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对发展容器育苗的建议 被引量:25
作者 姜以斌 迟功德 《辽宁林业科技》 2003年第2期37-38,共2页
近年来,随着人们保护生态意识的增强和追求生态环境的更加完善及我国林业六大工程的启动,苗木需求量逐年加大,大力发展容器育苗成为当前解决苗木供不应求局面的必然趋势。就发展容器育苗的问题提出:容器向结构更为合理,基质更有利于苗... 近年来,随着人们保护生态意识的增强和追求生态环境的更加完善及我国林业六大工程的启动,苗木需求量逐年加大,大力发展容器育苗成为当前解决苗木供不应求局面的必然趋势。就发展容器育苗的问题提出:容器向结构更为合理,基质更有利于苗木生长,管理操作更方便,成本更低廉方向发展。同时必须加快容器育苗机械化、工厂化、现代化、自动化的步伐。 展开更多
关键词 容器育苗 发展 培养基质 生产工艺 病虫害防治 光周期控制 适地适树
控根容器育苗技术在经济林生产中的应用前景分析 被引量:6
作者 华克达 陈友吾 +4 位作者 程诗明 康志雄 巫冬江 许利群 陆银根 《华东森林经理》 2011年第2期25-27,共3页
通过介绍控根容器育苗主要技术组成、发展现状,分析了在经济林生产中应用控根容器育苗的作用:可以培育经济林良种壮苗、有利于迅速缩短我国经济林建设和品种更新换代周期、有利于提高经济林产品质量等优点。阐述了控根育苗技术的原理,... 通过介绍控根容器育苗主要技术组成、发展现状,分析了在经济林生产中应用控根容器育苗的作用:可以培育经济林良种壮苗、有利于迅速缩短我国经济林建设和品种更新换代周期、有利于提高经济林产品质量等优点。阐述了控根育苗技术的原理,提出了进行控根容器育苗技术在经济林生产应用中还必须培育经济林控根容器的改良、适合我国经济林苗木控根培育的复合基质研究、经济林苗木控根培育与管理的配套栽培技术研究、控根育苗经济林生产模式研究等问题。 展开更多
关键词 控根容器 育苗技术 经济林
Apparent dissociation of photoperiodic time measurement between vernal migration and breeding under dim green light conditions in Gambel's white-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii 被引量:1
作者 Gang WANG Marilyn RAMENOFSKY John C. WINGFIELD 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期349-359,共11页
In seasonally breeding birds, the annual cycle of photoperiod is a principal environmental cue for temporal arrange- ment of different life-history stages, such as migration and breeding. In the past, most research ha... In seasonally breeding birds, the annual cycle of photoperiod is a principal environmental cue for temporal arrange- ment of different life-history stages, such as migration and breeding. In the past, most research has focused on the mechanisms of photoperiodic control of breeding with less attention paid to migration. In Gambel's white-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leuco- phrys gambelii (GWCS), photoreceptors for induction of breeding are known to reside in the basal hypothalamus. However, it is unknown whether the sites of photoperiodic reception for vernal migration are the same as those for breeding. Therefore, we hy- pothesized that they may be controlled separately. In this study, we exposed photosensitive GWCSs to low-penetration green light (wavelength at 510 nm) under a regime of 1 lux during the day and 〈0.1 lux at night, and switched the photoperiodic conditions from short day (10 h daytime) to long day (18 h daytime). The results showed that the experimental birds developed traits associ- ated with vernal migration including mass increase, fat deposition and migratory restlessness behavior when transferred from short day to long day green light cycles, while control birds maintained continuously on short day green light conditions did not ex- press any migration related characteristics. Neither experimental nor control groups showed gonadal recrudescence trader either green light cycles. In support of our hypothesis, we were able to apparently dissociate the photoperiodic responses regulating vernal migra- tion and breeding, which suggests separate mechanisms of photoperiodic time measurement. Such distinct photoperiodic mechanisms may drive the free-tuned temporal arrangement of the two life history stages. 展开更多
关键词 Gambel's white-crowned sparrow Vernal migration Gonadal recrudescence Photoperiodic time measurement
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