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The 21st International Geological Congress, Norden 1960
作者 Henning Sφrensen 《Episodes》 SCIE 2007年第2期125-130,共6页
The 21st International Geological Congress (IGC) was held in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1960, but was organised jointly by the five Nordic countries. It attracted 2,386 geoscientists and 948 accompanying members and was... The 21st International Geological Congress (IGC) was held in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1960, but was organised jointly by the five Nordic countries. It attracted 2,386 geoscientists and 948 accompanying members and was up till then the largest scientific congress held in Copenhagen. It also had more members than any previous IGC. The paper presents an overview of the practical arrangements, the lecture sessions, and the excursions, and evaluates the outcome of the Congress. The meeting took place at the threshold of the formulation of the plate-tectonic concept, which, however, was hardly discernible in the Congress Prigs. The 430 oral presentations and 407 printed papers nevertheless supplied new information in many fields of geology, examples of which are mentioned in the present paper. 展开更多
关键词 国际会议 地质会议 地理科学 北欧国家
可喜的成绩 艰巨的任务——中国地质矿产经济学会2003年工作总结及2004年工作安排
作者 李香菊 《中国国土资源经济》 2004年第3期43-45,共3页
关键词 中国地质矿产经济学会 张文驹 会长 资源经济 学术活动 人才培养工作
作者 许定久 《中国国土资源经济》 2004年第1期42-42,共1页
关键词 湖北 地质矿产经济学会 咸宁市 地矿局 矿业经济
以十六大精神为指导 努力推进青海气象事业新发展——王江山局长在2003年全省气象局长会议上的工作报告(摘要)
作者 王江山 《青海气象》 2003年第1期6-12,共7页
同志们: 这次全省气象局长会议的主要任务是:贯彻落实全国气象局长会议精神和省第十届人代会第一次会议精神;总结2002年全省气象工作;研究部署2003年主要工作任务。刚才,穆东升副省长对2002年全省气象工作给予了充分肯定。
关键词 气象事业 气象局 人才培养 依法行政 气象现代化
2007 Annual Meeting of the Geographical Society of China
作者 ZHAO Xin 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第1期127-128,共2页
2007 Annual Meeting of the Geographical Society of China (GSC) was held on November 2-4 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province of East China. A total of over 1300 geographical researchers and educators from 190 geographical i... 2007 Annual Meeting of the Geographical Society of China (GSC) was held on November 2-4 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province of East China. A total of over 1300 geographical researchers and educators from 190 geographical institutions across the country participated in this meeting. More than 800 papers were submitted and discussed during this academic meeting. This meeting was co-sponsored by the GSC, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Nanjing University, and Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) under the CAS. 展开更多
2007 Annual Academic Conference of China Society of Natural Resources Held in Xi'an
作者 ZHAO Xin 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期511-511,共1页
The 2007 Annual Academic Conference of China Society of Natural Resources (CSNR) was held on July 28-30 in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province of Northwest China. This conference was co-sponsored by CSNR and Shaanxi Normal Uni... The 2007 Annual Academic Conference of China Society of Natural Resources (CSNR) was held on July 28-30 in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province of Northwest China. This conference was co-sponsored by CSNR and Shaanxi Normal University, and also supported by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research. A total of more than 500 scholars from over 140 universities, institutions and the government departments concerned in China's Mainland participated in this conference. 展开更多
