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作者 黄蔚然 杨华斌 袁琳娜 《桂林电子科技大学学报》 2024年第3期286-291,共6页
为研究掺杂B_(2)O_(3)对陶瓷的影响,采用固相合成法制备了0.76BiFeO_(3)-0.24BaTiO_(3)-xB_(2)O_(3)(简称0.76BF-0.24BT-x BO)高温无铅压电陶瓷,x为摩尔分数。对0.76BF-0.24BT-x BO陶瓷相结构、微观形貌组织、电学性能、居里温度以及退... 为研究掺杂B_(2)O_(3)对陶瓷的影响,采用固相合成法制备了0.76BiFeO_(3)-0.24BaTiO_(3)-xB_(2)O_(3)(简称0.76BF-0.24BT-x BO)高温无铅压电陶瓷,x为摩尔分数。对0.76BF-0.24BT-x BO陶瓷相结构、微观形貌组织、电学性能、居里温度以及退极化温度进行测试分析。XRD分析表明所有样品均为纯三方钙钛矿结构。观察陶瓷微观形貌,发现晶粒分布均匀,晶界之间有液相存在,且晶粒尺寸随着x增加而增大。陶瓷最佳烧结温度从960℃降至940℃。当x=0.1时,压电常数和剩余极化强度达到最大值,分别为101 pC·N^(-1)、21.5μC·cm^(-2)。0.76BF-0.24BT-x BO陶瓷有着良好的高温稳定性:居里温度T_(C)为585℃,退极化温度T_(d)=560℃。研究结果表明,掺杂B_(2)O_(3)具有改善0.76BF-0.24BT陶瓷微观形貌组织、降低烧结温度和提高电学性能的作用。 展开更多
关键词 铁酸铋-钛酸钡无铅压电陶瓷 居里温度 退极化温度 压电性能 低温烧结
基于分类距离分数的自适应多模态生物特征融合 被引量:7
作者 张露 王华彬 +1 位作者 陶亮 周健 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期151-162,共12页
匹配分数是传统的融合分数指标,但是其不能很好地区分类内和类间数据,分类置信度虽然可以较好地将类内类间数据分开,但对于匹配分数仅次于分类阈值的数据,其分类效果不是很理想.因此,首先提出了一种基于分类距离分数的融合分数指标,其... 匹配分数是传统的融合分数指标,但是其不能很好地区分类内和类间数据,分类置信度虽然可以较好地将类内类间数据分开,但对于匹配分数仅次于分类阈值的数据,其分类效果不是很理想.因此,首先提出了一种基于分类距离分数的融合分数指标,其不仅携带一级分类信息,也含有匹配分数与分类阈值之间的距离信息,可增大融合后类内类间分数之间的距离,为融合算法提供了一个具有有效判别信息的特征融合集,提高了融合指标的利用率;进一步,利用信息熵表示信息价值多少的这一特性,定义特征关联系数和特征权重系数,并将加权融合和传统SUM规则统一在一个自适应算法框架中,提高了融合识别率.实验结果验证了所提出方法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 多模态识别技术 特征融合 分类距离分数 信息熵 自适应融合
云油茶9号油茶优良品种的选育 被引量:8
作者 徐德兵 陈福 +7 位作者 杨华斌 张林涛 郭晓春 廖永坚 宋顺超 贾代顺 袁其琼 刘倬志 《种子》 北大核心 2019年第6期131-134,共4页
为选育出适宜云南高原山地大范围推广应用的本土油茶优良品种,按照初选、复选、决选、子代测定、区域性试验、生产性试验等选育程序,先后在云南省的文山、红河和曲靖等3个州(市)进行选育,选育工作自1977年优树选择开始至2016年品种审定... 为选育出适宜云南高原山地大范围推广应用的本土油茶优良品种,按照初选、复选、决选、子代测定、区域性试验、生产性试验等选育程序,先后在云南省的文山、红河和曲靖等3个州(市)进行选育,选育工作自1977年优树选择开始至2016年品种审定,历时39年。选育的云油茶9号油茶优良品种具有生长旺盛、产量高、出籽率高、含油率高、茶油品质优良等特性,其种仁含油率51.7%,平均单果重28.12 g,冠幅投影面积产果量1.82 kg·m^-2,鲜果出籽率53.21%。通过在4个县的区域性试验表明,该品种不仅生长发育表现良好,而且主要基本性状保持稳定,适应性强。于2008年通过云南省认定,2016年通过云南省品种审定委员会审定,是云南省首批审定、推广应用的本土优良油茶品种。 展开更多
关键词 云油茶9号 高原山地 良种选育 优良品种
钾钠非化学计量比对0.95KxN1-xN-0.05LS-0.003BNT压电陶瓷的影响 被引量:1
作者 张锐 杨华斌 +2 位作者 江民红 孙媛媛 黄蔚然 《桂林电子科技大学学报》 2019年第5期425-430,共6页
采用传统固相烧结法实验制备了0.95(KxNa1-x)NbO 3-0.05LiSbO 3-0.003Bi(Ni0.5Ti0.5)O 3(KxNN-LS-BNT)无铅压电陶瓷,研究了钾钠比对陶瓷的相结构、微观结构、介电性能、压电性能的影响。实验结果表明,随着钾钠比值的增大,陶瓷趋于形成... 采用传统固相烧结法实验制备了0.95(KxNa1-x)NbO 3-0.05LiSbO 3-0.003Bi(Ni0.5Ti0.5)O 3(KxNN-LS-BNT)无铅压电陶瓷,研究了钾钠比对陶瓷的相结构、微观结构、介电性能、压电性能的影响。实验结果表明,随着钾钠比值的增大,陶瓷趋于形成更稳定的四方相结构,陶瓷的压电性能指标先升高后降低。KxNN-LS-BNT在x=0.4时具有较好的综合性能:d 33=304 pC/N,k p=0.471,Q m=69.208,tanδ=0.02。研究结果表明,KxNN-LS-BNT陶瓷在制备微波介质器上具有良好的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 压电陶瓷 铌酸钾钠 钙钛矿
高校仪器设备资产管理系统与财务系统数据接口的设计与实现 被引量:10
