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学习策略与大学英语“学改”模式研究 被引量:2
作者 王海云 《长春工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期82-83,19,共3页
关键词 学习策略 二语习得 学改"模式
作者 张洁云 《科教文汇》 2007年第01X期128-128,共1页
要探索当前教学改革如何深化,无疑应重视“学改”,为此体育教师的工作要转入到如何引导学生端正学习体育的态度、改进学习的方法,培养各种体育能力,加强学生之间的社会情感交流等方面来,同时要深入了解现代学生心理趋向和个性特征,激发... 要探索当前教学改革如何深化,无疑应重视“学改”,为此体育教师的工作要转入到如何引导学生端正学习体育的态度、改进学习的方法,培养各种体育能力,加强学生之间的社会情感交流等方面来,同时要深入了解现代学生心理趋向和个性特征,激发学生在体育学习中的兴趣,培养良好的锻炼习惯与掌握科学的方法。 展开更多
关键词 体育 学改 学改
《职教论坛》 2003年第8期61-61,共1页
关键词 “学会学习” 学改 学改 素质教育 认知策略 教学内容
作者 肖献 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 CAS CSCD 1996年第1期37-37,共1页
关键词 急性血吸虫病 血吸虫病流行区 影象 血吸虫病人 学改 长江水域 红细胞凝集试验 胸部摄片 浸润性肺结核 流行病学调查
基于“学改”的“教改”才更有价值和效用 被引量:1
作者 吴宝席 《教育视界》 2016年第24期8-11,共4页
自2001年新一轮基础教育课程改革实施以来,课堂教学发生了可喜的变化,尤其是教师的“教”发生了质的变化。但学生的“学”并没有发生根本性改善,致使课程改革出现了“原地打转”或“返回老路”的现象,其改革效果和发展趋势并不令人... 自2001年新一轮基础教育课程改革实施以来,课堂教学发生了可喜的变化,尤其是教师的“教”发生了质的变化。但学生的“学”并没有发生根本性改善,致使课程改革出现了“原地打转”或“返回老路”的现象,其改革效果和发展趋势并不令人满意,究其原因,主要是在“教改”过程中,没有抓住其核心和关键,没有把“学改”放在应有的地位,使“学改”的研究远远滞后干“教改”的研究,从而造成新课改缺乏生命力和持久力。欲使新课改向深水区推进,就必须调整思维定势,把“教改”的视角转向“学改”,使“教改”与“学改”并驾齐驱,相得益彰。 展开更多
关键词 新课程改革 课堂教学 教改 学改
作者 九曲 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第3期62-62,共1页
香港教育署1992年12月初建议7所本来可用双语教学的中学改用中文授课,而可转用英语授课的则有三所。 香港教育署官员称,据12月1日发出的《学校语文熟谙程度分类》指引,教育署对16所中学所作教学语言的建议有所变动。其中。
关键词 香港教育 双语教学 教学语言 英语授课 学改 学校 语文能力 心理因素 双语授课 英文授课
作者 朱浩 《扬州职业大学学报》 1996年第0期109-110,共2页
当前高校体育教学改革正深入持久地在各校开展,广大体育教师试图寻找到一种新的科学的教学方法.笔者认为在以往的改革中,在如何改变教师的教学方法,即“教改”这一方面进行得比较多.而对如何改变教学的主体——学生的学习方法,即“学改... 当前高校体育教学改革正深入持久地在各校开展,广大体育教师试图寻找到一种新的科学的教学方法.笔者认为在以往的改革中,在如何改变教师的教学方法,即“教改”这一方面进行得比较多.而对如何改变教学的主体——学生的学习方法,即“学改”方面探索得比较少.本文着重从如何发挥学生主观能动性和加强学校管理等几个方面进行了阐述. 展开更多
关键词 学改 教改 终生体育 余暇体育 促其主观
作者 邵静 褚广鑫 《中国公共卫生学报》 1996年第2期72-72,共1页
化妆品引起表皮组织学改变的实验观察辽宁省卫生防疫站(沈阳110005)邵静,褚广鑫使用化妆品引起使用者皮肤不良反应的事例时有发生。当前评价化妆品的安全性,以观察皮肤的外部现象为多。本文通过兔涂皮试验,深入研究化妆品可... 化妆品引起表皮组织学改变的实验观察辽宁省卫生防疫站(沈阳110005)邵静,褚广鑫使用化妆品引起使用者皮肤不良反应的事例时有发生。当前评价化妆品的安全性,以观察皮肤的外部现象为多。本文通过兔涂皮试验,深入研究化妆品可能引起的表皮病理组织学改变,以期为... 展开更多
关键词 化妆品 实验观察 表皮组织 棘细胞层 细胞增生 多次皮肤刺激试验 学改 乙二醇 皮肤厚度 试验方法
作者 苏建强 《教学月刊(中学版)(教学管理)》 2021年第7期21-26,共6页
支持、促进义务教育段学生学习方式深度转型升级的“白马湖”好课系统,是指从名师、优秀教师的经典好课、优课中提取好课基因,设计并推进好课标准、好课范式、好课策略及好课行动,架构起基于“五好”要素的“白马湖”好课组合拳,深入引... 支持、促进义务教育段学生学习方式深度转型升级的“白马湖”好课系统,是指从名师、优秀教师的经典好课、优课中提取好课基因,设计并推进好课标准、好课范式、好课策略及好课行动,架构起基于“五好”要素的“白马湖”好课组合拳,深入引导区域义务段常态课育人模式转型、学教方式变革,建构高水平、高质量的常态课新体系,深度促进属地义务教育段学生持续实现学习方式转变、不断提升常态课学习获得感、逐渐发展适应未来社会的学习胜任力。 展开更多
关键词 “白马湖”好课 深度学改 区域教育发展
伤寒杆菌性脑膜炎的脑脊液细胞学改变一例报告 被引量:1
作者 谢岳锐 谢海峰 +1 位作者 马翰章 翟云霞 《中华神经科杂志》 CAS CSCD 1994年第6期355-355,共1页
伤寒杆菌性脑膜炎的脑脊液细胞学改变一例报告谢岳锐,谢海峰,马翰章,翟云霞患者男,19岁。因持续高热6天入院。体检:神清,全身皮下出血,球结膜水肿出血,神经系统检查仅脑膜刺激征阳性,治疗前脑脊液检查:蛋白高,糖及氯化物... 伤寒杆菌性脑膜炎的脑脊液细胞学改变一例报告谢岳锐,谢海峰,马翰章,翟云霞患者男,19岁。因持续高热6天入院。体检:神清,全身皮下出血,球结膜水肿出血,神经系统检查仅脑膜刺激征阳性,治疗前脑脊液检查:蛋白高,糖及氯化物含量低;脑脊液细胞学:白细胞计数1... 展开更多
关键词 脑脊液细胞 伤寒杆菌 结核性脑膜炎 浆细胞 粒细胞 急性化脓性脑膜炎 脑脊液细胞学 吞噬细胞 学改 嗜中性
作者 王正华 《创新创业理论研究与实践》 2020年第12期1-2,共2页
基于"学改"理念建构智慧学习信息化平台与学习环境,使学生通过计算机或移动终端实现在线学习,实现学习过程的信息化,有利于学习质量保证体系的建构与完善。通过教育大数据的采集与分析能够对学习质量评价改革能够起到决策支... 基于"学改"理念建构智慧学习信息化平台与学习环境,使学生通过计算机或移动终端实现在线学习,实现学习过程的信息化,有利于学习质量保证体系的建构与完善。通过教育大数据的采集与分析能够对学习质量评价改革能够起到决策支持、导向示范、学习支架等作用,促进有效教学与适合的教育。学习质量保证体系建设与评价方式改革能够激发学生学习内驱力,及时提供信息反馈,促进学生层面的诊断与改进(以下简称"诊改"),较好地实现人才培养质量提升的目标。 展开更多
关键词 学改 高职 学习质量 评价
《山西教育(管理版)》 2001年第1期25-25,共1页
关键词 信息时代 教育模式 学校组织 数字化校园 教改实践 学改 学习型组织 课堂教学模式 教育价值观 互联网
