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松辽盆地古龙地区青山口组泥页岩成岩演化与储集性能 被引量:42
作者 冯子辉 柳波 +8 位作者 邵红梅 王成 洪淑新 王继平 潘会芳 王永超 张安达 田善思 迟亚奥 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期72-85,共14页
泥页岩成岩演化、孔隙结构及其连通性是页岩油储层评价的关键。通过运用岩心观察及精细描述、薄片鉴定、X射线衍射、场发射电镜、微—纳米CT扫描、氮气吸附等技术,对松辽盆地古龙地区青山口组泥页岩岩性与组构特征、成岩演化特征、孔隙... 泥页岩成岩演化、孔隙结构及其连通性是页岩油储层评价的关键。通过运用岩心观察及精细描述、薄片鉴定、X射线衍射、场发射电镜、微—纳米CT扫描、氮气吸附等技术,对松辽盆地古龙地区青山口组泥页岩岩性与组构特征、成岩演化特征、孔隙类型及储集特征进行分析。研究认为:古龙地区青山口组主要发育页岩、泥岩、粉砂质岩、灰质岩、云质岩5种岩性,微米—毫米级纹层构造与页理缝发育;泥页岩主体处于中成岩A2期,局部为中成岩A1期和中成岩B期;储层孔隙分为基质孔和裂缝2大类6类12亚类,纹层状页岩中的纹层构造、页理构造和层状页岩、纹层状页岩中的页理缝有效改善储集能力,为油气横向运移的良好通道,层状页岩和纹层状页岩是最有利的储集岩性。该研究明确了松辽盆地古龙地区青山口组泥页岩成岩演化规律与储集特征,为松辽盆地页岩油的规模勘探提供了有力支撑。 展开更多
关键词 松辽盆地 古龙地区 青山口组 泥页岩 成岩演化 储集特征 页理缝
松辽盆地古龙页岩岩性、物性、含油性特征及控制因素 被引量:21
作者 高波 何文渊 +4 位作者 冯子辉 邵红梅 张安达 潘会芳 陈国龙 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期68-79,共12页
松辽盆地北部古龙页岩油为源储一体型非常规资源,但古龙页岩的岩性、物性、含油性均存在明显的非均质性。为了揭示含油性、储集性特征及其控制因素,通过薄片鉴定、场发射扫描电镜、热解色谱及激光共聚焦三维重建等技术方法,利用孔隙度... 松辽盆地北部古龙页岩油为源储一体型非常规资源,但古龙页岩的岩性、物性、含油性均存在明显的非均质性。为了揭示含油性、储集性特征及其控制因素,通过薄片鉴定、场发射扫描电镜、热解色谱及激光共聚焦三维重建等技术方法,利用孔隙度、镜质体反射率、有机碳等参数,分析对比了研究区东西向、南北向剖面青山口组页岩的岩性、物性、含油性特征。结果表明:古龙页岩由石英、黏土矿物、长石、白云石等矿物组成,主要包括页岩、粉砂质页岩、粉砂岩、泥—粉晶云岩、介屑灰岩5种岩石类型,其中页岩、粉砂质页岩为有利岩性组合;有机质演化程度和成岩作用类型控制孔隙发育,有机质热演化过程中形成大量有机孔、溶蚀孔,随着成岩转化作用的增强,黏土矿物晶间孔缝发育并形成页理缝,连通了基质孔隙,构成规模聚集的储集空间和渗流通道;埋深大、有机碳含量高的页岩层具有极好的含油性,油气主要聚集于基质孔隙和页理缝中,有机碳和成熟度协同控制页岩油丰度,不同岩石类型导致的储集物性差异是控制同层位含油性非均质性的关键因素。页岩岩性、物性、含油性特征的厘定,为古龙页岩油分类评价标准的建立及勘探目标层段的优选提供了可靠依据。 展开更多
关键词 松辽盆地 古龙页岩 青山口组 黏土矿物 岩性 物性 含油性 控制因素
松辽盆地古龙页岩储集空间类型及油赋存状态 被引量:27
作者 张安达 王继平 +2 位作者 王永超 洪淑新 谭文丽 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期68-77,共10页
松辽盆地古龙页岩油是源储一体的非常规资源,页岩油勘探开发上已获得实质性突破。古龙页岩储层微观孔缝类型多样,页岩油在微观孔缝系统内赋存机制也较复杂。为了明确页岩储集空间成因及油在微观储集空间内的赋存状态,通过薄片鉴定、CT... 松辽盆地古龙页岩油是源储一体的非常规资源,页岩油勘探开发上已获得实质性突破。古龙页岩储层微观孔缝类型多样,页岩油在微观孔缝系统内赋存机制也较复杂。为了明确页岩储集空间成因及油在微观储集空间内的赋存状态,通过薄片鉴定、CT扫描、环境扫描电镜分析、场发射扫描电镜—光镜联用原位微观组构特征分析、页岩微—纳米孔隙全尺度分析和页岩油激光共聚焦三维重建等技术,对古龙页岩储层的岩性、微观组构、储集空间类型及成因等方面进行分析。结果表明:古龙页岩储层重点层段发育6种岩石类型,其中以页岩为主,其余为粉砂质页岩、云质页岩、灰质页岩、粉砂岩和细砂岩;页岩中纹层状构造发育,纹层密度多达9条/mm,页岩孔喉最为发育,发育有机质孔缝和粒间孔,形成的孔缝网络系统是页岩油运移和存储的良好场所;微观显微图像特征显示不同类型储集空间均可见到页岩油富集,页岩含油性好,原油体积分数高达6.83%,轻重组分略具分异现象,呈分散状零星分布于骨架颗粒之间。研究成果为下一步页岩油资源潜力评价及其可流动性评价提供了直接的技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 古龙页岩 原位微观组构特征 页岩微—纳米孔隙全尺度分析 页岩油激光共聚焦三维重建 孔缝网络系统 赋存状态
齐家—古龙地区高台子油层储层微观孔隙结构特征 被引量:1
作者 张安达 陈润 《中外能源》 CAS 2018年第10期36-40,共5页
松辽盆地齐家—古龙地区青山口组高台子油层以致密油为主,为大庆油田重要的接替资源,但高台子油层储层微观孔隙结构特征及其纳米级微孔喉对致密油的控制研究欠缺。采用岩石普通薄片、铸体薄片、物性、压汞、核磁共振及CT图像和扫描电镜... 松辽盆地齐家—古龙地区青山口组高台子油层以致密油为主,为大庆油田重要的接替资源,但高台子油层储层微观孔隙结构特征及其纳米级微孔喉对致密油的控制研究欠缺。采用岩石普通薄片、铸体薄片、物性、压汞、核磁共振及CT图像和扫描电镜等多种测试分析方法 ,对齐家—古龙地区高台子油层储层岩石学特征、物性特征、微观孔隙类型及孔隙结构特征开展研究。结果表明:高台子油层储层以细砂岩和粉砂岩为主,砂岩类型主要为岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩,其成分成熟度较低,结构成熟度为低—中等;高台子油层整体为低渗—超低渗储层,储层非均质性较强,孔隙类型包括原生孔、次生孔和裂缝孔,其孔隙结构复杂,主要为细喉—微细喉孔隙结构特征,微细喉所占比例高达76%;致密储层孔隙结构等级较低,以Ⅲ级孔隙结构为主,储层中可动流体受纳米级孔喉控制,其主要分布在大于100nm的孔喉内,储层微观孔隙结构特征是控制储层渗透性的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 齐家—古龙地区 高台子油层 致密储层 岩石学特征 物性特征 微观孔隙类型 孔隙结构 渗透性
基于TPIV7.3嫩江流域达斡尔族文献数字化平台的构建 被引量:1
作者 夏萍 张安达 +1 位作者 魏力更 王谨 《高师理科学刊》 2021年第5期27-30,共4页
嫩江流域达斡尔族文献数字化建设不仅能实现其文献的永久性保存,还可以有效地开发利用文献.分析了嫩江流域达斡尔族文献保存的现状,阐述了信息时代达斡尔族文献数字化的必要性,利用TPIV7.3构建达斡尔族文献数字化平台,探讨了达斡尔族文... 嫩江流域达斡尔族文献数字化建设不仅能实现其文献的永久性保存,还可以有效地开发利用文献.分析了嫩江流域达斡尔族文献保存的现状,阐述了信息时代达斡尔族文献数字化的必要性,利用TPIV7.3构建达斡尔族文献数字化平台,探讨了达斡尔族文献整理与保护的新模式,探索出促进少数民族优秀文化保护与传承的新路径. 展开更多