作者 王攀 徐召 +2 位作者 许宏山 杨化滨 孙骞 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第4期276-279,291,共5页
在我国深化行政体制改革的大背景下,高校仪器设备资产领域的“放管服”是高校国有资产管理面临的一项重要任务。而新政府会计制度的实施则对高校仪器设备资产管理和财务核算提出了更高的要求。实现仪器设备资产管理系统和财务系统间的... 在我国深化行政体制改革的大背景下,高校仪器设备资产领域的“放管服”是高校国有资产管理面临的一项重要任务。而新政府会计制度的实施则对高校仪器设备资产管理和财务核算提出了更高的要求。实现仪器设备资产管理系统和财务系统间的协同化管理为落实上述两个政策提供了出路。通过分析仪器设备资产管理与财务管理的流程,设计并建立了资产系统与财务系统的数据接口,实现了两个系统间的数据共享、业务交互等功能,从而简化了仪器设备资产管理流程,减轻了教学科研人员的负担,同时保证了仪器设备资产数据的准确性和一致性,满足了“放管服”政策和政府会计制度的要求。 展开更多
关键词 政府会计制度 放管服 高校仪器设备资产管理 数据接口
高校仪器设备及家具采购查询系统的研发与实践 被引量:4
作者 于文娟 许宏山 +1 位作者 杨化滨 陈津 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第3期287-290,共4页
南开大学仪器设备及家具查询系统具有涵盖面广、安全性强、专业度高的仪器设备及家具查询平台。它摒弃了传统有限的购前调研模式,将"互联网+"应用于高校采购管理,解决了高校师生仪器设备及家具采购调研无从下手的困境。系统... 南开大学仪器设备及家具查询系统具有涵盖面广、安全性强、专业度高的仪器设备及家具查询平台。它摒弃了传统有限的购前调研模式,将"互联网+"应用于高校采购管理,解决了高校师生仪器设备及家具采购调研无从下手的困境。系统对接校内资产管理系统,实现了设备家具购置全生命周期一站式服务,让师生线上即可完成购置的全流程,节约了采购成本。该系统的研发旨在落实国务院“放管服”改革部署,运用大数据技术提供一个规范管理的信息平台,让师生在平台上享有自主选择权,提升高校职能部门的服务水平,同时有利于监督管理,有效避免了廉政风险,最终建成一套可行可控、公开透明、便捷、规范的高校仪器设备及家具采购管理模式。 展开更多
关键词 仪器设备家具采购 购前调研 查询系统 全生命周期
儿童不典型感染后肾小球肾炎临床与病理分析 被引量:2
作者 谭梅 邓会英 +4 位作者 杨华彬 陈椰 李颖杰 钟桴 邓慧 《国际医药卫生导报》 2020年第21期3250-3253,共4页
目的提高对儿童不典型感染后肾小球肾炎(PIGN)临床和病理的认识。方法回顾性分析2015年10月至2019年6月本院21例儿童不典型PIGN临床和病理资料。结果21例均急性起病。肉眼血尿17例,其中9例病程4周后仍然持续或反复肉眼血尿。16例肾病水... 目的提高对儿童不典型感染后肾小球肾炎(PIGN)临床和病理的认识。方法回顾性分析2015年10月至2019年6月本院21例儿童不典型PIGN临床和病理资料。结果21例均急性起病。肉眼血尿17例,其中9例病程4周后仍然持续或反复肉眼血尿。16例肾病水平蛋白尿,其中9例达肾病综合征诊断标准。肾活检病理系膜增生为主肾小球肾炎8例、毛细血管内增生肾小球肾炎13例。免疫荧光系膜区和毛细血管襻C3和IgG共沉积8例,以C3沉积为主或仅C3沉积13例。12例患儿采用了泼尼松和/或环磷酰胺或吗替麦考酚酯治疗。6个月~3年的追踪观察,全部患儿肾功能正常,11例患儿镜下血尿,2例感染后有微量蛋白尿,感染控制后正常。结论不典型PIGN临床可表现为持续肾病水平蛋白尿甚至肾病综合征表现,病理免疫荧光可C3沉积为主,给予包括糖皮质激素和/或免疫抑制剂在内的相应治疗后预后良好。 展开更多
关键词 感染后肾小球肾炎 儿童 肾病综合征 蛋白尿 补体C3
作者 邓慧 杨华彬 +3 位作者 杨倚庭 谭锦兰 邓眉妹 温秀兰 《国际医药卫生导报》 2021年第13期2040-2043,共4页
目的探讨影响维持性透析患儿照护者负担的具体内容及相关影响因素。方法选取本中心肾内科2018年4月至2020年4月收治的52例维持性透析患儿,剔除掉失访的2例,剩余50例。对所有患儿采用日常生活能力(ADL)量表进行自理能力评分,对直接照护... 目的探讨影响维持性透析患儿照护者负担的具体内容及相关影响因素。方法选取本中心肾内科2018年4月至2020年4月收治的52例维持性透析患儿,剔除掉失访的2例,剩余50例。对所有患儿采用日常生活能力(ADL)量表进行自理能力评分,对直接照护者使用Zarit照护者负担量表评估其负担程度,使用中文版儿童肾脏病照护者负担量表调查探讨其负担集中点及差异性。结果发放50份问卷,回收50份,回收率为100%。50例患儿中男20例,女30例,维持性血透患儿28例,维持性腹透患儿22例。50例照护者中男14例,女36例,均为父母。50例患儿ADL得分(75.0±23.0)分,50例照护者负担得分(33.0±15.0)分。当患儿采用腹膜透析时照护者对孩子影响的担心[(28.7±4.7)分比(24.8±4.1)分]、承担的责任[(25.0±4.9)分比(20.2±2.8)分]、对家庭的影响[(21.4±5.6)分比(16.4±4.8)分]方面高于血液透析,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05),提示维持性血液透析患儿的照护者存在的负担情况明显高于维持性腹膜透析患儿的照顾者。结论维持性透析患儿照护者均存在一定程度的负担,绝大部分照护者都会担心孩子以后如何应对,对孩子表现出来的症状非常担心;相反,对自身健康和家庭的影响的负担水平明显偏低。 展开更多
关键词 维持性透析 患儿 照护者 负担
