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作者 方守川 曹国发 +2 位作者 张瑞天 韩华 吴文俊 《物探装备》 2024年第4期215-219,共5页
本文分析了以往的国内外海底地震勘探综合导航系统所采用的数据管理系统在后续开发和产品应用推广过程中存在软件授权成本比较高、平台开放性差等缺陷。从系统架构、安全性、数据存储过程及事务支持、数据访问稳定性及性能、SQL合规性、... 本文分析了以往的国内外海底地震勘探综合导航系统所采用的数据管理系统在后续开发和产品应用推广过程中存在软件授权成本比较高、平台开放性差等缺陷。从系统架构、安全性、数据存储过程及事务支持、数据访问稳定性及性能、SQL合规性、ACID合规性、数据同步方式、支持的数据类型等八个方面进行分析选型,提出了多船分布式海洋综合导航系统数据库的新设计方案,形成了一套基于PostgreSQL的综合导航系统数据库。经验证测试表明:数据库的访问能力能够应对分布式、多船海洋地震勘探施工组织、以满足复杂且具有挑战性的多船施工项目的需求。 展开更多
关键词 海底地震勘探 综合导航 多船 分布式 数据库
作者 张睿添 高熙巳 +1 位作者 李艳红 韦杏 《中国民族医药杂志》 2024年第10期66-69,共4页
肠胃散(广西源安堂药业有限公司生产)是治疗小儿谷道病的壮成药脐贴产品,临床上取得了良好的效果。肠胃散融合脐贴工艺,敷于肚脐处进行治疗。小儿谷道病是小儿最常见的疾病之一,常因寒、热、湿毒侵犯谷道或饮食不调所致。肠胃散针对小... 肠胃散(广西源安堂药业有限公司生产)是治疗小儿谷道病的壮成药脐贴产品,临床上取得了良好的效果。肠胃散融合脐贴工艺,敷于肚脐处进行治疗。小儿谷道病是小儿最常见的疾病之一,常因寒、热、湿毒侵犯谷道或饮食不调所致。肠胃散针对小儿谷道病发病的原因和机理进行设计,组方可袪寒毒、清热毒、除湿毒、调谷道,临床的治疗效果显著,小儿依从性高,值得推介。本文收集肠胃散治疗小儿谷道病的临床和机理研究成果,进行综合分析和总结,为将来的研究和临床运用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 壮药 肠胃散 脐贴 小儿谷道病 研究进展
作者 方守川 曹国发 +2 位作者 耿少波 张瑞天 韩华 《物探装备》 2023年第4期211-214,共4页
在地震勘探过程中,物探测量导航定位技术在坐标和高程基准确定、工区地理信息基础数据收集和管理、工区踏勘、检波点和炮点施测放样、地震勘探采集同步控制和作业队伍的施工管理等方面发挥着重要作用。本文回顾了物探测量导航定位技术... 在地震勘探过程中,物探测量导航定位技术在坐标和高程基准确定、工区地理信息基础数据收集和管理、工区踏勘、检波点和炮点施测放样、地震勘探采集同步控制和作业队伍的施工管理等方面发挥着重要作用。本文回顾了物探测量导航定位技术的发展历史,从施工放样定位技术、震源导航、海洋综合导航和水下定位等方面系统总结了该技术当前国内外的研究与应用现状,展望了其今后在陆地和海洋勘探领域的发展趋势及应用前景,并指出了其目前在石油勘探领域还有待于进一步解决的高精度、智能化、自动化和高效率的关键问题。最后,从陆地勘探和海洋勘探两个方面上总结分享了其今后的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 物探测量 导航定位 高精度 高效率 高可靠性
基于CiteSpace对壮医药线点灸疗法研究现状分析 被引量:6
作者 罗世春 张睿添 +4 位作者 林国栋 熊坚 林昌稳 邹思婷 乔赟 《中国疗养医学》 2022年第9期897-902,共6页
目的探讨壮医药线点灸疗法的研究现状、热点及未来趋势,为壮医药线点灸疗法提供研究及发展参考。方法通过中文语言检索1985—2021年中国知网数据库,获取与壮医药线点灸主题相关的文献,再利用可视化分析软件CiteSpace 5.6.R5对所获得文... 目的探讨壮医药线点灸疗法的研究现状、热点及未来趋势,为壮医药线点灸疗法提供研究及发展参考。方法通过中文语言检索1985—2021年中国知网数据库,获取与壮医药线点灸主题相关的文献,再利用可视化分析软件CiteSpace 5.6.R5对所获得文献的发文量、作者、发文机构、关键词绘制知识图谱进行可视化分析。结果壮医药线点灸年度发文量整体呈上升趋势,2015年始明显增加并维持在每年40篇以上的水平,发文频次前3位的作者是朱英、范郁山和何彦霖。作者合作聚类显示研究团队呈现出多团队交叉合作。研究机构发文量前3位的分别是:广西民族医药研究所、广西中医药大学第一附属医院和广西中医药大学。关键词聚类共生成11个聚类,分别是壮医、综述、壮医药线点灸疗法、朱琏抑制i型针法、壮医药线、壮医药、带状疱疹、医案、三阴交、灸法/方法、民族医药。结论通过分析当前发文量稳定,呈上升趋势,壮医药线点灸疗法仍是目前研究热点。有较稳定的研究团队,但团队间合作不足,今后应加强团队间合作,加强跨区域多研究团队合作,促进壮医药线点灸疗法的推广。 展开更多
关键词 壮医药线点灸疗法 药线点灸 知识图谱 可视化分析
乡村产业数字化转型路径研究——基于湖州德清县的实证 被引量:1
作者 王玥 张睿恬 +1 位作者 秦梓格 陈清政 《特区经济》 2023年第9期121-125,共5页
在乡村振兴大背景下,浙江德清县“整体智治”理念引领的乡村产业数字化转型取得了显著成效。本文通过Topsis模型分析其在浙江省域内的横向比较优势与实际水平,并总结出其在人才、资金、机制及具体举措等方面的典型实践与经验。结合德清... 在乡村振兴大背景下,浙江德清县“整体智治”理念引领的乡村产业数字化转型取得了显著成效。本文通过Topsis模型分析其在浙江省域内的横向比较优势与实际水平,并总结出其在人才、资金、机制及具体举措等方面的典型实践与经验。结合德清县各村庄特色对其乡村产业(如旅游业、观光农业等)数字化发展进行深入分析后,本文认为乡村产业数字化转型能够促进乡村发展,同时,基于我国乡村产业数字化发展的共通性,为促进全国乡村产业数字化转型提出相应的对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 产业数字化 整体智治
GNSS数据处理中双差残差恢复单差残差的方法研究 被引量:1
作者 何虎 柴军兵 +2 位作者 张瑞天 王广伟 张丽萍 《物探装备》 2021年第3期198-202,共5页
GNSS数据处理时一般使用双差残差来评估观测值精度。双差残差由于受到参考卫星的选定和参考卫星观测误差等影响,不利于对每颗卫星进行单独的数据质量分析。本文阐述了一种双差残差恢复单差残差的基本原理和方法,实现在GBC中使用单差残... GNSS数据处理时一般使用双差残差来评估观测值精度。双差残差由于受到参考卫星的选定和参考卫星观测误差等影响,不利于对每颗卫星进行单独的数据质量分析。本文阐述了一种双差残差恢复单差残差的基本原理和方法,实现在GBC中使用单差残差值来评估观测数据质量,给出了双差残差恢复单差残差的实现过程;并利用多组处理数据与天宝TBC软件的处理结果进行比对验证,从原理分析和数据对比两个方面论证了利用恢复后的单差残差进行观测数据质量评估的合理性。 展开更多
关键词 GNSS数据处理 双差残差 单差残差 基线 误差传播定律
Electron Capture to Continuum of Transfer Ionization in 30 keV/u He2+ on Argon Collision
