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中国智能再制造的现状与发展 被引量:33
作者 徐滨士 夏丹 +1 位作者 谭君洋 董世运 《中国表面工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期1-13,共13页
智能再制造作为再制造产业的创新发展方向,在先进再制造技术广泛应用的基础上,随着自动化技术、深度学习技术、大数据技术、网络技术和半导体技术的发展而逐渐成熟。文中基于新一代人工智能基础理论体系,以我国再制造发展过程的自动化... 智能再制造作为再制造产业的创新发展方向,在先进再制造技术广泛应用的基础上,随着自动化技术、深度学习技术、大数据技术、网络技术和半导体技术的发展而逐渐成熟。文中基于新一代人工智能基础理论体系,以我国再制造发展过程的自动化产业升级为原点,从再制造产业体系及行业关键技术体系相结合的角度,系统阐述发展智能再制造的必要性、必然性和紧迫性,梳理了智能再制造的实现方式、技术体系以及发展目标,总结了智能再制造的总体框架和技术路线,提出了目前智能再制造发展所需解决的关键问题,并对智能再制造体系的建立及未来总体技术发展提出了展望。 展开更多
关键词 智能再制造 自动化 创新发展 发展体系
基于磁巴克豪森原理的铁磁材料各向异性检测技术综述 被引量:5
作者 康学良 董世运 +3 位作者 汪宏斌 门平 徐滨士 闫世兴 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期183-190,共8页
磁巴克豪森噪声是由铁磁材料内部组织结构与磁畴的相互作用产生的一种微观电磁现象,是连接材料微观组织和宏观性能的重要桥梁,通过检测和分析磁巴克豪森噪声信号能够间接反映材料的组织结构状态。基于此原理,磁巴克豪森噪声技术发展成... 磁巴克豪森噪声是由铁磁材料内部组织结构与磁畴的相互作用产生的一种微观电磁现象,是连接材料微观组织和宏观性能的重要桥梁,通过检测和分析磁巴克豪森噪声信号能够间接反映材料的组织结构状态。基于此原理,磁巴克豪森噪声技术发展成为一种广泛应用的无损检测方法。常规材料大多是各向同性的,意味着沿材料不同取向获得的磁巴克豪森噪声信号理论上是相同的,磁巴克豪森噪声技术可用于检测各向同性材料的硬度、弹性模量、晶粒尺寸、相含量、位错密度和渗碳层深度等。而在实际检测时,磁巴克豪森信号通常是各向异性的,造成这种现象的因素可以分为外部因素(包括外力和外磁场)和内部因素(包括晶胞参数、晶粒取向、残余应力等)。当建立外力和磁巴克豪森噪声信号的关系后,便可以通过磁巴克豪森噪声信号间接检测材料的受力状态,这在实际工程应用中是非常有价值的。通过建立内部因素和磁巴克豪森噪声信号的关系,则能够利用磁巴克豪森噪声技术检测材料的微观组织结构,对于材料的检测和制造工艺技术的反馈都具有重要意义。因此,磁巴克豪森噪声各向异性检测技术,无论是在工程应用领域还是在科研领域都具有重要价值。本文介绍了磁巴克豪森各向异性检测技术的仪器及工作原理、磁巴克豪森噪声的理论基础和分析方法,综述了借助磁巴克豪森噪声各向异性检测技术来研究材料受到的外力、外磁场和材料织构的相关进展;同时探讨了该技术在激光增材制造和激光再制造这两个热点领域中的应用潜力。 展开更多
关键词 磁巴克豪森噪声 各向异性 内应力 组织 物理性能 激光增材制造
激光增材制造成形合金钢件质量特征及其检测评价技术现状(特邀) 被引量:21
作者 徐滨士 董世运 +1 位作者 门平 闫世兴 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期1-9,共9页
无损检测技术是合金钢构件激光增材制造的重要技术支撑,是保证激光增材制造产品质量和在役安全性的关键技术,是贯穿产品全寿命安全保证的重要技术组成。金属激光增材制造合金钢件成形、组织和力学性能不同于传统技术制造构件性能,使得... 无损检测技术是合金钢构件激光增材制造的重要技术支撑,是保证激光增材制造产品质量和在役安全性的关键技术,是贯穿产品全寿命安全保证的重要技术组成。金属激光增材制造合金钢件成形、组织和力学性能不同于传统技术制造构件性能,使得无损检测技术面临诸多挑战。综述了激光增材制造合金钢成形质量特性,包括成形缺陷和力学性能;基于无损检测技术,论述了无损检测技术在激光增材制造合金钢件质量评价中的应用,重点论述了无损检测技术在激光增材制造构件缺陷和力学性能中的应用现状;提出了基于超声和微磁检测技术评价材料力学性能的原理、标定方法和微磁传感器设计方案;最后总结了无损检测评价技术在激光增材制造合金钢件检测评价应用中面临的挑战和发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 激光增材制造 无损检测 缺陷 力学性能 合金钢件
激光熔覆Inconel718合金涂层与基体界面的组织及力学性能 被引量:15
作者 方金祥 王玉江 +5 位作者 董世运 徐滨士 闫世兴 宋超群 舒凤远 何鹏 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第17期2108-2113,共6页
研究了激光熔覆Inconel718合金涂层与基体界面的微观组织及力学性能,结果表明:由于强化相的溶解,热影响区的硬度及强度降低,典型激光熔覆工艺条件下,扫描速度越快,热影响区越窄;熔覆层底部无平面晶组织,熔合区结合致密,化学成分一致,组... 研究了激光熔覆Inconel718合金涂层与基体界面的微观组织及力学性能,结果表明:由于强化相的溶解,热影响区的硬度及强度降低,典型激光熔覆工艺条件下,扫描速度越快,热影响区越窄;熔覆层底部无平面晶组织,熔合区结合致密,化学成分一致,组织过渡平滑,熔覆层内部为枝晶组织,晶间有较多的Laves相,硬度较热影响区高;时效热处理后,热影响区及熔覆层的强度接近原始基材,界面区域力学性能过渡的平滑性改善。 展开更多
关键词 激光熔覆 热影响区 界面 INCONEL718合金
黄铜在酸碱盐腐蚀介质中的腐蚀研究 被引量:5
作者 李欣琳 金国 +5 位作者 康丽霞 庞学佳 曹蔚琦 王海斗 徐滨士 崔秀芳 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期228-233,242,共7页
利用SEM、EPMA、电化学曲线测量、XPS等检测技术,研究了HSn62-1黄铜在pH值为2的H_2SO_4溶液、pH值为13的NaOH溶液和3.5%(质量分数)的NaCl溶液中的腐蚀形貌、腐蚀产物、腐蚀类型,并针对不同的腐蚀机制,建立了化学反应模型,对腐蚀机制进... 利用SEM、EPMA、电化学曲线测量、XPS等检测技术,研究了HSn62-1黄铜在pH值为2的H_2SO_4溶液、pH值为13的NaOH溶液和3.5%(质量分数)的NaCl溶液中的腐蚀形貌、腐蚀产物、腐蚀类型,并针对不同的腐蚀机制,建立了化学反应模型,对腐蚀机制进行了分析。结果表明,HSn62-1在H_2SO_4溶液中腐蚀失重明显,且其溶解方式为选择性溶解,其腐蚀是以析氢腐蚀为主的混合腐蚀机制;在NaCl溶液和NaOH溶液中的腐蚀为溶解-再沉积机制,溶解速度较为缓慢,在NaCl溶液中为析氢腐蚀,在NaOH溶液中为吸氧腐蚀。 展开更多
关键词 不同腐蚀介质 黄铜 腐蚀机制
等离子喷涂层微观成形过程数值模拟研究现状 被引量:1
