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大跨连续梁桥竖向抗震性能研究 被引量:1
作者 康斌锴 王军 王泽银 《内蒙古公路与运输》 2024年第1期38-42,共5页
随着监测手段的不断进步,地震动的记录越来越完善,很多地震动的竖向分量被检测到并引起了专家学者的重视,尤其是高烈度区和震中区,地震动竖向分量甚至比水平分量还要显著。文章在综合分析国内外对多向地震以及多维隔震技术研究现状的基... 随着监测手段的不断进步,地震动的记录越来越完善,很多地震动的竖向分量被检测到并引起了专家学者的重视,尤其是高烈度区和震中区,地震动竖向分量甚至比水平分量还要显著。文章在综合分析国内外对多向地震以及多维隔震技术研究现状的基础上,研究了一种新型三维隔震装置(高阻尼橡胶碟簧三维隔震装置)在大跨度桥梁竖向抗震设计中的应用。结果表明:仅在桥墩安装三维隔震装置是最有效、经济的安装位置;竖向地震动分量对主梁纵向加速度有着放大作用,考虑竖向地震作用时,跨中竖向加速度不容忽视;三维减隔震装置较水平隔震支座有着更好的减隔震效果。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 三维隔震装置 有限元分析 竖向地震动 碟形弹簧
作者 刘路阳 刘昱 +1 位作者 王珺 刘阳 《环境科学导刊》 2024年第6期62-66,共5页
无居民海岛以其原生态的自然景色受到海洋旅游的青睐,对无居民海岛的开发利用活动正在持续推进,评估无居民海岛开发利用的可行性和维持生态系统的稳定性是无居民海岛开发利用过程中的关键议题。本文旨在通过无居民海岛的特点,建立无居... 无居民海岛以其原生态的自然景色受到海洋旅游的青睐,对无居民海岛的开发利用活动正在持续推进,评估无居民海岛开发利用的可行性和维持生态系统的稳定性是无居民海岛开发利用过程中的关键议题。本文旨在通过无居民海岛的特点,建立无居民海岛开发适宜性评价因子指标体系,以无居民海岛旅游开发适宜性作为评价模型,并采用ARCGIS空间分析、叠加分析等功能,对无居民海岛的开发适宜性进行综合评价并提出生态保护策略。研究结果表明坪洲岛为中度适宜开发类型的无居民海岛,但在开发过程中应限制开发强度并注意生态系统的保护,本研究可为坪洲岛的开发利用及类似小型无居民海岛的开发和生态保护提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 无居民海岛 开发适宜性 GIS分析 生态保护
新型免拆式大直径90°上弯管竖井提升系统桁架的设计 被引量:1
作者 王峻 侯望 宋安瑞 《水利水电施工》 2021年第4期30-32,共3页
抽水蓄能电站以其高水头作为显著的特点,高水头往往通过设置长斜井或深竖井得以实现。竖井施工提升系统包括卷扬机(绞车)、桁架平台(或井架)、吊篮(罐笼)等,用于坚井开挖支护、衬砌、灌浆等全施工过程的人员、材料运输。基于90°弯... 抽水蓄能电站以其高水头作为显著的特点,高水头往往通过设置长斜井或深竖井得以实现。竖井施工提升系统包括卷扬机(绞车)、桁架平台(或井架)、吊篮(罐笼)等,用于坚井开挖支护、衬砌、灌浆等全施工过程的人员、材料运输。基于90°弯管的特殊性,传统的桁架平台存在可靠性较差、安全风险高、多次改造及需要拆除等多方面的问题,需要对适合该类竖井的提升系统进行创新设计,扩展系统的综合功能,提高提升荷载能力,增强提升系统的通用性、可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 90°弯管竖井 桁架平台
外辐射源雷达参考通道多径干扰抑制方法 被引量:4
作者 郭帅 王俊 +1 位作者 陈刚 王珏 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期18-23,共6页
针对外辐射源雷达系统参考通道中含有多径干扰的问题,提出一种基于改进恒模算法的参考通道多径干扰抑制方法.参考通道中的多径干扰会影响后续的杂波相消和匹配滤波处理,形成虚假目标,影响雷达系统的探测性能.由于多径干扰与直达波信号... 针对外辐射源雷达系统参考通道中含有多径干扰的问题,提出一种基于改进恒模算法的参考通道多径干扰抑制方法.参考通道中的多径干扰会影响后续的杂波相消和匹配滤波处理,形成虚假目标,影响雷达系统的探测性能.由于多径干扰与直达波信号具有很强的相干性,传统方法很难消除参考通道中的多径干扰成分.新方法根据机会照射源信号的恒模特点,运用改进恒模算法对参考通道进行盲均衡处理,在不需要任何训练序列的情况下,抑制参考信号中的多径干扰.与传统的盲均衡方法相比,新方法具有更好的收敛性,多径干扰抑制效果更好. 展开更多
关键词 外辐射源雷达 盲均衡 改进恒模算法 多径干扰抑制
The effects of land use and its patterns on soil properties in a small catchment of the Loess Plateau 被引量:6
作者 wangjun FUBo-jie 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期263-266,共4页
Due to relatively strong human activities in the hilly area of Loess Plateau, the natural vegetation has been destroyed, and landscape pattern based on agricultural land matrix was land use mosaic composing of shrub l... Due to relatively strong human activities in the hilly area of Loess Plateau, the natural vegetation has been destroyed, and landscape pattern based on agricultural land matrix was land use mosaic composing of shrub land, grassland, woodland and orchard. This pattern has an important effect on soil moisture and soil nutrients. The Danangou catchment, a typical small catchment, was selected to study the effects of land use and its patterns on soil moisture and nutrients in this paper. The results are as follows: The comparisons of soil moisture among seven land uses for wet year and dry year were performed: (1) the average of soil moisture content for whole catchment was 12.11% in wet year, while it was 9.37% in dry year; (2) soil moisture among