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作者 陈瑞麒 张明五 +3 位作者 王伟 陈松华 柳正卫 陈彬 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期383-389,共7页
目的:了解浙江省常山县农村老年人结核分枝杆菌潜伏感染(latent tuberculosis infection,LTBI)情况及相关影响因素,为制定针对性的干预措施提供科学依据。方法:从“中国疾病预防控制信息系统”的子系统“结核病管理信息系统”中,以2017... 目的:了解浙江省常山县农村老年人结核分枝杆菌潜伏感染(latent tuberculosis infection,LTBI)情况及相关影响因素,为制定针对性的干预措施提供科学依据。方法:从“中国疾病预防控制信息系统”的子系统“结核病管理信息系统”中,以2017—2021年近5年结核病报告发病率排序,选取浙江省衢州市常山县报告发病率最高乡镇的3个村庄全部常住农村老年人为调查对象,最终共纳入909名。收集研究对象的人口学特征、吸烟史和饮酒史等信息。采用γ-干扰素诱导蛋白-10(IP-10)mRNA释放试验检测LTBI的情况,采用多因素logistic回归分析其影响因素。结果:909名研究对象中,LTBI阳性375例(41.25%),阴性534名(58.75%)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,男性(OR=1.676,95%CI:1.170~2.401)相较于女性,面临更大的LTBI风险,而血清高密度脂蛋白水平较高(OR=0.607,95%CI:0.433~0.852)的人群,其LTBI风险则相对较小。结论:浙江省常山县农村老年人LTBI率较高,特别要关注男性和高密度脂蛋白水平偏低的人群。 展开更多
关键词 分枝杆菌 结核 感染 因素分析 统计学
汝窑、耀州窑“天青釉”的色度对比分析 被引量:1
作者 张明悟 谈方正 +4 位作者 赵宏 孙新民 张建超 禚振西 王昌燧 《文物保护与考古科学》 北大核心 2023年第4期98-103,共6页
天青釉是中国古代珍贵的单色釉品种,一般认为其始于传说中的柴窑,而最早的天青釉实物则显现于汝窑。于是,有学者认为天青釉唯柴窑、汝窑所特有。然而近年来,又有学者指出天青釉实非柴窑与汝窑的“专利”,最早的天青釉应发轫于五代时期... 天青釉是中国古代珍贵的单色釉品种,一般认为其始于传说中的柴窑,而最早的天青釉实物则显现于汝窑。于是,有学者认为天青釉唯柴窑、汝窑所特有。然而近年来,又有学者指出天青釉实非柴窑与汝窑的“专利”,最早的天青釉应发轫于五代时期的耀州窑。本研究将五代二期的耀州窑与汝窑所谓的“天青釉”进行分类,再测定它们的色度,确定“天青釉”的色度数值和相应的天青釉样品,进而明确天青釉的窑口及其起源时间。 展开更多
关键词 天青釉 汝窑 耀州窑 色度
黄河下游河道横断面变化特点及对弯道的影响 被引量:2
作者 张明武 孙赞盈 +1 位作者 彭红 李勇 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第2期24-28,共5页
黄河下游河道横断面变化直接关系河道的排洪输沙能力,横断面形态变化对弯道曲率的影响关系着河道的河势变化,一直是黄河下游河床演变研究的重点。从1986—1999年淤积缩窄时期和2000—2013年冲刷展宽时期入手,采用实测大断面数据,对黄河... 黄河下游河道横断面变化直接关系河道的排洪输沙能力,横断面形态变化对弯道曲率的影响关系着河道的河势变化,一直是黄河下游河床演变研究的重点。从1986—1999年淤积缩窄时期和2000—2013年冲刷展宽时期入手,采用实测大断面数据,对黄河下游各河段横断面冲淤情况进行分析,给出了弯道曲率与横断面形态特征的关系式,分析了黄河下游横断面形态变化对弯道曲率的影响。结果表明:黄河下游河道各河段在冲刷时期,主槽宽逐渐变大,在理想条件下河道宽浅,弯道流中流速横向分布不均,容易造成塌岸冲刷,河道将会越来越弯曲。 展开更多
关键词 弯道曲率 冲淤变化 横断面形态 河道 黄河下游
弯曲复式河槽水流泥沙因子的横向分布模型及其应用 被引量:3
作者 张明武 彭红 《华北水利水电大学学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第5期1-6,共6页
在弯道环流的作用下,滩槽水沙交换的强度和模式明显有别于顺直河道情况,其研究内容相对复杂。目前,对弯曲河道水沙输移规律尚缺乏较系统的研究。将SHIONO&KNIGHT方法拓展应用到弯曲复式河槽中研究弯曲河道的水沙因子的横向分布规律... 在弯道环流的作用下,滩槽水沙交换的强度和模式明显有别于顺直河道情况,其研究内容相对复杂。目前,对弯曲河道水沙输移规律尚缺乏较系统的研究。将SHIONO&KNIGHT方法拓展应用到弯曲复式河槽中研究弯曲河道的水沙因子的横向分布规律,从考虑侧向二次流惯性力和河道弯曲程度的动量方程出发,对水流微小控制体进行了受力分析,建立了复式断面流速横向分布模型,得到了复式断面流速和挟沙力的横向分布规律,最后论证了不同弯道曲率对复式河道水流泥沙因子横向分布的影响。 展开更多
关键词 弯曲复式河槽 横向分布模型 水流泥沙因子 SHIONO&KNIGHT方法 漫滩水流
浙江省结核分枝杆菌耐药突变特征及其与基因型相关性分析 被引量:6
作者 吴坤阳 陆烨玮 +10 位作者 张明五 朱业蕾 李相辰 潘军航 王晓萌 王蔚 江敏敏 彭小军 王炜欣 高俊顺 柳正卫 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第11期1126-1134,共9页
