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有限元强度折减法在隧道施工稳定分析与控制中的应用 被引量:19
作者 唐晓松 郑颖人 王永甫 《现代隧道技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期49-55,64,共8页
有限元强度折减法广泛应用于边坡等工程的稳定分析中,而在隧道工程稳定分析中的应用相对较少。文章将有限元强度折减法用于隧道施工稳定分析与控制中,提出基于围岩安全系数进行施工阶段围岩稳定性全过程的动态评价,并通过隧道洞周围岩... 有限元强度折减法广泛应用于边坡等工程的稳定分析中,而在隧道工程稳定分析中的应用相对较少。文章将有限元强度折减法用于隧道施工稳定分析与控制中,提出基于围岩安全系数进行施工阶段围岩稳定性全过程的动态评价,并通过隧道洞周围岩变形规律的研究,建立施工阶段隧道监控量测的动态控制指标。通过算例分析可以看出,基于围岩安全系数可以定量、直观地掌握整个施工阶段围岩稳定性的动态演化规律;在满足初期支护施作后围岩稳定性要求的前提下,可以针对各个施工阶段建立相应的变形控制指标,从而克服以围岩容许位移作为隧道稳定性判断依据的局限性。通过有限元强度折减法在隧道施工稳定分析与控制中的应用,将为解决隧道施工安全问题提供新的途径。 展开更多
关键词 隧道工程 施工阶段 稳定分析 变形控制 有限元强度折减法
岩质隧道深浅埋划分方法及判别标准探讨 被引量:5
作者 邱陈瑜 郑颖人 +2 位作者 张艳涛 谭万鹏 赵尚毅 《现代隧道技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期14-21,共8页
传统的深埋与浅埋隧道划分方法以普氏压力拱理论为基础,由于普氏理论的局限性,这种划分方法不尽合理。鉴于此,文章将有限元极限分析法应用于隧道深浅埋划分中,提出了隧道深浅埋划分的三条原则。对于Ⅳ级、Ⅴ级围岩的岩质隧道,根据隧道... 传统的深埋与浅埋隧道划分方法以普氏压力拱理论为基础,由于普氏理论的局限性,这种划分方法不尽合理。鉴于此,文章将有限元极限分析法应用于隧道深浅埋划分中,提出了隧道深浅埋划分的三条原则。对于Ⅳ级、Ⅴ级围岩的岩质隧道,根据隧道的破坏模式划分深埋与浅埋,破裂面贯通至地表即为浅埋隧道,破裂面没有贯通至地表即为深埋隧道,并利用有限元强度折减法求出浅埋隧道压力拱高度,以此作为深浅埋分界线;对于围岩等级高的岩质隧道,以无衬砌隧道稳定安全系数来划分深浅埋,安全系数大于等于1.5时为深埋隧道,安全系数小于1.5时还要根据破坏模式进行深浅埋判断。此外,深浅埋隧道划分还应考虑环境、施工、地质构造、不稳定块体等因素的影响,由此可能造成围岩整体塌落,形成松散压力。最后,文章建议对于深埋隧道可按弹塑性数值分析计算,而对浅埋隧道除按弹塑性数值分析外,还需按浅埋松散荷载依据荷载-结构模式分析,以确保安全。 展开更多
关键词 深埋隧道 浅埋隧道 划分标准 普氏压力拱 有限元强度折减法 浅埋压力拱高度 稳定安全系数
隧洞围岩在超载和卸载状态下的破坏模式 被引量:4
作者 阿比尔的 向钰周 +3 位作者 郑颖人 柴少波 袁和川 刘露 《工程科学与技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期53-61,共9页
围岩破坏模式分析是地下工程围岩稳定性分析、控制和支护设计的基础。围岩开挖是一个径向应力减小、轴向应力增大的复杂加卸载过程,当前常采用超载试验研究隧洞围岩的破坏模式。围岩的应力路径是影响其破坏模式的重要因素,而超载试验的... 围岩破坏模式分析是地下工程围岩稳定性分析、控制和支护设计的基础。围岩开挖是一个径向应力减小、轴向应力增大的复杂加卸载过程,当前常采用超载试验研究隧洞围岩的破坏模式。围岩的应力路径是影响其破坏模式的重要因素,而超载试验的围岩应力路径不同于加轴压、卸围压路径。为对比隧洞围岩在不同应力状态下的破坏模式,利用WE–600B型液压式万能试验机和自主设计的隧洞模型试验仪,采用相似模型试验方法,研究隧洞围岩在超载和开挖卸载过程中的应变演化规律及破坏面发展过程。应变演化规律方面:两种工况下,拱底均产生一定的拉应变;开挖卸载模式下,侧墙和拱腰处的应变增速大于超载模式,围岩向临空面的变形速度更快,破坏发展更快。破坏面发展方面:超载时,直墙两侧围岩整体剥落,剥落体保持完整;开挖卸载模式下,直墙两侧围岩向临空面逐层挤压溃曲,剥落体的完整性差,即开挖卸载路径下的围岩破碎程度更大。超载工况下,破坏过程由低应力时的拱底拉裂转变为高应力时的侧墙拉剪耦合的“V”型片帮剥落破坏;两种卸载工况下,破坏过程均为侧壁楔体剪切破坏和竖向张拉破坏耦合的“V”型片帮劈裂破坏。 展开更多
关键词 隧洞围岩 超载试验 开挖卸载试验 应变演化 破坏面发展 破坏模式
Study on the FEM design of reinforced earth retaining wall with geogrid 被引量:4
作者 Song Yakun zheng yingren +1 位作者 Tang Xiaosong Zhang Yufang 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第3期71-80,共10页
At present,limit equilibrium method is often adopted in the design of reinforced earth retaining wall. Geotechnical engineers home and abroad have done a lot of work to improve the traditional calculation methods in r... At present,limit equilibrium method is often adopted in the design of reinforced earth retaining wall. Geotechnical engineers home and abroad have done a lot of work to improve the traditional calculation methods in recent years,while there are lots of defects. This paper first identifies the location of failure surface and safety factor through the finite element program of PLAXIS and then