seven land uses was significantly different in dry year, but not in wet year; (3) from wet year to dry year, the profile type of soil moisture changed from decreasing type to fluctuation-type and from fluctuant type to increasing type; (4) the increasing trend in soil moisture from the top to foot of hillslope occurred in simple land use along slope, while complicated distribution of soil moisture was observed in multiple land uses along slope. The relationships between soil nutrients and land uses and landscape positions were analysed: (1) five nutrient contents of soil organic matter (SOM), total N (TN), available N (AN), total P (TP) and available P (AP) in hilly area were lower than that in other areas. SOM content was less than 1%, TN content less than 0.07%, and TP content between 0.05% and 0.06%; (2) SOM and TN contents in woodland, shrub land and grassland were significantly higher than that in fallow land and cropland, and higher level in soil fertility was found in crop-fruit intercropping land among croplands; (3) soil nutrient distribution and responses to landscape positions were variable depending on slope and the location of land use types. 展开更多
关键词 hilly area of Loess Plateau land use pattern soil moisture soil nutrient
Geochemistry of the Cenozoic Potassic Volcanic Rocks in the West Kunlun Mountains and Constraints on Their Sources 被引量:4
作者 ZHANGZhaochong XIAOXuchang +2 位作者 wangjun WANGYong LUOZhaohua 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期912-920,共9页
The geochemical characteristics of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the north Pulu, east Pulu and Dahongliutan regions in the west Kunlun Mountains are somewhat similar as a whole. However, the volcanic rocks from the... The geochemical characteristics of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the north Pulu, east Pulu and Dahongliutan regions in the west Kunlun Mountains are somewhat similar as a whole. However, the volcanic rocks from the Dahongliutan region in the south belt are geochemically distinguished from those in the Pulu region (including the north and east Pulu) of the north belt. The volcanic rocks of the Dahongliutan region are characterized by relatively low TiO2 abundance, but more enrichment in alkali, much more enrichment in light rare earth elements and large ion lithosphile elements than those from the Pulu region. Compared with the Pulu region, volcanic rocks from the Dahongliutan region have relatively low 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and high εNd, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb. Their trace elements and isotopic data suggest that they were derived from lithospheric mantle, consisting of biotite- and hornblende-bearing garnet lherzolite, which had undertaken metasomatism and enrichment. On the primitive mantle-normalized patterns, they display remarkably negative Nb and Ta anomalies, indicating the presence of early-stage subducted oceanic crust. The metasomatism and enrichment resulted from the fluid released from the crustal materials enclosed in the source region in response to the uplift of asthenospheric mantle. Based on the previous experiments it can be inferred that the thickness