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面向空间引力波探测任务的微推进技术研究进展 被引量:15
作者 于达仁 牛翔 +29 位作者 王泰卜 王尚胜 曾明 崔凯 刘辉 涂良成 李祝 黄祥青 刘建平 沈岩 彭慧生 杨铖 宋培义 匡双阳 张开 索晓晨 黄潇博 刘旭辉 汪旭东 龙军 付新菊 高晨光 杨涓 夏旭 付瑜亮 胡展 康小明 吴勤勤 庞爱平 周鸿博 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期194-212,共19页
微推力器是实现空间引力波探测中无拖曳控制任务的关键。本文在分析空间引力波探测无拖曳控制系统对微推力器要求基础上,通过微推进技术原理开展分析,梳理出了满足要求的微推力器,包括冷气推力器、波电离离子推力器、会切磁场型霍尔推... 微推力器是实现空间引力波探测中无拖曳控制任务的关键。本文在分析空间引力波探测无拖曳控制系统对微推力器要求基础上,通过微推进技术原理开展分析,梳理出了满足要求的微推力器,包括冷气推力器、波电离离子推力器、会切磁场型霍尔推力器和场致发射推力器4种备选方案,并介绍了4种推力器以及基于推力器的无拖曳控制国内外相关研究现状。在此基础上,本文介绍了天琴计划开展以来针对这几种微推力器的研制进展,并对后续应用于引力波探测的微推进技术研究方向进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 空间引力波探测 无拖曳控制 微推进 会切磁场型霍尔推力器 波电离离子推力器 冷气推力器 场致发射推力器
天琴计划简介 被引量:25
作者 罗俊 艾凌皓 +160 位作者 艾艳丽 安子聪 白伟钢 白彦峥 包佳慧 曹斌 常文博 陈琛 陈厚源 崔凯 单莹 丁延卫 段会宗 范会敏 范磊 范纹彤 范霄 冯文凡 付新菊 付瑜亮 高晨光 郜青 高添泉 高鑫 高永新 龚云贵 谷德峰 辜凌云 郭兴 韩西达 何芸 胡一鸣 胡越新 胡展 黄顺佳 黄祥青 黄潇博 纪沐婕 蒋贇 焦磊 靳鸿鸣 康小明 匡双阳 雷卫华 李程远 李洪银 李珏 李康康 李萌 李明 黎明 李涛 李霄栋 李语强 李祝 李竹溪 黎樽彪 练军想 梁正程 林伟 凌晨 刘辉 刘佳恒 刘建平 刘力 刘祺 刘尚飞 刘胜前 刘帅 刘旭辉 刘雁冲 刘源 龙江 龙军 陆璐 罗成健 骆颖欣 马波 梅健伟 孟云鹤 明珉 牛翔 潘加键 庞爱平 彭慧生 屈少波 区子维 任亮亮 申荣锋 沈岩 石常富 宋佳凝 宋培义 索晓晨 谭柏轩 谭定银 檀庄斌 涂良成 王成 王铖锐 王凤彬 王海天 王继河 王凌风 王尚胜 王泰卜 汪旭东 王炎 汪洋 汪一萍 王智钊 魏东东 文明轩 吴庆文 吴勤勤 吴书朝 吴先霖 夏冰 夏旭 肖青 肖小圆 谢宁 徐家豪 颜浩 闫勇 杨铖 杨诚鋆 杨涓 杨列 杨山清 叶伯兵 叶贤基 叶小容 尹航 于达仁 袁慧敏 曾明 张才士 张德轩 张建东 张静怡 张锦绣 张居正 张开 张蜡宝 张立华 张涛 张鑫 张鑫2 张雪峰 赵宏超 赵玥 赵泽伟 周鸿博 周金灵 周立祥 周泽兵 朱凡 朱炬波 訾铁光 邹远川 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期1-19,共19页
天琴计划预期于2035年左右发射并部署边长约17万公里的等边三角形卫星星座,构成一个引力波天文台—天琴。天琴将对10^(-4)~1 Hz频段的引力波进行探测,为人类描绘一幅更全面的宇宙图景。在本文中,我们对天琴计划的背景和提出过程、天琴... 天琴计划预期于2035年左右发射并部署边长约17万公里的等边三角形卫星星座,构成一个引力波天文台—天琴。天琴将对10^(-4)~1 Hz频段的引力波进行探测,为人类描绘一幅更全面的宇宙图景。在本文中,我们对天琴计划的背景和提出过程、天琴的主要探测对象和主要科学目标、天琴需要攻克的核心关键技术问题、天琴计划技术路线图及进展等进行介绍,以方便更多人加入这一项富有挑战而又激动人心的工作。 展开更多
关键词 天琴计划 空间引力波探测 引力波
用于引力波探测的微牛级霍尔电推进技术 被引量:9
作者 于达仁 崔凯 +2 位作者 刘辉 曾明 蒋文嘉 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期171-181,共11页
为满足空间引力波探测卫星无拖曳控制所需的微牛级推力宽范围连续可调的推进需求,依据霍尔电推进工作原理,分析微牛级霍尔推力器的设计理念,并经过一系列的推力器特征尺寸优化研究,设计了出口直径4 mm、通道长度30 mm的微牛级会切型霍... 为满足空间引力波探测卫星无拖曳控制所需的微牛级推力宽范围连续可调的推进需求,依据霍尔电推进工作原理,分析微牛级霍尔推力器的设计理念,并经过一系列的推力器特征尺寸优化研究,设计了出口直径4 mm、通道长度30 mm的微牛级会切型霍尔推力器.实验测试结果表明:该型推力器可实现推力0.2~112.7μN的连续可调输出,满足引力波探测任务对推力器推力输出范围的需求.为进一步改善推力噪声等推力器动态性能指标,开展了推力器控制系统设计和仿真研究,并根据无拖曳控制原理建立无拖曳卫星仿真系统,对微牛级霍尔推力器应用于引力波探测任务的可行性进行仿真评估.推力器控制和无拖曳卫星的仿真结果表明:推力器闭环控制可有效降低推力噪声,提高推力输出快速性和精度,还可大幅提升非保守力补偿精度,使航天器与测试质量之间的位移误差满足引力波探测计划的无拖曳控制精度指标.该型微牛级会切型霍尔推力器可满足引力波探测任务的推进需求,具备应用于此类空间科学任务的可能. 展开更多
关键词 引力波探测 无拖曳控制 微牛级电推进 霍尔推力器 推力噪声 推力器控制
空间引力波探测微牛电推进寿命评估研究现状 被引量:2
作者 刘辉 王尚胜 +3 位作者 于达仁 赵明煊 郑思远 陈野 《中国空间科学技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期10-20,共11页
阐述了空间引力波探测任务中无拖曳控制技术对推进系统的特殊要求,介绍了目前主要的备选推进类型:冷气推进、离子电推进、会切型霍尔电推进、胶体电推进。针对面向空间引力波探测任务的电推进系统的寿命评估工作进行了任务分析,报告了... 阐述了空间引力波探测任务中无拖曳控制技术对推进系统的特殊要求,介绍了目前主要的备选推进类型:冷气推进、离子电推进、会切型霍尔电推进、胶体电推进。针对面向空间引力波探测任务的电推进系统的寿命评估工作进行了任务分析,报告了目前微牛级电推进系统寿命试验研究现状,举例说明了目前主要应用的电推进装置寿命预测方式,包括半经验模型预测、数值模拟预测、基于数据驱动的预测以及系统层面的可靠性评估方法。对目前微牛级电推进系统的寿命评估研究现状进行总结,给出了发展思路。 展开更多
关键词 空间引力波探测 电推进 寿命试验 寿命预测模型 可靠性评估
作者 于达仁 汤尧 刘辉 《力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期2857-2875,共19页
随着月球基地、同步轨道大型空间平台等航天任务的提出,高载荷比空间运输成为其中的一个重要需求,高比冲长寿命的电推进技术成为空间推进的首选.目前广泛应用的空间电推进主流技术是采用稀有气体氙为工质的离子推进和霍尔推进,但随着电... 随着月球基地、同步轨道大型空间平台等航天任务的提出,高载荷比空间运输成为其中的一个重要需求,高比冲长寿命的电推进技术成为空间推进的首选.目前广泛应用的空间电推进主流技术是采用稀有气体氙为工质的离子推进和霍尔推进,但随着电推进产品应用量的日益增加,氙工质的资源稀有性导致其价格日益飞涨,推进剂成本成为制约其在大总冲的空间运输中使用的不可逾越的难题;另外气体储存需要高压储箱,也导致大总冲任务的推进剂高压储存供给设备重量占比很大,拉低了推进系统的有效比冲.最适配空间运输任务的4种大功率电推进技术被首先介绍,通过阐明其工作原理的方式来说明它们需要具备何种特性的工质.之后回顾了各类电推进工质优化选择的历史过程,结合这4类电推进的物理特点,面向空间运输任务论述了采取新型液体或固体工质作为电推进工质的合理性和可行性,以期大幅度降低电推进的工质储存代价和工质成本,为远距离高载荷比空间运输提供空间动力新方案. 展开更多
关键词 空间运输 电推进 新型工质 展望
基于三维PIC数值模拟的2 cm ECRIT推力控制计算 被引量:3
作者 胡展 杨涓 +2 位作者 陈茂林 于达仁 朱悉铭 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期733-739,共7页
