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作者 龙泽东 孙梅 +5 位作者 曾希柏 黄晶 唐海明 石丽红 罗尊长 孙耿 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1-7,共7页
采集了花岗岩风化物和第四纪红土发育的耕地土壤,比较强酸性(pH<5.0)和酸性(5.0≤pH<6.5)条件下土壤相关理化指标的差异,并应用相关性分析和冗余分析,探究两种红壤酸性特征差异和影响因素。结果表明,pH低于5.0的土壤中,两种红壤p... 采集了花岗岩风化物和第四纪红土发育的耕地土壤,比较强酸性(pH<5.0)和酸性(5.0≤pH<6.5)条件下土壤相关理化指标的差异,并应用相关性分析和冗余分析,探究两种红壤酸性特征差异和影响因素。结果表明,pH低于5.0的土壤中,两种红壤pH分别为4.85±0.11和4.60±0.43,二者差异不显著,但第四纪红土红壤交换性酸、阳离子交换量、游离氧化铁显著高于花岗岩风化物红壤,有机质、交换性Mg^(2+)、盐基饱和度则相反;pH 5.0~6.5的土壤中,两种红壤的pH分别为5.37±0.33和5.48±0.48,第四纪红土红壤的游离氧化铁含量显著高于花岗岩风化物红壤。两种红壤的pH与盐基离子总量、交换性Ca^(2+)、交换性Mg^(2+)、盐基饱和度呈显著正相关,而与交换性酸总量、交换性H+、交换性Al^(3+)呈显著负相关。 展开更多
关键词 花岗岩风化物 第四纪红土 红壤 酸化
外源砷在土壤中的老化及环境条件的影响 被引量:16
作者 王亚男 曾希柏 +2 位作者 白玲玉 苏世鸣 吴翠霞 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1342-1349,共8页
关键词 外源砷 老化 影响因素 机理
应用水培方法筛选砷低吸收生菜的比较研究 被引量:1
作者 张骞 曾希柏 +3 位作者 白玲玉 王亚男 苏世鸣 吴翠霞 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期632-639,共8页
为准确、快速比较作物对砷吸收能力的差异,建立适合砷低吸收作物筛选的方法,以5个生菜品种为对象,以土培法为基准,对旺盛生长期水培、全生育期水培和短期胁迫培养等方法下生菜砷吸收能力等进行了比较。结果表明:旺盛生长期水培、全生育... 为准确、快速比较作物对砷吸收能力的差异,建立适合砷低吸收作物筛选的方法,以5个生菜品种为对象,以土培法为基准,对旺盛生长期水培、全生育期水培和短期胁迫培养等方法下生菜砷吸收能力等进行了比较。结果表明:旺盛生长期水培、全生育期水培所得出的不同品种生菜对砷吸收能力与土培法基本一致,各品种间差异显著,且旺盛生长期以后生菜地上部砷含量不再随时间和生物量的变化而出现显著变化;短期胁迫培养下各品种生菜地上部砷含量尽管有一定差异,且其获得的不同品种生菜对砷吸收能力的顺序与其他方法基本一致,但相互间差异不显著。5个生菜品种中紫罗马生菜对砷吸收的能力最弱,在轻微和中度砷污染土壤中地上部砷含量分别为0.42 mg·kg-1和0.77 mg·kg-1,仅为其他品种生菜的49.8%~72.4%,各品种生菜砷吸收能力的大小排列顺序为耐抽薹生菜>绿萝>美国大速生>罗沙绿>紫罗马。综合本研究结果,旺盛生长期水培可以作为砷低吸收生菜筛选的优选方法。 展开更多
关键词 水培法 生菜 低吸收
京津冀地区设施土壤中不同蔬菜对镉的累积特征 被引量:8
作者 高鑫 颜蒙蒙 +5 位作者 曾希柏 白玲玉 王亚男 陈清 赵会薇 苏世鸣 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期2541-2548,共8页
为通过种植替代方式保障京津冀地区农产品安全和居民健康,开展该地区设施蔬菜对土壤镉累积特征研究,从而获得镉低累积蔬菜品种。基于京津冀地区种植的典型蔬菜类型和品种,采用野外调查和田间小区试验相结合的方式开展研究。结果表明:叶... 为通过种植替代方式保障京津冀地区农产品安全和居民健康,开展该地区设施蔬菜对土壤镉累积特征研究,从而获得镉低累积蔬菜品种。基于京津冀地区种植的典型蔬菜类型和品种,采用野外调查和田间小区试验相结合的方式开展研究。结果表明:叶类蔬菜相对瓜果类具有更高的镉累积风险,瓜果类蔬菜是京津冀地区镉污染设施土壤上推荐种植的蔬菜类型;当土壤镉含量为0.76 mg·kg^(-1)时,不同种类叶菜地上部镉含量大小排序依次为芝麻菜>油麦菜>菠菜=芥菜>苋菜>生菜>菜心>苦苣>小白菜>咖啡菜>茼蒿,其中芝麻菜地上部镉含量最高,为0.13 mg·kg^(-1)鲜质量,茼蒿最低为0.005 mg·kg^(-1)鲜质量;进一步对64种叶菜品种累积镉特征研究发现,茼蒿、汉堡速生咖啡菜、翠英256和特选板叶茼蒿等对镉的累积量较低,其地上部镉含量<0.01 mg·kg^(-1)鲜质量,远低于《食品安全国家标准》(GB 2762—2017)规定的0.2 mg·kg^(-1)鲜质量,适合在镉污染设施土壤上开展替代种植;物种敏感性分布曲线(SSD)评价该64种叶菜品种对土壤镉毒性的敏感程度发现,咖啡麦当菜、蔬菠2号、芝麻菜和佳园芥蓝对土壤镉的毒性最为敏感,而茼蒿属于不敏感品种。研究表明,不同种类以及相同种类不同品种蔬菜间镉累积能力差异明显,筛选镉低累积蔬菜品种,在镉污染土壤上开展替代种植具有科学意义。 展开更多
关键词 京津冀 设施土壤 叶菜 替代种植 物种敏感性分布曲线
水铁矿结构稳定性及对砷固定研究与展望 被引量:11
作者 杨忠兰 曾希柏 +4 位作者 孙本华 白玲玉 苏世鸣 王亚男 吴翠霞 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期445-453,共9页
水铁矿是砷污染土壤和水体修复中最常用、最有效的钝化剂。水铁矿等铁氧化物对砷的赋存形态和生物有效性具有显著影响,并对环境中的砷具有很强的固定作用;但水铁矿在环境中容易转化,极大地影响了其对砷固定的效果。基于此,本文从水铁矿... 水铁矿是砷污染土壤和水体修复中最常用、最有效的钝化剂。水铁矿等铁氧化物对砷的赋存形态和生物有效性具有显著影响,并对环境中的砷具有很强的固定作用;但水铁矿在环境中容易转化,极大地影响了其对砷固定的效果。基于此,本文从水铁矿的结构及影响其稳定性因素的分析入手,综述了水铁矿与砷的交互作用,探讨其在修复砷污染土壤方面的可行性,旨在为利用水铁矿修复砷污染土壤提供理论依据。同时,从降低农田中砷有效性等角度,对砷污染农田修复和安全利用技术与方法等进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 铁氧化物 转化 稳定性 影响因素
不同来源可溶性有机质对稻田土壤中砷甲基化的影响 被引量:8
作者 田腾 颜蒙蒙 +4 位作者 曾希柏 王济 白玲玉 吴翠霞 苏世鸣 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期511-520,共10页
