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作者 庄茁 严子铭 +2 位作者 姚凯丽 崔一南 柳占立 《计算力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期40-46,共7页
本文展示了固体力学领域跨尺度计算的若干问题和研究概况。(1)建立位错动力学与有限元耦合DDD-FEM的计算模型,实现了能够基于纳米尺度离散位错运动机制计算分析连续介质有限变形晶体塑性问题,提出微纳尺度(200 nm~10μm)晶体塑性流动应... 本文展示了固体力学领域跨尺度计算的若干问题和研究概况。(1)建立位错动力学与有限元耦合DDD-FEM的计算模型,实现了能够基于纳米尺度离散位错运动机制计算分析连续介质有限变形晶体塑性问题,提出微纳尺度(200 nm~10μm)晶体塑性流动应力解析公式,结合试验数据揭示了在无应变梯度下强度和变形的尺寸效应;(2)建立具有微相分离结构的纳米尺度粗粒化分子动力学模型CG-MD,计算获得聚脲材料在时域和频域下的存储模量和损耗模量,通过动态加载分析的DMA试验和超声波试验的数据验证,解决了连续介质尺度下微相分离高分子共聚物的设计难题;(3)通过数据驱动关联高分辨率的微米尺度CT影像和临床低分辨率的毫米尺度CT影像的特征值,建立了围关节松质骨小梁的等效模量和结构张量,为骨组织增材制造点阵结构设计和实现个性化骨缺损重建奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 计算固体力学 跨尺度 微纳米晶体塑性流动应力 粗粒化分子动力学 数据驱动骨缺损重建
作者 庄茁 王恒 +3 位作者 宁宇 王翔 柳占立 张志楠 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期1-7,共7页
断裂力学理论和方法在飞行器结构设计中发挥着不可替代的作用。依据断裂准则划分为阻止或者驱动裂纹扩展。阻止裂纹扩展是避免飞行器结构发生灾难性事故的最后一道防线,如机翼、机身等重要结构的止裂安全性设计、广布疲劳损伤容限设计等... 断裂力学理论和方法在飞行器结构设计中发挥着不可替代的作用。依据断裂准则划分为阻止或者驱动裂纹扩展。阻止裂纹扩展是避免飞行器结构发生灾难性事故的最后一道防线,如机翼、机身等重要结构的止裂安全性设计、广布疲劳损伤容限设计等;驱动裂纹扩展是实现飞行器结构快速分离的关键技术,如运载火箭级间和星箭分离、飞行员和航天员逃逸救生等。板壳是飞行器结构的主要形式,开展板壳断裂力学研究具有重要的科学意义和工程价值。该文提出了基于连续体的壳体断裂力学统一计算理论,发展了壳体扩展有限元方法。基于该理论和方法,阐述了大变形曲面壳体裂纹扩展与止裂的计算分析过程,展示了在国产大飞机机翼整体结构件设计、天和号核心舱结构研制和高级教练机穿盖弹射救生系统设计等飞行器工程中的成功应用。 展开更多
关键词 壳体 断裂力学 计算理论 飞行器结构 扩展有限元
颅脑爆炸伤数值模拟研究进展:建模、力学机制及防护 被引量:1
作者 康越 马天 +4 位作者 黄献聪 庄茁 柳占立 曾繁 黄超 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1-36,共36页
爆炸致创伤性脑损伤是现代战争和爆炸事故中最常见的伤亡之一。近年来由爆炸波引起的轻度原发性颅脑冲击伤在士兵伤患中占大多数,引起了研究人员重视。由于伦理和技术方面的限制,人体爆炸实验难以开展,数值模拟已经成为研究颅脑爆炸伤... 爆炸致创伤性脑损伤是现代战争和爆炸事故中最常见的伤亡之一。近年来由爆炸波引起的轻度原发性颅脑冲击伤在士兵伤患中占大多数,引起了研究人员重视。由于伦理和技术方面的限制,人体爆炸实验难以开展,数值模拟已经成为研究颅脑爆炸伤的重要手段之一。合理的物理建模结合可靠的模型和参数,能够定量给出爆炸冲击波作用下人体头部和大脑的生物力学响应,揭示大脑损伤的力学机制,这些对于认识颅脑爆炸伤的生物力学特性以及单兵防护装备的设计和优化都具有重要的意义。本文旨在为研究人员提供有关原发性颅脑爆炸伤数值模拟方面研究现状的背景信息,以及在计算建模、力学机制和防护3个方面的进展。重点针对大脑的多尺度性质及颅脑爆炸伤的生物力学建模,介绍了脑组织的线弹性、超弹性和黏超弹性本构模型,人头有限元模型在大脑结构、网格尺寸等方面的发展和演化,以及颅脑爆炸伤的宏观、介观和多尺度建模和数值模拟方法。针对颅脑爆炸伤的波传播直接作用、脑血管系统的影响,以及全身响应的连续过程,分析和讨论了数值模拟得到的力学机制证据。介绍了颅脑爆炸伤防护策略的数值模拟研究进展,如提高头部封闭性的重要性、新结构和新材料的应用。最后,对当前颅脑爆炸伤的数值模拟研究和应用进行了总结,并确定了未来需要发展和改进的地方。 展开更多
关键词 创伤性脑损伤 冲击波 建模 致伤机制 防护
页岩气高效开采的力学问题与挑战 被引量:44
作者 柳占立 庄茁 +2 位作者 孟庆国 詹世革 黄克智 《力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期507-516,共10页
页岩气是指赋存于富含有机质泥页岩中以吸附和游离状态为主要存在方式的天然气,中国资源量丰富,地域分布广泛.页岩气开采能缓解我国常规油气产量不足、煤化石燃料引起环境污染等问题,已成为中国绿色能源开发的重要领域.尽管北美页岩气&q... 页岩气是指赋存于富含有机质泥页岩中以吸附和游离状态为主要存在方式的天然气,中国资源量丰富,地域分布广泛.页岩气开采能缓解我国常规油气产量不足、煤化石燃料引起环境污染等问题,已成为中国绿色能源开发的重要领域.尽管北美页岩气"革命"取得了成功,目前也仅有预期产量5%~15%的采收率.与北美地区相比,中国页岩气埋藏深,赋存条件差,自然丰度低,因此,高效开采面临更多的困难和挑战.近年来,围绕国家重大能源战略需求,瞄准技术发展前沿,学术界和工业界联合对页岩气高效开采的关键科学和技术问题展开研究.本文结合近三年四川、重庆地区的页岩气试验区块遇到的新问题,针对中国未来3 500 m以下深部开采的新挑战,如地质沉积、裂缝发育构造不同、上覆压力增加、水平应力场变化等新问题,介绍和总结了目前中国页岩气高效开采面临的力学科学问题,主要包括多重耦合下的安全优质钻完井力学理论和方法、水力压裂体积改造和多尺度缝网形成机制、多尺度渗流力学特性与解吸附机理等."深部页岩气高效开采"的研究面向国家重大能源需求,科学意义重大,工程背景明确,需要工程力学、石油工程、地球物理、化学工程和环境工程等多学科专家合作,开展理论研究、物理模拟、数值模拟及现场试验等综合应用基础研究,取得高效开采页岩油气理论与技术的突破.学科交叉是研究页岩气高效开采问题、突破技术瓶颈的桥梁,只有力学与石油工程、地球科学等学科实现深度交叉融合,才能更加有效地推动页岩油气等非常规油气资源的开发. 展开更多
关键词 页岩气 工程地质力学 钻井完井理论 水力压裂 多尺度渗流
第十三届全国周培源大学生力学竞赛(个人赛)试题点评 被引量:1
