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基于深度编码注意力的XLNet-Transformer汉-马低资源神经机器翻译优化方法 被引量:1
作者 占思琦 徐志展 +1 位作者 杨威 谢抢来 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期799-804,810,共7页
神经机器翻译(NMT)在多个领域应用中已取得显著成效,在大规模语料库上已充分论证其优越性。然而,在语料库资源不足的情形下,仍存在较大的改进空间。由于汉语-马来语(汉-马)平行语料的匮乏,直接导致了汉-马机器翻译的翻译效果不佳。为解... 神经机器翻译(NMT)在多个领域应用中已取得显著成效,在大规模语料库上已充分论证其优越性。然而,在语料库资源不足的情形下,仍存在较大的改进空间。由于汉语-马来语(汉-马)平行语料的匮乏,直接导致了汉-马机器翻译的翻译效果不佳。为解决汉-马低资源机器翻译不理想的问题,提出了一种基于深度编码注意力和渐进式解冻的低资源神经机器翻译方法。首先,利用XLNet预训练模型重构编码器,在编码器中使用了XLNet动态聚合模块替代了传统编码层的输出方式,有效弥补了低资源汉-马语料匮乏的瓶颈;其次,在解码器中使用并行交叉注意力模块对传统编码-解码注意力进行了改进,提升了源词和目标词的潜在关系的捕获能力;最后,对提出模型采用渐进式解冻训练策略,最大化释放了模型的性能。实验结果表明,提出方法在小规模的汉-马数据集上得到了显著的性能提升,验证了方法的有效性,对比其他的低资源NMT方法,所提方法结构更为精简,并改进了编码器和解码器,翻译效果提升更加显著,为应对低资源机器翻译提供了有效的策略与启示。 展开更多
关键词 神经网络 汉-马机器翻译 低资源 渐进式解冻 预训练
双辊铸轧2060铝锂合金的偏析行为 被引量:1
作者 许知湛 李勇 张彦东 《有色金属工程》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期32-42,共11页
为探究溶质偏析行为对双辊铸轧Al-Li合金组织和腐蚀行为的影响,成功制备了不同工艺范围下的铝锂合金铸轧板坯,并构建了热-流耦合模型。结合场发射型扫描电子显微镜(SEM),能谱分析仪(EDS),和透射电子显微镜(TEM)探究了不同工艺条件下组... 为探究溶质偏析行为对双辊铸轧Al-Li合金组织和腐蚀行为的影响,成功制备了不同工艺范围下的铝锂合金铸轧板坯,并构建了热-流耦合模型。结合场发射型扫描电子显微镜(SEM),能谱分析仪(EDS),和透射电子显微镜(TEM)探究了不同工艺条件下组织的耐蚀性差异。结果表明:TRC-3高铸轧速条件下的制备出现了显著的宏观偏析现象。通过结合温度和流速的计算,详细分析了这种偏析机制的结果。偏析将遗传到最终的T6状态组织,恶化T_(1)相的析出,并恶化最终的耐腐蚀性能。深入讨论了偏析对腐蚀行为的影响机理,并提出了一种能够实现低偏析、高耐腐蚀性的铸轧铝锂合金工艺。 展开更多
关键词 双辊铸轧 2060铝锂合金 热-流耦合模型 偏析行为 耐腐蚀抗性
3+8+14×0.20+6×(3+8+14)×0.175HT钢丝帘线在巨型工程机械子午线轮胎中的应用 被引量:2
作者 许志展 郭其焰 +3 位作者 张海彬 王小六 陈宇 陈贵 《轮胎工业》 CAS 2019年第12期743-745,共3页
研究3+8+14×0.20+6×(3+8+14)×0.175HT钢丝帘线在巨型工程机械子午线轮胎中的应用。结果表明,以3+8+14×0.20+6×(3+8+14)×0.175HT钢丝帘线替代7×(3+9+15×0.175)+0.20HT钢丝帘线用于40.00R57巨型... 研究3+8+14×0.20+6×(3+8+14)×0.175HT钢丝帘线在巨型工程机械子午线轮胎中的应用。结果表明,以3+8+14×0.20+6×(3+8+14)×0.175HT钢丝帘线替代7×(3+9+15×0.175)+0.20HT钢丝帘线用于40.00R57巨型工程机械子午线轮胎胎体,可以提高轮胎耐久性能,同时减小轮胎质量,降低生产成本。 展开更多
关键词 巨型工程机械子午线轮胎 钢丝帘线 胎体
福建海安的智慧轮胎管理系统 被引量:1
作者 戴继成 黄振华 +2 位作者 朱建祥 黄兢冰 许志展 《轮胎工业》 CAS 2020年第4期252-255,共4页
针对传统轮胎压力监测系统的弊端,自主研发出适用于矿山开采的智慧轮胎管理系统(ITMS)。简要介绍ITMS的架构、功能模块、安装、延伸及解决方案。该系统不仅可以监测轮胎的温度和压力,而且增加了矿山轮胎运营管理功能等,其使用更加简单... 针对传统轮胎压力监测系统的弊端,自主研发出适用于矿山开采的智慧轮胎管理系统(ITMS)。简要介绍ITMS的架构、功能模块、安装、延伸及解决方案。该系统不仅可以监测轮胎的温度和压力,而且增加了矿山轮胎运营管理功能等,其使用更加简单、精准、高效和安全。 展开更多
关键词 矿山 智慧轮胎管理系统 胎温 胎压 监测 解决方案
应用MSC MARC有限元分析软件优化27.00R49巨型工程机械子午线轮胎带束层结构 被引量:1
作者 许志展 曾冰冰 +3 位作者 郭其焰 陈晶晶 严毅 蔡政雄 《轮胎工业》 CAS 2023年第3期144-148,共5页
以27.00R49巨型工程机械子午线轮胎为例,应用MSC MARC2021有限元分析软件建立轮胎静态有限元模型,研究A方案带束层结构光面轮胎与带花纹轮胎的静负荷受力情况;B方案为A方案带束层结构的优化方案,对两种方案带束层结构的各层受力和轮胎... 以27.00R49巨型工程机械子午线轮胎为例,应用MSC MARC2021有限元分析软件建立轮胎静态有限元模型,研究A方案带束层结构光面轮胎与带花纹轮胎的静负荷受力情况;B方案为A方案带束层结构的优化方案,对两种方案带束层结构的各层受力和轮胎接地印痕进行有限元分析,并与实测结果进行对比。结果表明,B方案带束层结构比A方案更优,有利于减少轮胎胎肩脱层问题。 展开更多
关键词 巨型工程机械子午线轮胎 带束层 有限元分析 受力 接地印痕
(3×0.2+6+12×0.35)+6×(19×0.35)HT钢丝帘线在巨型工程机械子午线轮胎胎体中的应用 被引量:1
作者 许志展 曾冰冰 +2 位作者 张海彬 黄平 严毅 《轮胎工业》 CAS 2021年第7期448-451,共4页
研究(3×0.2+6+12×0.35)+6×(19×0.35)HT钢丝帘线在巨型工程机械子午线轮胎胎体中的应用。结果表明:(3×0.2+6+12×0.35)+6×(19×0.35)HT钢丝帘线无外缠丝,渗胶性能优异,用于59/80R63巨型工程机械... 研究(3×0.2+6+12×0.35)+6×(19×0.35)HT钢丝帘线在巨型工程机械子午线轮胎胎体中的应用。结果表明:(3×0.2+6+12×0.35)+6×(19×0.35)HT钢丝帘线无外缠丝,渗胶性能优异,用于59/80R63巨型工程机械子午线轮胎胎体中,可以满足生产工艺要求,轮胎耐久性能优良。 展开更多
