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山羊痘病毒G9蛋白的原核表达及间接ELISA方法的建立 被引量:5
作者 赵宏吉 张金花 +2 位作者 司朵朵 张珠明 李继东 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期280-284,323,共6页
山羊痘病毒(GTPV)G9是一种膜蛋白,是潜在的优势抗原,为建立检测山羊痘的间接ELISA方法,本研究克隆GTPV G9基因并原核表达了重组G9蛋白,利用该蛋白作为包被抗原,经各反应条件优化建立了检测GTPV抗体的间接ELISA方法,并对该方法的特异性... 山羊痘病毒(GTPV)G9是一种膜蛋白,是潜在的优势抗原,为建立检测山羊痘的间接ELISA方法,本研究克隆GTPV G9基因并原核表达了重组G9蛋白,利用该蛋白作为包被抗原,经各反应条件优化建立了检测GTPV抗体的间接ELISA方法,并对该方法的特异性、敏感性、重复性进行了评估。结果显示,原核表达的重组G9蛋白约为39 ku,且可以与GTPV阳性山羊血清发生特异性反应。间接ELISA方法经优化后的最佳条件为:重组G9蛋白的最佳包被浓度为1μg/mL,待检血清的最佳稀释度为1.80,鼠抗羊HRP-IgG的最佳稀释度为1.10 000。特异性结果显示,除GTPV阳性山羊血清检测结果为阳性外,副结核分支杆菌、口蹄疫病毒、小反刍兽疫病毒、布鲁氏菌的阳性山羊血清的检测结果均为阴性,特异性较强;敏感性试验结果显示,GTPV阳性山羊血清1.320稀释后检测结果仍为阳性,敏感性较高;批内、批间重复试验结果显示,变异系数均小于10%,重复性较好。利用本实验建立的间接ELISA方法检测45份临床山羊血清样品的结果显示,阳性血清8份,阴性血清37份,阳性率为17.8%;商品化ELISA试剂盒的检测结果显示,阳性血清9份,阴性血清36份,阳性率为20%。二者的符合率为97.8%。本研究为GTPV抗体检测试剂盒的研制奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 山羊痘病毒 G9蛋白 原核表达 ELISA
Industrial Experiment on Coke Spraying With ZBS Additive in Blast Furnace 被引量:4
作者 ZHU Zi-zong zhang zhu-ming +3 位作者 TANG Qi-yong YANG Xue-feng zhang Kun-hua ZHAO Xian-sheng 《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第3期14-17,共4页
In order to improve the thermal properties of coke, an industrial experiment on the coke spraying with ZBS additive solution was carried out at coking plant and No. 6 blast furnace (2 000 m^3 ) of Kunming Iron and S... In order to improve the thermal properties of coke, an industrial experiment on the coke spraying with ZBS additive solution was carried out at coking plant and No. 6 blast furnace (2 000 m^3 ) of Kunming Iron and Steel Co Ltd. The coke reaction index (CRI) of the coke spraying with ZBS additive solution decreases by 10. 56 %, and the coke strength after reaction (CSR) increases by 7.80% in comparison with those of the un-sprayed coke. During the experiment, the average iron output increases by 66. 69 t/d, and the coke rate is reduced by 5. 21 kg per ton iron, while the fluctuation of furnace temperture is small, and sulphur content in hot metal and 100% of hot metal are acceptable. 展开更多
关键词 COKE CRI CSR blast furnace industrial experiment
作者 章朱明 刘玉良 +3 位作者 刘红光 杨伟明 孙维一 叶扬扬 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期56-63,共8页
为了获取多波长的指端光电脉搏波信号来进行脉搏波特征分析,利用STM32F103ZE嵌入式平台设计了基于八波长激光调制光源的脉搏波检测系统。系统光源是由STM32控制的八波长激光组成的调制光源,再由光电二极管构成光电转换电路将光信号转换... 为了获取多波长的指端光电脉搏波信号来进行脉搏波特征分析,利用STM32F103ZE嵌入式平台设计了基于八波长激光调制光源的脉搏波检测系统。系统光源是由STM32控制的八波长激光组成的调制光源,再由光电二极管构成光电转换电路将光信号转换为易处理的电信号。系统结合巴特沃斯高通滤波电路与切比雪夫低通滤波电路的滤波特性设计了由这两种电路级联构成的带通滤波电路来减小噪声对脉搏波检测的影响,且在电路设计时采用OrCAD PSpice软件来对电路进行优化分析,滤波电路带宽选择0.2~60 Hz,以较大的限度保留光电脉搏波中的有用的生理信息。通过STM32利用分时检测的方法采集八通道脉搏波数据,检测结果显示系统成功检测到八通道光电脉搏波且脉搏波特征清晰,体现出0.2~60 Hz带通滤波电路对光电脉搏波的较好的处理效果。 展开更多
