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作者 于增辉 刘保银 +1 位作者 卢涛 刘耀伟 《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期92-100,共9页
提出采用磁流替代环形线圈激励源方法模拟随钻电成像仪器(REIT)响应,在考察随钻电成像测井仪器的探测特性基础上进行环境校正方法研究,旨在获得清晰度增强图像。考虑偏心距、地层电性参数、井眼参数变化,建立仪器响应函数库,利用查库方... 提出采用磁流替代环形线圈激励源方法模拟随钻电成像仪器(REIT)响应,在考察随钻电成像测井仪器的探测特性基础上进行环境校正方法研究,旨在获得清晰度增强图像。考虑偏心距、地层电性参数、井眼参数变化,建立仪器响应函数库,利用查库方法反演偏心距并对图像进行井眼环境校正和软件聚集增强处理,实现提高图像质量目的。结果表明,采用本文给出的方法可以对仪器原始采集的电信号进行井眼环境校正和图像增强,对提高图像质量、消除井眼环境对测量影响具有良好效果,在成像测井地层评价、随钻电成像地质导向应用中都具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 随钻电成像 反演 偏心 环境校正 图像增强
作者 侯洪为 于增辉 +3 位作者 刘耀伟 廖胜军 王芝江 王蕙 《石油管材与仪器》 2024年第2期23-25,30,共4页
随着油气勘探的发展,油基泥浆应用越来越广泛,适用于油基泥浆环境的电成像仪器也获得了大量应用。油基泥浆电阻率与介电常数对电成像仪器的测量影响很大,需要利用探头附近油基泥浆电阻率和介电常数数据对成像测量结果进行补偿。介绍了... 随着油气勘探的发展,油基泥浆应用越来越广泛,适用于油基泥浆环境的电成像仪器也获得了大量应用。油基泥浆电阻率与介电常数对电成像仪器的测量影响很大,需要利用探头附近油基泥浆电阻率和介电常数数据对成像测量结果进行补偿。介绍了一种实时测量井下油基泥浆电阻率与介电常数的方法及其探头的设计,利用发射电极、接收电极及充满在环形间隙的油基泥浆形成同轴圆柱电容器,建立油基泥浆电阻率与电容器等效电阻的定量关系及油基泥浆介电常数与电容的定量关系,从而确定油基泥浆电阻率与介电常数。该技术为补偿油基泥浆对电成像测量数据的影响提供了理论依据和技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 油基泥浆 电成像 同轴电容器 电阻率 介电常数
高温电成像仪器的研制与应用 被引量:5
作者 刘耀伟 侯振学 +4 位作者 廖胜军 于增辉 王芝江 崔维平 王蕙 《海洋石油》 CAS 2018年第3期39-45,共7页
随着国内外高温深井钻探的逐步增多,针对高温井电成像装备缺乏的市场现状,在传统电成像测量技术的基础上,使用厚膜集成电路技术与保温瓶绝热技术研制出了适用于200℃高温井的电成像测井仪器。在实验室对仪器电路模块进行了高温测试,200... 随着国内外高温深井钻探的逐步增多,针对高温井电成像装备缺乏的市场现状,在传统电成像测量技术的基础上,使用厚膜集成电路技术与保温瓶绝热技术研制出了适用于200℃高温井的电成像测井仪器。在实验室对仪器电路模块进行了高温测试,200℃高温环境下的电路测量信号与常温相比变化很小,可以满足电成像测量需求。在现场某高温井进行了现场作业,测得全井段1 500 m的合格资料,图像清晰地显示了井壁的沉积构造等地质特征,对资料进行了地层岩性识别、沉积构造分析、沉积微相划分与古水流方向分析等地质评价,取得了良好的应用效果。为后续地质分析研究提供了依据,填补了175℃以上超高温井无电成像测井装备的技术空白,对国内外超高温井的油气勘探开发具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 高温 电成像 岩性识别 沉积构造分析 沉积微相划分 古水流方向
强夯等效拟静力试验及拟静压力计算方法 被引量:3
作者 陈二忠 梁金国 +2 位作者 丁继辉 于增辉 王浩晨 《工程勘察》 2022年第5期35-40,共6页
强夯处理后的地基承载力如何计算,目前没有设计依据。本文以某吹填土工程地基处理为背景,设计室内强夯等效拟静力试验,提出强夯等效静压力试验的试验条件,即夯锤大小形状相同条件下强夯的夯沉量与夯锤在静压力作用下的沉降相等。通过室... 强夯处理后的地基承载力如何计算,目前没有设计依据。本文以某吹填土工程地基处理为背景,设计室内强夯等效拟静力试验,提出强夯等效静压力试验的试验条件,即夯锤大小形状相同条件下强夯的夯沉量与夯锤在静压力作用下的沉降相等。通过室内试验验证了强夯等效拟静力试验的可靠性。试验结果表明:强夯各击对应的拟静压力达到或超过地基的极限荷载,随着夯击次数的增加,拟静压力增加,夯锤下地基极限承载力亦增加;随着细粒含量的增加,拟静压力先增加后减少,当细粒含量为30%时,各击的拟静压力达到最大值。本文提出了强夯拟静力法计算方法,可以判断不同终夯标准情况下的地基承载力。拟静压力计算结果是实测结果的0.93~1.23倍,具有较高的精度。 展开更多
关键词 强夯 等效静力法 细粒含量 拟静压力
油基泥浆电成像仪器的研制与应用 被引量:2
作者 刘耀伟 于增辉 +2 位作者 廖胜军 王芝江 王蕙 《石油管材与仪器》 2019年第3期1-5,共5页
随着油气勘探的发展,油基泥浆应用越来越广泛,国外大公司相继研制出油基泥浆电成像仪器,占领了国内外商业市场。为了填补国内装备空白,满足现场勘探需求,对油基泥浆电成像测量方法进行研究,研制出了国产油基泥浆电成像测井装备。在模型... 随着油气勘探的发展,油基泥浆应用越来越广泛,国外大公司相继研制出油基泥浆电成像仪器,占领了国内外商业市场。为了填补国内装备空白,满足现场勘探需求,对油基泥浆电成像测量方法进行研究,研制出了国产油基泥浆电成像测井装备。在模型井测试中取得了良好的图像效果,与设计图吻合。随后在现场应用成功,测得合格的电成像资料,图像清晰地显示了井壁的裂缝、层理等地质特征,图像效果与国际同类仪器相当。该项技术解决了油基泥浆井况下的电成像测量难题,为我国油气勘探开发做出了积极的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 油基泥浆 电容耦合 电成像 微电阻率
作者 于增辉 廖胜军 +5 位作者 侯洪为 王蕙 国朝健 刘耀伟 万琦 郭宇 《土木工程与管理学报》 2023年第2期51-56,共6页
石油钻杆结构复杂,工作环境严酷,在钻井作业中可能发生刚度、强度或断裂失效等结构完整性方面的问题,同时还可能出现与外激励耦合产生强烈共振等问题。为了便于发现石油钻杆振动引起的损伤或失效问题,本文首先在等强度假定下理论上研究... 石油钻杆结构复杂,工作环境严酷,在钻井作业中可能发生刚度、强度或断裂失效等结构完整性方面的问题,同时还可能出现与外激励耦合产生强烈共振等问题。为了便于发现石油钻杆振动引起的损伤或失效问题,本文首先在等强度假定下理论上研究了钻杆载荷与形变的几何缩比相似性,随后通过数值仿真方法探究几何缩比对钻杆结构完整性的影响并进行了实验验证。仿真结果表明,不同缩放比的钻杆在最大钻压、最大扭转以及复合载荷下其结构完整性均在安全范围内,同时验证了相似性理论。试验结果表明,缩小为原件1/4的钻杆试验件实测应力值与仿真值相对误差不超过12%,验证了仿真的准确性。综上可得,数值仿真结合样机试验的方法可为石油钻杆结构完整性评估提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 钻杆 振动 相似性 几何缩比 结构完整性