作者 丁述宇 马国政 +4 位作者 徐滨士 王海斗 陈书赢 何鹏飞 王译文 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期1889-1896,1918,共9页
等离子喷涂具有焰流温度高、粒子速度快、能量密度高等特点,是零件表面强化和再制造常用的表面工程技术之一,在耐磨、防腐、热障等诸多领域具有重要应用。涂层的质量往往决定零件的服役性能和使用寿命。等离子喷涂层的成形质量受众多喷... 等离子喷涂具有焰流温度高、粒子速度快、能量密度高等特点,是零件表面强化和再制造常用的表面工程技术之一,在耐磨、防腐、热障等诸多领域具有重要应用。涂层的质量往往决定零件的服役性能和使用寿命。等离子喷涂层的成形质量受众多喷涂要素和工艺参数的交叉耦合作用。传统优化喷涂工艺的方法是依据实践经验确定主要工艺参数的可行域,然后反复进行工艺参数调节和涂层性能验证来获得相对合适的工艺参数,这种方式存在成本高、效率低、可靠性差的缺陷。数值模拟作为一种新兴的科学研究方法,在等离子喷涂领域不仅有助于优化喷涂工艺参数,而且有助于深入理解喷涂成形原理和涂层微观构筑过程。研究者们借助数值模拟手段,探究等离子喷涂过程的微观机理,模拟实验中无法观测瞬时、高速的现象,并且指导优化喷涂工艺参数,改善喷枪机械结构,在提升涂层质量与性能上发挥重要作用。本文总结了数值模拟中有限元模拟的研究步骤,综述了近年来国内外数值模拟在等离子喷涂层微观成形过程应用的研究现状。在等离子射流形成的数值模拟中,研究领域从单一物理场转化为多物理场耦合,能较为准确地把握等离子喷枪中复杂的物理现象;其数值模拟范围主要包括等离子射流的温度场模拟、湍流模拟与电磁特性模拟等。在喷涂粒子与射流交互作用数值模拟中,研究者结合实验探究喷涂粒子与大气物性参数对飞行过程的影响,获取最佳的喷涂距离、送粉管角度等工艺参数;其数值模拟范围包括等离子射流中粒子加速过程模拟、加热过程模拟、飞行轨迹和空间分布模拟。在喷涂粒子铺展凝固过程的数值模拟中,将瞬时、高速的铺展凝固过程形象化,掌握基体与大气物性参数对该过程的影响。其数值模拟范围包括粒子撞击铺展过程模拟与凝固生长过程模拟。本文针对模拟过程中存在的湍流模型不够准确,飞行粒子的蒸发与破碎现象研究不够深入,以及多个粒子搭接堆垛成形过程探索较少等问题,展望了数值模拟在等离子涂层微观成形过程的研究方向,并提出基于喷涂成形过程数值模拟建立涂层虚拟成形系统的构想。 展开更多
关键词 等离子喷涂 涂层成形 数值模拟 飞行粒子 传热传质
Residual stress modeling of thin wall by laser cladding forming 被引量:4
作者 方金祥 董世运 +4 位作者 王玉江 闫世兴 张智慧 徐滨士 何鹏 《China Welding》 EI CAS 2017年第3期34-38,共5页
The residual stress generated in the laser cladding could lead to undesirable distortions or even crack formation. In order to better understand the evolution/yielding process of stress field,a 3 D finite-element ther... The residual stress generated in the laser cladding could lead to undesirable distortions or even crack formation. In order to better understand the evolution/yielding process of stress field,a 3 D finite-element thermo-mechanical model was established for the laser cladding formation of thin wall with the 17-4 PH powder on the FV520( B) steel. The temperature field was firstly analyzed,based on which the stress field and strain field of the laser cladding forming process were analyzed.In order to validate the prediction,the final residual stress field in the obtained thin wall was tested by X-ray diffraction in comparison with the predicted results. 展开更多
关键词 RESIDUAL stress strain field THIN WALL laser CLADDING FINITE element modeling
作者 DONG Lihong xu binshi +3 位作者 DONG ShiYun CHEN Qunzhi WANG Dan YIN Dawei 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第6期29-32,共4页
In order to explore the quantitative method of metal magnetic memory testing(MMMT) and clarify the relationship between Hp(y), the normal component of spontaneous stray field, and applied stress or residual stress... In order to explore the quantitative method of metal magnetic memory testing(MMMT) and clarify the relationship between Hp(y), the normal component of spontaneous stray field, and applied stress or residual stress, the static tensile tests of 0.45%C steel sheet specimens are carried out on a servo hydraulic MTS810 machine. Hp(y) values are measured during the test process by an EMS-2003 metal magnetic memory diagnostic apparatus and a non-magnetic electric control displacement instrument. Residual stresses of some points on the surface of a specimen are measured by a Stress Tech X-Stress 3000 X-ray diffraction instrument. The results show that the same variation rules of Hp(y) value versus applied tensile stress are presented under the different conditions of load-on and load-off. However, the same rule does not exist between the Hp(y) value and residual stress. The variation of Hp(y) value reflects the history of applied tensile stress. 展开更多