作者 zhang ruitian Ma Xinwen +9 位作者 zhang Shaofen Zhu Xiaolong Feng Wentian Guo Dalong Li Bin Liu Huiping Wang Jianguo Yan Shuncheng zhang Pengju Wang Qian 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2011年第1期179-179,共1页
关键词 电子捕获 转移电离 碰撞 连续状态 电离过程 ECC 离子
4 - 6 Dynamics of Transfer Ionization in p-He Collisions at Intermediate Energies
作者 Guo Dalong Ma Xinwen +4 位作者 zhang Shaofeng Zhu Xiaolong Feng Wentian zhang ruitian Gao Yong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2013年第1期182-182,共1页
关键词 英语 阅读 理解 物理研究
4 - 7 Experimental Investigation of Ejected Electron Azimuth Angle in 30 keV/u He2+ on Argon Collisions
作者 Gao Yong Ma Xin wen +10 位作者 Zhu Xiaolong Feng Wentian zhang ruitian Guo Dalong Li Bin Wen Weiqiang Yan Shuncheng Xu Shenyue zhang Pengju Qian Dongbin Zhao Dongmei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2013年第1期183-183,共1页
关键词 英语 阅读 理解 物理研究
4-11 Nucleus-nucleus Interactions in Transfer Ionization of He2+ -He Collisions
作者 Feng Wentian Ma Xinwen +4 位作者 Zhu Xiaolong Yan Shuncheng zhang ruitian Guo Dalong Gao Yong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期189-189,共1页
The transfer ionization of atom by ion impact offers a very suitable test ground of quantum many-body problem[1],because the final state involves three particles (the projectile, the emitted electron and the recoil io... The transfer ionization of atom by ion impact offers a very suitable test ground of quantum many-body problem[1],because the final state involves three particles (the projectile, the emitted electron and the recoil ion). The experimentaltechniques are available to perform kinematically complete measurements on these processes now.The experiment was performed using a reaction microscope at the Institute of Modern Physics, CAS[2]. Thedata was analyzed in terms of Dalitz spectrum which is presented in Fig. 1. In this figure, the Dalitz plot is 展开更多
4-10 Classical-trajectory Monte Carlo method for the Investigation of the Dynamics of Ion-atom Collisions
作者 Guo Dalong Ma Xinwen +4 位作者 zhang Shaofeng Zhu Xiaolong Feng Wentian zhang ruitian Gao Yong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期188-188,共1页
The reaction microscope (COLTRIMS as well) is a novel technique for the investigation of the dynamics ofion-atoms collisions. Exploiting this technique, a large variety of kinematically complete experiments on electro... The reaction microscope (COLTRIMS as well) is a novel technique for the investigation of the dynamics ofion-atoms collisions. Exploiting this technique, a large variety of kinematically complete experiments on electrontransfer and ionization have been performed. However, the understanding of these experimental results is farfrom satisfactory, especially for collision energy in the intermediate-energy range. The classical-trajectory MonteCarlo method (CTMC) proposed by Abrines and Percival[1] shed some light on the problem. This method has ademonstrated region of applicability in the intermediate-energy range. 展开更多
4-15 Electron Emission in the Transfer Ionization Process of Intermediate Multi-charged Ion - He Collisions
作者 zhang ruitian Feng Wentian +8 位作者 Zhu Xiaolong Guo Dalong Gao Yong Qian Dongbin Li Bin Yan Shuncheng Xu Shenyue zhang Pengju Ma Xinwen 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期193-193,共1页
