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作者 李亚楠 张贤君 +5 位作者 张宁 梁雅琳 张宇星 招华兴 李紫聪 黄思秀 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期67-77,共11页
组蛋白异常修饰是克隆胚胎发育的重要制约因素,组蛋白H3K9me3去甲基化酶KDM4家族的过表达可以有效提高克隆胚胎的发育效率。为探究过表达H3K9me3去甲基化酶对猪克隆胚胎发育的影响,本研究在猪克隆胚胎1-细胞期和2-细胞期分别注射KDM4A m... 组蛋白异常修饰是克隆胚胎发育的重要制约因素,组蛋白H3K9me3去甲基化酶KDM4家族的过表达可以有效提高克隆胚胎的发育效率。为探究过表达H3K9me3去甲基化酶对猪克隆胚胎发育的影响,本研究在猪克隆胚胎1-细胞期和2-细胞期分别注射KDM4A mRNA和KDM4D mRNA检测胚胎的囊胚率;收集1-细胞期注射KDM4A mRNA和胚胎注射水(对照组)的2-细胞期克隆胚胎检测H3K9me3表达水平;此外,收集1-细胞期注射KDM4A mRNA和胚胎注射水的4-细胞期克隆胚胎进行单细胞转录组测序,并对测序数据进行GO与KEGG富集分析。结果显示:在1-细胞期注射KDM4A mRNA的猪克隆胚胎囊胚率显著高于对照组(25.32±0.74%vs 14.78±0.87%),注射KDM4D mRNA对猪克隆胚胎囊胚率无明显作用(16.27±0.77%vs 14.78±0.87%);在2-细胞期注射KDM4A mRNA和KDM4D mRNA的克隆胚胎囊胚率与对照组相比均无显著差异(32.18±1.67%、30.04±0.91%vs 31.22±1.40%)。在1-细胞期注射KDM4A mRNA的克隆胚胎组蛋白H3K9me3表达水平低于对照组。通过测序,筛选出133个差异表达基因,其中上调基因52个、下调基因81个,GO分析主要富集到与蛋白质定位相关的通路,KEGG分析富集到细胞衰老和急性髓细胞白血病等相关通路。本研究结果表明,过表达组蛋白H3K9me3去甲基化酶KDM4A可以显著提高猪克隆胚胎的发育效率。 展开更多
关键词 克隆胚胎 H3K9me3 KDM4A KDM4D
RNA干扰猪NHEJ通路修复因子对HR效率的影响 被引量:2
作者 全绒 李国玲 +8 位作者 莫健新 钟翠丽 李紫聪 顾婷 郑恩琴 刘德武 蔡更元 吴珍芳 张献伟 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期749-757,共9页
非同源末端连接(nonhomologous end joining,NHEJ)是动物基因组DNA双链断裂(double-strand break,DSB)修复的优选途径,通过与同源重组(homologous recombination,HR)竞争DSB靶点,进而抑制HR的效率。为提高HR效率,本研究针对猪NHEJ通路... 非同源末端连接(nonhomologous end joining,NHEJ)是动物基因组DNA双链断裂(double-strand break,DSB)修复的优选途径,通过与同源重组(homologous recombination,HR)竞争DSB靶点,进而抑制HR的效率。为提高HR效率,本研究针对猪NHEJ通路修复关键因子PNKP、LIG4和NHEJ1的编码序列,设计并合成相应的靶向小干扰RNA(small interfering RNA,si RNA),组成若干对RNAi(RNA interference)系统,将RNAi系统与报告质粒SSA-GFP reporter、HDR-GFP system和ss ODN-GFP system共转染至猪胎儿成纤维细胞(porcine fetal fibroblasts,PFFs),检测敲低上述NHEJ关键修复因子后对HR的影响。RNAi结果显示,针对PNKP、LIG4和NHEJ1设计的si RNA均可显著敲低PNKP、LIG4和NHEJ1基因的表达(P<0.05)。选择干扰效果最好的si RNA与报告载体共转染PFFs,结果表明干扰PNKP基因表达后可显著提高单链退火(single strand annealing,SSA)修复效率、双链或单链DNA介导的同源重组定向修复(homology-directed repair,HDR)效率分别为55.7%、37.4%和73.1%(P<0.05),而干扰LIG4和NHEJ1分别提高双链和单链介导的HDR效率为37.5%和76.9%(P<0.05)。 展开更多
关键词 同源重组 RNA干扰 非同源末端连接 PNKP NHEJ1 LIG4
组蛋白H3K27me3对骨骼肌发育调控研究进展 被引量:2
作者 甘炎民 周健 +7 位作者 全绒 洪林君 李紫聪 郑恩琴 刘德武 吴珍芳 蔡更元 顾婷 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期285-292,共8页
组蛋白甲基化是发生在核小体核心组蛋白各亚基N-端肽链的一种修饰方式。在组成核小体的4种亚基中,H3亚基N-端肽链第4、9、27、36和79等位点的赖氨酸为甲基化热点,甲基化类型包括一、二、三甲基化(mono-, di-, tri-methylation)。H3K27me... 组蛋白甲基化是发生在核小体核心组蛋白各亚基N-端肽链的一种修饰方式。在组成核小体的4种亚基中,H3亚基N-端肽链第4、9、27、36和79等位点的赖氨酸为甲基化热点,甲基化类型包括一、二、三甲基化(mono-, di-, tri-methylation)。H3K27me3是发生在组蛋白H3亚基第27位赖氨酸的三甲基化,主要发挥转录抑制的作用,参与骨骼肌的发育调控。研究表明,H3K27me3能够与骨骼肌增殖和分化的关键转录因子(如MyoD和MyoG等)及细胞周期蛋白特异性结合,并与其他表观遗传调控因子lncRNA及miRNA等互作,对骨骼肌的增殖和分化时间以及程度进行精细调控。本文系统介绍了组蛋白甲基化的类型以及H3K27甲基化和去甲基化的生物学过程,总结了目前已报道的H3K27me3在骨骼肌成肌细胞增殖和分化过程中发挥的作用,以期辅助科研工作者了解H3K27me3在骨骼肌发育过程中的作用,以及为进一步提高哺乳动物肌肉品质提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 组蛋白 甲基化 骨骼肌 H3K27me3
作者 欧浩 李国玲 +5 位作者 王豪强 黄广燕 蔡更元 李紫聪 吴珍芳 张献伟 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期327-336,共10页