以湖南省石门县雄黄矿区砷污染水稻土为试验用土,采用离心管培养试验探究了由猪粪、牛粪、鸡粪和水稻秸秆制备的4种可溶性有机质(DOM)对土壤中砷甲基化的影响。结果表明:添加不同有机碳(TOC)浓度的DOM可显著改变水稻土壤中砷的形态,且... 以湖南省石门县雄黄矿区砷污染水稻土为试验用土,采用离心管培养试验探究了由猪粪、牛粪、鸡粪和水稻秸秆制备的4种可溶性有机质(DOM)对土壤中砷甲基化的影响。结果表明:添加不同有机碳(TOC)浓度的DOM可显著改变水稻土壤中砷的形态,且不同处理中各形态砷含量均随TOC浓度增加呈现不同程度的增加。当土壤溶液TOC浓度为320 mg·L^-1时,4种DOM处理的土壤溶液中甲基态砷含量分别占总砷的75.8%(猪粪DOM)、75.7%(牛粪DOM)、68.3%(鸡粪DOM)和61.8%(水稻秸秆DOM);土壤溶液中甲基态砷含量与TOC浓度呈现显著正相关关系(P<0.01),表明TOC浓度增加可显著促进土壤中砷的甲基化。各处理对土壤砷甲基化的激发作用大小排序为猪粪DOM(0.0161μg·L^-1)>鸡粪DOM(0.0147μg·L^-1)>牛粪DOM(0.0099μg·L^-1)>水稻秸秆DOM(0.0082μg·L^-1);添加320 mg·L^-1 TOC浓度的DOM处理中土壤砷甲基化功能基因arsM拷贝数均高于对照(添加等体积超纯水),其中猪粪处理最高,为3.36×109 copies·g^-1,约是对照的2倍;不同DOM作用下土壤pH变化规律为水稻秸秆>牛粪>鸡粪>猪粪,土壤EC值变化规律为水稻秸秆>鸡粪>牛粪>猪粪。综上,不同来源的DOM可差异性地影响水稻土壤中砷甲基化效率,通过合理施用有机肥有望减少土壤中砷的甲基化,从而在一定程度上减轻水稻直穗病发生。 展开更多
关键词 猪粪源DOM 有机砷 arsM 16S rRNA 土壤PH
不同热解温度生物炭对Pb(Ⅱ)的吸附研究 被引量:16
作者 刘杰 施胜利 +6 位作者 贾月慧 高凡 梁琼 苏世鸣 杨建军 曾希柏 王滔 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期2586-2593,共8页
以稻壳(RH)和棉花秸秆(CS)为原料,在300、400、500、600、700℃下制备了生物炭,研究不同添加量、不同初始pH、吸附时间对生物炭吸附水溶液中Pb^(2+)的影响。结果表明:生物炭添加量越大对Pb^(2+)的去除效果越好;热解温度越高,达到同样去... 以稻壳(RH)和棉花秸秆(CS)为原料,在300、400、500、600、700℃下制备了生物炭,研究不同添加量、不同初始pH、吸附时间对生物炭吸附水溶液中Pb^(2+)的影响。结果表明:生物炭添加量越大对Pb^(2+)的去除效果越好;热解温度越高,达到同样去除效果所需生物炭的量越少;吸附效果与溶液的pH呈正相关,pH在4~7的范围内,高温生物炭去除Pb^(2+)的效果更好。生物炭对Pb^(2+)的吸附更符合拟二级动力学模型(R^2≥0.992),热解温度越高,吸附速率越快,同时中温(500℃)和高温(600、700℃)生物炭对Pb^(2+)的平衡吸附量不低于49.0 mg·g^(-1)。制备稻壳和棉花秸秆生物炭较合适的温度是500℃。 展开更多
关键词 热解温度 稻壳 棉花秸秆 生物炭 PB2+ 吸附
生石灰和钙镁磷肥对晚稻生长及稻米镉含量的影响 被引量:28
作者 文炯 李祖胜 +4 位作者 许望龙 陈鸽 白玲玉 曾希柏 吴家梅 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期2496-2502,共7页
为研究不同培肥措施对镉污染稻田的修复效果,采用小区试验的方法,研究了生石灰和钙镁磷肥及与化肥、有机肥配施对土壤镉有效性、水稻生长和稻米镉含量的影响。结果表明:施用生石灰、钙镁磷肥可以显著提高土壤pH值,其增幅为10.5%~16.1%,... 为研究不同培肥措施对镉污染稻田的修复效果,采用小区试验的方法,研究了生石灰和钙镁磷肥及与化肥、有机肥配施对土壤镉有效性、水稻生长和稻米镉含量的影响。结果表明:施用生石灰、钙镁磷肥可以显著提高土壤pH值,其增幅为10.5%~16.1%,其中耦合石灰、钙镁磷肥和化肥(NPKML)处理增幅最大,达到16.1%,施用生石灰次之、钙镁磷肥增幅最小。有机肥与生石灰、有机肥与化肥和生石灰配施可使土壤有效镉含量降低7.9%~23.5%、使糙米的镉含量降低35.1%~47.5%,其中NPKML对两者的降低效果最佳。施用生石灰、钙镁磷肥等对水稻生长和稻谷品质没有显著影响。研究表明,有机肥、化肥、钙镁磷肥和石灰合理配施,对镉污染稻田修复具有较好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 生石灰 钙镁磷肥 水稻
不同水分下水铁矿在土壤中稳定性变化对砷移动性的影响 被引量:5
作者 张拓 曾希柏 +2 位作者 苏世鸣 王亚男 白玲玉 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期282-293,共12页
为合理利用水铁矿,将其作为土壤砷污染修复的一种高效稳定的钝化剂,采集湖南石门县三个不同乡镇的土壤进行室内培养试验,采用连续提取法和薄膜梯度扩散技术(D iffusive gradient in the thin films technique,DGT),研究不同水分模式下... 为合理利用水铁矿,将其作为土壤砷污染修复的一种高效稳定的钝化剂,采集湖南石门县三个不同乡镇的土壤进行室内培养试验,采用连续提取法和薄膜梯度扩散技术(D iffusive gradient in the thin films technique,DGT),研究不同水分模式下外源添加的水铁矿在土壤中稳定性变化过程中对砷在土壤中移动性的影响。结果表明,水铁矿在三种不同水分管理模式[100%SWHC(Soilwaterholdingcapacity,SWHC)、干湿交替(D ry/wetcycle,DWC)和30%SWHC]下培养33d后均发生转化,其中在100%SWHC条件下转化速率最快,在三种土壤中的转化率达到16.50%~22.78%,在30%SWHC和DWC条件下最大转化率仅为8.77%和10.96%。添加外源水铁矿后在三种水分管理模式下两种砷污染土壤中活性态砷浓度均显著降低,并且在100%SWHC条件下降幅最大,在中高浓度的砷污染土壤中降低程度分别达到42.08%和60.75%。但随后在100%SWHC和DWC条件下培养22d后,活性态砷的浓度均出现微弱的上升趋势。在100%SWHC和DWC两种水分条件下,两种砷污染土壤中弱结晶态铁氧化物结合态砷(F1-As)的含量均显著增加,并且随着水铁矿的转化而逐渐向更稳定的形态(F2-As)迁移,在30%SWHC条件下F2-As含量没有增加。研究表明,水铁矿在土壤高水分条件下稳定性最差,其次为土壤的干湿交替条件。在两种砷污染土壤中施加水铁矿修复过程中都具有潜在的砷释放风险,在农业生产中应合理调控土壤水分以保证水铁矿对砷的吸附效率。 展开更多
关键词 水铁矿 干湿交替 转化/解离
Effects of Land Use on Heavy Metal Accumulation in Soils and Sources Analysis 被引量:13
作者 BAI Ling-yu zeng xi-bai +2 位作者 LI Lian-fang PEN Chang LI Shu-hui 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2010年第11期1650-1658,共9页
