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图书馆阅读推广数字化转型:内涵特征、行动框架与实现路径 被引量:1
作者 赵发珍 刘艳 《图书馆杂志》 北大核心 2024年第2期49-56,共8页
加快推进图书馆阅读推广数字化转型,是应对时代挑战并赋能中国式现代化的必然选择。图书馆阅读推广数字化转型是将数字技术融入到阅读推广领域,并推动图书馆阅读推广全方位创新与变革,具有转型发展的复杂性、长期性,转型目标及过程的阶... 加快推进图书馆阅读推广数字化转型,是应对时代挑战并赋能中国式现代化的必然选择。图书馆阅读推广数字化转型是将数字技术融入到阅读推广领域,并推动图书馆阅读推广全方位创新与变革,具有转型发展的复杂性、长期性,转型目标及过程的阶段性,转型结果的价值性等特点。同时运用系统思维方法从“谁来转”“如何转”“转什么”“转去哪”4个维度,构建图书馆阅读推广数字化转型的行动框架。最后提出重视阅读推广数字化转型的顶层制度设计与系统规划;建立数字生态共同体,强化阅读推广主体间的协同共进;立足智慧图书馆发展规模和阶段,实行差异化转型模式等路径。 展开更多
关键词 阅读推广 数字化转型 转型框架 数字治理
作者 吕亚霞 李雅洁 赵发珍 《新世纪图书馆》 2024年第2期36-41,共6页
网络技术的发展为阅读推广工作构建了全新的媒介环境。媒介融合时代,意见领袖作为信息传播的桥梁,在阅读推广中发挥着特殊的作用。意见领袖不仅能帮助和引导读者提高阅读针对性、推动阅读文化的高效传播,也能引领阅读文化导向、促进文... 网络技术的发展为阅读推广工作构建了全新的媒介环境。媒介融合时代,意见领袖作为信息传播的桥梁,在阅读推广中发挥着特殊的作用。意见领袖不仅能帮助和引导读者提高阅读针对性、推动阅读文化的高效传播,也能引领阅读文化导向、促进文化发展繁荣。因此要提升意见领袖在阅读推广中的影响力,即:从各行各业的社会资源中挖掘、培养多元化的意见领袖资源,在双向互动中培养读者对意见领袖的情感认同,通过增强价值感知提高读者信任度,并通过持续输出优质内容塑造好阅读品牌。 展开更多
关键词 阅读推广 媒介融合 意见领袖
以数据化驱动大学图书馆治理现代化:逻辑、框架与限度 被引量:3
作者 赵发珍 牛勇 《图书与情报》 北大核心 2023年第1期110-118,共9页
为了促进我国大学图书馆治理现代化,摆脱路径依赖,实现转型与超越,以技术逻辑考察有关议题具有重要的现实意义。文章在国家治理现代化视角下剖析大学图书馆治理体系及治理能力现代化双重维度,探究数据化驱动大学图书馆治理现代化的逻辑... 为了促进我国大学图书馆治理现代化,摆脱路径依赖,实现转型与超越,以技术逻辑考察有关议题具有重要的现实意义。文章在国家治理现代化视角下剖析大学图书馆治理体系及治理能力现代化双重维度,探究数据化驱动大学图书馆治理现代化的逻辑过程,并提出和分析数据化驱动大学图书馆治理现代化的发展框架及其应用限度问题。研究表明,在数据化驱动下算法、算力和算理构成了理解大学图书馆治理现代化的计算维度。通过计算来建立大学图书馆治理现代化的议程和操作方案,并推动图书馆体制机制、组织架构、方式流程、主体关系、科学决策等实现整体智治。同时需要警惕大学图书馆治理过程中陷入数据崇拜的困境,更要注意图书馆数据化与图书馆治理的耦合性问题。 展开更多
关键词 大学图书馆 治理现代化 图书馆治理模式 图书馆数据化
数据赋能图书馆治理创新:内涵、模式及发展路径 被引量:4
作者 赵发珍 《国家图书馆学刊》 北大核心 2023年第2期40-48,共9页
数智时代图书馆治理呈现出鲜明的数字化、智能化特征,数据要素与图书馆治理深度融合,将带来研究范式和治理范式的新转变,数据赋能图书馆治理已成为图书馆治理的重要趋向。在整体性治理理论指导下,本文系统分析数据赋能图书馆治理要素,... 数智时代图书馆治理呈现出鲜明的数字化、智能化特征,数据要素与图书馆治理深度融合,将带来研究范式和治理范式的新转变,数据赋能图书馆治理已成为图书馆治理的重要趋向。在整体性治理理论指导下,本文系统分析数据赋能图书馆治理要素,并构建了数据赋能图书馆治理的圈层结构模式,该圈层结构由内到外可以分为内圈层、中间层和外圈层三层。其中,内圈层即图书馆数据层,中间层即图书馆具体治理行动层,外圈层即图书馆治理维度层。在从内圈层到外圈层的图书馆治理系统重构中,图书馆数据资产管理是推动治理的关键,同时数据赋能图书馆治理要素可以使治理目标精准化、治理主体协同化、治理过程智慧化以及治理内容一体化。数据赋能图书馆治理的实现需要坚持以用户为中心的治理理念,重视图书馆数据资产化及其治理,创新图书馆治理协同及治理体系。 展开更多
关键词 图书馆治理 数据赋能 智慧治理
作者 赵发珍 《图书馆理论与实践》 2023年第5期56-61,86,共7页
文章对我国图书馆高质量发展的相关研究成果进行了归纳整理,进而针对我国图书馆高质量发展的内涵和存在的问题提出对策和建议。研究认为,目前我国图书馆正由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,对已有研究成果的梳理有利于未来研究方向的确... 文章对我国图书馆高质量发展的相关研究成果进行了归纳整理,进而针对我国图书馆高质量发展的内涵和存在的问题提出对策和建议。研究认为,目前我国图书馆正由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,对已有研究成果的梳理有利于未来研究方向的确定,并由此认为今后应在测度评价、基础性问题、发展路径及相关建议等方面对我国图书馆高质量发展进行深度研究。 展开更多
关键词 高质量发展 图书馆事业 发展路径 研究综述
智慧图书馆系统支撑下的阅读推广模式与实践 被引量:77
作者 赵发珍 杨新涯 +1 位作者 张洁 潘雨亭 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期75-81,共7页
大数据时代,用户阅读环境的不断变化及新型技术的层出不穷给阅读推广带来了挑战。文章通过总结阅读推广发展现状,分析现有阅读推广所忽略的几个问题及智慧图书馆系统下阅读推广的优势,并进一步构建了智慧图书馆系统支撑下阅读推广模式... 大数据时代,用户阅读环境的不断变化及新型技术的层出不穷给阅读推广带来了挑战。文章通过总结阅读推广发展现状,分析现有阅读推广所忽略的几个问题及智慧图书馆系统下阅读推广的优势,并进一步构建了智慧图书馆系统支撑下阅读推广模式框架。最后结合重庆大学智慧图书馆系统实践提出了进一步发展的建议。 展开更多
