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作者 余果 董世杰 +2 位作者 吴江 李英海 俞佳 《水利水电快报》 2025年第2期88-93,共6页
近年来,受到降水与蒸发量变化、引调水工程建设以及工农业生产生活用水等多个方面影响,云南省程海湖流域出现生态水量缺乏、湖泊水位持续下降以及水资源承载力不足等问题。基于此,开展了程海湖最低生态水位分析与预测研究。基于程海湖... 近年来,受到降水与蒸发量变化、引调水工程建设以及工农业生产生活用水等多个方面影响,云南省程海湖流域出现生态水量缺乏、湖泊水位持续下降以及水资源承载力不足等问题。基于此,开展了程海湖最低生态水位分析与预测研究。基于程海湖河口水文站1985~2021年实测水位数据,采用最低年平均水位法、天然水位资料法、湖泊形态数据法对程海湖历史水位演变进行综合分析,得到程海湖现阶段最低生态水位为1495.43 m。并以未来程海湖水位恢复法定最低水位的年份为界,计算确定了1499.20 m为程海湖最低生态水位。根据生态水位计算结果和程海湖已建、在建的引、调水工程补水量,预测程海湖未来恢复法定最低生态水位年份为2025年。研究成果将为程海湖生态系统的修复、湖区治理与保护、合理开发利用流域水资源以及推进高原湖泊综合治理与保护提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 最低生态水位 生态水量 引调水工程 程海湖
作者 于郭 张鹏龙 +3 位作者 钱海博 谭娟 殷允杰 王立明 《涂料工业》 北大核心 2025年第2期1-6,13,共7页
为了提高环氧树脂涂层的防腐性能并赋予其自修复性,在四丁基溴化铵的催化下,将植酸接枝到乙二醇二缩水甘油醚上,并与纳米Al_(2)O_(3)混合掺入到环氧树脂中,制备了一种新型复合环氧树脂涂层。探究了纳米Al_(2)O_(3)质量分数对涂层防腐性... 为了提高环氧树脂涂层的防腐性能并赋予其自修复性,在四丁基溴化铵的催化下,将植酸接枝到乙二醇二缩水甘油醚上,并与纳米Al_(2)O_(3)混合掺入到环氧树脂中,制备了一种新型复合环氧树脂涂层。探究了纳米Al_(2)O_(3)质量分数对涂层防腐性的影响,并且对其表面形貌、光泽、力学性能、自修复性和防腐性进行了测试。结果表明:改性植酸和纳米Al_(2)O_(3)的加入显著提高了环氧涂层的表面平整度、光泽和硬度。当改性植酸的含量控制在5%,纳米Al_(2)O_(3)的含量达到5%时,复合涂层的硬度达到H,腐蚀电流密度达到7.85×10^(-8)A/cm^(2),腐蚀电位为−0.805 V。除此之外,复合涂层还具有良好的自修复性。改性植酸和纳米Al_(2)O_(3)的引入显著提高了环氧树脂涂层的防腐性能、自修复性能和耐久性。 展开更多
关键词 环氧树脂 改性植酸 纳米Al_(2)O_(3) 防腐性能 功能材料
酒糟蛋白替代豆粕对九斤黄鸡生长性能、血清生化和免疫指标的影响 被引量:1
作者 张洁 简志银 +4 位作者 禹果 艾蓉 陈燕 刘华 刘敬 《养殖与饲料》 2024年第7期10-14,共5页
[目的]研究不同比例的湿磨预处理去壳酱香型酒糟蛋白(wet milling pretreated and dehulled-moutai distiller's grains, WDMDG)替代豆粕对九斤黄鸡生长性能、血清生化和免疫指标的影响,为WDMDG替代豆粕提供科学依据。[方法]选取1... [目的]研究不同比例的湿磨预处理去壳酱香型酒糟蛋白(wet milling pretreated and dehulled-moutai distiller's grains, WDMDG)替代豆粕对九斤黄鸡生长性能、血清生化和免疫指标的影响,为WDMDG替代豆粕提供科学依据。[方法]选取1日龄健康九斤黄公雏450只,随机分为3组,每组设3个重复,每个重复50只鸡,对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验Ⅰ和试验Ⅱ组分别在基础日粮中添加5%、8%WDMDG等营养替代豆粕,试验为期26 d,分别测定九斤黄鸡平均日增质量、平均日采食量、料重比和死淘率,并对九斤黄鸡血清中总蛋白、白蛋白、尿素氮含量、谷丙转氨酶和谷草转氨酶活力和IgG、IgA、lgM水平进行测定。[结果]与对照组相比,试验Ⅰ和试验Ⅱ组九斤黄鸡的各项生产性能均没有显著差异,试验Ⅰ和试验Ⅱ组鸡血清中尿素氮含量分别提高了4.88%(P>0.05)和19.51%(P<0.05),各组鸡血清中总蛋白、白蛋白含量、谷草转氨酶和谷丙转氨酶活力及IgG、IgA和IgM水平差异均不显著。[结论]在九斤黄鸡日粮中采用5%WDMDG等营养替代基础日粮中部分豆粕,对其日增质量、料重比、死淘率、血清生化指标和免疫指标均无显著负面影响。 展开更多
关键词 湿磨预处理 去壳酱香型酒糟蛋白 九斤黄鸡 生长性能 血清生化指标 免疫指标
能源体系建设进入韧性时代——2023年《全球能源安全报告》主要观点 被引量:1
作者 余国 张鹏程 +2 位作者 高慧 王利宁 向征艰 《国际石油经济》 2024年第4期1-11,共11页
为探索全球能源安全形势的宏观评价体系,中国石油集团经济技术研究院建立了“RASA全球能源安全评价体系”,对从1970年以来的全球安全形势进行了定量评价。认为当前全球能源发展环境正经历深刻转变,四期叠加使能源安全风险更趋复杂难料;... 为探索全球能源安全形势的宏观评价体系,中国石油集团经济技术研究院建立了“RASA全球能源安全评价体系”,对从1970年以来的全球安全形势进行了定量评价。认为当前全球能源发展环境正经历深刻转变,四期叠加使能源安全风险更趋复杂难料;能源发展已进入韧性建设的新阶段,增加系统韧性维度使能源安全评价体系更加完善。建议以结构多元、能力充裕、调节灵活、协同高效为目标,构建具有强大韧性的全球能源安全保障体系。在结构多元方面,重点是推进传统能源与新能源多能互补;在能力充裕方面,先立后破,提升能源储备和系统备份能力;在调节灵活方面,重点是推进能源系统的市场化和智能化;在协同高效方面,增强全球能源治理体系,加强利益相关方的合作。 展开更多
关键词 能源转型 能源安全 定量评价 系统韧性 能源治理
作者 崔鹏星 胡茂良 +3 位作者 吉泽升 王晔 郭宇 许红雨 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期1456-1469,共14页
研究La/Nd比对AZ91-RE合金显微组织和拉伸性能的影响。采用经典表征方法分析第二相的体积分数、平均最近邻距离(NND)和数量密度。利用第一性原理计算确定第二相的形成焓、力学性能和热力学性质。结果表明,La与Nd的质量分数比(w_(La)/w_(... 研究La/Nd比对AZ91-RE合金显微组织和拉伸性能的影响。采用经典表征方法分析第二相的体积分数、平均最近邻距离(NND)和数量密度。利用第一性原理计算确定第二相的形成焓、力学性能和热力学性质。结果表明,La与Nd的质量分数比(w_(La)/w_(Nd))为3/2的合金具有最小的平均晶粒尺寸、最小的平均最近邻距离和最高的第二相数量密度。计算结果表明,Al_(11)La_(3)和Al2Nd的形成在能量上有利。此外,Al_(11)La_(3)和Al_(2)La在抗变形能力、抗剪切变形能力、固体刚度和热稳定性方面都明显优于其他第二相。因此,提高Al_(11)La_(3)和Al_(2)La相的含量有利于改善AZ91-RE合金的力学性能。 展开更多