Heavy metal accumulation and its influential factors were studied in the different land use soils, which would provide a theoretical basis for controlling the content of heavy metals in soils. To identify the effects ... Heavy metal accumulation and its influential factors were studied in the different land use soils, which would provide a theoretical basis for controlling the content of heavy metals in soils. To identify the effects of land use on the accumulation of heavy metals in soils, 148 soil samples were collected from four land use patterns including greenhouse field, uncovered vegetable field, maize field, and forest field in Siping area of Jilin Province, China, and Cr, Ni, Cu, As, Cd, Pb, and Zn contents of those samples were determined with ICP and ICP-Mass. The result showed that there was a rather large difference in effects of the accumulation of Cr, Ni, Cu, As, Cd, and Zn in soils under different land use patterns, except Pb. Based on the assessment which compared with background concentrations in soil, the higher accumulation of heavy metals was found in greenhouse and uncovered vegetable field, much less in maize field and forest field. The mean contents of heavy metals in soils from high to low were arranged in order of greenhouse field, uncovered vegetable field, maize field, and forest field. Cd and Cu had relatively serious accumulation in soils compared to Cr, Ni, As, and Zn. The mean content of Cd in greenhouse field was 0.467 mg kg-x,which exceeded the grade II of the Chinese Soil Quality Criterion GB15618-1995 (6.5 〈pH〈7.5) for Cd standard of 0.3 mg kg^-1, while it was 5.2 times of Cd standard in the forest fields. The mean contents ofCr, Ni, Cu, As, Pb, and Zn in soils under four land use patterns were lower than the grade II of the Chinese Soil Quality Criterion. Compared with the soil cultivated years, the agricultural chemical compounds and manures application, especially the quality and quantity of applied fertilizer was one of the main reasons for leading to different accumulation of heavy metals in soils under the studied land use patterns. The accumulation of heavy metals, such as Cr, Ni, Cu, As, Cd, and Zn in soils was significantly affected by land use patterns, among them the accumulation of heavy metals in greenhouse soils was higher than others. It is suggested that the application of chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizer, and pesticides with high contents of heavy metals should be avoided to prevent the accumulation of heavy metal and keep high quality soils for sustainable use. 展开更多
关键词 SOIL land use pattern heavy metal ACCUMULATION
Changes of Organic Matter, N, P and K Content of Soils in Red Soil Areas Under Long-Term Experiment 被引量:9
作者 JIANG Duan-sheng zeng xi-bai +1 位作者 GAO Ju-sheng LI Lian-fang 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2008年第7期853-859,共7页
The content of organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the three selected soils, including Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols (purple sand-shale parent material), Dystric Turbi-... The content of organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the three selected soils, including Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols (purple sand-shale parent material), Dystric Turbi-Anthric Primosols (quaternary red clay parent material) and Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols (granite parent material) were studied under a long-term experiment by using crop straw and inorganic fertilizers at the Hunan Red Soil Experiment Station of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The results showed that the contents of OM, N, P and K in the three selected soils increased