作者 高云峰 庄茁 《力学与实践》 北大核心 2021年第5期812-820,共9页
2021年5月23日,第十三届全国周培源大学生力学竞赛(个人赛)落下帷幕,这是由教育部高教司委托中国力学学会和周培源基金会主办的全国大学生力学赛事。对比1988年第一届赛事仅有62人参加,今年参赛人数达到创纪录的30 369人,比2019年的第... 2021年5月23日,第十三届全国周培源大学生力学竞赛(个人赛)落下帷幕,这是由教育部高教司委托中国力学学会和周培源基金会主办的全国大学生力学赛事。对比1988年第一届赛事仅有62人参加,今年参赛人数达到创纪录的30 369人,比2019年的第十二届参赛人数增加了14%。参加竞赛的学生主要来自大学二、三年级的力学、土木水利. 展开更多
关键词 个人赛 中国力学学会 周培源基金会 参赛人数 全国周培源大学生力学竞赛 赛事 第十三届 土木水利
基于三维头部数值模型的颅脑碰撞损伤机理研究 被引量:4
作者 栗志杰 由小川 +2 位作者 柳占立 庄茁 杨策 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期246-256,共11页
头部碰撞载荷会致使颅脑发生创伤性脑损伤(Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI)。其中,脑组织挫裂伤是最为常见的一种,具有高死亡率与高致残率的特性。该文基于数值模拟方法对其开展相关研究,揭示其损伤机理,对该类损伤的预防救治与相关防护... 头部碰撞载荷会致使颅脑发生创伤性脑损伤(Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI)。其中,脑组织挫裂伤是最为常见的一种,具有高死亡率与高致残率的特性。该文基于数值模拟方法对其开展相关研究,揭示其损伤机理,对该类损伤的预防救治与相关防护设备的开发都具有重要意义。首先,该文基于颅脑的核磁共振切片建立了人体头部三维数值模型,该模型真实地反映了颅脑的生理特征与细节构造。在该模型中,颅骨采用典型类三明治结构进行表征,其内外层为刚度与密度较大的骨密质,中间层为骨松质。为了真实反映脑组织与颅骨间的相互作用,将脑脊液与蛛网膜小梁简化为均质整体,采用状态方程表征脑脊液的液态特性,并通过较小的剪切模量表征蛛网膜小梁的剪切传递作用。然后,基于死尸前额碰撞实验对三维头部数值模型的有效性进行验证。该头部模型采用三种不同的颈部约束边界条件对前额碰撞实验进行数值模拟,模拟结果表明:自由边界条件下的模拟结果与实验数据吻合良好,验证了该头部碰撞模型的有效性;而在竖向约束边界条件或固定边界条件下颈部的约束过于刚硬,导致撞击处与对撞处的颅内正、负压力交替变换,与实验结果相比出现较大偏差。最后,利用验证的头部碰撞模型对枕部碰撞过程进行数值模拟,并结合前额碰撞的模拟结果,分别从脑组织压力(体积变形)与Mises应力(剪切变形)等方面对颅脑的动态响应规律进行分析;进一步结合医学上颅脑碰撞损伤的统计数据,揭示了脑组织挫裂伤的损伤机理,建立了相应的损伤准则。 展开更多
关键词 生物力学 有限元方法 三维头部模型 碰撞 挫裂伤 损伤准则
裂纹尖端张开角在飞机金属薄壁结构中的应用 被引量:4
作者 鲁龙坤 庄茁 柳占立 《航空科学技术》 2020年第4期21-29,共9页
本文回顾了裂纹尖端张开角(Crack Tip Opening Angle,CTOA)在飞机金属薄壁结构中的应用。主要回答了"为什么CTOA是一个有效的断裂参数"和"CTOA怎样估算工程结构的断裂过程"这两个问题。韧性断裂的微观机理为空洞的... 本文回顾了裂纹尖端张开角(Crack Tip Opening Angle,CTOA)在飞机金属薄壁结构中的应用。主要回答了"为什么CTOA是一个有效的断裂参数"和"CTOA怎样估算工程结构的断裂过程"这两个问题。韧性断裂的微观机理为空洞的形核、扩展及合并过程,断裂过程区(Fracture Process Zone,FPZ)包含了上述过程。CTOA实际上是FPZ的整体表征,因此CTOA是一个有效的断裂参数。此外,CTOA准则是一个局部断裂准则,它并不关心FPZ以外区域的状态,这使得它能够估算金属薄壁结构的裂纹扩展过程。 展开更多
关键词 CTOA 断裂过程区 薄壁结构 局部断裂准则 韧性断裂
作者 Huang Dongping zhuang zhuo Bi Siwen 《Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica》 SCIE EI 2002年第3期259-269,共11页
Tsinghai-Tibet Plateau becomes an important research topic ofglobal tectonics, because of its marvelous thickness and rapiduplifting since Quaternary. By using finite element method, thenumerical simulation is carried... Tsinghai-Tibet Plateau becomes an important research topic ofglobal tectonics, because of its marvelous thickness and rapiduplifting since Quaternary. By using finite element method, thenumerical simulation is carried out for the movement of structurallithosphere. The deformable elements are employed to simulatestructural zones, and the frictional mechanism is introduced toillustrate the characteristic of a zone with a contact crack surface.The boundary conditions are prescribed by the displacements aroundthe pla- teau. 展开更多
关键词 Tsinghai-Tibet Plateau LITHOSPHERE TECTONICS stress-displacement field numerical simulation
Electrically tunable phase-change metasurface for dynamic infrared thermal camouflage
