Existing“evaluation indicators”are selected and combined to build a model to support the optimization of shale gas horizontal wells.Towards this end,different“weighting methods”,including AHP and the so-called ent...Existing“evaluation indicators”are selected and combined to build a model to support the optimization of shale gas horizontal wells.Towards this end,different“weighting methods”,including AHP and the so-called entropy method,are combined in the frame of the game theory.Using a relevant test case for the implementation of the model,it is shown that the horizontal section of the considered well is in the middle sweet spot area with good physical properties and fracturing ability.In comparison with the FSI(flow scanner Image)gas production profile,the new model seems to display better abilities for the optimization of horizontal wells.展开更多
The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of seismic waves is usually very low after long distance transmission. For this condition, to improve the bearing estimation capability in the low SNR, a frequency domain polarization...The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of seismic waves is usually very low after long distance transmission. For this condition, to improve the bearing estimation capability in the low SNR, a frequency domain polarization weighted ESPRIT method using a single vector device is proposed. The frequency domain polari- zation parameters extracted from the signals are used to design the weighted function which is applied to the received signals. The bearing angle and the target frequency are estimated through ESPRIT using the weighted signals. The simulation and experiment results show that the presented method can obtain accurate estimation values under the low SNR with little prior information.展开更多
The accuracy of unstructured finite volume methods is greatly influenced by the gradient reconstruction, for which the stencil selection plays a critical role. Compared with the commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-...The accuracy of unstructured finite volume methods is greatly influenced by the gradient reconstruction, for which the stencil selection plays a critical role. Compared with the commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-neighbor stencils, the global-direction stencil is independent of the mesh topology, and characteristics of the flow field can be well reflected by this novel stencil. However, for a high-aspect-ratio triangular grid, the grid skewness is evident, which is one of the most important grid-quality measures known to affect the accuracy and stability of finite volume solvers. On this basis and inspired by an approach of using face-area-weighted centroid to reduce the grid skewness, we explore a method by combining the global-direction stencil and face-area-weighted centroid on high-aspect-ratio triangular grids, so as to improve the computational accuracy. Four representative numerical cases are simulated on high-aspect-ratio triangular grids to examine the validity of the improved global-direction stencil. Results illustrate that errors of this improved methods are the lowest among all methods we tested, and in high-mach-number flow, with the increase of cell aspect ratio, the improved global-direction stencil always has a better stability than commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-neighbor stencils. Therefore, the computational accuracy as well as stability is greatly improved, and superiorities of this novel method are verified.展开更多
The burgeoning robotics industry has catalyzed significant strides in the development and deployment of industrial and service robotic arms, positioning path planning as a pivotal facet for augmenting their operationa...The burgeoning robotics industry has catalyzed significant strides in the development and deployment of industrial and service robotic arms, positioning path planning as a pivotal facet for augmenting their operational safety and efficiency. Existing path planning algorithms, while capable of delineating feasible trajectories, often fall short of achieving optimality, particularly concerning path length, search duration, and success likelihood. This study introduces an enhanced Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm, meticulously designed to rectify the issues of node redundancy and the compromised path quality endemic to conventional RRT approaches. Through the integration of an adaptive pruning mechanism and a dynamic elliptical search strategy within the Informed RRT* framework, our algorithm efficiently refines the search tree by discarding branches that surpass the cost of the optimal path, thereby refining the search space and significantly boosting efficiency. Extensive comparative analysis across both two-dimensional and three-dimensional simulation settings underscores the algorithm’s proficiency in markedly improving path precision and search velocity, signifying a breakthrough in the domain of robotic arm path planning.展开更多
To enhance the applicability and measurement accuracy of phase-based optical flow method using complex steerable pyramids in structural displacement measurement engineering applications, an improved method of optimizi...To enhance the applicability and measurement accuracy of phase-based optical flow method using complex steerable pyramids in structural displacement measurement engineering applications, an improved method of optimizing parameter settings is proposed. The optimized parameters include the best measurement points of the Region of Interest (ROI) and the levels of pyramid filters. Additionally, to address the issue of updating reference frames in practical applications due to the difficulty in estimating the maximum effective measurement value, a mechanism for dynamically updating reference frames is introduced. Experimental results demonstrate that compared to representative image gradient-based displacement measurement methods, the proposed method exhibits higher measurement accuracy in engineering applications. This provides reliable data support for structural damage identification research based on vibration signals and is expected to broaden the engineering application prospects for structural health monitoring.展开更多
