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基于奇异值分解的Gabor遮挡字典学习 被引量:3
作者 李小薪 周元申 +2 位作者 周旋 李晶晶 刘志勇 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期275-283,共9页
因遮挡、光照等变化因素所引发的协变量偏移问题是面向现实的人脸识别系统需要重点解决的问题。从字典编码的角度探讨了这一问题。通过对现有的结构化误差编码方法的回顾,指出几种主流的结构化误差编码方法都可以转化为训练字典与遮挡... 因遮挡、光照等变化因素所引发的协变量偏移问题是面向现实的人脸识别系统需要重点解决的问题。从字典编码的角度探讨了这一问题。通过对现有的结构化误差编码方法的回顾,指出几种主流的结构化误差编码方法都可以转化为训练字典与遮挡字典联合表示的形式,只需对不同的误差编码方法建立合适的遮挡字典即可。鉴于遮挡字典在结构化误差编码方法中的重要作用,针对一种重要的基于字典表示的误差校正方法——基于Gabor特征的鲁棒表示与分类方法(GRRC)展开研究,指出其基于K-SVD的遮挡字典学习方法的主要不足在于:计算代价较高、冗余性较强、缺乏针对自然遮挡的结构,并提出了一种基于奇异值分解(SVD)的Gabor遮挡字典学习方法。在Extended Yale B,UMBDB和AR 3个人脸数据库上的实验结果表明,相对于基于K-SVD字典学习方法的GRRC,基于SVD字典学习方法的GRRC在各种情形下都具有更好的时间性能和识别性能。 展开更多
关键词 GABOR特征 遮挡字典 主成分分析 K-SVD 奇异值分解
温阳化痰活血法治疗轻中度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的临床研究 被引量:2
作者 麦润汝 周袁申 +1 位作者 蔡庆豪 徐碧云 《内蒙古中医药》 2021年第11期5-7,共3页
目的:观察运用温阳化痰活血法治疗轻中度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的临床疗效。方法:将符合纳入标准的患者(30例)按照简单随机方法,分为治疗组(15例)和对照组(15例)。对照组予以一般性治疗,治疗组在对照组基础上加用温阳化痰活血中药治... 目的:观察运用温阳化痰活血法治疗轻中度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的临床疗效。方法:将符合纳入标准的患者(30例)按照简单随机方法,分为治疗组(15例)和对照组(15例)。对照组予以一般性治疗,治疗组在对照组基础上加用温阳化痰活血中药治疗。两组疗程均为1个月,比较两组治疗前后呼吸暂停低通气指数(apnea and hypopnea index,AHI)、体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)、平均夜间血氧饱和度(mean saturation O_(2),MSaO_(2))、最低夜间血氧饱和度(lowest saturation O_(2),LSaO_(2))、Epworth嗜睡量表(The Epworth Sleeping Scale,ESS)评分。结果:(1)与本组治疗前比较,治疗组在AHI、LSaO_(2)、MSaO_(2)、ESS评分方面均有改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),BMI未见明显改善,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);对照组则在BMI、AHI、LSaO_(2)、MSaO_(2)方面均无明显改善,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而在ESS评分方面有改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)治疗后与对照组比较,治疗组在MSaO_(2)、ESS方面可见改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);而治疗组在BMI、AHI、LSaO_(2)方面无明显改善,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗组在AHI、MSaO_(2)及ESS评分的差值上较对照组有改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:温阳化痰活血法配合一般性治疗对改善OSHAS的MSaO_(2)及ESS评分有效,治疗组的AHI的改善差值程度较高,但对改善AHI没有明显优势。 展开更多
关键词 温阳化痰活血法 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 血氧饱和度 ESS评分
A New Hybrid Model Rotor Flux Observer and Its Application
作者 zhou yuan-shen 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2006年第1期71-76,共6页
A new hybrid model rotor flux observer, based on a new voltage model, is presented. In the first place, the voltage model of an induction machine was constructed by using the modeling method discussed in this paper an... A new hybrid model rotor flux observer, based on a new voltage model, is presented. In the first place, the voltage model of an induction machine was constructed by using the modeling method discussed in this paper and then the current model using a flux feedback was adopted in this flux observer. Secondly, the two models were com- bined via a filter and then the rotor flux observer was established. In the M-T synchronous coordinate, the observer was analyzed theoretically and several important functions were derived. A comparison between the observer and the traditional models was made using Matlab software. The simulation results show that the observer model had a better performance than the traditional model. 展开更多
关键词 new hybrid model rotor flux observer induction machine: cycloconverter
新通冠颗粒(芪麦通冠协定方)对急性心肌梗死后心力衰竭患者心功能影响的随机双盲对照研究 被引量:19