无拖曳控制是空间引力波探测的关键技术,主要由微型推力器完成。微型电子回旋共振离子推力器(ECRIT)体积小、推力可调,可用于空间引力波的无拖曳控制。基于三维PIC数值模拟方法计算微型2 cm ECRIT的推力控制范围,分析其用于无拖曳控制... 无拖曳控制是空间引力波探测的关键技术,主要由微型推力器完成。微型电子回旋共振离子推力器(ECRIT)体积小、推力可调,可用于空间引力波的无拖曳控制。基于三维PIC数值模拟方法计算微型2 cm ECRIT的推力控制范围,分析其用于无拖曳控制系统的可行性。首先计算不同栅极孔径下的推力性能和栅极聚焦特性,获得合理栅极结构,再计算栅极电压、栅极前离子密度对推力器性能的影响,获得满足无拖曳控制要求的推力器性能参数范围。结果表明:减小栅极孔径能降低推力,但同时影响栅极聚焦效果;调节栅极前离子密度可大范围调节推力;在给定的栅极结构和栅前离子密度下,存在合适的栅极加速电压区间保证离子的良好聚焦。综合考虑推力性能和栅极聚焦特性,选择屏栅孔径0.6 mm、加速栅孔径0.34 mm的栅极,当栅极前离子密度分别为1×1017,0.7×1017,0.4×1017,0.2×1017 m-3时,通过调节加速电压,可实现5.05~141.44μN的推力调节。此研究将为分析ECRIT应用于引力波探测的可行性奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 无拖曳控制 电子回旋共振 束流引出 PIC数值模拟 推力计算
Power generation and heat sink improvement characteristics of recooling cycle for thermal cracked hydrocarbon fueled scramjet 被引量:7
作者 BAO Wen QIN Jiang +2 位作者 ZHOU WeiXing ZHANG Duo yu daren 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期955-963,共9页
In order to further investigate how much fuel heat sink could be increased and how much power generation could be obtained by using recooling cycle for a regeneratively cooled scramjet,the energy conversion from heat ... In order to further investigate how much fuel heat sink could be increased and how much power generation could be obtained by using recooling cycle for a regeneratively cooled scramjet,the energy conversion from heat to electricity and the fuel heat sink increase in recooling cycle are experimentally investigated for fuel conversion rate and components of gas cracked fuel products at different fuel temperatures.The results indicate that the total fuel heat sink(i.e.,physical+chemical+recooling) of a recooling cycle is obviously higher than the heat sink of fuel itself,and the maximum heat sink increment is as high as 0.4 MJ/kg throughout the recooling cycle.Furthermore,the cracked fuel mixture has a significant capacity of doing work.The thermodynamic power generation scheme,which adopts the cracked fuel gas mixture as the working fluid,is a potential power generation cycle,and the maximum specific power generation is about 500 kW/kg.Turbine-pump scheme using cracked fuel gas mixture is also a potential fuel feeding cycle. 展开更多
关键词 recooling cycle SCRAMJET heat sink power generation thermal cracking
Catastrophe,hysteresis and bifurcation of mode transition in scramjet engines and its model 被引量:6
作者 yu daren CUI Tao BAO Wen 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第6期1543-1550,共8页
This paper describes a class of nonlinear phenomena existing in the hypersonic flow and supersonic combustion process of scramjet engines:catastrophe,hysteresis and bifurcation,and further finds out the general rules(... This paper describes a class of nonlinear phenomena existing in the hypersonic flow and supersonic combustion process of scramjet engines:catastrophe,hysteresis and bifurcation,and further finds out the general rules(topological invariance)for the stability boundaries of mode transition in scramjet engines.With this topological invariance,a topological approach is put forward to model the stability boundaries,which may contribute to a complexity reduction of high-dimensional modeling when con-sidering more perturbation parameters,and help to explore the physical laws of the nonlinear phe-nomena.Accordingly,this paper interprets the characteristic of combustion mode transition based on the cusp topological model in singular theories,and observes the bifurcation characteristic in com-bustion mode transition.Moreover,a modeling approach is proposed to mathematically describe the stability boundaries of combustion mode transition in scramjet engines,and the model has high ac-curacy comparing to the simulation data,which proves the validation of the basic ideas proposed in this paper.Finally,future research directions are proposed. 展开更多
