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作者 吴方基 《简帛研究》 2019年第1期298-311,共14页
新出長沙尚德街東漢簡牘記載部分失傳的東漢靈帝時期關於"上言變事"之成文法,據此可再考察漢代"上言變事"制度。從運行機制視角分析,漢代"上言變事"主體分三類:普通民衆、官吏與匿名上書;"變事書&qu... 新出長沙尚德街東漢簡牘記載部分失傳的東漢靈帝時期關於"上言變事"之成文法,據此可再考察漢代"上言變事"制度。從運行機制視角分析,漢代"上言變事"主體分三類:普通民衆、官吏與匿名上書;"變事書"製作方式有"自書"和地方官吏代爲製作;"變事書"以三種方式上報:自詣公車司馬門、地方官吏傳遞、匿名上報等;上報中,法律規定盗取、留難、拆封變事書者處以極刑;所上"變事書"交付公車令,由公車令審核後上呈皇帝;皇帝對其處理方式有:同大臣商量裁决和直接下達主管官吏審查。從法律層面看,"變事"實指上報運作之"變事書",其性質是:一,從皇帝的角度看,它體現最高權力對國家、社會毛細滲透及其把控。二,從吏民的角度看,它被視爲一種吏民直接與皇帝溝通的途徑;三,從治理的角度看,它是爲吏民相互監督的直接方式。 展开更多
关键词 尚德街東漢簡牘 上言變事”制度 變事 變事書 運行機制
从一个判例看中国古代的“不应得为”罪 被引量:3
作者 甘露 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第2期56-59,共4页
"不应得为"罪是中国古代法律体系中的一个重要罪名,尤其在唐代更是趋于成熟。文章试图从《龙筋凤髓判》中的一个关于"不应言而上言罪"的典型判例出发,考查中国古代"不应得为"罪的历史发展脉络,并在此基... "不应得为"罪是中国古代法律体系中的一个重要罪名,尤其在唐代更是趋于成熟。文章试图从《龙筋凤髓判》中的一个关于"不应言而上言罪"的典型判例出发,考查中国古代"不应得为"罪的历史发展脉络,并在此基础上对其进行综合分析评价,批判作为封建司法制度专横产物的"罪刑擅断主义",从而确认"罪刑法定之原则"在中国法制建设史上的重大作用,进而对这一原则提出反思。 展开更多
关键词 不应言而上言 不应得为 罪刑撞断主义 罪刑法定原则
吐鲁番文书所见北凉解文的复原及相关问题研究 被引量:1
作者 黄楼 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期66-73,共8页
解文是中古时期非常重要的上行官府文书,由于传世文献皆不载其行用格式,长期不为后人所知。通过对相关文书残片的拼合整理,我们初步复原了北凉解文的基本格式。与启、牒、关等文书不同,北凉解文以"言"为标志。简牍东汉解文中... 解文是中古时期非常重要的上行官府文书,由于传世文献皆不载其行用格式,长期不为后人所知。通过对相关文书残片的拼合整理,我们初步复原了北凉解文的基本格式。与启、牒、关等文书不同,北凉解文以"言"为标志。简牍东汉解文中已见"言"字,北凉解文这一特点表明其与东汉解文具有明显的历史传承关系。吐鲁番文书中所谓的"上言"文书多为当时解文的残片。 展开更多
关键词 北凉 解文 上言文书 吐鲁番文书
敦煌吐鲁番法制文书词语考释 被引量:1
作者 王启涛 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2001年第6期84-87,共4页
敦煌吐鲁番法制文书中 ,“待实、待至”义为“等到 (发现实情 )以后” ,“对众”义为“当众” ,“上言”义为“奏” ,“稽程”义为“延误程限” ,“推迁”义为“死亡” ,“论说”义为“争论” ,“容奇”义为“收留” ,“高下”义为“好... 敦煌吐鲁番法制文书中 ,“待实、待至”义为“等到 (发现实情 )以后” ,“对众”义为“当众” ,“上言”义为“奏” ,“稽程”义为“延误程限” ,“推迁”义为“死亡” ,“论说”义为“争论” ,“容奇”义为“收留” ,“高下”义为“好歹” ,“肯好”义为“愿意” ,“交”义为“总共” ,“陪填”义为“堵塞” ,“守当”义为“看守” ,“影援”义为“靠山” ,“得实”义为“真实”。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌吐鲁番 法制文书 词语 考释 "对众" "上言" 古代词汇 "待实" "待至" 汉语 "稽程" 训沽
作者 何进 《江淮法治》 2015年第12期41-41,共1页
中国古时把彗星称作"扫把星",认为彗星的出现意味着不吉和不祥,主凶恶。这种迷信在古代中国逐步发展成为了一件国家大事,形成了一些惯例。以至于每逢彗星出现,都会给当朝统治带来一些影响,皇帝甚至会下罪己诏,说是由于自己失德而引起... 中国古时把彗星称作"扫把星",认为彗星的出现意味着不吉和不祥,主凶恶。这种迷信在古代中国逐步发展成为了一件国家大事,形成了一些惯例。以至于每逢彗星出现,都会给当朝统治带来一些影响,皇帝甚至会下罪己诏,说是由于自己失德而引起天变,请求责己或宽恕,以及公开请求天下上直言,指出皇帝的过错。 展开更多
关键词 冯恩 古代中国 朝审 世宗 吏部尚书 张孚敬 方献夫 三法司 通政使 上言大臣德政