关键词 阅读推广 智慧图书馆 智慧门户 阅读服务
“一带一路”倡议背景下外文文献资源保障探索——基于CASHL西北区域高校的调查分析 被引量:9
作者 薛小婕 宋戈 +2 位作者 赵发珍 孙林 张继忠 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期52-57,72,共7页
通过对中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)西北区域77所高校成员图书馆外文文献采购情况、采购途径等馆藏现状进行的三个阶段的调研,分析了当前高校图书馆外文图书采购的障碍因素及存在的问题,并提出应建立"一带一路"资源... 通过对中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL)西北区域77所高校成员图书馆外文文献采购情况、采购途径等馆藏现状进行的三个阶段的调研,分析了当前高校图书馆外文图书采购的障碍因素及存在的问题,并提出应建立"一带一路"资源共建共享联盟、寻求多渠道经费支持、重视资源建设的前期规划、形成合理方案、优化采购途径等外文文献资源建设与保障的建议。 展开更多
关键词 “一带一路”倡议 资源建设 外文文献 CASHL
面向突发公共事件的图书馆科普阅读服务研究 被引量:11
作者 赵发珍 李华 肖珑 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期97-104,共8页
面向突发公共事件的科普阅读服务是指图书馆对丰富的科普资源进行选择和深度加工、组织,向大众有效传播与事件相关的科普资源并对其开展相关服务的过程。该服务具有情景性、时效性、针对性、挑战性等特点,可体现图书馆的知识价值、社会... 面向突发公共事件的科普阅读服务是指图书馆对丰富的科普资源进行选择和深度加工、组织,向大众有效传播与事件相关的科普资源并对其开展相关服务的过程。该服务具有情景性、时效性、针对性、挑战性等特点,可体现图书馆的知识价值、社会价值以及文化价值,是一项长期性、系统性的工程。以公众科学知识、安全知识、心理知识为导向的科普阅读服务既是提升公民科学素养的有效举措,也是有效消除各类突发公共事件的利器。此外,多元的科普服务主体、公众科普服务需求、多样化的科普资源、平台及产品等与突发公共事件融合构成了动态的科普服务模式。同时,提出加强馆员自身科普服务能力、深挖科普服务资源、形成科普服务联动机制等提升图书馆科普阅读服务的关键策略。 展开更多
关键词 突发公共事件 图书馆 科普阅读服务 服务模式
金乌贼成体副缠卵腺的超显微结构 被引量:2
作者 刘长琳 赵法箴 +3 位作者 边力 葛建龙 谭杰 陈四清 《渔业科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期137-143,共7页
采用组织学和电镜技术对金乌贼(Sepia esculenta)成体副缠卵腺的结构进行了研究。结果显示,(1)解剖结构显示,副缠卵腺呈耳状,下端呈‘M’型与缠卵腺紧密连接,颜色为白色并夹杂着橙黄色;(2)显微结构显示,副缠卵腺由腺壁、腺体小管和结缔... 采用组织学和电镜技术对金乌贼(Sepia esculenta)成体副缠卵腺的结构进行了研究。结果显示,(1)解剖结构显示,副缠卵腺呈耳状,下端呈‘M’型与缠卵腺紧密连接,颜色为白色并夹杂着橙黄色;(2)显微结构显示,副缠卵腺由腺壁、腺体小管和结缔组织构成,腺壁由外向内依次为外膜层和肌肉层,其中,外膜层由单层柱状上皮细胞组成;腺体小管数量较多,平均直径为70μm,内腔表面可见微绒毛层,管腔内含有大量的分泌物质;结缔组织具有集中分布的血管和肌肉纤维;(3)超微结构显示,上皮细胞细胞质中含有数量较多且分布集中的囊泡,部分囊泡中含有分泌球状体;微绒毛分布面积较广且排列密集,而纤毛一部分集中分布,另一部分呈单行排列,着生不连续;腺体小管管腔内具有大量的共生菌,绝大部分为球菌,且在管腔中具有较多的分泌球状体。研究表明,金乌贼副缠卵腺是一种起分泌作用的腺体,存在的共生菌据认为在胚胎发育阶段的病害防治方面具有一定作用。 展开更多
关键词 金乌贼 副缠卵腺 超显微结构 共生菌
价值共创视角下图书馆组织结构的优化设计 被引量:26
作者 赵发珍 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期48-54,共7页
组织的高效运转、良好绩效的取得均离不开科学合理的组织结构。从价值共创理论出发,分析图书馆与用户共创价值的过程,结合图书馆组织结构形式(如直线制、事业部制、矩阵制、网络制等)的优点,提出一种混合型组织结构。基于价值共创视角,... 组织的高效运转、良好绩效的取得均离不开科学合理的组织结构。从价值共创理论出发,分析图书馆与用户共创价值的过程,结合图书馆组织结构形式(如直线制、事业部制、矩阵制、网络制等)的优点,提出一种混合型组织结构。基于价值共创视角,将图书馆混合型组织结构划分为战略规划、资源建设、服务提供、技术应用、绩效评估等相关业务部门,及一个负责组织、管理协调的综合管理处,用户贯穿各项业务发展的全过程。 展开更多
关键词 图书馆组织 组织结构 价值共创 组织结构优化
高校图书馆移动服务平台的差异、互补与融合 被引量:15
作者 赵发珍 刘燕权 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期67-76,共10页
为改善我国高校图书馆移动信息服务过程中存在的平台定位不明确、服务内容同质化、运营效果不佳等现状,开展我国高校图书馆移动服务平台运营现状及用户对移动服务平台的认知情况调查。通过电话咨询、问卷调研、图书馆移动服务平台观测... 为改善我国高校图书馆移动信息服务过程中存在的平台定位不明确、服务内容同质化、运营效果不佳等现状,开展我国高校图书馆移动服务平台运营现状及用户对移动服务平台的认知情况调查。通过电话咨询、问卷调研、图书馆移动服务平台观测等方法,对16所"双一流"高校图书馆移动服务平台的主体运营能力、服务内容、实现功能、互动性及移动用户认知情况进行调研分析。结果表明:图书馆对不同类型的移动服务平台的运营存在差异,主要以微信运营为主,微博活跃度在下降,QQ仅用作用户咨询,App基本由其他开发商运营。同时,用户对各类移动平台的认同、需求动机等也存在差异,用户对移动服务平台的认同度从高到低依次为微信、微博、QQ、App,用户对各类移动平台的需求动机表现在:微信方便了解最新的信息资源并容易形成互动,微博带来的信息量大、覆盖面广,QQ能够及时咨询图书馆的相关问题,App易于阅读电子资源。高校图书馆可以从明确移动服务平台差异化定位、构建平台融合协同机制、寻求广泛合作方面提升移动服务平台运营效果。 展开更多