Investigating the impacts of spatial-temporal variation features of air density on assessing wind power generation and its fluctuation in China 被引量:2
作者 REN GuoRui WANG Wei +3 位作者 WAN Jie HONG Feng YANG Ke yu daren 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第6期1797-1814,共18页
Air density plays an important role in assessing wind resource.Air density significantly fluctuates both spatially and temporally.But literature typically used standard air density or local annual average air density ... Air density plays an important role in assessing wind resource.Air density significantly fluctuates both spatially and temporally.But literature typically used standard air density or local annual average air density to assess wind resource.The present study investigates the estimation errors of the potential and fluctuation of wind resource caused by neglecting the spatial-temporal variation features of air density in China.The air density at 100 m height is accurately calculated by using air temperature,pressure,and humidity.The spatial-temporal variation features of air density are firstly analyzed.Then the wind power generation is modeled based on a 1.5 MW wind turbine model by using the actual air density,standard air densityρst,and local annual average air densityρsite,respectively.Usingρstoverestimates the annual wind energy production(AEP)in 93.6%of the study area.Humidity significantly affects AEP in central and southern China areas.In more than 75%of the study area,the winter to summer differences in AEP are underestimated,but the intra-day peak-valley differences and fluctuation rate of wind power are overestimated.Usingρsitesignificantly reduces the estimation error in AEP.But AEP is still overestimated(0-8.6%)in summer and underestimated(0-11.2%)in winter.Except for southwest China,it is hard to reduce the estimation errors of winter to summer differences in AEP by usingρsite.Usingρsitedistinctly reduces the estimation errors of intra-day peak-valley differences and fluctuation rate of wind power,but these estimation errors cannot be ignored as well.The impacts of air density on assessing wind resource are almost independent of the wind turbine types. 展开更多
关键词 air density spatial-temporal variation power curve wind resource assessment FLUCTUATION ERA-5
Thermodynamic analysis for a chemically recuperated scramjet 被引量:2
作者 QIN Jiang BAO Wen +2 位作者 ZHANG SiLong SONG yuFei yu daren 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期3204-3212,共9页
Endothermic hydrocarbon fuel is regarded as an optimal fuel for a scramjet with regenerative cooling,which provides extra cooling through endothermic chemical conversion to avoid the severly limited cooling capacity w... Endothermic hydrocarbon fuel is regarded as an optimal fuel for a scramjet with regenerative cooling,which provides extra cooling through endothermic chemical conversion to avoid the severly limited cooling capacity when conventional fuels are adopted for cooling.Although endothermic cooling is proposed from the view point that the heat sink of a conventional fuel is insufficient,the heat-absorbing through endothermic chemical reaction is actually a chemical recuperation process because the wasted heat dissipated from the engine thermal structure is recovered through the endothermic chemical reaction.Therefore,the working process of a scramjet with endothermic hydrocarbon fuel cooling is a chemical recuperative cycle.To analyze the chemical recuperative cycle of a chemically recuperated