of the lithosphere ranges from 75 to 100 km prior to the generation of the magmas. However, the south belt differs from the north one by its thicker lithosphere and lower degree of partial melting. The different thickness of the lithosphere gives rise to corresponding variation of the degree of crustal contamination. The volcanic rocks in the south belt are much more influenced by crustal contamination. In view of the tectonic setting, the generation of potassic magmas is linked with the uplift of asthenosphere resulted from large-scale thinning of the lithosphere after the collision of Indian and Eurasian plates, whereas the thinning of the lithosphere may result from delamination. The potassic magmas mainly resulted from partial melting of lithosphere mantle caused by the uplift of asthenosphere. 展开更多
关键词 potassic magma lithospheric mantle asthenospheric mantle METASOMATISM west Kunlun Mountains
作者 wangjun 《计算机与网络》 2016年第5期33-33,共1页
2016年初,当苹果宣布推出新的i OS9移动操作系统时,它增加了一个名为"内容屏蔽Safari扩展插件"的功能,此功能没有引起多少人的关注。去年7月苹果CEO库克正式推出i OS9时也没有对功能进行解释。在一些技术文档中,内容屏蔽扩展功能的细... 2016年初,当苹果宣布推出新的i OS9移动操作系统时,它增加了一个名为"内容屏蔽Safari扩展插件"的功能,此功能没有引起多少人的关注。去年7月苹果CEO库克正式推出i OS9时也没有对功能进行解释。在一些技术文档中,内容屏蔽扩展功能的细节被淡化处理,直到苹果WDC(开发者大会)进行到第五天,细节才进一步曝光。"内容屏蔽Safari扩展插件"可以让苹果用户在使用Safari浏览器时屏蔽广告。 展开更多
关键词 IOS SAFARI 扩展功能 技术文档 库克 淡化处理 开发者 下载量 贴片式
Ni^(2+)掺杂Cd_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)S固溶体制备及可见光分解水制氢研究 被引量:2
作者 吴琛 赵宝军 +4 位作者 王俊 谭鹏 谢志文 徐俊英 彭绍琴 《有色金属(冶炼部分)》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第10期66-70,共5页
采用水热法制备了Cd_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)S和Ni ^(2+)掺杂Ni(m)/Cd_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)S固溶体光催化剂。通过XRD、UV-Vis漫反射光谱和电化学方法表征了催化剂的结构和光电性能,并考查了固溶体在以三乙醇胺为电子给体、可见光(λ≥420nm)照射下光... 采用水热法制备了Cd_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)S和Ni ^(2+)掺杂Ni(m)/Cd_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)S固溶体光催化剂。通过XRD、UV-Vis漫反射光谱和电化学方法表征了催化剂的结构和光电性能,并考查了固溶体在以三乙醇胺为电子给体、可见光(λ≥420nm)照射下光催化分解水制氢活性。结果表明,Ni ^(2+)掺杂后提高了催化剂对可见光的吸收,促进了光生电子-空穴的有效分离,有效提高了Cd_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)S固溶体的光催化制氢活性。当Ni ^(2+)的掺杂量为5%(摩尔百分数),反应体系NaOH浓度为_(0.5)mol/L时,催化剂活性最高,Ni(5)/Cd_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)S制氢活性为纯Cd_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)S固溶体的5倍。催化剂经15h反应具有良好的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 Cd_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)S固溶体 Ni^(2+)掺杂 光催化 制氢
作者 王俊 秦斌 祝兴星 《新型工业化》 2018年第10期15-19,53,共6页
针对阶跃型风速的风能转换系统,根据风速的阶跃时间尺度特性,从风能转换系统非线性方面考虑建立模型的方案上,各个方面分析电机等在额定功率下工作的情况,从而确立风能转换系统。在风能转换系统非线性模型的基础上运用多层次多模型(Mult... 针对阶跃型风速的风能转换系统,根据风速的阶跃时间尺度特性,从风能转换系统非线性方面考虑建立模型的方案上,各个方面分析电机等在额定功率下工作的情况,从而确立风能转换系统。在风能转换系统非线性模型的基础上运用多层次多模型(Multi-hierarchicalmulti-model,MHM)预测控制方法,分析各通道非线性程度对系统动态特性的影响,运用最合适模型切换方法。并将此方法应用到相对应所得到的风能转换系统中。仿真成果表明,该方法日臻完善了系统工况大领域跳变时的动态职能。 展开更多
关键词 风能转换系统 多层次多模型 非线性 预测控制
The Uniqueness of Meromorphic Functions with Common Range Sets and Deficient Values 被引量:2
作者 LUWei-ran wangjun 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2003年第1期13-16,共4页
In this paper, the uniqueness of meromorphic functions with common range sets and deficient values are studied. This result is related to a question of Gross.