关键词 Metal magnetic memory Spontaneous stray field Tensile stress Residual stress
The Erosion Effect of Kapton Film in a Ground-based Atomic Oxygen Irradiation Simulator 被引量:4
作者 王海斗 MA Guozheng +3 位作者 xu binshi XING Zhiguo LI Guolu ZHANG Sen 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期1277-1282,共6页
In order to investigate the effect of space environmental factors on spacecraft materials, a ground-based simulation facility for space atomic oxygen(AO) irradiation was developed in our laboratory. Some Kapton film... In order to investigate the effect of space environmental factors on spacecraft materials, a ground-based simulation facility for space atomic oxygen(AO) irradiation was developed in our laboratory. Some Kapton film samples were subjected to AO beam generated by this facility. The Kapton films before and after AO exposure were analyzed comparatively using optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy, atomic force microscopy, high-precision microbalance, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The experimental results indicate that the transmittance of Kapton film will be reduced by AO irradiation notably, and its color deepens from pale yellow to brown. Surface roughness of the AO-treated sample is already increased obviously after AO irradiation for 5 hours, and exhibits a flannel-like appearance after 15 hours’ exposure in AO beam. The imide rings and benzene rings in kapton molecule are partially decomposed, and some new bonds form during AO irradiation. The mass loss of kapton film increases linearly with the increase of AO fluence, which is resulted from the formation of volatile products, such as CO, CO2 and NOx. The breakage in structure and degradation in properties of AO-treated Kapton film can be attributed to the integrated effect ofimpaction and oxidization of AO beam. The test results agree well with the space flight experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 space environment simulation low earth orbit atomic oxygen Kapton film erosion mechanism
Experimental Analysis on the Variable Polarity Plasma Arc Pressure
作者 JIANG Yi xu binshi +2 位作者 LUE Yaohui LIU Cunlong LIU Ming 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第4期607-611,共5页
Arc pressure is one of the key factors for variable polarity plasma arc(VPPA) and welding pool formation. In this paper, VPPA pressure is measured by pressure transducer and U-tube barometer methods, and advantages ... Arc pressure is one of the key factors for variable polarity plasma arc(VPPA) and welding pool formation. In this paper, VPPA pressure is measured by pressure transducer and U-tube barometer methods, and advantages and disadvantages of the two methods are compared. The effects of welding parameters, including with straight polarity(SP) current, reverse polarity(RP) current, time ratio of SP to RP, plasma gas flow rate, on VPPA pressure are investigated by using an orthogonal design. The experimental