scramjet engine,we defined physical and chemical recuperation effectivenesses and heating value increment rate,and derived engine performance parameters with chemical recuperation.The heat value benefits from both physical and chemical recuperations,and it increases with the increase in recuperation effectiveness.The scramjet performance parameters also increase with the increase in chemical recuperation effectiveness.The increase in chemical recuperation effectiveness improves both the performances of the fuel cooling system and the combustion system.The results of analysis prove that the existence of a chemical recuperation process greatly improves the performance of the whole scramjet. 展开更多
关键词 SCRAMJET endothermic hydrocarbon fuel chemical recuperation regenerative cooling chemical reaction
Swallowtail model for predicting the global bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation reactions 被引量:2
作者 CUI Tao TANG ShunLin +1 位作者 ZHANG Lei yu daren 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第7期1072-1077,共6页
Catalytic CO oxidation on platinum group metals exhibits nonlinear phenomena such as hysteresis and bifurcation.Elucidation of the nonlinear mechanisms is important for catalyst design and control of reaction routes.P... Catalytic CO oxidation on platinum group metals exhibits nonlinear phenomena such as hysteresis and bifurcation.Elucidation of the nonlinear mechanisms is important for catalyst design and control of reaction routes.Previous studies have offered initial insights into the local bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation.However,since the bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation is determined by multiple parameters such as temperature,total flux,and CO fraction,it is difficult to predict the global bifurcation behavior in the resulting high-dimensional parameter space.It is for this reason that the observed nonlinear phenomena reflect just the local bifurcation features of CO oxidation.In this paper,an elementary chemical law(topological invariance) concerning the bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation on platinum group metals such as Pd(111) is found from a topological perspective.Following the elementary law,we put forward a topological approach to model the critical criteria for the reaction hysteresis and bifurcation.The model may be applied to predict the global bifurcation behavior of CO oxidation in the high-dimensional parameter space.The topological approach and the model results may be useful as a guide in thinking about the complex reaction mechanism,designing reaction routes,and actively controlling the bifurcation behavior of the CO oxidation reaction. 展开更多
Anomaly detection of hot components in gas turbine based on frequent pattern extraction 被引量:3
作者 LIU JinFu ZHU LinHai +3 位作者 MA yuJia LIU Jiao ZHOU WeiXing yu daren 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期567-586,共20页
Hot components operate in a high-temperature and high-pressure environment. The occurrence of a fault in hot components leads to high economic losses. In general, exhaust gas temperature(EGT) is used to monitor the pe... Hot components operate in a high-temperature and high-pressure environment. The occurrence of a fault in hot components leads to high economic losses. In general, exhaust gas temperature(EGT) is used to monitor the performance of hot components.However, during the early stages of a failure, the fault information is weak, and is simultaneously affected by various types of interference, such as the complex working conditions, ambient conditions, gradual performance degradation of the compressors and turbines, and noise. Additionally, inadequate effective information of the gas turbine also restricts the establishment of the detection model. