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作者 杨兴国 杨诚 赖天华 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2024年第5期151-155,160,共6页
异响影响汽车的整车NVH性能,汽车异响主要为冲击异响,识别冲击异响源对解决整车NVH性能问题有着重要意义。这里首先介绍了一种求解带阻尼多自由系统的强迫振动响应计算方法。然后利用带阻尼的五自由度质量弹簧系统介绍了冲击振动时延特... 异响影响汽车的整车NVH性能,汽车异响主要为冲击异响,识别冲击异响源对解决整车NVH性能问题有着重要意义。这里首先介绍了一种求解带阻尼多自由系统的强迫振动响应计算方法。然后利用带阻尼的五自由度质量弹簧系统介绍了冲击振动时延特性的定义,研究了质量、刚度以及阻尼对时延特性的影响。接着分析已知冲击振动源的实验数据,验证了其时延特性。最后,应用冲击振动时延特性,成功找到了某型号新下线车辆的坏路冲击异响源。因此,利用冲击振动的时延特性能寻找冲击异响源是一个行之有效的方法。 展开更多
关键词 汽车NVH 冲击振动 时延特性 带阻尼多自由度 异响
基于“双证融通”应用型学前教育人才培养路径探析——以育婴师-学历证融通为例 被引量:1
作者 杨兴国 李丹 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2023年第9期22-25,共4页
当前,婴幼儿托育事业发展受到极度匮乏的0-3岁婴幼儿保教人才的掣肘。将目前从事婴幼儿托育与教育行业所需的育婴师职业资格证书认证要求,与应用型学前教育专业学历教育任务有机整合,开展基于育婴师-学历证“双证融通”的人才培养模式改... 当前,婴幼儿托育事业发展受到极度匮乏的0-3岁婴幼儿保教人才的掣肘。将目前从事婴幼儿托育与教育行业所需的育婴师职业资格证书认证要求,与应用型学前教育专业学历教育任务有机整合,开展基于育婴师-学历证“双证融通”的人才培养模式改革,对助力0-6岁学前教育人才培养一体化、培育高素质应用型学前教育人才、推动我国婴幼儿托育与教育事业发展具有时代价值。沿着目标融通、内容融通、实践融通、师资融通、评价融通的路径,可实现优化应用型学前教育人才培养。 展开更多
关键词 育婴师-学历证双证融通 应用型学前教育人才 婴幼儿托育 目标融通 内容融通 实践融通 师资融通 评价融通
堰塞湖风险评估快速检测与应急抢险技术和装备研发 被引量:6
作者 蔡耀军 周招 +5 位作者 杨兴国 魏迎奇 郑东健 彭文祥 钟启明 王衡 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期1266-1280,共15页
中国西南高山峡谷地区极易因降雨或地震造成山体滑坡、泥石流堵塞天然河道形成堰塞湖,堰塞湖漫顶溃决极易形成超过历史最大天然洪水的溃决洪峰,严重威胁沿岸人民群众生命财产安全并破坏生态环境。鉴于当前堰塞湖风险处置技术水平尚难以... 中国西南高山峡谷地区极易因降雨或地震造成山体滑坡、泥石流堵塞天然河道形成堰塞湖,堰塞湖漫顶溃决极易形成超过历史最大天然洪水的溃决洪峰,严重威胁沿岸人民群众生命财产安全并破坏生态环境。鉴于当前堰塞湖风险处置技术水平尚难以满足堰塞湖高效应急处置需求,“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目“堰塞湖风险评估快速检测与应急抢险技术和装备研发”以“高效快速、科学减灾”为目标,通过3年联合攻关,在揭示堰塞湖形成及溃决机理、堰塞湖多源信息快速获取、堰塞湖险情监控预警、堰塞湖风险评估以及堰塞湖应急处置和抢险装备研发等方面取得一系列创新成果,为堰塞湖高效处置提供了理论方法和科学手段,社会和经济效益显著,具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 堰塞湖 溃决机理 多源信息 风险评估 应急处置
无人机技术在工程全生命周期中的应用研究 被引量:8
作者 杨玉川 周顺文 +2 位作者 辛立光 杨兴国 周家文 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2018年第10期83-86,113,共5页
随着航测技术的发展,无人机扫描技术在国内外都得到了广泛应用,但由于大型无人机价格一般比较高,在目前的土木工程中的应用还不是特别充分。本文结合使用小型无人机的经验,分析探讨无人机扫描技术在工程全生命周期中的应用思路,包括前... 随着航测技术的发展,无人机扫描技术在国内外都得到了广泛应用,但由于大型无人机价格一般比较高,在目前的土木工程中的应用还不是特别充分。本文结合使用小型无人机的经验,分析探讨无人机扫描技术在工程全生命周期中的应用思路,包括前期勘测设计、施工阶段应用、工程后期监测及效果展示等方面。重点分析了该技术在市政工程、水利水电工程、及地质灾害治理工程等领域的实践操作模式,为后期无人机技术的进一步发展提供一些思路,希望可以进一步推动其在土木工程全生命周期中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 航拍摄影 应用方法 工程 全生命周期
压铸工艺对AlSi9Cu3铸件力学性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 杨兴国 杨诚 王茂辉 《铸造》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第6期705-708,共4页
某款汽车发动机在耐寒实验时出现冷机启动异响故障,分析其原因,是由于气缸体力学性能不足以及气缸体漏气量超标所导致。通过在轴承孔处增加局部挤压技术,并选择合适的挤压工艺;采用优化压铸工艺参数,改进模具浇注系统,调整喷涂位置等方... 某款汽车发动机在耐寒实验时出现冷机启动异响故障,分析其原因,是由于气缸体力学性能不足以及气缸体漏气量超标所导致。通过在轴承孔处增加局部挤压技术,并选择合适的挤压工艺;采用优化压铸工艺参数,改进模具浇注系统,调整喷涂位置等方案,使铸件力学性能达标,机油标识孔漏气率由32%降低到0.4%,使发动机漏气量低于限定值,有效地解决了发动机冷机启动异响故障。 展开更多
关键词 气缸体 漏气 力学性能 局部挤压 工艺
基于多自由度阻尼振动系统的动力吸振器的理论研究 被引量:1
作者 杨兴国 魏显坤 +1 位作者 王茂辉 石英 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2020年第1期89-92,共4页
探索动态吸振器对多自由度系统的影响,在工程实践中应用动力吸振器控制振动噪声有着重要的指导意义。建立一个带阻尼多自由度振动系统的动力学方程,接着应用线加速度法求解到系统的多个传递函数。然后分别将动力吸振器的阻尼比和质量作... 探索动态吸振器对多自由度系统的影响,在工程实践中应用动力吸振器控制振动噪声有着重要的指导意义。建立一个带阻尼多自由度振动系统的动力学方程,接着应用线加速度法求解到系统的多个传递函数。然后分别将动力吸振器的阻尼比和质量作为变量,分析两个参数对动力吸振器振动控制效果的影响。随着阻尼比增加对目标峰值衰减程度变化不大,然而新生成的峰值随着阻尼的增加有显著减小;动力吸振器的质量越大,对目标频率的衰减也越大,同时新峰值频率也越偏离目标频率。建议吸振器的阻尼比控制在6%~8%之间,同时质量最好控制在20%~40%目标件质量。 展开更多