关键词 钢丝帘线 巨型工程机械子午线轮胎 胎体 渗胶性能 耐久性能
巨型工程机械子午线轮胎钢丝帘线挤出机液压式机头的优化设计 被引量:1
作者 郭其焰 许志展 +1 位作者 陈晶晶 张海彬 《橡胶科技》 2022年第1期37-40,共4页
对巨型工程机械子午线轮胎钢丝帘线挤出机传统的旋转、拆卸式机头进行重新设计与优化,改为以导轨形式液压前后水平移动及液压插销式锁紧的机头。采用新结构机头后:钢丝帘线挤出上下覆胶均匀;口型板和穿线板采用卡槽式设计,更换钢丝帘线... 对巨型工程机械子午线轮胎钢丝帘线挤出机传统的旋转、拆卸式机头进行重新设计与优化,改为以导轨形式液压前后水平移动及液压插销式锁紧的机头。采用新结构机头后:钢丝帘线挤出上下覆胶均匀;口型板和穿线板采用卡槽式设计,更换钢丝帘线规格时,操作时间缩短,设备产能提升;采用液压式插销和滚珠丝杠,装卸操作简化,节约时间,降低劳动强度;优化机头内流道形式,解决了重启动时钢丝帘线因胶料不足无法覆胶的问题。机头优化设计后,产品质量和生产效益得以提升,具有良好的经济效益和安全性。 展开更多
关键词 巨型工程机械子午线轮胎 钢丝帘线 挤出机 压延 液压式机头
The Electron Trajectory in a Relativistic Femtosecond Laser Pulse
作者 He Feng Yu Wei +4 位作者 Lu Peixiang xu Han Shen Baifei Li Ruxin xu zhizhan 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第4期2968-2972,共5页
In this report,we start from Lagrange equation and analyze theoretically the electron dynamics in electromagnetic field.By solving the relativistic government equations of electron,the trajectories of an electron in p... In this report,we start from Lagrange equation and analyze theoretically the electron dynamics in electromagnetic field.By solving the relativistic government equations of electron,the trajectories of an electron in plane laser pulse,focused laser pulse have been given for different initial conditions.The electron trajectory is determined by its initial momentum,the amplitude,spot size and polarization of the laser pulse.The optimum initial momentum of the electron for LSS(laser synchrotron source)is obtained.Linear polarized laser is more advantaged than circular polarized laser for generating harmonic radiation. 展开更多
关键词 femtosecond laser pulse electron trajectory Maxwell equation
Time-Evolution of X-Ray Emission Nonuniformity in Line-Shaped Laser Plasmas
作者 ZHANG Lingqing HAN Shensheng +5 位作者 xu zhizhan ZHANG Zhengquan WANG Xiaofang FAN Pinzhong SONG Xiangyang QIAN Aidi 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第10期601-604,共4页
The spatially and time resolved 2D images of x-ray emission of line-shaped Ti laser plasmas have been obtained with a pinhole transmission grating spectrometer coupled with a x-ray streak camera.The x-ray emission non... The spatially and time resolved 2D images of x-ray emission of line-shaped Ti laser plasmas have been obtained with a pinhole transmission grating spectrometer coupled with a x-ray streak camera.The x-ray emission nonuniformity of the plasma is quantitatively analyzed using a perturbation spectrum analysis method.The results show that the nonuniformity has a minimum value at a time corresponding to the peak time of the pumping laser pulse,and increases after that.A brief discussion on the nonuniformity mechanism has also been presented. 展开更多
Optical Bistability in Semiconductors with Many-body Coulomb Effects
作者 GONG Shangqing xu zhizhan PAN Shaohua 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第10期614-616,共3页