作者 周袁申 孔勇杰 +2 位作者 魏丹丹 廖鹏达 张敏州 《中国中西医结合杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期151-156,共6页
目的观察新通冠颗粒(芪麦通冠协定方)对急性心肌梗死后心力衰竭患者心功能影响。方法本研究为探索性前瞻随机双盲对照研究,将60例急性心肌梗死后心力衰竭患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组30例。两组均给予西医常规治疗,在此基础上治疗... 目的观察新通冠颗粒(芪麦通冠协定方)对急性心肌梗死后心力衰竭患者心功能影响。方法本研究为探索性前瞻随机双盲对照研究,将60例急性心肌梗死后心力衰竭患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组30例。两组均给予西医常规治疗,在此基础上治疗组给予新通冠颗粒(6 g/袋),每次1袋,水冲服,每日3次,对照组给予等量安慰剂治疗,连续服用3个月。观察两组患者治疗前后纽约心脏病协会心功能分级(Heart function classification of New York Heart Association,NYHA)、气虚血瘀证候量表评分、明尼苏达生活质量评分分数、6 min步行试验、6 min步行距离增值、步行距离占预计值百分数;心脏超声检查相关指标;观察B型尿钠肽(type B natriuretic peptide,BNP)水平、肝肾功能及主要心血管不良事件(major adverse cardiovas-cular events,MACE)。结果最终纳入52例患者进行评价分析,其中治疗组27例和对照组25例。与本组治疗前比较,两组NYHA心功能分级、气虚血瘀证候量表分值、明尼苏达生活质量评分均有改善(P <0. 05);BNP和AST水平均下降(P <0. 05); 6 min步行距离和步行距离占预计值百分数均增加(P <0. 05);对照组心脏超声左室舒张末内径、每搏心输出量值增加(P <0. 05)。治疗后与对照组比较,治疗组NYHA心功能分级、气虚血瘀症状量表分值、明尼苏达生活质量评分明显下降(P <0. 05),治疗组6 min步行距离增值优于对照组(P <0. 05)。治疗过程中两组BNP水平与肝肾功能差异无统计学意义(P> 0. 05),随访期间两组均无发生MACE事件。结论新通冠颗粒可改善急性心肌梗死后心力衰竭患者的心功能,改善中医证候评分,提高生活质量及运动耐力。 展开更多
关键词 急性心肌梗死 新通冠颗粒 芪麦通冠协定方 心力衰竭
133例新型冠状病毒德尔塔变异株感染患者舌象的临床分析与探讨 被引量:4
作者 周袁申 林琳 +9 位作者 颜芳 李际强 郭建文 何泽慧 刘译丹 蔡彦 温万鑫 张清华 邹旭 张忠德 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期7002-7006,共5页
目的:探讨新型冠状病毒德尔塔变异株感染的患者舌象与临床分型、病程、性别、年龄、症状的关系及其在辨证论治中的意义。方法:采用回横断面研究方法,纳入2021年5月21日一6月16日来自广州市第八人民医院的133例新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎... 目的:探讨新型冠状病毒德尔塔变异株感染的患者舌象与临床分型、病程、性别、年龄、症状的关系及其在辨证论治中的意义。方法:采用回横断面研究方法,纳入2021年5月21日一6月16日来自广州市第八人民医院的133例新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)患者,收集并描述性分析其基本资料、中医症状、舌象,并对舌象与临床分型、病程、性别、年龄、症状的关系进行统计分析。结果:不同临床分型间舌形分布差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),随病情进展,胖大舌、瘦薄舌比例有所增加,从轻型到普通型,齿痕舌、苍老舌、芒刺舌比例增加,不同临床分型间苔质分布差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),从轻型到普通型,腻苔比例增加。腻苔是最常见的苔质,腻苔分布在不同病程、性别差异无统计学意义,年龄61~75岁的患者腻苔的可能性是<18岁的患者的5.143倍(P<0.05),腻苔更不易咳嗽。结论:舌象能反映新冠肺炎患者病情轻重,是临床判断患者预后的重要客观因素。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 德尔塔变异株 舌象 湿毒疫
Kuanxiong Aerosol(宽胸气雾剂)in Treatment of Angina Pectoris:A Literature Review and Network Pharmacology 被引量:9
作者 ZHANG Yu-zhuo ZENG Rui-xiang +1 位作者 zhou yuan-shen ZHANG Min-zhou 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第6期470-480,共11页
Angina pectoris(AP)is the most common symptom of cardiovascular diseases,which seriously affects the quality of life in cardiovascular patients.Kuanxiong(KX)Aerosol(宽胸气雾剂),a compound preparation that consists of ... Angina pectoris(AP)is the most common symptom of cardiovascular diseases,which seriously affects the quality of life in cardiovascular patients.Kuanxiong(KX)Aerosol(宽胸气雾剂),a compound preparation that consists of 5 traditional Chinese medicines:Herba Asari,Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum,Lignum Santali Albi,Fructus Piperis Longi,and Borneolum,has been used in the treatment of AP for many years,exhibiting a significant curative effect and less side-effect.For the convenience and comprehensive understanding of KX Aerosol,this review systematically summarizes evidence on KX Aerosol in the treatment of AP including the pharmacological effects of its composition,clinical research,animal experiments,and network pharmacology prediction.Meanwhile,we highlight the research limitation of KX Aerosol at present.This review may guide the clinical application of KX Aerosol and further provide a reference for the research of AP. 展开更多