作者 廖胜军 于增辉 +4 位作者 侯洪为 王蕙 国朝健 万琦 郭宇 《石油机械》 北大核心 2022年第10期29-36,共8页
由于试验台的推力与空间限制,进行大型钻杆的动力学试验往往比较困难,采用数值仿真与缩比试验件试验相结合的方法,获取钻杆动力学特性是一个较好的解决方法。为了提高缩比钻杆动力学性能参数的准确性,以某大型钻杆为研究对象,研究钻杆... 由于试验台的推力与空间限制,进行大型钻杆的动力学试验往往比较困难,采用数值仿真与缩比试验件试验相结合的方法,获取钻杆动力学特性是一个较好的解决方法。为了提高缩比钻杆动力学性能参数的准确性,以某大型钻杆为研究对象,研究钻杆的模态参数,探讨了有限元单元划分规模与结果收敛性之间的关系,确定合适的满足收敛性要求的有限元单元划分规模。研究结果表明:综合考虑计算精度、计算效率和缩比钻杆的加工性,该型钻杆的最佳缩比比例为25%;采用缩比25%的钻杆试验与数值仿真的模态频率进行对比,结果相对误差小于3.8%。所得结论可为钻杆数值仿真单元划分以及大型钻杆缩比试验件设计提供理论与技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 钻杆 相似性 几何缩比 模态分析 有限元分析
作者 窦锦爱 廖胜军 +3 位作者 闫玉涛 马欢波 于增辉 万琦 《石油管材与仪器》 2020年第5期7-11,共5页
微球形聚焦测井仪能准确测量地层的冲洗带电阻率,但目前微球形聚焦测井仪测量极板为橡胶材质,存在耐磨性差、不支持长井段测量等缺点。设计了一种新型橡胶与PEEK(聚醚醚酮)复合材料结合的微球聚焦测量极板,改进了原极板的材料和制作工艺... 微球形聚焦测井仪能准确测量地层的冲洗带电阻率,但目前微球形聚焦测井仪测量极板为橡胶材质,存在耐磨性差、不支持长井段测量等缺点。设计了一种新型橡胶与PEEK(聚醚醚酮)复合材料结合的微球聚焦测量极板,改进了原极板的材料和制作工艺,使极板耐磨性和绝缘性都优于常规的橡胶极板。通过数值仿真对新型极板的仪器常数、分辨率、探测深度及侵入影响进行了对比分析,认为新型极板适用于微球形聚焦测井仪,现场测井作业也证明了其优异的性能。新型极板的应用提高了微球聚焦电阻率测井仪器的可靠性及作业成功率。 展开更多
关键词 微球形聚焦 复合极板 仪器常数 数值仿真
作者 侯洪为 于增辉 +2 位作者 廖胜军 国朝健 郭宇 《石油管材与仪器》 2023年第3期39-41,45,共4页
主基体是随钻测井仪器最重要的机械承载体。主基体上既要开槽和孔安装测量探头与电路模块,又要承受扭矩、压力、弯矩等钻井负载。槽与孔削弱了主基体的强度,也使主基体结构变得复杂。针对这一问题,引入有限元方法对基体强度进行校核,并... 主基体是随钻测井仪器最重要的机械承载体。主基体上既要开槽和孔安装测量探头与电路模块,又要承受扭矩、压力、弯矩等钻井负载。槽与孔削弱了主基体的强度,也使主基体结构变得复杂。针对这一问题,引入有限元方法对基体强度进行校核,并根据计算结果优化主基体设计,增加薄弱部位承载截面面积,降低应力集中系数。优化后的基体结构安全系数满足要求。 展开更多
关键词 随钻测井仪器 主基体 有限元 结构强度 优化设计
大洋岩石圈板块俯冲构造背景下流体的地质作用 被引量:2
作者 徐婕 翟世奎 +2 位作者 于增慧 王轲 张侠 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期27-43,共17页
地幔中存在着大量的“水”(存在形式:H2O、H+和(HO)−)已是不争的事实,这些“水”既可以以流体或熔体的形式存在,又可以存在于含水矿物、名义上的无水矿物和致密含水镁硅酸盐中。在本文中,“流体”是指以水为主体包括溶解于水中或随水迁... 地幔中存在着大量的“水”(存在形式:H2O、H+和(HO)−)已是不争的事实,这些“水”既可以以流体或熔体的形式存在,又可以存在于含水矿物、名义上的无水矿物和致密含水镁硅酸盐中。在本文中,“流体”是指以水为主体包括溶解于水中或随水迁移的元素和化合物。在俯冲带的地震作用、地幔部分熔融、岩浆作用以及海底热液活动等重大地质作用过程中,流体都发挥着重要的作用。俯冲带是水化了的大洋岩石圈板块俯冲进入地球深处的关键部位,也是壳幔相互作用的重要地带。在俯冲带,流体随俯冲的岩石圈板块进入地球深部,部分在挤压和摩擦热的作用下脱逸俯冲的岩石圈板块,连同岩石矿物变质所产生的水进入上覆地幔楔,从而降低上覆地幔物质的熔点,产生岩浆;岩浆上升一方面加热了沿裂隙或物质间隙下渗的海水,另一方面也会因岩浆冷却产生岩浆作用后期热液流体,这些加热的下渗海水和岩浆作用后期流体构成了现代海底热液活动的物质基础;海底热液活动不仅将大量地下元素或物质输入大洋水体从而影响了大洋海水的物质组成及生态环境,而且在海底形成了具有重要经济价值的热液多金属矿体。因此,流体是贯穿板块俯冲及其所产生的各种重要地质作用过程的介质,从而成为研究这些重要地质作用的示踪剂。本文在分析了大洋岩石圈板块俯冲构造背景下流体的主要地质作用过程的基础上,探讨了流体在俯冲带地震发生机制、岩浆作用过程、现代海底热液活动模式及俯冲带流体成矿作用等方面的作用,并进一步提出近期研究工作应主要集中在4个方面:(1)进一步准确地定量评估通过板块俯冲作用进入地球深部的“流体”通量,为最终解决全球地球化学或物质循环问题作出贡献;(2)全面、准确地描述俯冲作用中流体的物理和化学行为,建立俯冲带流体地质作用的理论模型;(3)充分利用现代化的测试分析手段,重点获取矿物原位微区分析、矿物流体包裹体物理化学指标测试、稳定和放射性同位素分析等方面的精细准确数据,用于查明当前取样观测手段无法触及的地下深处物质状态和作用过程;(4)发展数值模拟技术,建立俯冲带流体地质作用的理论模型。 展开更多
关键词 流体地质作用 俯冲带 研究现状 近期研究方向
洋中脊和弧后盆地热液区热液流体B同位素组成的系统性差异 被引量:1
作者 张侠 于增慧 +2 位作者 翟世奎 杨治峰 徐婕 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期64-74,共11页