出身与出路:晚清上海广方言馆学生述论 被引量:1
作者 刘晓琴 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期43-50,128,共9页
上海广方言馆在1863年至1905年所存续的四十二年中,从汉族文童内招考了五百多名学生。广方言馆学生的知识构成以西文西语见长,而算学、天文、制造等科程度尚浅。在“中体西用”的培养宗旨下,中学实属必要,但所习内容与科举考试密不可分... 上海广方言馆在1863年至1905年所存续的四十二年中,从汉族文童内招考了五百多名学生。广方言馆学生的知识构成以西文西语见长,而算学、天文、制造等科程度尚浅。在“中体西用”的培养宗旨下,中学实属必要,但所习内容与科举考试密不可分,或奖励学生以功名,或学生通过科举获得出身,自始至终存在对科举制度的依附。学生修业期满后,一般有选送京师同文馆、留江南制造局任教习、出洋留学和就职于上海及其周边地区几种出路,而更多的学生寻求出路受阻。上海广方言馆学生面临着中学与西学的双重压力,既无法摆脱对科举出身的依赖,又不得不寻求新的出路,在出身与出路的困境中艰难成长。 展开更多
关键词 上海广方言馆 知识结构 科举出身 出路
On the representation of roles
作者 于洋 王戟 +1 位作者 王挺 陈火旺 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期404-408,共5页
The related work to reveal the primary characteristics of roles underlying the existing approaches is analyzed. Then, it is demonstrated that the representation of roles is rather complex and error-prone in these appr... The related work to reveal the primary characteristics of roles underlying the existing approaches is analyzed. Then, it is demonstrated that the representation of roles is rather complex and error-prone in these approaches. Especially, the constraints among roles in the same context cannot be expressed by the current web ontology language (OWL). To solve these problems, a novel model of role is presented and a corresponding ontology language is provided for representing this model. The key idea underlying the solution is that a role should be regarded as an element of a certain context and a context as a structured thing which is comprised of some internal elements. The structure of context possesses inherent modularity and local semantics, whereby the representation of roles and context is significantly simplified. 展开更多
关键词 ROLE whole structure ontology language
作者 任红 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1991年第1期71-75,共5页
各级封建官吏在其王朝帝国中,都担负着一定的政治职能。正如马克思主义认为;“政府当局的存在是通过它的官员、军队、行政机关、法官表现出来的,如果撇开政府当局这个肉体,它就只不过是一个影子,一个想象、一个虚名”。所以,以封建皇帝... 各级封建官吏在其王朝帝国中,都担负着一定的政治职能。正如马克思主义认为;“政府当局的存在是通过它的官员、军队、行政机关、法官表现出来的,如果撇开政府当局这个肉体,它就只不过是一个影子,一个想象、一个虚名”。所以,以封建皇帝为首的庞大的官僚政治体系,是其社会的主要支架,并只有通过官吏分掌兵、刑、钱、谷才可以保证国家机器的运转和国家职能的发挥,“天子所恃以平天下者,百官也”。由此可见,严肃吏律,整饰吏治,督励百官,忠于职守,实为整肃政风、治国安民的必要手段,亦是国运兴衰之所系。 展开更多
关键词 职制律 上言大臣德政 政府当局 罪止 分掌 荫袭 贡举 受财 科罪 朝参