目的:评价全基因组测序(whole-genome sequencing,WGS)对浙江省结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis,MTB)耐药相关基因突变特征及其与基因型相关性的耐药分析和检测效能。方法:对2018—2019年浙江省第五次结核病耐药监测项目收集的... 目的:评价全基因组测序(whole-genome sequencing,WGS)对浙江省结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis,MTB)耐药相关基因突变特征及其与基因型相关性的耐药分析和检测效能。方法:对2018—2019年浙江省第五次结核病耐药监测项目收集的808株MTB菌株进行14种抗结核药物的WGS分析。鉴定菌株的基因型及耐药相关基因突变,并对二者相关性,以及WGS检测异烟肼的药物敏感性试验(简称“药敏试验”)结果与表型药敏试验结果的一致性进行分析。结果:808株MTB菌株中,153株对11种抗结核药物(异烟肼、利福平、乙胺丁醇、吡嗪酰胺、链霉素、氟喹诺酮类、阿米卡星、卡那霉素、卷曲霉素、乙硫异烟胺、对氨基水杨酸)发生了耐药相关基因突变,总突变率为18.9%。主要耐药突变类型分别为katG-315-S/T[异烟肼,60.0%(45/75)]、rpoB-450-S/L[利福平,57.1%(16/28)]、embB-306-M/V[乙胺丁醇,43.8%(7/16)]、rpsL-43-K/R[链霉素,65.5%(36/55)]、gyrA-94-D/G[氟喹诺酮类,36.6%(15/41)]、rrs-1402-C/A(阿米卡星,3/3)、rrs-1402-C/A(卡那霉素,3/4)、rrs-1402-C/A(卷曲霉素,3/3)、inhA-15-C/T[乙硫异烟胺,65.0%(13/20)]、thyA-75-H/N(对氨基水杨酸,7/8)。rpsL基因和katG-315位点在北京基因型中的耐药突变率[均为6.8%(40/586)]均明显高于二者在非北京基因型中的突变率[0.0%(0/222)和3.2%(7/222)],差异均有统计学意义(χ^(2)=15.943,P=0.000;χ^(2)=3.964,P=0.046)。WGS耐药性分析对于异烟肼的检测敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值、一致率和Kappa值分别为87.5%(49/56)、98.0%(680/694)、77.8%(49/63)、99.0%(680/687)、97.2%(729/750)和0.808。结论:浙江省MTB菌株对11种抗结核药物耐药相关基因突变以katG、rpoB、embB、pncA、rpsL、gyrA、rrs、thyA、inhA基因上的突变为主,其中rpsL基因、katG-315和rpsL-43位点突变与北京基因型相关。WGS耐药性分析对于异烟肼具有全面的耐药检测性能,但对个别基因突变位点的检测性能较弱。 展开更多
关键词 分枝杆菌 结核 抗药物性 序列分析 DNA 突变 基因型
结核分枝杆菌全基因组测序数据分析方法与应用进展 被引量:1
作者 李相辰 柳正卫 +7 位作者 陆烨玮 朱业蕾 张明五 蒋锦琴 彭小军 王炜欣 高俊顺 王晓萌 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第11期1193-1198,共6页
全基因组测序技术已经广泛应用于结核分枝杆菌的研究中,包括谱系鉴定、微进化、耐药预测、传播监测、混合感染诊断等多方面。生物信息学在基因组学研究中贯穿了从数据处理、分析到可视化的各个阶段,对全基因组测序技术的应用起到了至关... 全基因组测序技术已经广泛应用于结核分枝杆菌的研究中,包括谱系鉴定、微进化、耐药预测、传播监测、混合感染诊断等多方面。生物信息学在基因组学研究中贯穿了从数据处理、分析到可视化的各个阶段,对全基因组测序技术的应用起到了至关重要的作用。笔者主要介绍和归纳了目前在结核分枝杆菌全基因组测序中常用的主流生物信息学分析软件和平台,并对近年来新开发的生物信息学分析方法从可用性、软件选择及应用等方面进行概述,为同领域研究者更方便、更灵活地开展数据分析和快速选择研究分析工具提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 分枝杆菌 结核 全基因组测序 生物信息学
多通道特征融合卷积神经网络的齿轮箱故障诊断 被引量:1
作者 张名武 李舜酩 程龙欢 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第8期146-151,共6页
针对一维数据的卷积神经网络故障诊断方法无法十分准确地识别齿轮箱故障类型的问题,提出一种二维振动信号的多通道特征融合卷积神经网络(MC-FFCNN)算法。采用格拉米角场将传感器获取的一维振动信号转换为二维矩阵,将矩阵中的数值作为像... 针对一维数据的卷积神经网络故障诊断方法无法十分准确地识别齿轮箱故障类型的问题,提出一种二维振动信号的多通道特征融合卷积神经网络(MC-FFCNN)算法。采用格拉米角场将传感器获取的一维振动信号转换为二维矩阵,将矩阵中的数值作为像素值转换为灰度图从多个通道输入卷积神经网络,经过多个卷积层、池化层及增加的融合层,导出各通道的融合数据到全连接层。在试验中,通过对多个故障数据进行训练与测试,实现齿轮箱单一故障的诊断。将诊断结果与单通道的卷积神经网络诊断结果进行比较分析,结果显示:所提方法的故障诊断准确率更高。 展开更多
关键词 多通道 卷积神经网络 格拉米角场 故障诊断
突发重大公共事件下的社会救助应急机制研究——以新冠疫情防控期间武汉社会救助为例 被引量:4
作者 张明武 《长江论坛》 2021年第1期51-55,共5页
突发重大公共事件对社会生活、人民生命、财产安全有极大的危害。在此背景下的社会救助应该且能发挥稳定剂、压舱石的作用。在应对这次新冠疫情的应急社会救助工作中,武汉民政担当作为,全力做好疫情影响下的困难群众兜底保障工作,成绩卓... 突发重大公共事件对社会生活、人民生命、财产安全有极大的危害。在此背景下的社会救助应该且能发挥稳定剂、压舱石的作用。在应对这次新冠疫情的应急社会救助工作中,武汉民政担当作为,全力做好疫情影响下的困难群众兜底保障工作,成绩卓著,但也暴露不少问题。本文在对这些成绩、问题进行综合分析的基础上,提出了建立突发重大公共事件社会救助应急机制的对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 突发重大公共事件 新冠疫情 社会救助 应急机制
N_0期胃癌患者的临床病理特征及预后分析 被引量:1
作者 张明武 冯建勇 刘军 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2018年第9期1378-1382,共5页
