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小麦间套作苜蓿对土壤养分及作物养分吸收效率的影响 被引量:7
作者 李恩慧 王玉慧 +2 位作者 杨慎骄 张晓红 吴琼 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期110-117,共8页
依托2014年晋西南开展的田间试验,分析了2017年和2018年小麦单播、苜蓿单播和小麦-苜蓿混播的土壤有效养分含量、作物产量及其养分吸收效率。结果表明:在0~60cm土层内,3月份苜蓿单播速效氮含量高于小麦单播和混播,6月份苜蓿单播土壤有... 依托2014年晋西南开展的田间试验,分析了2017年和2018年小麦单播、苜蓿单播和小麦-苜蓿混播的土壤有效养分含量、作物产量及其养分吸收效率。结果表明:在0~60cm土层内,3月份苜蓿单播速效氮含量高于小麦单播和混播,6月份苜蓿单播土壤有机质含量低于小麦单播和混播。整个生育期60~200cm层苜蓿单播速效氮和速效磷含量低于小麦单播和混播。与单播相比,小麦-苜蓿混播不仅提高了小麦植株氮含量,还增加了作物系统植株养分积累量,提高了养分吸收效率。小麦-苜蓿混播净增产高达2903.9kg/hm 2,作物系统产量较小麦单播提高了22.4%,较苜蓿单播提高了44.8%,土地当量比大于1,表明间套作种植具有产量优势。 展开更多
关键词 间套作 土壤养分 养分吸收 产量 小麦 苜蓿
晋西南褐土上小麦苜蓿套作对土壤氮素及植物吸氮的影响 被引量:2
作者 李恩慧 王玉慧 +2 位作者 杨慎骄 穆阳阳 张晓红 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期114-121,共8页
研究冬小麦和苜蓿不同种植模式在不同生长期内土壤氮素的变化特征,以期为粮草混播种植模式提供参考依据。依托2014年在晋西南开展的田间试验,于2017和2018年研究了小麦单播、苜蓿单播和小麦苜蓿混播的作物产量以及土壤剖面氮素特征。结... 研究冬小麦和苜蓿不同种植模式在不同生长期内土壤氮素的变化特征,以期为粮草混播种植模式提供参考依据。依托2014年在晋西南开展的田间试验,于2017和2018年研究了小麦单播、苜蓿单播和小麦苜蓿混播的作物产量以及土壤剖面氮素特征。结果表明:(1)两个试验年份内小麦苜蓿混播增加了作物生物量且小麦植株茎叶和籽粒氮含量均高于小麦单播;相比任一单作,小麦苜蓿混播显著提高了作物植株氮积累总量。(2)种植方式影响表层(0~30 cm)土壤硝态氮含量,3月春季返青时苜蓿单播高于小麦单播和混播处理,6月麦收时小麦单播和混播均高于苜蓿单播;苜蓿单独生长期(10月)200 cm深土壤剖面硝态氮含量依次为小麦单播>混播>苜蓿单播。不同生长时期小麦单播硝态氮随土壤剖面垂直淋失并于土壤深层大量累积,而小麦苜蓿混播后缓解了硝态氮的垂直淋失现象。(3)小麦返青时0~30 cm土层苜蓿单播土壤铵态氮含量略高于小麦单播和混播,小麦地休耕苜蓿单独生长期200 cm深小麦单播铵态氮含量低于苜蓿单播和混播。(4)越冬期(前一年10月~3月)小麦苜蓿混播土壤无机氮得到了累积,小麦苜蓿共生期(3~6月)土壤无机氮处于消耗阶段,麦收后苜蓿单独生长期(6~10月)无机氮又得到了补充。 展开更多
关键词 套作 铵态氮 硝态氮 苜蓿 小麦
Effects of Root Pruning on Non-Hydraulic Root-Sourced Signal, Drought Tolerance and Water Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat 被引量:5
作者 MA Shou-chen LI Feng-min +3 位作者 yang shen-jiao LI Chun-xi XU Bing-cheng ZHANG Xu-cheng 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期989-998,共10页
Two pot experiments were conducted to study the effects of root pruning at the stem elongation stage on non-hydraulic root-sourced signals (nHRS), drought tolerance and water use efficiency of winter wheat (Triticu... Two pot experiments were conducted to study the effects of root pruning at the stem elongation stage on non-hydraulic root-sourced signals (nHRS), drought tolerance and water use efficiency of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). The root pruning significantly reduced the root weight of wheat, but had no effect on root/shoot ratio at the two tested stages. At booting stage, specific root respiration of root pruned plants was significantly higher than those with intact roots (1.06 and 0.94 mmol g-1 s-1, respectively). The soil water content (SWC) at which nHRS for root pruned plants appeared was higher and terminated lower than for intact root plants, the threshold range of nHRS was markedly greater for root pruned plants (61.1-44.6% field water capacity) than for intact root plants (57.9-46.1% field water capacity). At flowering stage, while there was no significant difference in specific root respiration. The SWCs at which nHRS appeared and terminated were both higher for root pruned plants than for intact root plants. The values of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, i.e., the effective photosystem II quantum yield (F PS II ), the maximum photochemical efficiency of PS II (F v /F m ), coefficient of photochemical quenching (qP), and coefficient of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), in root pruned plants were significantly higher than in intact root plants, 7 d after withholding of water. Root pruned plants had significantly higher water use efficiency (WUE) than intact root plants in well-watered and medium drought soil, but not in severe drought condition. In addition, root pruning had no significant effect on grain yield in well-watered and medium drought soil, but significantly decreased grain yield in severe drought condition. In conclusion, the current study showed that root pruning significantly altered nHRS sensitivity and improved WUE of winter wheat in well-watered and medium drought soil, but lowered drought tolerance of winter wheat in severe drought soil. This suggests a possible direction of drought- resistance breeding and potential agricultural measure to improve WUE of winter wheat under semiarid conditions. 展开更多
关键词 winter wheat root pruning non-hydraulic root-sourced signal (nHRS) root activity drought tolerance
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