Context-attributed graph grammar framework for specifying visual languages
作者 邹阳 曾晓勤 +1 位作者 韩秀清 张康 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期455-461,共7页
Since the specifications of most of the existing context-sensitive graph grammars tend to be either too intricate or not intuitive, a novel context-sensitive graph grammar formalism, called context-attributed graph gr... Since the specifications of most of the existing context-sensitive graph grammars tend to be either too intricate or not intuitive, a novel context-sensitive graph grammar formalism, called context-attributed graph grammar(CAGG), is proposed. In order to resolve the embedding problem, context information of a graph production in the CAGG is represented in the form of context attributes of the nodes involved. Moreover, several properties of a set of confluent CAGG productions are characterized, and then an algorithm based on them is developed to decide whether or not a set of productions is confluent, which provides the foundation for the design of efficient parsing algorithms. It can also be shown through the comparison of CAGG with several typical context-sensitive graph grammars that CAGG is more succinct and, at the same time, more intuitive than the others, making it more suitably and effortlessly applicable to the specification of visual languages. 展开更多
关键词 visual language graph grammar context-attributed PARSING CONFLUENCE
作者 滨屋方子 《日语知识》 2001年第5期2-4,共3页
关键词 二至 日本人 上言 二五 劳动 梯子 调音 性分 二名 感会 大自在 宝石
作者 濱屋方子 《日语知识》 2000年第9期6-8,共3页
厂自发J4二rp h。丁 季树2为(O,古大爽个加在秋力‘未走Lt。学生仍皆s人吃新学年份上hX夕一V查扣切o怔在O圭L大力。。今月估青龙副司证员、了「吉克。上v。SJ、s在,时机Z也使用频度力‘高(,力。O L拄LK... 厂自发J4二rp h。丁 季树2为(O,古大爽个加在秋力‘未走Lt。学生仍皆s人吃新学年份上hX夕一V查扣切o怔在O圭L大力。。今月估青龙副司证员、了「吉克。上v。SJ、s在,时机Z也使用频度力‘高(,力。O L拄LK$雉在含意在持O副洞b二O L。亡少LIR明b。大L吉L上干。 感到葡OF重为止副弱OF事在J 『女o日本籍男吁日本斋』(筑摩善房 1999年)上卜。子c本〔横换国立大学O佐守本瑞枝先生信,留学生上日本优学生上呼混成夕予X「累文化〕三。。于一)日)编J7体跃在台、大二上已L了,以下价上干在工匕’/一卜在招介L丁L。乙、L》L。去寸。 子则立半年团卜。6卜。毛主苦炎也在、〔最核优崎罔O二上〔L大。住今木先生倡学生大大加方花束在赠h九支L大。先生仅感激百九,思打了「自发,子人今··J有力、L牛、大呼?L丸。「七手巧<遗愿卞畚素振O上喀L…素振0主力’一路怔在,大于。X子个一在L丸0总局SJt先生忖:自身在振0返,了U。乌、L》L。吉才力’,寸局上,l)一P一格吁日本人学生力‘,「吉克,先生Z5子Z子也Z雨手?受计取百二上金促寸土sle素振0(肘在60度(…叫王曲汁,胸元?两手O掌在上I二向村,捧《于... 展开更多
关键词 感勤 女性 相手 吉克 上言 言子 留学生 留学人员 复克
作者 周殿清 《日语知识》 2002年第12期23-24,共2页
問題1次の( )に入れる適当な言葉を下の ①②③④から選び,記号で答えなさい.