关键词 图书馆 移动服务 移动平台 用户调查
信息、数据与伦理的交融——第九届“信息资本、产权与伦理国际学术交流研讨会”综述 被引量:7
作者 赵发珍 黄国彬 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第10期51-59,共9页
面对数据时代信息安全、数据权益、隐私保护以及相关政策和管理的挑战,第九届“信息资本、产权与伦理国际学术交流研讨会”重点探讨了信息政策、政府数据、个人信息等领域的理论与实践问题。文章以会议的主题报告及研究论文为综述对象,... 面对数据时代信息安全、数据权益、隐私保护以及相关政策和管理的挑战,第九届“信息资本、产权与伦理国际学术交流研讨会”重点探讨了信息政策、政府数据、个人信息等领域的理论与实践问题。文章以会议的主题报告及研究论文为综述对象,从信息资本及其管理,数据资产、政策及其治理,信息与数据伦理三个角度进行评述。 展开更多
关键词 信息资本 数据资本 数据伦理 数据政策
大数据驱动的城市公共安全治理模式研究——一个整合性分析框架 被引量:35
作者 赵发珍 王超 曲宗希 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期179-186,151,共9页
[目的/意义]当前公共安全问题已然成为制约城市健康发展的瓶颈和短板。传统的公共安全治理重应急处置轻风险预防、治理主体单一、治理技术落后等导致治理能力不足,治理效能不高,亟需探索新的治理模式。[方法/过程]以整体性治理理论为基... [目的/意义]当前公共安全问题已然成为制约城市健康发展的瓶颈和短板。传统的公共安全治理重应急处置轻风险预防、治理主体单一、治理技术落后等导致治理能力不足,治理效能不高,亟需探索新的治理模式。[方法/过程]以整体性治理理论为基础,提出“风险-应急-危机”为核心的公共安全治理的整合性分析框架,并将大数据理论与技术嵌入到城市公共安全治理框架之中,进而构建了大数据驱动的城市公共安全整体性和一体化治理模式。最后,从大数据价值、公共安全治理复杂性等方面分析了大数据驱动的城市公共安全治理模式运行效果的制约因素。[结果/结论]研究表明,基于大数据驱动的城市公共安全治理模式实现了从“分散管理”到“整体治理”,能够形成对公共安全问题的快速反应链,有效降低不同风险因子、灾害因子以及危机发生的可能性,进而提高城市公共安全治理能力。 展开更多
关键词 公共安全 公共安全情报 数据驱动 治理模式 整体性治理 一体化治理
Bioaccumulation and Biodegradation of Sulfamethazine in Chlorella pyrenoidosa 被引量:4
作者 SUN Ming LIN Hong +2 位作者 GUO Wen zhao fazhen LI Jian 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1167-1174,共8页
Intensive use of sulfamethazine(SM_2) in aquaculture has resulted in some detrimental effects to non-targeted organisms. In order to assess its potential ecological risk, it is crucial to have a good understanding on ... Intensive use of sulfamethazine(SM_2) in aquaculture has resulted in some detrimental effects to non-targeted organisms. In order to assess its potential ecological risk, it is crucial to have a good understanding on the bioaccumulation and biodegradation of SM_2 in Chlorella pyrenoidosa. The microalgae were treated with 2, 4, and 8 mg L^(-1) of sulfamethazine for 13 days, respectively, showing that the inhibition effects of sulfamethazine on the growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa increased progressively as the concentrations of sulfamethazine increasing from 2 to 8 mg L^(-1). The peak concentrations of sulfamethazine accumulated in C. pyrenoidosa were 0.225, 0.325, and 0.596 ng per mg FW on day 13 for three treatment groups, respectively, showing a great ability to deplete sulfamethazine from the culture media. On day 13, the percentages of biotic degradation were 48.45%, 60.21% and 69.93%, respectively. The EC_(50) of 10.05 mg L^(-1) was derived