Dynamic infrared thermal camouflage technology has attracted extensive attention due to its ability to thermally conceal targets in various environmental backgrounds by tuning thermal emission.The use of phase change ... Dynamic infrared thermal camouflage technology has attracted extensive attention due to its ability to thermally conceal targets in various environmental backgrounds by tuning thermal emission.The use of phase change materials(PCMs)offers numerous advantages,including zero static power,rapid modulation rate,and large emissivity tuning range.However,existing PCM solutions still encounter several practical application challenges,such as temperature uniformity,amorphization achievement,and adaptability to different environments.In this paper,we present the design of an electrically controlled metal-insulator-metal thermal emitter based on a PCM metasurface,and numerically investigate its emissivity tunability,physical mechanisms,heat conduction,and thermal camouflage performance across different backgrounds.Furthermore,the influence of the quench rate on amorphization was studied to provide a guidance for evaluating and optimizing device structures.Simulation results reveal that the thermal emitter exhibits a wide spectral emissivity tuning range between 8 and 14μm,considerable quench rates for achieving amorphization,and the ability to provide thermal camouflage across a wide background temperature range.Therefore,it is anticipated that this contribution will promote the development of PCM-based thermal emitters for practical dynamic infrared thermal camouflage technology with broad applications in both civilian and military domains. 展开更多
Modeling stationary and moving cracks in shells by X-FEM with CB shell elements 被引量:7
作者 ZENG QingLei LIU ZhanLi +1 位作者 XU DanDan zhuang zhuo 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1276-1284,共9页
The continuum-based(CB)shell theory is combined with the extended finite element method(X-FEM)in this paper to model crack propagation in shells under static and dynamic situations.Both jump function and asymptotic cr... The continuum-based(CB)shell theory is combined with the extended finite element method(X-FEM)in this paper to model crack propagation in shells under static and dynamic situations.Both jump function and asymptotic crack tip solution are adopted for describing the discontinuity and singularity of the crack in shells.Level set method(LSM)is used to represent the crack surface and define the enriched shape functions.Stress intensity factors(SIFs)are calculated by the displacement interpolation technique to prove the capability of the method and the maximum strain is applied for the fracture criterion.Also,an efficient integration scheme for the CB shell element with cracks is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 裂纹扩展模型 壳单元 CB 移动 造型 应力强度因子 水平集方法 有限元法
Finite element analysis for wellbore stability of transversely isotropic rock with hydraulic-mechanical-damage coupling 被引量:4
作者 WANG YongLiang LIUZhanLi +1 位作者 YANG HengLin zhuang zhuo 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期133-145,共13页