Recent observations show that the spectra of cosmic ray nuclei start to harden above ~ 102 GeV, which contradicts the conventional steady-state cosmic ray model. We had suggested that this anomaly is due to the propa...Recent observations show that the spectra of cosmic ray nuclei start to harden above ~ 102 GeV, which contradicts the conventional steady-state cosmic ray model. We had suggested that this anomaly is due to the propagation effect of cosmic rays released from local young cosmic ray sources; the total flux of cosmic rays should be computed with the Myriad Model, where a contribution from sources in the local catalog is added to the background. However, although the hardening could be elegantly explained in this model, the model parameters obtained from the fit are skewed toward a region with fast diffusion and a low supernova rate in the Galaxy, in disagreement with other observations. We further explore this model in order to set up a concordant picture. Two possible improvements related to cosmic ray sources are considered. First, instead of the usual axisymmetric disk model, we examine a spiral model for the source distribution. Second, for nearby and young sources which are necessary to explain the hardening, we allow for an energy-dependent escape. We find that a major improvement comes from incorporating an energy-dependent escape time for local sources, and with both modifications not only are the cosmic ray proton and helium anomalies resolved, but also the parameters attain values in a reasonable range compatible with other analyses.展开更多
This paper characterizes the rarely noticeable hot-cutting defect and statistically models the fracture governed by this new type defect. The morphology of the defect on fired ceramic is examined and quantitatively fe...This paper characterizes the rarely noticeable hot-cutting defect and statistically models the fracture governed by this new type defect. The morphology of the defect on fired ceramic is examined and quantitatively featured through comparing the fracture strength governed by intrinsic defect and hot-cutting defect. Weibull distribution is utilized to fit the observed strength data and chi-square goodness-of-fit test is conducted to analyze the deviation. Kernel density estimation is introduced to explore the underlying strength distribution dominated by hot-cutting defect. Based on the shape information from kernel density estimating,gamma and lognormal distribution are compared and the hot-cutting defect governing fracture statistics is finally confirmed by chisquare test. Results show that the newly-defined hot-cutting defect is more dangerous than the intrinsic defect and the priori Weibull distribution fails to describe the fracture statistic governed by the edge defect while the lognormal with a slightly right skewed shape fits it very well.展开更多
开发经济高效的析氧反应电催化剂对于推进可充电金属-空气电池和电解水技术的发展至关重要.一般来说,具有完整蜂窝结构的石墨碳基面是电化学惰性的,需要依赖缺陷或者掺杂结构诱导的电荷极化效应来提升催化活性.相比于基面,边缘位点具有...开发经济高效的析氧反应电催化剂对于推进可充电金属-空气电池和电解水技术的发展至关重要.一般来说,具有完整蜂窝结构的石墨碳基面是电化学惰性的,需要依赖缺陷或者掺杂结构诱导的电荷极化效应来提升催化活性.相比于基面,边缘位点具有特殊的局域电子态,为提升石墨碳电极的本征催化活性开辟了新的思路,然而其结构精准构筑目前仍面临极大挑战.本文以“人字形”多壁碳纳米管(H-MWCNTs)作为研究切入点,利用高温熔盐介质主导的插层剥离和截断效应,实现“边缘-平面位点”结构可控构筑,为实现高效电解水析氧反应(OER)提供了重要的结构基础.通过熔盐辅助热解方法可控制备了具有完全暴露的内外边缘平面的目标催化剂H-MWCNTs-MS,并研究其OER催化性能.在碱性介质中10 mA cm^(-2)电流密度所需过电位仅为236 mV,是目前报道的较好的非金属电催化剂.同时,H-MWCNTs-MS在10,50和100 mA cm^(-2)电流密度下均表现出较好的电化学稳定性.利用原位衰减全反射-表面增强红外吸收光谱(ATR-SEIRAS)技术研究了“边缘-平面位点”在OER过程中的结构重构过程,与理论计算分析的高能“边缘态”结果一致,并确定酮氧官能化位点为真实催化活性中心.理论计算结果表明,氧官能团修饰结构能够显著促进电荷的再分配,增强层间耦合作用,降低关键含氧中间体*OOH的形成能垒,加速OER反应动力学.此外,H-MWCNTs-MS的开放式结构极大程度提高了“边缘-平面位点”的利用率,减小的纳米管壁厚促进了层间电荷迁移,也是增强OER活性的关键要素.综上,精准构筑“边缘-平面位点”为开发高效石墨碳电极开辟了新的思路,通过原位谱学技术揭示边缘位点催化结构重构,能够进一步丰富研究者对于电催化协同效应的科学认识.展开更多
BACKGROUND Eosinophilic gastroenteritis(EGE)is a chronic recurrent disease with abnormal eosinophilic infiltration in the gastrointestinal tract.Glucocorticoids remain the most common treatment method.However,disease ...BACKGROUND Eosinophilic gastroenteritis(EGE)is a chronic recurrent disease with abnormal eosinophilic infiltration in the gastrointestinal tract.Glucocorticoids remain the most common treatment method.However,disease relapse and glucocorticoid dependence remain notable problems.To date,few studies have illuminated the prognosis of EGE and risk factors for disease relapse.AIM To describe the clinical characteristics of EGE and possible predictive factors for disease relapse based on long-term follow-up.METHODS This was a retrospective cohort study of 55 patients diagnosed with EGE admitted to one medical center between 2013 and 2022.Clinical records were collected and analyzed.Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank tests were conducted to reveal the risk factors for long-term relapse-free survival(RFS).RESULTS EGE showed a median onset age of 38 years and a slight female predominance(56.4%).The main clinical symptoms were abdominal pain(89.1%),diarrhea(61.8%),nausea(52.7%),distension(49.1%)and vomiting(47.3%).Forty-three(78.2%)patients received glucocorticoid treatment,and compared with patients without glucocorticoid treatments,they were more likely to have elevated serum immunoglobin E(IgE)(86.8%vs 50.0%,P=0.022)and descending duodenal involvement(62.8%vs 27.3%,P=0.046)at diagnosis.With a median follow-up of 67 mo,all patients survived,and 56.4%had at least one relapse.Six variables at baseline might have been associated with the overall RFS rate,including age at diagnosis<40 years[hazard ratio(HR)2.0408,95%confidence interval(CI):1.0082–4.1312,P=0.044],body mass index(BMI)>24 kg/m^(2)(HR 0.3922,95%CI:0.1916-0.8027,P=0.014),disease duration from symptom onset to diagnosis>3.5 mo(HR 2.4725,95%CI:1.220-5.0110,P=0.011),vomiting(HR 3.1259,95%CI:1.5246-6.4093,P=0.001),total serum IgE>300 KU/L at diagnosis(HR 0.2773,95%CI:0.1204-0.6384,P=0.022)and glucocorticoid treatment(HR 6.1434,95%CI:2.8446-13.2676,P=0.003).CONCLUSION In patients with EGE,younger onset age,longer disease course,vomiting and glucocorticoid treatment were risk factors for disease relapse,whereas higher BMI and total IgE level at baseline were protective.展开更多