目的:探讨N_0期胃癌患者的临床病理特征及影响预后的危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2003年3月至2012年3月我科收治的296例N_0期胃癌患者的临床病理资料。分析其临床病理特征以及通过单因素和多因素分析影响其预后的危险因素。结果:本研究中... 目的:探讨N_0期胃癌患者的临床病理特征及影响预后的危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2003年3月至2012年3月我科收治的296例N_0期胃癌患者的临床病理资料。分析其临床病理特征以及通过单因素和多因素分析影响其预后的危险因素。结果:本研究中男性248例,女性48例。中位年龄58岁(28~82岁)。中位肿瘤大小4 cm(0.3~15 cm)。168例患者为TNM I期,126例患者为TNM II期,仅2例患者为TNM III期。患者的中位随访时间为62.3个月(1~73.4个月)。1、3、5年总体生存率分别为97.6%、89.2%和83.7%。单因素分析显示切除方式、CEA、CA125、脉管侵犯、T分期和TNM分期为影响N_0期胃癌患者预后的危险因素(P<0.05)。然而,仅CEA、CA125、脉管侵犯和T分期为影响预后的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:N_0期胃癌患者总体预后较好。CEA、CA125、脉管侵犯和T分期为影响N_0期胃癌患者预后的独立危险因素。 展开更多
关键词 胃癌 淋巴结 临床病理特征 预后
Dynamics in Dissociative Recombination of C12+1 被引量:1
作者 zhang mingwu Cai xiaohong +1 位作者 Asa Larson Ann E. Orel 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2011年第1期193-194,共2页
关键词 C12 重组 解离 环境利益 多媒体 准分子 等离子 离解
Analytical Models for Velocity Distributions in Compound Channels with Emerged and Submerged Vegetated Floodplains
作者 zhang mingwu JIANG Chunbo +3 位作者 HUANG Heqing Gerald Charles NANSON CHEN Zhengbing YAO Wenyi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期577-588,共12页
The lateral distributions of depth-averaged velocity in open compound channels with emerged and submerged vegetated floodplains were analyzed based on the analytical solution of the depth-integrated Reynolds-Averaged ... The lateral distributions of depth-averaged velocity in open compound channels with emerged and submerged vegetated floodplains were analyzed based on the analytical solution of the depth-integrated Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation with a term to account for the effects of vegetation.The three cases considered for open channels were two-stage rectangular channel with emerged vegetated floodplain,rectangular channel with submerged vegetated corner,and two-stage rectangular channel with submerged vegetated floodplain,respectively.To predict the depth-averaged velocity with submerged vegetated floodplains,we proposed a new method based on a two-layer approach where flow above and through the vegetation layer was described separately.Moreover,further experiments in the two-stage rectangular channel with submerged vegetated floodplain were carried out to verify the results.The analytical solutions of the cases indicated that the corresponding analytical depth-averaged velocity distributions agree well with the simulated and experimental prediction.The analytical solutions of the cases with theoretical foundation and without programming calculation were reasonable and applicable,which were more convenient than numerical simulations.The analytical solutions provided a way for future researches to solve the problems of submerged vegetation and discontinuous phenomenon of depth-averaged velocity at the stage point for compound channels.Understanding the hydraulics of flow in compound channels with vegetated floodplains is very important for supporting the management of fluvial processes. 展开更多
关键词 沉水植被 冲积平原 速度分布 渠道 复合 解析模型 矩形通道 平均速度
The Lost-Wax Process in the Pre-Qin Period: A Bronze Appendage with Hollow Snake Patterns from the Tomb of Duke Ning of Xu