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes an anomaly detection method based on frequent pattern extraction. A frequent pattern model(FPM) is applied to indicate the inherent regularity of change in EGT occurring from different types of interference. In this study, based on a genetic algorithm and support vector machine regression, the relationship model between the EGT and interference was tentatively built. The modeling accuracy was then further improved through the selection of the kernel function and training data. Experiments indicate that the optimal kernel function is linear and that the optimal training data should be balanced in addition to covering the appropriate range of operating conditions and ambient temperature. Furthermore, the thresholds based on the Pauta criterion that is automatically obtained during the modeling process, are used to determine whether hot components are operating abnormally. Moreover, the FPM is compared with the similarity theory, which demonstrates that the FPM can better suppress the effect of the component performance degradation and fuel heat value fluctuation. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated on seven months of actual data obtained from a Titan130 gas turbine on an offshore oil platform. The results indicate that the proposed method can sensitively detect malfunctions in hot components during the early stages of a fault, and is robust to various types of interference. 展开更多
关键词 frequent pattern model(FPM) support vector machine regression(SVR) genetic algorithm(GA) gas turbine hot components anomaly detection
Minimization of Classification Samples for Supercritical and Subcritical Patterns of Supersonic Inlet
作者 CHANG Juntao ZHENG Risheng +5 位作者 yu daren BAO Wen CHEN Fu JIANG Weiyu ZHU Shoumei ZHENG Riheng 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期375-380,共6页
In order to investigate sample minimization for classification of supercritical and subcritical patterns in supersonic inlet, three optimization methods, namely, opposite one towards nearest method, closest one toward... In order to investigate sample minimization for classification of supercritical and subcritical patterns in supersonic inlet, three optimization methods, namely, opposite one towards nearest method, closest one towards the byper-plane method and random selection method, are proposed for investigation on minimization of classification samples for supercritical and subcritical patterns of supersonic inlet. The study has been carried out to analyze wind tunnel test data and to compare the classification accuracy based on those three methods with or without priori knowledge. Those three methods are different from each other by different selecting methods for samples. The results show that one of the optimization methods needs the minimization samples to get the highest classification accuracy without priori knowledge. Meanwhile, the number of minimization samples needed to get highest classification accuracy can be further reduced by introducing priori knowledge. Furthermore, it demonstrates that the best optimization method has been found by comparing all cases studied with or without introducing priori knowledge. This method can be applied to reduce the number of wind tunnel tests to obtain the inlet performance and to identify the supercritical/subcritical modes for supersonic inlet. 展开更多
关键词 Supersonic inlet Inlet supercritical/subcritical Sample minimization
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