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川西南冲断带深层地质构造与潜在油气勘探领域 被引量:16
作者 陈竹新 王丽宁 +5 位作者 杨光 张本健 应丹琳 苑保国 裴森奇 李伟 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期653-667,共15页
应用地质、地震及钻井等资料,对川西南冲断带深层地质结构、构造演化和变形过程进行系统研究,探讨四川盆地西南(简称川西南)地区深层潜在的油气勘探领域。川西南冲断带在关键地质历史时期发育特征性的地层分布及构造变形结构,主要包括... 应用地质、地震及钻井等资料,对川西南冲断带深层地质结构、构造演化和变形过程进行系统研究,探讨四川盆地西南(简称川西南)地区深层潜在的油气勘探领域。川西南冲断带在关键地质历史时期发育特征性的地层分布及构造变形结构,主要包括前震旦纪多个近南北向的裂谷构造、震旦系灯影组阶梯状台地-台缘构造、晚古生代早期的西部古隆起、晚古生代—中三叠世碳酸盐台地、晚三叠世至白垩纪的前陆斜坡和前缘隆起构造以及新生代多期多向再生前陆冲断构造等。现今川西南冲断带整体上表现为受中三叠统雷口坡组内盐层和基底拆离层控制的双层冲断变形几何学结构,浅变形层发育构造位移远距离传播的北东—南西走向的滑脱冲断构造;而深变形层则发育基底卷入的近南北走向的基底褶皱,并改造了上部早期形成的滑脱冲断构造,改造强度南强北弱。川西南冲断带南部地区以晚期基底冲断褶皱构造为特征,而中—北部地区则以浅层滑脱冲断为主。靠近山前的雾中山构造带呈现滑脱推覆结构特征,上盘推覆构造为复杂化的断层转折褶皱核部和前翼,深层则发育稳定的隐伏原地构造。从构造变形结构分析,区域盐滑脱层上、下的构造变形层中都发育了有利的勘探层系和区带,各变形层中多排显性背斜构造带是重点领域。而雾中山构造带深层原地隐伏的震旦系和二叠系、深层隐伏的前震旦纪裂谷层序及相关构造、震旦系灯影组台地-台缘带以及龙泉山构造东侧的印支期古隆起等是川西南冲断带潜在油气勘探领域。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原东缘 四川盆地 深层地质构造 褶皱冲断带 构造变形 油气勘探
四川盆地二叠系火成岩分布及含气性 被引量:41
作者 马新华 徐春春 +6 位作者 李国辉 应丹琳 张本健 李亚 戴鑫 范毅 曾云贤 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期216-225,共10页
基于露头、地震、测井和钻井资料分析,结合勘探实践成果,对四川盆地二叠系火成岩特征、分布、储集性能及含气性进行研究。分析表明,盆地内二叠系发育中心式火山喷发岩相,其岩性组合及分布特征表现出明显差异性;火成岩主要分布于3个区域... 基于露头、地震、测井和钻井资料分析,结合勘探实践成果,对四川盆地二叠系火成岩特征、分布、储集性能及含气性进行研究。分析表明,盆地内二叠系发育中心式火山喷发岩相,其岩性组合及分布特征表现出明显差异性;火成岩主要分布于3个区域:盆地西南部,主要为大面积溢流相玄武岩;盆地中西部的简阳—三台地区,发育侵入岩、火山熔岩(玄武岩)和火山碎屑岩;川东达州—梁平地区,则仅为辉绿岩和玄武岩。研究得出以下5方面的认识:①上二叠统火成岩可分为侵入岩和喷出岩两大类,以喷出岩占主体,在化学成分上既具有碱性玄武岩特点,也具有拉斑玄武岩特点,属偏碱性的过渡型玄武岩浆喷发;②溢流相的玄武岩在纵向上具有明显的韵律结构,单韵律层自下而上为火山碎屑岩(不发育)→深灰、灰色斑状玄武岩(不稳定)→深灰带紫色微晶-隐晶玄武岩→深灰绿色气孔状、杏仁状玄武岩;中心式火山喷发也具有韵律性,纵向上自下而上为火山碎屑岩(集块岩、角砾岩)→火山熔岩→凝灰质熔岩的演化序列;③玄武岩和火山碎屑岩的孔隙类型具多样性,以溶蚀孔、脱玻化微孔为主,但物性差异大,玄武岩储集层表现为超低孔渗,厚度小,分布于旋回中上部及顶部,横向可对比性较差;火山碎屑岩为中—高孔储集层(YT1井:孔隙度8.66%~16.48%,平均值为13.76%),厚度较大,储集层品质较好;④盆地西南部玄武岩中的天然气主要来源于中二叠统,盆地中西部火山碎屑岩中天然气来自于寒武系筇竹寺组;⑤分析不同地区火成岩成藏条件,盆地西南部气源相对不足、储集层欠发育,保存条件差异性较大,含气性较复杂;盆地中西部简阳—三台地区烃源充足、储集层发育、保存条件优越,天然气地质条件优越,是天然气勘探有利区。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 上二叠统 茅口组 火成岩 火山熔岩 火山碎屑岩 储集性 含气性 天然气藏
四川盆地加里东古隆起形成演化及动力学成因机理 被引量:12
作者 苏桂萍 李忠权 +6 位作者 应丹琳 李根 应文峰 杨渊宇 刘恒麟 丁啸 唐华强 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1793-1812,共20页
四川盆地加里东古隆起位于盆地中西部,龙门山构造带以东。分析古隆起形成演化及其动力学成因机理对研究盆地内构造变形和指导盆地深层油气勘探具有重要意义。本文基于前人研究成果,根据大量地震反射剖面和钻井资料,结合盆地周缘露头资料... 四川盆地加里东古隆起位于盆地中西部,龙门山构造带以东。分析古隆起形成演化及其动力学成因机理对研究盆地内构造变形和指导盆地深层油气勘探具有重要意义。本文基于前人研究成果,根据大量地震反射剖面和钻井资料,结合盆地周缘露头资料,开展新一轮的研究工作。通过对比分析不同区域地层特征,识别古隆起发育区的前二叠系缺失情况,以及各套地层尖灭点分布范围、不整合削截点和上超点。利用地震、连井剖面相结合方法,较为详细地刻画了加里东古隆的形态特征,进而认识古隆起的阶段性演化;以灯影组顶面古构造演化为研究对象,结合平衡剖面技术,确定了加里东古隆起的形成演化阶段,将其划分为震旦纪雏形期、寒武纪-志留纪发育期、泥盆纪-石炭纪剥蚀夷平期、二叠纪-中三叠世稳定埋藏期、晚三叠世-现今调整定型期5个阶段;结合区域构造背景和四川盆地基底断裂特征,进一步分析加里东古隆起动力学成因机理。综合研究认为,加里东古隆起的形成受控于区域构造活动和基底断裂分期分段活动的影响。是基底作"堑垒式"差异隆升使盆地出现"大隆大坳"此起彼伏的构造格局,从而影响了继承性古隆起的形成演化。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 加里东古隆起 地震解释 形成演化 成因机理