which showed no significant risk for C. pyrenoidosa with a calculated risk quotient < 1. The activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase increased progressively in response to sulfamethazine and showed a positive correlation to the treatment concentrations. The highest superoxide dismutase activity was achieved at the concentration of 8 mg L^(-1) after 2 d of exposure, which was 1.89 folds higher than that of the control. The activity of catalase has a similar pattern to that of superoxide dismutase with the maximum activity achieved at day 2, which was 3.11 folds higher compared to that of the control. In contrast to superoxide dismutase and catalase, the maximum glutathione S-transferase activity was observed at day 6, showing 2.2 folds higher than that of the control. 展开更多
Nitrogen Budget in Recirculating Aquaculture and Water Exchange Systems for Culturing Litopenaeus vannamei 被引量:4
作者 CHEN zhao GE Hongxing +3 位作者 CHANG Zhiqiang SONG Xiefa zhao fazhen LI Jian 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期905-912,共8页
In order to investigate the culture characteristics of two indoor intensive Litopenaeus vannamei farming modes, recirculating aquaculture system(RAS) and water exchange system(WES), this study was carried out to analy... In order to investigate the culture characteristics of two indoor intensive Litopenaeus vannamei farming modes, recirculating aquaculture system(RAS) and water exchange system(WES), this study was carried out to analyze the water quality and nitrogen budget including various forms of nitrogen, microorganism and chlorophyll-a. Nitrogen budget was calculated based on feed input, shrimp harvest, water quality and renewal rate, and collection of bottom mud. Input nitrogen retained in shrimp was 23.58% and 19.10% respectively for WES and RAS, and most of nitrogen waste retained in water and bottom mud. In addition, most of nitrogen in the water of WES was TAN(21.32%) and nitrite(15.30%), while in RAS was nitrate(25.97%), which means that more than 76% of ammonia and nitrite were removed. The effect of microalgae in RAS and WES was negligible. However, bacteria played a great role in the culture system considering the highest cultivable cultivable bacterial populations in RAS and WES were 1.03×10^(10) cfu mL^(-1) and 2.92×10~9 cfu mL^(-1), respectively. Meanwhile the proportion of bacteria in nitrogen budget was 29.61% and 24.61% in RAS and WES, respectively. RAS and WES could realize shrimp high stocking culture with water consuming rate of 1.25 m^3 per kg shrimp and 3.89 m^3 per kg shrimp, and power consuming rates of 3.60 kwh per kg shrimp and 2.51 kwh per kg shrimp, respectively. This study revealed the aquatic environment and nitrogen budget of intensive shrimp farming in detail, which provided the scientific basis for improving the industrial shrimp farming. 展开更多