关键词 AZ91合金 显微组织 拉伸性能 第一性原理计算 电子结构 热力学性质
作者 孙倩倩 余果 +7 位作者 郭新毅 谢丹丹 雷蕾 廖秋菊 田腾飞 刘宇 柳红勤 何晓阔 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期488-493,共6页
目的:探讨头针联合助行功能性电刺激(FES)对脑卒中患者步行及平衡功能的影响。方法:采取平行随机对照研究,纳入符合标准的脑卒中步行功能障碍患者36例,随机分为头针联合助行FES组和助行FES组,每组各18例。两组在常规康复治疗基础上,助行... 目的:探讨头针联合助行功能性电刺激(FES)对脑卒中患者步行及平衡功能的影响。方法:采取平行随机对照研究,纳入符合标准的脑卒中步行功能障碍患者36例,随机分为头针联合助行FES组和助行FES组,每组各18例。两组在常规康复治疗基础上,助行FES组加助行FES,头针联合助行FES组增加头针干预。训练及头针每次30min,两组干预均为1次/d,持续1周。分别在干预前、干预1周后行功能性步行能力量表(FAC)、起立-行走计时测试(TUG)、10m步行计时测试(10MWT)6min步行试验(6MWT)和平衡功能(睁、闭眼运动轨迹面积及长度)的评定并分析干预周期中不良事件的发生率。结果:(1)36例研究对象均完成了整个试验,两组干预基线情况一致(P>0.05);(2)干预前后组内对比,步行功能(TUG、10MWT、6MWT)和平衡功能(睁、闭眼运动轨迹面积和长度)均较干预前提高(P<0.05);(3)干预前后组间对比:头针联合助行FES组对平衡功能闭眼时运动轨迹面积和长度的改善优于单纯助行FES组(P<0.05),步行功能和平衡功能(睁眼状态下),两组干预前后差值对比无显著性意义(P>0.05);(4)研究中无不良事件,无脱落。结论:头针联合助行FES可以有效改善脑卒中后步行功能及平衡功能,其改善平衡功能的效果优于单纯助行FES。 展开更多
关键词 脑卒中 步行功能 平衡功能 头针 助行功能性电刺激
Prognostic significance of grade of malignancy based on histopathological differentiation and Ki-67 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 被引量:3
作者 yuexiang Liang Guannan Sheng +7 位作者 yu guo Yiping Zou Hanhan guo Zhifei Li Shaofei Chang Quan Man Song Gao Jihui Hao 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第5期416-432,共17页
Objective:Tumor cell malignancy is indicated by histopathological differentiation and cell proliferation.Ki-67,an indicator of cellular proliferation,has been used for tumor grading and classification in breast cancer... Objective:Tumor cell malignancy is indicated by histopathological differentiation and cell proliferation.Ki-67,an indicator of cellular proliferation,has been used for tumor grading and classification in breast cancer and neuroendocrine tumors.However,its prognostic significance in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma(PDAC)remains uncertain.Methods:Patients who underwent radical pancreatectomy for PDAC were retrospectively enrolled,and relevant prognostic factors were examined.Grade of malignancy(GOM),a novel index based on histopathological differentiation and Ki-67,is proposed,and its clinical significance was evaluated.Results:The optimal threshold for Ki-67 was determined to be 30%.Patients with a Ki-67 expression level>30%rather than≤30%had significantly shorter 5-year overall survival(OS)and recurrence-free survival(RFS).In multivariate analysis,both histopathological differentiation and Ki-67 were identified as independent prognostic factors for OS and RFS.The GOM was used to independently stratify OS and RFS into 3 tiers,regardless of TNM stage and other established prognostic factors.The tumor-nodemetastasis-GOM stage was used to stratify survival into 5 distinct tiers,and surpassed the predictive performance of TNM stage for OS and RFS.Conclusions:Ki-67 is a valuable prognostic indicator for PDAC.Inclusion of the GOM in the TNM staging system may potentially enhance prognostic accuracy for PDAC. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma PROGNOSIS KI-67 DIFFERENTIATION TNM stage