analyses the influencing factors of the stability of reinforced earth retaining wall with geogrid. The authors adopt strength reduction FEM (finite element method)in the design and stability analysis of reinforced earth retaining wall and have achieved some satisfying results. Without any assumptions,the new design method can automatically judge the failure mode of reinforced earth retaining wall,consider the influence of axial tensile stiffness of the reinforcement stripe on the stability of retaining wall,identify reasonable distance and length of the reinforcement stripe,and choose suitable parameters of reinforcement stripe,including strength,stiffness and pseudo-friction coefficient which makes the design optimal. It is proved through the calculation examples that this method is more reasonable,reliable and economical in the design of reinforced earth retaining wall. 展开更多
关键词 FEM strength reduction methods earth retaining walls optimization design
高切坡挡墙整体稳定性和工作性能的数值分析 被引量:2
作者 唐晓松 郑颖人 +1 位作者 陈佳 董世勇 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第S02期910-915,925,共7页
高切坡支挡工程的健康运营对三峡库区移民迁建区人民的安居乐业和社会的和谐稳定至关重要,目前关于服役期混凝土材料高切坡挡墙运营安全的分析缺少基于力学机制的定量分析方法,为此文章基于数值极限分析方法开展了服役期高切坡挡墙整体... 高切坡支挡工程的健康运营对三峡库区移民迁建区人民的安居乐业和社会的和谐稳定至关重要,目前关于服役期混凝土材料高切坡挡墙运营安全的分析缺少基于力学机制的定量分析方法,为此文章基于数值极限分析方法开展了服役期高切坡挡墙整体稳定性和工作性能的定量分析。首先,采用有限元强度折减法进行了混凝土材料强度衰减过程中高切坡挡墙工程整体稳定性的动态评价。然后,基于数值极限应变法建立的混凝土材料破坏标准,通过数值计算结果直观显示服役期内挡墙结构的易损关键部位和损伤特征。服役期高切坡挡墙整体稳定性和工作性能定量分析方法的提出,可以掌握安全管理的主动权,为其安全评价和监测预警,以及养护管理决策等提供了新思路和新方法。 展开更多
关键词 高切坡挡墙 服役期 整体稳定性 工作性能 数值分析
New method of designing anti-slide piles——the strength reduction FEM 被引量:3
作者 zheng yingren Zhao Shanyi +1 位作者 Lei Wenjie Tang Xiaosong 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第3期2-11,共10页
At present,the thrust of an anti-slide pile can be worked out with some calculation methods. However,the resistance in front of the pile,the distributions of resistance and thrust,and appropriate pile length cannot be... At present,the thrust of an anti-slide pile can be worked out with some calculation methods. However,the resistance in front of the pile,the distributions of resistance and thrust,and appropriate pile length cannot be easily obtained. In this paper,the authors applied the strength-reduction finite element method (FEM) to several design cases of anti-slide piles. Using this method,it is possible to take the pile-soil interactions into consideration,obtain reasonable resistance in front of pile and the distributions of thrust and resistance,and reasonable lengths of anti-slide piles. In particular,the thrust and resistance imposed on embedded anti-slide piles can be calculated and composite anti-slide pile structures such as anchored piles and braced piles can be optimized. It is proved through the calculation examples that this method is more reliable and economical in the design of anti-slide pile. 展开更多