硼(B)是流体迁移元素,趋向于在热液流体中富集而成为常量元素。不同来源的B其同位素组成有着明显的区别。因此,B的含量及其同位素组成可标识热液流体(元素)的物质来源、水–岩反应程度及沉积物(元素)混入等重要过程,对海底热液活动及其... 硼(B)是流体迁移元素,趋向于在热液流体中富集而成为常量元素。不同来源的B其同位素组成有着明显的区别。因此,B的含量及其同位素组成可标识热液流体(元素)的物质来源、水–岩反应程度及沉积物(元素)混入等重要过程,对海底热液活动及其成矿作用过程具有重要的示踪意义。迄今,对全球主要热液活动区热液流体中B的含量及同位素组成特征已做了大量的测试分析及研究工作,积累了丰富的资料和重要研究成果。但是,对不同地质背景(构造环境)条件下热液流体中B的含量及同位素组成特征尚缺乏系统性的对比分析,进而对造成不同环境热液流体中元素及其同位素组成的系统性差异的原因或机制尚缺乏深入的认识。本文在获取了洋中脊和弧后盆地主要热液活动区热液端元流体中B的含量及其同位素组成数据的基础上,定量估算了热液流体中B的主要来源,并对洋中脊和弧后盆地热液端元流体中B同位素组成的系统性差异进行了分析及成因探讨。结果表明,不同热液活动区热液端元流体的δ11B值都具有较大的变化范围,水–岩反应过程中不同来源B的混合是热液流体B同位素组成变化的主要原因。无沉积物覆盖的洋中脊和弧后盆地热液区热液流体中的B主要为海水与基底岩石来源B的混合,弧后盆地岩浆挥发性组分对热液系统的直接贡献及两种不同地质背景下基底岩石地球化学组成与水–岩反应程度的差异是其热液端元流体B同位素组成差异的主要原因。在有沉积物覆盖的弧后盆地热液区,热液流体中B的同位素组成与前两者之间存在显著差异,具有异常低的δ11B值,水–岩反应过程中沉积物来源B的加入是导致热液流体中δ11B值系统性降低的主要原因,沉积物的吸附作用也在一定程度上影响了热液流体的B同位素组成。有沉积物覆盖的洋中脊热液区热液流体同样受到了沉积物来源B加入的影响,具有较低的δ11B值,且相对于冲绳海槽受到了更强烈的沉积物吸附作用的影响。基于以上分析,并结合热液流体的Sr同位素组成特征,本文提出了洋中脊和弧后盆地这两大构造环境中热液流体B同位素组成系统性差异的成因模式。 展开更多
关键词 热液流体 B同位素组成 系统性差异 洋中脊 弧后盆地
西南印度洋脊龙旂热液区蚀变岩岩石学特征及对热液流体循环的指示 被引量:1
作者 王媛 李怀明 +5 位作者 董传万 于增慧 陶春辉 李伟 岳羲和 吕士辉 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期77-94,共18页
慢速-超慢速扩张洋脊的海底热液活动区多出露类型多样的蚀变岩石,记录了地壳深部的流体与围岩的相互作用,为研究深部热液流体特征以及循环过程提供了样本。本研究选取了中国大洋第30、34和40航次在超慢速扩张西南印度洋脊龙旂热液区(A区... 慢速-超慢速扩张洋脊的海底热液活动区多出露类型多样的蚀变岩石,记录了地壳深部的流体与围岩的相互作用,为研究深部热液流体特征以及循环过程提供了样本。本研究选取了中国大洋第30、34和40航次在超慢速扩张西南印度洋脊龙旂热液区(A区、B区和C区)利用电视抓斗采集的蚀变玄武岩、蚀变辉长岩、蚀变辉石岩和蛇纹岩等蚀变岩样品,利用光学显微镜、电子探针开展了岩相学和矿物化学分析。岩相学结果表明,龙旂热液区蚀变岩石样品约95%发生了地壳浅部的脆性变形作用,靠近龙旂1号热液区(A区)约有5%的蚀变岩石混合发育了脆性变形及脆性-塑性变形特征。研究区岩石蚀变属于中-低温变质作用,变质相近似绿片岩相,变质矿物组合为绿泥石-绿帘石-钠长石-阳起石-榍石。其中,A区的蚀变岩中的绿泥石形成温度(201~341℃)以及蛇纹石、阳起石、绿泥石等蚀变矿物的Fe元素含量(17.5%~27.5%)都高于龙旂3号热液区(B区和C区)的绿泥石形成温度(239~303℃)和Fe元素含量(16.8%~26.5%),这也与在该区观测到高温的热液喷口相符合。本研究认为龙旂热液区所在洋脊段发育的拆离断层为热液流体的向上运移提供了通道,洋壳扩张后期轴部的岩浆熔体在轴侧区域的岩浆侵入或喷发活动可能为热液循环提供了热源。 展开更多
关键词 龙旂热液区 西南印度洋脊 热液循环 蚀变岩石 拆离断层
双侧向电阻率测井曲线负差异的仪器实验研究 被引量:2
作者 李明 于增辉 +1 位作者 唐联级 李健飞 《石油管材与仪器》 2019年第5期46-48,共3页
双侧向测井是目前油气田应用最广泛的电阻率测井,它适用于高阻碳酸盐地层和低阻砂泥岩地层。其测量精度高,动态范围大,对于地层区分和评价起着重要作用。但在进行高温、高矿化度泥浆测井时,由于双侧向仪器或地层特性等因素影响,会导致... 双侧向测井是目前油气田应用最广泛的电阻率测井,它适用于高阻碳酸盐地层和低阻砂泥岩地层。其测量精度高,动态范围大,对于地层区分和评价起着重要作用。但在进行高温、高矿化度泥浆测井时,由于双侧向仪器或地层特性等因素影响,会导致深、浅侧向电阻率曲线出现负差异。就此问题展开研究,通过现场测井实验对比分析,最终确定了几种电阻率曲线出现负差异的原因,为现场问题的解决提供了思路。 展开更多
关键词 双侧向测井 电阻率测井 高矿化度泥浆 负差异
Heavy metals in Changjiang estuarine and offshore sediments:responding to human activities 被引量:8
作者 DONG Aiguo ZHAI Shikui +3 位作者 Matthias Zabel yu zenghui ZHANG Huaijing LIU Feifei 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期88-101,共14页
The Changjiang (Yangtze) estuarine and offshore sediments were analyzed for total heavy metals concentrations and chemical fractions. Distributions of heavy metals show typical banded diffusion pattern, with high co... The Changjiang (Yangtze) estuarine and offshore sediments were analyzed for total heavy metals concentrations and chemical fractions. Distributions of heavy metals show typical banded diffusion pattern, with high concentrations near the river mouth and following a decreasing trend in the offshore direction. According to chemical fractions, Fe/Mn oxide fraction is the major non-residual fraction in the Changjiang estuarine and offshore sediments, Higher percentage of non-residual fraction of Pb implies that, the industrial contaminations transported via the atmosphere and river input, may affect the non-residual fraction of heavy metals. Over past fifteen years, the concentration of Pb normalizing to A1 presents significant increasing trend, corresponding to the effect of human activities. By comparison of heavy metals fractions in 2003 to 2006, it has been realized that increasing water and sediment may cause a higher percentage non-residual fraction of Cu in the southern part of offshore muddy sediments. 展开更多