after 23 years application of crop straw and inorganic fertilizers, but the contents increased much less when crop straw or inorganic fertilizers was applied alone. The nutrient contents in the three soils developed from granite changed more remarkably than those in the soil derived from quaternary red clay and purple sand-shale. It was also found that the contents of OM, N, and P increased slightly in the treatments without applying fertilizers or returning the crop straw to the root bed. Combined application of inorganic fertilizers and crop straw could remarkably increase the contents of OM, alkalihydrolyzable N and available K, the positive correlation between application of organic fertilizers and increase of OM in soil did not always happened, it provided evidence for the relation between appropriate C/N ratio and accumulation of OM in soil. The increase of nutrient content was influenced by the soil properties. By comparing the contents of nutrient in 0-20 cm depth in the three different soils, it was concluded that the most increases of OM, alkali-hydrolyzable N, and available P were observed in Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols with the average increase by 3.03, 27.38, and 21.73 mg kg^-1, respectively. The available K increased in Dystric Turbi-Anthric Primosols with the average increase by 25.82 mg kg^-1, while it decreased in Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols and Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols. It was concluded that the application of inorganic fertilizer and crop straw was important to improve the soil fertility for all of three selected soils. The straw return to the field had played a significant role for enhancement of the soil quality in the study areas. The application of inorganic fertilizer combined with the straw return to the fields could remarkably improve the soil fertility. 展开更多
关键词 organic matter inorganic fertilizers NUTRIENT crop straw long-term experiment
Reduction of arsenic bioavailability by amending seven inorganic materials in arsenic contaminated soil 被引量:4
作者 SUN Yuan-yuan LIU Rong-le +5 位作者 zeng xi-bai LIN Qi-mei BAI Ling-yu LI Lian-fang SU Shi-ming WANG Ya-nan 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1414-1422,共9页
Seven inorganic amendment materials were added into arsenic (As) contaminated soil at a rate of 0.5% (w/w); the materials used were sepiolite, red mud, iron grit, phosphogypsum, ferrihydrite, iron phosphate, and l... Seven inorganic amendment materials were added into arsenic (As) contaminated soil at a rate of 0.5% (w/w); the materials used were sepiolite, red mud, iron grit, phosphogypsum, ferrihydrite, iron phosphate, and layered double oxides (LDO). Plant growth trials using rape (edible rape, Brassia campestris L.) as a bio-indicator are commonly used to assess As bio- availability in soils. In this study, B. campestris was grown in a contaminated soil for 50 days. All of the inorganic amend- ments significantly inhibited the uptake of As by B. campestris. Following soil treatment with the seven aforementioned inorganic ammendments, the As concentrations in the edible parts of B. campestris were reduced by 28.6, 10.5, 8.7, 31.0, 47.4, 25.3, and 28.8%, respectively, as compared with the plants grown in control soil. The most effective amendment was ferdhydrite, which