Intense precipitation infiltration and intricate excavation processes are crucial factors that impact the stability and security of towering and steep rock slopes within mining sites.The primary aim of this research w...Intense precipitation infiltration and intricate excavation processes are crucial factors that impact the stability and security of towering and steep rock slopes within mining sites.The primary aim of this research was to investigate the progression of cumulative failure within a cracked rock formation,considering the combined effects of precipitation and excavation activities.The study was conducted in the Huangniuqian eastern mining area of the Dexing Copper Mine in Jiangxi Province,China.An engineering geological investigation was conducted,a physical model experiment was performed,numerical calculations and theoretical analysis were conducted using the matrix discrete element method(Mat-DEM),and the deformation characteristics and the effect of the slope angle of a fractured rock mass under different scenarios were examined.The failure and instability mechanisms of the fractured rock mass under three slope angle models were analyzed.The experimental results indicate that as the slope angle increases,the combined effect of rainfall infiltration and excavation unloading is reduced.A novel approach to simulating unsaturated seepage in a rock mass,based on the van Genuchten model(VGM),has been developed.Compared to the vertical displacement observed in a similar physical experiment,the average relative errors associated with the slope angles of 45,50,and 55were 2.094%,1.916%,and 2.328%,respectively.Accordingly,the combined effect of rainfall and excavation was determined using the proposed method.Moreover,the accuracy of the numerical simulation was validated.The findings contribute to the seepage field in a meaningful way,offering insight that can inform and enhance existing methods and theories for research on the underlying mechanism of ultra-high and steep rock slope instability,which can inform the development of more effective risk management strategies.展开更多
Emerging research suggests a potential association of progression of Alzheimer's disease(AD)with alterations in synaptic currents and mitochondrial dynamics.However,the specific associations between these patholog...Emerging research suggests a potential association of progression of Alzheimer's disease(AD)with alterations in synaptic currents and mitochondrial dynamics.However,the specific associations between these pathological changes remain unclear.In this study,we utilized Aβ42-induced AD rats and primary neural cells as in vivo and in vitro models.The investigations included behavioural tests,brain magnetic resonance imaging(MRI),liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS/MS)analysis,Nissl staining,thioflavin-S staining,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,Golgi-Cox staining,transmission electron microscopy(TEM),immunofluorescence staining,proteomics,adenosine triphosphate(ATP)detection,mitochondrial membrane potential(MMP)and reactive oxygen species(ROS)assessment,mitochondrial morphology analysis,electrophysiological studies,Western blotting,and molecular docking.The results revealed changes in synaptic currents,mitophagy,and mitochondrial dynamics in the AD models.Remarkably,intervention with Dengzhan Shengmai(DZSM)capsules emerged as a pivotal element in this investigation.Aβ42-induced synaptic dysfunction was significantly mitigated by DZSM intervention,which notably amplified the frequency and amplitude of synaptic transmission.The cognitive impairment observed in AD rats was ameliorated and accompanied by robust protection against structural damage in key brain regions,including the hippocampal CA3,primary cingular cortex,prelimbic system,and dysgranular insular cortex.DZSM intervention led to increased IDE levels,augmented long-term potential(LTP)amplitude,and enhanced dendritic spine density and length.Moreover,DZSM intervention led to favourable changes in mitochondrial parameters,including ROS expression,MMP and ATP contents,and mitochondrial morphology.In conclusion,our findings delved into the realm of altered synaptic currents,mitophagy,and mitochondrial dynamics in AD,concurrently highlighting the therapeutic potential of DZSM intervention.展开更多
The increasing popularity of endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)as a treatment for early gastric cancer has highlighted the importance of quality assessment in achieving curative resections.This article emphasizes t...The increasing popularity of endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)as a treatment for early gastric cancer has highlighted the importance of quality assessment in achieving curative resections.This article emphasizes the significance of evaluating ESD quality,not only for curative cases but also for non-curative ones.Postoperative assessment relies on the endoscopic curability(eCura)classification,but management strategies for eCuraC-1 tumour with a positive horizontal margin are unclear.Current research primarily focuses on comparing additional surgical procedures in high-risk patients,while studies specifically targeting eCuraC-1 patients are limited.Exploring management strategies and follow-up outcomes for such cases could provide valuable insights.Furthermore,the application of molecular imaging using near-infrared fluorescent tracers holds promise for precise tumour diagnosis and navigation,potentially impacting the management of early-stage gastric cancer patients.Advancing research in these areas is essential for improving the overall efficacy of endoscopic techniques and refining treatment indications.展开更多
The current study aimed to assess the effect of timosaponin AⅢ(T-AⅢ)on drug-metabolizing enzymes during anticancer therapy.The in vivo experiments were conducted on nude and ICR mice.Following a 24-day administratio...The current study aimed to assess the effect of timosaponin AⅢ(T-AⅢ)on drug-metabolizing enzymes during anticancer therapy.The in vivo experiments were conducted on nude and ICR mice.Following a 24-day administration of T-AⅢ,the nude mice exhibited an induction of CYP2B10,MDR1,and CYP3A11 expression in the liver tissues.In the ICR mice,the expression levels of CYP2B10 and MDR1 increased after a three-day T-AⅢ administration.The in vitro assessments with HepG2 cells revealed that T-AⅢ induced the expression of CYP2B6,MDR1,and CYP3A4,along with constitutive androstane receptor(CAR)activation.Treatment with CAR siRNA reversed the T-AⅢ-induced increases in CYP2B6 and CYP3A4 expression.Furthermore,other CAR target genes also showed a significant increase in the expression.The up-regulation of murine CAR was observed in the liver tissues of both nude and ICR mice.Subsequent findings demonstrated that T-AⅢ activated CAR by inhibiting ERK1/2 phosphorylation,with this effect being partially reversed by the ERK activator t-BHQ.Inhibition of the ERK1/2 signaling pathway was also observed in vivo.Additionally,T-AⅢ inhibited the phosphorylation of EGFR at Tyr1173 and Tyr845,and suppressed EGF-induced phosphorylation of EGFR,ERK,and CAR.In the nude mice,T-AⅢ also inhibited EGFR phosphorylation.These results collectively indicate that T-AⅢ is a novel CAR activator through inhibition of the EGFR pathway.展开更多