关键词 上言 子机 人力
The Concept of Being; Where There Is No Pertinence between Avicenna and Aristotle's Live Dog Better than Dead King
作者 Alireza Saati 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第2期86-92,共7页
In 2012, my winter in Athens began with Aristotle's Metaphysics Zeta. Among strong classical philologists, 1 was the only student whose understanding of metaphysics had been based on Avicenna. After a while 1 found m... In 2012, my winter in Athens began with Aristotle's Metaphysics Zeta. Among strong classical philologists, 1 was the only student whose understanding of metaphysics had been based on Avicenna. After a while 1 found myself amid audiences beforehand precluded to compromise milestones of mine. But on the contrary, I embarked to reread both of the Avicenna and Aristotle from entirely different angle again. Inquiring in the concept of Being in both of the Aristotle and Avicenna was the first candidate of my decision. This paper is the result of mentioned concern. Aristotle's equivalence between the question of "what substance is" rendered to the question of "what being is" in addition to spelling out the implications of this observation done by Avicenna--basing on his own metaphysics---constitutes the body of my paper. 展开更多
关键词 substance Being (Existence) being (entangled existent) subject categories UNIVERSALS
A Re-investigation of the Concept of Word Classes Through a Categorization Approach
作者 Osondu C. Unegbu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第11期990-999,共10页
The concept of word classes (parts of speech) has always generated controversy among linguists. The earlier Prescriptive and Descriptive Schools might have set the pace for this controversy but the present dilemma i... The concept of word classes (parts of speech) has always generated controversy among linguists. The earlier Prescriptive and Descriptive Schools might have set the pace for this controversy but the present dilemma is much deeper. Learners and even teachers are sometimes at quandary as to how to proof that a particular word belongs to a particular class. This is because a word may sometimes belong to several classes, in context as in the word "watch" which can belong to different classes. This paper therefore tries to provide answers to the problem of word class classification by using a morphological and syntactical evidence to prove that English words follow a particular range of inflections and belong to strictly ordered particular categories and do not change their class arbitrarily. This is in line with the natural perfect order of homogeneity in creation which precludes a specie from merging effectively with another specie without having to undergo some fundamental changes. Other variables were also looked into and it was concluded that teachers and learners as well, can rely on this sub-categorization approach as a reliable paradigm for their assumptions concerning word classes. 展开更多
关键词 CATEGORIZATION SUBSTITUTION classification sub-categorization INFLECTION morpho-syntactic
Anaphora's Creating Irony by the Aid of Context
作者 LIU Yan-chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第9期647-653,共7页
The core function of anaphora is to serve as a substitute for a certain linguistic component in texts, but it actually has other missions such as creating the rhetorical effect--irony. However, anaphora alone cannot c... The core function of anaphora is to serve as a substitute for a certain linguistic component in texts, but it actually has other missions such as creating the rhetorical effect--irony. However, anaphora alone cannot contribute to ironic effect, and only by resorting to other resources like contextual information, can anaphora generate irony. Therefore, Yus' s classification of contextual sources is employed to analyze with examples how anaphora creates irony by the aid of context. Ultimately, the conclusion has been drawn that anaphora is able to produce irony with the help of six groups of contextual information classified by Yus except the category--speaker's nonverbal behavior and anapbora sometimes has to interact with several groups of contextual information in order to create irony. 展开更多
关键词 ANAPHORA IRONY contextual information
A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English Forms of Address
作者 HU Lan-ying LV Shao-quan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第10期777-782,共6页
According to sociolinguistic research of speech events, the choice of linguistic forms is determined by the formality of the context and the relationship between interlocutors in a speech event. In this respect, addre... According to sociolinguistic research of speech events, the choice of linguistic forms is determined by the formality of the context and the relationship between interlocutors in a speech event. In this respect, address forms are socially driven phenomena which make the fundamental point in sociolinguistics clearly. The attempt of this study will be made to discuss the impact of the cultures, especially people in America and China. Mainly, the paper is pertinent to ask some questions: (1) whether there are any different pronouns of address used in different cultures, (2) the discrepancy of forms of address used in America and China and how interlocutors used them respectively and (3) are there any semantic systems presented in both two cultures based upon interlocutors' social position and cultural background. 展开更多
关键词 speech events the form of address the contrastive analysis
Contextual Adaptation of Language Choices -With Reference to Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address 被引量:1
