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化肥减施对日光温室越冬长茬番茄氮肥利用率及去向的影响 被引量:15
作者 张怀志 唐继伟 +2 位作者 袁硕 冀宏杰 黄绍文 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期1295-1302,共8页
【目的】我国设施蔬菜过量施肥现象严重,在设施栽培条件下,比较常规施肥与化肥减施增效技术(简称化肥减施)下蔬菜产量(生物量)和氮肥利用率,研究氮素去向,为高效施肥提供依据。【方法】2017—2018年在河北省定兴县龙华村基地的日光温室... 【目的】我国设施蔬菜过量施肥现象严重,在设施栽培条件下,比较常规施肥与化肥减施增效技术(简称化肥减施)下蔬菜产量(生物量)和氮肥利用率,研究氮素去向,为高效施肥提供依据。【方法】2017—2018年在河北省定兴县龙华村基地的日光温室进行2个试验。试验1根据差减法设计4个处理,包括常规施肥(CF,N–P2O5–K2O为858–594–1284 kg/hm^2)和化肥减施40%(RF,N–P2O5–K2O为608–297–720 kg/hm^2),及其相应的不施化肥氮对照(CFNN和RFNN)。试验2为15N示踪试验,用15N尿素替代普通尿素15NRF和15NCF 2个处理。番茄收获后,取0—20、20—40和40—60 cm土层样品,测定氮素的残留量。分期收获成熟番茄及枯枝落叶,拉秧时取植株地上和地下部分,再分为不同部位,对番茄产量和养分吸收量进行测定。【结果】差减法试验结果表明,RF处理番茄产量、总吸氮量分别较CF显著增加了10.4%、14.8%,化肥氮利用率增加了15.4个百分点。15N示踪试验结果表明,15NRF处理产量、氮吸收量和15N吸收量分别较15NCF处理增加12.1%、25.3%和13.8%,15NRF和15NCF处理的化肥氮利用率分别为36.4%、20.3%。15N示踪法研究还表明,不同土层的全氮含量及15N原子百分超呈自上而下逐渐降低的趋势;15NRF处理的化肥氮损失、番茄氮吸收以及土壤氮残留比例分别为40.4%、36.4%和23.2%,15NCF处理化肥氮损失、番茄氮吸收和土壤氮残留比例分别为59.6%、20.6%和19.6%,化肥氮去向总体表现为损失>番茄吸收>土壤残留;15NRF处理化肥氮损失率较15NCF处理低19.2个百分点;15NRF和15NCF处理0—20 cm土层化肥氮残留量分别占土壤中化肥氮总残留量的88.9%和87.9%。【结论】在施用30 t/hm^2有机肥的前提下,减少农户常规化肥用量的40%并调整氮磷钾比例,番茄产量和氮素吸收量显著增加,土壤残留比例没有明显变化,损失量显著降低,化肥氮利用率提高15个百分点以上。 展开更多
关键词 日光温室 番茄 化肥减施增效技术 15N示踪法 差减法 化肥氮利用率 15N去向
滴灌水肥管理对温室冬春茬辣椒产量与风味的影响 被引量:2
作者 李若楠 胡亚峰 +7 位作者 黄绍文 史建硕 王丽英 唐继伟 张怀志 袁硕 翟凤芝 孙璇 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期2239-2251,共13页
【目的】探究滴灌水肥管理措施对温室辣椒产量与风味品质的影响,明确不同生育阶段适宜土壤含水量控制值,提出高产与增香提味的滴灌水肥管理方案。【方法】采用研发的全水溶滴灌专用肥,2019和2020年开展了温室冬春茬羊角型辣椒滴灌水肥... 【目的】探究滴灌水肥管理措施对温室辣椒产量与风味品质的影响,明确不同生育阶段适宜土壤含水量控制值,提出高产与增香提味的滴灌水肥管理方案。【方法】采用研发的全水溶滴灌专用肥,2019和2020年开展了温室冬春茬羊角型辣椒滴灌水肥协同试验。滴灌水量(W)和专用肥量(F)分别设计3个水平,共9个水肥组合处理。2019年总灌水量分别为1703.3 m^(3)/hm^(2)(W1)、2423.3 m^(3)/hm^(2)(W2)、3143.3 m^(3)/hm^(2)(W3),总专用肥量分别为712.5 kg/hm^(2)(F1)、1087.5 kg/hm^(2)(F2)、1462.5 kg/hm^(2)(F3);2020年总灌水量分别为1913.3 m^(3)/hm^(2)(W1)、2753.3 m^(3)/hm^(2)(W2)、3593.3 m^(3)/hm^(2)(W3),总专用肥量分别为412.5 kg/hm^(2)(F1)、825.0 kg/hm^(2)(F2)、1237.5 kg/hm^(2)(F3)。调查了辣椒阶段商品果产量、总商品果产量及构成、脐腐病果形成量,分析了鲜果辣味和挥发性香气成分,并监测了生育期间根区土壤含水量。【结果】灌水量对辣椒商品果总产量、总果实数、第4~10次滴灌施肥阶段采收的商品果产量和脐腐病果量的影响极显著(P<0.01),施肥量及其与灌水量的交互作用影响不显著。两年商品果总产量和2019年总果实数均表现为:W3>W2>W1,处理间差异显著;从第4次滴灌施肥开始,W2和W3处理采收的果实商品产量显著高于W1处理,在第6、7、9次施肥阶段,W3处理果实商品产量显著高于W2处理;W3处理显著降低了非商品果产量和脐腐病果量,氮磷钾总吸收量也显著高于W1处理。灌水量对鲜果中碳氢化合物、醛类、吡嗪类、呋喃类等主要香气组分含量,二氢辣椒素含量以及2-甲氧基-3-异丁基吡嗪(主体香气物质)、(E,E)-2,4-壬二烯醛等主要香气物质活度的影响极显著(P<0.01),施肥量对吡嗪类组分含量影响显著(P<0.05),水肥交互作用不明显。W1处理碳氢化合物、吡嗪类、呋喃类香气组分含量显著高于W2和W3处理,二氢辣椒素含量也最高,W1和W2处理醛类组分含量显著高于W3处理,W1处理2-甲氧基-3-异丁基吡嗪、(E,E)-2,4-壬二烯醛的活度显著高于W2,W2处理显著高于W3处理。F2和F3处理2-甲氧基-3-异丁基吡嗪的活度显著高于F1处理。W1、W2和W3处理全生育期根区土壤相对含水量平均分别为51%、77%和88%;从第2次滴灌施肥开始,W2、W3处理土壤含水量显著高于W1处理。【结论】适量降低滴灌水量可浓缩鲜果汁液,增加多种香气成分的积累,但是病果和畸形果较多;适量增加滴灌肥量有利于辣椒主体香气成分累积。增香提味兼顾产量较适宜的水肥组合(W2F2)灌水量为2423 m^(3)/hm^(2)和专用肥量为825 kg/hm^(2)。 展开更多
关键词 滴灌 冬春茬辣椒 产量 脐腐病果 辣味 香气 根区土壤含水量 水肥管理方案
基于农户调查的津冀地区设施蔬菜化肥减施潜力分析 被引量:1
作者 张怀志 唐继伟 +2 位作者 袁硕 黄绍文 胡亚峰 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期48-55,共8页
