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作者 徐瑞 朱宏雷 +3 位作者 邹建东 杨春天 张向南 赵昕 《石油化工设备》 2025年第1期43-54,共12页
冷却系统在石油化工、电力和供热等众多行业中必不可少。水冷却耗用大量水资源且经济性低,干式空冷体积大且受环境温度影响大,而湿式喷淋冷却系统兼顾了干式和水冷的优点,具有较大的应用潜力。从液膜流动分布、蒸发传热这2个方面对喷淋... 冷却系统在石油化工、电力和供热等众多行业中必不可少。水冷却耗用大量水资源且经济性低,干式空冷体积大且受环境温度影响大,而湿式喷淋冷却系统兼顾了干式和水冷的优点,具有较大的应用潜力。从液膜流动分布、蒸发传热这2个方面对喷淋湿式蒸发空冷的机理研究热点及成果进行梳理,总结了与喷淋湿式蒸发空冷器性能优化密切相关的换热元件、结构改进、节水及漂移和抗冻抗蚀等4个方面的研究现状,对未来研究方法、研究方向等进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 空冷器 喷淋湿式 液膜流动分布 蒸发传热
作者 马金伟 姚立影 +6 位作者 解德甲 杨磊杰 陈满 孟岳 武海峰 张向南 张楠楠 《石油化工设备》 CAS 2024年第3期12-17,共6页
螺旋扭曲扁管是一种非标换热管,成熟的热交换器计算商业软件,如HTRI、Aspen EDR等目前均尚未提供对应的计算模型,现有计算方法存在不统一、偏差大等问题。以螺旋扭曲扁管为对象,通过数值模拟计算、实验测试对其进行传热及流阻性能研究,... 螺旋扭曲扁管是一种非标换热管,成熟的热交换器计算商业软件,如HTRI、Aspen EDR等目前均尚未提供对应的计算模型,现有计算方法存在不统一、偏差大等问题。以螺旋扭曲扁管为对象,通过数值模拟计算、实验测试对其进行传热及流阻性能研究,综合利用HTRI传热计算软件,建立了一套螺旋扁管传热及流阻性能的通用化计算方法。进行了通用化计算结果、数值模拟分析数据、实验测试数据的对比,验证了通用计算方法的准确性,对螺旋扭曲扁管的工艺设计具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 螺旋扭曲扁管 热交换器 强化传热 流体仿真
作者 董雪林 黄超波 +3 位作者 魏筱婷 张向南 付宝琛 卜延普 《石油化工设备》 2024年第1期1-6,共6页
板式湿式空气冷却器是一种综合空气侧增湿与高效低阻力降传热的新型模块化空冷产品。某炼油厂常减压装置板式湿式空气冷却器使用过程中,风机出口湿空气携带液体,形成空中飘水和地面积水,造成操作场地湿滑,成为工作安全隐患。结合板式湿... 板式湿式空气冷却器是一种综合空气侧增湿与高效低阻力降传热的新型模块化空冷产品。某炼油厂常减压装置板式湿式空气冷却器使用过程中,风机出口湿空气携带液体,形成空中飘水和地面积水,造成操作场地湿滑,成为工作安全隐患。结合板式湿式空气冷却器运行情况与工艺参数、风机性能、喷淋效果的关系以及夏季生产的实际需要,分析了产生此现象的可能原因,确定了关键影响因素。通过整机试验,开展了风量、风压、喷淋水量与空气携带液体的相关性研究,提出了产品改进措施。 展开更多
关键词 空气冷却器 风机 喷淋 飘水 积液 试验 研究
国产循环换热分离器在大型煤制油装置的应用 被引量:2
作者 张富 陈韶范 +7 位作者 陈满 马金伟 王兆堃 张向南 高杰 张斯亮 齐兴 苏畅 《石油化工设备》 CAS 2021年第1期58-61,共4页
循环换热分离器整合了高效换热与分离技术,解决了大型煤制油化工装置设备多、占地面积大、管线复杂及投资高的问题。以国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司400万t/a煤炭间接液化项目油品合成装置费托合成单元为例,介绍了国产循环换热分离... 循环换热分离器整合了高效换热与分离技术,解决了大型煤制油化工装置设备多、占地面积大、管线复杂及投资高的问题。以国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司400万t/a煤炭间接液化项目油品合成装置费托合成单元为例,介绍了国产循环换热分离器的设计参数、选材、结构及应用效果。工业应用结果表明,该设备具有结构紧凑、布置空间小、设备投资低、传热效率高及压降低等特点。 展开更多
关键词 循环换热分离器 板壳 油气分离 煤制油
作者 马金伟 陈满 +3 位作者 张富 张向南 杨春天 高杰 《辽宁化工》 CAS 2017年第11期1097-1099,1140,共4页
目前,合成氨装置转化炉余热锅炉旁路调节阀多采用柱塞式调节阀,仅对旁路出口高温工艺气进行调节,存在调节精度差,可调范围小、易失效等问题。针对上述问题提出一种可对高低温工艺气同时进行调节的多通道调节阀,本文对该调节阀从工艺选... 目前,合成氨装置转化炉余热锅炉旁路调节阀多采用柱塞式调节阀,仅对旁路出口高温工艺气进行调节,存在调节精度差,可调范围小、易失效等问题。针对上述问题提出一种可对高低温工艺气同时进行调节的多通道调节阀,本文对该调节阀从工艺选型、材料选择及执行器选型方面进行叙述,并将其应用于实际生产中。实际应用表明,该调节阀能够满足余热锅炉对工艺气的调节需求,保证了装置长周期安全稳定运行。 展开更多
关键词 余热锅炉 合成氨装置 调节阀 执行器
硫磺回收装置尾气焚烧余热锅炉炉管失效分析及防护建议 被引量:3
作者 吕庆欢 马金伟 +4 位作者 陈韶范 张向南 马一鸣 赵明明 梅光旭 《石油化工设备》 CAS 2021年第2期68-71,共4页
针对某公司克劳斯硫磺回收装置尾气焚烧余热锅炉炉管发生局部腐蚀和穿孔泄漏的问题,采用腐蚀形貌宏观检测、金相组织分析及化学成分分析等失效分析方法确定炉管失效的原因。分析结果表明,在焚烧炉停工期间,炉管外壁发生酸露点腐蚀,造成... 针对某公司克劳斯硫磺回收装置尾气焚烧余热锅炉炉管发生局部腐蚀和穿孔泄漏的问题,采用腐蚀形貌宏观检测、金相组织分析及化学成分分析等失效分析方法确定炉管失效的原因。分析结果表明,在焚烧炉停工期间,炉管外壁发生酸露点腐蚀,造成水冷壁和液包接管穿孔泄漏。针对余热锅炉炉管失效原因提出了相应的防护建议。 展开更多
关键词 余热锅炉 炉管 泄漏 失效分析 酸露点腐蚀