作者 邓慧 杨华彬 +4 位作者 邓眉妹 邓婉贞 叶宜 温秀兰 吴立英 《国际医药卫生导报》 2020年第21期3314-3316,共3页
目的为保证维持性血液透析患儿在2019新型冠状病毒感染肺炎流行期间能安全有效地进行透析治疗,避免患儿、家属及医务人员发生感染,建立维持性透析患儿及家属的规范化管理方案。方法制定儿童血液净化室2019新型冠状病毒肺炎流行期间防控... 目的为保证维持性血液透析患儿在2019新型冠状病毒感染肺炎流行期间能安全有效地进行透析治疗,避免患儿、家属及医务人员发生感染,建立维持性透析患儿及家属的规范化管理方案。方法制定儿童血液净化室2019新型冠状病毒肺炎流行期间防控管理规范,成立血液净化室防控小组,定期开展培训及考核,医护联合对患儿及家属进行评估、指导。结果血液净化室共有9人参与防控工作,包括医生、护士、保洁员,2019年12月至2020年3月中旬共接收维持性血液净化患儿11例,开展血液净化操作115次。共进行236次核酸检测(含咽拭子、肛拭子),未出现患儿、家属及医务人员感染情况。结论对维持性透析患儿及家属进行规范化管理,能有效筛查2019新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疑似及确诊患者,确保其他人员的安全。 展开更多
关键词 2019新型冠状病毒感染肺炎 预防 血液透析 儿童
2 - 5 New Isotope 205Ac
作者 yang huabin Gan Zaiguo +2 位作者 Zhang Zhiyuan Ma Long Yu Lin 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2013年第1期40-41,共2页
关键词 英语 阅读 理解 物理研究
2-14 Production of New Nuclides 216U and 215U
作者 yang huabin Gan Zaiguo +10 位作者 Zhang Zhiyuan Ma Long Yu Lin Jiang Jian Wang Jianguo Tian Yulin Wang Yongsheng Ding Bing Sun Mingdao Huang Tianheng Wang Kailong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期68-69,共2页
The study on the decay properties of new isotopes located far from the beta stability line is current the focus of nuclear physics. For isotopes in the region Z >82 and N <126, -emission prevails as radioactive ... The study on the decay properties of new isotopes located far from the beta stability line is current the focus of nuclear physics. For isotopes in the region Z >82 and N <126, -emission prevails as radioactive decay mode and -spectroscopy is the most important tool to obtain information on the nuclear structure. In the heavy nuclei region with N=124 and 126 isotones, an intruder state (h9=2.f7=2)8+ based on the attractive interaction of f7=2 protons and f5=2 neutrons has been significantly observed, which increases the binding energy of this configuration with increasing proton number. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-nucleon TRANSFER REACTIONS
2-2 Lifetime Measurements of the Low-lying Excited States in 87 Zr and 87 Nb
作者 Qiang Yunhua Liu Minliang +11 位作者 Zhou Xiaohong Wang Jianguo Wang Kailong Lv Bingfeng Zheng Yong Gan Zaiguo Zhang Zhiyuan Ma Long yang huabin Yu Lin Jiang Jian Sun Mingdao 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期50-51,共2页
