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作者 孙瑞华 《新经济导刊》 北大核心 2003年第19期51-52,共2页
到目前为止,为国内移动运营商提供增值服务的CP/SP已经超过600家。新空气——新空气软件(北京)有限公司就是其中之一。 '新空气'给人留下的印象很深,到不只因为它是西门子移动业务发展公司(SMAC)在中国大陆投资的第一个项目,还... 到目前为止,为国内移动运营商提供增值服务的CP/SP已经超过600家。新空气——新空气软件(北京)有限公司就是其中之一。 '新空气'给人留下的印象很深,到不只因为它是西门子移动业务发展公司(SMAC)在中国大陆投资的第一个项目,还在于它别致的名称。每次看到'新空气'的名字,就自然想到羽泉获大奖的那首歌——'深呼吸'。'深呼吸,闭上你的眼睛,全世界有最清新氧气……'。莫非,'新空气'最初的灵感来自'深呼吸'? 初创即盈利记者反复搜寻,终于在北京一家官方网站上查到有关'新空气'的资料。 展开更多
关键词 高科技企业 融资 新空气软件有限公司 创业 经营管理
新空气质量标准实施以来河北省五年空气质量污染特征分析 被引量:1
作者 苏海燕 张玮 +1 位作者 赵江伟 张良 《价值工程》 2018年第18期182-184,共3页
关键词 院环境空气质量标准 PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO O3
室内空气污染新状况及污染控制技术 被引量:9
作者 曹媛媛 郭婷 +3 位作者 耿春梅 于海瀛 王方园 许海亚 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S2期229-231,235,共4页
因装修装饰引发的室内空气化学污染被人们广泛关注并重视,然而近年来一些新的室内空气污染状况初现端倪,这些室内污染对人体危害更大也更难管理和控制,文章围绕3种新状况展开论述,剖析了目前室内污染控制技术存在的瓶颈问题,展望了未来... 因装修装饰引发的室内空气化学污染被人们广泛关注并重视,然而近年来一些新的室内空气污染状况初现端倪,这些室内污染对人体危害更大也更难管理和控制,文章围绕3种新状况展开论述,剖析了目前室内污染控制技术存在的瓶颈问题,展望了未来室内空气净化技术的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 室内 空气污染状况 空气净化技术 二次有机气溶胶 颗粒物
环境空气质量新标准实施的减排效应分析 被引量:3
作者 谭本艳 向古月 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第20期103-107,共5页
文章将环境空气质量新标准的分阶段实施过程视为自然实验,采用合成控制法来检验2012年实施的空气质量新标准是否产生了减排效应。研究发现,环境空气质量新标准的实施与生效,使第一批监测实施城市在2013年的主要大气污染物排放量显著下降... 文章将环境空气质量新标准的分阶段实施过程视为自然实验,采用合成控制法来检验2012年实施的空气质量新标准是否产生了减排效应。研究发现,环境空气质量新标准的实施与生效,使第一批监测实施城市在2013年的主要大气污染物排放量显著下降,具体地,二氧化硫排放量平均减少了2.027万吨,工业烟(粉)尘排放量平均减少了1.395万吨,安慰剂检验结果显示,该结论分别在1.69%和1.92%的水平上显著;然而,减排效应延续性不足,2014年二氧化硫减排额下降明显,并变得不再显著,工业烟(粉)尘的排放量甚至出现了反转,这可能源于2014年国内经济出现了滑坡,中央和地方必须要在促减排和稳增长之间进行利弊权衡。 展开更多
关键词 减排效应 环境空气质量标准 合成控制法 大气污染物
基于空气质量新标准的重庆市大气环境承载力特征研究 被引量:4
作者 唐燕秋 陈佳 +1 位作者 邓伟 齐静 《四川环境》 2016年第1期61-67,共7页
基于空气质量新标准,采用承栽指数法对2010~2013年重庆市40个区县的SO2、NO2PM10单要素承载力和大气环境综合承载力进行了测算和评价,分析了空间分布特征及多年变化趋势。结果表明:全市大气环境综合承栽力总体上呈增加趋势,渝东南... 基于空气质量新标准,采用承栽指数法对2010~2013年重庆市40个区县的SO2、NO2PM10单要素承载力和大气环境综合承载力进行了测算和评价,分析了空间分布特征及多年变化趋势。结果表明:全市大气环境综合承栽力总体上呈增加趋势,渝东南和渝东北地区承载力最好,都市区承载力较弱;SO2、NO2承载力较为乐观,但有近1/2的区县NO2承载力呈下降趋势,PM10形势严峻,所有区县均处于超载或濒临超载状态。“十三五”时期,重点应进一步强化PM10和NO2污染控制,以环境承载力为基础调整优化产业布局,实施空气质量达标分类指导和精细化管理,建立环境承载力监测预警体系。 展开更多
关键词 空气质量标准 大气环境承载力 承载力评价
环境空气质量新标准对“十二五”目标完成的影响 被引量:1
作者 史宇 王宁 杨丽阎 《环境保护科学》 CAS 2017年第1期26-29,共4页
十二五"期间全国PM_(10)浓度陡增导致了达标城市比例降低,影响了《国家环境保护"十二五"规划》空气质量指标的完成。通过对PM_(10)浓度时间和空间变化分析,得出《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-2012)的逐步实施对全国PM_(10... 十二五"期间全国PM_(10)浓度陡增导致了达标城市比例降低,影响了《国家环境保护"十二五"规划》空气质量指标的完成。通过对PM_(10)浓度时间和空间变化分析,得出《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-2012)的逐步实施对全国PM_(10)浓度的异常变化有着显著影响。新标准的发布施行,促进了PM_(10)监测仪器和方法更新升级,大幅收严了监测数据统计的有效性,提升了监测数据的质量控制水平,从主观和客观上更加有效的提高了监测数据的精度。 展开更多
关键词 环境空气质量标准 监测仪器 监测方法 数据统计有效性 质量控制
《家饰》 2010年第10期110-111,共2页
关键词 室内装饰 装饰材料 环保材料 "新空气"
《内蒙古林业》 2003年第7期30-30,共1页
关键词 北京 空气净化车型 四档自动变速器 空气净化系统 真空吸尘器
《环境工作通讯》 2002年第1期35-38,共4页
关键词 《中国:空气、土地和水--千年环境优先领域的报告》 环境战略 世界银行
环境规制强化的经济增长效应与机制研究 被引量:5
作者 胡宗义 张晔 +1 位作者 邓晶晶 杨振寰 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期50-59,共10页
