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主动施加时滞的振动控制 被引量:2
作者 刘晓平 B.Yang z.liu 《北京邮电大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期25-29,共5页
研究了主动引入时滞的结构振动输出反馈控制方法 .该方法能有效地解决结构振动非对位控制中常易出现的控制失稳问题 ,并取得较好的振动控制效果 .通过悬臂梁结构振动控制算例深入分析了该方法的有效性 .
关键词 地动主动控制 时滞 悬臂梁
Phase stability,electronic,elastic and thermodynamic properties of Al-RE intermetallics in Mg-Al-RE alloy:A first principles study 被引量:8
作者 H.L.Chen L.Lin +1 位作者 P.L.Mao z.liu 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS 2015年第3期197-202,共6页
Electronic structure and elastic properties of Al_(2)Y,Al_(3)Y,Al_(2)Gd and Al_(3)Gd phases were investigated by means of first-principles calculations from CASTEP program based on density functional theory(DFT).The g... Electronic structure and elastic properties of Al_(2)Y,Al_(3)Y,Al_(2)Gd and Al_(3)Gd phases were investigated by means of first-principles calculations from CASTEP program based on density functional theory(DFT).The ground state energy and elastic constants of each phase were calculated,the formation enthalpy(ΔH),bulk modulus(B),shear modulus(G),Young's modulus(E),Poisson's ratio(ν)and anisotropic coefficient(A)were derived.The formation enthalpy shows that Al_(2)RE is more stable than Al_(3)RE,and Al-Y intermetallics have stronger phase stability than Al-Gd intermetallics.The calculated mechanical properties indicate that all these four intermetallics are strong and hard brittle phases,it may lead to the similar performance when deforming due to their similar elastic constants.The total and partial electron density of states(DOS),Mulliken population and metallicity were calculated to analyze the electron structure and bonding characteristics of the phases.Finally,phonon calculation was conducted,and the thermodynamic properties were obtained and further discussed. 展开更多
关键词 First-principles calculation Phase stability Electronic structure Elastic properties Thermodynamic properties
Methods for a blind analysis of isobar data collected by the STAR collaboration 被引量:7
作者 J.Adam L.Adamczyk +366 位作者 J.R.Adams J.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.C.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev V.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin J.Bielcik J.Bielcikova L.C.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin J.D.Brandenburg A.V.Brandin J.Butterworth H.Caines M.Calderon de la Barca Sanchez D.Cebra I.Chakaberia P.Chaloupka B.K.Chan F-H.Chang Z.Chang N.Chankova-Bunzarova A.Chatterjee D.Chen J.Chen J.H.Chen X.Chen Z.Chen J.Cheng M.Cherney M.Chevalier S.Choudhury W.Christie X.Chu H.J.Crawford M.Csanad M.Daugherity T.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong J.L.Drachenberg J.C.Dunlop T.Edmonds N.Elsey J.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic J.Fedorisin C.J.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek C.A.Gagliardi T.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal X.Gou D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.Hamad A.Hamed S.Harabasz J.W.Harris S.He W.He X.H.He Y.He S.Heppelmann S.Heppelmann N.Herrmann E.Hoffman L.Holub Y.Hong S.Horvat Y.Hu H.Z.Huang S.L.Huang T.Huang X.Huang T.J.Humanic P.Huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.Jacobs C.Jena A.Jentsch Y.Ji J.Jia K.Jiang S.Jowzaee X.Ju E.G.Judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder H.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.V.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła C.Kim B.Kimelman D.Kincses T.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli J.H.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan J.M.Landgraf J.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky J.H.Lee Y.H.Leung C.Li C.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik T.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu P.Liu P.Liu T.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu z.liu T.Ljubicic W.J.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis C.Markert H.S.Matis J.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy J.D.Nam Md.Nasim K.Nayak D.Neff J.