养分精准管理是保证设施蔬菜优质高产的重要措施,厘清设施蔬菜不同种植制度、不同蔬菜品种的农户施肥状况和土壤肥力水平,对实现化肥减施增效具有重要意义。在天津、河北两地选取设施蔬菜播种面积超过6000 hm2的7个县,实地调查149个地块... 养分精准管理是保证设施蔬菜优质高产的重要措施,厘清设施蔬菜不同种植制度、不同蔬菜品种的农户施肥状况和土壤肥力水平,对实现化肥减施增效具有重要意义。在天津、河北两地选取设施蔬菜播种面积超过6000 hm2的7个县,实地调查149个地块共212个设施蔬菜茬口有机肥和化肥投入、蔬菜产量等信息,并对应采集分析每个地块0~20 cm土层的有机质、硝态氮、有效磷和速效钾含量。结果表明,天津、河北两地同一种类、同一茬口的设施蔬菜化肥养分投入量差异较大,变异系数超过40%。河北省设施菜地硝态氮、有效磷和速效钾的平均含量分别为116.2、287.0和725.1 mg/kg,其中,42.1%地块的硝态氮处于高含量水平(≥100mg/kg)、92.1%地块的有效磷含量处于高含量水平(≥100 mg/kg)、100%地块的速效钾含量处于高含量水平(≥200 mg/kg);天津市设施菜地硝态氮、有效磷和速效钾的平均含量分别为256.2、232.2和909.8 mg/kg,其中,60.4%地块的硝态氮含量、91.0%地块的有效磷含量、99.1%地块的速效钾含量分别处于高含量水平。两地区有机质含量处于中等含量水平(20~30 g/kg)。天津、河北设施蔬菜化肥养分(N+P2O5+K2O)减施潜力分别为20.8%~75.2%和44.9%~88.3%。研究区域设施蔬菜化肥养分用量过量、土壤氮磷钾丰富、化肥减施潜力较大,应因地制宜采取差异化的化肥减施策略。 展开更多
关键词 设施蔬菜 土壤肥力 养分用量 化肥减施潜力 津冀地区
基于发育阶段设施果菜滴灌专用肥的研制及应用 被引量:3
作者 黄绍文 唐继伟 +2 位作者 张怀志 袁硕 王玉军 《中国果菜》 2017年第7期34-36,40,共4页
作者项目团队利用近20年大量设施果菜肥料试验研究获得的不同生育阶段养分吸收量参数,以及近些年调研获取的大量设施菜田耕层土壤样品养分分析结果,研制出了适合设施果菜生长特点和养分需求的滴灌专用肥黄博1号(促根型)和滴灌专用肥黄博... 作者项目团队利用近20年大量设施果菜肥料试验研究获得的不同生育阶段养分吸收量参数,以及近些年调研获取的大量设施菜田耕层土壤样品养分分析结果,研制出了适合设施果菜生长特点和养分需求的滴灌专用肥黄博1号(促根型)和滴灌专用肥黄博2号(靓果型)。本文介绍了配方确定依据、产品特点、施用方法、应用效果等内容。该专用肥和技术经产业化应用证明:可减少化肥用量30%以上,增产10%以上,增收15%以上。 展开更多
关键词 设施果菜 滴灌专用肥 发育阶段
利用BSR-Seq定位小麦品种郑麦103抗条锈病基因YrZM103 被引量:4
作者 张怀志 谢菁忠 +9 位作者 陈永兴 刘旭 王勇 闫素红 杨兆生 赵虹 王西成 贾联合 曹廷杰 刘志勇 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1643-1649,共7页
郑麦103是一个高抗条锈病的小麦新品种,为明确其携带的抗病基因,用郑麦103与感条锈病品种农大399杂交构建分离群体,用条锈菌CYR32、CYR33和CRY34(V26)混合菌系进行田间接种和成株期抗性鉴定,对214个F2:3家系的条锈病抗性进行遗传分析,... 郑麦103是一个高抗条锈病的小麦新品种,为明确其携带的抗病基因,用郑麦103与感条锈病品种农大399杂交构建分离群体,用条锈菌CYR32、CYR33和CRY34(V26)混合菌系进行田间接种和成株期抗性鉴定,对214个F2:3家系的条锈病抗性进行遗传分析,初步确定郑麦103的抗条锈性由单个主效基因控制,定名为Yr ZM103。通过BSR-Seq技术开发了6个与Yr ZM103紧密连锁的分子标记,将Yr ZM103定位于染色体臂7BL分子标记ZM215和ZM221之间,遗传距离分别为11.8 c M和6.9 c M。利用7BL染色体上与其他已知抗条锈病基因紧密连锁的分子标记进行比较作图,发现Yr ZM103是不同于7BL末端其他抗条锈病基因的新基因。 展开更多
关键词 郑麦103 条锈病 分子标记 BSR-Seq 小麦
Effects of a decade of organic fertilizer substitution on vegetable yield and soil phosphorus pools, phosphatase activities, and the microbial community in a greenhouse vegetable production system 被引量:8
作者 zhang Yin-jie GAO Wei +5 位作者 LUAN Hao-an TANG Ji-wei LI Ruo-nan LI Ming-yue zhang huai-zhi HUANG Shao-wen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第7期2119-2133,共15页
Partial substitution of chemical fertilizers by organic amendments is adopted widely for promoting the availability of soil phosphorus(P)in agricultural production.However,few studies have comprehensively evaluated th... Partial substitution of chemical fertilizers by organic amendments is adopted widely for promoting the availability of soil phosphorus(P)in agricultural production.However,few studies have comprehensively evaluated the effects of longterm organic substitution on soil P availability and microbial activity in greenhouse vegetable fields.A 10-year(2009–2019)field experiment was carried out to investigate the impacts of organic fertilizer substitution on soil P pools,phosphatase activities and the microbial community,and identify factors that regulate these soil P transformation characteristics.Four treatments included 100%chemical N fertilizer(4 CN),50%substitution of chemical N by manure(2 CN+2 MN),straw(2 CN+2 SN),and combined manure with straw(2 CN+1 MN+1 SN).Compared with the 4 CN treatment,organic substitution treatments increased celery and tomato yields by 6.9-13.8%and 8.6-18.1%,respectively,with the highest yields being in the 2 CN+1 MN+1 SN treatment.After 10 years of fertilization,organic substitution treatments reduced total