关键词 sediment heavy metal FRACTION Changjiang (Yangtze) River
Rare earth element geochemistry of hydrothermal deposits from Southwest Indian Ridge 被引量:7
作者 CAO Zhimin CAO Hong +3 位作者 TAO Chunhui LI Jun yu zenghui SHU Liping 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期62-69,共8页
The REE compositions of hydrothermal deposits and basalt samples from the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) were determined with ICP-MS. The results show that there are significant differences between different types of... The REE compositions of hydrothermal deposits and basalt samples from the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) were determined with ICP-MS. The results show that there are significant differences between different types of samples although all samples show relative LREE enrichment. The contents of REE in hydrothermal sulfides and alterated rocks samples are lower (from 7.036× 10^-6 to 23.660×10^-6), while those in the white chimney deposits are relatively higher (ranging from 84.496 × 10^-6 to 103.511 × 10^- 6). Both of them are lower than basalts. Chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns show that sulfides and alterated rocks samples are characterized by significant positive Eu anomalies. On the contrary, white chimney deposits have obvious negative Eu anomalies, which may be caused by abundant calcite existing in the white chimney samples. Both the content and distribution pattern of REE in sulfides suggest that REE most possibly is originally derived from hydrothermal fluids, but influenced by the submarine reducing ore-forming environment, seawater convection, mineral compositions as well as the constraint of mineral crystallizations. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth element hydrothermal deposits Southwest Indian Ridge
Geochemical Features of Sulfides from the Deyin-1 Hydrothermal Field at the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 15?S 被引量:3
作者 WANG Shujie LI Huaiming +2 位作者 ZHAI Shikui yu zenghui CAI Zongwei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1043-1054,共12页
In this study, geochemical compositions of elements in sulfide samples collected from the Deyin-1 hydrothermal field near the 15?S southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge(SMAR) were analyzed by the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry... In this study, geochemical compositions of elements in sulfide samples collected from the Deyin-1 hydrothermal field near the 15?S southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge(SMAR) were analyzed by