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov T.Niida L.V.Nogach T.Nonaka A.S.Nunes G.Odyniec A.Ogawa S.Oh V.A.Okorokov B.S.Page R.Pak A.Pandav Y.Panebratsev B.Pawlik D.Pawlowska H.Pei C.Perkins L.Pinsky R.L.Pinter J.Pluta J.Porter M.Posik N.K.Pruthi M.Przybycien J.Putschke H.Qiu A.Quintero S.K.Radhakrishnan S.Ramachandran R.L.Ray R.Reed H.G.Ritter O.V.Rogachevskiy J.L.Romero L.Ruan J.Rusnak N.R.Sahoo H.Sako S.Salur J.Sandweiss S.Sato W.B.Schmidke N.Schmitz B.R.Schweid F.Seck J.Seger M.Sergeeva R.Seto P.Seyboth N.Shah E.Shahaliev P.V.Shanmuganathan M.Shao A.I.Sheikh W.Q.Shen S.S.Shi Y.Shi Q.Y.Shou E.P.Sichtermann R.Sikora M.Simko J.Singh S.Singha N.Smirnov W.Solyst P.Sorensen H.M.Spinka B.Srivastava T.D.S.Stanislaus M.Stefaniak D.J.Stewart M.Strikhanov B.Stringfellow A.A.P.Suaide M.Sumbera B.Summa X.M.Sun X.Sun Y.Sun Y.Sun B.Surrow D.N.Svirida P.Szymanski A.H.Tang Z.Tang A.Taranenko T.Tarnowsky J.H.Thomas A.R.Timmins D.Tlusty M.Tokarev C.A.Tomkiel S.Trentalange R.E.Tribble P.Tribedy S.K.Tripathy O.D.Tsai Z.Tu T.Ullrich D.G.Underwood I.Upsal G.Van Buren J.Vanek A.N.Vasiliev I.Vassiliev F.Videbæk S.Vokal S.A.Voloshin F.Wang G.Wang J.S.Wang P.Wang Y.Wang Y.Wang Z.Wang J.C.Webb P.C.Weidenkaff L.Wen G.D.Westfall H.Wieman S.W.Wissink R.Witt Y.Wu Z.G.Xiao G.Xie W.Xie H.Xu N.Xu Q.H.Xu Y.F.Xu Y.Xu Z.Xu Z.Xu C.Yang Q.Yang S.Yang Y.Yang Z.Yang Z.Ye Z.Ye L.Yi K.Yip Y.Yu H.Zbroszczyk W.Zha C.Zhang D.Zhang S.Zhang S.Zhang X.P.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.Zhang Z.Zhang J.Zhao C.Zhong C.Zhou X.Zhu Z.Zhu M.Zurek M.Zyzak STAR Collaboration Abilene 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期43-50,共8页
In 2018,the STAR collaboration collected data from^(96)_(44)Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr at√^(S)NN=200 Ge V to search for the presence of the chiral magnetic effect in collisions of nuclei.The isobar ... In 2018,the STAR collaboration collected data from^(96)_(44)Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr at√^(S)NN=200 Ge V to search for the presence of the chiral magnetic effect in collisions of nuclei.The isobar collision species alternated frequently between 9644 Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr.In order to conduct blind analyses of studies related to the chiral magnetic effect in these isobar data,STAR developed a three-step blind analysis procedure.Analysts are initially provided a"reference sample"of data,comprised of a mix of events from the two species,the order of which respects time-dependent changes in run conditions.After tuning analysis codes and performing time-dependent quality assurance on the reference sample,analysts are provided a species-blind sample suitable for calculating efficiencies and corrections for individual≈30-min data-taking runs.For this sample,species-specific information is disguised,but individual output files contain data from a single isobar species.Only run-by-run corrections and code alteration subsequent to these corrections are allowed at this stage.Following these modifications,the"frozen"code is passed over the fully un-blind data,completing the blind analysis.As a check of the feasibility of the blind analysis procedure,analysts completed a"mock data challenge,"analyzing data from Au+Au collisions at√^(S)NN=27 Ge V,collected in 2018.The Au+Au data were prepared in the same manner intended for the isobar blind data.The details of the blind analysis procedure and results from the mock data challenge are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Blind analysis Chiral magnetic effect Heavy-ion collisions
Dependence of flow strength and deformation mechanisms in common wrought and die cast magnesium alloys on orientation,strain rate and temperature 被引量:4
作者 S.Xu W.R.Tyson +6 位作者 R.Eagleson R.Zavadil z.liu P.-L.Mao C.-Y.Wang S.I.Hill A.A.Luo 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期275-282,共8页
The controlling plastic deformation mechanisms(i.e.slip or twinning)and the structural crash performance of Mg alloys are strongly influenced by loading mode,texture and microstructure.This paper summarizes the main r... The controlling plastic deformation mechanisms(i.e.slip or twinning)and the structural crash performance of Mg alloys are strongly influenced by loading mode,texture and microstructure.This paper summarizes the main results from an experimental program to assess these effects for commercial Mg alloy extrusions(AM30 and AZ31),sheet(AZ31),and high pressure die castings(HPDC,AM50 and AM60).Uniaxial tensile and compressive tests were performed