通过对桂林凉风洞洞穴内、外温湿度、 p CO 2进行连续高频监测,发现洞穴温度受大气度温影响呈现出季节性变化规律。由于受到洞穴结构的阻隔作用影响,洞穴由外向里的温度变化幅度逐渐变小,并且响应的时间存在季节性差异。监测数据表明:...通过对桂林凉风洞洞穴内、外温湿度、 p CO 2进行连续高频监测,发现洞穴温度受大气度温影响呈现出季节性变化规律。由于受到洞穴结构的阻隔作用影响,洞穴由外向里的温度变化幅度逐渐变小,并且响应的时间存在季节性差异。监测数据表明:洞穴内部温度的季节性变化幅度明显低于洞外气温变化幅度。比较洞内、外温度的时间序列发现,在季节尺度上洞穴温度升温阶段滞后时间长(与外部通风的气温流动交换慢),降温阶段滞后时间短(与外部通风的气温流动交换快,呈现突变特征),这可能与不同季节洞穴内部结构的“缓冲作用”的强弱变化有关。该洞穴空气中 p CO 2存在明显的夏季高、冬季低的季节性变化特征。并且外界大气环境季节性变化和洞穴上覆动植物的季节性活动,使得洞穴 p CO 2主控因素也存在季节性差异。展开更多
通过对云南华坪葫芦洞FL4石笋进行高精度的ICP—MS—^(230)Th/U测年和高分辨率的碳、氧同位素分析,建立了该地区6 060-4 185 a BP间高分辨率的西南季风气候变化时间序列,进而揭示了该时段发生的3次季风减弱事件。这3次百年尺度(持续时间...通过对云南华坪葫芦洞FL4石笋进行高精度的ICP—MS—^(230)Th/U测年和高分辨率的碳、氧同位素分析,建立了该地区6 060-4 185 a BP间高分辨率的西南季风气候变化时间序列,进而揭示了该时段发生的3次季风减弱事件。这3次百年尺度(持续时间为90~240a)的干旱寒冷事件,分别发生在6 060-5 950 a BP、5 380-5 140 a BP、4 810-4 620 a BP,呈台阶状演变;而石笋的碳同位素记录揭示了2次强降水事件,分别发生在5 503-5 443 a BP和4 210-4 185 a BP,持续时间分别为25a和60a。石笋碳、氧同位素记录的西南季风减弱以及强降水事件明显受太阳辐射强度的控制。分辨率为3~10 a的碳、氧同位素记录表明,在百年尺度的西南季风气候变化上,叠加了一系列十年尺度的气候突变事件,呈锯齿状的高频波动。这些短时间尺度的季风气候波动事件与树轮14C残差、冰芯记录极为相似,反映低纬度地区石笋记录的季风气候与高纬度及北极地区的气候具有极好的可比性,可能主要是受中低纬度太阳辐射强度以及北半球大气环流的影响,太阳辐射强度的变化是控制印度季风的快速推进或退出(萎缩)以及百年尺度上的气候波动的主要动因。展开更多
A high-resolution climate record from 163.00 kaBP to 113.80 kaBP has been obtained through TIMS-U series dating and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of the three large stalagmites from two caves in the south of Guiz...A high-resolution climate record from 163.00 kaBP to 113.80 kaBP has been obtained through TIMS-U series dating and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of the three large stalagmites from two caves in the south of Guizhou Province, China. The record of the oxygen isotopes from the stalagmites reveals that the undulation characteristics between the cooling event of the glacial period and the warming event of the interglacial period in the research area can compare well to those of ice cores, lake sediments, loess and deep sea sediments on the scale of ten-thousand years or millennium time scale. The climate undulation provided by the record of the stalagmites has a coherence with the global changes and a tele-connection to the paleoclimate changes in the north polar region. Our results suggest that the direct dynamics of paleo-monsoon circulation changes reflected in the record of the stalagmites might be caused by changes of the global ice volume, and in turn related to various factors, including the solar radiation strength at the mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, the southern extension of the ice-rafted event in the North Atlantic, and changes of the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature at the low-latitudes. Using °18O values, we have calculated the temperatures and the results show that the temperature difference between the penultimate glacial period (with an average temperature of 8.1°C, and a minimum temperature range from 0.65°C to-1.43°C at stage 6) and the last interglacial period (with an average temperature of 18.24°C at sub-stage 5e) was about 10°C. This temperature difference from the record of the stalagmites corresponds in general to the record temperature variation (about 10°C) of measured ice cores. The climate records from the three stalagmites in the two caves have shown that the circulation strength of the Asian summer monsoon and the winter monsoon in the penultimate glacial period and the last inter-glacial period had a clear change.With the TIMS-U series method, termination II of the penultimate glacial period has been precisely dated at an age of (129.28± 1.10) kaBP for the three stalagmites in the south of Guizhou Province, China. This borderline age represents the beginning of the last interglacial period or the boundary between the Middle Pleistocene and the Late Pleistocene, and corresponds to the beginning age of the last interglacial period shown by the ice cores and in the SPECMAP curve of the marine oxygen isotopes. The chronology determination of termination II is not only of stratigraphic and chronological significance, but also lays an important foundation for discussing the short time scales of climate oscillation and rapidly changing events of paleoclimate in the circulation region of the East Asian monsoon.展开更多
