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安徽定远侯家寨遗址二期植物性食物资源利用的淀粉粒证据 被引量:5
作者 罗武宏 禤华丽 +5 位作者 姚凌 杨玉璋 易文文 阚绪杭 张居中 张爱冰 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期292-305,共14页
淮河中游地区位于中国中东部地理、气候、文化的过渡地带,同时也是新石器时代北方旱作农业与南方稻作农业分布的交错地带。现有植物考古资料表明,新石器时代晚期是淮河中游地区农业结构从单一的稻作农业转变为稻旱兼作农业的关键阶段。... 淮河中游地区位于中国中东部地理、气候、文化的过渡地带,同时也是新石器时代北方旱作农业与南方稻作农业分布的交错地带。现有植物考古资料表明,新石器时代晚期是淮河中游地区农业结构从单一的稻作农业转变为稻旱兼作农业的关键阶段。然而,新石器时代晚期淮河中游地区,尤其是淮干以南地区先民的植物资源利用情况,以及该地区农业结构何时发生转变等问题至今依然不清楚。本文利用淀粉粒分析方法,对安徽定远侯家寨遗址二期(6.2~5.6 kaBP)出土的22件陶器残片表面残留物进行了分析。结果表明新石器时代晚期淮河中游淮干以南地区先民利用的植物性食物资源具有多样性,包括稻属(Oryza spp.)、小麦族(Triticeae)、薏苡属(Coix spp.)、粟(Setaria italica(L)P.Beauv.)、黍(Panicum miliaceum L.)、栎属(Quercus spp.)、莲属(Nelumbo spp.)以及块根块茎类植物等。稻属淀粉粒的发现证明,自新石器时代中期至新石器时代末期,淮河中游地区先民对水稻利用基本上是延续的。粟、黍淀粉粒是淮河中游淮干以南地区迄今为止已报道发现最早的旱生农作物的证据,意味着早在6.2~5.6 kaBP期间,北方旱作农业文化与淮河中游淮干以南地区可能就存在着食物的交流与传播。该结果对于了解淮河中游地区新石器时代农业发展、演变历程以及中国中东部稻作、粟作农业传播的时空路线等问题具有重要的科学价值。 展开更多
关键词 淮河中游地区 侯家寨遗址二期 淀粉粒分析 植物性资源 农业结构
安徽临泉宫庄遗址炭化植物遗存分析 被引量:14
作者 程至杰 杨玉璋 +1 位作者 张东 张居中 《农业考古》 2019年第3期13-19,共7页
本文通过对临泉宫庄遗址试掘采集土样的浮选分析,获取了该遗址大汶口文化早中期、龙山时期、商周时期的炭化植物遗存,主要包括水稻、小麦、栎属、铁苋菜。量化分析结果显示,宫庄遗址自大汶口文化早中期至商周时期的农业保持着稻作农业传... 本文通过对临泉宫庄遗址试掘采集土样的浮选分析,获取了该遗址大汶口文化早中期、龙山时期、商周时期的炭化植物遗存,主要包括水稻、小麦、栎属、铁苋菜。量化分析结果显示,宫庄遗址自大汶口文化早中期至商周时期的农业保持着稻作农业传统,与周边同时期的遗址存在显著差异。结合淮河中游地区诸遗址的植物考古证据,大汶口文化早中期该地区的稻作农业持续发展,并成为获取植食资源的主要方式,可能没有形成稻粟兼作农业模式。 展开更多
关键词 宫庄遗址 稻作农业 大汶口文化早中期
河南项城贾庄和后高老家遗址炭化植物遗存揭示的仰韶时期的原始农业 被引量:2
作者 程至杰 齐鸣 +3 位作者 曾令园 张居中 杨玉璋 李全立 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期85-95,共11页
豫东地区是史前中原文化系统、海岱文化系统等的中介地带,由于这里地处黄泛区且人口密集,史前遗址或被掩埋在地下数米深处,或位于岗地、堌堆之上,后期破坏严重,目前缺乏相关植物考古资料,对史前农业发展的认识并不清晰。本研究对河南项... 豫东地区是史前中原文化系统、海岱文化系统等的中介地带,由于这里地处黄泛区且人口密集,史前遗址或被掩埋在地下数米深处,或位于岗地、堌堆之上,后期破坏严重,目前缺乏相关植物考古资料,对史前农业发展的认识并不清晰。本研究对河南项城市贾庄和后高老家遗址开展浮选,获取了仰韶时代中期的炭化植物遗存,其中炭化植物种子主要包括粟、黍、水稻三种农作物和狗尾草属、马唐属、稗属、黍亚科等野生植物,可食用野生植物的核壳来自菱属、芡实、柿属、栎属、桃属等。农作物及典型田间伴生杂草遗存的量化结果显示,两处遗址仰韶时代中期的农作物结构以粟、黍为主,水稻的比重很低,具备黄淮地区稻粟兼作农业的地域性和时代特征。多种可食用野生植物遗存显示了植物性食物资源的多样性。各类植物遗存的绝对数量和出土概率表明,农业在生业经济中占据主体地位,采集野生植物仍然是先民获取植物性食物资源的重要方式。贾庄和后高老家遗址炭化植物遗存分析结果为了解豫东地区仰韶时代原始农业发展状况提供了重要资料,对探索中华文明早期阶段的农业发展状况及其与文明演进的关系有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 豫东地区 仰韶时代中期 炭化植物遗存 兼作农业
作者 程至杰 黄程青 +1 位作者 张居中 任建 《农业考古》 2020年第4期42-45,共4页
关键词 植物遗骸 水稻稃壳 植硅体
江苏泗洪顺山集遗址植物遗存分析的主要收获 被引量:5
作者 张居中 李为亚 +8 位作者 尹承龙 程至杰 杨玉璋 罗武宏 姚凌 赵嫚 林留根 甘恢元 闫龙 《东方考古》 2014年第1期365-373,共9页
引言顺山集遗址位于江苏省泗洪县梅花镇大新庄西南约400米处的重岗山北缘坡地之上,东南距泗洪县城约15千米,遗址总面积约17.5万平方米。南京博物院等单位于2010~2012年对该遗址进行了3次发掘,发掘总面积2500平方米,确认了该遗址为淮河... 引言顺山集遗址位于江苏省泗洪县梅花镇大新庄西南约400米处的重岗山北缘坡地之上,东南距泗洪县城约15千米,遗址总面积约17.5万平方米。南京博物院等单位于2010~2012年对该遗址进行了3次发掘,发掘总面积2500平方米,确认了该遗址为淮河中下游地区一处距今8500~7000年间的史前环壕聚落遗址。该遗址文化特征地域特色鲜明,与淮河上游的贾湖文化、裴李岗文化,海岱地区的后李文化及长江中下游的彭头山文化、跨湖桥文化等史前考古学文化之间有着密切的交流和相互影响( 图一) 。 展开更多
关键词 遗址 淮河 泗洪县 文化 顺山 新庄
作者 张居中 程至杰 《东方考古》 2014年第1期444-452,共9页