over a wide range of strain rate and temperature(i.e.0.00075–2800 s^(−1) and 100℃ to−150℃)using conventional servo-hydraulic and high-strain-rate universal test machines and a split-Hopkinson-bar(SHB)apparatus.In primarily-slip-dominant deformation,the true stress–strain curves showed approximate power-law behavior,and the effects of strain rate and temperature on yield strength could be approximately described by constitutive equations linearly dependent on the rate parameter,Tln(5.3×10^(7)/ɛ˙)where T is test temperature in Kelvin andɛ˙is strain rate in s^(−1).In primarily-twin-dominant deformation,the effects of strain rate and temperature on yield and initial flow stress were negligible or small from quasi-static to 2800 s^(−1) owing to the athermal characteristics of mechanical twinning;the effects may become more pronounced with exhaustion of twinning and increasing proportion of slip. 展开更多
关键词 Constitutive equation Effects of strain rate and temperature Effects of orientation CRASHWORTHINESS Magnesium alloy
Variations in stir zone and thermomechanically affected zone of dissimilar friction stir weld of AA5083 and AA6082 alloys 被引量:3
作者 U.DONATUS G.E.THOMPSON +4 位作者 M.I.MOMOH N.B.MALEDI I-L.TSAI RAPHAEL OLIVEIRA FERREIRA z.liu 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第12期2410-2418,共9页
Variations in composition,microhardness(in the thermomechanically affected zone)and texture in the tool domain of the dissimilar friction stir weld of AA5083-O and AA6082-T6alloys were investigated.The contents of the... Variations in composition,microhardness(in the thermomechanically affected zone)and texture in the tool domain of the dissimilar friction stir weld of AA5083-O and AA6082-T6alloys were investigated.The contents of the major alloying elements in the weld zones were determined using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy.It was observed that a slight drop in the content of the alloying elements results from the friction stir welding process with the Mg content being the most affected amongst the major alloying elements in the two alloys.By relating the mass fractions of the major alloying elements in the parent metals of both alloys to those of the stir zone,the relative proportions of the two alloys in the stir zone were estimated with the results showing that at least60%of the materials in the stir zone are from the retreating side of the weld.It was also revealed that the changes in the hardness profile in the thermomechanically affected zone of the retreating side are predominantly influenced by changes in grain size in that domain.Finally,the investigation further revealed that the texture component in the tool shoulder domain is different from the texture component in the tool pin domain. 展开更多
关键词 alloying element aluminium alloy friction stir welding parent metal
A dissolution-diffusion sliding model for soft rock grains with hydro-mechanical effect 被引量:4
作者 z.liu C.Y.Zhou +2 位作者 B.T.Li Y.Q.Lu X.Yang 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 CSCD 2018年第3期457-467,共11页
The deformation and failure of soft rock affected by hydro-mechanical(HM) effect are one of the most concerns in geotechnical engineering, which are basically attributed to the grain sliding of soft rock. This study... The deformation and failure of soft rock affected by hydro-mechanical(HM) effect are one of the most concerns in geotechnical engineering, which are basically attributed to the grain sliding of soft rock. This study tried to develop a dissolution-diffusion sliding model for the typical red bed soft rock in South China. Based on hydration film, mineral dissolution and diffusion theory, and geochemical thermodynamics, a dissolution-diffusion sliding model with the HM effect was established to account for the sliding rate. Combined with the digital image processing technology, the relationship between the grain size of soft rock and the amplitude of sliding surface was presented. An equation for the strain rate of soft rocks under steady state was also derived. The reliability of the dissolution-diffusion sliding model was verified by triaxial creep tests on the soft rock with the HM coupling effect and by the relationship between the inversion average disjoining pressure and the average thickness of the hydration film. The results showed that the sliding rate of the soft rock grains was affected significantly by the waviness of sliding surface, the shear stress, and the average thickness of hydration film. The average grain size is essential for controlling the steady-state creep rate of soft rock. This study provides a new idea for investigating the deformation and failure of soft rock with the HM effect. 展开更多