Characterization of adsorptive capacity and mechanisms on adsorption of copper, lead and zinc by modified orange peel 被引量:8
作者 冯宁川 郭学益 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第5期1224-1231,共8页
A novel adsorbent was prepared by modifying orange peel with sodium hydroxide and calcium chloride. The morphological and characteristics of the adsorbent were evaluated by infrared spectroscopy (IR), scanning elect... A novel adsorbent was prepared by modifying orange peel with sodium hydroxide and calcium chloride. The morphological and characteristics of the adsorbent were evaluated by infrared spectroscopy (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and N2-adsorption techniques. The adsorption behavior of Cu^2+, Pb^2+ and Zn^2+ on modified orange peel (SCOP) was studied by varying parameters like pH, initial concentration of metal ions. Equilibrium was well described by Langmuir equation with the maximum adsorption capacities for Cu^2+, Pb^2+ and Zn^2+ of 70.73, 209.8 and 56.18 mg/g, respectively. Based on the results obtained in batch experiments, breakthrough profiles were examined using a column packed with SCOP for the separation of small concentration of Pb^2+ from an excess of Zn^2+ followed by elution tests. Ion exchange with Ca^2+ neutralizing the carboxyl groups of the pectin was found to be the predominant mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 orange peel chemical modification adsorption capacity adsorption mechanism
Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments of Xiawan Port based on modified potential ecological risk index 被引量:40
作者 祝慧娜 袁兴中 +7 位作者 曾光明 蒋敏 梁婕 张长 尹娟 黄华军 刘智峰 江洪炜 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1470-1477,共8页
Modified potential ecological risk index (MRI) was proposed based on the potential ecological risk index (RI) and risk assessment code (RAC) by modifying an index. The modified index was relevant to the chemical... Modified potential ecological risk index (MRI) was proposed based on the potential ecological risk index (RI) and risk assessment code (RAC) by modifying an index. The modified index was relevant to the chemical speciation of heavy metals. Xiawan Port, a typical region contaminated by industrial production, was selected as a case study area. The total concentrations and chemical speciation of heavy metals in sediments of Xiawan Port were analyzed. The experimental data indicate that Xiawan Port is seriously polluted by heavy metals, especially by Cd. The risks of heavy metals are evaluated by RI, RAC and MRI, respectively. The resluts of MRI show that the risks of heavy metals are in the decreasing order of Cd〉Pb〉Cu〉Zn. Comparison of results by different methods reveals that MRI integrates the characters of RI and RAC. MRI is recognized to be useful for risk managemnt of heavy metals in sediments. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metals chemical speciation modified potential ecological risk index SEDIMENTS Xiawan Port
Enhancement of nucleation of diamond films deposited on copper substrate by nickel modification layer 被引量:3
作者 刘学璋 魏秋平 +1 位作者 翟豪 余志明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期667-673,共7页