舞阳贾湖遗址位于黄淮海大平原西南部边缘的淮河上游地区,这里地处中国二、三级阶梯的过渡地带,地理坐标为东经113°40′,北纬33°36′,海拔67米,面积55000多平方米,文化层厚1~2米。1983~2001年,河南省文物考古研究所、中国科... 舞阳贾湖遗址位于黄淮海大平原西南部边缘的淮河上游地区,这里地处中国二、三级阶梯的过渡地带,地理坐标为东经113°40′,北纬33°36′,海拔67米,面积55000多平方米,文化层厚1~2米。1983~2001年,河南省文物考古研究所、中国科技大学科技史与科技考古系等单位先后在此进行了7次发掘,发掘面积共计2700平方米,发现大量房基、陶窑、窖穴和墓葬,出土陶、石、骨等各种质料的遗物上千件。其中以七声音阶骨笛、成组龟甲及其原始契刻文字和最早的稻作农业等最为重要。 展开更多
关键词 遗址 龟甲 地带 面积 考古系 黄淮海 地理坐标 契刻 骨笛 边缘
江苏泗洪顺山集遗址植硅体分析及其环境意义 被引量:4
作者 罗武宏 张居中 +3 位作者 杨玉璋 尹承龙 林留根 甘恢元 《微体古生物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期273-284,共12页
江苏泗洪顺山集遗址是淮河中下游地区迄今为止发现年代最早的新石器时代遗址之一。本文对遗址三个不同文化时期连续剖面土壤堆积物中的植硅体进行分析,结果显示该遗址先民早在距今8500年左右已经开始种植水稻,并一直延续到遗址三期(7500... 江苏泗洪顺山集遗址是淮河中下游地区迄今为止发现年代最早的新石器时代遗址之一。本文对遗址三个不同文化时期连续剖面土壤堆积物中的植硅体进行分析,结果显示该遗址先民早在距今8500年左右已经开始种植水稻,并一直延续到遗址三期(7500 BP)。植硅体组合分析结果表明,顺山集遗址所处时期的气候总体上较温暖湿润,但存在气候波动,从一期至三期大体上经历了温暖—偏凉—回暖的过程,可能对应了全新世高温期到来之前的气候转暖。从顺山集遗址水稻遗存的连续发现以及水稻驯化水平不断提高来看,气候变冷并未抑制当地稻作农业的发展,相反在一定程度上可能促进了其发展与扩散。本文研究结果对研究全新世早中期中国中东部气候变化背景下人类适应策略提供了重要的科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 植硅体组合 稻作农业 古环境 人类适应 顺山集遗址
The emergence, development and regional differences of mixed farming of rice and millet in the upper and middle Huai River Valley, China 被引量:11
作者 YANG Yuzhang CHENG ZhiJie +6 位作者 LI WeiYa YAO Ling LI ZhanYang LUO WuHong YUAN ZengJian zhang Juan zhang juzhong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期1779-1790,共12页
Mixed farming of rice and millet is one of the basic agricultural modes in the upper and middle Huai River Valley(HRV). According to the latest data, this agricultural mode appeared during the middle and late Peiligan... Mixed farming of rice and millet is one of the basic agricultural modes in the upper and middle Huai River Valley(HRV). According to the latest data, this agricultural mode appeared during the middle and late Peiligang Culture(7.8–7.0 ka BP) in the upper HRV, and then became a common subsistence economy in the end of the Neolithic(5.0–4.0 ka BP) in both the upper and middle HRV. However, it is still not clear how this mixed farming developed in the upper HRV after its occurrence, nor are the regional differences in the development of mixed farming between the upper and middle HRV during the Neolithic completely understood. In this paper, flotation and starch analyses were conducted on samples from eight archaeological sites in the upper and middle HRV. The results indicate that the mixed farming of rice and millet first appeared in the later phase of the middle Neolithic in the regions of the Peiligang Culture, then developed quite rapidly in the late Neolithic(6.8–5.0 ka BP), finally becoming the main subsistence economy at the end of the Neolithic in the upper HRV. However, there are obvious differences in the emergence and development of agriculture between the middle and upper HRV. Rice farming was the only agricultural system during the middle Neolithic, lasting until the end of the Neolithic, when mixed farming appeared in the middle HRV. Furthermore, although mixed farming appeared in both the upper and middle HRV during the end of the Neolithic, the roles of rice, foxtail