P and inorganic P accumulation,increased the concentrations of available P,organic P,and microbial biomass P,and promoted phosphatase activities(alkaline and acid phosphomonoesterase,phosphodiesterase,and phytase)and microbial growth in comparison with the 4 CN treatment.Further,organic substitution treatments significantly increased soil C/P,and the partial least squares path model(PLS-PM)revealed that the soil C/P ratio directly and significantly affected phosphatase activities and the microbial biomass and positively influenced soil P pools and vegetable yield.Partial least squares(PLS)regression demonstrated that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi positively affected phosphatase activities.Our results suggest that organic fertilizer substitution can promote soil P transformation and availability.Combining manure with straw was more effective than applying these materials separately for developing sustainable P management practices. 展开更多
关键词 organic substitution management soil P pools phosphatase activity microbial community soil C/P PLS-PM
Aggregate-associated changes in nutrient properties,microbial community and functions in a greenhouse vegetable field based on an eight-year fertilization experiment of China 被引量:11
作者 LUAN Hao-an GAO Wei +6 位作者 TANG Ji-wei LI Ruo-nan LI Ming-yue zhang huai-zhi CHEN Xin-ping Dainius MASILIUNAS HUANG Shao-wen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第10期2530-2548,共19页
Soil aggregation,microbial community,and functions(i.e.,extracellular enzyme activities;EEAs)are critical factors affecting soil C dynamics and nutrient cycling.We assessed soil aggregate distribution,stability,nutrie... Soil aggregation,microbial community,and functions(i.e.,extracellular enzyme activities;EEAs)are critical factors affecting soil C dynamics and nutrient cycling.We assessed soil aggregate distribution,stability,nutrients,and microbial characteristics within>2,0.25-2,0.053-0.25,and<0.053 mm aggregates,based on an eight-year field experiment in a greenhouse vegetable field in China.The field experiment includes four treatments:100%N fertilizer(CF),50%substitution of N frtilizer with manure(M),straw(S),and manure plus straw(MS).The amounts of nutrient(N,P20,and K20)input were equal in each treatment.Results showed higher values of mean weight diameter in organic amended soils(M,MS,and S,2.43-2.97)vs.CF-amended soils(1.99).Relative to CF treatment,organic amendments had positive effects on nutrient(i.e.,available N,P,and soil organic C(SOC))conditions,microbial(e.g,bacterial and fungal)growth,and EEAs in the>0.053 mm aggregates,but not in the<0.053 mm aggregates.The 0.25-0.053 mm aggregates exhibited better nutrient conditions and hydrolytic activity,while the<0.053 mm aggregates had poor nutrient conditions and higher oxidative activity among aggregates,per SOC,available N,available P,and a series of enzyme activities.These results indicated that the 0.25-0.053 mm(<0.053 mm)aggregates provide suitable microhabitats for hydrolytic(oxidative)activity.Interestingly,we found that hydrolytic and oxidative activities were mainly impacted by fertilization(58.5%,P<0.01)and aggregate fractions(50.5%,P<0.01),respectively.The