Lifetime measurements of low-lying excited states in 87Zr and 87Nb have been performed via and coincidences. The 124 MeV 32S beam was delivered from the Sector-Focusing Cyclotron (SFC) of the Heavy Ion R-esearch Facil... Lifetime measurements of low-lying excited states in 87Zr and 87Nb have been performed via and coincidences. The 124 MeV 32S beam was delivered from the Sector-Focusing Cyclotron (SFC) of the Heavy Ion R-esearch Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The parent nuclei 87Nb and 87Mo were produced by the respective reactions 58Ni (32S, 3p) and 58Ni (32S, 2p1n), at a beam energy 100 MeV through the 8 m Al degrader. 展开更多
2-21 Attempt to Study the a-decay of 216U by 40Ca+natHf Reaction
作者 yang huabin Zhang Zhiyuan +8 位作者 Ma Long Yu Lin Jiang Jian Gan Zaiguo Wang Jianguo Tian Yulin Huang Tianheng Wang Yongsheng Sun Mingdao 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期57-57,共1页
An attempt has been made recently to synthesize very neutron-decient 216U isotope in 40Ca+natHf reaction atthe gas-lled recoil separator SHANS[1]. A beam of 40Ca12+ at an energy of Elab=194.6 MeV was delivered by thes... An attempt has been made recently to synthesize very neutron-decient 216U isotope in 40Ca+natHf reaction atthe gas-lled recoil separator SHANS[1]. A beam of 40Ca12+ at an energy of Elab=194.6 MeV was delivered by thesector focusing cyclotron of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The average beam intensity wasabout 100 pnA. Self-support targets of natural hafnium foils with thickness of 420 g/cm2 was mounted in a edframe. Evaporation residues recoiled from the target were separated from the primary beam by the separator andthen implanted into the Si-box detector (consist of three position sensitive silicon detectors and eight non-positionsensitive silicon detectors)[2]. In order to distinguish the -decay events from the implantation events, two multi-wire proportional counters (MWPCs) were mounted upstream from the Si-box detector. Behind the Si-box detectora fourfold segmented Clover detector was installed for -ray studies. 展开更多
A Gas-lled Recoil Separator,SHANS2,at the China Accelerator Facility for Superheavy Elements
作者 Xu Suyang Zhang Zhiyuan +48 位作者 Gan Zaiguo Huang Minghui Ma Long Wang Jianguo Zhang Mingming yang huabin yang Chunli Zhao Zhen Huang Xinyuan Chen Lixin Wen Xiaojiang Zhou Hao Jia Huan Sheng Lina Wu Jianqiang Peng Xiaolong Hu Qiang yang Jing Yao Qinggao Qin Yuanshuai Yan Huaihai Chai Zhen Zhang Jianchuan Zhang Yong Du Ze Xie Hongming Zhao Bo Sun Guozhen Wang Fengfeng Yuan Chenzhang Wu Xiaolei Chen Ruofu Zhang Hongbin Lu Ziwei yang Herun Xu Xinxing Chen Youxin Feng Anhui Sun Peng Xu Junkui He Yuan Sun Liangting Zhou Xiaohong Xu Hushan V.K.Utyonkov A.A.Voinov Yu.S.Tsyganov ANPolyakov DISolovyev 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2022年第1期42-43,共2页