关键词 达斡尔族文献 TPIV7.3 数字化平台
Distribution and genesis of the anomalously high porosity zones in the middle-shallow horizons of the northern Songliao Basin 被引量:30
作者 Meng Yuanlin Liang Hongwei +6 位作者 Meng Fanjin Wu Heyong Wang Cheng Xiu Hongwen zhang anda Li Yaguang Guo Rixin 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期302-310,共9页
High-quality reservoirs occur in the middle-shallow horizons of the northern Songliao Basin. The distribution and genesis of their anomalously high porosity zones were studied using measured porosities, examination of... High-quality reservoirs occur in the middle-shallow horizons of the northern Songliao Basin. The distribution and genesis of their anomalously high porosity zones were studied using measured porosities, examination of ordinary thin sections and blue epoxy resin-impregnated thin sections and by SEM. The results show that there are three anomalously high porosity zones at the depth of 450-900 m, 1,300-1,900 m, 2,050-2,350 m respectively, named zone i, zone ii and zone iii from top to bottom. Horizontally, zone i and zone ii are distributed all over the basin except in the Southeastern Uplift, while zone iii is only distributed in the Central Depression. Zone i was formed by meteoric water leaching as well as organic acid dissolution. Zones ii and iii were dominantly formed by organic acid dissolution. Additionally, clay mineral transformation generating H+ and hydrocarbon emplacement retarding the cementation of sandstones are also important for the formation of zones ii and iii. 展开更多
关键词 Anomalously high porosity zone diagenetic fluid organic acid DIAGENESIS secondaryporosity hydrocarbon emplacement sedimentary facies Songliao Basin
Artificial Intelligence Rehabilitation Evaluation and Training System for Degeneration of Joint Disease 被引量:2
作者 LIU Weichen SHEN Mengqi +2 位作者 zhang anda CHENG Yiting zhang Wenqiang 《ZTE Communications》 2021年第3期46-55,共10页
Degeneration of joint disease is one of the problems that threaten global public health.Currently,the therapies of the disease are mainly conservative but not very effective.To solve the problem,we need to find effect... Degeneration of joint disease is one of the problems that threaten global public health.Currently,the therapies of the disease are mainly conservative but not very effective.To solve the problem,we need to find effective,convenient and inexpensive therapies.With the rapid development of artificial intelligence,we innovatively propose to combine Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)with artificial intelligence to design a rehabilitation assessment system based on TCM Daoyin.Our system consists of four subsystems:the spine movement assessment system,the posture recognition and correction system,the background music recommendation system,and the physiological signal monitoring system.We incorporate several technologies such as keypoint detection,posture estimation,heart rate detection,and deriving respiration from electrocardiogram(ECG)signals.Finally,we integrate the four subsystems into a portable wireless device so that the rehabilitation equipment is well suited for home and community environment.The system can effectively alleviate the problem of an inadequate number of physicians and nurses.At the same time,it can promote our TCM culture as well. 展开更多