基于FPGA控制的ARM动态启动加载技术 被引量:7
作者 阎哲 张力 +1 位作者 张翔南 高淑敏 《计算机工程与设计》 北大核心 2018年第4期999-1005,共7页
针对ARM芯片上电启动加载镜像文件的过程不可控,以及镜像文件只能从启动介质的固定地址静态加载的问题,通过对ARM启动过程进行研究,分析现场可编程门阵列(field programmable gate array,FPGA)的可编程特性,根据串行外设接口(serial per... 针对ARM芯片上电启动加载镜像文件的过程不可控,以及镜像文件只能从启动介质的固定地址静态加载的问题,通过对ARM启动过程进行研究,分析现场可编程门阵列(field programmable gate array,FPGA)的可编程特性,根据串行外设接口(serial peripheral interface,SPI)通信协议在启动FLASH中的广泛使用,提出一种基于FPGA控制的ARM动态加载技术,实现对多个ARM的动态启动及其镜像文件升级控制。在提出整体设计方案的基础上,进一步完成各模块设计,实验验证了设计的可行性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 现场可编程门阵列 ARM启动 动态加载 串行外设接口 安全
高通量管热交换器在MTBE装置中的应用 被引量:1
作者 张向南 马金伟 +2 位作者 吕庆欢 张斯亮 王丹丹 《化工机械》 CAS 2019年第2期197-199,225,共4页
介绍了高通量管的结构、传热机理和高通量管热交换器的优点。以某石化公司MTBE装置精馏塔底重沸器低压蒸汽改用热水加热项目为例,采用高通量管热交换器作为塔底重沸器,并与传统光管热交换器进行对比,认为高通量管热交换器传热效率高、... 介绍了高通量管的结构、传热机理和高通量管热交换器的优点。以某石化公司MTBE装置精馏塔底重沸器低压蒸汽改用热水加热项目为例,采用高通量管热交换器作为塔底重沸器,并与传统光管热交换器进行对比,认为高通量管热交换器传热效率高、重量低、操作费用低、节能降耗显著。 展开更多
关键词 热交换器 高通量管 MTBE装置 塔底重沸器 改造
2021年内蒙古自治区农村饮用水砷、镉、铬、铅和汞健康风险评估 被引量:3
作者 岳宣志 李欢 +7 位作者 高昇 张向楠 李丽 武多多 张雯宇 贾芯芮 秦钰涵 范耀春 《环境卫生学杂志》 2023年第10期765-769,777,共6页
目的评估2021年内蒙古自治区农村饮用水砷、镉、铬、铅和汞的健康风险。方法对2021年内蒙古自治区农村5044份饮用水数据进行分析,采用《化学物质环境健康风险评估技术指南》推荐的健康风险评估“四步法”对砷、镉、铬、铅和汞进行风险... 目的评估2021年内蒙古自治区农村饮用水砷、镉、铬、铅和汞的健康风险。方法对2021年内蒙古自治区农村5044份饮用水数据进行分析,采用《化学物质环境健康风险评估技术指南》推荐的健康风险评估“四步法”对砷、镉、铬、铅和汞进行风险评估。结果2021年内蒙古自治区农村饮用水对成年人和儿童的健康风险主要暴露途径为经口摄入,儿童的风险水平均高于成人。致癌风险较高的为铬(成人:1.38×10^(-4),儿童:1.49×10^(-4))和砷(成人:1.18×10^(-4),儿童:1.28×10^(-4)),超出美国环境保护局(US EPA)推荐的最大可接受风险;非致癌风险水平均小于1,非致癌风险较低。内蒙古不同地区的农村饮用水砷、镉、铬和铅的浓度和健康风险水平均为西部地区>中部地区>东部地区(P<0.05),镉和铬的浓度和健康风险水平均为枯水期>丰水期(P<0.05),砷、镉、铅的浓度和健康风险水平均为出厂水<末梢水(P<0.05)。结论2021年内蒙古自治区农村地区饮用水中砷和铬的致癌风险高于US EPA推荐的最大可接受风险,应加强当地水质监测与管理。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水 风险评估 金属和类金属
Regulation of mitophagy in ischemic neurons
作者 ZHENG Yan-rong zhang xiang-nan CHEN Zhong 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期679-679,共1页
Cerebral ischemia remains the top causes of mortality and disability worldwide.The pathological mechanisms underlying ischemic brain injury are not fully illustrated.Cerebral ischemia induces massive mitochondrial dam... Cerebral ischemia remains the top causes of mortality and disability worldwide.The pathological mechanisms underlying ischemic brain injury are not fully illustrated.Cerebral ischemia induces massive mitochondrial damage,which are cleared by mitochondrial autophagy(mitophagy).Our previous studies indicated mitophagy is critical for neuronal survival after ischemic injury,thus raise the conception of rescuing ischemic brain injury by regulating neuronal mitophagy.We further explored the molecular mechanisms underlying ischemia-induced mitophagy,in particular with the