《地理教学》 北大核心 2024年第19期F0002-F0002,F0003,共2页
《地理教学》主编段玉山教授带领地理教育团队,于2024年8月22日至24日赴爱尔兰参加戈尔韦召开的国际地理联合会地理教育委员会(International Geographical Union Commission on Geographical Education,简称“IGU-CGE”)年会,8月24日... 《地理教学》主编段玉山教授带领地理教育团队,于2024年8月22日至24日赴爱尔兰参加戈尔韦召开的国际地理联合会地理教育委员会(International Geographical Union Commission on Geographical Education,简称“IGU-CGE”)年会,8月24日至30日于都柏林参加第35届国际地理大会(35th International Geographical Congress 2024,简称“IGC 2024”)。 展开更多
关键词 国际地理联合会 教育团队 IGU CGE 地理 爱尔兰
作者 周玉明 《时代建筑》 2003年第4期58-60,共3页
关键词 里斯本博览会 海洋 规划设计
前言:首届亚洲流体包裹体研究国际会议 被引量:2
作者 倪培 李兆麟 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期1-2,共2页
ACROFI,abbreviation of the Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions,is a parallel of ECROFI and PACROFI.The first conference of ACROFI(ACROFI-I)was held at Nanjing University,China on 26~28 May 2006.ACROFI was desi... ACROFI,abbreviation of the Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions,is a parallel of ECROFI and PACROFI.The first conference of ACROFI(ACROFI-I)was held at Nanjing University,China on 26~28 May 2006.ACROFI was designed as a biennial conference and aimed at providing an international forum for the exchange of latest researches and new ideas of geoscientists from academy,government and industry from Asian countries and other nations focusing on studies of both fluid and silicate inclusions. 展开更多
关键词 亚洲流体包裹体研究 国际研讨会 第一界会议 2006年 南京大学
Speech by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at his meeting with the officers of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences
《Episodes》 SCIE 2007年第2期81-82,共2页
I am very glad to meet you all. As a geologist, I am pleased and gratified to have time to talk to you on geology. I will speak about three issues, and will be very happy if this is of some inspiration to you.
关键词 温家宝总理 会议 地理科学 国际
作者 李泽琴 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 2004年第4期691-691,共1页
关键词 地球科学 国际中国地球科学促进会 IPACES 成都
作者 周梅 《昆明理工大学学报(理工版)》 2007年第2期F0002-F0002,F0003,共2页
关键词 地学博物馆 化石标本 历史价值 科学价值 古生物 岩矿 大学 展厅
《河北地质》 2014年第3期4-4,共1页
秦皇岛柳江地学博物馆地处我市抚宁县石门寨镇上庄坨村,建筑面积8122m^2,由地球科学厅、柳江盆地地质遗迹厅、岩矿化石标本厅、秦皇岛国家地质公园景观厅等五个单元组成,该博物馆运用图版、视频、模型、仿真场景、实物标本等手段,... 秦皇岛柳江地学博物馆地处我市抚宁县石门寨镇上庄坨村,建筑面积8122m^2,由地球科学厅、柳江盆地地质遗迹厅、岩矿化石标本厅、秦皇岛国家地质公园景观厅等五个单元组成,该博物馆运用图版、视频、模型、仿真场景、实物标本等手段,揭示了宇宙及太阳系、地球结构、地质作用、生物演化、柳江盆地海陆变迁极其宝贵的地质遗迹资源和秦皇岛美丽的地质自然景观,展示内容涵盖了地球科学、柳江瑰宝、岩矿化石标本赏析等内容,具有浓郁的地方特色,富于科普教育和地质学知识宣教功能,是融科学性、知识性、观赏性和趣味性为一体的地学博物馆。 展开更多
关键词 地学博物馆 柳江盆地 秦皇岛 地质遗迹资源 化石标本 地球科学 建筑面积 公园景观
贯彻科学发展观 做好省级地理学会工作
作者 李兆江 《科协论坛》 2004年第11期16-18,共3页
进入新世纪以来,我国的经济体制与世界逐渐接轨,政治体制也随着发生了重要的变革。各级政府简政放权,必将使专业学术团体的职能、工作目标及任务发生相应的变化。深刻剖析自身学科优势,明了工作任务,抢抓机遇,完成新时期重要的历... 进入新世纪以来,我国的经济体制与世界逐渐接轨,政治体制也随着发生了重要的变革。各级政府简政放权,必将使专业学术团体的职能、工作目标及任务发生相应的变化。深刻剖析自身学科优势,明了工作任务,抢抓机遇,完成新时期重要的历史使命是当今各级地方学术团体应当深刻思考的重要问题。本文就天津市地理学会最近几年的工作思路谈几个问题。 展开更多
关键词 省级地理学会 科学发展观 天津市地理学会 地理科学研究 区域经济
作者 郭琨 《科技中国》 2005年第2期84-87,共4页
20年前,1985年的2月20日,我国第一个极地科学考察站——中国南极长城站顺利建成,这标志着我国南极科学考察事业进入了一个新阶段,这座南极考察站是我国南极健儿在短短的26天内经过顽强拼搏、昼夜奋战建设起来的。郭琨,原国家南极... 20年前,1985年的2月20日,我国第一个极地科学考察站——中国南极长城站顺利建成,这标志着我国南极科学考察事业进入了一个新阶段,这座南极考察站是我国南极健儿在短短的26天内经过顽强拼搏、昼夜奋战建设起来的。郭琨,原国家南极考察委员会办公室主任,曾七次远赴南极。20年前,作为中国首次南极洲考察队的队长.他直接组织和领导了中国南极长城站的建设工作并出任长城站首任站长。 展开更多