关键词 strength reduction method finite element method anti-slide piles sub-grade reaction embedded piles
Application of dynamic analysis of strength reduction in the slope engineering under earthquake 被引量:2
作者 Ye Hailin zheng yingren +2 位作者 Huang Runqiu Li Anhong Du Xiuli 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第3期41-48,80,共9页
At present,the methods of analyzing the stability of slope under earthquake are not accurate and reasonable because of some limitations. Based on the real dynamic tensile-shear failure mechanism of slope,the paper pro... At present,the methods of analyzing the stability of slope under earthquake are not accurate and reasonable because of some limitations. Based on the real dynamic tensile-shear failure mechanism of slope,the paper proposes dynamic analysis of strength reduction FEM (finite element method) and takes the reduction of shear strength parameters and tensile strength parameters into consideration. And it comprehensively takes the transfixion of the failure surface,the non-convergence of calculation and mutation of displacement as the criterion of dynamic instability and failure of the slope. The strength reduction factor under limit state is regarded as the dynamic safety factor of the slope under earthquake effect and its advantages are introduced. Finally,the method is applied in the seismic design of anchors supporting and anti-slide pile supporting of the slope. Calculation examples show that the application of dynamic analysis of strength reduction is feasible in the seismic design of slope engineering,which can consider dynamic interaction of supporting structure and rock-soil mass. Owing to its preciseness and great advantages,it is a new method in the seismic design of slope supporting. 展开更多
关键词 slope engineering EARTHQUAKE safety factor ANCHOR anti-slide pile dynamic analysis method of strength reduction
The study of slip line field and upper bound method based on associated flow and non-associated flow rules 被引量:2
作者 zheng yingren Deng Chujian Wang Jinglin 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第3期21-40,共20页
At present, associated flow rule of traditional plastic theory is adopted in the slip line field theory and upper bound method of geotechnical materials. So the stress characteristic line conforms to the velocity line... At present, associated flow rule of traditional plastic theory is adopted in the slip line field theory and upper bound method of geotechnical materials. So the stress characteristic line conforms to the velocity line. It is proved that geotechnical materials do not abide by the associated flow rule. It is impossible for the stress characteristic line to conform to the velocity line. Generalized plastic mechanics theoretically proved that plastic potential surface intersects the Mohr-Coulomb yield surface with an angle, so that the velocity line must be studied by