the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry(XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) to examine the enrichment regulations of ore-forming elements and hydrothermal mineralization. These sulfide precipitates can be classified macroscopically into three types: Fe-rich sulfide, Fe-Cu-rich sulfide and Fe-Zn-rich sulfide, and are characterized by the enrichment of base metal elements along with a sequence of Fe>Zn>Cu. Compared with sulfides from other hydrothermal fields on MAR, Zn concentrations of sulfides in the research area are significantly high, while Cu concentrations are relatively low. For all major, trace or rare-earth elements(REE), their concentrations and related characteristic parameters exhibit significant variations(up to one or two orders of magnitude), which indicates the sulfides from different hydrothermal vents or even a same station were formed at different stages of hydrothermal mineralization, and suggests the variations of chemical compositions of the hydrothermal fluid with respect to time. The hydrothermal temperatures of sulfides precipitation decreased gradually from station TVG10(st.TVG10) to st.TVG12, and to st.TVG11, indicating that the precipitation of hydrothermal sulfides is subjected to conditions changed from high temperature to low temperature, and that the hydrothermal activity of study area was at the late stage of a general trend of evolution from strong to weak. The abnormally low concentrations of REE in sulfides and their similar chondrite-normalized REE patterns show that REEs in all sulfides were derived from a same source, but underwent different processes of migration or enrichment, or sulfides were formed at different stages of hydrothermal mineralization. The sulfides collected from the active hydrothermal vent were mainly attributed to precipitating directly from the hydrothermal fluid, while those collected from the extinct hydrothermal chimney might have already been altered by the seawater. Generally, ore-forming elements in the sulfides can be divided into three groups: Fe-based element group, Cu-based element group and Zn-based element group. The first group includes Fe, Mn, Cr, Mo, Sn, Rb and bio-enriching elements, such as P and Si, reflecting the similar characteristics to Fe in the study area. And the second group contains Cu, W, Co, Se, Te and Bi, suggesting the similar behavior with Cu. Moreover, the third group includes Zn, Hf, Hg, Cd, Ta, Ga, Pb, As, Ag, Ni and Sb, which indicates the geochemical characteristics of most dispersed trace elements controlled by Zn-bearing minerals to some extent. 展开更多
Geochemical Features of Trace and Rare Earth Elements of Pumice in Middle Okinawa Trough and Its Indication of Magmatic Process 被引量:2
作者 ZHAI Shikui GUO Kun +4 位作者 ZONG Tong yu zenghui WANG Shujie CAI Zongwei ZHANG Xia 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期233-242,共10页