关键词 RAS SHRIMP water quality nitrogen BUDGET MICROORGANISM
Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Induces Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Hepatopancreas of Shrimp(Fenneropenaeus chinensis) 被引量:3
作者 LIANG Zhongxiu LI Jian +3 位作者 LI Jitao TAN Zhijun REN Hai zhao fazhen 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第6期1005-1011,共7页
This study investigated the inductive effect of Alexandrium tamarense, a toxic dinoflagellate producing paralytic shellfish poison, on oxidative stress and apoptosis in hepatopancreas of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus... This study investigated the inductive effect of Alexandrium tamarense, a toxic dinoflagellate producing paralytic shellfish poison, on oxidative stress and apoptosis in hepatopancreas of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The individuals of F. chinensis were exposed to 200 and 1000 cells m L-1 of A. tamarense with their superoxide dismutase(SOD), glutathione S-transferase(GST) activities, malonyldialdehyde(MDA) concentration, and caspase gene(Fc Casp) expression in hepatopancreas determined at 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. In addition, apoptosis in hepatopancreas of F. chinensis at 96 h after exposure was determined through terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated d UTP nick end labeling(TUNEL) assay. The hepatopancreatic SOD and GST activities of F. chinensis exposed to 1000 cells m L-1 of A. tamarense showed a bell-shaped response to exposure time. The hepatopancreatic MDA concentration of F. chinensis exposed to 1000 cells m L-1 of A. tamarense increased gradually from 48 to 96 h, and such a trend corresponded to the decrease of GST activity. The hepatopancreatic Fc Casp transcript abundance of F. chinensis exposed to 1000 cells m L-1 of A. tamarense was positively and linearly correlated to MDA concentration. Results of TUNEL assay showed that exposure to 1000 cells m L-1 of A. tamarense induced apoptosis in the hepatopancreas of F. chinensis. Our study revealed that A. tamarense exposure influenced the antioxidative status of F. chinensis and caused lipid peroxidation and apoptosis in the hepatopancreas of shrimp. 展开更多
关键词 塔玛亚历山大藻 细胞凋亡 中国对虾 诱导效应 氧化应激 肝胰脏 谷胱甘肽S-转移酶 MDA含量
Isolation of Prawn(Exopalaemon carinicauda) Lipopolysaccharide and β-1,3-Glucan Binding Protein Gene and Its Expression in Responding to Bacterial and Viral Infections 被引量:1
作者 GE Qianqian LI Jian +3 位作者 DUAN Yafei LI Jitao SUN Ming zhao fazhen 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第2期288-296,共9页