non-associated flow rule. According to limit analysis theory, the theory of slip line field is put forward in this paper, and then the ultimate beating capacity of strip footing is obtained based on the associated flow rule and the non-associated flow nile individually. These two results are identical since the ultimate bearing capacity is independent of flow role. On the contrary, the velocity fields of associated and non-associated flow rules are different which shows the velocity field based on the associat- ed flow rule is incorrect. 展开更多
关键词 slip line field upper bound method associated flow rule non-associated flow rule generalized plastic theory
Analytic solution of phreatic surface in the slope of reservoir bank 被引量:2
作者 Tang Xiaosong zheng yingren Shi Weimin 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第3期76-84,共9页
In most cases, the slope stability of reservoir bank is analyzed on the premise that the location of phreatic surface is obtained. But many designers generalize a line as the phreatie surface through their experience ... In most cases, the slope stability of reservoir bank is analyzed on the premise that the location of phreatic surface is obtained. But many designers generalize a line as the phreatie surface through their experience to analyze the stability, which is unsafe in the project. To find a solution of the phreatic surface which is convenient to put into use and in accordance with the practice, the article, based on Boussinesq equation, infers analytic solutions suitable to the water level at different ratios and achieves an analytic solution equation through fitting curves. The correctness of the equation is also proved by the experiments of sand and sand-clay models and the inaccuracy of empirical generalization is analyzed quantitatively. The calculation results show that the inaccuracy through the method of experiential generalizing is so large that the designers should be awake to it. 展开更多
关键词 reservoir banks phreatic surface analytic solution numerical solution empirical generalization
作者 谢鹏 董天文 +2 位作者 郑颖人 何嘉峰 张成 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期1276-1283,共8页
采用单桩静载试验,系统地对36根工程桩的324个荷载级进行沉降稳定分析和荷载稳定时间分析,并通过中等直径灌注桩和超长大直径嵌岩桩两种桩型的15根单桩进行了对比分析。研究表明:不论是嵌岩桩还是非嵌岩桩,各级荷载总体都在1小时内稳定... 采用单桩静载试验,系统地对36根工程桩的324个荷载级进行沉降稳定分析和荷载稳定时间分析,并通过中等直径灌注桩和超长大直径嵌岩桩两种桩型的15根单桩进行了对比分析。研究表明:不论是嵌岩桩还是非嵌岩桩,各级荷载总体都在1小时内稳定且占比高达96.3%;桩顶的沉降速率、加速度均表现出随时间衰减的特征,证明了桩顶位移具有基于时间、位移的收敛的性特征,且试验耗时降低40%以上。采用P-s曲线法、LogP-s曲线法、E-Δs/ΔQ法判定了单桩的极限荷载,验证了桩顶沉降值在合理的范围之内,同时也表明对桩顶沉降收敛特征的研究可以有效的缩短桩基础检测的时间并提高检测效率。 展开更多
关键词 单桩静载试验 荷载稳定时间 试验耗时 极限荷载
An elastic mechanics model and computation method for geotechnical material 被引量:1
作者 zheng yingren Gao Hong zheng Lushi 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第3期49-56,共8页