Pumice,the most widely distributed volcanic rock in Okinawa Trough,is loose and porous.Since its formation,it has definitely suffered from the denudation of the sea to different degrees.In order to truly reveal the ge... Pumice,the most widely distributed volcanic rock in Okinawa Trough,is loose and porous.Since its formation,it has definitely suffered from the denudation of the sea to different degrees.In order to truly reveal the geochemical features of pumice,we choose the method of mineral separation.Firstly,the phenocryst is separated from glass.Then the phenocryst is divided into light and heavy mineral compositions.By ICP-MS(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) analytical technology,the contents of trace and rare earth elements in the whole pumice,the glass and the heavy and light mineral compositions are determined respectively.By researching the elemental geochemical features,the magma dynamic processes are found.It shows that the initial magma for the pumice in Okinawa Trough came from the depleted mantle,from which the N-MORB(normal type of mid-ocean ridge basalt) is formed,homologous with the local basalts.But they are formed in different periods of magma crystal fractionation.Featured with sufficient crystal fractionation for pumice,it is found that the earlier crystallizing minerals are olivine,plagioclase and pyroxene.The pumice magma,formed from the depleted mantle,was mixed with additional subduction-related materials(components),and contaminated with the mass from upper crust when it rose up into the crust.As the Okinawa Trough is a back-arc basin in its early back-arc spreading stage,its magmatism has a series of its own unique characteristics,different from not only the mid-ocean ridge expansion,but also the mature back-arc basin. 展开更多
关键词 OKINAWA TROUGH PUMICE TRACE and rare earth elements MAGMATIC process
Heavy metals in suspended matters during a tidal cycle in the turbidity maximum around the Changjiang(Yangtze) Estuary 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Huaijing ZHAI Shikui +2 位作者 ZHANG Aibin ZHOU Yonghua yu zenghui 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第10期36-45,共10页
In order to discuss the content distributions and fluxes of heavy metals in suspended matters during a tidal cycle in the turbidity maximum around the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary, the contents of heavy metals (Zn,... In order to discuss the content distributions and fluxes of heavy metals in suspended matters during a tidal cycle in the turbidity maximum around the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary, the contents of heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Cd, Co and Ni) have been analyzed. During a tidal cycle, the average contents of heavy metals are in the order of Zn〉Ni〉Pb〉Co〉〉Cd. The average contents in ebb tide are generally higher than that in flood tide. However, at the inshore Sta. 11, influenced by the contamination from the nearby waste treatment plant, the average contents of Zn and Ni in flood tide are higher than those in ebb fide and at the offshore Sta. 10, the content of Cd in flood tide higher than that in ebb tide due to marine-derived