关键词 中国 南极 科学考察站 长城站
作者 穆东升 《青海气象》 2003年第1期2-5,共4页
同志们: 这次全省气象局长会议,是在全党和全国各族人民深入学习贯彻党的十六大精神,全面建设小康社会的新形势下召开的一次重要会议。对于认真贯彻全国气象局长会议和即将召开的农村牧区工作会议精神,推动新时期我省气象事业的进一步发... 同志们: 这次全省气象局长会议,是在全党和全国各族人民深入学习贯彻党的十六大精神,全面建设小康社会的新形势下召开的一次重要会议。对于认真贯彻全国气象局长会议和即将召开的农村牧区工作会议精神,推动新时期我省气象事业的进一步发展,全面完成今年的各项工作任务有着十分重要的意义。下面,我讲三点意见。 展开更多
关键词 气象局 会议 青海 气象工作
The Second Japan-Korea-China Symposium of Young Geographers
作者 ZHAO Xin 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第1期126-126,共1页
Sponsored by the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG) and jointly undertaken by the Geographical Society of China (GSC) and the Korean Geographical Society (KGS) and Kumamoto University, the Second Japan-Ko... Sponsored by the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG) and jointly undertaken by the Geographical Society of China (GSC) and the Korean Geographical Society (KGS) and Kumamoto University, the Second Japan-Korea-China Symposium of Young Geographers was held at Kumamoto University in Japan on October 2-5, 2007. It was a successful continuation after the First China-Japan-Korea Symposium of Young Geographers launched by the GSC and held at Beijing Normal University in China on September 16-18, 2006. The 2007 project was also completed with the aid of Professor Murayama Yuji, from University of Tsukuba and the Kumamoto International Convention and Tourism Bureau. 展开更多
Council Meeting of the Asian Geographical Association 2019 held in Beijing
作者 ZHANG Xuanzi ZHANG Guoyou 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第3期511-512,F0003,共3页
On November 1st,2019,Council Meeting of the Asian Geographical Association(AGA)was held at Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China.The meeting was chai... On November 1st,2019,Council Meeting of the Asian Geographical Association(AGA)was held at Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China.The meeting was chaired by Prof.Dahe Qin,who is President of the Asian Geographical Association,Director of Academic Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Former Administrator of China Meteorological Administration.At first,he extended his warm welcome to all the participants present and gave a brief review on the establishment of the Asian Geographical Association.Then,he introduced invited guests and representatives from member organizations of AGA and announced the agenda of the meeting. 展开更多
The 110th Anniversary of the Geographical Society of China&China Conference on Geography 2019 held in Beijing
作者 ZHANG Xuanzi ZHANG Guoyou 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第3期508-510,共3页
The 110th Anniversary of the Geographical Society of China(GSC)&the China Conference on Geography 2019 was held at China National Convention Center(CNCC),Beijing,China and Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natu... The 110th Anniversary of the Geographical Society of China(GSC)&the China Conference on Geography 2019 was held at China National Convention Center(CNCC),Beijing,China and Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences(IGNSRR)from November 1st to 3rd,2019.Under the theme of“Innovation,Development and Glory–Theory and Practice of Chinese Geography”,the event attracted about 3000 participants from more than 20 countries of the world. 展开更多
关键词 中国地理学会 庆祝活动 GEOGRAPHICAL
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