Internal friction characteristic is one of the basic properties of geotechnical materials and it exists in mechanical elements all the time. However,until now internal friction is only considered in limit analysis and... Internal friction characteristic is one of the basic properties of geotechnical materials and it exists in mechanical elements all the time. However,until now internal friction is only considered in limit analysis and plastic mechanics but not included in elastic theory for rocks and soils. We consider that internal friction exists in both elastic state and plastic state of geotechnical materials,so the mechanical unit of friction material is constituted. Based on study results of soil tests,the paper also proposes that cohesion takes effect first and internal friction works gradually with the increment of deformation. By assuming that the friction coefficient is proportional to the strain,the internal friction is computed. At last,by imitating the linear elastic mechanics,the nonlinear elastic mechanics model of friction material is established,where the shear modulus G is not a constant. The new model and the traditional elastic model are used simultaneously to analyze an elastic foundation. The results indicate that the displacements computed by the new model are less than those from the traditional method,which agrees with the fact and shows that the mechanical units of friction material are suitable for geotechnical material. 展开更多
关键词 geotechnical material elastic mechanics MODEL computation method
Generalized Plastic Mechanics and Its Application 被引量:4
作者 zheng yingren Kong Liang 《工程科学(英文版)》 2006年第1期6-26,共21页
The development of geotechnical plasticity is reviewed and some problems of applying the classical plastic mechanics (CPM) to geomaterials are analyzed, and then CPM’s three hypotheses not fitted the deformation mech... The development of geotechnical plasticity is reviewed and some problems of applying the classical plastic mechanics (CPM) to geomaterials are analyzed, and then CPM’s three hypotheses not fitted the deformation mechanism of geomaterials are pointed out. By giving up the three hypotheses, a generalized plastic potential theory can be obtained from solid mechanics directly, and then the traditional plastic mechanics can be changed to a more generalized plastic mechanics, namely generalized plastic mechanics (GPM). The GPM adopts the component theory as theoretical base, so it can reflect the influence of transition of stress path. The unreasonable phenomena such as excessive dilatancy caused by adopting the normality-flow law can be avoided, and the error caused by the arbitrary assumption of plastic potential surfaces cannot be produced. The yield surface theory, hardening laws and stress-strain relations of GPM are given, and a GPM including the rotation of principal stress axes is also established. It is pointed out that the yield condition is a state parameter as well as a test parameter, and it can only be given by test. After the practical application, it is shown that the GPM cannot only be applied to the modeling theory of geomaterials but also to other fields of geomechanics such as limit analysis. 展开更多