materials. The five heavy metals, mainly terrigenous, are transported towards east-northeast, and settle down with suspended matters in the area between Sta. 11 and Sta. 10. Influenced by marine-derived materials, the flux value of Cd does not alter significantly with obviously changing in flux direction towards northwest. The source of heavy metals, the salinity of water and the concentration of suspended matters are the main factors controlling the content distributions of heavy metals during a tidal cycle. There is a positive correlation between the contents of heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Co and Ni) and the salinity of water, while the opposite correlation between the contents and the concentrations of suspended matters. Because of marine-derived materials, the content of Cd is not correlated with the concentration of suspended matters and the salinity of water. 展开更多
关键词 Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary turbidity maximum zone tidal cycle suspended matters content ofheavy metal flux of heavy metal
Strontium Isotope Compositions of Hydrothermal Barite from the Yonaguni Ⅳ: Insight into Fluid/Sediment Interaction and Barite Crystallization Condition 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Xia ZHAI Shikui yu zenghui 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第2期377-385,共9页
Hydrothermal barite is a typical low-temperature mineral formed during the mixing of hydrothermal fluid and seawater.Because of its extremely low solubility,barite behaves as a close system after crystallization and p... Hydrothermal barite is a typical low-temperature mineral formed during the mixing of hydrothermal fluid and seawater.Because of its extremely low solubility,barite behaves as a close system after crystallization and preserves the geochemical fingerprint of hydrothermal fluid.In this study,the elemental contents and Sr isotope compositions of hydrothermal barites from the Yonaguni IV were determined using electron microprobe and LA-MC-ICP-MS respectively.On these bases,the fluid/sediment interaction during the hydrothermal circulation and physicochemical condition of barite crystallization were discussed.Results show that the 87 Sr/86 Sr values of hydrothermal barites from the Yonaguni IV are apparently higher than those of the seawater and associated volcanic rocks,indicating the sufficient interaction between the hydrothermal fluid and overlying sediment.Monomineral Sr abundance shows large variations,reflecting the changes in barite growth rate during the fluid mixing.The mineralization condition in the Yonaguni IV was unstable.During the crystallization of barite,hydrothermal fluid and seawater mixed in varying degrees,with the pro-portions of hydrothermal fluid varied from 36%to 72%.The calculated crystallization temperatures range from 109 to 220℃.Sediment plays a critical role during the mineralization process in the Yonaguni IV and incorporation of sediment component into hydrothermal system was prior to barite crystallization and sulfide mineralization. 展开更多
