This editorial is intended to be a reflection on cardiovascular disease(CVD)burden in European ethnic minorities.In some European countries,ethnic minority realities,due to their recent appearance,are still to be stud...This editorial is intended to be a reflection on cardiovascular disease(CVD)burden in European ethnic minorities.In some European countries,ethnic minority realities,due to their recent appearance,are still to be studied in depth.The experience of several European countries,where the migration processes started earlier,even more than a century ago,can help by being an example.Many studies have shown that major differences in CVD burden exist not only between countries,but also within the same country when considering different social strata and ethnic groups.The CV risk factors underlying heart disease have been well established.Important epidemiological studies have helped us understand that the underlying causes of heart disease as well as the behaviors that can help prevent them are the same.We are now well aware that CVD should be treated by considering a holistic approach.This is why the social determinants(SDs)of health that may worsen the disease burden or that,vice versa,may improve the treatment,and even more significantly,the prognosis of a patient’s illness should be taken into consideration.For ethnic minority patients,this holistic,hermeneutic approach is of importance.Several SDs of health that influence CVDs have been identified but their relevance for the health of ethnic minorities has not yet been clearly defined.In some European countries,most ethnic minorities are largely also religious minorities.Only a few studies have evaluated the role of religion,which is an important SD that affects the probability of having CV risk factors and diseases.Adolescents,particularly those belonging to the second generation,seem to be the weak link.If we believe that these young people are really citizens of their country of birth,then a way of recognizing their belonging to the community starts from a will to better understand their condition,in order to assist them while they grow physically and mentally.Thinking about safeguarding the health of this population should be more than a health task,rather a goal of social justice.展开更多
目的:研究大气可吸入颗粒物PM10(particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter〈10μm)和细颗粒物PM2.5(particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter〈2.5μm)对健康学龄儿童肺功能的短期影响。方法:于2008年10月选取北京市两所...目的:研究大气可吸入颗粒物PM10(particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter〈10μm)和细颗粒物PM2.5(particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter〈2.5μm)对健康学龄儿童肺功能的短期影响。方法:于2008年10月选取北京市两所小学的216名7~11岁小学生为研究对象,统一测量其反映呼吸道大气道功能和小气道功能的8项肺功能指标,同时监测肺功能测量当天及前4天校园中PM2.5的水平及温度和相对湿度,并同时收集由北京市环保局公布的学校附近监测站的PM10的浓度数据;采用岭回归分析PM10和PM2.5对肺功能的短期影响。结果:在累计滞后1d(Lag0-1)和2d(Lag0-2)时,随着PM10和PM2.5浓度的增加,反映大气道功能的缓慢肺活量(slowvital capaci-ty,SVC)、用力肺活量(forced vital capacity,FVC)和第一秒用力肺活量(forced expiratory volume in one second,FEV1.0)以及反映小气道功能的最大呼气中段流速(forced expiratory flow between25%and75%of vital capacity,FEF25-75)、75%用力肺活量时的呼气流速(forced expiratory flow after25%of vital capacity has been expelled,FEF25)和50%用力肺活量时的呼气流速(forced expiratory flow after50%of vital capacity has been expelled,FEF50)有不同程度的下降,但以大气道功能指标下降更为明显,且女生的SVC、FVC和FEV1.0的下降程度略大于男生。结论:大气PM10和PM2.5对儿童肺功能存在短期负效应,并存在一定滞后性,且在反映大气道功能的指标FVC和FEV1.0上表现得更为明显;女生的大气道功能对于颗粒物的不良影响更为敏感。展开更多