关键词 塑性力学 塑性势能 屈服曲面 本构模型 土工技术
A study of the energy yield criterion of geomaterials
作者 Gao Hong zheng yingren +1 位作者 Feng Xiating Zeng Jing 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第3期12-20,40,共10页
The study results of the internal friction character of geomaterials conclude that the internal friction exists in mechanical elements all the time having a direction opposite to the shear stress,and the deformation f... The study results of the internal friction character of geomaterials conclude that the internal friction exists in mechanical elements all the time having a direction opposite to the shear stress,and the deformation failure mechanism of geomaterials greatly differs from that of metals. For metals,the failure results from shear stresses make the crystal structure slip; whereas for geomaterials,owing to its attribute of granular structures,their deformation follows the friction law,it is the co-action of shear stresses and perpendicular stresses that makes grains overcome the frictions between them,thus leading to the final failure of relative sliding.Therefore,on the basis of the cognition above,a triple shear energy criterion is proposed. Its corresponding Drucker-Prager criterion for geomaterials is also given. The new criterion can be rewritten to the Mohr-Coulomb criterion by neglecting the effect of the intermediate principal stress,and to the Mises criterion by not taking the internal friction angle into consideration. Then the studies of yield criteria commonly used are conducted systematically from the points of stress,strain and energy of geomaterials. The results show that no matter which expression form of stress,strain or energy is used for the yield criterion,the essence is the same and the triple shear energy yield criterion is the unified criterion of materials. Finally,the experimental verification is conducted in connection with the practical application of the triple shear energy yield criterion in an engineering project,and the calculation result shows that the Mohr-Coulomb criterion which only takes the single shear surface into account is more conservative than the energy criterion that does consider the effect of triple shear surfaces. 展开更多
关键词 energy yield criterion single shear triple shear geomaterial
作者 唐晓松 郑颖人 +1 位作者 董世勇 陈佳 《重庆建筑》 2022年第11期51-56,共6页
针对高切坡防护工程的运营安全问题,提出基于数值极限分析方法进行运营期整体稳定性评价与损伤破坏机制研究。首先通过数值极限应变法得到混凝土立方体试块的极限应变值,并以此作为支挡结构混凝土材料的破坏判定标准。然后,采用有限元... 针对高切坡防护工程的运营安全问题,提出基于数值极限分析方法进行运营期整体稳定性评价与损伤破坏机制研究。首先通过数值极限应变法得到混凝土立方体试块的极限应变值,并以此作为支挡结构混凝土材料的破坏判定标准。然后,采用有限元强度折减法对运营期防护工程的整体稳定性进行评价,并基于不同衰减程度混凝土材料的极限应变对支挡结构的损伤破坏机制进行研究。以桩板混凝土挡墙为研究对象,揭示了支挡结构材料强度折减过程中防护工程整体稳定性的变化规律,以及结构损伤发生和发展的全过程。在桩板混凝土挡墙运营期,相较于支挡结构的变形监测,支挡结构后部坡面点的变形监测对于开展工程的稳定性评价更具针对性。研究成果对运营期高切坡防护工程的安全评价、监测预警,以及养护管理决策具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 高切坡防护工程 运营安全 稳定性评价 强度衰减 损伤机制