reduced As concentration in B. campestris from 1.84 to 0.97 mg kg-~, compared to control. Furthermore, ferrihydrite-treated soils had a remarkable decrease in both non-specifically sorbed As and available-As by 67 and 20%, respectively, comparing to control. Phosphogypsum was the most cost-effective amendment and it showed excellent performance in reducing the water soluble As in soils by 31% and inhibiting As uptake in B. campestris by 21% comparing to control. Additionally, obvious differences in As transfer rates were observed in the various amendments. The seven amendment materials used in this study all showed potential reduction of As bioavailability and influence on plant growth and other biological processes still need to be further explored in the long term. 展开更多
Response of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Aggregate Fractions to LongTerm Fertilization in Irrigated Desert Soil of China 被引量:3
作者 CHAI Yan-jun zeng xi-bai +4 位作者 E Sheng-zhe HUANG Tao CHE Zong-xian SU Shi-ming BAI Ling-yu 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第12期2758-2767,共10页
Irrigated desert soil samples in the Hexi Corridor of China were collected over a period of 23 years from a site where different fertilization methods had been used. Changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) and its wate... Irrigated desert soil samples in the Hexi Corridor of China were collected over a period of 23 years from a site where different fertilization methods had been used. Changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) and its water stable aggregate (WSA) size fractions were studied. The effects of various fertilization methods on the distribution of added organic carbon (OC) in different WSA size fractions were also analyzed. The results showed that the applied fertilizations for 23 years improved SOC concentrations and OC concentrations in all WSA size fractions compared to the non-fertilized treatment (CK). In addition, fertilization obviously increased the OC stocks of2 mm, 0.25-2 mm and 0.053-0.25 mm WSA fractions, respectively. A signiifcant positive correlation was found between soil C gains and OC inputs (r=0.92, P〈0.05), indicating that SOC may have not reached the saturation point yet at the site. The C sequestration rate was estimated by 14.02%at the site. The OC stocks in all of the〈2 mm WSA fractions increased with the increase of OC input amounts;and the conversion rate of the input fresh OC to the OC stock of〈0.053 mm WSA fraction was 1.2 and 2.6 times higher than those of the 0.25-2 mm and 0.053-0.25 mm WSA fractions, respectively. Therefore, the〈0.053 mm WSA fraction was the most important component for soil C sequestration in the irrigated desert soil. 展开更多
关键词 AGGREGATE irrigated desert soil long-term fertilization organic carbon
Effects of Magnesium Compound with Fertilizer on Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) Growth and Soil Nutrients 被引量:2
作者 SUN Nan zeng xi-bai +2 位作者 LI Ju-mei GAO Ju-sheng WANG Bo-ren 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期123-129,共7页