关键词 Soft rock Hydro-mechanical (HM) effect Mineral dissolution-diffusion Grain sliding model
Transition from backward to sideward stimulated Raman scattering with broadband lasers in plasmas
作者 X.F.Li S.M.Weng +7 位作者 P.Gibbon H.H.Ma S.H.Yew z.liu Y.Zhao M.Chen Z.M.Sheng J.Zhang 《Matter and Radiation at Extremes》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第6期63-73,共11页
Broadband lasers have been proposed as future drivers of inertial confined fusion(ICF)to enhance the laser-target coupling efficiency via the mitigation of various parametric instabilities.The physical mechanisms invo... Broadband lasers have been proposed as future drivers of inertial confined fusion(ICF)to enhance the laser-target coupling efficiency via the mitigation of various parametric instabilities.The physical mechanisms involved have been explored recently,but are not yet fully understood.Here,stimulated Raman scattering(SRS)as one of the key parametric instabilities is investigated theoretically and numerically for a broadband laser propagating in homogeneous plasma in multidimensional geometry.The linear SRS growth rate is derived as a function of scattering angles for two monochromatic laser beams with a fixed frequency differenceδω.Ifδω/ω_(0)∼1%,withω0 the laser frequency,these two laser beams may be decoupled in stimulating backward SRS while remaining coupled for sideward SRS at the laser intensities typical for ICF.Consequently,side-scattering may dominate over backward SRS for two-color laser light.This finding of SRS transition from backward to sideward SRS is then generalized for a broadband laser with a few-percent bandwidth.Particle-in-cell simulations demonstrate that with increasing laser bandwidth,the sideward SRS gradually becomes dominant over the backward SRS.Since sideward SRS is very efficient in producing harmful hot electrons,attention needs to be paid on this effect if ultra-broadband lasers are considered as next-generation ICF drivers. 展开更多
A COVID-19 epidemic model with latency period 被引量:13
作者 z.liu P.Magal +1 位作者 O.Seydi G.Webb 《Infectious Disease Modelling》 2020年第1期323-337,共15页
At the beginning of a COVID-19 infection,there is a period of time known as the exposed or latency period,before an infected person is capable of transmitting the infection to another person.We develop two differentia... At the beginning of a COVID-19 infection,there is a period of time known as the exposed or latency period,before an infected person is capable of transmitting the infection to another person.We develop two differential equations models to account for this period.The first is a model that incorporates infected persons in the exposed class,before transmission is possible.The second is a model that incorporates a time delay in infected persons,before transmission is possible.We apply both models to the COVID-19 epidemic in China.We estimate the epidemiological parameters in the models,such as the transmission rate and the basic reproductive number,using data of reported cases.We thus evaluate the role of the exposed or latency period in the dynamics of a COVID-19 epidemic. 展开更多
关键词 Corona virus Reported and unreported cases ISOLATION QUARANTINE Public closings Epidemic mathematical model
Digital Earth: decadal experiences and some thoughts 被引量:7
作者 H.D.Guo z.liu L.W.Zhu 《International Journal of Digital Earth》 SCIE 2010年第1期31-46,共16页
The understanding that mankind should reasonably exploit and utilize earth resources and effectively protect the planet on which we live,is now widely accepted.However,effective actions can only be conducted if we bet... The understanding that mankind should reasonably exploit and utilize earth resources and effectively protect the planet on which we live,is now widely accepted.However,effective actions can only be conducted if we better understand and visualize the earth.To meet this need,digital earth science and technology have been put forward and developed.This paper introduces the evolution and development process of digital earth,and presents an overview by reviewing and analyzing the 1999 and 2009 Beijing Declaration on Digital Earth,the scientific and commercial digital earth systems,global and regional digital earth research,and some existing platforms of digital earth science.It also presents some thoughts about digital earth’s future development. 展开更多
