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“一带一路”倡议与中阿巴区域合作——构建新的三国战略空间 被引量:1
作者 李永辉 《当代世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期67-73,共7页
阿富汗和巴基斯坦是连接中国、南亚、中亚的重要枢纽国家。随着美国军队逐步撤出阿富汗,印度加大对阿富汗问题的介入,该地区安全形势出现新的不确定因素,地缘战略格局也将受到重大影响。同时,在“一带一路”倡议和“中巴经济走廊”顺利... 阿富汗和巴基斯坦是连接中国、南亚、中亚的重要枢纽国家。随着美国军队逐步撤出阿富汗,印度加大对阿富汗问题的介入,该地区安全形势出现新的不确定因素,地缘战略格局也将受到重大影响。同时,在“一带一路”倡议和“中巴经济走廊”顺利推进的背景下,“中阿巴经济走廊”的设想应运而生并展现广阔前景。但是,“一带一路”倡议在阿富汗的推进也面临阿巴矛盾、美国余存势力和印度深度介入等诸多因素的影响。中国应以安全合作为基础,以政治对话为突破口,以经济合作为主要途径,推进中阿巴三国人文交流,密切三国联系,打造新的三国战略空间。 展开更多
关键词 中阿巴区域合作 “一带一路”倡议 中巴经济走廊 南亚地区
作者 田瑞惠 《世界经济年鉴》 2002年第1期86-89,共4页
关键词 经济发展 农业 工业 金融业 阿富汗 交通运输业
Afghanistan Reconstruction 被引量:1
作者 Fu Xiaoqiang is an Associate Professor of the Institutes of Asian and African Studies, and Deputy Director of the Center for Crisis Management, CICIR. He has research interests in South Asian and regional security. He has published a large number of academic articles such as “The Emergence of India and South Asian Security,” “Development of Pakistan’s Policy toward China and Its Trend,” “An Analysis of the Historical Roots of Kashimir Issue,” etc. He is also the author of Ethnic and Religious Issues in China’s Neighboring Countries (2002). 《Contemporary International Relations》 2006年第6期20-36,共17页
The post-war reconstruction in Afghanistan is going on smoothly within the framework of the Bonn Agreement, and the country has come back to normal as far as the appearance goes. However, with foreign involvement, eco... The post-war reconstruction in Afghanistan is going on smoothly within the framework of the Bonn Agreement, and the country has come back to normal as far as the appearance goes. However, with foreign involvement, economic recovery has lagged behind the political reconstruction. Worse still, the Afghan government is now facing a series of challenges including worse situation, revival of warlords, drug economy, poverty and political corruption, etc. Besides, the negative impacts of over-dependence on the United States are now gradually revealing themselves, and uncertainties lie ahead. 展开更多
关键词 阿富汗 政治 战后重建 经济 军事
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and its Opportunity for Afghanistan 被引量:1
作者 Sadia Sulaiman 《China International Studies》 2021年第2期152-168,共17页
From the Belt and Road Initiative to Afghanistan’s present security situation,China has been instrumental in having cordial and close relations with regional countries.During the Cold War,China never supported the ex... From the Belt and Road Initiative to Afghanistan’s present security situation,China has been instrumental in having cordial and close relations with regional countries.During the Cold War,China never supported the expansionist policy of the Soviet Union and even condemned the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.Also,China has never sought direct engagement with Afghan Mujahedeen;instead,it prefers an indirect approach either through Pakistan or the US for peace in Afghanistan.China’s policy of non-interference in Afghanistan’s foreign policy continued till the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001.China has been cautious about its participation in the Afghan peace process,and always puts peace as the topmost priority.An explanation for such a cautious approach with Afghanistan may be the existence of a terrorist network between ISIS in Khurasan,the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan(IMU),the East Turkistan Islamic Movement,the Haqqani Network,al-Qaeda,and ISIS,which secretly supports Islamic militancy in the Uighur population. 展开更多