Over the past years,experimentalists have launched an expedition to explore the predicted,centered near the double-magic Z=114,N=184 nucleus.With their remarkable e orts,elements from hydrogen up to element 118 at pre... Over the past years,experimentalists have launched an expedition to explore the predicted,centered near the double-magic Z=114,N=184 nucleus.With their remarkable e orts,elements from hydrogen up to element 118 at present.The discovery of the superheavy elements o ers the possibilities to study properties of nuclei under extremely strong Coulomb elds and to explore the limits of existence of nuclei.The fusion evaporation reactions induced by low-energy heavy ions are employed for synthesis and study of superheavy isotopes,and the gas-lled recoil separator technique is always used to e ectively separate the produced evaporation residues from projectile-like and target-like products. 展开更多
α Decay of the New Isotope ^(204)Ac
作者 Li Zongchi Huang Minghui +32 位作者 Gan Zaiguo Zhang Zhiyuan Ma Long Wang Jianguo Zhang Mingming yang huabin yang Chunli Huang Xinyuan Zhao Zhen Xu Suyang Chen Lixin Wen Xiaojiang Niu Yifei Yuan Cenxi Tian Yulin Wang Yongsheng Wang Junying Liu Minliang Qiang Yunhua yang Weiqing Zhang Hongbin Lu Ziwei Guo Song Huang Wenxue He Yuan Ren Zhongzhou Zhou Shangui Zhou Xiaohong Xu Hushan V.K.Utyonkov A.A.Voinov Yu.S.Tsyganov A.N.Polyakov 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2022年第1期27-28,共2页
Proton-andα-decay spectroscopy can provide valuable information on the nuclear structure and masses of neutron-de cient isotopes.In 1994,the proton drip line of Ac was reached by the detection of^(207)Ac which was id... Proton-andα-decay spectroscopy can provide valuable information on the nuclear structure and masses of neutron-de cient isotopes.In 1994,the proton drip line of Ac was reached by the detection of^(207)Ac which was identified via the-decay spectroscopy.Four years later,the neighboring proton-unbound nucleus ^(206)Ac was discov-ered. 展开更多
关键词 SPECTROSCOPY DECAY neighboring
New Short-lived Neutron-de cient Isotope ^(220)Np
作者 Zhang Zhiyuan Gan Zaiguo +22 位作者 yang huabin Ma Long Huang Minghui yang Chunli Zhang Mingming Tian Yulin Wang Yongsheng Sun Mingdao Lu Hongyang Zhang Wenqiang Zhou Houbin Wang Xiang Wu Chenguang Duan Limin Huang Wenxue Liu Zhong Ren Zhongzhou Zhou Shangui Zhou Xiaohong Xu Hushan Tsyganov Yury Voinov Alexey Polyakov Alexander 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2019年第1期44-44,共1页