作者 李元芝 张方涛 +3 位作者 谭德睿 华觉明 张明悟 吕昕(译) 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2017年第1期98-115,共18页
This paper discusses the most recent case of the lost-wax process,namely,a bronze appendage with hollow snake patterns excavated in 2002 at the tomb of Duke Ning of Xu(許公寧)(a state in the Spring and Autumn period)i... This paper discusses the most recent case of the lost-wax process,namely,a bronze appendage with hollow snake patterns excavated in 2002 at the tomb of Duke Ning of Xu(許公寧)(a state in the Spring and Autumn period)in Ye County,Henan Province.Various physical and chemical analyses indicate that this artifact was cast as a whole in 547 BCE or slightly later in a high tin bronze alloy using the lost-wax process.No traces of cast joints or soldering were found.This research provides further proof that the lost-wax process was a significant technical development achieved by casters in the Pre-Qin period. 展开更多
关键词 lost-wax process TOMB of DUKE Ning of Xu BRONZE appendage SNAKE patterns
4 - 14 Incomplete Guiding of 90 keV O6+ Ions through a Single Glass Capillary
作者 Xue Yingli Wu Yehong +10 位作者 Liu Junliang zhang mingwu Chen Jing Ruan Fangfang Wang Wei Yu Deyang Cai Xiaohong Zuo Wei Wang Pei Gan Shengxin Yin Peng 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2013年第1期191-191,共1页
关键词 英语 阅读 理解 物理研究
5 - 13 Development of Data Acquisition Software for Guiding Effect Experiments using LabVIEW
作者 Liu Junliang Yu Deyang +3 位作者 Xue Yingli zhang mingwu Wu Yehong Cai Xiaohong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2013年第1期214-214,共1页
关键词 英语 阅读 理解 物理研究
4-10 A 128-channel Picoammeter System and Its Application on Charged Particle Beam Current Distribution Measurements
作者 Yu Deyang Liu Junliang +4 位作者 Xue Yingli zhang mingwu Cai Xiaohong Hu Jianjun Dong Jinmei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期203-205,共3页
The absolute current distribution is usually the most desirable parameter in experiments involving a charged particle beam. The Faraday cup array technique, a direct measurement of the absolute current distribution, h... The absolute current distribution is usually the most desirable parameter in experiments involving a charged particle beam. The Faraday cup array technique, a direct measurement of the absolute current distribution, has been developed both in one dimension[1] and two dimensions[2], providing a great advantage in terms of convenience. In this technique, a many-channel picoammeter (up to 128 channels) is necessary. 展开更多
4-11 Determination of Target Thickness and Luminosity from Beam Energy Losses at HIRFL-CSRe Internal Target
作者 Shao Caojie Yu DeYang +7 位作者 Lu Rongchun Xue Yingli Wang Wei Yang Bian zhang mingwu Liu Junliang Song zhangyong Cai Xiaohong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期205-206,共2页