基因组DNA发生双链断裂(double strand break, DSB)后主要通过同源定向修复(homologous-directed repair, HDR)和非同源末端连接(nonhomologous end joining, NHEJ)两种途径进行修复,其中单链寡聚核苷酸(single-stranded oligodeoxyribo... 基因组DNA发生双链断裂(double strand break, DSB)后主要通过同源定向修复(homologous-directed repair, HDR)和非同源末端连接(nonhomologous end joining, NHEJ)两种途径进行修复,其中单链寡聚核苷酸(single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotide, ssODN)介导的同源定向修复是动物基因组常用的基因组定点修饰技术,具有较大的科研和应用价值。为提高猪基因组ssODN介导HDR效率,本研究以猪胎儿成纤维细胞(porcine fetal fibroblasts, PFFs)为研究对象,利用丝裂原活化的细胞外信号调节激酶(mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase, MEK)抑制剂PD0325901培养细胞,研究其对HDR效率的影响及作用分子机理。结果显示,PD0325901能显著提高PFFs的G_2期和S期细胞群百分比,减少G_1期细胞群比率,促进HDR修复因子的表达。在最适浓度250 nmol/L时,PD0325901使ssODN介导的GFP报告载体的修复效率提高了58.8%;同时使PFFs基因组位点DMD和ROSA26定点修饰效率分别提高了48.16%和17.64%。本研究表明,MEK抑制剂PD0325901能显著提高猪基因组ssODN介导的同源定向修复效率,为高效制备定点基因修饰动物模型提供了新思路。 展开更多
关键词 MEK抑制剂 同源定向修复(HDR) PD0325901 基因编辑
Brassinosteroid Signaling Recruits Histone 3 Lysine-27 Demethylation Activity to FLOWERING LOCUS C Chromatin to Inhibit the Floral Transition in Arabidopsis 被引量:6
作者 zicong li Yang Ou +2 位作者 Zhicheng Zhang Jianming li Yuehui He 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1135-1146,共12页
The steroid hormone brassinosteroid (BR) plays a broad role in plant growth and development. As the retarded growth in BR-insensitive and BR-deficient mutants causes a strong delay in days to flowering, BR signaling... The steroid hormone brassinosteroid (BR) plays a broad role in plant growth and development. As the retarded growth in BR-insensitive and BR-deficient mutants causes a strong delay in days to flowering, BR signaling has been thought to promote the floral transition inArabidopsis. In this study, using a developmental measure of flowering time, we show that BR signaling inhibits the floral transition and promotes vegetative growth in the Arabidopsis accessions Columbia and Enkheim-2. We found that BR signaling promotes the expression of the potent floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) and three FLC homologs to inhibit flow- ering. In the presence of BR, the transcription factor BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT1 (BZR1), together with BES1 -INTERACTING MYC-like proteins (BIMs), specifically binds a BR- responsive element in the first intron of FLC and further recruits a histone 3 lysine 27 (H3K27) demethylase to downregulate levels of the repressive H3K27 trimethylation mark and thus antagonize Polycomb silencing at FLC, leading to its activation. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that BR signaling inhibits the floral transition inArabidopsis by a novel molecular mechanism in which BR signals are transduced into FLC activation and consequent floral repression. 展开更多
关键词 BRASSINOSTEROID BR signaling flowering time BZR1 Polycomb silencing FLOWERING LOCUS C
JASMONATE-ZIM DOMAIN proteins engage Polycomb chromatin modifiers to modulate Jasmonate signaling in Arabidopsis 被引量:3
作者 zicong li Xiao Luo +6 位作者 Yang Ou Huijun Jiao li Peng Xing Fu Alberto P.Macho Renyi liu Yuehui He 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第5期732-747,共16页