The pattern recognition proteins(PRPs) play a major role in immune response of crustacean to resist pathogens.In the present study,as one of PRPs,lipopolysaccharide and β-1,3-glucan binding protein(LGBP) gene in the ... The pattern recognition proteins(PRPs) play a major role in immune response of crustacean to resist pathogens.In the present study,as one of PRPs,lipopolysaccharide and β-1,3-glucan binding protein(LGBP) gene in the ridge tail white prawn(Exopalaemon carinicauda)(Ec LGBP) was isolated.The full-length c DNA of Ec LGBP was 1338 bp,encoding a polypeptide of 366 amino acid residules.The deduced amino acid sequence of Ec LGBP shared high similarities with LGBP and BGBP from other crustaceans.Some conservative domains were predicted in Ec LGBP sequence.Ec LGBP constitutively expressed in most tissues at different levels,and the highest expression was observed in hepatopancreas.With infection time,the cumulative mortality increased gradually followed by the proliferation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and white spot syndrome virus(WSSV).The expression of Ec LGBP in response to V.parahaemolyticus infection was up-regulated in hemocytes and hepatopancreas,and the up-regulation in hepatopancreas was earlier than that in hemocytes.Ec LGBP expression after WSSV infection increased at 3 h,then significantly decreased in both hemocytes and hepatopancreas.The results indicated that Ec LGBP was involved in the immune defense against bacterial and viral infections. 展开更多
关键词 脊尾白虾 病毒感染 蛋白基因 脂多糖 细菌 葡聚糖 副溶血性弧菌 白斑综合征病毒
Lack of Gender Effect on the Pharmacokinetics of Oxytetracycline in Fenneropenaeus chinensis After Intramuscular Administration
作者 SUN Ming LI Jian +3 位作者 CHANG Zhiqiang GUO Wenting zhao fazhen LI Jitao 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第2期335-339,共5页
Fenneropenaeus chinensis, an economically important shrimp species, currently suffers from epizootic diseases due to high density stocking and bacterial infections. Oxytetracycline(OTC) has been widely used to treat v... Fenneropenaeus chinensis, an economically important shrimp species, currently suffers from epizootic diseases due to high density stocking and bacterial infections. Oxytetracycline(OTC) has been widely used to treat various systemic bacterial infections in shrimp farming. In the present study, the effect of gender on pharmacokinetics of OTC in F. chinensis was investigated. The OTC concentrations in hemolymph of shrimp after single intramuscular administration(75 mg OTC per kg body weight) were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography and best described with a two-compartment open model which is characterized by a short elimination half-life, low