关键词 meromorphic function UNIQUENESS sharing sets
Analyses of Valid Range for the Linear Approximation in a Single-Mode Laser 被引量:1
作者 CHENGQing-Hua CAOLi +1 位作者 wangjun WUDa-Jin 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3X期365-368,共4页
Using the linear approximation method, we calculated the steady-state mean normalized intensity fluctu-ation for a loss-noise model of a single-mode laser driven by a pump noise and a quantum noise, whose real part an... Using the linear approximation method, we calculated the steady-state mean normalized intensity fluctu-ation for a loss-noise model of a single-mode laser driven by a pump noise and a quantum noise, whose real part andimaginary part are cross-correlated. We analyzed the valid range for thelinear approximation method by studying theinfluences on the steady-state mean normalized intensity fluctuation by the cross-correlation coefficient, the intensities ofthe quantum and pump noise, the net gain, and the amplitude and frequency of the input signal, and we found that thevalid range becomes wider when the cross-correlation between the real and imaginary part of quantum noise is weaker,the noise intensities of quantum and pump are weaker, the laser system is far from the threshold and the signal hassmaller amplitude and higher frequency. 展开更多
关键词 单模激光器 量子噪声 线性近似理论 交叉相关系数 稳态平均规划强度振幅
The application of Yangtze Estuary Tidal Wetlands Geographic Information System 被引量:1
作者 wangjun CHENZhenlou +2 位作者 XUShiyuan WANGDongqi LIUJie 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期155-166,共12页
Yangtze Estuary Tidal Wetlands Geographic Information System (YETWGIS) is a comprehensive software system for environmental management and decision of Yangtze estuary tidal wetlands. Based on MapObjects components tec... Yangtze Estuary Tidal Wetlands Geographic Information System (YETWGIS) is a comprehensive software system for environmental management and decision of Yangtze estuary tidal wetlands. Based on MapObjects components technology, Data Mining technology, mathematical modeling method and Visual Basic language, this software system has many functions such as displaying, editing, querying and searching, spatial statistics and analysis, thematic map compiling, and environmental quality evaluation. This paper firstly outlined the system structure, key techniques, and achieving methods of YETWGIS, and then, described the core modules (the thematic map compiling module and environmental quality evaluation model module) in detail. In addition, based on information entropy model, it thoroughly discussed the methods of environmental quality evaluation and indicators' weight calculation. Finally, by using YETWGIS, this paper analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics of Heavy Metal and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) of the Yangtze estuary tidal wetlands in 2002, and evaluated the environmental quality of the Yangtze estuary tidal wetlands in 2003. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze estuary tidal wetland geographic information system components technology information entropy model
作者 ChenShujun wangjun HuangPengfei 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第1期82-84,共3页
The FB-ZVZCS-PWM converter is realized by the way of subjoiningblock-capacitor into the FB-ZVS-PWM converter. At the freewheeling interval, the primary current isattenuated fast to zero and maintained. And then, power... The FB-ZVZCS-PWM converter is realized by the way of subjoiningblock-capacitor into the FB-ZVS-PWM converter. At the freewheeling interval, the primary current isattenuated fast to zero and maintained. And then, power device of the static leg becomes azero-current-switch (ZCS), power device of the shifted leg becomes a zero-voltage-switch(ZVS). Thus,on one hand IGBT (Insulated gate bipolar transistor) with tail current can be easily used infull-bridge soft-switching converter; on the other hand additional circuiting energy is greatlyreduced. At the same time, less duty cycle loss, lower secondary parasitic resonance, widersoft-switching load range can be achieved. Based on the existing component models in the Pspicesoftware package, a combined model of IGBT is established, in which a non-linear capacitor isintroduced to replace the parasitic capacitor. Using this model, computerized simulation isconducted for the FB-ZVZCS-PWM soft-switching converter, the switching and energy-transferringcharacteristics of the power device are analyzed. Finally, based on the achievement above, a 10 kWarc welding inverter with FB-ZVZCS-PWM converter is developed. The simulation results are testifiedby experiments. It is proved that by adopting appropriate models, computerized simulation is aneffective and useful tool for the development of the arc welding inverter. 展开更多