关键词 多自由度 线加速度法 传递函数 动力吸振器
Debris Flows Introduced in Landslide Deposits under Rainfall Conditions:The Case of Wenjiagou Gully 被引量:9
作者 ZHOU Jia-wen CUI Peng +2 位作者 yang xing-guo SU Zhi-man GUO Xiao-jun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期249-260,共12页
Debris flows often occur in landslide deposits during heavy rainstorms.Debris flows are initiated by surface water runoff and unsaturated seepage under rainfall conditions.A physical model based on an infinitely long,... Debris flows often occur in landslide deposits during heavy rainstorms.Debris flows are initiated by surface water runoff and unsaturated seepage under rainfall conditions.A physical model based on an infinitely long,uniform and void-rich sediment layer was applied to analyze the triggering of debris-flow introduced in landslide deposits.To determine the initiation condition for rainfall-induced debris flows,we conducted a surface water runoff and saturated-unsaturated seepage numerical program to model rainfall infiltration and runoff on a slope.This program was combined with physical modeling and stability analysis to make certain the initiation condition for rainfall-introduced debris flows.Taking the landslide deposits at Wenjiagou gully as an example,the initiation conditions for debris flow were computed.The results show that increase height of surface-water runoff and the decrease of saturated sediment shear strength of are the main reasons for triggering debris-flows under heavy rainfall conditions.The debris-flow triggering is affected by the depth of surface-water runoff,the slope saturation and shear strength of the sediment. 展开更多
关键词 泥石流滑坡 存款 降水条件 非饱和渗流 地表径流 降雨条件 启动条件 剪切强度
A theoretical model for the estimation of maximum impact force from a rockfall based on contact theory 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Shi-lin yang xing-guo ZHOU Jia-wen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期430-443,共14页
Rockfall poses a great threat to buildings and personal security. To understand the dynamic characteristics of rockfalls is a prerequisite for disaster prevention and assessment. Models for rockfalls in different form... Rockfall poses a great threat to buildings and personal security. To understand the dynamic characteristics of rockfalls is a prerequisite for disaster prevention and assessment. Models for rockfalls in different forms are established based on the theory of rigid body motion. The equivalent velocity considering the rotational effect is determined by the energy ratio. Besides, considering plastic deformation and nonlinear hardening, the maximum impact force is estimated based on the Hertz contact theory. Then, a case study is carried out to illustrate the applicability of the model and sensitive analyses on some affecting parameters are also made. Calculation results show that the maximum impact force increases with the increasing of incident velocity, angle and slope gradient reflected by the changing of energy ratio. Moreover, the model for the estimation of maximum impact force is validated by two different scales of experiments and compared with other theoretical models. Simulated maximum impact forces agree well with the experiments. 展开更多
