Different Vase Solutions on Fresh-keeping Effects of Fresh-cut Rose
作者 Yanlong Nan Weihong Luo +4 位作者 Qing Guan xiong guo Meiqing Pan Zhongxiong Lai Yuling Lin 《Plant Diseases and Pests》 CAS 2021年第5期31-34,共4页
[Objective]The paper was to explore the effects of different vase solutions on fresh-keeping effects of fresh-cut rose,and to provide reference for fresh-keeping activities of fresh-cut rose.[Method]Acid oxidiation-po... [Objective]The paper was to explore the effects of different vase solutions on fresh-keeping effects of fresh-cut rose,and to provide reference for fresh-keeping activities of fresh-cut rose.[Method]Acid oxidiation-potential water(AOW,p H 2-3,redox potential ORP≥1100 mv effective chlorine concentration 50 mg/L),melatonin solution(MT,45 mg/L),sodium hypochlorite solution(NaClO,95 mg/L),acidic oxidiation-potential aqueous solution+melatonin solution(50 mg/L AOW+45 mg/L MT),acidic oxidiation-potential aqueous solution+sodium hypochlorite solution(50 mg/L AOW+95 mg/L NaClO)and melatonin solution+sodium hypochlorite solution(45 mg/L MT+95 mg/L NaClO)were used as vase solutions to explore their fresh-keeping effects on fresh-cut rose.[Result]Compared with the control group of distilled water,all the six kinds of vase solutions had fresh-keeping effects on fresh-cut rose.AOW showed obvious fresh-keeping effects on fresh-cut rose,and the vase life could be extended by 1-4 d.Melatonin,AOW+melatonin,melatonin+sodium hypochlorite had the second best preservation effects,which could prolong the vase life by 1-3 d.The fresh-keeping effects of sodium hypochlorite and AOW+sodium hypochlorite had no significant difference with that of the control group,and the vase life could be prolonged by 1-2 d.[Conclusion]The study provides a certain theoretical basis for the application of fresh-cut flower preservative on rose. 展开更多
关键词 Vase solution ROSE PRESERVATION
Genome-Wide Study Identifies the Regulatory Glycosyltransferase Genes Networks and Signaling Pathways from Keshan Disease
作者 Pan Wang Wuhong Tan +7 位作者 Chengjuan Qu Feng Zhang Shulan He Jingfing Zheng Hu Shan Xiaohui Su Bin Wang xiong guo 《Journal of Health Science》 2014年第4期165-173,共9页
KD (Keshan disease) is an endemic cardiomyopathy occurring only in China. Its pathogenesis is unclear till now. In the study, gene expression profiles of the PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cell) derived respec... KD (Keshan disease) is an endemic cardiomyopathy occurring only in China. Its pathogenesis is unclear till now. In the study, gene expression profiles of the PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cell) derived respectively from KD patients and healthy in KD areas were compared. Total RNA was isolated, amplified, labeled and hybridized to Agilent 4 ~ 44 K Whole Human Genome Oligonucleotide Microarray. Significant canonical pathways were analyzed by IPA (ingenuity pathway analysis) to identify differently expressed genes and pathways involved in the cardiovascular system development and function. Quantitative RT-PCR was applied to further validate our microarray results. Eighty-three up-regulated (ratios 〉 2.0) and nine down-regulated glycosyltransferase genes (ratios 〈 0.5) in PBMC in KD patients were detected by significance analysis of microarrays. Two significant canonical pathways from glycosyltransferase gene expression profiles were screened by IPA. The results of qRT-PCR show that four up-regulated (BMP 1/7/10 and FGF 18) and one down-regulated (BMP2) genes are consistent with those in microarray experiment, confirming the validity of the microarray data. Based on the results of the study, it is suggested that bone morphogenetic proteins and fibroblast growth factors might play an important role in the pathogenesis of KD. This further helps us to understand the pathogenesis of KD, as well as dilated cardiomyopathy. 展开更多
关键词 Keshan disease glycosyltransferase gene signaling pathway bone morphogenetic protein fibroblast growth factor.
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