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The Inheritance of Traditional Culture by Tang and Song Ci Poetry
作者 YangHaiming zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期163-164,共2页
The lyric verse form known as ci sprang from the grassroots of Chinese society. From its very outset it differed stylistically fromliterati poetry. We discuss Su Shi's attempt to make his ci more genteel, and g... The lyric verse form known as ci sprang from the grassroots of Chinese society. From its very outset it differed stylistically fromliterati poetry. We discuss Su Shi's attempt to make his ci more genteel, and go on to discuss how Tang and Song ci inherited their tradition. 展开更多
关键词 文化遗产 唐朝 宋朝 诗歌 苏轼 文化继承
The Clan Problem in Rural Grassroots Governance and Democratic Practice
作者 XiaoTangbiao zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期167-167,共1页
The role of patrilineal clans in rural grassroots governance and democracy is conspicuously stratified. On the one hand, there is variation between village and township levels of governance: clan influence is greater ... The role of patrilineal clans in rural grassroots governance and democracy is conspicuously stratified. On the one hand, there is variation between village and township levels of governance: clan influence is greater in the former than in the latter. This is linked to the difference in size and area of village and township organizations. 展开更多
关键词 父系氏族 部落 乡村 城镇 政治 民主 选举
Establishing Female Rule in Sixteenth Century England: A Tale of Two Queens
作者 LinMeixiang zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期164-164,共1页
When Mary I, the first queen of England (1553-1558) and Elizabeth I (1558-1603) were in power, they faced dual challenges: suspicion about the inheritance of the imperial power and general social anxiety about the... When Mary I, the first queen of England (1553-1558) and Elizabeth I (1558-1603) were in power, they faced dual challenges: suspicion about the inheritance of the imperial power and general social anxiety about the rule of women. Mary I worked to make her rule legitimate by establishing a united rule through marriage. 展开更多
关键词 16世纪 英格兰 玛丽I世 伊丽莎白I世 女性统治 皇室权力
“Huang Zongxi's Law” and the Institutionalized Basis of Taxation Reform
作者 QinHui zhushida avidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期171-171,共1页
The farmer' s tax burden is a major problem affecting China's economic prosperity. Many purely financial approaches to theproblem have been proposed, including the aggregation of existing taxes and a halt on o... The farmer' s tax burden is a major problem affecting China's economic prosperity. Many purely financial approaches to theproblem have been proposed, including the aggregation of existing taxes and a halt on other exactions. This will not, however, address the root causes of the problem. 展开更多
关键词 中国 农民 税收 改革 黄宗羲 历史
An Empirical Analysis of Price Fluctuations in the Transient China
作者 GaoTiemei LiuYuhong +2 位作者 WangJinming zhushida SallyBorthwick 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第2期17-28,共12页
随着近十年来我国向社会主义市场经济的过渡,经济的内在矛盾发生了巨大的变化,我国的物价水平经历了从高通货膨胀到通货紧缩的历程。我国出现的通货紧缩有着复杂的背景,既与我国处于市场化转轨过程有关,又与体制上一些特殊因素有关。因... 随着近十年来我国向社会主义市场经济的过渡,经济的内在矛盾发生了巨大的变化,我国的物价水平经历了从高通货膨胀到通货紧缩的历程。我国出现的通货紧缩有着复杂的背景,既与我国处于市场化转轨过程有关,又与体制上一些特殊因素有关。因此本文试图利用TARCH模型和变参数模型从货币政策对物价影响的非对称效应,通货紧缩的货币原因,总供给曲线和产出缺口,以及消费需求、企业效益对物价的影响等多视角来定量分析和探讨我国转轨时期经济高增长与通货紧缩并存的原因。 展开更多
关键词 中国 通货紧缩 市场经济 消费需求 物价 货币政策
“Meticulous Crafting” and “Plain Style”: Hu Shi's Prose
作者 ChenPingyuan zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期163-163,共1页
Hu Shi's Outline History of Chinese Philosophy, despite a number of shortcomings, opened a new era for an academic prose in vernacular Chinese. Hu set great store by the structural features of a """... Hu Shi's Outline History of Chinese Philosophy, despite a number of shortcomings, opened a new era for an academic prose in vernacular Chinese. Hu set great store by the structural features of a """"work,"""" arguing that it was not enough to assemble quotes, 展开更多
关键词 胡适 散文 中国 文学评论 平实风格 叙事风格
On the Modern Destiny of the Yongjia School of Thought
作者 ChenAnjin, zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期164-165,共2页