关键词 Kuanxiong Aerosol angina pectoris PHARMACOLOGY clinical application network pharmacology
Effect of Tongguan Capsules(通冠胶囊) on Restenosis after Coronary Stent Implantation:Study Protocol for A Randomized Controlled Trial 被引量:4
作者 zhou yuan-shen MAO Shuai +3 位作者 GUO Li-heng GAO Xiong-yi ZOU Xu ZHANG Min-zhou 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第1期16-23,共8页
Background:Although percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)had become widely employed therapeutic procedure for coronary artery disease,stent restenosis limited the benefits of this revascularization and the question ... Background:Although percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)had become widely employed therapeutic procedure for coronary artery disease,stent restenosis limited the benefits of this revascularization and the question how to prevent such events remained unresolved.While numerous empirical observations suggested Tongguan Capsules(通冠胶囊),a patented Chinese Medicine,could decrease frequency and duration of angina pectoris attacks,evidence supporting its efficacy on restenosis remained inadequate.Objective:This trial was designed to determine whether Tongguan Capsules would reduce restenosis rate in patients after successful stent implantation.Methods:Approximately 400 patients undergoing percutaneous coronary stent deployment were enrolled and randomized to control group or Tongguan Capsules(4.5 g/d)for 3 months.All patients received standard anti-platelet,anti-coagulation and lipid-decreasing treatments,concurrently.The primary clinical endpoint was the 12-month incidence of the major adverse cardiovascular events(defined as cardiac death,myocardial infarction,and recurrence of symptoms requiring additional revascularization).The angiographic end point was restenosis rate at 6 months.Conclusion:This study would provide important evidence for the use of Tongguan Capsules in patients after stent implantation in combination with routine therapies,which may significantly reduce incidence of the restenosis so as to potentially improve the clinical outcomes.(registration number:ChiCTR-TRC-ChiCTR-IIR-17011407) 展开更多
关键词 Tongguan Capsules stent restenosis percutaneous coronary intervention
Treatment of An Acute Severe Cadmium Poisoning Patient Combined with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndromes by Integrated Chinese and Western Medicines:A Case Report
作者 zhou yuan-shen ZENG Rui-xiang +1 位作者 ZHANG Min-zhou GUO Li-heng 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第11期853-856,共4页
Cadmium(Cd),a toxic heavy metal commonly found in the environment,can cause toxic reactions at a dose of 30 mg.Cd is absorbed into the body mainly through the respiratory tract,digestive tract,and skin.(1)About 10%–5... Cadmium(Cd),a toxic heavy metal commonly found in the environment,can cause toxic reactions at a dose of 30 mg.Cd is absorbed into the body mainly through the respiratory tract,digestive tract,and skin.(1)About 10%–50%of Cd absorption is inhaled dust,then about 5%–10%of ingested Cd is absorbed by body,which depending on particle size.(2)As known,most of Cd poisoning reaction is chronic,and acute Cd poisoning,especially high doses of acute poisoning,is very rare in clinic.Due to its airless and tasteless characteristics. 展开更多
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