The experiments with an internal target at a storage ring have many advantages. However, it is difficult to determine the absolute cross section of a reaction where luminosity cannot be simply established through macr... The experiments with an internal target at a storage ring have many advantages. However, it is difficult to determine the absolute cross section of a reaction where luminosity cannot be simply established through macroscopic measurements. Here we present an experimental determination of the effective target thickness from the beam energy losses at the internal target in HIRFL-CSRe. The measurements here are expected to provide the accurate target thickness and luminosity for the absolute cross-section study on future internal target experiments, and also provide some reference values for the study of beam loss mechanism of the heavy ion at HIRFL-CSRe. 展开更多
4-12 Electron Beam Guiding by Grooved SiO2 Parallel Plates without Energy Loss
作者 Xue Yingli Yu Deyang +4 位作者 Liu Junliang zhang mingwu Yang Bian zhang Yuezhao Cai Xiaohong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期207-208,共2页
Since the unexpected guiding effect of low energy ions by PET nanocapillaries was reported in the last decade[1], the self-organized charge-up on insulating surface is employed to realize a self-adaptive manipulation ... Since the unexpected guiding effect of low energy ions by PET nanocapillaries was reported in the last decade[1], the self-organized charge-up on insulating surface is employed to realize a self-adaptive manipulation of charged particle beams[2–4]. Considerable work (see Ref. [5] and references therein) has been done to investigate slow highly charged ions (SHCIs) interacting with inner surface of various insulating capillaries[5]. 展开更多
4-19 Double K-shell Ionization of Kr Induced by Swift Xe54+ Ions
作者 Shao Caojie Yu Deyang +7 位作者 Wang Wei Xue Yingli zhang mingwu Yang Bian Song zhangyong Lu Rongchun Liu Junliang Cai Xiaohong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期196-196,共1页
Double K-shell ionization of atoms by collisions with charged ions is one of typical two-electron processes andattracts considerable attention both in term of basic theory and experiment. Radiative de-excitation of th... Double K-shell ionization of atoms by collisions with charged ions is one of typical two-electron processes andattracts considerable attention both in term of basic theory and experiment. Radiative de-excitation of the doubleK-shell vacancy states of atoms leads to the emission of so called K X-ray hyper-satellites (Kh,Kh . . . )[1], whichgives us the insight into the decay modes of multiply ionized ions as well as the ionization processes during ion-atomcollisions. Contrary to the long-winded and difficult experiments with heavy target due to the low detection efficiencyof K X-ray hyper-satellites with crystal spectrometers[2??4], the bulk of knowledge concerning double K-shellionization in ion-atom collisions has been obtained for light target. 展开更多