hydrolytic and oxidative activities were significantly(P<0.01)associated with nutrients(SOC and available N)and pH,electrical conductivity,respectively.Furthermore,SOC,available N,and available P closely(P<0.05)afected microbial communities within>0.25,0.25-0.053,and<0.053 mm aggregates,respectively.These findings provide several insights into microbial characteristics within aggregates under dfferent frilization modes in the greenhouse vegetable production system in China. 展开更多
关键词 ferilization soil aggregate distribution microbial characteristics
Long-term straw addition promotes moderately labile phosphorus formation, decreasing phosphorus downward migration and loss in greenhouse vegetable soil 被引量:1
作者 zhang Yin-jie GAO Wei +5 位作者 LUAN Hao-an TANG Ji-wei LI Ruo-nan LI Ming-yue zhang huai-zhi HUANG Shao-wen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第9期2734-2749,共16页
Phosphorus(P) leaching is a major problem in greenhouse vegetable production with excessive P fertilizer application. Substitution of inorganic P fertilizer with organic fertilizer is considered a potential strategy t... Phosphorus(P) leaching is a major problem in greenhouse vegetable production with excessive P fertilizer application. Substitution of inorganic P fertilizer with organic fertilizer is considered a potential strategy to reduce leaching, but the effect of organic material addition on soil P transformation and leaching loss remains unclear. The X-ray absorption nearedge structure(XANES) spectroscopy technique can determine P speciation at the molecular level. Here, we integrated XANES and chemical methods to explore P speciation and transformation in a 10-year field experiment with four treatments: 100% chemical fertilizer(4 CN), 50% chemical N and 50% manure N(2CN+2MN), 50% chemical N and 50% straw N(2CN+2SN), and 50% chemical N and 25% manure N plus 25% straw N(2CN+2 MSN). Compared with the 4 CN treatment, the organic substitution treatments increased the content of labile P by 13.7–54.2% in the 0–40 cm soil layers, with newberyite and brushite being the main constituents of the labile P. Organic substitution treatments decreased the stable P content;hydroxyapatite was the main species and showed an increasing trend with increasing soil depth. Straw addition(2CN+2SN and 2CN+2 MSN) resulted in a higher moderately labile P content and a lower labile P content in the subsoil(60–100 cm). Moreover, straw addition significantly reduced the concentrations and amounts of total P, dissolved inorganic P(DIP), and particulate P in leachate. DIP was the main form transferred by leaching and co-migrated with dissolved organic carbon. Partial least squares path modeling revealed that straw addition decreased P leaching by decreasing labile P and increasing moderately labile P in the subsoil. Overall, straw addition is beneficial for developing sustainable P management strategies due to increasing labile P in the upper soil layer for the utilization of plants, and decreasing P migration and leaching. 展开更多
关键词 K-edge XANES phosphorus speciation leaching losses sustainable phosphorus management greenhouse vegetable production
Fine mapping of powdery mildew resistance gene PmTm4 in wheat using comparative genomics 被引量:1