Alpha decay,as a pervasive decay mode of unstable heavy nuclei,plays a crucial role in the identification of new superheavy elements and investigation on nuclear structure of exotic nuclei near the proton drip line.
关键词 DECAY ELEMENTS structure
Production of Very Neutron-deficient Actinide Nuclei using the ^(36)Ar and ^(40)Ar Beams
作者 Huang Minghui Gan Zaiguo +11 位作者 Zhang Zhiyuan yang huabin Ma Long yang Chunli Zhao Zhen Wang Jianguo Tian Yulin Wang Yongsheng Zhou Houbing Zhou Shangui He Xiaotao Wang Shouyu 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2018年第1期52-53,共2页
In order to systematically investigate the-decay properties of U-isotopes near the N=126 shell and study the fine structures of 218Pa and 211−213Th,enriched targets,180W,182Wand 176Hf,were bombarded by the 36Ar and 40... In order to systematically investigate the-decay properties of U-isotopes near the N=126 shell and study the fine structures of 218Pa and 211−213Th,enriched targets,180W,182Wand 176Hf,were bombarded by the 36Ar and 40Ar beams provided the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL).Combinations of beam and target as well as the beam energy,beam intensity,target thickness,irradiation time were listed in Table 1.Fusion-evaporation residues(ERs)were recoiled from the targets and separated from the primary beams using the gas filled recoil separator,SHANS[1].After passing through a multi-wire proportional chamber,the ERs were implanted into a Si-box detector[2]amounted at the focal plane of SHANS.Gamma rays emitted from the ERs were detected by three Ge detectors attached to the Si-box.All-decay and gamma-ray signals were registered and proceeded by a digital data acquisition system. 展开更多
New Isotope^(207)Th and Odd-Even Staggering in-Decay Energies for Nuclei with Z>82 and N<126
作者 Huang Xinyuan yang huabin +26 位作者 Gan Zaiguo Zhang Zhiyuan Huang Minghui Ma Long Zhang Mingming Yuan Cenxi Niu Yifei yang Chunli Tian Yulin Guo Liang Wang Yongsheng Wang Jianguo Zhou Houbing Wen Xiaojiang yang Herun Zhou Xiaohong Zhang Yuhu Huang Wenxue Liu Zhong Zhou Shangui Ren Zhongzhou Xu Hushan V.K.Utyonkov A.A.Voinov Yu.S.Tsyganov A.N.Polyakov D.I.Solovyev 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2022年第1期29-30,共2页
The new thorium isotope ^(207)Th has been produced in the 5n evaporation channel of the fusion reaction ^(36)Ar+^(176)Hf.The 197-199 MeV ^(36)Ar^(11+)beam with a typical intensity of0.4 pμA was delivered by the Secto... The new thorium isotope ^(207)Th has been produced in the 5n evaporation channel of the fusion reaction ^(36)Ar+^(176)Hf.The 197-199 MeV ^(36)Ar^(11+)beam with a typical intensity of0.4 pμA was delivered by the Sector Focusing Cyclotron of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL),China. 展开更多