关键词 接触理论 模型基 评价 落石 个人安全 动态特征 敏感分析 影响参数
Effects of a flexible net barrier on the dynamic behaviours and interception of debris flows in mountainous areas 被引量:4
作者 HUO Miao ZHOU Jia-wen +1 位作者 yang xing-guo ZHOU Hong-wei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第10期1903-1918,共16页
Flexible net barriers are a new type of effective mitigation measure against debris flows in valleys and can affect the kinematic energy and mass of debris flows. Here, ten flume tests were performed to study the dyna... Flexible net barriers are a new type of effective mitigation measure against debris flows in valleys and can affect the kinematic energy and mass of debris flows. Here, ten flume tests were performed to study the dynamic behaviours of debris flows with differences in volumes, concentrations(solid volume fraction), and travel distances after interception by a uniform flexible net barrier. A high-speed camera was used to monitor the whole test process, and their dynamic behaviours were recorded. A preliminary computational framework on energy conversion is proposed according to the deposition mechanisms and outflow of debris flow under the effects of the flexible net barrier. The experimental results show that the dynamic interaction process between a debris flow and the flexible net barrier can be divided into two stages:(a) the two-phase impact of the leading edge of the debris flow with the net and(b) collision and friction between the body of the debris flow and intercepted debris material. The approach velocity of a debris flow decreases sharply(a maximum of 63%) after the interception by the net barrier, and the mass ratio of the debris material being intercepted and the kinetic energy ratio of the debris material being absorbed by the net barrier are close due to the limited interception efficiency of the flexible net barrier, which is believed to be related to the flexibility. The energy ratio of outflow is relative small despite the large permeability of the flexible net barrier. 展开更多
关键词 泥石流防治 柔性 拦截 流动态 山区 运动能量 动力相互作用 体积分数
Determination Method for Shear Strength Parameters of Rock-Soil Mixtures Using Close-Range Photogrammetry and 3-D Limit Equilibrium Theory 被引量:3
作者 ZHOU Jia-wen yang xing-guo yang Zhao-hui 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期1068-1083,共16页
Using a combination of close-range photogrammetry and three-dimensional(3-D) limit equilibrium theory, a determination method for the shear strength parameters of rock-soil mixture is presented. A close-range photogra... Using a combination of close-range photogrammetry and three-dimensional(3-D) limit equilibrium theory, a determination method for the shear strength parameters of rock-soil mixture is presented. A close-range photogrammetry method is used for measurement of the 3-D terrain of the experimental target. Auto CAD Lisp and EXCEL VBA are used to perform 3-D limit equilibrium analysis of the stability of sliding mass and perform backanalysis of shear strength parameters. The presented method was used to