关键词 Arc welding inverter Soft switching Zero-voltage-switching(ZVS) Zero-currentswitc-hing(ZCS)
国家储备林建设中存在的问题及其解决对策 被引量:5
作者 王君 《南方农业》 2020年第18期83-85,共3页
储备林建设不仅对保护树木资源具有重要作用,也是保障生态安全和林木资源供给的重要举措。基于此,在分析目前国家储备林建设项目的基础上,梳理了目前项目建设管理过程中存在的资金、技术和保障三个层面的主要问题。同时结合河南省安阳... 储备林建设不仅对保护树木资源具有重要作用,也是保障生态安全和林木资源供给的重要举措。基于此,在分析目前国家储备林建设项目的基础上,梳理了目前项目建设管理过程中存在的资金、技术和保障三个层面的主要问题。同时结合河南省安阳市储备林建设管理实践,探讨了国家储备林项目建设管理过程中的全流程管理措施,并对其进行经验总结,以期积极推进国家储备林高质量建设管理。 展开更多
关键词 国家储备林 项目管理 问题剖析 实施对策
Intensity Correlation Function of a Single-Mode Laser Driven by Two Colored Noises with Colored Cross-Correlation
作者 HANLi-Bo CAOLi +1 位作者 WUDa-Jin wangjun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1X期59-63,共5页
By using the linear approximation method, the intensity correlation function and the intensity correlation time are calculated in a gain-noise model of a single-mode laser driven by colored cross-correlated pump noise... By using the linear approximation method, the intensity correlation function and the intensity correlation time are calculated in a gain-noise model of a single-mode laser driven by colored cross-correlated pump noise and quantum noise, each of which is colored. We detect that, when the cross-correlation between both noises is negative, the behavior of the intensity correlation function C(t) versus time t, in addition to decreasing monotonously, also exhibits several other cases, such as one maximum, one minimum, and two extrema (one maximum and one minimum), i.e., some parameters of the noises can greatly change the dependence of the intensity correlation function upon time. T3. 展开更多
关键词 强度相关函数 强度相关时间 线性近似理论 双色噪声 单模激光器 激光物理
作者 刘叶 王军 +1 位作者 苑紫彤 张思凡 《当代农村财经》 2021年第6期52-56,共5页
随着雄安新区详规执行和起步期建设,白洋淀美丽乡村和其中的PPP模式分别面临存留、解体、再造和变迁等风险。本文以淀中村大淀头村和淀边村赵庄子村为典型样本进行实地调研,进行PPP模式风险识别和风险影响分析,提出在起步期美丽乡村环... 随着雄安新区详规执行和起步期建设,白洋淀美丽乡村和其中的PPP模式分别面临存留、解体、再造和变迁等风险。本文以淀中村大淀头村和淀边村赵庄子村为典型样本进行实地调研,进行PPP模式风险识别和风险影响分析,提出在起步期美丽乡村环境治理PPP模式的四个优化路径,为雄安新区控制性详细规划完美执行提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 美丽乡村建设 雄安新区 PPP模式
Stationary Intensity Distribution of Single-Mode Laser Driven by Additive and Multiplicative Colored Noises with Colored Cross-Correlation
作者 CAOLi wangjun +1 位作者 WuDa-Jin LIANGGui-Yun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1X期105-112,共8页
Applying the approximate Fokker-Planck equation we derived, we obtain the analytic expression of the stationary laser intensity distribution Pst(l) by studying the single-mode laser cubic model subject to colored cros... Applying the approximate Fokker-Planck equation we derived, we obtain the analytic expression of the stationary laser intensity distribution Pst(l) by studying the single-mode laser cubic model subject to colored cross-correlation additive and multiplicative noise, each of which is colored. Based on it, we discuss the effects on the stationary laser intensity distribution Pot(I) by cross-correlation between noises and "color" of noises (non-Markovian effect) when the laser system is above the threshold. In detail, we analyze two cases: One is that the three correlation-times (i.e.the self-correlation and cross-correlation times of the additive and multiplicative noise) are chosen to be the same value(Tl=T2=T3=T). For this case, the effect of noise cross-correlation is investigated emphatically, and we detect that only when λ≠ 0 can the noise-induced transition occur in the Pst (I) curve, and only when T≠ 0 and λ≠0, can the "reentrant noise-induced transition" occur. The other case is that the three correlation times are not the same value,T1≠T2≠T3. For this case, we find that the noise-induced transition occurring in the Pst(I) curve is entirely different when the values of T1,T2, and T3 are changed respectively. In particular, when T2 (serf-correlation time of additive noise) is cha^g~g, the ratio of the two maximums of the Pst( I) curve R exhibits an interesting phenomenon,"reentrant noise-induced transition", which demonstrates the effect of noise "color" (non-Markovian effect). 展开更多