The momentum projecting techniques have been well applied so as to explore the mechanisms of electronemissions as well as the dynamical effects which influenced the momentum distribution of the electrons ionized inion... The momentum projecting techniques have been well applied so as to explore the mechanisms of electronemissions as well as the dynamical effects which influenced the momentum distribution of the electrons ionized inion-atom collisions[1??3]. Usually, the emitted electrons will be projected onto the scattering plane, which was definedas the plane containing the initial and the final momentum vectors of the projectile, considering the conservationlaws and rotational symmetry around the beam axis. It is well known that the ejected electrons will be influencedsimultaneously by a combined coulomb potential from the recoil ions and the projectile ions. Qualitatively, this 展开更多
4-6 Measurement of the Ratio of C3+ and O4+ Ions Produced by ECR Source to Prepare a Laser Cooling Experiment at Storage Rings
作者 Zhu Xiaolong Wen Weiqiang +16 位作者 Ma Xinwen Li Jinyu Feng Wentian zhang ruitian Yan Shuncheng Guo Dalong Hai Bang Qian Dongbin zhang Pengju Xu Shenyue Zhao Dongmei Yang Jie zhang Dacheng Li Bin Gao Yong Huang Zhongkui Wang Hanbing 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期184-184,共1页
The cooling of heavy ions can provide high-quality beams that are especially important for high-precisionexperimental nuclear and atomic physics. The laser cooling of relativistic C3+ ion beams at the experimental coo... The cooling of heavy ions can provide high-quality beams that are especially important for high-precisionexperimental nuclear and atomic physics. The laser cooling of relativistic C3+ ion beams at the experimental coolerstorage ring (CSRe) is being currently prepared at Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) in Lanzhou. An electroncyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) will be used to produce C3+ ion beams. Meanwhile, O4+ ions could alsobe produced due to residual gas because of the same mass-to-charge ratio. Therefore, both C3+ and O4+ ion beamswill be injected and circulate in a storage ring during the laser cooling experiment at the same time. A higher ratioof C3+ ions will lead to a better result for the laser cooling experiment. 展开更多
关键词 Measurement RATIO IONS
4-14 Observation of Double Scattering of Relatively High-energy Electrons in He2+-argon Collisions
作者 Gao Yong Ma Xinwen +5 位作者 Zhu Xiaolong Feng Wentian zhang ruitian Guo Dalong Yan Shuncheng Zhao Dongmei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期192-192,共1页
We have investigated the single capture with simultaneous single ionization in He2+ collisions with argon bymeans of reaction microscopes[1]. Here, we report the dependence of the azimuth angle (φe) of the relatively... We have investigated the single capture with simultaneous single ionization in He2+ collisions with argon bymeans of reaction microscopes[1]. Here, we report the dependence of the azimuth angle (φe) of the relatively high-energy electrons (kinetic energy > 20 eV) on the transversal recoil momentum (pr⊥) in single capture with doubleionization process for 30 keV/u He2+ collisions with Ar. It is noted that the relatively high-energy electrons mainlyresult from binary encounter (BE) between the target electrons and the projectiles for the present reaction channel. 展开更多