determine the shear strength parameters of rock-soil mixtures at the Liyuan Hydropower Station. The 3-D terrain of sliding surface could be measured notably well using of closerange photogrammetry. The computed results reveal that the cohesion and friction angle of rock-soil mixtures were 3.15 k Pa and 29.88o for test A, respectively, and 4.43 k Pa and 28.30o for test B, respectively, within the range of shear strength parameters, as determined by field and laboratory tests. The computation of shear strength parameters is influenced by the mesh grid number, especially the cohesion of the rock-soil mixture. The application of close-range photogrammetry can reduce the siteworks and improve the computational efficiency and accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 抗剪强度参数 近景摄影测量 极限平衡理论 三维地形 混合土 近距离 岩石 三维极限平衡分析
全日制学前教育专业硕士“UCK”培养模式的实践探索 被引量:3
作者 杨兴国 雷静 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2019年第9期15-17,共3页
全日制学前教育专业硕士"UCK"培养模式即具有全日制学前教育专业硕士招生资格的大学与地方普通本科师范院校和幼儿园三方合作的专业硕士培养模式。该模式通过"三级式指导、三段式学习、三岗式训练",有效整合大学、... 全日制学前教育专业硕士"UCK"培养模式即具有全日制学前教育专业硕士招生资格的大学与地方普通本科师范院校和幼儿园三方合作的专业硕士培养模式。该模式通过"三级式指导、三段式学习、三岗式训练",有效整合大学、师范学院以及幼儿园的优质资源,充分发挥三方的专业优势,通过幼儿园"全实践学习"丰富学生实践经验,"超级环"活动提升实践反思能力,"品学圈"活动搭建理实融合桥梁,"学术沙龙"活动促成理论素养提升,"本硕联动"活动催生学生专业情怀。 展开更多
关键词 全日制学前教育 专业硕士培养 “UCK”培养模式 三级式指导 三段式学习 三岗式训练 全实践学习
Comprehensive analyses of initiation and failure mechanisms of the 2017 Xinmo catastrophic rockslide 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Jia-wen FAN Gang +1 位作者 CHEN Qin yang xing-guo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第6期1525-1540,共16页
The failure of the 2017 Xinmo catastrophic rockslide in Maoxian County, Sichuan, Southwest China was a combined effect of long-term and shortterm triggering factors. Field investigation, historical data collection, la... The failure of the 2017 Xinmo catastrophic rockslide in Maoxian County, Sichuan, Southwest China was a combined effect of long-term and shortterm triggering factors. Field investigation, historical data collection, laboratory tests, chemical and microstructure analysis and numerical simulations were adopted herein to reveal the initiation and failure mechanism of the Xinmo rockslide. The analytical results showed that this failure involved the coupling of several triggering factors. The initial cracks in the rock mass were induced by historical earthquakes due to the convex topography and the direction effect. Rock masses from the source area of the Xinmo rockslide contain water-sensitive minerals, i.e., albite and chamosite, and the easily oxidized chemical element Fe, resulting in obvious strength deterioration under the action of water. The scanning electron microscopy(SEM) experimental results indicated that the internal structure of the rock mass is conducive to weathering. The compressive and shear strengths of the rock mass were reduced due to freeze-thaw cycles and weathering. The antecedent rainfall further deteriorated the stability of the slope, and stress and deformation accumulated continually in the locked section. Finally, the locked section sheared out, and the slope failed. An entrainment effect was observed in the Xinmo rockslide due to the presence of old landslide deposits and the antecedent rainfall, resulting in an amplification of the catastrophic rockslide. A simplified three dimensional analysis model was established in this study to reveal the influence of the triggering factors on the failure mechanism of the Xinmo rockslide. 展开更多