作者 XIE Jing-zhong WANG Li-li +10 位作者 WANG Yong zhang huai-zhi ZHOU Sheng-hui WU Qiu-hong CHEN Yong-xing WANG Zhen-zhong WANG Guo-xin zhang De-yun zhang Yan HU Tie-zhu LIU Zhi-yong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期540-550,共11页
Powdery mildew,caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici,is one of the most severe wheat diseases.Mining powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat cultivars and their appliance in breeding program is a promising way to ... Powdery mildew,caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici,is one of the most severe wheat diseases.Mining powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat cultivars and their appliance in breeding program is a promising way to control this disease.Genetic analysis revealed that a single dominant resistance gene named PmTm4 originated from Chinese wheat line Tangmai 4 confers resistance to prevailing isolates of B.graminis f.sp.tritici isolate E09.Detailed comparative genomics analyses helped to develop closely linked markers to PmTm4 and a fine genetic map was constructed using large F2population,in which PmTm4 was located into a 0.66-c M genetic interval.The orthologous subgenome region of PmTm4in Aegilops tauschii was identified,and two resistance gene analogs(RGA)were characterized from the corresponding sequence scaffolds of Ae.tauschii draft assembly.The closely linked markers and identified Ae.tauschii orthologs in the mapping interval provide an entry point for chromosome landing and map-based cloning of PmTm4. 展开更多
关键词 powdery mildew resistance gene PmTm4 genetic mapping comparative genomic analysis
Changes in organic C stability within soil aggregates under different fertilization patterns in a greenhouse vegetable field 被引量:1
作者 LUAN Hao-an YUAN Shuo +4 位作者 GAO Wei TANG Ji-wei LI Ruo-nan zhang huai-zhi HUANG Shao-wen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第10期2758-2771,共14页
Knowledge of the stability of soil organic C(SOC)is vital for assessing SOC dynamics and cycling in agroecosystems.Studies have documented the regulatory effect of fertilization on SOC stability in bulk soils.However,... Knowledge of the stability of soil organic C(SOC)is vital for assessing SOC dynamics and cycling in agroecosystems.Studies have documented the regulatory effect of fertilization on SOC stability in bulk soils.However,how fertilization alters organic C stability at the aggregate scale in agroecosystems remains largely unclear.This study aimed to appraise the changes of organic C stability within soil aggregates after eight years of fertilization(chemical vs.organic fertilization)in a greenhouse vegetable field in Tianjin,China.Changes in the stability of organic C in soil aggregates were evaluated by four methods,i.e.,the modified Walkley-Black method(chemical method),13C NMR spectroscopy(spectroscopic method),extracellular enzyme assay(biological method),and thermogravimetric analysis(thermogravimetric method).The aggregates were isolated and separated by a wet-sieving method into four fractions:large macroaggregates(>2 mm),small macroaggregates(0.25–2 mm),microaggregates(0.053–0.25 mm),and