Orientation Effect in Ar Dimer Fragmentation by Ne^(8+) Ion Impact
作者 Zhu Xiaolong Yan Shuncheng +12 位作者 Feng Wentian Ma Xinwen Chuai Xiaoya Guo Dalong Gao Yong zhang ruitian zhang Pengju zhang Shaofeng Zhao Dongmei Xu Shenyue Wang Hanbing Huang Zhongkui Qian Dongbin 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2018年第1期65-66,共2页
The experiment was carried out using the Reaction Microscope mounted at the 320 kV platform for multidisciplinary research with highly charged ions at the Institute of Modern Physics,CAS[1,2].For reaction channel of(A... The experiment was carried out using the Reaction Microscope mounted at the 320 kV platform for multidisciplinary research with highly charged ions at the Institute of Modern Physics,CAS[1,2].For reaction channel of(Ar2)^(2+)→Ar^(+)+Ar^(+),the kinetic energy release(KER)distribution clearly shows two peaks.The left peak locates at 3.7 eV approximately,and the right one lies at about 5.3 eV.From the classical reflection approximation KER/(Z1-Z2)=R,the internuclear distance R can be deduced.We find that the corresponding internuclear distance of the left peak is 3.8˚A,which is the equilibrium internuclear distance of the Ar2 dimer.This indicates that coulomb explosion takes place immediately after the double ionization process,without the involvement of the geometry change of the cluster ion.Therefore,the left peak dominantly arises from two-site double ionization. 展开更多
Fully Differential Study of Few-body Dynamics in Multi-electron Atomic Fragmentation Processes
作者 Gao Yong Ma Xinwen +7 位作者 zhang Shaofeng Zhu Xiaolong Guo Dalong Feng Wentian zhang ruitian Hai Bang zhang Min Zhao Dongmei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2017年第1期59-59,共1页
Employing the reaction microscope,the experiment of He^(2+)collisions on Ar was performed[1].We have measured fully momentum analyzed Ar^(3+) recoil ions and two ejected electrons as well as He+projectiles in coincide... Employing the reaction microscope,the experiment of He^(2+)collisions on Ar was performed[1].We have measured fully momentum analyzed Ar^(3+) recoil ions and two ejected electrons as well as He+projectiles in coincidence with each other.Fully differential cross sections(seeing Fig.1)for electron transfer from the target to the projectile accompanied by the ejection of two additional target electrons were extracted.This is the first measuring fully differential cross section on the fivebody process which supplies the most rigorous test for the relative theories[2].To a large extent the data can be reproduced by an independent electron model. 展开更多
关键词 Fully rigorous COINCIDENCE
3-1 Probing the Geometry of Ar2N2 Cluster by Heavy Ions Impact
作者 Zhu Xiaolong Yan Shuncheng +13 位作者 Feng Wentian Guo Dalong Gao Yong zhang ruitian zhang Shaofeng Wang Hanbing Huang Zhongkui zhang Min Hai Bang Zhao Dongmei Wen Weiqiang zhang Pengjun Qian Dongbin Ma Xinwen 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2016年第1期77-78,共2页