regulations of Nix.Our ongoing study focuses on the spatial features of neuronal mitophagy after ischemic insult.Distinct from other cell types,neurons are highlypolarized cells with elaborate dendrites and axons,in which extensive mitochondrial are distributed.Despite the facts that neuronal mitophagy is promptly activated by ischemia,the intracellular locations of mitophagy in neuron,however are largely unknown.The primary cultured mice cortical neurons were treated with oxygen-glucose deprivation(OGD),which mimics ischemia.We confirmed mitochondrial loss both in neuronal cell bodies and axons.However,we found that axonal mitochondria elimination was not compromised in autophagy deficient neurons,suggesting the absence of direct mitophagy in axons.We unexpectedly found that axonal mitochondria underwent a prompt retrograde transportation upon reperfusion while the anterograde mitochondrial mobility was irreversible lost after OGD.We labelled the axonal mitochondria and found they were degraded by autophagic machin-ery in neuronal soma.Inhibition of axonal mitochondria retrograde transportation by expression Syntaphilin,an anchoring protein,blocked neuronal mitophagy.Conversely,chimeric expression of a fusion protein targets mitochondria to dynein complex reinforced mitochondrial retrograde transport and enhanced mitophagy.These evidences indicated a somatic autophagy of axonal mitochondria in ischemic neurons.This pattern may facilitate neuronal mitophagy in the scenario of acute ischemia.Taken together,we found that axonal mitochondria are not cleared locally in axons but are retrograde transported to neuronal soma for mitophagy in ischemic neurons.The present study identified a novel pattern for neurons to eliminate damaged mitochondria and provided the missing link between mitochondrial mobility and mitophagy in ischemic neurons. 展开更多
关键词 CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA autophagy mito-chondria oxygen-glucose DEPRIVATION
Lysosomal dysfunction in Schwann cells is involved in bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy
作者 WU Zhan-xun YAN Wen-ping +2 位作者 CHEN Zhong WU Jia-ying zhang xiang-nan 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第9期683-684,共2页
OBJECTIVE The proteasome inhibitor bortezomib(BTZ)is a first-line anti-multi⁃ple myeloma drug.BTZ-induced peripheral neu⁃ropathy(BIPN)is a main adverse effect that char⁃acterized by neuropathic pain.There is still no ... OBJECTIVE The proteasome inhibitor bortezomib(BTZ)is a first-line anti-multi⁃ple myeloma drug.BTZ-induced peripheral neu⁃ropathy(BIPN)is a main adverse effect that char⁃acterized by neuropathic pain.There is still no strategy to prevent or