In this paper we first survey the results on the embedding flow problem of dif-feomorphisms in higher dimensional spaces. Next we present some new results on the characterization of semi-unipotent diffeomorphisms in R...In this paper we first survey the results on the embedding flow problem of dif-feomorphisms in higher dimensional spaces. Next we present some new results on the characterization of semi-unipotent diffeomorphisms in R3, which have a formal embedding flows.展开更多
基金supported by NNSF of China grant 11271252by RFDP of Higher Education of China grant 20110073110054by FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES-316338 of Europe
文摘In this paper we first survey the results on the embedding flow problem of dif-feomorphisms in higher dimensional spaces. Next we present some new results on the characterization of semi-unipotent diffeomorphisms in R3, which have a formal embedding flows.