关键词 Beijing Declaration digital earth system global change
Deformation behaviors of as-built and hot isostatically pressed Ti-6Al-4V alloys fabricated via electron beam rapid manufacturing 被引量:3
作者 z.liu Z.B.Zhao +6 位作者 J.R.Liu L.Wang S.X.Zhu G.Yang S.L Gong Q.J.Wang R.Yang 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期2552-2558,共7页
The deformation behavior of as-built and hot isostatically pressed(HIP)Ti-6Al-4V alloys fabricated using electron beam rapid manufacturing(EBRM)were investigated in this work.The deformation characteristics were chara... The deformation behavior of as-built and hot isostatically pressed(HIP)Ti-6Al-4V alloys fabricated using electron beam rapid manufacturing(EBRM)were investigated in this work.The deformation characteristics were characterized using a laser scanning confocal microscope and electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD).In the as-built sample,prismatic slip was the main mode of deformation,as well as a small amount of basal slip and cross-slip.Some planar slip lines with large length scales were observed across severalαlamellae.After hot isostatical pressing,prismatic and basal slip were the main mode of deformation,accompanied by abundant cross-slip and multiple slip,and most of the slip lines were blocked within an a lamellae.These differences in deformation behavior were associated with the coarsening of a laths and the more retained p phase after HIP compared to the as-built alloy.More cross-slip and multiple slip can lead to superior elongation-to-failure and a greater strain hardening effect in the HIP alloy compared to the as-built sample. 展开更多
关键词 Electron beam rapid manufacturing TI-6AL-4V Hot isostatic pressure Mechanical properties Slip behavior
Distinct dendritic α phase emerging on the surface of primary α phase in a compressed near-α titanium alloy 被引量:3
作者 z.liu Z.B.Zhao +2 位作者 J.R.Liu Q.J.Wang R.Yang 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期666-669,共4页
The characteristic of the surface morphology of primary α phase was studied in a deformed near-α tita- nium alloy. Dendritic α phase emerged on the surfaces of primary α phase when the alloy was air-cooled in α ... The characteristic of the surface morphology of primary α phase was studied in a deformed near-α tita- nium alloy. Dendritic α phase emerged on the surfaces of primary α phase when the alloy was air-cooled in α +β phase field after deformation. The dendritic α grain has the same orientation with its original primary α grain. The formation of the dendritic α phase could be explained by interface instability in epi- taxial growth process of the primary α phase. The dislocations induced by deformation could facilitate the formation of dendritic α phase leading to the dendritic α phase and more obvious with the increase of strain. The growth of dendritic α phase was finally limited by the nucleation of second α phase with cooling. 展开更多
关键词 Epitaxial growth Dendritic α phase Microstructure Interface instability Hot deformation
Microstructural evolution and superelastic properties of ultrafine-graine d NiTi-base d shape memory alloy via sintering of amorphous ribbon precursor 被引量:2
作者 W.S.Cai H.Z.Lu +4 位作者 H.Z.Li z.liu H.B.Ke W.H.Wang C.Yang 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第7期80-92,共13页