treat BIPN,attributed to the unidentified mechanisms underlying BIPN.Previous studies suggested that BTZ impairs Schwann cells and thus leads to axonal demye⁃lination,whereas it remained not fully understood how BTZ cause Schwann cell death.It was observed that BTZ upregulates the autophagy marker LC3-Ⅱprotein in Schwann cells.However,it remains unclear whether BTZ causes autopha⁃gy-lysosome dysfunction in Schwann cells.METHODS The male C57BL/6 mice were intra⁃venous injection of BTZ(1 mg·kg-1 per day,twice weekly for a total of 4 weeks).The paw withdraw⁃al latency was tested by the Von Frey test and Hargreaves test to reflect the neuropathic pain.The conduction velocity and the action potential amplitude of the tail nerve were tested by neuro⁃physiological assessment to reflect peripheral nerve function.The histomorphology of the sciat⁃ic nerves was detected by immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy to reflect the demyelination and axonal degeneration.The RSC96 cells,the Schwann cell-like immortal cells,were cultured and exposed to BTZ.The lysosomal function was determined by Lyso⁃Tracker and DQ-BSA staining.Autophagy-relat⁃ed proteins,including p62 and LC3,and lysosom⁃al hydrolase cathepsin B were determined by Western blotting.RESULTS①BTZ induced mechano-allodynia,neurological conduction abnormalities of the tail nerve,demyelination and axonal degeneration of the sciatic nerves.②BTZ caused lysosomal dysfunction,resulting in the blockade of autophagy flux in Schwann cells and sciatic nerves.③The lysosomal activator Torin1 reversed lysosomal dysfunction caused by BTZ in Schwann cells.④Torin1 improved BTZ-induced mechano-allodynia and demyelination of sciatic nerves.CONCLUSION BTZ led to lyso⁃somal dysfunction in Schwann cells and contrib⁃uted to BIPN.Lysosomal activation could be a promising strategy for BIPN intervention. 展开更多
关键词 BORTEZOMIB peripheral neuropathy sciatic nerves DEMYELINATION Schwann cells LYSOSOME
CZL-80,a novel caspase-1 inhibitor,pro⁃motes functional recovery after progressive ischemic stroke
作者 PAN Ling TANG Wei-dong +1 位作者 CHEN Zhong zhang xiang-nan 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第9期682-683,共2页
OBJECTIVE Progressive isch⁃emic stroke is characterized by aggravation of neurological dysfunction and poor prognosis.Neuroinflammation is involved in the pathological process of cerebral ischemia.Inflammasomes-activa... OBJECTIVE Progressive isch⁃emic stroke is characterized by aggravation of neurological dysfunction and poor prognosis.Neuroinflammation is involved in the pathological process of cerebral ischemia.Inflammasomes-activated caspase-1 has thus been considered a promising target