A Ni layer with a thickness of about 100 nm was sputtered on Cu substrates,followed by an ultrasonic seeding with nanodiamond suspension.High-quality diamond film with its crystalline grains close to thermal equilibri... A Ni layer with a thickness of about 100 nm was sputtered on Cu substrates,followed by an ultrasonic seeding with nanodiamond suspension.High-quality diamond film with its crystalline grains close to thermal equilibrium shape was deposited on Cu substrates by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition(HF-CVD),and the sp2 carbon content was less than 5.56%.The nucleation and growth of diamond film were investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy,scanning electron microscopy,and X-ray diffraction.The results show that the nucleation density of diamond on the Ni-modified Cu substrates is 10 times higher than that on blank Cu substrates.The enhancement mechanism of the nucleation kinetics by Ni modification layer results from two effects:namely,the nanometer rough Ni-modified surface shows an improved absorption of nanodiamond particles that act as starting points for the diamond nucleation during HF-CVD process;the strong catalytic effect of the Ni-modified surface causes the formation of graphite layer that acts as an intermediate to facilitate diamond nucleation quickly. 展开更多
关键词 diamond film nickel interlayer Cu substrate chemical vapor deposition nucleation kinetics surface modification
On the Construction of a Cognition-oriented College-English Teaching Model 被引量:1
作者 杨劲松 邓志勇 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期6-10,17,共6页
This paper analyzes the negative influence of traditional English instruction as well as obsession with bilingual teaching, and sets forth a three-step development strategy in line with the cognitive characteristics o... This paper analyzes the negative influence of traditional English instruction as well as obsession with bilingual teaching, and sets forth a three-step development strategy in line with the cognitive characteristics of learners. 展开更多
关键词 Cognition-oriented college English teaching model
Modification on epoxy-based adhesive 被引量:5
作者 郑孝霞 钱春香 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期155-159,共5页
This research adopted four methods to toughen epoxy adhesives. They were liquid hydroxyl group terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) rubber modification, silicon rubber modification, polyacrylate multiplicity elastomer par... This research adopted four methods to toughen epoxy adhesives. They were liquid hydroxyl group terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) rubber modification, silicon rubber modification, polyacrylate multiplicity elastomer particulates emulsion modification and chemical grafting modification. After modification, the shearing strength and the rupture elongation were tested. The interface and the chemical reaction between the modifiers and the epoxy were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and infrared optical spectrum. The results show that the elastomer particulates modification and the chemical grafting modification can reach the better toughening effects. 展开更多
关键词 epoxy adhesive shearing strength rupture elongation MODIFIERS
Reflections on Non-English Major Postgraduate English Teaching Reform 被引量:2
作者 郁仲莉 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期12-15,31,共5页