clearance, and a relatively large apparent volume of distribution. The pharmacokinetic equations were Ct = 58.54e-0.38 t + 11.67e-0.04 t for females; and Ct = 27.94e-0.28 t + 14.87e-0.04 t for males. The distribution and elimination half-lives of OTC were 1.82 and 19.58 h, respectively, in females and 2.50 and 16.11 h, respectively, in males at 22℃. The areas under the drug concentration curve were 480 mg L-1 h-1 in females and 430 mg L-1 h-1 in males. The total body clearance of the drug was 157.11 m Lkg-1 h-1 in females and 172.47 m L kg-1 h-1 in males. The apparent volume distribution was 4.44 in females and 4.01 L kg-1 in males. There was no significant difference in pharmacokinetic parameters between female and male shrimps, indicating that there is no need to consider the gender effect in clinical use of OTC in F. chinensis farming. 展开更多
关键词 药代动力学 中国对虾 土霉素 性别 给药 肌注 高效液相色谱法 药物浓度
Distribution and Elimination of Norfloxacin in Fenneropenaeus chinensis Larvae
作者 SUN Ming LI Jian +2 位作者 zhao fazhen LI Jitao CHANG Zhiqiang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第3期397-402,共6页
This study examined the distribution and elimination of Norfloxacin(NFLX) in Fenneropenaeus chinensis ovary and egg and newly hatched larvae.Mature parental shrimp were exposed to 4 or 10 mg L 1NFLX for 2 or 5 d.Ovary... This study examined the distribution and elimination of Norfloxacin(NFLX) in Fenneropenaeus chinensis ovary and egg and newly hatched larvae.Mature parental shrimp were exposed to 4 or 10 mg L 1NFLX for 2 or 5 d.Ovary and eggs of the shrimp were sampled after spawning in order to detect NFLX residue using high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).Results showed that NFLX residue accumulated in F.chinensis eggs after the parental exposure,with the highest residue detected in ovary.To examine the fate of NFLX residue in larvae,we further determined the concentration of NFLX residue in F.chinensis eggs and larvae at 4 different developmental stages after 24-h exposure.From the newly metamorphosed larvae(0 h post-metamorphosis,h.p.m),samples were taken at different time intervals to 72 h.p.m.HPLC assay showed that the concentrations of NFLX residue in zoea exposed to 4 and 10 mg L 1NFLX were the highest at 1.5 h,i.e.,0.332 and 0.454 μg g 1,respectively.At the two NFLX exposure levels,the elimination time of half NFLX(half life) in nauplius was 45.36 and 49.85 h,respectively,followed by that in zoea(31.68 and 33.13 h),mysis larvae(42.24 and 47.28 h) and postlarvae(24.48 and 30.96 h).Both NFLX exposure levels had a germicidal effect.The distribution and elimination of NFLX residue in F.chinensis tissue,eggs and larvae correlated well with the drug exposure level.The disappearance of NFLX residue coincided with the larval growth,and the half-life of NFLX decreased with the larval development. 展开更多