Studies have shown that differentiated embryo-chondrocyte expressed gene 1(DEC1)promotes osteoblast osteogenesis.To investigate the role of DEC1 in postmenopausal osteoporosis,we used the two genotypes of mice(Dec1+/+...Studies have shown that differentiated embryo-chondrocyte expressed gene 1(DEC1)promotes osteoblast osteogenesis.To investigate the role of DEC1 in postmenopausal osteoporosis,we used the two genotypes of mice(Dec1+/+and Dec1-/-)to establish an ovariectomy model and found that the bone loss was significantly lower in Dec1-/-ovariectomy mice than in Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice.The expression levels of RUNX2 and OSX were significantly increased in Dec1-/-ovariectomy mice,compared with Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice;however,the expression levels of NFATc1,c-Fos,CTSK,and RANKL/OPG ratio were significantly decreased in Dec1-/-ovariectomy mice,compared with those in Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice.Likewise,DEC1 deficiency also suppressed the expression levels of IL-6 and IL-1β.Further results showed that the mRNA expression levels of Runx2,Osx,and Alp were significantly increased in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells of Dec1-/-ovariectomy mice,compared with those of Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice.Moreover,the mRNA levels of Il1b,Il6,Tnfa,and Ifng were significantly increased in bone marrow-derived macrophages(BMMs)of Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice,compared with those of Dec1+/+sham mice,but not in Dec1-/-ovariectomy BMMs,when compared with those in Dec1-/-sham BMMs.Additionally,the expression levels of p-IκBαand p-P65 were significantly increased in Dec1+/+ovariectomy BMMs,compared with those in Dec1+/+sham BMMs,but did not increase in Dec1-/-ovariectomy BMMs,compared with those in Dec1-/-sham BMMs.Taken together,DEC1 deficiency inhibited the NF-κB pathway induced by ovariectomy,thereby decreasing cytokines and subsequently inhibiting the decrease of osteo-genesis and the increase of osteoclastogenesis caused by ovariectomy.The findings may provide a novel under-standing of postmenopausal osteoporosis development,and offer potential avenues for the disease intervention.展开更多
BACKGROUND Glioma is one of the most common intracranial tumors,characterized by invasive growth and poor prognosis.Actin cytoskeletal rearrangement is an essential event of tumor cell migration.The actin dynamics-rel...BACKGROUND Glioma is one of the most common intracranial tumors,characterized by invasive growth and poor prognosis.Actin cytoskeletal rearrangement is an essential event of tumor cell migration.The actin dynamics-related protein scinderin(SCIN)has been reported to be closely related to tumor cell migration and invasion in several cancers.AIM To investigate the role and mechanism of SCIN in glioma.METHODS The expression and clinical significance of SCIN in glioma were analyzed based on public databases.SCIN expression was examined using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting.Gene silencing was performed using short hairpin RNA transfection.Cell viability,migration,and invasion were assessed using cell counting kit 8 assay,wound healing,and Matrigel invasion assays,respectively.F-actin cytoskeleton organization was assessed using F-actin staining.RESULTS SCIN expression was significantly elevated in glioma,and high levels of SCIN were associated with advanced tumor grade and wild-type isocitrate dehydrogenase.Furthermore,SCIN-deficient cells exhibited decreased proliferation,migration,and invasion in U87 and U251 cells.Moreover,knockdown of SCIN inhibited the RhoA/focal adhesion kinase(FAK)signaling to promote F-actin depolymerization in U87 and U251 cells.CONCLUSION SCIN modulates the actin cytoskeleton via activating RhoA/FAK signaling,thereby promoting the migration and invasion of glioma cells.This study identified the cancer-promoting effect of SCIN and provided a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of glioma.展开更多
Loess has distinctive characteristics,leading to frequent landslide disasters and posing serious threats to the lives and properties of local re sidents.The involvement of water repre sents a critical factor in induci...Loess has distinctive characteristics,leading to frequent landslide disasters and posing serious threats to the lives and properties of local re sidents.The involvement of water repre sents a critical factor in inducing loess landslides.This study focuses on three neighboring cities sequentially situated on the Loess Plateau along the direction of aeolian deposition of loess,namely Lanzhou,Dingxi,and Tianshui,which are densely populated and prone to landslide disasters.The variations in hydraulic properties,including water retention capacity and permeability,are investigated through Soil Water Characteristic Curve(SWCC)test and hydraulic conductivity test.The experimental findings revealed that Tianshui loess exhibited the highest water retention capacity,followed by Dingxi loess,while Lanzhou loess demonstrated the lowest water retention capacity.Contrastingly,the results for the saturated permeability coefficient were found to be the opposite:Tianshui loess showed the lowest permeability,whereas Lanzhou loess displayed the highest permeability.These results are supported and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM)observation.In addition,the water retention capacity is mathematically expressed using the van Genuchten model and extended to predict unsaturated hydraulic properties of loess.The experimental results exhibit a strong accordance with one another and align with the regional distribution patterns of disasters.展开更多
基金supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project during the 13th Five-Year Plan under grant(2016ZX05060-019)the National Science and Technology Major Project during the 13th Five-Year Plan under grant(2016ZX05060004).