关键词 Xinmo Rockslide LANDSLIDE Failure mechanism Long-term evolution RAINFALL Entrainment effect
泥质软岩巷道底鼓影响因素与控制研究 被引量:3
作者 高波 杨兴国 +3 位作者 高钱存 崔琦 邓金平 李泽祥 《能源技术与管理》 2022年第1期12-15,共4页
为解决我国西部某矿泥质软岩巷道950运输石门底鼓严重的问题,对巷道底鼓的影响因素进行了分析,发现巷道底鼓主要受埋深大、构造应力、开采扰动、泥岩特性、地下水等因素的影响。研究表明,该巷道底板最小加固深度应达到4.2 m。在原支护... 为解决我国西部某矿泥质软岩巷道950运输石门底鼓严重的问题,对巷道底鼓的影响因素进行了分析,发现巷道底鼓主要受埋深大、构造应力、开采扰动、泥岩特性、地下水等因素的影响。研究表明,该巷道底板最小加固深度应达到4.2 m。在原支护的基础上,设计了底板加固和底板未加固2种支护新方案,并采用数值模拟对2种方案进行对比,得出加固底板的方案可有效改善巷道围岩应力条件,降低底鼓量,为相似矿井巷道底鼓治理提供了借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 泥质软岩 开采扰动 巷道底鼓 影响因素 加固支护
Entrainment effects and the dynamical evolution of debris avalanche/flow on substrate materials
作者 HUO Miao yang xing-guo +2 位作者 ZHOU Hong-wei LIANG yu-feng ZHOU Jia-wen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第8期1760-1773,共14页
A pair of flumes with variable inclinations were employed to investigate the entrainment mechanics and dynamical evolution of a debris avalanche/flow. A fixed quantity of solid and water mixture was released from a co... A pair of flumes with variable inclinations were employed to investigate the entrainment mechanics and dynamical evolution of a debris avalanche/flow. A fixed quantity of solid and water mixture was released from a constant elevation and accelerated along a higher chute to impact substrate materials with different water contents and particle size distributions in the lower chute. Two high-speed cameras, pore and earth pressure detecting devices, were placed in the substrate materials where severe scouring occurs in order to collect multiple measurements of dynamical and mechanical parameters. The entrainment dynamics were verified by geometrical analysis and quasi-static simulation. The results show that wet and fine materials that are placed in the lower chute with steeper slopes are easily entrained during debris flow initiation, the pattern of which can be described by Coulomb friction and the Mohr-Coulomb law. Elaborate measurements of dynamical parameters enable the results of an elementary computational framework to predict the time-dependent scouring depth ht, which provides insight into rapidly determining debris flow propagation. Finally, the post-entrainment dynamics were studied. The results indicate that the propagation and the amplification of debris flows along erodible beds are dominated by the velocity and the solid volume fraction of the mixed substrate, and the coarse particle group of the substrate is a key feature affected by momentum changes. 展开更多
The Connotation, Characteristics and the Enlightenments of Emergency Literacy--Be based on the curriculum of early literacy in China
作者 yang xing-guo 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第11期16-18,共3页
关键词 课程内容 读写 早期 中国 素养 急救 主动学习 生活世界
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