NiTi-based shape memory alloys(SMAs)are considered as cutting-edge intelligent functional materials.However,it remains a great challenge to obtain ultrafine-grained(UFGed)bulk materials with mm-scale size as well as o... NiTi-based shape memory alloys(SMAs)are considered as cutting-edge intelligent functional materials.However,it remains a great challenge to obtain ultrafine-grained(UFGed)bulk materials with mm-scale size as well as outstanding superelastic properties.Here,UFGed bulk Ti_(35)Zr_(15)Ni_(35)Cu_(15)NiTi-based SMA is successfully prepared via spark plasma sintering of amorphous ribbon precursor at different sintering temperatures,and microstructural evolution and superelastic properties are symmetrically investigated.It is found that its grain size ranges from UFG to micro-grain with increased sintering temperature regard-less of the predominant B2 matrix in all bulk samples.Interestingly,the orientation relationships between B2 matrix and nano-scale fcc(Ti,Zr)_(2)Ni precipitate evolve from coherent to incoherent.Consequently,the UFGed samples exhibit perfect superelasticity with the high recoverable strain of∼5.8%,the stable recov-ery rate above 99%,and the great critical stress inducing martensitic transformation higher than 1 GPa,far superior to the corresponding ones of suction-cast micro-grained TiZrNiCu SMAs.Fundamentally,the perfect superelasticity is attributed to the good resistance to dislocation slip or grain boundary slip by residual nano-scale amorphous phase or secondary phase of coherent and semi-coherent fcc(Ti,Zr)_(2)Ni precipitate.In addition,the gentle superelastic plateau is associated to the favorable transfer stress and the strong ability to accommodate dislocation movement,which is generated by the coherent interface between nano-scale fcc(Ti,Zr)_(2)Ni and UFGed B2 matrix.These results suggest that spark plasma sintering of amorphous alloy precursor is a feasible route to obtaining excellent superelasticity in NiTi-based SMAs. 展开更多
关键词 Shape memory alloy Amorphous alloy Microstructure SUPERELASTICITY
Measurement of away-side broadening with self-subtraction of flow in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV 被引量:2
作者 L.Adamczyk J.R.Adams +359 位作者 J.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.C.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev V.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin J.Bielcik J.Bielcikova L.C.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin J.D.Brandenburg A.V.Brandin J.Butterworth H.Caines M.Calderón de la Barca Sánchez D.Cebra I.Chakaberia P.Chaloupka B.K.Chan F-H.Chang Z.Chang N.Chankova-Bunzarova A.Chatterjee D.Chen J.H.Chen X.Chen Z.Chen J.Cheng M.Cherney M.Chevalier S.Choudhury W.Christie X.Chu H.J.Crawford M.Csanád M.Daugherity T.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong J.L.Drachenberg J.C.Dunlop T.Edmonds N.Elsey J.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic J.Fedorisin C.J.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek C.A.Gagliardi T.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.Hamad A.Hamed S.Harabasz J.W.Harris S.He W.He X.H.He S.Heppelmann S.Heppelmann N.Herrmann E.Hoffman L.Holub Y.Hong S.Horvat Y.Hu H.Z.Huang S.L.Huang T.Huang X.Huang T.J.Humanic P.Huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.Jacobs C.Jena A.Jentsch Y.JI J.Jia K.Jiang S.Jowzaee X.Ju E.G.Judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder H.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.V.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła C.Kim B.Kimelman D.Kincses T.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli J.H.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan J.M.Landgraf J.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky J.H.Lee Y.H.Leung C.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik T.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu P.Liu P.Liu T.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu z.liu T.Ljubicic W.J.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis C.Markert H.S.Matis J.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy J.D.Nam Nasim Md K.Nayak D.Neff J.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov T.Niida L.V.Nogach T.Nonaka A.S.Nunes G.Odyniec A.Ogawa S.Oh V.A.Okorokov B.S.Page R.Pak A.Pandav Y.Panebratsev B.Pawlik D.Pawlowska H.Pei C.Perkins L.Pinsky R.L.Pintér J.Pluta J.Porter M.Posik N.K.Pruthi M.Przybycien J.Putschke H.Qiu A.Quintero S.K.Radhakrishnan S.Ramachandran R.L.Ray R.Reed H.G.Ritter O.V.Rogachevskiy J.L.Romero L.Ruan J.Rusnak N.R.Sahoo H.Sako S.Salur J.Sandweiss S.Sato W.B.Schmidke N.Schmitz B.R.Schweid F.Seck J.Seger M.Sergeeva R.Seto P.Seyboth N.Shah E.Shahaliev P.V.Shanmuganathan M.Shao A.I.Sheikh F.Shen W.Q.Shen S.S.Shi Q.Y.Shou E.P.Sichtermann R.Sikora M.Simko J.Singh S.Singha N.Smirnov W.Solyst P.Sorensen H.M.Spinka B.Srivastava T.D.S.Stanislaus M.Stefaniak D.J.Stewart