Effects of two kinds of magnesium compound with fertilizer on Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) growth, yield, and soil nutrients in red soil were studied. The results indicated that significant effects of magne... Effects of two kinds of magnesium compound with fertilizer on Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) growth, yield, and soil nutrients in red soil were studied. The results indicated that significant effects of magnesium applied to soils were observed in increasing Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) yield, improving its growth, and strengthening its antivirus property as well as increasing the amount of exchangeable Mg, N, P, and K in red soil. In particular, the effects of magnesium compound fertilizer Ⅱ (MCF2) with higher Mg content were better than that of the others, which increased Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) yield by 57.4, 32.8, and 14.5% compared to that of control treatment (CK), chemical fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium treatment (CF), and magnesium compound fertilizer Ⅰ treatment (MCF1) with lower Mg content. It increased soil Alkali N, available P, exchangeable K, and exchangeable Mg by 94.9, 46.5, 31.1, and 35.3%, respectively, compared with that of CK treatment. Therefore, the application of magnesium compound with fertilizer is an optimum method for improving red soil quality. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium compound fertilizer Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) GROWTH soil nutrient
Inoculation with chlamydospores of Trichoderma asperellum SM-12F1 accelerated arsenic volatilization and influenced arsenic availability in soils 被引量:1
作者 WANG Xiu-rong SU Shi-ming +5 位作者 zeng xi-bai BAI Ling-yu LI Lian-fang DUAN Ran WANG Ya-nan WU Cui-xia 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期389-397,共9页
Fungi capable of arsenic(As) accumulation and volatilization are hoped to tackle As-contaminated environment in the future. However, little data is available regarding their performances in field soils. In this stud... Fungi capable of arsenic(As) accumulation and volatilization are hoped to tackle As-contaminated environment in the future. However, little data is available regarding their performances in field soils. In this study, the chlamydospores of Trichoderma asperellum SM-12F1 capable of As resistance, accumulation, and volatilization were inoculated into As-contaminated Chenzhou(CZ) and Shimen(SM) soils, and subsequently As volatilization and availability were assessed. The results indicated that T. asperellum SM-12F1 could reproduce well in As-contaminated soils. After cultivated for 42 days, the colony forming units(cfu) of T. asperellum SM-12F1 in CZ and SM soils reached 10^10–10^11 cfu g^–1 fresh soil when inoculated at a rate of 5.0%. Inoculation with chlamydospores of T. asperellum SM-12F1 could significantly accelerate As volatilization from soils. The contents of volatilized As from CZ and SM soils after being inoculated with chlamydospores at a rate of 5.0% for 42 days were 2.0 and 0.6 μg kg^–1, respectively, which were about 27.5 and 2.5 times higher than their corresponding controls of no inoculation(CZ, 0.1 μg kg^–1; SM, 0.3 μg kg^–1). Furthermore, the available As content in SM soils was decreased by 23.7%, and that in CZ soils increased by 3.3% compared with their corresponding controls. Further studies showed that soil p H values significantly decreased as a function of cultivation time or the inoculation level of chlamydospores. The p H values in CZ and SM soils after being inoculated with 5.0% of chlamydospores for 42 days were 6.04 and 6.02, respectively, which were lowered by 0.34 and 1.21 compared with their corresponding controls(CZ, 6.38; SM, 7.23). The changes in soil p H and As-binding fractions after inoculation might be responsible for the changes in As availability. These observations could shed light on the future remediation of As-contaminated soils using fungi. 展开更多