作者 于江 杜荣茂 +4 位作者 范彦龙 葛福琛 余果 张洪涛 杨涛 《焊接学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期36-44,共9页
基于冷喷涂技术预先在不锈钢基体表面制备Cu涂层作为中间层,再通过电阻热扩散连接方式与铝合金相连,并借助相关分析测试方法探究Cu涂层厚度对焊接接头界面组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明,冷喷涂预先制备的Cu涂层和不锈钢基体间形成较好... 基于冷喷涂技术预先在不锈钢基体表面制备Cu涂层作为中间层,再通过电阻热扩散连接方式与铝合金相连,并借助相关分析测试方法探究Cu涂层厚度对焊接接头界面组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明,冷喷涂预先制备的Cu涂层和不锈钢基体间形成较好的冶金结合,在后续的电阻热扩散连接过程中,Cu涂层作为中间层将原有的铝—钢连接转换为铝—铜连接,有效阻止了Al-Fe相互扩散.当Cu涂层厚度为100μm时,无缺陷的反应层被形成在铝合金和Cu涂层之间,其主要成分为Al(s.s)和少量的Al_(2)Cu,此时接头拉剪载荷最大,为755.39 N,断裂位置位于反应层处,但接头载荷会随Cu涂层厚度增加逐渐降低,这是因为增加的Cu涂层厚度提高接头电阻,形成更高的温度场,导致反应层因生成较多Al-Cu金属间化合物形成裂纹等焊接缺陷.创新点:(1)基于冷喷涂和电阻热扩散连接复合方式获得铝/钢异质结构.(2)通过冷喷涂制备的Cu涂层将后续电阻热扩散连接中原有的Al-Fe连接转变为Al-Cu连接.(3)通过高电阻率石墨形成的焦耳热促进连接界面处Al-Cu原子的相互扩散和冶金反应. 展开更多
关键词 冷喷涂 不锈钢 铝合金 反应层
作者 谌金花 吕莉霞 +5 位作者 刘言 王意君 喻国 曾书勤 罗洪林 伍悦蕾 《糖尿病新世界》 2024年第17期20-28,共9页
目的运用网状Meta分析评价5种不同饮食模式对2型糖尿病患者血糖和体重的影响。方法计算机检索PubMed、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国知网和万方数据库中有关饮食模式对2型糖尿病患者血糖和体重影响... 目的运用网状Meta分析评价5种不同饮食模式对2型糖尿病患者血糖和体重的影响。方法计算机检索PubMed、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国知网和万方数据库中有关饮食模式对2型糖尿病患者血糖和体重影响的随机对照试验。由两名研究者独立提取数据资料,根据Co⁃chrane偏倚风险评估标准,使用Review Manager 5.3软件进行质量评价,利用Stata 17.0软件进行数据分析。结果共纳入31项研究,糖化血红蛋白的网状Meta分析排序结果从优到劣依次为:生酮饮食>低血糖指数饮食>间歇性断食>常规糖尿病饮食>常规饮食;空腹血糖的网状Meta分析排序结果从优到劣依次为:生酮饮食>低血糖指数饮食>间歇性断食>常规糖尿病饮食>常规饮食;体重指数的网状Meta分析排序结果从优到劣依次为:生酮饮食>间歇性断食>低血糖指数饮食>常规糖尿病饮食>常规饮食;体重的网状Meta分析排序结果从优到劣依次为:生酮饮食>间歇性断食>低血糖指数饮食>常规糖尿病饮食>常规饮食。结论在5种饮食模式中,生酮饮食具有最优降血糖和降体重效应。 展开更多
关键词 低血糖指数饮食 生酮饮食 间歇性断食 2型糖尿病 网状Meta分析
从信号到知识——基于人工智能的医学影像裸数据诊断价值初探 被引量:1
作者 Bingxi He yu guo +28 位作者 Yongbei Zhu Lixia Tong Boyu Kong Kun Wang Caixia Sun Hailin Li Feng Huang Liwei Wu Meng Wang Fanyang Meng Le Dou Kai Sun Tong Tong Zhenyu Liu Ziqi Wei Wei Mu Shuo Wang Zhenchao Tang Shuaitong Zhang Jingwei Wei Lizhi Shao Mengjie Fang Juntao Li Shouping Zhu Lili Zhou Shuo Wang Di Dong Huimao Zhang Jie Tian 《Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期60-69,共10页
Encouraging and astonishing developments have recently been achieved in image-based diagnostic technology.Modern medical care and imaging technology are becoming increasingly inseparable.However,the current diagnosis ... Encouraging and astonishing developments have recently been achieved in image-based diagnostic technology.Modern medical care and imaging technology are becoming increasingly inseparable.However,the current diagnosis pattern of signal to image to knowledge inevitably leads to information distortion and noise introduction in the procedure of image reconstruction(from signal to image).Artificial intelligence(AI)technologies that can mine knowledge from vast amounts of data offer opportunities to disrupt established workflows.In this prospective study,for the first time,we develop an AI-based signal-toknowledge diagnostic scheme for lung nodule classification directly from the computed tomography(CT)raw data(the signal).We find that the raw data achieves almost comparable performance with CT,indicating that it is possible to diagnose diseases without reconstructing images.Moreover,the incorporation of raw data through three common convolutional network structures greatly improves the performance of the CT models in all cohorts(with a gain ranging from 0.01 to 0.12),demonstrating that raw data contains diagnostic information that CT does not possess.Our results break new ground and demonstrate the potential for direct signal-to-knowledge domain analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Computed tomography DIAGNOSIS Deep learning Lung cancer Raw data