for stroke therapy.However,it remains not fully understood how caspase-1 ag⁃gravates progressive functional impairment.We previously identified a novel caspase-1 inhibitor CZL-80,the present study is to explore whether CZL-80 protects against progressive ischemic stroke.METHODS Male C57/BL6 mice and cas⁃pase-1-/-mice were subjected to photothrombotic(PT)-induced cerebral ischemia.CZL-80 was in⁃traperitoneally injected daily during 1-7 d,1-4 d,4-7 d after PT.The grid-walking task and the cyl⁃inder task were used to determine the motor function.RESULTS Mice developed primary and the secondary neurological dysfunction at 1 d and 4-7 d after PT onset.The activation of cas⁃pase-1 peaked at 7 d after ischemic stroke and caspase-1 was mainly derived from activated microglia.Treatment with CZL-80(30 mg·kg-1)during 1-7 d significantly improved motor func⁃tion.Administration of CZL-80 during 1-4 d could not ameliorate motor function loss while administration during 4-7 d after PT onset signifi⁃cantly reduced foot faults and forelimb symme⁃try.Remarkably,treatment with CZL-80 during 4-7 d showed no significant difference in efficacy compared with the its administration during 1-7 d,which indicated a key therapeutic window.More⁃over,the neuroprotective effect of CZL-80 during 4-7 d was available at least until 43 d after isch⁃emic stroke,indicating CZL-80 can improve the long-term neurological function after cerebral ischemia.Furthermore,administration of CZL-80(30 mg·kg-1)during 4-7 d after PT onset in cas⁃pase-1-/-mice failed to improve the motor func⁃tion,which suggested that the neuroprotective effect of CZL-80 was caspase-1-dependent.The results showed that CZL-80 did not inhibit the expression of GSDMD and failed to reduce neu⁃ronal loss after ischemia.These results indicated the effect of CZL-80 was not attributable to inhib⁃it pyroptosis.We further found that CZL-80 signif⁃icantly reduced the number of activated microglia in the peri-infarct brain cortex after ischemic stroke,which might be involved in its neuropro⁃tective effect.CONCLUSION CZL-80,a novel caspase-1 inhibitor,improved motor function after progressive ischemic stroke in mice.The effective therapeutic window of CZL-80 would be 4-7 d after ischemia,when the secondary neuro⁃logical dysfunction occurred.Therefore,the inter⁃vention by targeting caspase-1 in this window phase provides a novel strategy for the function⁃al recovery of stroke survivors. 展开更多
关键词 CASPASE-1 progressive ischemic stroke functional recovery MICROGLIA
Loss of Hrh2 on dopaminergic neurons leads to mania-like behavior in mice
作者 MA Shi-jia zhang Xing-xian +3 位作者 LI Yue HU Wei-wei CHEN Zhong zhang xiang-nan 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第9期684-684,共1页