Jasmonate(JA)regulates various aspects of plant growth and development and stress responses,with prominent roles in male reproductive development and defenses against herbivores and necrotrophic pathogens.JASMONATE-ZI... Jasmonate(JA)regulates various aspects of plant growth and development and stress responses,with prominent roles in male reproductive development and defenses against herbivores and necrotrophic pathogens.JASMONATE-ZIM DOMAIN(JAZ)proteins are key regulators in the JA signaling pathway and function to repress the expression of JA-responsive genes.Here,we show that JAZ proteins directly interact with several chromatin-associated Polycomb proteins to mediate repressive chromatin modifications at JA-responsive genes and,thus,their transcriptional repression in Arabidopsis.Genetic analyses revealed that the developmental defects,including anther and pollen abnormalities,resulting from loss or block of JA signaling were partially rescued by loss of Polycomb protein-mediated chromatin silencing(Polycomb repression).We further found that JAZ-mediated transcriptional repression during anther and pollen development requires Polycomb proteins at four key Regulatory loci.Analysis of genome-wide occupancy of a Polycomb factor and transcriptome reprogramming in response to JA revealed that Polycomb repression is involved in the repression of various JA-responsive genes.Taken together,our study reveals an important chromatin-based mechanism for JAZ-mediated transcriptional repression and JA signaling in plants. 展开更多
关键词 JASMONATE JA response Polycomb proteins JAZ proteins anther development H3K27me3
CRISPR/Cas13系统敲减HEK293T细胞ku70和lig4基因表达 被引量:1
作者 王豪强 李国玲 +7 位作者 黄广燕 李紫聪 郑恩琴 徐铮 杨化强 吴珍芳 张献伟 刘德武 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期1414-1421,共8页
成簇的规律间隔的短回文重复序列(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR)/CRISPR相关蛋白(CRISPR-associated proteins,Cas)系统是目前基因编辑、基因表达研究的热点,其中靶向RNA的CRISPR/Cas13系统的开发... 成簇的规律间隔的短回文重复序列(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR)/CRISPR相关蛋白(CRISPR-associated proteins,Cas)系统是目前基因编辑、基因表达研究的热点,其中靶向RNA的CRISPR/Cas13系统的开发为RNA的干扰和编辑提供了新的方向。文中针对HEK293T细胞非同源末端连接(Nonhomologousendjoining,NHEJ)通路修复关键因子Ku70和Lig4的编码序列,设计并合成CRISPR/Cas13a、b系统相应的gRNA,检测其对ku70和lig4基因表达的影响。结果显示,Cas13a对ku70和lig4的RNA敲减效果可以达到50%以上,Cas13b对ku70和lig4的RNA敲减效果分别达到92%和76%;同时Cas13a、b系统能将Ku70和Lig4蛋白水平分别下调至68%和53%。CRISPR/Cas13系统可有效敲减HEK293T细胞RNA和蛋白质表达,为基因功能和调控研究提供一种新的策略。 展开更多
关键词 CRISPR/Cas13 KU70 lig4 基因敲减
Comparison of birth weight and umbilical and placental characteristics of cloned and arti?cial insemination-derived piglets
作者 Zheng AO Chengfa ZHAO +7 位作者 Yanmin GAN Xiao WU Junsong SHI Enqin ZHENG Dewu liU Gengyuan CAI Zhenfang WU zicong li 《Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering》 2019年第1期54-60,共7页
Somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT)-derived piglets have signi?cantly higher stillbirth rate and postnatal mortality rate than arti?cial insemination(AI)-generated piglets. The question whether the low survival rate o... Somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT)-derived piglets have signi?cantly higher stillbirth rate and postnatal mortality rate than arti?cial insemination(AI)-generated piglets. The question whether the low survival rate of SCNT piglets was related to birth weight, umbilical cord or placenta development was investigated. In this study,stillbirth rate, neonatal death rate, birth weight, umbilical cord status, placental parameters and placental gene expression patterns were compared between SCNT and AI piglets. Results showed that mortality rates at birth and during the neonatal stage of SCNT piglets were signi?-cantly higher than those of AI piglets. The incidence of abnormal umbilical cord in SCNT and SCNT-liveborn(SCNT-LB) piglets was signi?cantly higher than in AI and AI-liveborn(AI-LB) piglets. Birth weight, placental weight, placental surface area and placental ef?ciency in SCNT and SCNT-LB piglets were signi?cantly lower than those of AI and AI-LB piglets. Placental expression pro?les of imprinting, angiopoiesis and nutrient transportrelated genes were defective in SCNT-LB piglets compared with those in AI-LB piglets. Thus, the low survival rate of SCNT piglets may be associated with abnormal umbilical cord and placenta development. These characteristics may have resulted from aberrant expression of angiogenesis, nutrient transport, and imprinting-related genes in the placentas. 展开更多
性别及日龄对转人神经生长因子基因小鼠唾液中蛋白分泌的影响 被引量:2
作者 廖莎 朱庆春 +2 位作者 吴珍芳 李紫聪 曾芳 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1041-1049,共9页
神经生长因子(Nerve growth factor,NGF)是一种能促进神经元发育、分化、再生的蛋白。为高效生产药效更佳的人源NGF (hNGF)药物,最近,笔者实验室构建出唾液腺特异表达hNGF的转基因小鼠,并从该转基因小鼠唾液中纯化获得具有高生物学活性... 神经生长因子(Nerve growth factor,NGF)是一种能促进神经元发育、分化、再生的蛋白。为高效生产药效更佳的人源NGF (hNGF)药物,最近,笔者实验室构建出唾液腺特异表达hNGF的转基因小鼠,并从该转基因小鼠唾液中纯化获得具有高生物学活性的h NGF蛋白。为了选择性别和日龄最适宜的转hNGF基因小鼠用于收集纯化hNGF蛋白,文中比较了28日龄(性成熟前)雄性、雌性,63日龄(性成熟后)雄性、雌性转hNGF基因小鼠,共4组转hNGF基因小鼠分泌的唾液量、唾液总蛋白量、唾液鼠源NGF (mNGF)蛋白量和唾液h NGF蛋白量等指标。结果显示,63日龄的转hNGF基因小鼠分泌的唾液量、唾液总蛋白量、唾液mNGF蛋白量和唾液hNGF蛋白量显著高于28日龄同一性别的转hNGF基因小鼠,且63日龄的雄性转hNGF基因小鼠分泌的唾液hNGF蛋白量显著高于同一日龄的雌性转hNGF基因小鼠;在4组小鼠中,63日龄的雄性转hNGF基因小鼠分泌的唾液hNGF含量最高,比28日龄雌性转hNGF基因小鼠高出约46倍,最适宜用于收集唾液并从中纯化hNGF。 展开更多
关键词 转基因小鼠 性别 日龄 人神经生长因子 唾液
Effects of enucleation method on in vitro and in vivo development rate of cloned pig embryos
作者 Chengcheng ZHAO Junsong SHI +9 位作者 Rong ZHOU Ranbiao MAI Lvhua LUO Xiaoyan HE Hongmei JI Gengyuan CAI Dewu liU Enqin ZHENG Zhenfang WU zicong li 《Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering》 2019年第1期61-65,共5页