millet and broomcorn millet in the subsistence economy were not the same. In general, millet was more widely cultivated than rice in the upper HRV, but rice occupied the same or a slightly more prominent position in the middle HRV at the end of the Neolithic. These results are significant for understanding the process of agricultural development and transformation, as well as human adaptation to climatic and cultural variability duringthe Neolithic. 展开更多
关键词 Upper and middle Huai River NEOLITHIC Mixed farming of rice and millet Agricultural development and transformation Regional differences
Plant food sources and stone tools' function at the site of Shunshanji based on starch grain analysis 被引量:9
作者 YANG Yuzhang LI WeiYa +6 位作者 YAO Ling CHENG ZhiJie LUO WuHong zhang juzhong LIN LiuGen GAN HuiYuan YAN Long 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期1574-1582,共9页
The upper-middle Huai River valley(HRV) is located in the transition zone in the middle of eastern China. Previous studies have shown that the past populations in the upper HRV obtained plant food through gathering an... The upper-middle Huai River valley(HRV) is located in the transition zone in the middle of eastern China. Previous studies have shown that the past populations in the upper HRV obtained plant food through gathering and cultivation of both rice and millet during the middle Neolithic. However, for the middle HRV it is not very clear what methods were used by humans to obtain plant food in that time. In this paper, starch grain analysis was carried out on 17 stone tools and 29 cauldron pottery sherds unearthed at Shunshanji(8.5–7.0 kyr BP), which is known as the earliest Neolithic site in the middle HRV excavated so far. Here, ancient starches from Coix lacryma-jobi, Triticeae, Oryza sativa, Trichosanthes kirilowii and one unidentified specie were recovered. This study contributes to the limited knowledge of food strategies as observed in the middle HRV. It demonstrates that both gathering and cultivation of rice took place during the middle-Neolithic. Among the identified species, Coix lacryma-jobi appears to have been the main plant food at Shunshanji. Moreover, it is clear that Oryza sativa was not consumed as much as other plant species according to the occurrence frequency of different starch grains. Starch grains were also found on the used surfaces of grinding stone implements as well as pestles, which means that these stone tools were used for food processing. In addition, axes from Shunshanji may also have been used for food processing as well as wood working because starches were also found on the edge of axes. Information about subsistence strategies and tool use at Shunshanji will also be helpful to understanding the utilization of plants and agricultural development in the middle HRV during the early-middle Neolithic period. 展开更多
关键词 Shunshanji Starch grain analysis Utilization of plants Development of agriculture Function of stone tools