文摘Existing“evaluation indicators”are selected and combined to build a model to support the optimization of shale gas horizontal wells.Towards this end,different“weighting methods”,including AHP and the so-called entropy method,are combined in the frame of the game theory.Using a relevant test case for the implementation of the model,it is shown that the horizontal section of the considered well is in the middle sweet spot area with good physical properties and fracturing ability.In comparison with the FSI(flow scanner Image)gas production profile,the new model seems to display better abilities for the optimization of horizontal wells.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11234002)
文摘The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of seismic waves is usually very low after long distance transmission. For this condition, to improve the bearing estimation capability in the low SNR, a frequency domain polarization weighted ESPRIT method using a single vector device is proposed. The frequency domain polari- zation parameters extracted from the signals are used to design the weighted function which is applied to the received signals. The bearing angle and the target frequency are estimated through ESPRIT using the weighted signals. The simulation and experiment results show that the presented method can obtain accurate estimation values under the low SNR with little prior information.
基金Project supported by the National Key Project, China (Grant No. GJXM92579).
文摘The accuracy of unstructured finite volume methods is greatly influenced by the gradient reconstruction, for which the stencil selection plays a critical role. Compared with the commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-neighbor stencils, the global-direction stencil is independent of the mesh topology, and characteristics of the flow field can be well reflected by this novel stencil. However, for a high-aspect-ratio triangular grid, the grid skewness is evident, which is one of the most important grid-quality measures known to affect the accuracy and stability of finite volume solvers. On this basis and inspired by an approach of using face-area-weighted centroid to reduce the grid skewness, we explore a method by combining the global-direction stencil and face-area-weighted centroid on high-aspect-ratio triangular grids, so as to improve the computational accuracy. Four representative numerical cases are simulated on high-aspect-ratio triangular grids to examine the validity of the improved global-direction stencil. Results illustrate that errors of this improved methods are the lowest among all methods we tested, and in high-mach-number flow, with the increase of cell aspect ratio, the improved global-direction stencil always has a better stability than commonly used face-neighbor and vertex-neighbor stencils. Therefore, the computational accuracy as well as stability is greatly improved, and superiorities of this novel method are verified.
文摘The burgeoning robotics industry has catalyzed significant strides in the development and deployment of industrial and service robotic arms, positioning path planning as a pivotal facet for augmenting their operational safety and efficiency. Existing path planning algorithms, while capable of delineating feasible trajectories, often fall short of achieving optimality, particularly concerning path length, search duration, and success likelihood. This study introduces an enhanced Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm, meticulously designed to rectify the issues of node redundancy and the compromised path quality endemic to conventional RRT approaches. Through the integration of an adaptive pruning mechanism and a dynamic elliptical search strategy within the Informed RRT* framework, our algorithm efficiently refines the search tree by discarding branches that surpass the cost of the optimal path, thereby refining the search space and significantly boosting efficiency. Extensive comparative analysis across both two-dimensional and three-dimensional simulation settings underscores the algorithm’s proficiency in markedly improving path precision and search velocity, signifying a breakthrough in the domain of robotic arm path planning.
文摘To enhance the applicability and measurement accuracy of phase-based optical flow method using complex steerable pyramids in structural displacement measurement engineering applications, an improved method of optimizing parameter settings is proposed. The optimized parameters include the best measurement points of the Region of Interest (ROI) and the levels of pyramid filters. Additionally, to address the issue of updating reference frames in practical applications due to the difficulty in estimating the maximum effective measurement value, a mechanism for dynamically updating reference frames is introduced. Experimental results demonstrate that compared to representative image gradient-based displacement measurement methods, the proposed method exhibits higher measurement accuracy in engineering applications. This provides reliable data support for structural damage identification research based on vibration signals and is expected to broaden the engineering application prospects for structural health monitoring.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘Recent observations show that the spectra of cosmic ray nuclei start to harden above ~ 102 GeV, which contradicts the conventional steady-state cosmic ray model. We had suggested that this anomaly is due to the propagation effect of cosmic rays released from local young cosmic ray sources; the total flux of cosmic rays should be computed with the Myriad Model, where a contribution from sources in the local catalog is added to the background. However, although the hardening could be elegantly explained in this model, the model parameters obtained from the fit are skewed toward a region with fast diffusion and a low supernova rate in the Galaxy, in disagreement with other observations. We further explore this model in order to set up a concordant picture. Two possible improvements related to cosmic ray sources are considered. First, instead of the usual axisymmetric disk model, we examine a spiral model for the source distribution. Second, for nearby and young sources which are necessary to explain the hardening, we allow for an energy-dependent escape. We find that a major improvement comes from incorporating an energy-dependent escape time for local sources, and with both modifications not only are the cosmic ray proton and helium anomalies resolved, but also the parameters attain values in a reasonable range compatible with other analyses.