Effects of Cropping System Change for Paddy Field with Double Harvest Rice on the Crops Growth and Soil Nutrient
作者 zeng xi-bai SUN Nan +2 位作者 GAO Ju-sheng WANG Bo-ren LI Lian-fang 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1115-1123,共9页
The effects of the cropping system change for paddy field with double harvest rice on crops growth and soil nutrient in red soil were studied. The results indicated that the economic benefit and the ratio of the outpu... The effects of the cropping system change for paddy field with double harvest rice on crops growth and soil nutrient in red soil were studied. The results indicated that the economic benefit and the ratio of the output to input were all increased in terms of the market price for the crops under various treatments. The greatest economic benefit was obtained in the treatment of paddy-upland rotation, and the corresponding economic benefit was increased by 34.7, 21.4, and 2.2% in comparison with that of control (rice-rice-astragali), pasture, and upland cropping treatments. The economic benefits in pasture and upland cultivation treatments were increased by I 1.0 and 31.8%, respectively, when compared with that of the control treatment (CK). The ratio of output to input in pasture, paddy-upland rotation, and upland cropping treatments was enhanced by 0.9, 0.6, and 0.3, respectively, in comparison with that of control. To grow pasture is beneficial for improving soil fertility since the contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and available phosphorus are all enhanced significantly. However, the concentrations of the soil available nitrogen, the total potassium, the available potassium were somewhat reduced in all the treatments, suggesting that increasing the input of nitrogen, particularly potassium, was necessary under the present fertilization level. Based on the conditions of fertility, climate, cultivation, and management of paddy field with double harvest rice in red soil regions, it is feasible to alter the cultivation system of paddy field with bad irrigation condition. In particular, cultivation systems such as pasture and paddy-upland rotation can be selected to extend because better economic benefit and improvement of soil fertility in the purpose region were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 cropping system crop growth economic benefit soil nutrient
作者 朱启明 王亚男 +4 位作者 郑重 曾希柏 许立阳 张洋 李雨欣 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期102-112,共11页