ZmbZIP27 regulates nitrogen-mediated leaf angle by modulating lignin deposition in maize 被引量:1
作者 Huan Chen Xiaoping Gong +3 位作者 yu guo Jingjuan yu Wen-Xue Li Qingguo Du 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期1404-1413,共10页
In grain crops such as maize(Zea mays),leaf angle(LA)is a key agronomic trait affecting light interception and thus planting density and yield.Nitrogen(N)affects LA in plants,but we lack a good understanding of how N ... In grain crops such as maize(Zea mays),leaf angle(LA)is a key agronomic trait affecting light interception and thus planting density and yield.Nitrogen(N)affects LA in plants,but we lack a good understanding of how N regulates LA.Here,we report that N deficiency enhanced lignin deposition in the ligular region of maize seedlings.In situ hybridization showed that the bZIP transcription factor gene ZmbZIP27 is mainly expressed in the phloem of maize vascular bundles.Under N-sufficient conditions,transgenic maize overexpressing ZmbZIP27 showed significantly smaller LA compared with wild type(WT).By contrast,zmbzip27_(ems)mutant showed larger LA under both N-deficient and N-sufficient conditions compared with WT.Overexpression of ZmbZIP27 enhanced lignin deposition in the ligular region of maize in the field.We further demonstrated that ZmbZIP27 could directly bind the promoters of the microRNA genes ZmMIR528a and ZmMIR528b and negatively regulate the expression levels of ZmmiR528.ZmmiR528 knockdown transgenic maize displayed erect architecture in the field by increasing lignin content in the ligular region of maize.Taken together,these results indicate that ZmbZIP27 regulates N-mediated LA size by regulating the expression of ZmmiR528 and modulating lignin deposition in maize. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE NITROGEN Leaf angle Ligular region Lignin deposition
作者 喻国 谌金花 +4 位作者 伍悦蕾 刘述益 杜文 肖竹 王意君 《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第28期3515-3519,3528,共6页
背景医疗卫生机构慢性病管理能力评估是慢性病管理中很重要的内容,但研究者在使用相关量表时没有重视样本异质性对调查结果科学性的影响。目的基于成都市基层医疗卫生机构慢性病管理质量的调查,探讨样本构成的异质性对量表评价结果的影... 背景医疗卫生机构慢性病管理能力评估是慢性病管理中很重要的内容,但研究者在使用相关量表时没有重视样本异质性对调查结果科学性的影响。目的基于成都市基层医疗卫生机构慢性病管理质量的调查,探讨样本构成的异质性对量表评价结果的影响并提出对策建议。方法2022年2月,采用多阶段分层整群抽样从成都市23个地级市、区(县)、46家基层医疗单位选取889名医务人员作为样本,使用中文版慢性病保健评估量表(ACIC)评估医疗单位的慢性病管理质量评分,采用多重对应分析探索性别、工作年限、职称、学历、岗位构成不同带来的样本异质性对评分的影响。结果医务人员慢性病管理能力总评分与其学历呈负相关,与职称呈正相关(P<0.05);研究对象慢性病管理能力决策支持维度评分与工作年限呈负相关(P<0.05);研究对象慢性病管理能力信息系统维度评分与工作年限呈负相关,与学历呈正相关(P<0.05)。多重对应分析结果提示:(1)总体上医务人员学历越高,给出的慢性病管理能力总评分越低;中级职称倾向于给予最高的评分。(2)决策支持评分维度,工作年限越长的医务人员倾向于给予越高的评分。(3)信息系统评分维度,工作年限越短的人员倾向于给予越高的评分;大专/本科学历倾向于给予最高的评分。结论样本构成的异质性对基层慢性病管理质量评价量表的结果会产生确切的影响,这意味着评价会发生偏差,特别是不利于机构间的公正比较,以上提示量表的制订需要严格规范适用范围,量表信效度检验及推广使用中需要重视样本的构成情况,保证其同质性,以确保基层慢性病管理质量评价的客观性、有效性。 展开更多