The Bloch-like equations for the intracavityinteraction of coherent light with semiconductors below the Mott density are derived.These equations include the many-body Coulomb effects.Steady state analysis reveals the ... The Bloch-like equations for the intracavityinteraction of coherent light with semiconductors below the Mott density are derived.These equations include the many-body Coulomb effects.Steady state analysis reveals the characteristics of bistability and hysteresis in such systems.It is shown that the hysteresis loops increase and that the bistability can be realized more easily due to the many-body effects. 展开更多
Experimental Study on the Properties of Line-Shaped Laser-Plasma
作者 HAN Shensheng ZHANG Lingqing +2 位作者 xu zhizhan ZHANG Zhengquan SUN Lan 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第5期277-280,共4页
Line-focused high power laser was used to irradiate a magnesium slab target in order to generate line-shaped laser-plasma.Plasma parameter profile distribution(electron temperature and electron density)on the directio... Line-focused high power laser was used to irradiate a magnesium slab target in order to generate line-shaped laser-plasma.Plasma parameter profile distribution(electron temperature and electron density)on the direction perpendicular to the target surface was obtained by spectroscopic diagnostic method,which is quite different from that of the spot-shaped laser-plasmas.New experimental phenomena that can be interpreted as“plasma satellites”were also observed. 展开更多
Initial Evolution of a Laser Wake-Field in Plasmas
作者 SHENG Zhengming MA Jinxiu +1 位作者 YU Wei xu zhizhan 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第1期25-28,共4页
Numerical calculations are used to study the initial temporal evolution of the wake-field produced by a short laser pulse.Results are compared to the previous quasi-static solutions.The usually adopted quasi-static ap... Numerical calculations are used to study the initial temporal evolution of the wake-field produced by a short laser pulse.Results are compared to the previous quasi-static solutions.The usually adopted quasi-static approximation is found not appropriate for describing the wake-field generation at initial stages. 展开更多
A Model on Understanding Atomic Coherence in Lasing Without Inversion
作者 LUO Zhenfei xu zhizhan 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1992年第11期585-588,共4页
A laser model which may operate in the absence of population inversion is proposed.It is found that the realization of lasing without inversion in this model is due to the change of noninversion condition along with t... A laser model which may operate in the absence of population inversion is proposed.It is found that the realization of lasing without inversion in this model is due to the change of noninversion condition along with the creation of atomic coherence,instead of a coherence-term-induced gain enhancement. 展开更多
作者 张海彬 许志展 +2 位作者 俞彦芳 黄平 陈贵 《轮胎工业》 CAS 2022年第7期424-427,共4页
研究7×(3+9×0.30)+0.20HT钢丝帘线在40.00R57巨型工程机械子午线轮胎带束层中的应用。结果表明:与7×(3+9+15×0.22)+0.20HT钢丝帘线相比,7×(3+9×0.30)+0.20HT钢丝帘线的直径和压延帘布厚度较小,渗胶性能更... 研究7×(3+9×0.30)+0.20HT钢丝帘线在40.00R57巨型工程机械子午线轮胎带束层中的应用。结果表明:与7×(3+9+15×0.22)+0.20HT钢丝帘线相比,7×(3+9×0.30)+0.20HT钢丝帘线的直径和压延帘布厚度较小,渗胶性能更好;成品轮胎的充气外缘尺寸和耐久性能相当,同时可降低生产成本。 展开更多