关键词 诺氟沙星 对虾幼体 中国对虾 高效液相色谱法 初孵幼虫 暴露水平 残留检测 残留浓度
Effects of salinity, carbonate alkalinity, and pH on physiological indicators of nutrition transporter for potential habitat restoration of amphipod Eogammarus possjeticus
作者 XUE Suyan MAO Yuze +2 位作者 WANG Jinye FANG Jianguang zhao fazhen 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第6期1925-1935,共11页
The effects of three environmental factors,salinity,carbonate alkalinity,and pH,on the survival,feeding,and respiratory metabolism of Eogammarus possjeticus(Amphipoda:Gammaridae)were investigated experimentally.The re... The effects of three environmental factors,salinity,carbonate alkalinity,and pH,on the survival,feeding,and respiratory metabolism of Eogammarus possjeticus(Amphipoda:Gammaridae)were investigated experimentally.The results show that E.possjeticus could tolerate a broad salinity range.The 24-h lowest median lethal salinity was 2.70,and the highest was 47.33.The 24-h median lethal alkalinity and pH were 23.05 mmol/L and 9.91,respectively;both values decreased gradually with time.Different values of salinity,carbonate alkalinity,and pH resulted in significant differences in the cumulative mortality(P<0.05).The ingestion rate and feed absorption efficiency were significantly affected by the coupling of the three environmental factors(P<0.05).With increases in carbonate alkalinity,salinity,and pH,both ingestion rate and feed absorption efficiency exhibited a downward trend,indicating a decline in feeding ability under high salinity and more alkaline water conditions.The coupling of salinity,carbonate alkalinity,and pH also had a significant effect on respiration and excretion(P<0.05).The oxygen consumption rate increased first and then decreased with increasing carbonate alkalinity.Under the same carbonate alkalinity values,the oxygen consumption rate increased with increasing salinity.Under the same carbonate alkalinity and salinity,the oxygen consumption rate initially increased and then decreased with increasing pH.The O:N ratio first increased and then decreased with increasing carbonate alkalinity.When carbonate alkalinity was less than 6 mmol/L,the O:N ratio increased with increasing salinity and decreased with increasing pH.The results demonstrate that changes in salinity,carbonate alkalinity,and pH had a measurable impact on the osmotic pressure equilibrium in E.possjeticus and affected the energy supply mode(i.e.ratio of metabolic substrate). 展开更多
关键词 Eogammarus possjeticus saline and alkaline water survival FEEDING respiratory metabolism
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