关键词 慢性病 疾病管理 质量指标 卫生保健 影响因素分析 多重对应分析
作者 余果 李大成 杨毅 《中国空间科学技术(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期175-185,共11页
针对高分辨率影像中道路情况复杂,存在细小道路和被建筑、阴影等隔断道路,导致道路提取精度不高的问题,提出一种结合空洞卷积单元和并行注意力机制模块的改进模型AP-LinkNet。该模型是通过在下采样编码过程中扩大感受野和深层次关注道... 针对高分辨率影像中道路情况复杂,存在细小道路和被建筑、阴影等隔断道路,导致道路提取精度不高的问题,提出一种结合空洞卷积单元和并行注意力机制模块的改进模型AP-LinkNet。该模型是通过在下采样编码过程中扩大感受野和深层次关注道路特征以达到更高的细节道路提取精度。其中空洞卷积模块在扩大感受野的同时不改变空间上像素之间的关系,并行注意力机制提高输入影像采样过程中对通道和空间信息的关注度,并加权赋值给解码步骤的反卷积特征。结合两种机制的特点,减少复杂道路背景的噪声扰乱性以及提高道路提取模型的整体精度。与DeepLabV3+、U-Net、LinkNet和D-LinkNet模型做对比分析,AP-LinkNet模型在DeepGlobe数据集上道路提取的F_(1)分数和IOU评价指标为80.69%和78.65%,其中F_(1)分数分别高出对比模型11.71%、5.24%、3.97%和3.58%。结果表明模型精确度和鲁棒性更高,对于高分影像狭窄、被遮挡等复杂道路细节提取效果好。 展开更多
关键词 深度学习 空洞卷积 并行注意力机制 混合损失函数 卷积神经网络
A telomere-to-telomere genome assembly of Zhonghuang 13,a widely-grown soybean variety from the original center of Glycine max 被引量:1
作者 Anqi Zhang Tangchao Kong +21 位作者 Baiquan Sun Shizheng Qiu Jiahe guo Shuyong Ruan yu guo Jirui guo Zhishuai Zhang yue Liu Zheng Hu Tao Jiang Yadong Liu Shuqi Cao Shi Sun Tingting Wu Huilong Hong Bingjun Jiang Maoxiang Yang Xiangyu Yao Yang Hu Bo Liu Tianfu Han Yadong Wang 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期142-153,共12页
Soybean(Glycine max)stands as a globally significant agricultural crop,and the comprehensive assembly of its genome is of paramount importance for unraveling its biological characteristics and evolutionary history.Nev... Soybean(Glycine max)stands as a globally significant agricultural crop,and the comprehensive assembly of its genome is of paramount importance for unraveling its biological characteristics and evolutionary history.Nevertheless,previous soybean genome assemblies have harbored gaps and incompleteness,which have constrained in-depth investigations into soybean.Here,we present Telomere-to-Telomere(T2T)assembly of the Chinese soybean cultivar Zhonghuang 13(ZH13)genome,termed ZH13-T2T,utilizing PacBio Hifi and ONT ultralong reads.We employed a multi-assembler approach,integrating Hifiasm,NextDenovo,and Canu,to minimize biases and enhance assembly accuracy.The assembly spans 1,015,024,879 bp,effectively resolving all 393 gaps that previously plagued the reference genome.Our annotation efforts identified 50,564 high-confidence protein-coding genes,707 of which are novel.ZH13-T2T revealed longer chromosomes,421 not-aligned regions(NARs),112 structure variations(SVs),and a substantial expansion of repetitive element compared to earlier assemblies.Specifically,we identified 25.67 Mb of tandem repeats,an enrichment of 5S and 48S rDNAs,and characterized their genotypic diversity.In summary,we deliver the first complete Chinese soybean cultivar T2T genome.The comprehensive annotation,along with precise centromere and telomere characterization,as well as insights into structural variations,further enhance our understanding of soybean genetics and evolution. 展开更多
关键词 SOYBEAN Telomere-to-Telomere assembly Zhonghuang 13 Structure variations
High-risk factors for delirium in severely ill patients and the application of emotional nursing combined with pain nursing 被引量:1