In reign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty (1821-1862), a group of intellectuals of Wenzhou as represented by Sun Xidan, Sun Kengming, Sun Yiyan, Sun Yirang, Chen Fuchen, Chen Qiu and Song Shu tried to make use ... In reign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty (1821-1862), a group of intellectuals of Wenzhou as represented by Sun Xidan, Sun Kengming, Sun Yiyan, Sun Yirang, Chen Fuchen, Chen Qiu and Song Shu tried to make use of the cultural resources of the Yongjia school of thought and practice, 展开更多
关键词 清朝 道光皇帝 永嘉学校 知识分子 温州市
On the Advocacy of the Theory of Act Devaluation
作者 ZhouGuangquan, zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期170-171,共2页
The fundamental antithesis of criminology in modern times is between the theories of act devaluation (violations of norms) and of consequential devaluation (violations of legal rights). This is not a debate between su... The fundamental antithesis of criminology in modern times is between the theories of act devaluation (violations of norms) and of consequential devaluation (violations of legal rights). This is not a debate between subjective and objective schools of criminological thought, but within the objective school. 展开更多
关键词 犯罪学 法律行为 法律效力 法律理论 中国
Rural Governance and the Targets for Its Organizational Reform
作者 ZhaoShukai, zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期172-173,共2页
Rural governance has become a major, pressing issue of the day. In addition to effective social control, good social governance has the following capabilities:
关键词 改革 农村社会 社会管理 管理职能 管理组织
Heqin among Ethnic Groups in the Han Dynasty: Not A Political Liaison of Marriage
作者 GeLiang zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期165-165,共1页
Definitions of the concept of heqin (""""""""harmony and affinity"""""""") among ethnic groups in the Han Dynasty have long been erratic ... Definitions of the concept of heqin (""""""""harmony and affinity"""""""") among ethnic groups in the Han Dynasty have long been erratic in the scholarly community. Confusion between heqin and marriage liaison is common. As some princesses of the Han court were married off to the chieftains of ethnic minorities, 展开更多
关键词 汉朝 政治联姻 和亲 历史 种族
China's Financial Development and Economic Growth: A Positivist Analysis
作者 ChenLiuqin ZengQingjiu, +1 位作者 zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期168-169,共2页
China's financial reform lags behind economic growth. Econometric modelling shows that the higher the proportion of the non-state-owned sector, the faster economic growth. The role of advanced banking in stimulati... China's financial reform lags behind economic growth. Econometric modelling shows that the higher the proportion of the non-state-owned sector, the faster economic growth. The role of advanced banking in stimulating economic growth is not, 展开更多
关键词 中国 财政 发展 经济 改革
The Expanding Concept of Knowledge: Logic as Knowledge-expressing Technique
作者 ZhouZhenxiang zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期170-170,共1页
The concept of knowledge is ever expanding. Natural language was man's earliest knowledge. Ancient mythology was the next step. As imaginary legends of myth were superseded by abstract rational ideas, knowledge ex... The concept of knowledge is ever expanding. Natural language was man's earliest knowledge. Ancient mythology was the next step. As imaginary legends of myth were superseded by abstract rational ideas, knowledge expansion entered a third stage where philosophy is in the mainstream. 展开更多
关键词 逻辑学 知识表达 表达方法 知识传播 知识形成
Reconsideration on Sovereignty
作者 DaiBingran, zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期166-167,共2页
Sticking to facts, and to practice as the only criterion for truth, it becomes quite evident that sovereignty is divisible and transferable. The fact that there were colonies and China was once a semi-colony is eviden... Sticking to facts, and to practice as the only criterion for truth, it becomes quite evident that sovereignty is divisible and transferable. The fact that there were colonies and China was once a semi-colony is evidence that sovereignty is divisible or transferable, 展开更多
关键词 中国 半殖民地国家 国家主权 历史 政治
Family Policy Options for the Welfare of China's Children in the Future