OBJECTIVE Dysfunction of the dopaminergic(DA)neurons is implicated in the pathogenesis of bipolar disorder(BPD).Hista⁃mine receptor 2(Hrh2)is highly expressed in DA neurons,and its antagonists have been reported to in... OBJECTIVE Dysfunction of the dopaminergic(DA)neurons is implicated in the pathogenesis of bipolar disorder(BPD).Hista⁃mine receptor 2(Hrh2)is highly expressed in DA neurons,and its antagonists have been reported to induce mania phase of BPD.However,whether Hrh2 on DA neurons contributes to BPD patho⁃genesis is unclear.The present study aims to explore the role of hrh2 on DA neurons in the pathology of BPD.METHODS AAV-FLEX-shHrh2 was injected into a targeted brain area of DAT-Cre mice,leading to a selective brain-regional loss of Hrh2 on DA neurons.A series of behavior tests were used to measure the sponta⁃neous activity,anxiety and depression level of Hrh2-deficient mice.RESULTS①In the open field test and home-cage activity test,Hrh2-defi⁃cient mice displayed increased spontaneous activity.②Hrh2-deficient mice showed reduced depression level in the tail suspension test,forced swimming test and sucrose preference test.③The anxiety level of Hrh2-deficient mice was decreased in the open field test.CONCLU⁃SION Hrh2 on DA neurons is closely related with mania-like behavior. 展开更多
关键词 bipolar disorder MANIA histamine receptor 2 dopaminergic neurons
Optogenetic activation of glutamatergic neu⁃rons in somatosensory cortex promotes remy⁃elination in ischemic vascular dementia
作者 ZHOU Yi-ting AN Da-dao +7 位作者 XU Yi-xin ZHOU Ying LI Qing-qing zhang xiang-nan WANG Yi LOU Min CHEN Zhong HU Wei-wei 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第9期696-697,共2页
OBJECTIVE Chronic cerebral hy⁃poperfusion can lead to progressive demyelin⁃ation and ischemic vascular dementia,yet there are no effective treatments.METHODS Magnetic resonance imaging was employed in patients with wh... OBJECTIVE Chronic cerebral hy⁃poperfusion can lead to progressive demyelin⁃ation and ischemic vascular dementia,yet there are no effective treatments.METHODS Magnetic resonance imaging was employed in patients with white matter damage,and optogenetics and skin stroking were exerted to activate glutamater⁃gic neurons in the somatosensory cortex in a clas⁃sical mouse model of ischemia vascular dementia.RESULTS White matter damage was correlated with disrupted cortical structure from MRI results.In a mouse model,activating glutamatergic neu⁃rons in the somatosensory cortex promotes prolif⁃eration of OPCs and remyelination to rescue cog⁃nitive impairment after chronic cerebral hypoper⁃fusion.Such therapeutic