4-20 Electrons Guiding through a Plate Capillary
作者 Xue Yingli Yu Deyang +4 位作者 Liu Junliang zhang mingwu Yang Bian zhang Yuezhao Cai Xiaohong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期197-197,共1页
The guiding effect of 3 keV Ne7+ ions passing through an insulating PET nanocapillaries was found in 2002by N. Stolterfoht et al[1]. Since then considerable work[2] has been done to investigate slow highly charged ion... The guiding effect of 3 keV Ne7+ ions passing through an insulating PET nanocapillaries was found in 2002by N. Stolterfoht et al[1]. Since then considerable work[2] has been done to investigate slow highly charged ions(HCIs) interacting with inner surfaces of various insulating capillaries. It has been shown that the guiding effect isprevalent in the transmission of slow HCIs.Similar guiding phenomena were also observed for electrons transmitted through capillaries (see, e.g., Ref. [3-5]).However, the experiments showed that transmission efficiency of electrons was significantly lower than that of HCIs.Moreover, it revealed that portion of the transmitted electrons suffered significant energy-loss. 展开更多
4-18 Single and Double Electron Capture by Fast Xe54+ from Kr and Xe
作者 Yu Deyang Shao Caojie +8 位作者 Lu Rongchun Wang Wei Liu Junliang Xue Yingli Song zhangyong zhang mingwu Yang Bian Ruan Fangfang Cai Xiaohong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期195-195,共1页
When an energetic highly charged ion (HCI) collides with an atom, the target electrons may be captured by theprojectile ion, either radiatively or non-radiatively. During a radiative electron capture (REC), a target e... When an energetic highly charged ion (HCI) collides with an atom, the target electrons may be captured by theprojectile ion, either radiatively or non-radiatively. During a radiative electron capture (REC), a target electronis transferred to the projectile accompanying with a photon emission, which carries away the excess energy andmomentum. During a non-radiative electron capture (NRC), the energy and momentum conservations are ensuredby the target nucleus[1]. If the captured electrons are populated in excited states, photons maybe emitted duringthe following stabilization processes, and therefore the X-ray spectrum can provide information about the initialpopulation. However, if a solid target is employed, the single-collision condition cannot be ensured when consideringthe capture processes, as well as strong background will be produced[2]. With the development of heavy ioncooling storage rings, the experimental luminance is enhanced by the strong ion beams when a gaseous target isprerequisite[3]. 展开更多
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