Enucleation is a crucial procedure for mammalian somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT), especially for domestic animal cloning. Oocytes of domestic animals such as pigs and cattle contain dark lipid droplets that hinder... Enucleation is a crucial procedure for mammalian somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT), especially for domestic animal cloning. Oocytes of domestic animals such as pigs and cattle contain dark lipid droplets that hinder localization and removal of the nucleus. Using an oocyte enucleation technique that can obtain a high enucleation rate but has minimal negative effects on the reprogramming potential of oocyte for cloning is bene?cial for enhancing the outcome of SCNT. In this study, we compared the pig cloning ef?ciency resulting from blind aspiration-based(BA-B) enucleation and spindle imaging system-assisted(SIS-A) enucleation, and compared the pig SCNT success rate associated with BA-B enucleation and blind aspiration plus post-enucleation staining-based(BAPPS-B) enucleation. SIS-A enucleation achieved a signi?cantly higher oocyte enucleation success rate and tended to obtain a higher in vivo full term development rate of SCNT embryos than BA-B enucleation. BAPPS-B enucleation also obtained signi?cantly higher in vitro as well as in vivo full term development ef?ciency of cloned porcine embryos than BA-B enucleation. These data indicate that SIS-A and BAPPS-B enucleation are better approaches for pig SCNT than BA-B enucleation. 展开更多
Dynamic intrauterine crosstalk promotes porcine embryo implantation during early pregnancy
作者 Xupeng Zang Shengchen Gu +16 位作者 Wenjing Wang Junsong Shi Jianyu Gan Qun Hu Chen Zhou Yue Ding Yanjuan He Lei Jiang Ting Gu Zheng Xu Sixiu Huang Huaqiang Yang Fanming Meng zicong li Gengyuan Cai linjun Hong Zhenfang Wu 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2024年第8期1676-1696,共21页
Dynamic crosstalk between the embryo and mother is crucial during implantation.Here,we comprehensively profile the single-cell transcriptome of pig peri-implantation embryos and corresponding maternal endometrium,iden... Dynamic crosstalk between the embryo and mother is crucial during implantation.Here,we comprehensively profile the single-cell transcriptome of pig peri-implantation embryos and corresponding maternal endometrium,identifying 4 different lineages in embryos and 13 cell types in the endometrium.Cell-specific gene expression characterizes 4 distinct trophectoderm subpopulations,showing development from undifferentiated trophectoderm to polar and mural trophectoderm.Dynamic expression of genes in different types of endometrial cells illustrates their molecular response to embryos during implantation.Then,we developed a novel tool,ExtraCellTalk,generating an overall dynamic map of maternal-foetal crosstalk using uterine luminal proteins as bridges.Through cross-species comparisons,we identified a conserved RBP4/STRA6 pathway in which embryonic-derived RBP4 could target the STRA6 receptor on stromal cells to regulate the interaction with other endometrial cells.These results provide insight into the maternal-foetal crosstalk during embryo implantation and represent a valuable resource for further studies to improve embryo implantation. 展开更多
关键词 endometrial remodeling ExtraCellTalk implantation maternal-foetal crosstalk trophoblast
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