action was limited to stimulation with moderate intensity at the upper layers of the cortex,but was achieved over a wide time window after ischemia.Mechanistically,enhanced glutamatergic neuron-OPC functional synaptic connections are required for protection from activation of cortical glutamatergic neurons.Finally,skin stroking activation of the somatosen⁃sory cortex,an easier approach for clinical trans⁃lation,promoted OPC proliferation and remyelin⁃ation as well as cognitive recovery after cerebral hypoperfusion.CONCLUSION Activation of gluta⁃matergic neurons in the somatosensory cortex may serve as novel approaches for treating isch⁃emic vascular dementia through precise modula⁃tion of glutamatergic neuron-OPC circuits. 展开更多
关键词 OPTOGENETICS glutamatergic neurons ischemic vascular dementia
作者 张祥楠 李凯新 《建筑与装饰》 2023年第14期113-115,共3页
文章以沥青路面施工技术及养护作为研究对象,首先从市政道路工程沥青路面施工的工程概况的角度入手,分析了市政道路工程沥青路面的常见问题,进而对市政道路工程沥青路面施工技术进行了探讨,最后提出了市政道路工程沥青路面养护的措施,... 文章以沥青路面施工技术及养护作为研究对象,首先从市政道路工程沥青路面施工的工程概况的角度入手,分析了市政道路工程沥青路面的常见问题,进而对市政道路工程沥青路面施工技术进行了探讨,最后提出了市政道路工程沥青路面养护的措施,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 市政道路 工程 沥青路面 施工技术 养护
内蒙古自治区某农村饮水安全工程卫生学评价 被引量:1
作者 秦钰涵 范耀春 +6 位作者 张向楠 李丽 李婧 张晨光 杨升美 殷明辉 魏娜娜 《中国卫生工程学》 CAS 2024年第3期313-315,319,共4页
目的开展农村饮水安全工程卫生学评价,及时发现供水工程在设计、建设、管理和运行阶段存在的卫生学风险。方法2022年6月通过资料收集与审查、现场调查与评价、水质评价、专家组会商等方式,对水源、工艺、水质、卫生管理等要素进行现场... 目的开展农村饮水安全工程卫生学评价,及时发现供水工程在设计、建设、管理和运行阶段存在的卫生学风险。方法2022年6月通过资料收集与审查、现场调查与评价、水质评价、专家组会商等方式,对水源、工艺、水质、卫生管理等要素进行现场卫生学评价,并提出意见和建议。结果该工程目前实际供水规模为700 m3/d,覆盖4500人;近5年水厂覆盖范围内无传染病及地方病发病记录;水源选择、厂址选择及厂区布置、传染病及地方病史、水质及卫生管理符合供水工程卫生学要求;水厂氟化物、砷、总大肠菌群等31项指标检测结果均符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)要求。评价过程中发现工程未划定水源保护区且无警示标识,调节构筑物设施破损、有锈蚀,滤料和消毒剂的投加无详细的记录和操作规范,无近1年内水源水检验报告,使用消毒剂但没有按要求检测消毒剂余量。结论该饮水安全工程存在一定的卫生学风险,水厂需要进一步进行整改,保证居民用水安全。 展开更多
关键词 农村饮水安全工程 卫生学评价 风险 水质
作者 肖湘莲 尹琳丽 +6 位作者 张熙柏 雷雅芳 杨义浒 陈锐 周超 张向南 黄建平 《高分子通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期338-344,共7页
采用熔融共混制备了聚对苯二甲酸-己二酸丁二酯(poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate),PBAT)与聚3-羟基丁酸酯4-羟基丁酸酯(poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate),P34HB)的共混材料。研究了P34HB含量(0 wt%,5 wt%、10 wt%... 采用熔融共混制备了聚对苯二甲酸-己二酸丁二酯(poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate),PBAT)与聚3-羟基丁酸酯4-羟基丁酸酯(poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate),P34HB)的共混材料。研究了P34HB含量(0 wt%,5 wt%、10 wt%、15 wt%、20 wt%)对共混材料熔体流动性能、力学性能、热性能和界面微观形貌的影响,及其PBAT/P34HB吹塑薄膜的力学性能和氧气阻隔性能。结果表明,P34HB的加入降低了材料的熔体黏度,提高了材料的流动性以及薄膜的直角撕裂性能、穿刺性能和氧气阻隔性能。当P34HB含量为5 wt%时,共混材料综合性能最佳,两相相容性良好,共混材料和吹塑薄膜均具有优异的力学性能,薄膜的拉伸性能和穿刺强度最高,是性能优异的包装和农膜材料。 展开更多
关键词 聚对苯二甲酸-己二酸丁二酯 生物降解材料 力学性能 阻隔性能 聚3-羟基丁酸酯4-羟基丁酸酯
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