文摘目的:分析气象因素对合肥市肺结核发病的影响,为制定肺结核控制策略提供依据。方法:从“中国疾病预防控制信息系统”收集2013—2022年合肥市肺结核周发病数,从合肥市气象局收集同期的气象数据,对二者进行Spearman相关性分析,采用R 4.3.0软件构建分布滞后非线性模型(distributed lag nonlinear model,DLNM),探讨气象因素和肺结核周病例数之间的暴露—滞后效应。结果:2013—2022年合肥市肺结核患者共报告发病41366例,报告发病率从2013年的63.2/10万(4742/7506266)下降至2022年的31.4/10万(2960/9424437),呈波动下降趋势(χ_(线性)^(2)=1622.439,P<0.001)。气温、相对湿度和风速对肺结核发病的影响分别呈现为“M”型、倒“N”型和近似“Z”型分布。气温在4.7℃时对肺结核发病的累积效应最高(CRR=2.261,95%CI:1.422~3.594),低温(P5=2.4℃)在滞后16周情况下肺结核发病风险最大;相对湿度在46.1%时对肺结核发病的累积效应最高(CRR=8.666,95%CI:5.452~13.773),低相对湿度(P_(1)=54.7%)在滞后0周时RR值最大,为1.073(95%CI:1.047~1.100),高相对湿度(P_(99)=93.0%)在滞后0~15周时为肺结核的保护因素;风速在1.2m/s时对肺结核发病的累积效应最高(CRR=1.563,95%CI:1.203~2.031),低风速(P_(1)=1.2m/s)在滞后16周时RR值最大,为1.042(95%CI:1.011~1.073),高风速(P_(99)=3.5m/s)在滞后0~13周时为肺结核的保护因素。结论:气象因素在肺结核发病中起重要作用,且具有非线性和滞后效应,低温、低相对湿度和低风速会增加肺结核发病的风险。
文摘This editorial is intended to be a reflection on cardiovascular disease(CVD)burden in European ethnic minorities.In some European countries,ethnic minority realities,due to their recent appearance,are still to be studied in depth.The experience of several European countries,where the migration processes started earlier,even more than a century ago,can help by being an example.Many studies have shown that major differences in CVD burden exist not only between countries,but also within the same country when considering different social strata and ethnic groups.The CV risk factors underlying heart disease have been well established.Important epidemiological studies have helped us understand that the underlying causes of heart disease as well as the behaviors that can help prevent them are the same.We are now well aware that CVD should be treated by considering a holistic approach.This is why the social determinants(SDs)of health that may worsen the disease burden or that,vice versa,may improve the treatment,and even more significantly,the prognosis of a patient’s illness should be taken into consideration.For ethnic minority patients,this holistic,hermeneutic approach is of importance.Several SDs of health that influence CVDs have been identified but their relevance for the health of ethnic minorities has not yet been clearly defined.In some European countries,most ethnic minorities are largely also religious minorities.Only a few studies have evaluated the role of religion,which is an important SD that affects the probability of having CV risk factors and diseases.Adolescents,particularly those belonging to the second generation,seem to be the weak link.If we believe that these young people are really citizens of their country of birth,then a way of recognizing their belonging to the community starts from a will to better understand their condition,in order to assist them while they grow physically and mentally.Thinking about safeguarding the health of this population should be more than a health task,rather a goal of social justice.
文摘目的:研究大气可吸入颗粒物PM10(particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter〈10μm)和细颗粒物PM2.5(particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter〈2.5μm)对健康学龄儿童肺功能的短期影响。方法:于2008年10月选取北京市两所小学的216名7~11岁小学生为研究对象,统一测量其反映呼吸道大气道功能和小气道功能的8项肺功能指标,同时监测肺功能测量当天及前4天校园中PM2.5的水平及温度和相对湿度,并同时收集由北京市环保局公布的学校附近监测站的PM10的浓度数据;采用岭回归分析PM10和PM2.5对肺功能的短期影响。结果:在累计滞后1d(Lag0-1)和2d(Lag0-2)时,随着PM10和PM2.5浓度的增加,反映大气道功能的缓慢肺活量(slowvital capaci-ty,SVC)、用力肺活量(forced vital capacity,FVC)和第一秒用力肺活量(forced expiratory volume in one second,FEV1.0)以及反映小气道功能的最大呼气中段流速(forced expiratory flow between25%and75%of vital capacity,FEF25-75)、75%用力肺活量时的呼气流速(forced expiratory flow after25%of vital capacity has been expelled,FEF25)和50%用力肺活量时的呼气流速(forced expiratory flow after50%of vital capacity has been expelled,FEF50)有不同程度的下降,但以大气道功能指标下降更为明显,且女生的SVC、FVC和FEV1.0的下降程度略大于男生。结论:大气PM10和PM2.5对儿童肺功能存在短期负效应,并存在一定滞后性,且在反映大气道功能的指标FVC和FEV1.0上表现得更为明显;女生的大气道功能对于颗粒物的不良影响更为敏感。