M.Strikhanov B.Stringfellow A.A.P.Suaide M.Sumbera B.Summa X.M.Sun X.Sun Y.Sun Y.Sun B.Surrow D.N.Svirida P.Szymanski A.H.Tang Z.Tang A.Taranenko T.Tarnowsky J.H.Thomas A.R.Timmins D.Tlusty M.Tokarev C.A.Tomkiel S.Trentalange R.E.Tribble P.Tribedy S.K.Tripathy O.D.Tsai Z.Tu T.Ullrich D.G.Underwood I.Upsal G.Van Buren J.Vanek A.N.Vasiliev I.Vassiliev F.Videbæk S.Vokal S.A.Voloshin F.Wang G.Wang J.S.Wang P.Wang Y.Wang Y.Wang Z.Wang J.C.Webb P.C.Weidenkaff L.Wen G.D.Westfall H.Wieman S.W.Wissink R.Witt Y.Wu Z.G.Xiao G.Xie W.Xie H.Xu N.Xu Q.H.Xu Y.F.Xu Y.Xu Z.Xu Z.Xu C.Yang Q.Yang S.Yang Y.Yang Z.Yang Z.Ye Z.Ye L.Yi K.Yip H.Zbroszczyk W.Zha C.Zhang D.Zhang S.Zhang S.Zhang X.P.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.Zhang Z.Zhang J.Zhao C.Zhong C.Zhou X.Zhu Z.Zhu M.Zurek M.Zyzak 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第10期59-67,共9页
High transverse momentum(pT)particle production is suppressed owing to the parton(jet)energy loss in the hot dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Redistribution of energy at low-to-modest pT has b... High transverse momentum(pT)particle production is suppressed owing to the parton(jet)energy loss in the hot dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Redistribution of energy at low-to-modest pT has been difficult to measure,owing to large anisotropic backgrounds.We report a data-driven method for background evaluation and subtraction,exploiting the away-side pseudorapidity gaps,to measure the jetlike correlation shape in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV in the STAR experiment.The correlation shapes,for trigger particles pT>3GeV/c and various associated particle pT ranges within 0.5<pT<10GeV/c,are consistent with Gaussians,and their widths increase with centrality.The results indicate jet broadening in the medium created in central heavy-ion collisions. 展开更多
关键词 di-hadron correlations jet HEAVY-ION
Analysis of local crystallographic orientation in an annealed Ti60 billet 被引量:1
作者 Z.B.Zhao z.liu +2 位作者 Q.J.Wang J.R.Liu R.Yang 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第4期591-595,共5页
A heterogeneous microstructure in terms of local orientation distribution is often found in near-α titanium alloys. The presence of large regions with similar crystallographic orientation, called ‘macrozones',co... A heterogeneous microstructure in terms of local orientation distribution is often found in near-α titanium alloys. The presence of large regions with similar crystallographic orientation, called ‘macrozones',could drastically decrease the fatigue performance of titanium alloys. The present work reports on the crystallographic orientation of a near-α titanium alloy, Ti60, billet after annealing in an α+β phase field.The texture was found to be weak, and no obvious macrozone was found in our measured zone where the variant selection is suppressed. Meanwhile, in-depth electron backscattered diffraction(EBSD) analysis was applied to evaluate the final microstructure, and the mechanisms by which they formed were analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 TITANIUM ALLOYS Microstructure TEXTURE Heat treatment EBSD
The Holocene environmental changes revealed from the sediments of the Yarkov sub-basin of Lake Chany,south-western Siberia
作者 S.K.Krivonogov A.N.Zhdanova +10 位作者 P.A.Solotchin A.Y.Kazansky V.V.Chegis z.liu M.Song S.V.Zhilich N.A.Rudaya X.Cao O.V.Palagushkina L.B.Nazarova L.S.Syrykh 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第2期133-153,共21页
Lake Chany is the largest endorheic lake in Siberia whose catchment is entirely on the territory of Russia.Its geographical location on the climate-sensitive boundary of wet and dry landscapes provides an opportunity ... Lake Chany is the largest endorheic lake in Siberia whose catchment is entirely on the territory of Russia.Its geographical location on the climate-sensitive boundary of wet and dry landscapes provides an opportunity to gain more knowledge about environmental changes in the West Siberian interior during the Holocene and about the evolution of the lake itself.Sediment cores obtained from the Yarkov subbasin of the lake in 2008 have been comprehensively studied by a number of approaches including sedimentology and AMS dating,pollen,diatom and chironomid analyses(with statistical