【目的】为了找出秸秆源黄腐酸(Stalk fulvic acid,SFA)可以作为矿源黄腐酸(Fulvic acid,FA)和生化源黄腐酸(Biochemical fulvic acid,BFA)替代物的原因,探讨不同黄腐酸结构组成及其对小麦生长的影响。【方法】利用紫外-可见光谱、傅里... 【目的】为了找出秸秆源黄腐酸(Stalk fulvic acid,SFA)可以作为矿源黄腐酸(Fulvic acid,FA)和生化源黄腐酸(Biochemical fulvic acid,BFA)替代物的原因,探讨不同黄腐酸结构组成及其对小麦生长的影响。【方法】利用紫外-可见光谱、傅里叶红外光谱和13C核磁共振碳谱技术分析不同黄腐酸的结构组成。以冬小麦GY18204为材料,通过小麦根长、苗长、苗干重、根鲜重以及根活力等相关指标明确不同黄腐酸对小麦种子发芽和苗期生长的影响。【结果】通过结构分析发现SFA与BFA结构类似,与FA化学结构组成存在一定的差异:SFA和BFA具有更多糖类物质和连氧芳香碳等不稳定和功能化基团,FA具有更多羧基等稳定和功能化较少基团。不同黄腐酸对小麦发芽期均有促进效果,FA可促进小麦发芽的浓度范围更大,BFA和SFA只有施加20和40 mg L^(−1)的较低浓度可以促进小麦发芽,高浓度表现出抑制效果。适当降低氮、磷钾肥的用量后配施黄腐酸可显著促进小麦苗期生长,SFA可使根长和苗长提高20~50%,使苗干重和根鲜重提高80~150%,使根活力提高200~240%。FA可使根长和苗长增加50~80%,苗干重和根鲜重提高90~160%,根活力提高220~250%。由此可知,当黄腐酸浓度控制在适宜范围,其对小麦的生长有明显促进作用。【结论】不同来源黄腐酸物理化学性质不同,具有更多不稳定和功能化基团的SFA和BFA在较低的浓度下促进小麦生长,而具有更多稳定和功能化较少基团的FA需要较高的浓度来促进小麦生长。研究结果为秸秆资源开发利用制备黄腐酸及新型生物肥料提供了科学参考。 展开更多
关键词 黄腐酸 结构组成 小麦种子发芽 小麦苗期生长
长期施肥黄绵土有效磷含量演变及其与磷素平衡和作物产量的关系 被引量:28
作者 俄胜哲 杨志奇 +4 位作者 曾希柏 王亚男 罗照霞 袁金华 车宗贤 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期3589-3598,共10页
土壤有效磷(Olsen-P)含量的变化过程及其与土壤磷素平衡和作物产量的关系是科学推荐施磷的基础.本文通过设置于黄土高原黄绵土区持续34年(1981—2015)的长期定位试验,研究了长期不同施肥处理对作物磷素携出量、土壤磷素平衡、土壤Olsen-... 土壤有效磷(Olsen-P)含量的变化过程及其与土壤磷素平衡和作物产量的关系是科学推荐施磷的基础.本文通过设置于黄土高原黄绵土区持续34年(1981—2015)的长期定位试验,研究了长期不同施肥处理对作物磷素携出量、土壤磷素平衡、土壤Olsen-P含量的影响及其演变过程,同时对土壤Olsen-P含量与磷素平衡和作物籽粒产量的相关关系进行了分析.试验采用裂区设计,主处理为施用有机肥(M)和不施用有机肥,副处理为不施化肥(CK)、单施氮肥(N)、氮磷肥配合施用(NP)和氮磷钾肥配合施用(NPK).结果表明:不同施肥处理和作物类型对磷素携出量和磷素平衡都有显著影响.CK、N、NP、NPK、M、MN、MNP和MNPK处理小麦的磷素携出量多年平均值为8.63、10.64、16.22、16.21、16.25、17.83、20.39、20.27kg·hm^(-2),而油菜为4.40、8.38、15.08、15.71、10.52、11.23、17.96、17.66 kg·hm^(-2),小麦的携出量略高于油菜.土壤磷素盈亏量与磷素投入量呈显著正相关,土壤磷素盈余为零,种植小麦的最小土壤磷素投入量为10.47 kg·hm^(-2),而油菜为6.97 kg·hm^(-2).土壤磷素盈亏量显著影响土壤有效磷的变化过程.长期不施磷的CK和N处理,土壤有效磷含量随试验年限延长而逐渐降低,年均分别降低0.16和0.15 mg·kg^(-1),而NP、NPK、M、MN、MNP和MNPK处理土壤有效磷含量随试验年限的延续而逐渐增加,年均增幅在0.02~0.33 mg·kg^(-1).土壤磷素累积盈亏量与土壤有效磷含量间存在显著的正相关关系,不施用有机肥和施有机肥处理可分别用线性模型y=0.012x+9.33和y=0.009x+11.72显著拟合.不施有机肥处理小麦籽粒产量与土壤有效磷含量呈显著正相关,而施有机肥处理两者间的相关性不明显,两者的小麦籽粒产量和土壤有效磷含量可以用线性分段模型拟合.小麦土壤有效磷农学阈值为14.99 kg·hm^(-2),油菜籽粒产量虽随土壤速效磷含量增加呈增加的趋势,但相关性不显著,表明在黄土高原黄绵土区,当土壤有效磷含量高于14.99 mg·kg^(-1)时,种植小麦应减少磷肥施用量或不施磷肥. 展开更多
关键词 长期施肥 黄土高原 黄绵土 有效磷 磷素平衡 农学阈值
吉林四平设施土壤和蔬菜中重金属的累积特征 被引量:31
作者 李莲芳 朱昌雄 +4 位作者 曾希柏 李红娜 叶婧 李峰 吴翠霞 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期2936-2943,共8页
选取吉林四平市典型设施蔬菜生产系统为研究对象,采集不同土地利用方式下的设施菜地、玉米地和森林土壤样本124份进行比较分析,同步采集设施蔬菜(81份)、肥料(50份)及灌溉水样品(10份),利用电感耦合等离子体质谱技术检测重金属含量,以... 选取吉林四平市典型设施蔬菜生产系统为研究对象,采集不同土地利用方式下的设施菜地、玉米地和森林土壤样本124份进行比较分析,同步采集设施蔬菜(81份)、肥料(50份)及灌溉水样品(10份),利用电感耦合等离子体质谱技术检测重金属含量,以揭示设施土壤及相应蔬菜中重金属的累积特征.结果表明,研究区域设施菜地中除铅(Pb)以外的重金属元素含量显著高于玉米地和林地,设施土壤重金属镉(Cd)、铜(Cu)、铬(Cr)、镍(Ni)、锌(Zn)均出现了不同程度的累积,研究区域不同类型土壤Cd平均含量为0.45 mg·kg-1,约42.8%的样本Cd超过温室蔬菜产地环境质量评价标准(HJ 333-2006),其他重金属均未出现超标现象;不同类型蔬菜比较,叶菜类Cd含量(以鲜重计)为0.033 mg·kg^(-1),明显高于果菜类,2.5%的蔬菜Cd超标,1.2%蔬菜存在Pb超标,其他重金属均未出现超标现象;随着设施利用年限的增加,土壤酸化愈加明显,设施土壤和蔬菜中重金属呈同步累积趋势;设施蔬菜重金属含量受土壤pH、有机质的显著影响;含高量重金属有机肥和化肥的大量施用是设施土壤重金属累积及设施蔬菜风险增加的重要原因. 展开更多
关键词 设施土壤 蔬菜 重金属 累积 肥料
有机物料还田对双季稻田土壤有机碳及其活性组分的影响 被引量:24
作者 魏夏新 熊俊芬 +3 位作者 李涛 文炯 曾希柏 余德海 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期2373-2380,共8页
有机物料还田是提升农田土壤有机碳、培肥土壤的重要措施。为探讨不同有机物料的还田效果,采用室外培养方法,研究了在等碳输入条件下,施用水稻秸秆、紫云英、生物有机肥、猪粪和水稻秸秆生物炭对洞庭湖双季稻区潮土有机碳和活性有机碳... 有机物料还田是提升农田土壤有机碳、培肥土壤的重要措施。为探讨不同有机物料的还田效果,采用室外培养方法,研究了在等碳输入条件下,施用水稻秸秆、紫云英、生物有机肥、猪粪和水稻秸秆生物炭对洞庭湖双季稻区潮土有机碳和活性有机碳组分含量的影响。结果表明:经过180 d的培养试验,与不施用有机物料相比,施用有机物料提高了土壤活性有机碳含量。生物有机肥、猪粪和水稻秸秆生物炭处理分别使土壤有机碳含量显著提升了26.1%、9.7%和30.7%,水稻秸秆和紫云英对土壤有机碳含量的提升效应在试验期间并不显著。水稻秸秆和紫云英还田更有利于土壤可溶性有机碳和微生物生物量碳的积累,猪粪更有利于土壤可溶性有机碳的积累,生物有机肥更有利于土壤微生物生物量碳和易氧化有机碳的积累,水稻秸秆生物炭则更有利于土壤微生物生物量碳和轻组有机碳的积累。与水稻秸秆还田相比,紫云英、生物有机肥、猪粪和水稻秸秆生物炭还田使土壤碳库管理指数分别提高了31.8%、111.6%、62.2%和50.7%。从土壤固碳和土壤碳库管理指数来看,生物有机肥、猪粪和水稻秸秆生物炭的还田效果优于水稻秸秆和紫云英还田。 展开更多
关键词 有机物料 稻田土壤 土壤有机碳 活性有机碳组分 土壤碳库管理指数
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