This paper presents some reflections on non-English major postgraduate English teaching reform. The author points out some understandings on the English proficiency of non-English major postgraduate students and curri... This paper presents some reflections on non-English major postgraduate English teaching reform. The author points out some understandings on the English proficiency of non-English major postgraduate students and curriculum changes in the reform. The author thinks that postgraduate English teaching reform is a systematic project, with a goal to meet the practical needs of postgraduate students and improve their ability to use English in their study and work. Hence, every effort of the reform should be made to satisfy the practical needs of the students and to make their English study contribute to their achievements in their own subject area. 展开更多
关键词 REFLECTION non-English major postgraduate English teaching reform
Modification of ACFs by chemical vapor deposition and its application for removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution 被引量:3
作者 王丽平 黄柱成 张明瑜 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期530-537,共8页
Viscose activated carbon fibers (ACFs) were characterized using specific surface area, scanning electron modified with chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The samples were microscopy (SEM), pore size distribution a... Viscose activated carbon fibers (ACFs) were characterized using specific surface area, scanning electron modified with chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The samples were microscopy (SEM), pore size distribution and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Batch adsorption experiments were carried out to investigate the adsorption behavior of modified ACFs for methyl orange(MO) from its aqueous solutions. The results show that the adsorption isotherms of MO onto modified ACFs well follows the Langmuir isotherm equation. The adsorption kinetics of MO can be well described by the pseudo second-order kinetic model. The adsorption process involves the intra-particle diffusion, but is not the only rate-controlling step. Thermodynamic parameters including AG, AH and AS were calculated, suggesting that the adsorption of MO onto modified ACFs is a spontaneous, exothermic and physisorption process. FTIR result indicates that the major adsorption mechanism of modified ACFs for MO is hydrogen bond. 展开更多
关键词 viscose activated carbon fiber chemical vapor deposition MODIFICATION methyl orange adsorption isotherm kinetics THERMODYNAMICS
Experimental interdisciplinary program: Tourism Business Management and English
作者 冯源 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期1-4,共4页
This paper is a report of an experimental undergraduate composite program of Tourism Business Management and English. It introduces the characteristics of the program structure, faculty, learning materials, teaching a... This paper is a report of an experimental undergraduate composite program of Tourism Business Management and English. It introduces the characteristics of the program structure, faculty, learning materials, teaching and learning methods, and assessment approaches. The achievements of the program as well as the major problems it has experienc.ed are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 foreign language education reform English discipline comparative education academic program reform interdisciplinary program
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