关键词 中巴经济走廊 POLICY ISIS
阿富汗市场分析 被引量:3
作者 姜英梅 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期68-73,共6页
关键词 阿富汗 市场分析 什叶派穆斯林 多民族国家 九一一事件 塔利班政权 内陆国家 国土面积
阿富汗毒品经济:历史、作用与成因 被引量:8
作者 宋海啸 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2010年第3期100-111,共12页
阿富汗毒品经济主要来源于以鸦片生产和贸易为主的非法经济活动。阿富汗的毒品资金主要通过鸦片种植和毒品加工保护费、毒品国际走私通道保护费、毒品销售资金这三种方式流向塔利班以及基地组织手中,成为恐怖组织源源不断的经济来源。... 阿富汗毒品经济主要来源于以鸦片生产和贸易为主的非法经济活动。阿富汗的毒品资金主要通过鸦片种植和毒品加工保护费、毒品国际走私通道保护费、毒品销售资金这三种方式流向塔利班以及基地组织手中,成为恐怖组织源源不断的经济来源。阿富汗农民长期贫困与毒品经济巨大利润形成的反差、喀布尔政府权力虚弱与管治无力、塔利班分子苦心经营以及美国阿富汗政策的连续失误,使得阿富汗毒品经济在短时间内难以铲除,成为国际反恐战争的最大障碍。 展开更多
关键词 毒品经济 阿富汗 作用与成因
阿富汗命运转折与国际格局展望 被引量:3
作者 李绍先 滕建群 +2 位作者 牛新春 崔洪建 赵明昊 《国际经济评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期9-25,4,共18页
2021年8月,阿富汗风云突变,塔利班以极快的速度重新掌控阿富汗。美国最后从阿富汗撤退的混乱局面给全世界留下了狼狈不堪的印象,"喀布尔时刻"对美国的国际声誉和地位,以及整个国际格局都带来了深远的影响。2021年9月16日,中... 2021年8月,阿富汗风云突变,塔利班以极快的速度重新掌控阿富汗。美国最后从阿富汗撤退的混乱局面给全世界留下了狼狈不堪的印象,"喀布尔时刻"对美国的国际声誉和地位,以及整个国际格局都带来了深远的影响。2021年9月16日,中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所《国际经济评论》编辑部、中国世界经济学会联合组织召开"阿富汗命运转折与国际格局展望"研讨会。与会学者就阿富汗变局及其带来的影响,以及国际格局变化趋势展开了深入研讨。阿富汗变局及其代表的美国中东战略收缩带来中东整个安全结构发生变化,促使欧洲进一步思考战略自主的问题,将自身塑造成不同于中美的"第三种力量"。美国撤出阿富汗是止损,即有计划和有战略地收缩。中国需要明确阿富汗和中东地区对于中国的全球战略格局到底具有何种重要性,如何介入而不陷入。 展开更多
关键词 国际格局 第三种力量 国际经济评论 塔利班 中国社会科学院 世界经济学会 中东地区 国际声誉
作者 序人 《国际工程与劳务》 2004年第5期62-62,共1页
关键词 阿富汗 投资 政府 基本建设 资金
Research on the Sustainability of Afghanistan Based on the Emergy Analysis 被引量:1
作者 JIN Lei LI Haitao YANG Jinfan 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2018年第5期508-515,共8页
Afghanistan is an important country for the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road(the Belt and Road) proposed by China. Due to years of war,Afghanistan is not well-developed economically. ... Afghanistan is an important country for the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road(the Belt and Road) proposed by China. Due to years of war,Afghanistan is not well-developed economically. However,Afghanistan has abundant mineral resources and unique geographical advantages that are of far-reaching significance for Chinese economic strategic development. To investigate the sustainability of the eco-economic system of Afghanistan,we completed a quantitative evaluation of the emergy of Afghanistan during the period 2008 to 2015 by establishing an indicator system based on an emergy analysis. Results showed that from 2008 to 2015,the total emergy used of Afghanistan increased from 5.56×10^(22) sej to 9.75×10^(22) sej,among which the proportion of non-renewable emergy was less than 25.7%. This indicates that local resources in Afghanistan have yet to be exploited and utilized effectively and that its economic development relied heavily on the input of external resources. Meanwhile,the Emergy Sustainability Index(ESI) of Afghanistan from 2008 to 2015 dropped from 3.00 to 0.72,the Environmental Loading Ratio(ELR) increased from 0.77 to 2.06,and the Emergy Yield Ratio(EYR) dropped from 2.31 to 1.49,reflecting the imbalanced utilization of resources and the low level of economic development in Afghanistan. As a result,the potential for sustainable development of Afghanistan is relatively great. Basic infrastructure construction and reasonable exploitation of natural resources are the urgent needs. 展开更多
关键词 emergy analysis SUSTAINABILITY AFGHANISTAN the Belt and Road
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