四川盆地涪陵-石柱-建南大型古隆起的发现及勘探意义 被引量:1
作者 晏山 李忠权 +7 位作者 杨雨 李根 张本健 李典 应丹琳 陈骁 王泽卿 邹媛 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期385-395,405,共12页
依据航磁、地震剖面、钻井及地表地质资料,确定四川盆地东部涪陵-石柱-建南地区始于震旦纪就发育一个大型继承性古隆起。航磁异常图显示石柱地区存在一个北西西向的近椭圆形的正异常。地震及深部钻井资料揭示震旦系灯影组、下寒武统筇... 依据航磁、地震剖面、钻井及地表地质资料,确定四川盆地东部涪陵-石柱-建南地区始于震旦纪就发育一个大型继承性古隆起。航磁异常图显示石柱地区存在一个北西西向的近椭圆形的正异常。地震及深部钻井资料揭示震旦系灯影组、下寒武统筇竹寺组由周缘向涪陵-石柱-建南地区超覆沉积;灯影组厚度显示石柱地区最薄,向周围增厚,导致地层厚度变化的古隆起边界受基底正断层控制。区域地质资料则显示控制古隆起的基底断裂对后期川东高陡背斜带的轴迹偏转有明显的控制作用。该古隆起平面上近椭圆状、东西方向延伸,面积约2.4×104 km2。结合古隆起发育特征,运用构造复原方法重建其形成与演化过程分为3个时期:古隆起形成于震旦系灯影组沉积期;震旦纪-早寒武世期间持续隆起,至燕山期前古隆起的隆起范围、存在范围变化不大;燕山期-喜马拉雅期被改造,古隆起分割成焦石坝、建南两个高点。涪陵-石柱-建南古隆起的形成主要受到北东-南西向伸展作用的控制,从而形成古隆起边界的堑垒式构造组合,可能兼有同期隐伏花岗岩侵位的影响。涪陵-石柱-建南古隆起古今构造叠合,在油气勘探方面具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 涪陵-石柱-建南古隆起 震旦纪 早寒武世
Distribution and gas-bearing properties of Permian igneous rocks in Sichuan Basin, SW China 被引量:1
作者 MA Xinhua LI Guohui +5 位作者 ying danlin ZHAGN Benjian LI Ya DAI Xin FAN Yi ZENG Yunxian 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 2019年第2期228-237,共10页
Based on the analysis of outcrop, seismic, logging and drilling data, combined with exploration practice, the characteristics,distribution, reservoir performance and gas-bearing properties of Permian igneous rocks in ... Based on the analysis of outcrop, seismic, logging and drilling data, combined with exploration practice, the characteristics,distribution, reservoir performance and gas-bearing properties of Permian igneous rocks in Sichuan Basin are studied. The study shows that central volcanic eruptive facies are developed in Sichuan Basin, and their lithological assemblages and distribution characteristics show obvious differences. The igneous rocks are mainly distributed in three regions: the southwestern part of the basin has dominantly largescale overflow facies basalts; the central and western part of the basin, Jianyang-Santai area, develop intrusive rocks, volcanic lavas(basalts)and pyroclastic rocks; and the eastern part of Sichuan, Dazhou-Liangping area, only develop diabase and basalts. Five aspects of understandings are achieved:(1) The Upper Permian igneous rocks can be divided into intrusive rocks and extrusive rocks, with the extrusive rocks as the main body. The chemical compositions of the extrusive rocks are characterized by both alkaline basalt and tholeiitic basalt, and belong to the subalkaline type of transitional basalt magma eruption.