文摘This paper characterizes the rarely noticeable hot-cutting defect and statistically models the fracture governed by this new type defect. The morphology of the defect on fired ceramic is examined and quantitatively featured through comparing the fracture strength governed by intrinsic defect and hot-cutting defect. Weibull distribution is utilized to fit the observed strength data and chi-square goodness-of-fit test is conducted to analyze the deviation. Kernel density estimation is introduced to explore the underlying strength distribution dominated by hot-cutting defect. Based on the shape information from kernel density estimating,gamma and lognormal distribution are compared and the hot-cutting defect governing fracture statistics is finally confirmed by chisquare test. Results show that the newly-defined hot-cutting defect is more dangerous than the intrinsic defect and the priori Weibull distribution fails to describe the fracture statistic governed by the edge defect while the lognormal with a slightly right skewed shape fits it very well.
基金the financial support for this work from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52205334)the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China(No.2022JJ40495)+2 种基金the Changsha Key Research and Development Project,China(No.kh2201275)the Changsha Municipal Natural Science Foundation,China(No.kq2202196)the Tribology Science Fund of State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment,China(No.SKLTKF21B08)。
文摘开发经济高效的析氧反应电催化剂对于推进可充电金属-空气电池和电解水技术的发展至关重要.一般来说,具有完整蜂窝结构的石墨碳基面是电化学惰性的,需要依赖缺陷或者掺杂结构诱导的电荷极化效应来提升催化活性.相比于基面,边缘位点具有特殊的局域电子态,为提升石墨碳电极的本征催化活性开辟了新的思路,然而其结构精准构筑目前仍面临极大挑战.本文以“人字形”多壁碳纳米管(H-MWCNTs)作为研究切入点,利用高温熔盐介质主导的插层剥离和截断效应,实现“边缘-平面位点”结构可控构筑,为实现高效电解水析氧反应(OER)提供了重要的结构基础.通过熔盐辅助热解方法可控制备了具有完全暴露的内外边缘平面的目标催化剂H-MWCNTs-MS,并研究其OER催化性能.在碱性介质中10 mA cm^(-2)电流密度所需过电位仅为236 mV,是目前报道的较好的非金属电催化剂.同时,H-MWCNTs-MS在10,50和100 mA cm^(-2)电流密度下均表现出较好的电化学稳定性.利用原位衰减全反射-表面增强红外吸收光谱(ATR-SEIRAS)技术研究了“边缘-平面位点”在OER过程中的结构重构过程,与理论计算分析的高能“边缘态”结果一致,并确定酮氧官能化位点为真实催化活性中心.理论计算结果表明,氧官能团修饰结构能够显著促进电荷的再分配,增强层间耦合作用,降低关键含氧中间体*OOH的形成能垒,加速OER反应动力学.此外,H-MWCNTs-MS的开放式结构极大程度提高了“边缘-平面位点”的利用率,减小的纳米管壁厚促进了层间电荷迁移,也是增强OER活性的关键要素.综上,精准构筑“边缘-平面位点”为开发高效石墨碳电极开辟了新的思路,通过原位谱学技术揭示边缘位点催化结构重构,能够进一步丰富研究者对于电催化协同效应的科学认识.
基金National High Level Hospital Clinical Research Funding,No.2022-PUMCH-B-022CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences,No.CIFMS 2021-1-I2M-003and Undergraduate Innovation Program,No.2023zglc06076.
文摘BACKGROUND Eosinophilic gastroenteritis(EGE)is a chronic recurrent disease with abnormal eosinophilic infiltration in the gastrointestinal tract.Glucocorticoids remain the most common treatment method.However,disease relapse and glucocorticoid dependence remain notable problems.To date,few studies have illuminated the prognosis of EGE and risk factors for disease relapse.AIM To describe the clinical characteristics of EGE and possible predictive factors for disease relapse based on long-term follow-up.METHODS This was a retrospective cohort study of 55 patients diagnosed with EGE admitted to one medical center between 2013 and 2022.Clinical records were collected and analyzed.Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank tests were conducted to reveal the risk factors for long-term relapse-free survival(RFS).RESULTS EGE showed a median onset age of 38 years and a slight female predominance(56.4%).The main clinical symptoms were abdominal pain(89.1%),diarrhea(61.8%),nausea(52.7%),distension(49.1%)and vomiting(47.3%).Forty-three(78.2%)patients received glucocorticoid treatment,and compared with patients without glucocorticoid treatments,they were more likely to have elevated serum immunoglobin E(IgE)(86.8%vs 50.0%,P=0.022)and descending duodenal involvement(62.8%vs 27.3%,P=0.046)at diagnosis.With a median follow-up of 67 mo,all patients survived,and 56.4%had at least one relapse.Six variables at baseline might have been associated with the overall RFS rate,including age at diagnosis<40 years[hazard ratio(HR)2.0408,95%confidence interval(CI):1.0082–4.1312,P=0.044],body mass index(BMI)>24 kg/m^(2)(HR 0.3922,95%CI:0.1916-0.8027,P=0.014),disease duration from symptom onset to diagnosis>3.5 mo(HR 2.4725,95%CI:1.220-5.0110,P=0.011),vomiting(HR 3.1259,95%CI:1.5246-6.4093,P=0.001),total serum IgE>300 KU/L at diagnosis(HR 0.2773,95%CI:0.1204-0.6384,P=0.022)and glucocorticoid treatment(HR 6.1434,95%CI:2.8446-13.2676,P=0.003).CONCLUSION In patients with EGE,younger onset age,longer disease course,vomiting and glucocorticoid treatment were risk factors for disease relapse,whereas higher BMI and total IgE level at baseline were protective.