作者 ChengHaijun, zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期171-172,共2页
China's current child welfare policies principally stress the importance of family care. The state will not intervene unless there is harm to the child. Owing to economic and human resource limitations, govemment ... China's current child welfare policies principally stress the importance of family care. The state will not intervene unless there is harm to the child. Owing to economic and human resource limitations, govemment child welfare work is mainly remedial: rendering assistance to orphaned, 展开更多
关键词 中国 家庭收入 孩子 社会福利 福利政策
US-Soviet Détente and Establishment of US-China Diplomatic Relations
作者 TaoWenzhao zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第2期144-152,共9页
从1972年尼克松访华到1978年底发表建交公报,中美关系正常化经过了一个漫长的时期。原因很多,其中之一是美苏关系的牵制。尼克松政府寻求与苏联的缓和,导致中美关系停滞不前。福特政府期间正常化没有进展。卡特政府中主管外交的国务卿... 从1972年尼克松访华到1978年底发表建交公报,中美关系正常化经过了一个漫长的时期。原因很多,其中之一是美苏关系的牵制。尼克松政府寻求与苏联的缓和,导致中美关系停滞不前。福特政府期间正常化没有进展。卡特政府中主管外交的国务卿万斯和国家安全事务助理布热津斯基意见分歧。万斯认为美苏缓和关乎美国外交的全局,中美关系处于从属地位。布热津斯基主张发展中美关系来抵制苏联扩张。由于缓和的衰落,卡特总统到1978年才打定主意实现中美关系正常化。 展开更多
关键词 尼克松政府 中国 美国 外交关系 卡特政府
The Formation of the U.S. Policy of Localized War in the Korean War
作者 NiuJun zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期165-165,共1页
U.S. military policy underwent complex changes in the course of the Korean War. The initial military objective was to restore the status quo on the Korean peninsula prior to the outbreak of the war on 25 June 1950. In... U.S. military policy underwent complex changes in the course of the Korean War. The initial military objective was to restore the status quo on the Korean peninsula prior to the outbreak of the war on 25 June 1950. In late September, however, following a flurry of military victories, it was decided tou nify the Peninsula by military means. 展开更多
关键词 美国 朝鲜战争 军事政策 政策形成 军事史
The Expansion of the Responsibility Theory of the Economic Law
作者 ZhangShouwen, zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期169-169,共1页
Liability theory is a troublesome area in the theory of economic law. While objectively existing, there is controversy about whether there is a unique liability form. This has to be studied with both contradiction and... Liability theory is a troublesome area in the theory of economic law. While objectively existing, there is controversy about whether there is a unique liability form. This has to be studied with both contradiction and relation analysis. There are gaps in the conventional distinction of ""sectoral"" (i.e.,economic) law and liability. A 展开更多
关键词 经济法 责任理论 责任形态 法律
the Yuan Dynasty and Their Influence
作者 CuiMingde zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期166-166,共1页
Marital liaisons during the Yuan Dynastywere of four types:
关键词 元朝 联姻方式 政治联姻 历史
Clans in Private Economy
作者 ZhaoHongmei, zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期169-170,共2页
In traditional China, clans were dominant segments of society. Clan ideology is widespread in China, where private firms generally choose clan operation as their business form. Greater trust in family or clan members ... In traditional China, clans were dominant segments of society. Clan ideology is widespread in China, where private firms generally choose clan operation as their business form. Greater trust in family or clan members and resources distribution in terms of human affinity are all manifestations of the influence of the clan ideology on economic life. 展开更多
关键词 中国 私营经济 家族成员 社会关系
Overall Effects of China's Recent Macroeconomic Regulatory Policies
作者 LiJianwei, zhushida DavidKelly 《Social Sciences in China》 2004年第4期167-168,共2页
China's economic regulatory policies in the last few years have played an important role in curbing the slide of its consistent growth drive. In terms of overall effects, the macroeconomic regulatory policies of e... China's economic regulatory policies in the last few years have played an important role in curbing the slide of its consistent growth drive. In terms of overall effects, the macroeconomic regulatory policies of each fiscal year have attained their targets. In some years, however, 展开更多
关键词 中国 经济政策 政策调整 经济目标
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