interpretation of the results),mineralogy of authigenic minerals and geochemistry of plant lipids(biomarker analysis.).Synthesis of new results presented here and published data provides a good justification for our hypothesis that Lake Chany is very young,no older than 3.6 ka BP.Before that,between 9 and 3.6 ka BP,the Chany basin was a swampy landscape with a very low sedimentation rate;it could not be identified as a water body.In the early lake phase,between 3.6 and 1.5 ka BP,the lake was shallow,1.2–3.5 m in depth,and it rose to its modern size,up to 6.5 m in depth,during the last millennium.Our data reveal important changes in the understanding of the history of this large endorheic lake,as before it was envisioned as a large lake with significant changes in water level since ca.14 ka BP.In addition to hydrology,our proxies provide updates and details of the regional vegetation and climate change since ca.4 ka BP in the WestSiberian forest-steppe and steppe.As evolution of the Chany basin is dependent on hydroclimatic changes in a large region of southern West Siberia,we compare lake-level change and climate-change proxies from the other recently and most comprehensively studied lakes of the region. 展开更多
关键词 Saline lake Multiproxy study HOLOCENE Climate Environment West Siberia
Survey of the mechanisms of power take-off(PTO)devices of wave energy converters
作者 z.liu R.Zhang +1 位作者 H.Xiao X.Wang 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第3期644-658,共15页
Ocean wave energy conversion as one of the renewable clean energy sources is attracting the research interests of many people.This review introduces different types of power take-off(PTO)technology of wave energy conv... Ocean wave energy conversion as one of the renewable clean energy sources is attracting the research interests of many people.This review introduces different types of power take-off(PTO)technology of wave energy converters.The novelty of this paper is to present advantages and disadvantages of the linear direct and indirect drive PTO devices for ocean wave energy conversion.The designs and optimizations of PTO systems of ocean wave energy converters have been studied from reviewing the recently published literature.The novel mechanical designs of the PTO systems have been compared and investigated in order to increase the energy harvesting efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 OCEAN WAVE energy
FeCo Nanoparticle-Loaded Nutshell-Derived Porous Carbon as Sustainable Catalyst in Al-Air Batteries
作者 A.Sumboja B.Prakoso +6 位作者 Y.Ma F.R.Irwan J.J.Hutani A.Mulyadewi M.A.A.Mahbub Y.Zong z.liu 《Energy Material Advances》 2021年第1期273-284,共12页
Developing a high-performance ORR(oxygen reduction reaction)catalyst at low cost has been a challenge for the commercialization of high-energy density and low production cost aluminium-air batteries.Herein,we report a... Developing a high-performance ORR(oxygen reduction reaction)catalyst at low cost has been a challenge for the commercialization of high-energy density and low production cost aluminium-air batteries.Herein,we report a catalyst,prepared by pyrolyzing the shell waste of peanut or pistachio,followed by concurrent nitrogen-doping and FeCo alloy nanoparticle loading.Large surface area(1246.4m2 g-1)of pistachio shell-derived carbon can be obtained by combining physical and chemical treatments of the biomass.Such a large surface area carbon eases nitrogen doping and provides more nucleation sites for FeCo alloy growth,furnishing the resultant catalyst(FeCo/N-C-Pistachio)with higher content of N,Fe,and Co with a larger electrochemically active surface area as compared to its peanut shell counterpart(FeCo/N-C-Peanut).The FeCo/N-CPistachio displays a promising onset potential of 0.93V vs.RHE and a high saturating current density of 4.49mAcm-2,suggesting its high ORR activity.An aluminium-air battery,with FeCo/N-C-Pistachio catalyst on the cathode and coupled with a commercial aluminium 1100 anode,delivers a power density of 99.7mWcm-2 and a stable discharge voltage at 1.37V over 5 h of operation.This high-performance,low-cost,and environmentally sustainable electrocatalyst shows potential for large-scale adoption of aluminium-air batteries. 展开更多
关键词 COST POROUS particle
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