《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期94-96,共3页
An empirical research is done on how political Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address as the corpora sample speeches adapt to context in the framework of adaptation theory, taking This paper shows that language choi... An empirical research is done on how political Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address as the corpora sample speeches adapt to context in the framework of adaptation theory, taking This paper shows that language choices in the State of the Union Address are adaptive to all the levels of the context, including communicative context (language users, mental world, social world, and physical world) and linguistic context. It is confirmed one of the theoretical stances of adaptation theory that there is no language use without being adaptive to context. 展开更多
关键词 contextual adaptation 2015 State of the Union Address of the USA case study
Context-Aware Service IVlodes in the Cloud Computing Environment 被引量:3
作者 Pan Yu Luo Lijuan +1 位作者 Gao Li Lv Tingjie 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期86-95,共10页
This paper discussed the differences of context-aware service between the cloud computing environment and the traditional service system.Given the above differences,the paper subsequently analyzed the changes of conte... This paper discussed the differences of context-aware service between the cloud computing environment and the traditional service system.Given the above differences,the paper subsequently analyzed the changes of context-aware service during preparation,organization and delivery,as well as the resulting changes in service acceptance of consumers.Because of these changes,the context-aware service modes in the cloud computing environment change are intelligent,immersive,highly interactive,and real-time.According to active and responded service,and authorization and non-authorized service,the paper drew a case diagram of context-aware service in Unified Modeling Language(UML) and established four categories of context-aware service modes. 展开更多
关键词 cloud computing context-aware service service mode
A Cognitive Approach to the Teaching of College English Writing
作者 SHAN Xiao-ming 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第2期92-96,共5页
One major objective in the teaching of college English writing is to help students master basic language skills, in the hope that students will finally learn to write passably well in English. In keeping with the conc... One major objective in the teaching of college English writing is to help students master basic language skills, in the hope that students will finally learn to write passably well in English. In keeping with the concept that a language is a huge system, a cognitive approach to college English writing aims at the link and association of various language elements to help to inspire the formation of the linguistic instinct on the part of the students Based on the practical teaching practice, ways are recommended to coordinate various elements of a sentence, including "vowel spectrum", "sentence analyzing spectrum", and "focus in context" 展开更多
关键词 college English writing a cognitive approach coordination of "vowel sound spectrum" "entenceanalysis spectrum" and "speetrum of focus in context"
TransJ: An Abstract Independent-Framework for Weaving Crosscutting Concern into Distributed Transactions
作者 Anas M. R. AlSobeh Stephen W. Clyde 《Computer Technology and Application》 2016年第4期173-195,共23页
Implementing crosscutting concerns for transactions is difficult, even using aspect-oriented programming languages such as AspectJ. Many of these challenges arise because the context of a transaction-related crosscutt... Implementing crosscutting concerns for transactions is difficult, even using aspect-oriented programming languages such as AspectJ. Many of these challenges arise because the context of a transaction-related crosscutting concern consists of loosely-coupled abstractions like dynamically-generated identifiers, timestamps, and tentative value sets of distributed resources. Current aspect-oriented programming languages do not provide joinpoints and pointcuts for weaving advice into high-level abstractions or contexts, like transaction contexts. To address these problems, we propose an extension to AspectJ framework, called TransJ, that allows developers to define pointcuts in terms of transaction abstractions and that automatically keeps track of context information for transactions. This paper describes TransJ as an abstract independent framework for weaving crosscutting concerns into high-level runtime abstractions, with which developers can implement transaction-related crosscutting concerns in modular, cohesive and loosely coupled transaction-aware aspects. Finally, this paper presents eight different ways in which TransJ can improve the reuse with preserving the performance of applications requiring transactions. Informally, these hypotheses are that TransJ yields (1) better encapsulation and separation of concern; (2) looser coupling and less scattering; (3) higher cohesion and less tangling; (4) reduces complexity; (5) improves obliviousness; (6) preserves efficiency; (7) improves extensibility; and (8) hastens the productivity. A brief discussion of experiment to test the hypotheses is provided, but the details of the experiment are left for another paper. 展开更多
关键词 AOP ASPECTJ TRANSACTION joinpoint model context crosscutting concern encapsulation high-level abstractions MODULARITY reuse.
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