(2) There are obvious rhythmic structures vertically among overflow facies basalt, and the single rhythmic layer consists of, from bottom up, pyroclastic rocks(undeveloped), gray and dark gray porphyritic basalts(unstable), dark gray and purple microcrystalline-cryptocrystalline basalts, dark greyish green porous and amygdaloid basalts; the central volcanic eruption shows the rhythm and the vertical sequence of volcanic clastic rocks(agglomerates and breccias), volcanic lava, tuffaceous lava from bottom to top.(3) The pore types of basalt and pyroclastic rocks are diverse, mainly dissolution pore and de-vitrification micropore, but their physical properties are different. Basalt is characterized by ultra-low pore permeability, small reservoir thickness, and reservoirs are distributed in the upper and middle parts of the cycle, with poor lateral comparability. Volcanic clastic rocks are medium to high porous reservoirs(Well YT1: porosity: 8.66%?16.48%, average 13.76%) with large thickness and good reservoir quality.(4) Natural gas in basalts in southwestern basin mainly comes from Middle Permian, and natural gas in volcanic clastic rocks in central and western basin comes from Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation.(5) Analysis of igneous reservoir-forming conditions in different areas shows that there are relatively insufficient gas sources and great differences in preservation conditions in southwestern basin.Reservoirs are poorly developed and gas-bearing is complex. The Jianyang-Santai area in the central and western part of Sichuan Basin has abundant hydrocarbon sources, developed reservoir, favorable preservation conditions and favorable gas geological conditions, and it is a favorable area for gas exploration. 展开更多
关键词 Sichuan Basin Upper PERMIAN Maokou Formation IGNEOUS ROCK volcanic lava PYROCLASTIC ROCK RESERVOIR property GAS bearing natural GAS RESERVOIR
Geological structures and potential petroleum exploration areas in the southwestern Sichuan fold-thrust belt, SW China
作者 CHEN Zhuxin WANG Lining +5 位作者 YANG Guang ZHANG Benjian ying danlin YUAN Baoguo PEI Senqi LI Wei 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 2020年第4期699-713,共15页
Based on the latest geological,seismic,drilling and outcrop data,we studied the geological structure,tectonic evolution history and deformation process of the southwestern Sichuan fold-thrust belt to find out the pote... Based on the latest geological,seismic,drilling and outcrop data,we studied the geological structure,tectonic evolution history and deformation process of the southwestern Sichuan fold-thrust belt to find out the potential hydrocarbon exploration areas in deep layers.During key tectonic periods,the southwestern