关键词 光电检测 STM32 八波长调制光源 滤波电路 分时检测法
Optimization of Low-Temperature Exhaust Gas Waste Heat Fueled Organic Rankine Cycle 被引量:4
作者 WANG Hui-tao WANG Hua zhang zhu-ming 《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期30-36,共7页
Low temperature exhaust gases carrying large amount of waste heat are released by steel-making process and many other industries, Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs) are proven to be the most promising technology to re- c... Low temperature exhaust gases carrying large amount of waste heat are released by steel-making process and many other industries, Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs) are proven to be the most promising technology to re- cover the low-temperature waste heat, thereby to get more financial benefits for these industries. The exergy analysis of ORC units driven by low-temperature exhaust gas waste heat and charged with dry and isentropic fluid was per- formed, and an intuitive approach with simple impressions was developed to calculate the performances of the ORC unit. Parameter optimization was conducted with turbine inlet temperature simplified as the variable and exergy effi- ciency or power output as the objective function by means of Penalty Function and Golden Section Searching algo- rithm based on the formulation of the optimization problem. The power generated by the optimized ORC unit can be nearly as twice as that generated by a non-optimized ORC unit. In addition, cycle parametric analysis was performed to examine the effects of thermodynamic parameters on the cycle performances such as thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency. It is proven that performance of ORC unit is mainly affected by the thermodynamic property of working fluid, the waste heat temperature, the pinch point temperature of the evaporator, the specific heat capacity of the heat carrier and the turbine inlet temperature under a given environment temperature. 展开更多
关键词 waste heat recovery organic Rankine cycles optimization working fluid EXERGY pinch point
湖南省典型稻作区杂交水稻种植结构的变化特点 被引量:2
作者 张祝明 李弘方 +3 位作者 罗华 胡中常 王杰 唐莘 《杂交水稻》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期8-12,共5页
通过调查2016和2019年湖南省3种典型稻作区33个产粮县市的杂交水稻种植数据,分析了调查区域内杂交水稻生产面积、稻作类型、优质杂交水稻占比、栽培方式、主导品种及用种量等方面的变化特点。结果表明,与2016年对比,2019年调查区域内的... 通过调查2016和2019年湖南省3种典型稻作区33个产粮县市的杂交水稻种植数据,分析了调查区域内杂交水稻生产面积、稻作类型、优质杂交水稻占比、栽培方式、主导品种及用种量等方面的变化特点。结果表明,与2016年对比,2019年调查区域内的水稻种植面积和杂交水稻面积均呈下降趋势,但杂交水稻的主导地位并未发生改变;采用机插、直播等轻简栽培的面积呈增加趋势,并随之带来了单位面积用种量的增加;杂交水稻品种更新换代加快,且优质杂交水稻种植面积在杂交水稻种植面积减少的情况下呈现出逆势增加的态势,表明杂交水稻米质的优劣是农户特别是种粮大户选种用种的决定因素。 展开更多
关键词 湖南 杂交水稻 种植结构 变化特点
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