作者 Hong-Ru Li yu guo 《World Journal of Psychiatry》 SCIE 2024年第7期1027-1033,共7页
BACKGROUND Delirium is a neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by acute disturbances of consciousness with rapid onset,rapid progression,obvious fluctuations,and preventable,reversible,and other characteristics.Pati... BACKGROUND Delirium is a neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by acute disturbances of consciousness with rapid onset,rapid progression,obvious fluctuations,and preventable,reversible,and other characteristics.Patients with delirium in the intensive care unit(ICU)are often missed or misdiagnosed and do not receive adequate attention.AIM To analyze the risk factors for delirium in ICU patients and explore the applica-tion of emotional nursing with pain nursing in the management of delirium.METHODS General data of 301 critically ill patients were retrospectively collected,including histories(cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,hypertension,smoking,alcoholism,and diabetes),age,sex,diagnosis,whether surgery was performed,and patient origin(emergency/clinic).Additionally,the duration of sedation,Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale score,combined emotional and pain care,ven-tilator use duration,vasoactive drug use,drainage tube retention,ICU stay du-ration,C-reactive protein,procalcitonin,white blood cell count,body tempe-rature,Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II(APACHE II)score,and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score were recorded within 24 h after ICU admission.Patients were assessed for delirium according to confusion assessment method for the ICU,and univariate and multivariate logistic regre-ssion analyses were performed to identify the risk factors for delirium in the patients.RESULTS Univariate logistic regression analysis was performed on the 24 potential risk factors associated with delirium in ICU patients.The results showed that 16 risk factors were closely related to delirium,including combined emotional and pain care,history of diabetes,and patient origin.Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that no combined emotional and pain care,history of diabetes,emergency source,surgery,long stay in the ICU,smoking history,and high APACHE II score were independent risk factors for de-lirium in ICU patients.CONCLUSION Patients with diabetes and/or smoking history,postoperative patients,patients with a high APACHE II score,and those with emergency ICU admission need emotional and pain care,flexible visiting modes,and early intervention to reduce delirium incidence. 展开更多
关键词 Critical illness DELIRIUM Risk factor Intensive care unit Emotional nursing Pain nursing
作者 程晓雯 余果 +2 位作者 焦小朋 敬代骄 杨济源 《天然气技术与经济》 2024年第6期64-70,共7页