关键词 单模激光器 彩色交叉相关性 激光强度 干扰
Development of Search System Used for Material Processing by Mobile Internet
作者 wangjun ZHANGLi FANLei 《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第3期33-36,共4页
A wireless search system was integrated on Windows 2000 server.Based on the communication principle between wireless data and Internet,the object expression of search file,the automatic query of document information,t... A wireless search system was integrated on Windows 2000 server.Based on the communication principle between wireless data and Internet,the object expression of search file,the automatic query of document information,the segment browsing of result information,and the receiving and sending of user information were realized by using Active Server Page 3.0,VB Script,WML Script insert languages and object orient database technology.The requirement querying information of material processing through Internet by GPRS,WAP mobile handset and so on was accomplished. 展开更多
关键词 material processing information search dynamic refreshment mobile Internet
Measurements of ^(222) Rn and ^(220)Rn with a Large Size Collector of Radon Progeny
作者 WuQifan JiaWenyi +4 位作者 FangFang wangjun ChengJianping LiuGuilin ZhuLi 《Journal of China University of Geosciences》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第2期151-154,共4页
Radon concentrations in high background radiation areas in the south are higher than those of others in China, especially 220 Rn concentration is significantly high. Therefore, measurements of 222 Rn and... Radon concentrations in high background radiation areas in the south are higher than those of others in China, especially 220 Rn concentration is significantly high. Therefore, measurements of 222 Rn and 220 Rn concentrations should be carried out there. This paper introduces a large size collector of radon progeny and its applications. The collector is a sheet of polyvinyl chloride fiber with electrostatics of (-500 V)-(-700 V). Its size (60 mm in diameter) is larger than those of others (26 mm in diameter) that work with the same principle. The collector is more effective to adsorb radon progeny than most of others. The equipment of ZnS(Ag) Scintillation Counting System is available for large size collectors to detect radon progeny. Therefore, its sensitivity of measurement is higher than that of others. According to the different half lives of radon progeny, and based on both theory and experiments, a formula for discrimination and calculation of 222 Rn and 220 Rn concentrations is deduced. The 222 Rn and 220 Rn concentrations were surveyed with electrostatic collectors of radon progeny on the campus of commercial school and some other areas in Hainan, southern China. Neither 222 Rn nor 220 Rn concentration was found significantly high. However, several faults underground were delineated. The collector is also used to study radon transportation. Results indicate that radon changes regularly with date when it has transported for a certain distance. Velocities of radon migration in the four media are quite different. Radon migrates more quickly in vertical tube than in the horizontal tube. 展开更多
关键词 electrostatic collectors radon survey radon progeny radon migration.
作者 王军 马李琛 +2 位作者 陈浩 陈静升 Anton Kolgatov 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2022年第8期90-94,共5页
FPSO由于在深海环境下服役,受到波浪、海风、拖航等工况的影响造成中拱中垂,导致船体变形造成模块的相对运动使管道产生位移。又因为FPSO生产能力不断增强吨位不断加大,管路的复杂性和紧凑型也随着不断增大。在对FPSO管系进行应力分析时... FPSO由于在深海环境下服役,受到波浪、海风、拖航等工况的影响造成中拱中垂,导致船体变形造成模块的相对运动使管道产生位移。又因为FPSO生产能力不断增强吨位不断加大,管路的复杂性和紧凑型也随着不断增大。在对FPSO管系进行应力分析时,传统中拱中垂工况需要大量的工时进行分析、验证、检查,其潜在工时达到2 500 h。本文利用行业内常用的CAESAR Ⅱ软件,通过船体变形量导致的管道附加位移和热胀位移进行结合计算出其热胀系数代替传统的工况分析方法,并验证了此方法的准确性,为FPSO管道系统生产设计提供技术借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 FPSO 中拱中垂 应力分析 柔性设计 CAESARⅡ
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