silt/clay fractions(<0.053 mm).The results showed that organic amendments increased the organic C content and reduced the chemical,spectroscopic,thermogravimetric,and biological stability of organic C within soil aggregates relative to chemical fertilization alone.Within soil aggregates,the content of organic C was the highest in microaggregates and decreased in the order microaggregates>macroaggregates>silt/clay fractions.Meanwhile,organic C spectroscopic,thermogravimetric,and biological stability were the highest in silt/clay fractions,followed by macroaggregates and microaggregates.Moreover,the modified Walkley-Black method was not suitable for interpreting organic C stability at the aggregate scale due to the weak correlation between organic C chemical properties and other stability characteristics within the soil aggregates.These findings provide scientific insights at the aggregate scale into the changes of organic C properties under fertilization in greenhouse vegetable fields in China. 展开更多
关键词 FERTILIZATION organic C stability soil aggregates thermogravimetric analysis 13C NMR spectroscopy
Molecular mapping of YrTZ2,a stripe rust resistance gene in wild emmer accession TZ-2 and its comparative analyses with Aegilops tauschii
作者 WANG Zhen-zhong XIE Jing-zhong +15 位作者 GUO Li zhang De-yun LI Gen-qiao FANG Ti-lin CHEN Yong-xing LI Jun WU Qiu-hong LU Ping LI Miao-miao WU Hai-bin zhang huai-zhi zhang Yan YANG Wu-yun LUO Ming-cheng Fahima Tzion LIU Zhi-yong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1267-1275,共9页
Wheat stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a devastating disease that can cause severe yield losses. Identification and utilization of stripe rust resistance genes are essential for e... Wheat stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a devastating disease that can cause severe yield losses. Identification and utilization of stripe rust resistance genes are essential for effective breeding against the disease. Wild emmer accession TZ-2, originally collected from Mount Hermon, Israel, confers near-immunity resistance against several prevailing Pst races in China. A set of 200 F6:7 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between susceptible durum wheat cultivar Langdon and TZ-2 was used for stripe rust evaluation. Genetic analysis indicated that the stripe rust resistance of TZ-2 to Pst race CYR34 was controlled by a single dominant gene, temporarily designated YrTZ2. Through bulked segregant analysis (BSA) with SSR markers, YrTZ2 was located on chromosome arm 1BS flanked by Xwmc230 and Xgwm413 with genetic distance of 0.8 cM (distal) and 0.3 cM (proximal), respectively. By applying wheat 90K iSelect SNP genotyping assay, 11 polymorphic loci (consisting of 250 SNP markers) closely linked to YrTZ2 were identified. YrTZ2 was further delimited into a 0.8-cM genetic interval between SNP marker IWB19368 and SSR marker Xgwm413, and cosegregated with SNP marker IWB28744 (co-segregated with 28 SNP). Comparative genomics analyses revealed high level of collinearity between the YrTZ2 genomic region and the orthologous region of Aegilops tauschii 1DS. The genomic region between loci IWB19368 and IWB31649 harboring YrTZ2 is orthologous to a 24.5-Mb genomic region between AT1D0112 and AT1D0150, spanning 15 contigs on chromosome 1DS. The genetic and comparative maps of YrTZ2 rovide a framework for map-based cloning and marker-assisted selection of YrTZ2. 展开更多