results indicate that the influencing degree of the welding parameters are in the order of plasma gas flow rate, SP current, time ratio of SP to RP, RP current. These results are important to researches of VPPA welding process and its mechanism. The physics behavior of VPPA is taken into account when the above influence mechanisms are analyzed. Firstly, according to the mechanism of the cooling compression to the arc, the compression to VPPA is enhanced with the increase of plasma gas flow, so the VPPA pressure would increase obviously. Secondly, although the temperature of VPPA is as a function of the welding current, the radius of VPPA is also enhanced. So the effects of SP current on VPPA pressure are inferior to the effects of plasma gas flow. Thirdly, VPPA pressure increases as a function of time ratio of SP to RP because the frequency of welding current influences the arc pressure to the some degree; Finally, the RP intervals are farther less than the SP intervals, so the influence to the pressure is minimal. 展开更多
关键词 variable polarity plasma arc arc pressure orthogonal experiment
K418高温合金叶轮脉冲激光再制造形状与性能控制 被引量:3
作者 任维彬 周金宇 +3 位作者 张锁荣 徐滨士 王玉江 陈国炎 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期3315-3319,共5页
针对K418高温合金叶轮材料成本高、制造工艺复杂以及体积损伤频繁的实际,以该牌号体积损伤叶轮再制造为目标,设计了成分接近、工艺匹配的成形粉材,基于波形可调制脉冲激光优化工艺,实现了形状和性能的再生。结果表明:叶片成形后表层及... 针对K418高温合金叶轮材料成本高、制造工艺复杂以及体积损伤频繁的实际,以该牌号体积损伤叶轮再制造为目标,设计了成分接近、工艺匹配的成形粉材,基于波形可调制脉冲激光优化工艺,实现了形状和性能的再生。结果表明:叶片成形后表层及内部无裂纹,成形部位与基体为冶金结合,加工后尺寸精度在1 mm以内,形变精度在0.03mm以内,成形层显微硬度HV0.1为9~14 GPa,超过基体20%。在高温动转平衡试验下,叶轮最大转速达13 500 r/min,与设计振幅理想植的最大差值为0.4 mm,无明显偏转及喘振现象,符合动平衡性能要求。 展开更多
关键词 脉冲激光 叶轮 再制造 K418
K418合金表面激光再制造Inconel718高温合金涂层性能研究 被引量:2
作者 任维彬 周金宇 +3 位作者 董世运 徐滨士 闫世兴 陈国炎 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期274-280,共7页
针对K418高温合金叶轮高温、高转数工况下形变超差大,再制造成形层力学性能降低的领域研究热点,基于波形可调制脉冲激光优化工艺,再制造Inconel718高温合金成形层。采用金相显微镜、SEM、XRD、EDS、显微硬度计对该合金涂层的显微组织形... 针对K418高温合金叶轮高温、高转数工况下形变超差大,再制造成形层力学性能降低的领域研究热点,基于波形可调制脉冲激光优化工艺,再制造Inconel718高温合金成形层。采用金相显微镜、SEM、XRD、EDS、显微硬度计对该合金涂层的显微组织形貌、相结构、界面成分分布、基本力学性能进行研究。结果表明:涂层与基体间为致密的冶金结合,涂层中部为粗大的树枝晶,与激光扫描方面成30o^45o角,由涂层中部到顶部及底部,分别退化为等轴晶和胞状晶;成形层显微硬度为4100~4400 MPa,略高于基体;晶内及晶间析出少量Laves相,减少了对成形层硬脆性的影响;摩擦磨损系数较基体略有降低,但仍符合再制造要求。 展开更多
关键词 INCONEL718合金 K418合金 激光再制造 涂层性能
钛薄膜力学行为和疲劳性能的纳米级动态力学分析 被引量:2
作者 刘金娜 王海斗 +3 位作者 邢志国 徐滨士 崔秀芳 金国 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1938-1945,共8页
利用纳米压痕试验研究了不同厚度钛薄膜的力学行为和疲劳性能。在纳米级动态力学分析的基础上,根据储存刚度的变化定量计算了薄膜的疲劳寿命。结果表明,薄膜的疲劳寿命与残余应力有显著的关系。压痕原位扫描图像显示,薄膜出现明显堆积分... 利用纳米压痕试验研究了不同厚度钛薄膜的力学行为和疲劳性能。在纳米级动态力学分析的基础上,根据储存刚度的变化定量计算了薄膜的疲劳寿命。结果表明,薄膜的疲劳寿命与残余应力有显著的关系。压痕原位扫描图像显示,薄膜出现明显堆积分层,长裂纹从压头中心向压头边缘垂直延伸。而且,压痕周围积累了大量的应力,纳米级动态加载过程产生了高度局域化的塑性变形和应力释放。薄膜内部的残余压应力将抵消部分载荷应力,提高薄膜的疲劳寿命。 展开更多
关键词 钛薄膜 疲劳 纳米压痕 纳米级动态力学分析 残余应力
Preparation of Al-based Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Composite Coating on Mg-based Alloys Precipitated by Arc Spraying Process 被引量:4
作者 Zhang Zhibin Liang Xiubing xu binshi 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期439-442,共4页