The Reaction ^(55)Mn+^(159)Tb:Preparation for the Synthesis of New Elements
作者 Sun Luchong Chen Lixin +15 位作者 Xu Suyang Zhang Zhiyuan Wang Jianguo Huang Minghui Zhang Mingming Ma Long yang huabin yang Chunli Wu Xiaolei Zhou Houbing Zhao Zhen Huang Xinyuan Zhou Hao Zhang Xu Li Zongchi and Gan Zaiguo 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2022年第1期30-31,共2页
In recent decades,much experimental progress has been made in the synthesis of SHEs and several attempts have been made.However,none of these experiments provide evidence for the successful synthesis of the new elemen... In recent decades,much experimental progress has been made in the synthesis of SHEs and several attempts have been made.However,none of these experiments provide evidence for the successful synthesis of the new elements.In order to produce the new elements with proton number Z=119 or 120,IMP-CAS(Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)constructed the China Accelerator Facility for superheavy Elements(CAFE2).The beams with medium mass,such as ^(50)Ti,^(51)V,^(54)Cr,^(55)Mn. 展开更多
2-2 Lifetime Measurement of the Low-lying Excited States 7/21^+in^87Zr
作者 Qiang Yunhua Liu Minliang +11 位作者 Zhou Xiaohong Wang Jianguo Guo Song Wang Kailong Lv Bingfeng Zheng Yong Gan Zaiguo Ma Long yang huabin Ding Bing Huang Tianheng Sun Mingdao 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2016年第1期34-34,共1页
Lifetime measurements of low-lying excited states in^87Zr have been performed viaβ-γcoincidences.The 127 MeV^32S beam was delivered from the Sector-Focusing Cyclotron(SFC)of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzho... Lifetime measurements of low-lying excited states in^87Zr have been performed viaβ-γcoincidences.The 127 MeV^32S beam was delivered from the Sector-Focusing Cyclotron(SFC)of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL).The parent nuclei^87Nb were produced by the reaction 58Ni(32S,2p1n),at a beam energy 127 MeV through a 8 um Al degrader.A 200ug/cm^2 layer of 58Ni evaporated onto a 200ug/cm^2 thick carbon foil was employed as the target.After evaporation residues were separated from the projectile beams by the gas-filled recoil separator SHANS[1],the nuclei of interest 87Zr can be obtained with a higher purity and then were implanted into a 300um silicon detector. 展开更多
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