The finite element analysis(FEA) technology by hydraulic-mechanical-damage(HMD) coupling is proposed in this paper for wellbore stability analysis of transversely isotropic rock, developed basing on the recently estab... The finite element analysis(FEA) technology by hydraulic-mechanical-damage(HMD) coupling is proposed in this paper for wellbore stability analysis of transversely isotropic rock, developed basing on the recently established FEA technology for isotropic rock. The finite element(FE) solutions of numerical wellbore model, damage tensor calculation and Pariseau strength criterion for transversely isotropic rock are developed for researching the wellbore failure characteristics and computing the collapse and fracture pressure of laminated rock as shale reservoirs. The classic Biot constitutive for rock as porous medium is introduced to establish a set of FE equations coupling with elastic solid deformation and seepage flow. To be in accord with the inclined wellbore situation, the coordinate transformation for global, wellbore, in-situ stress and transversely isotropic formation coordinate systems is established for describing the in-situ stress field and the results in laminated rock. To be in accord with the practical situation, a three-dimensional FE model is developed, in which several other auxiliary technologies are comprehensively utilized, e.g., the typical Weibull distribution function for heterogeneous material description and adaptive technology for mesh refinement. The damage tensor calculation technology for transversely isotropic rock are realized from the well-developed continuum damage variable of isotropic rock. The rock is subsequently developed into a novel conceptual and practical model considering the stress and permeability with the damage. The proposed method utilizing Pariseau strength criterion fully reflects the strength parameters parallel or perpendicular to bedding of the transversely isotropic rock. To this end, an effective and reliable numerically three-step FEA strategy is well established. Numerical examples are given to show that the proposed method can establish efficient and applicable FE model and be suitable for analyzing the state of pore pressure and stress surrounding wellbore, furthermore to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of the instability analysis of wellbore failure region and the safe mud weight computation for collapse and fracture pressure of transversely isotropic rock. 展开更多
关键词 有限元素分析 wellbore 稳定性 横着各向同性的岩石 损坏张肌 联合的 hydraulic-mechanical-damage
Finite element analysis for inclined wellbore stability of transversely iso-tropic rock with HMCD coupling based on weak plane strength criterion 被引量:1
作者 WANG YongLiang zhuang zhuo +2 位作者 LIU ZhanLi YANG HengLin LI ChenFeng 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第4期624-637,共14页