The Al-based amorphous and nanocrystalline composite coatings with the composition of Al-Ni-Y-Co and Al-Ni-Mm-Fe were prepared on AZ91 Mg-based alloys by high velocity arc spraying technique(HVAS).The structure charac... The Al-based amorphous and nanocrystalline composite coatings with the composition of Al-Ni-Y-Co and Al-Ni-Mm-Fe were prepared on AZ91 Mg-based alloys by high velocity arc spraying technique(HVAS).The structure character of the coatings indicates that coatings contain the mixture of amorphous phases and crystalline and there are both less than 2%porosity.The electrochemical tests of the coatings and the substrate were studied.The coatings show the passivation ability during polarization,but AZ91 Mg-based alloys show little passivation.The corrosion current density of the coatings is lower than that of AZ91 Mg-based alloys.The results show that the coatings have an excellent corrosion resistance for AZ91 Mg-based alloys in 5 wt%NaCl solution. 展开更多
关键词 high VELOCITY ARC SPRAYING microstructure AMORPHOUS and NANOCRYSTALLINE Mg-based alloy corrosion resistance
Remanufacturing Shaping System Based on Pulsed Plasma Arc Welding 被引量:3
作者 xu Fujia xu binshi +3 位作者 Lv Yaohui Xiang, Wu Peng, He Liu Yuxin 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期152-155,共4页
Based on the pulsed plasma arc welding(PPAW),a rapid remanufacturing shaping system,including a structured light scanning reverse engineering(RE)system,a robot system and a PPAW source system have been developed.The n... Based on the pulsed plasma arc welding(PPAW),a rapid remanufacturing shaping system,including a structured light scanning reverse engineering(RE)system,a robot system and a PPAW source system have been developed.The new rapid remanufacturing shaping system can rapidly and accurately repair the worn parts with different damaged degrees and thus extend their life cycle.In the present paper,the whole process of repairing worn parts is described.Firstly,the scanning model of a worn part is obtained by using RE system based on reconstructing approach.Compared with standard CAD model in the undamaged setting,the surface profile and the extent of damage area are obtained.Secondly,the weld repair path is designed by slicing the point cloud model of damage area.This path consists of multilayer parallel lines that produce parallel overlapped weld beads which cover the damaged area.By off-line programming techniques,the robot executable program as document format is transmitted to the robot controller for repairing worn parts.Finally,the weld repair experiments on worn steel plane plate and damaged column are performed to evaluate the remanufacturing system. 展开更多
关键词 REMANUFACTURING SYSTEM PULSED plasma arc welding STRUCTURED light scanning repair path
Advanced Surface Engineering Technologies for Remanufacturing Forming 被引量:3
作者 xu binshi Wang Haidou Ma Guozheng 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期1-5,共5页