关键词 钢丝帘线 巨型工程机械子午线轮胎 带束层 渗胶性能 生产成本
Phase-matched high-order harmonics by interaction of Ar atoms with high-repetition-rate low-energy femtosecond laser pulses
作者 XIE Xinhua ZENG Zhinan +4 位作者 LI Ruxin CHEN Shu LU Haihe YIN Dingjun xu zhizhan 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2004年第4期492-501,共10页
Phase-matched high-order harmonic generation in Ar gas-filled cell was investigated experimentally. We obtained phase-matched 27th order harmonic driven by a commercially available solid-state femtosecond laser system... Phase-matched high-order harmonic generation in Ar gas-filled cell was investigated experimentally. We obtained phase-matched 27th order harmonic driven by a commercially available solid-state femtosecond laser system at 0.55 mJ/pulse energy level and 1 kHz repetition rate. To our knowledge, this is the lowest driving laser energy used to obtain phase-matched 27th order harmonic in a static gas cell. High-order harmonic generation at different gas density was studied systematically. Spectral blueshift and broadening of high harmonics under different pressure were analyzed. We found that the source size and spatial distribution of high-order harmonics are quite different under the phase-matching condition from those of the phase-mismatching case. 展开更多
关键词 high-order harmonic generation phase matching spectral characteristic spatial distribution
OAM effects in relativistic laser plasma interactions
作者 SHI Yin SHEN BaiFei +2 位作者 ZHANG XiaoMei WANG WenPeng xu zhizhan 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2015年第4期48-68,共21页
When a relativistic laser pulse of high photon density interacts with a specially tailored thin foil target,a strong torque is exerted on the resulting spiral-shaped foil plasma,or"light fan".Because of its ... When a relativistic laser pulse of high photon density interacts with a specially tailored thin foil target,a strong torque is exerted on the resulting spiral-shaped foil plasma,or"light fan".Because of its structure,the latter can gain significant orbital angular momentum(OAM),and the opposite OAM is imparted to the reflected light,creating a twisted relativistic light pulse.Using such a relativistic LaguerreGaussian(LG)laser interaction with a solid foil,we can get intense high order vortex harmonics.Besides that,proton acceleration using LG laser and hollow screw-like drill in plasma using LG laser are studied.All interaction scenarios are demonstrated by particle-in-cell simulation as well as analytical modeling,and should be verifiable in the laboratory.As important characteristics,twisted relativistic light pulse has strong torque and ultra-high OAM density,which may lead to many more new effects. 展开更多
关键词 Light FAN ORBITAL angular MOMENTUM Laguerre-Gaussian laser Vortex harmonics Proton acceleration
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