The finite element analysis(FEA) technology by hydraulic-mechanical-chemical-damage(HMCD) coupling is proposed in this paper for inclined wellbore stability analysis of water-sensitive and laminated rock, developed ba... The finite element analysis(FEA) technology by hydraulic-mechanical-chemical-damage(HMCD) coupling is proposed in this paper for inclined wellbore stability analysis of water-sensitive and laminated rock, developed basing on the recently established FEA technology for transversely isotropic rock with hydraulic-mechanical-damage(HMD) coupling. The chemical activity of the drilling fluid is considered as phenomenological hydration behavior, the moisture content and parameters of rock considering hydration could be determined with time. The finite element(FE) solutions of numerical wellbore model considering the chemical activity of drilling fluid, damage tensor calculation and weak plane strength criterion for transversely isotropic rock are developed for researching the wellbore failure characteristics and computing the time-dependent collapse and fracture pressure of laminated rock as shale reservoirs. A three-dimensional FE model and elastic solid deformation and seepage flow coupled equations are developed, and the damage tensor calculation technology for transversely isotropic rock are realized by introducing effect of the hydration and the stress state under the current load. The proposed method utilizing weak plane strength criterion fully reflects the strength parameters in rock matrix and weak plane. To the end, an effective and reliable numerically three-step FEA strategy is well established for wellbore stability analysis. Numerical examples are given to show that the proposed method can establish efficient and applicable FE model and be suitable for analyzing the timedependsolutions of pore pressure and stresses, and the evolution region considering the hydration surrounding wellbore,furthermore to compute the collapse cycling time and the safe mud weight for collapse and fracture pressure of transversely isotropic rock. 展开更多
关键词 有限元分析技术 强度准则 耦合技术 井眼稳定性 横观各向同性 三维有限元模型 稳定性分析 水化作用
Recent research progress in computational solid mechanics 被引量:1
作者 zhuang zhuo MAITIREYIMU Maigefeireti 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE CAS 2012年第36期4683-4688,共6页
Computational mechanics has had a profound impact on science and technology over the past five decades.It has numerically transformed much of the classical theory models into practical tools for predicting and underst... Computational mechanics has had a profound impact on science and technology over the past five decades.It has numerically transformed much of the classical theory models into practical tools for predicting and understanding the complex engineering and science system.A short review is given in this paper on some recent progress in computational solid mechanics at multi-scales. 展开更多
关键词 计算固体力学 力学科学 实用工具 科学系统 经典理论 数字转换 多尺度
Damage evaluation of reinforced concrete frame based on a combined fiber beam model 被引量:1
作者 SHANG Bing LIU ZhanLi zhuang zhuo 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期723-730,共8页