Spatial and temporal distribution of Neolithic sites in coastal China:Sea level changes, geomorphic evolution and human adaption 被引量:9
作者 ZHENG HongBo ZHOU YouSheng +10 位作者 YANG Qing HU ZhuJun LING GuangJiu zhang juzhong GU ChunGuang WANG YingYing CAO YeTing HUANG XianRong CHENG Yue zhang XiaoYu WU WenXiang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期123-133,共11页
The East China coastal plain is one of the most important Neolithic culture areas in China, where rich archaeological sites including those producing the earliest domesticated rice are observed. It is also a place whe... The East China coastal plain is one of the most important Neolithic culture areas in China, where rich archaeological sites including those producing the earliest domesticated rice are observed. It is also a place where landscape has experienced dramatic evolution during the Holocene when both sea level and climate changed, such that it is an ideal place for studying human-environment interaction. This study investigated over 2000 sites of pre-history and Shang and Zhou Dynasties, with 655 of which being Neolithic ages, by using DEM and GIS methods. The results suggest that the spatial and temporal distribution of Neolithic sites has largely been controlled by landscape evolution(particularly changes in coastal line), which ultimately governed by sea level changes. During early Holocene, Neolithic sites sparsely distributed in the intermountain basins of east Zhejiang Province, far from the influence of ocean. Over the period of 9–7 ka, the coastal plain(including the shelf) was largely submerged,only the feet of low hills to the south and southwest of the study area, and islands protruding the estuary, cradled limited number of settlements with characteristic "maritime components". At about 7 ka, sea level rise decelerated prominently, while sediments supply in the drainage remained high value, the combination of which led to land formation and propagation. Vast space during this period facilitated the growth of settlements in both size and number. In the mean time, however, the coastal plain was vulnerable to extreme environmental events such as storms and flooding owning to its geomorphic nature, which exerted great influence on the rise and fall of Neolithic culture. 展开更多
关键词 East China coastal plain NEOLITHIC Spatial and temporal distribution of Neolithic sites Sea level change Geomorphic evolution
作者 张居中 顾纯光 《南方文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期21-30,共10页
一、引言文明起源是考古学研究的重要内容,其与人类起源和农业起源被并列为国际考古学界的三大战略性课题。近些年来,随着中华文明探源工程的持续推进,我国文明起源、形成和发展的社会复杂化进程研究取得了显著成绩,并实证了中华民族百... 一、引言文明起源是考古学研究的重要内容,其与人类起源和农业起源被并列为国际考古学界的三大战略性课题。近些年来,随着中华文明探源工程的持续推进,我国文明起源、形成和发展的社会复杂化进程研究取得了显著成绩,并实证了中华民族百万年人类史、万年文化史、五千多年文明史及其多元一体、绵延不断的演进过程①。 展开更多
关键词 考古学研究 考古学界 中华文明探源工程 文明起源 新石器时代 农业起源 多元一体 人类史
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