The molecular complexes play an important role in planet’s atmosphere and chemical reactions of astrophysics.The investigation of geometry configurations for molecular complexes is an important subject both in experi... The molecular complexes play an important role in planet’s atmosphere and chemical reactions of astrophysics.The investigation of geometry configurations for molecular complexes is an important subject both in experimental and theoretical aspects.As a prototype molecular system,the investigation of geometry configuration of van der Waals cluster Ar2N2 attracts considerable attention recently.The different equilibrium configurations of Ar2N2 cluster were reported by experiments as linear conformation[1;2]and theoretical calculations as linear or spatial X-shaped conformations[3-6]. 展开更多
3-5 Asymmetric Young's Double-slit Interference in Double Electron Capture by He^2+from CO
作者 Gao Yong Ma Xinwen +8 位作者 zhang Shaofeng Zhu Xiaolong Yan Shuncheng Guo Dalong Feng Wentian zhang ruitian Hai Bang zhang Min Zhao Dongmei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2016年第1期81-81,共1页
Various processes occurring in collisions of ions with molecules have been attracting much attention[1].Of particular interests in such collisions are interference effects caused by coherent scattering/interaction of ... Various processes occurring in collisions of ions with molecules have been attracting much attention[1].Of particular interests in such collisions are interference effects caused by coherent scattering/interaction of the ion on more than one atomic center[2,3].The studies of ion-molecule collisions have been mainly restricted to homodiatomic molecule(see Ref.[3]and references therein).In the present work,we study double electron capture in collisions between 30,135 keV/u He^2+ions and CO molecules which are accompanied by breakup of CO^2+into C+and O^+fragments. 展开更多
3-4 Single Electron Capture in 30 keV and 100 keV He^+-He Collisions
作者 Guo Dalong Ma Xinwen +8 位作者 zhang ruitian zhang Shaofeng Zhu Xiaolong Feng Wentian Gao Yong Hai Bang zhang Min Wang Hanbing Huang Zhongkui 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2016年第1期80-80,共1页
Using the reaction microscope technique,we have performed kinematically complete measurements for single capture in He+collisions with He at 30 and 100 keV[1].The state-selective and the angular-differential cross sec... Using the reaction microscope technique,we have performed kinematically complete measurements for single capture in He+collisions with He at 30 and 100 keV[1].The state-selective and the angular-differential cross sections were extracted from the experimental data and compared with our theoretical calculations based on the dynamic-screening classical trajectory Monte Carlo method(dCTMC).The measured recoil-ion longitudinal momentum distributions are shown in Fig.1. 展开更多
作者 张瑞田 《中国书画》 2023年第4期135-135,共1页
《中国书画》创刊20周年寄语:初识《中国书画》杂志,我还是青年,觉得这本大型书画杂志顺应改革开放的潮流,意气风发,大气磅礴,厚古,也重视当下。我自然成了《中国书画》杂志的读者。杂志大开本,图版有视觉冲击力,文章谈往,不离现实问题... 《中国书画》创刊20周年寄语:初识《中国书画》杂志,我还是青年,觉得这本大型书画杂志顺应改革开放的潮流,意气风发,大气磅礴,厚古,也重视当下。我自然成了《中国书画》杂志的读者。杂志大开本,图版有视觉冲击力,文章谈往,不离现实问题,指斥时弊,也有君子风度。 展开更多
关键词 大开本 隶书 视觉冲击力 《中国书画》 书画 大气磅礴 杂志
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