关键词 strontium isotope hydrothermal barite fluid/sediment interaction crystallization condition Okinawa Trough
Mineralogical characteristics of polymetallic sulfides from the Deyin-1 hydrothermal field near 15°S, southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 被引量:4
作者 WANG Shujie LI Huaiming +3 位作者 ZHAI Shikui yu zenghui SHAO Zongze CAI Zongwei 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期22-34,共13页
A seafloor hydrothermal field, named Deyin-1 later, near 15°S southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge(SMAR) was newly found during the 22 nd cruise carried out by the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research & Development A... A seafloor hydrothermal field, named Deyin-1 later, near 15°S southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge(SMAR) was newly found during the 22 nd cruise carried out by the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research & Development Association(COMRA). Sulfide samples were collected at three stations from the hydrothermal field during the26 th cruise in 2012. In this paper, mineralogical characteristics of the sulfides were analyzed with optical microscope, X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscope and electron microprobe to study the crystallization sequence of minerals and the process of hydrothermal mineralization. According to the difference of the ore-forming metal elements, the sulfide samples can be divided into three types:(1) the Ferich sulfide, which contains mainly pyrite and chalcopyrite;(2) the Fe-Cu-rich sulfide consisting predominantly of pyrite, chalcopyrite and isocubanite, with lesser amount of sphalerite, marmatite and pyrrhotine; and(3) the Fe-Zn-rich sulfide dominated by pyrite, sphalerite and marmatite, with variable amounts of chalcopyrite, isocubanite, pyrrhotine, marcasite, galena and gratonite. Mineral precipitations in these sulfides are in the sequence of chalcopyrite(isocubanite and possible coarse pyrite), fine pyrite,sphalerite(marmatite), galena, gratonite and then the minerals out of the dissolution. Two morphologically distinct generations(Py-I and Py-II) of pyrite are identified in each of the samples; inclusions of marmatite tend to exist in the coarse pyrite crystals(Py-I). Sphalerite in the Fe-Zn-rich sulfide is characterized by a"chalcopyrite disease" phenomenon. Mineral paragenetic relationships and a wide range of chemical compositions suggest that the environment of hydrothermal mineralization was largely changing. By comparison, the Fe-rich sulfide was formed in a relatively stable environment with a high temperature, but the conditions for the formation of the Fe-Cu-rich sulfide were variable. The Fe-Zn-rich sulfide was precipitated during the hydrothermal venting at relatively low temperature. 展开更多
关键词 mineralogical characteristics mineral-forming sequence polymetallic sulfides Deyin-1 hydrothermal field southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
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