文摘通过对桂林凉风洞洞穴内、外温湿度、 p CO 2进行连续高频监测,发现洞穴温度受大气度温影响呈现出季节性变化规律。由于受到洞穴结构的阻隔作用影响,洞穴由外向里的温度变化幅度逐渐变小,并且响应的时间存在季节性差异。监测数据表明:洞穴内部温度的季节性变化幅度明显低于洞外气温变化幅度。比较洞内、外温度的时间序列发现,在季节尺度上洞穴温度升温阶段滞后时间长(与外部通风的气温流动交换慢),降温阶段滞后时间短(与外部通风的气温流动交换快,呈现突变特征),这可能与不同季节洞穴内部结构的“缓冲作用”的强弱变化有关。该洞穴空气中 p CO 2存在明显的夏季高、冬季低的季节性变化特征。并且外界大气环境季节性变化和洞穴上覆动植物的季节性活动,使得洞穴 p CO 2主控因素也存在季节性差异。
文摘通过对云南华坪葫芦洞FL4石笋进行高精度的ICP—MS—^(230)Th/U测年和高分辨率的碳、氧同位素分析,建立了该地区6 060-4 185 a BP间高分辨率的西南季风气候变化时间序列,进而揭示了该时段发生的3次季风减弱事件。这3次百年尺度(持续时间为90~240a)的干旱寒冷事件,分别发生在6 060-5 950 a BP、5 380-5 140 a BP、4 810-4 620 a BP,呈台阶状演变;而石笋的碳同位素记录揭示了2次强降水事件,分别发生在5 503-5 443 a BP和4 210-4 185 a BP,持续时间分别为25a和60a。石笋碳、氧同位素记录的西南季风减弱以及强降水事件明显受太阳辐射强度的控制。分辨率为3~10 a的碳、氧同位素记录表明,在百年尺度的西南季风气候变化上,叠加了一系列十年尺度的气候突变事件,呈锯齿状的高频波动。这些短时间尺度的季风气候波动事件与树轮14C残差、冰芯记录极为相似,反映低纬度地区石笋记录的季风气候与高纬度及北极地区的气候具有极好的可比性,可能主要是受中低纬度太阳辐射强度以及北半球大气环流的影响,太阳辐射强度的变化是控制印度季风的快速推进或退出(萎缩)以及百年尺度上的气候波动的主要动因。
基金IGCP-448 'World Correlation of Karst Geology and Its Relevant Ecosystem', a key project of the Science and Technology Ministry (Grant No. 2000-026) the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40152002).
文摘A high-resolution climate record from 163.00 kaBP to 113.80 kaBP has been obtained through TIMS-U series dating and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of the three large stalagmites from two caves in the south of Guizhou Province, China. The record of the oxygen isotopes from the stalagmites reveals that the undulation characteristics between the cooling event of the glacial period and the warming event of the interglacial period in the research area can compare well to those of ice cores, lake sediments, loess and deep sea sediments on the scale of ten-thousand years or millennium time scale. The climate undulation provided by the record of the stalagmites has a coherence with the global changes and a tele-connection to the paleoclimate changes in the north polar region. Our results suggest that the direct dynamics of paleo-monsoon circulation changes reflected in the record of the stalagmites might be caused by changes of the global ice volume, and in turn related to various factors, including the solar radiation strength at the mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, the southern extension of the ice-rafted event in the North Atlantic, and changes of the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature at the low-latitudes. Using °18O values, we have calculated the temperatures and the results show that the temperature difference between the penultimate glacial period (with an average temperature of 8.1°C, and a minimum temperature range from 0.65°C to-1.43°C at stage 6) and the last interglacial period (with an average temperature of 18.24°C at sub-stage 5e) was about 10°C. This temperature difference from the record of the stalagmites corresponds in general to the record temperature variation (about 10°C) of measured ice cores. The climate records from the three stalagmites in the two caves have shown that the circulation strength of the Asian summer monsoon and the winter monsoon in the penultimate glacial period and the last inter-glacial period had a clear change.With the TIMS-U series method, termination II of the penultimate glacial period has been precisely dated at an age of (129.28± 1.10) kaBP for the three stalagmites in the south of Guizhou Province, China. This borderline age represents the beginning of the last interglacial period or the boundary between the Middle Pleistocene and the Late Pleistocene, and corresponds to the beginning age of the last interglacial period shown by the ice cores and in the SPECMAP curve of the marine oxygen isotopes. The chronology determination of termination II is not only of stratigraphic and chronological significance, but also lays an important foundation for discussing the short time scales of climate oscillation and rapidly changing events of paleoclimate in the circulation region of the East Asian monsoon.