Sichuan fold-thrust belt developed some characteristic strata and structural deformation features,including the Pre-Sinian multi-row N-S strike rifts,step-shaped platform-margin structures of Sinian Dengying Formation,the western paleo-uplift in the early stage of Late Paleozoic,the Late Paleozoic–Middle Triassic carbonate platform,foreland slope and forebulge during Late Triassic to Cretaceous,and Cenozoic multi-strike rejuvenated fold-thrusting structures.The fold-thrust belt vertically shows a double-layer structural deformation controlled by the salt layer in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation and the base detachment layer at present.The upper deformation layer develops the NE-SW strike thrusts propagating toward basin in long distance,while the deeper deformation layer had near north-south strike basement-involved folds,which deformed the detachment and thrusting structures formed earlier in the upper layer,with the deformation strength high in south part and weak in north part.The southern part of the fold-thrust belt is characterized by basement-involved fold-thrusts formed late,while the central-northern part is dominated by thin-skin thrusts in the shallow layer.The Wuzhongshan anticlinal belt near piedmont is characterized by over-thrust structure above the salt detachment,where the upper over-thrusting nappe consists of a complicated fold core and front limb of a fault-bend fold,while the deep layer has stable subtle in-situ structures.Favorable exploration strata and areas have been identified both in the upper and deeper deformation layers separated by regional salt detachment,wherein multiple anticlinal structures are targets for exploration.Other potential exploration strata and areas in southwestern Sichuan fold-thrust belt include the deep Sinian and Permian in the Wuzhongshan structure,pre-Sinian rifting sequences and related structures,platform-margin belt of Sinian Dengying Formation,and Indosinian paleo-uplift in the east of the Longquanshan structure. 展开更多
关键词 eastern Tibet Plateau Sichuan Basin deep geological structure fold-thrust belt structural deformation petroleum exploration
作者 应丹林 王丛丛 +2 位作者 柳长欣 王玉良 曹智行 《铁道建筑技术》 2023年第8期122-126,共5页
在国内外研究成果基础上,提出一种新型复合剪力墙结构,通过5个1/2比例缩尺剪力墙试件轴心受压试验,对比分析其破坏形态和受力机理,研究复合剪力墙结构夹于两侧钢筋混凝土结构层之间的保温层对复合剪力墙轴压性能的影响。试验结果表明:... 在国内外研究成果基础上,提出一种新型复合剪力墙结构,通过5个1/2比例缩尺剪力墙试件轴心受压试验,对比分析其破坏形态和受力机理,研究复合剪力墙结构夹于两侧钢筋混凝土结构层之间的保温层对复合剪力墙轴压性能的影响。试验结果表明:复合剪力墙结构在斜拉筋拉结作用下,两侧结构层呈现出很好的协同工作能力;在轴向压力作用下,试件未出现分离鼓出现象,能够较好抵抗轴压作用。无保温层的复合剪力墙结构得益于钢筋网架的套箍作用,承重效果极佳。最后提出相应受压承载力计算公式并与实测值进行对比验证。 展开更多
关键词 复合剪力墙 轴心受压试验 结构层 承载力公式
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