Based on the foreign remanufacturing mode,which relies mainly on Part-Replacing Repair Method and Size-Changing Repair Method,China has explored and practiced the new remanufacturing mode,which relies mainly on Surfac... Based on the foreign remanufacturing mode,which relies mainly on Part-Replacing Repair Method and Size-Changing Repair Method,China has explored and practiced the new remanufacturing mode,which relies mainly on Surface Repair and Performance Improving Method.The aim of remanufacturing forming is to renew rapidly the original size of the waste components rapidly,and then improve their service performance.The advanced surface engineering technology,especially the high density heat source surface forming technology,is the important technique to carry out rapid forming.Based on the arc heat source,plasma heat source and laser heat source,three kinds of high density heat source remanufacturing forming technologies,such as high speed arc spraying forming technology,micro-arc plasma forming technology,and laser cladding forming technology,have been developed.The benefits of remanufacturing forming based on advanced surface engineering technologies are great. 展开更多
Research of Electrochemical Noise Technology on Corrosion Resistance 被引量:2
作者 Wei Shicheng Yi, Liang +2 位作者 Yi, Liu Wang Yujing xu binshi 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期164-167,共4页
This paper is focus on the corrosion resistance property analysis on three electric blasting of the coating-FeAl,FeCrAl,FeCrAlRE by electrochemical noise technology,acceleration of copper acetate salt spray accelerate... This paper is focus on the corrosion resistance property analysis on three electric blasting of the coating-FeAl,FeCrAl,FeCrAlRE by electrochemical noise technology,acceleration of copper acetate salt spray accelerated corrosion test.According to a comparative analysis of three tests coated by the Impedance curve,FeCrAlRE coating power spectral density(SPD)curve and Power curve,FeAl,FeCrAlRE coating has two more notable for the corrosion resistance properties than FeAl,FeCrAl coatings. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROCHEMICAL noise TECHNOLOGY COATING Fe-base ALLOY corrosion protection
Progress of Nondestructive Detection Technology on Remanufacturing Coatings 被引量:2
作者 Kang Jiajie xu binshi +1 位作者 Wang Haidou Wang Chengbiao 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期399-402,共4页
The defects of remanufacturing coatings,such as micro-cracks,micro-pores,oxide inclusion,and fatigue cracks producing in the service process have great influence on the qualities and lives of remanufacturing coatings.... The defects of remanufacturing coatings,such as micro-cracks,micro-pores,oxide inclusion,and fatigue cracks producing in the service process have great influence on the qualities and lives of remanufacturing coatings.This paper summarizes several methods used for detecting coating defects,including ray method,ultrasonic method,eddy method,magnetic memory method,acoustic emission method.The advantages and limitations of the above methods are also discussed.The detection results by ray method are visualized,and it is easy to achieve qualitative,quantitative and locating detection,but this method has incipient fault and low detecting sensitivity.Ultrasonic detection can exactly locate defects,and it is sensitive to plane defects,but the detection has dead zones,and it is inconvenient to perform qualitative and quantitative measurement.Eddy method detects fast,but it only can detect conductive materials,and is difficult to achieve qualitative,quantitative and locating detection.Magnetic memory method is sensitive to ferromagnetic materials,but it can not detect nonferromagnetic materials and is difficult to attain quantitative measurement.Acoustic emission method has an extensive detection range and high sensitivity,but it has big noise interference,and is hard to achieve qualitative detection.In conclusion,it describes the application prospect of each method for detecting coating. 展开更多