为了突出效益最优的投资管理理念,提高投资决策科学化水平,前瞻性地开展了单井效益评价研究。聚焦四川盆地碳酸盐岩气藏含硫的特殊性,以项目现金流量为计算基础,以内部收益率为核心指标,以基准收益率为判断标准,提出了适用于四川盆地碳... 为了突出效益最优的投资管理理念,提高投资决策科学化水平,前瞻性地开展了单井效益评价研究。聚焦四川盆地碳酸盐岩气藏含硫的特殊性,以项目现金流量为计算基础,以内部收益率为核心指标,以基准收益率为判断标准,提出了适用于四川盆地碳酸盐岩气藏不同内部收益率、单井配产、单井投资的优化组合关系,构建起以含硫量为约束条件的中高含硫、特高含硫气井单井效益评价模型。研究结果表明:①当中高含硫气藏单井配产为(8~30)×10^(4) m^(3)/d、基准收益率为8%时,对应的经济极限单井投资为10840~40700万元;②当特高含硫气藏单井配产为(20~60)×10^(4) m^(3)/d、基准收益率为8%时,对应的经济极限单井投资为27600~82820万元;③单井预估投资超过经济极限投资时,单井及方案存在效益不达标的风险。结论认为:①通过中高含硫、特高含硫气井效益评价模型的建立,可用于确定碳酸盐岩气藏单井井位部署、地质设计、工程设计、工程实施等各阶段的钻完井投资目标制订;②可建立起气井动态管理预警机制,明确后续单井投资管控措施,支撑单井决策阶段及实施阶段钻完井投资目标的预判,对于优化技术经济指标、加快气藏效益开发具有指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 碳酸盐岩气藏 单井极限投资 效益评价 内部收益率
百米级预制装配式架设装备施工关键技术 被引量:1
作者 肖浩 余果 +1 位作者 冷志坚 易飞 《起重运输机械》 2024年第5期66-71,共6页
文中以某跨海大桥为依托,针对海上预制装配化桥梁建设对施工场地和环境的高要求,提出了一种百米跨架设技术,研究设计了百米级海上预制装配式节段拼装架桥机。该技术采用节段拼装的施工工艺,实现了百米级跨径的架设技术,提高了施工效率,... 文中以某跨海大桥为依托,针对海上预制装配化桥梁建设对施工场地和环境的高要求,提出了一种百米跨架设技术,研究设计了百米级海上预制装配式节段拼装架桥机。该技术采用节段拼装的施工工艺,实现了百米级跨径的架设技术,提高了施工效率,满足大跨度桥梁工程的特殊需求,为海上桥梁的建设提供了可行的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 架桥机 装配化桥梁 大跨径 节段拼装 关键技术
Spatiotemporal variation and freeze-thaw asymmetry of Arctic sea ice in multiple dimensions during 1979 to 2020
作者 yu guo Xiaoli Wang +1 位作者 He Xu Xiyong Hou 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期102-114,共13页
Arctic sea ice is broadly regarded as an indicator and amplifier of global climate change.The rapid changes in Arctic sea ice have been widely concerned.However,the spatiotemporal changes in the horizontal and vertica... Arctic sea ice is broadly regarded as an indicator and amplifier of global climate change.The rapid changes in Arctic sea ice have been widely concerned.However,the spatiotemporal changes in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of Arctic sea ice and its asymmetry during the melt and freeze seasons are rarely quantified simultaneously based on multiple sources of the same long time series.In this study,the spatiotemporal variation and freeze-thaw asymmetry of Arctic sea ice were investigated from both the horizontal and vertical dimensions during 1979–2020 based on remote sensing and assimilation data.The results indicated that Arctic sea ice was declining at a remarkably high rate of–5.4×10^(4) km^(2)/a in sea ice area(SIA)and–2.2 cm/a in sea ice thickness(SIT)during 1979 to 2020,and the reduction of SIA and SIT was the largest in summer and the smallest in winter.Spatially,compared with other sub-regions,SIA showed a sharper declining trend in the Barents Sea,Kara Sea,and East Siberian Sea,while SIT presented a larger downward trend in the northern Canadian Archipelago,northern Greenland,and the East Siberian Sea.Regarding to the seasonal trend of sea ice on sub-region scale,the reduction rate of SIA exhibited an apparent spatial heterogeneity among seasons,especially in summer and winter,i.e.,the sub-regions linked to the open ocean exhibited a higher decline rate in winter;however,the other sub-regions blocked by the coastlines presented a greater decline rate in summer.For SIT,the sub-regions such as the Beaufort Sea,East Siberian Sea,Chukchi Sea,Central Arctic,and Canadian Archipelago always showed a higher downward rate in all seasons.Furthermore,a striking freeze-thaw asymmetry of Arctic sea ice was also detected.Comparing sea ice changes in different dimensions,sea ice over most regions in the Arctic showed an early retreat