基金the Research Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(Grant Nos.42477142 and 42277154)the Project of Slope Safety Control and Disaster Prevention Technology Innovation team of“Youth Innovation Talent Introduction and Education Plan”of Shandong Colleges and Universities(Grant No.Lu Jiao Ke Han[2021]No.51)。
文摘Intense precipitation infiltration and intricate excavation processes are crucial factors that impact the stability and security of towering and steep rock slopes within mining sites.The primary aim of this research was to investigate the progression of cumulative failure within a cracked rock formation,considering the combined effects of precipitation and excavation activities.The study was conducted in the Huangniuqian eastern mining area of the Dexing Copper Mine in Jiangxi Province,China.An engineering geological investigation was conducted,a physical model experiment was performed,numerical calculations and theoretical analysis were conducted using the matrix discrete element method(Mat-DEM),and the deformation characteristics and the effect of the slope angle of a fractured rock mass under different scenarios were examined.The failure and instability mechanisms of the fractured rock mass under three slope angle models were analyzed.The experimental results indicate that as the slope angle increases,the combined effect of rainfall infiltration and excavation unloading is reduced.A novel approach to simulating unsaturated seepage in a rock mass,based on the van Genuchten model(VGM),has been developed.Compared to the vertical displacement observed in a similar physical experiment,the average relative errors associated with the slope angles of 45,50,and 55were 2.094%,1.916%,and 2.328%,respectively.Accordingly,the combined effect of rainfall and excavation was determined using the proposed method.Moreover,the accuracy of the numerical simulation was validated.The findings contribute to the seepage field in a meaningful way,offering insight that can inform and enhance existing methods and theories for research on the underlying mechanism of ultra-high and steep rock slope instability,which can inform the development of more effective risk management strategies.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.:82374317)State Key Program of National Natural Science of China(Grant Nos.:82130119 and 82130118)+4 种基金Postdoctoral Research Foundation of China(Grant No.:2021M690450)Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Project of Health Commission of Hubei Province(Grant No.:ZY2021M017)Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Funds for Distinguished Young Scholars(Grant No.:2022ZZXJ004)National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.:82174210)Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Public Welfare Research Institutes(Grant No.:ZZ14-FL-005).
文摘Emerging research suggests a potential association of progression of Alzheimer's disease(AD)with alterations in synaptic currents and mitochondrial dynamics.However,the specific associations between these pathological changes remain unclear.In this study,we utilized Aβ42-induced AD rats and primary neural cells as in vivo and in vitro models.The investigations included behavioural tests,brain magnetic resonance imaging(MRI),liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS/MS)analysis,Nissl staining,thioflavin-S staining,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,Golgi-Cox staining,transmission electron microscopy(TEM),immunofluorescence staining,proteomics,adenosine triphosphate(ATP)detection,mitochondrial membrane potential(MMP)and reactive oxygen species(ROS)assessment,mitochondrial morphology analysis,electrophysiological studies,Western blotting,and molecular docking.The results revealed changes in synaptic currents,mitophagy,and mitochondrial dynamics in the AD models.Remarkably,intervention with Dengzhan Shengmai(DZSM)capsules emerged as a pivotal element in this investigation.Aβ42-induced synaptic dysfunction was significantly mitigated by DZSM intervention,which notably amplified the frequency and amplitude of synaptic transmission.The cognitive impairment observed in AD rats was ameliorated and accompanied by robust protection against structural damage in key brain regions,including the hippocampal CA3,primary cingular cortex,prelimbic system,and dysgranular insular cortex.DZSM intervention led to increased IDE levels,augmented long-term potential(LTP)amplitude,and enhanced dendritic spine density and length.Moreover,DZSM intervention led to favourable changes in mitochondrial parameters,including ROS expression,MMP and ATP contents,and mitochondrial morphology.In conclusion,our findings delved into the realm of altered synaptic currents,mitophagy,and mitochondrial dynamics in AD,concurrently highlighting the therapeutic potential of DZSM intervention.
基金the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,No.2022M712265.
文摘The increasing popularity of endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)as a treatment for early gastric cancer has highlighted the importance of quality assessment in achieving curative resections.This article emphasizes the significance of evaluating ESD quality,not only for curative cases but also for non-curative ones.Postoperative assessment relies on the endoscopic curability(eCura)classification,but management strategies for eCuraC-1 tumour with a positive horizontal margin are unclear.Current research primarily focuses on comparing additional surgical procedures in high-risk patients,while studies specifically targeting eCuraC-1 patients are limited.Exploring management strategies and follow-up outcomes for such cases could provide valuable insights.Furthermore,the application of molecular imaging using near-infrared fluorescent tracers holds promise for precise tumour diagnosis and navigation,potentially impacting the management of early-stage gastric cancer patients.Advancing research in these areas is essential for improving the overall efficacy of endoscopic techniques and refining treatment indications.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.82073934,81872937,and 81673513).