Research on Tribological Characteristics and Worn Surface Self-Repairing Performance of Nano Attapulgite Powders Used in Lubricant Oil as Addictive 被引量:2
作者 Zhang Bo xu binshi +2 位作者 xu Yi Gao Fei Zhang Baosen 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期336-340,共5页
As a kind of natural nanometer materials,the attapulgite has been widely used in industry,agriculture,environment,food substance,medicament and many other fields.Few researches about attapulgite used in lubricant oil ... As a kind of natural nanometer materials,the attapulgite has been widely used in industry,agriculture,environment,food substance,medicament and many other fields.Few researches about attapulgite used in lubricant oil as additive were made,and those were only at a preliminary stage of exploration.The tribological characteristics of attapulgite powders with the different contents added to CD 15W/40 lubricant oil were researched through"plane-on-plane"configuration friction and wear tester,and the self-repairing performance of 45#steel worn surface was examined via ring-on-block configuration test.XRD,SEM,EDS,TEM were employed to analyze the surface morphologies and elementary composition of the samples'worn surface.Furthermore,wear self-repairing mechanism of attapulgite additive to lubricant oil was explored.The results showed that:the optimal content of attapulgite powders in oil CD 15W/40 was 0.5 wt%,and the stable friction coefficient can be reduced to 0.02,then the friction reduction performance can be enhanced by 82.5%;Smooth worn surface were formed of the chemical reaction film containing elements O,Si,Fe;Friction reduction and self-repairing mechanism had a relation with the crystal structure of attapulgite. 展开更多
Fretting Corrosion Behavior of Zn-Al-Mg-RE Coating under Dry Friction and NaCl Solution 被引量:1
作者 Yi, Liu xu binshi +2 位作者 Wei Shicheng Wang Yujiang Yi, Liang 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期161-163,共3页
The fretting behavior of Zn-Al-Mg-RE coating prepared by high velocity arc spraying was studied for the first time in this paper.All specimens were fretted in air and 3.5%NaCl solution independently.The worn surfaces ... The fretting behavior of Zn-Al-Mg-RE coating prepared by high velocity arc spraying was studied for the first time in this paper.All specimens were fretted in air and 3.5%NaCl solution independently.The worn surfaces of the coating were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy.Fretting tests have shown that friction coefficient in 3.5%NaCl solution was similar to dry condition for Zn-Al-Mg-RE coating.Study of worn surfaces revealed the main mechanism in dry friction was the oxidative wear;while in 3.5%NaCl solution,the main mechanisms were delamination process and abrasive wear. 展开更多
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