关键词 REHABILITATION Traditional Chinese Medicine artificial intelligence degeneration of joint disease
In situ LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age of ultrahigh-pressure eclogites in the Yukahe area,northern Qaidam Basin 被引量:11
作者 CHEN DanLing SUN Yong +2 位作者 LIU Liang zhang anda LIN CiLuan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第z2期322-330,共9页
Zircon grains were selected from two types of ultrahigh-pressure(UHP)eclogites,coarse-grained phengite eclogite and fine-grained massive eclogite,in the Yukahe area,the western part of the North Qaidam UHP metamorphic... Zircon grains were selected from two types of ultrahigh-pressure(UHP)eclogites,coarse-grained phengite eclogite and fine-grained massive eclogite,in the Yukahe area,the western part of the North Qaidam UHP metamorphic belt.Most zircon grains show typical metamorphic origin with residual cores in some irregular grains and sector,planar or misty internal textures on the cathodoluminescence(CL)images.The contents of REE and HREE of the core parts of grains range from 173 to 1680μg/g and 170 to 1634μg/g,respectively,in phengite eclogite,and from 37 to 2640(g/g and 25.7 to 1824μg/g,respectively,in massive eclogite.The core parts exhibit HREE-enriched patterns,representing the residual zircons of protolith of the Yukahe eclogite.The contents of REE and HREE of the rim parts and the grains free of residual cores are much lower than those for the core parts.They vary from 13.1 to 89.5(g/g and 12.5 to 85.7μg/g,respectively,in phengite eclogite,and from 9.92 to 45.8μg/g and 9.18 to 43.8(g/g,respectively,in massive eclogite.Negative Eu anomalies and Th/U ratios decrease from core to rim.Positive Eu anomalies are shown in some grains.These indicate that the presence of garnet and the absence of plagioclase in the peak metamorphic mineral assemblage,and the zircons formed under eclogite facies conditions.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age data indicate that phengite eclogite and massive eclogite have similar metamorphic age of 436±3Ma and 431±4Ma in the early Paleozoic and magmatic protolith age of 783―793 Ma and 748―759 Ma in the Neo-proterozoic.The weighted mean age of the metamorphic ages(434±2 Ma)may represent the UHP metamorphic age of the Yukahe eclogites.The metamorphic age is well consistent with their direct country rocks of gneisses(431(3 Ma and 432±19 Ma)and coesite-bearing pelitic schist in the Yematan UHP eclogite section(423―440 Ma).These age data together with field observation and lithology,allow us to conclude that the Yukahe eclogites were Neo-proterozoic igneous rocks and may have experienced subduction and UHP metamorphism with continental crust at deep mantle during the early Paleozoic,therefore the metamorphic age of 434±2 Ma of the Yukahe eclogites probably represents the continental deep subduction time in this area. 展开更多
关键词 ultrahigh-pressure eclogite LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating protolith age the northern margin of Qaidam basin Yukehe
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