文摘The current study aimed to assess the effect of timosaponin AⅢ(T-AⅢ)on drug-metabolizing enzymes during anticancer therapy.The in vivo experiments were conducted on nude and ICR mice.Following a 24-day administration of T-AⅢ,the nude mice exhibited an induction of CYP2B10,MDR1,and CYP3A11 expression in the liver tissues.In the ICR mice,the expression levels of CYP2B10 and MDR1 increased after a three-day T-AⅢ administration.The in vitro assessments with HepG2 cells revealed that T-AⅢ induced the expression of CYP2B6,MDR1,and CYP3A4,along with constitutive androstane receptor(CAR)activation.Treatment with CAR siRNA reversed the T-AⅢ-induced increases in CYP2B6 and CYP3A4 expression.Furthermore,other CAR target genes also showed a significant increase in the expression.The up-regulation of murine CAR was observed in the liver tissues of both nude and ICR mice.Subsequent findings demonstrated that T-AⅢ activated CAR by inhibiting ERK1/2 phosphorylation,with this effect being partially reversed by the ERK activator t-BHQ.Inhibition of the ERK1/2 signaling pathway was also observed in vivo.Additionally,T-AⅢ inhibited the phosphorylation of EGFR at Tyr1173 and Tyr845,and suppressed EGF-induced phosphorylation of EGFR,ERK,and CAR.In the nude mice,T-AⅢ also inhibited EGFR phosphorylation.These results collectively indicate that T-AⅢ is a novel CAR activator through inhibition of the EGFR pathway.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.82073934 and 81872937 to J.Y.)the Special Foundation for Clinical Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province(Grant No.JX10114120).
文摘Studies have shown that differentiated embryo-chondrocyte expressed gene 1(DEC1)promotes osteoblast osteogenesis.To investigate the role of DEC1 in postmenopausal osteoporosis,we used the two genotypes of mice(Dec1+/+and Dec1-/-)to establish an ovariectomy model and found that the bone loss was significantly lower in Dec1-/-ovariectomy mice than in Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice.The expression levels of RUNX2 and OSX were significantly increased in Dec1-/-ovariectomy mice,compared with Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice;however,the expression levels of NFATc1,c-Fos,CTSK,and RANKL/OPG ratio were significantly decreased in Dec1-/-ovariectomy mice,compared with those in Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice.Likewise,DEC1 deficiency also suppressed the expression levels of IL-6 and IL-1β.Further results showed that the mRNA expression levels of Runx2,Osx,and Alp were significantly increased in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells of Dec1-/-ovariectomy mice,compared with those of Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice.Moreover,the mRNA levels of Il1b,Il6,Tnfa,and Ifng were significantly increased in bone marrow-derived macrophages(BMMs)of Dec1+/+ovariectomy mice,compared with those of Dec1+/+sham mice,but not in Dec1-/-ovariectomy BMMs,when compared with those in Dec1-/-sham BMMs.Additionally,the expression levels of p-IκBαand p-P65 were significantly increased in Dec1+/+ovariectomy BMMs,compared with those in Dec1+/+sham BMMs,but did not increase in Dec1-/-ovariectomy BMMs,compared with those in Dec1-/-sham BMMs.Taken together,DEC1 deficiency inhibited the NF-κB pathway induced by ovariectomy,thereby decreasing cytokines and subsequently inhibiting the decrease of osteo-genesis and the increase of osteoclastogenesis caused by ovariectomy.The findings may provide a novel under-standing of postmenopausal osteoporosis development,and offer potential avenues for the disease intervention.
文摘BACKGROUND Glioma is one of the most common intracranial tumors,characterized by invasive growth and poor prognosis.Actin cytoskeletal rearrangement is an essential event of tumor cell migration.The actin dynamics-related protein scinderin(SCIN)has been reported to be closely related to tumor cell migration and invasion in several cancers.AIM To investigate the role and mechanism of SCIN in glioma.METHODS The expression and clinical significance of SCIN in glioma were analyzed based on public databases.SCIN expression was examined using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting.Gene silencing was performed using short hairpin RNA transfection.Cell viability,migration,and invasion were assessed using cell counting kit 8 assay,wound healing,and Matrigel invasion assays,respectively.F-actin cytoskeleton organization was assessed using F-actin staining.RESULTS SCIN expression was significantly elevated in glioma,and high levels of SCIN were associated with advanced tumor grade and wild-type isocitrate dehydrogenase.Furthermore,SCIN-deficient cells exhibited decreased proliferation,migration,and invasion in U87 and U251 cells.Moreover,knockdown of SCIN inhibited the RhoA/focal adhesion kinase(FAK)signaling to promote F-actin depolymerization in U87 and U251 cells.CONCLUSION SCIN modulates the actin cytoskeleton via activating RhoA/FAK signaling,thereby promoting the migration and invasion of glioma cells.This study identified the cancer-promoting effect of SCIN and provided a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of glioma.
基金the financial support for the research presented in this paper from National Natural Science Foundation of China(42201142,42067066,51778590)。
文摘Loess has distinctive characteristics,leading to frequent landslide disasters and posing serious threats to the lives and properties of local re sidents.The involvement of water repre sents a critical factor in inducing loess landslides.This study focuses on three neighboring cities sequentially situated on the Loess Plateau along the direction of aeolian deposition of loess,namely Lanzhou,Dingxi,and Tianshui,which are densely populated and prone to landslide disasters.The variations in hydraulic properties,including water retention capacity and permeability,are investigated through Soil Water Characteristic Curve(SWCC)test and hydraulic conductivity test.The experimental findings revealed that Tianshui loess exhibited the highest water retention capacity,followed by Dingxi loess,while Lanzhou loess demonstrated the lowest water retention capacity.Contrastingly,the results for the saturated permeability coefficient were found to be the opposite:Tianshui loess showed the lowest permeability,whereas Lanzhou loess displayed the highest permeability.These results are supported and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM)observation.In addition,the water retention capacity is mathematically expressed using the van Genuchten model and extended to predict unsaturated hydraulic properties of loess.The experimental results exhibit a strong accordance with one another and align with the regional distribution patterns of disasters.