and rapid advance in the horizontal dimension but late melting and gradual freezing in the vertical dimension.The amount of sea ice melting and freezing was disequilibrium in the Arctic during the considered period,and the rate of sea ice melting was 0.3×10^(4) km^(2)/a and 0.01 cm/a higher than that of freezing in the horizontal and vertical dimensions,respectively.Moreover,there were notable shifts in the melting and freezing of Arctic sea ice in 1997/2003 and 2000/2004,respectively,in the horizontal/vertical dimension. 展开更多
关键词 Arctic sea ice sea ice area sea ice thickness spatiotemporal variation freeze-thaw asymmetry
作者 袁慧 何展翔 +3 位作者 赵云生 张朔宁 喻国 吴梦影 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期160-168,共9页
受空气波影响,目前常用的海洋可控源电磁探测方法在浅水区几乎是探测盲区;由于海水的吸收衰减作用,大地电磁测深信号的高频成分在水域几乎衰减殆尽。因此,这两种方法在探测深度方面均存在不足之处。针对这一问题,提出海洋辅助源宽频大... 受空气波影响,目前常用的海洋可控源电磁探测方法在浅水区几乎是探测盲区;由于海水的吸收衰减作用,大地电磁测深信号的高频成分在水域几乎衰减殆尽。因此,这两种方法在探测深度方面均存在不足之处。针对这一问题,提出海洋辅助源宽频大地电磁方法,将可控源音频大地电磁法应用于海洋资源勘探,开展混场源电磁数据采集,即在水面布设激发场源,在海底远区布设采集站接收电磁信号,可获得海洋可控源音频大地电磁信号。对这两组数据进行拼接处理,可实现海域宽频大地电磁探测。建立空气—海水—海底三层地电模型,计算水面激发—海底接收方式下的电磁场分量,分析了不同储层模型的宽频大地电磁视电阻率曲线特征,探讨了海洋可控源音频大地电磁分量的适应性及可行性。本项研究为海洋资源勘探与深部地球科学研究提供了有效的电磁探测方法。 展开更多
关键词 海洋辅助源 宽频大地电磁 适应性 全深度探测 三维模拟
Preparation of a zeolite-palladium composite membrane for hydrogen separation:Influence of zeolite film on membrane stability
作者 Hongmei Wu Xinyu Liu yu guo 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期44-52,共9页
With the development of hydrogen energy,palladium-based membranes have been widely used in hydrogen separation and purification.However,the poor chemical stability of palladium composite membranes limits their commerc... With the development of hydrogen energy,palladium-based membranes have been widely used in hydrogen separation and purification.However,the poor chemical stability of palladium composite membranes limits their commercial applications.In this study,a zeolite-palladium composite membrane with a sandwich-like structure was obtained by using a TS-1 zeolite film grown on the surface of palladium membrane.The membrane microstructure was characterized by SEM and EDX.The effects of the TS-1 film on the hydrogen permeability and stability of palladium composite membrane were investigated in details.Benefited from the protection of the TS-1 zeolite film,the stability of palladium composite membrane was enhanced.The results indicate that the TS-1-Pd composite membrane was stable after eight cycles of the temperature exchange cycles between 773 K and 623 K.Especially,the loss of hydrogen permeance for TS-1-Pd composite membrane was much smaller than that of the pure palladium membrane when the membrane was tested in the presence of C3H6atmosphere.It indicated that the TS-1-Pd composite membrane had better chemical stability in comparison with pure palladium membrane,owing to its sandwich-like structure.This work provides an efficient way for the deposition of zeolite film on palladium membrane to enhance the membrane stability. 展开更多
关键词 Palladium membrane Zeolite film Hydrogen separation STABILITY
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