In order to analyze and simulate the impact collapse or seismic response of the reinforced concrete(RC)structures,a combined fiber beam model is proposed by dividing the cross section of RC beam into concrete fiber an... In order to analyze and simulate the impact collapse or seismic response of the reinforced concrete(RC)structures,a combined fiber beam model is proposed by dividing the cross section of RC beam into concrete fiber and steel fiber.The stress-strain relationship of concrete fiber is based on a model proposed by concrete codes for concrete structures.The stress-strain behavior of steel fiber is based on a model suggested by others.These constitutive models are implemented into a general finite element program ABAQUS through the user defined subroutines to provide effective computational tools for the inelastic analysis of RC frame structures.The fiber model proposed in this paper is validated by comparing with experiment data of the RC column under cyclical lateral loading.The damage evolution of a three-dimension frame subjected to impact loading is also investigated. 展开更多
关键词 钢筋混凝土框架结构 纤维束模型 结构损伤评估 通用有限元程序 钢筋混凝土梁 ABAQUS 钢筋混凝土柱 纤维混凝土
A Lagrange-multiplier-based XFEM to solve pressure Poisson equations in problems with quasi-static interfaces 被引量:1
作者 LIAO JianHui zhuang zhuo 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第4期693-705,共13页
The XFEM(extended finite element method) has a lot of advantages over other numerical methods to resolve discontinuities across quasi-static interfaces due to the jump in fluidic parameters or surface tension.However,... The XFEM(extended finite element method) has a lot of advantages over other numerical methods to resolve discontinuities across quasi-static interfaces due to the jump in fluidic parameters or surface tension.However,singularities corresponding to enriched degrees of freedom(DOFs) embedded in XFEM arise in the discrete pressure Poisson equations.In this paper,constraints on these DOFs are derived from the interfacial equilibrium condition and introduced in terms of stabilized Lagrange multipliers designed for non-boundary-fitted meshes to address this issue.Numerical results show that the weak and strong discontinuities in pressure with straight and circular interfaces are accurately reproduced by the constraints.Comparisons with the SUPG/PSPG(streamline upwind/pressure stabilizing Petrov-Galerkin) method without Lagrange multipliers validate the applicability and flexibility of the proposed constrained algorithm to model problems with quasi-static interfaces. 展开更多
关键词 拉格朗日乘数 压力稳定 泊松方程 准静态 接口 基础 不连续性 伽辽金方法
作者 张志楠 宁宇 +3 位作者 庄茁 王恒 秦剑波 严红 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期400-407,共8页
通过对大型飞机整体壁板结构的损伤断裂特性分析,在壳体断裂力学统一计算理论框架下,将扩展有限元应用于大型飞机整体加筋壁板结构损伤断裂计算;实现了大尺寸加筋板壳结构断裂参数的精确求解;通过采用基于应力强度因子和能量释放率的三... 通过对大型飞机整体壁板结构的损伤断裂特性分析,在壳体断裂力学统一计算理论框架下,将扩展有限元应用于大型飞机整体加筋壁板结构损伤断裂计算;实现了大尺寸加筋板壳结构断裂参数的精确求解;通过采用基于应力强度因子和能量释放率的三维壳体断裂准则,建立了以结构重量、裂纹扩展长度和壳体剩余寿命等多参数设计目标的大型飞机整体壁板损伤断裂分析方法,以及综合考虑壁板厚度、加筋截面面积和间距的参数优化方法,并给出了工程试验件的设计与验证结果。 展开更多
关键词 大型飞机 整体壁板 壳体断裂 止裂特性 参数设计
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