关键词 Triticum dicoccoides Puccinia striformis f. sp. tritici SNP comparative genomics
冻融循环作用对非饱和乳化沥青冷再生混合料性能的影响 被引量:8
作者 杨彦海 崔宏 +2 位作者 杨野 张怀志 刘赫 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期2352-2359,共8页
针对季冻区乳化沥青冷再生混合料路面服役实际情况设计了冻融循环试验,通过宏观性能试验,测定非饱和乳化沥青冷再生混合料空隙率、冻融劈裂强度比、低温劈裂强度和高温抗剪强度随冻融循环次数的衰减规律。借助扫描电子显微镜(SEM),观察... 针对季冻区乳化沥青冷再生混合料路面服役实际情况设计了冻融循环试验,通过宏观性能试验,测定非饱和乳化沥青冷再生混合料空隙率、冻融劈裂强度比、低温劈裂强度和高温抗剪强度随冻融循环次数的衰减规律。借助扫描电子显微镜(SEM),观察不同冻融循环次数下非饱和混合料的微观形貌变化。基于对宏观性能衰变规律与微观损伤情况的分析,探索了非饱和乳化沥青冷再生混合料的冻融损伤机理。经过20次冻融循环后,非饱和乳化沥青冷再生混合料空隙率增加1.06%,劈裂强度比下降26.3%,高、低温性能均产生大幅度损伤。混合料结构内部乳化沥青-水泥砂浆界面的水泥水化产物受冻融循环作用由外至内发生破坏,沥青胶浆剥落,沥青与集料粘附性降低,集料间的空间架构逐步受损,最终导致非饱和乳化沥青冷再生混合料性能损伤。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 乳化沥青冷再生混合料 非饱和 冻融循环 宏观性能 微观损伤
Evaluating the Validity of a Nitrate Quick Test in Different Chinese Soils
作者 YUE Xian-Lu LI Fei +4 位作者 HU Yun-Cai zhang huai-zhi JI Hong-Jie zhang Wei-Li U. SCHMIDHALTER 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期623-630,共8页
Because laboratory tests are expensive and time-consuming and may not be available to farmers, soil nitrate quick tests are required for optimal nitrogen management strategies in China to increase nitrogen use efficie... Because laboratory tests are expensive and time-consuming and may not be available to farmers, soil nitrate quick tests are required for optimal nitrogen management strategies in China to increase nitrogen use efficiency and to reduce nitrogen losses. A total of 328 soil samples were collected at different soil depths from 225 sites in China, which covered a wide range of climatic and geographic regions, soil types, croplands and soil textures, to evaluate the suitability of a quick reflectometer test method for analysing soil NO3-N in a wide range of soil NO3 concentrations, soil types and cropping systems in China, mainly by comparison of soil NO3-N assessed by a quick-test method (a reflectometer) and a standard laboratory method, i.e., high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The reflectometer showed excellent agreement with the laboratory HPLC method with regard to soil nitrate contents for all analysed soil samples. The linear regression had slopes of 1 ± 0.08 and intercepts of ± 1.38 mg NO(-,3)-N L^(-1) among different soil types and croplands. Compared with the 1:1 lines, the regression analysis for each soil type showed statistically significant but small differences in slope; the relative difference between the values measured using the two analytical systems varied from -8% to 6%, and there were no differences in intercept except for paddy soil. The reflectometer showed adequate, statistically significant precision in determining soil nitrate contents, and it could therefore be directly used instead of the laboratory methods for soil NO(-,3)-N measurement in China. 展开更多
关键词 DILUTION N recommendation nitrate test strip REFLECTOMETER soil NO(3 -)-N
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