作者 唐晓松 郑颖人 +1 位作者 王永甫 王乐 《重庆建筑》 2020年第1期50-53,共4页
数值极限分析方法既有很广的适用性,又有很好的实用性。该文通过有限元荷载增量法和极限应变法计算条形地基的极限承载力,并和传统经验公式的计算结果进行对比分析,验证了数值极限分析方法的可靠性。基于有限元荷载增量法求解地基承载... 数值极限分析方法既有很广的适用性,又有很好的实用性。该文通过有限元荷载增量法和极限应变法计算条形地基的极限承载力,并和传统经验公式的计算结果进行对比分析,验证了数值极限分析方法的可靠性。基于有限元荷载增量法求解地基承载力系数的数值解,可以解决采用经验公式计算可信度不高的问题,并能综合考虑基础宽度和地基土内摩擦角的影响。修正后的地基极限承载力经验公式具有更明确的物理意义,基于数值极限分析方法构建的地基承载力系数取值表格更具实用性和可操作性。 展开更多
关键词 地基极限承载力 数值极限分析方法 承载力系数 修正公式 数值解
颗粒材料的组构-应力关系与等效应力法 被引量:5
作者 董彤 孔亮 +2 位作者 郑颖人 王兴 刘云 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1741-1747,共7页
对已有各向异性本构模型的建模思想进行系统地回顾,指出组构方向性的刻画大都归结为组构-应力坐标变换问题。对于各向异性材料而言,沿不同方向的土骨架的有效承载面积不同,总应力需要以各组分实际承载面积为权重进行分配。通过引入变换... 对已有各向异性本构模型的建模思想进行系统地回顾,指出组构方向性的刻画大都归结为组构-应力坐标变换问题。对于各向异性材料而言,沿不同方向的土骨架的有效承载面积不同,总应力需要以各组分实际承载面积为权重进行分配。通过引入变换张量,提出等效应力张量,使之可以综合地描述颗粒材料的各向异性水平、材料内部真实应力的大小以及组构-应力的方向关系。将颗粒材料的宏观各向异性视为细观尺度上各向异性应力作用在各向同性材料上的结果,以等效应力张量描述细观尺度上的各向异性应力,以已有本构模型来刻画等效各向同性材料的力学特性,提出对现有的各向同性破坏准则与本构模型进行"各向异性化"改造的一般性方法——等效应力法。以SMP准则为例进行"各向异性化"改造,通过与已有试验结果对比,验证了这种"各向异性化"改造的合理性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 土力学 各向异性 等效应力张量 组构张量 应力方向 等效应力法
建构“创新”基因,改革岩土塑性力学研究生教材 被引量:5
作者 刘元雪 姚未来 +1 位作者 陈进 郑颖人 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期100-105,共6页
研究生教育是国家人才竞争和科技竞争的集中体现。研究生教材是研究生培养质量的重要保障。充分考虑研究生的培养规律,以建构主义学习理论为依据,从科学范式与内容模块化设计、研究方法与内容深度融合、创新过程"非理性突跃"... 研究生教育是国家人才竞争和科技竞争的集中体现。研究生教材是研究生培养质量的重要保障。充分考虑研究生的培养规律,以建构主义学习理论为依据,从科学范式与内容模块化设计、研究方法与内容深度融合、创新过程"非理性突跃"和"预见性"创新特质培养等角度,重塑岩土塑性力学教材新体系,充分激发研究生自主学习潜力,建构研究生的创新基因,形成基于研究生培养规律的教材建设理论。通过40余年的努力,新教材取得了良好的教学效果,在国内外均有较大影响,对提升研究生教育质量具有一定的推动作用。 展开更多
关键词 研究生教育 教材建设 创新 学科前沿
岩质隧道围岩稳定分析与分级研讨 被引量:10
作者 郑颖人 阿比尔的 《现代隧道技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期1-13,共13页
1975年后有限元数值极限方法的出现和计算机的应用和发展,使得工程材料的弹塑性解析计算进入到数值极限计算的新时代。文章所研究的岩质隧道就是采用了这一新方法,即强度折减法与荷载增量法,以及最近提出的极限应变法。为解决岩体隧道... 1975年后有限元数值极限方法的出现和计算机的应用和发展,使得工程材料的弹塑性解析计算进入到数值极限计算的新时代。文章所研究的岩质隧道就是采用了这一新方法,即强度折减法与荷载增量法,以及最近提出的极限应变法。为解决岩体隧道围岩力学参数的不确定性,提供较为科学合理的围岩力学参数,必须做好理论、勘察和经验相结合的围岩分级工作。以轨道交通隧道围岩分级为例提升分级的水准,包括强度指标的改进,以定量分级为主的分级方法,合理确定岩体基本质量指标BQ值,增加围岩分级数量,制定区间隧道与车站隧道的围岩分级表,定性与定量分级方法的协调与统一。最后,确定围岩自稳能力量化指标,通过反算提出较为科学合理的围岩物理力学参数。 展开更多
关键词 极限分析法 数值极限分析 轨道交通 隧道围岩分级 岩体基本质量 围岩力学参数
隧洞围岩稳定分析及其设计方法 被引量:5
作者 郑颖人 王永甫 《隧道与地下工程灾害防治》 2019年第4期1-12,共12页
提出隧洞稳定性分析存在的问题及其设计的理念与方法,按弹塑性力学原理介绍和提出三种极限分析方法,指出采用数值极限方法是解决隧道设计问题的必由之路,举例说明三种极限分析方法的可信性及其在隧道工程中应用的可行性。为解决隧道稳... 提出隧洞稳定性分析存在的问题及其设计的理念与方法,按弹塑性力学原理介绍和提出三种极限分析方法,指出采用数值极限方法是解决隧道设计问题的必由之路,举例说明三种极限分析方法的可信性及其在隧道工程中应用的可行性。为解决隧道稳定分析中的不确定性,提供较为科学合理的围岩力学参数,必须做好理论、勘察和经验相结合的围岩分级工作。以轨道交通隧道围岩分级为例,提升分级的水准与科学性,包括定性与定量分级的协调与优化,强度和完整性指标的改进,区间隧道与车站隧道围岩分级表的制定,以及围岩自稳能力判断与围岩的物理力学参数的确定。提出具有两种洞跨的围岩分级方法,提供较为科学合理的力学参数,提升定量分级的水平。 展开更多
关键词 轨道交通 极限分析法 数值极限分析 隧洞围岩分级 岩体基本质量 围岩力学参数
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