基于中国275个地级市2004-2018年的面板数据,以环境空气质量新标准的实施为准自然试验,采用渐进双重差分方法,实证研究环境-经济双重红利效应的理论依据及实现路径。研究发现,环境规制强化能显著促进地区经济增长,结论在经过一系列稳健... 基于中国275个地级市2004-2018年的面板数据,以环境空气质量新标准的实施为准自然试验,采用渐进双重差分方法,实证研究环境-经济双重红利效应的理论依据及实现路径。研究发现,环境规制强化能显著促进地区经济增长,结论在经过一系列稳健性检验后依然成立。并且该效应会随着地区经济水平提高而呈现边际递增的规律。机制研究发现,环境规制强化会通过增加政府公共支出、倒逼企业创新、促进公众消费及人才流入提高地区经济发展水平。 展开更多
关键词 空气质量标准 环境规制 经济增长 双重差分法
A Novel Aircraft Air Conditioning System with a Sterilization Unit by Ultra-High-Temperature Air Stream 被引量:3
作者 SUN Zhi SUN Jianhong CHEN Siyu 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2020年第4期646-654,共9页
An aircraft cabin is a narrow,closed-space environment.To keep the air quality in cabin healthy for passengers,especially during an epidemic such as SARS-CoV-2(or 2019-nCoV)in 2020,a novel aircraft air conditioning sy... An aircraft cabin is a narrow,closed-space environment.To keep the air quality in cabin healthy for passengers,especially during an epidemic such as SARS-CoV-2(or 2019-nCoV)in 2020,a novel aircraft air conditioning system,called the ultra-high-temperature instantaneous sterilization air conditioning system(UHTACS),is proposed.Based on the proposed system,a simulation of the UHT-ACS is analysed in various flight states.In the UHT-ACS,the mixing air temperature of return and bleed air can reach temperature up to 148.8°C,which is high enough to kill bacilli and viruses in 2一8 s.The supply air temperature of the UHT-ACS in a mixing cavity is about 12 C in cooling mode both on the ground and in the air.The supply air temperature is about 42 C in heating mode.Compared with the air conditioning systems(ACS)of traditional aircraft the supply air temperatures of the UHT-ACS in the mixing cavity are in good agreement with those of a traditional ACS with 60%fresh air and 40%return air.Furthermore the air temperature at the turbine outlet of the UHT-ACS is higher than that of a traditional ACS which will help to reduce the risk of icing at the outlet.Therefore the UHT-ACS can operate normally in various flight states. 展开更多
关键词 air conditioning system(ACS) ultra-high-temperature instantaneous sterilization ultra-hightemperature instantaneous sterilization air conditioning system(UHT-ACS) return air 2019-nCoV
Location of anemometer along Lanzhou-Xinjiang railway 被引量:3
作者 高广军 张洁 熊小慧 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期3698-3704,共7页
Using structured mesh to discretize the calculation region, the wind velocity and pressure distribution in front of the wind barrier under different embankment heights are investigated based on the Detached Eddy Simul... Using structured mesh to discretize the calculation region, the wind velocity and pressure distribution in front of the wind barrier under different embankment heights are investigated based on the Detached Eddy Simulation(DES) with standard SpalartAllmaras(SA) model. The Reynolds number is 4.0×105 in this calculation. The region is three-dimensional. Since the wind barrier and trains are almost invariable cross-sections, only 25 m along the track is modeled. The height of embankment ranges from 1 m to 5 m and the wind barrier is 3 m high. The results show that the wind speed changes obviously before the wind barrier on the horizontal plane, which is 4.5 m high above the track. The speed of wind reduces gradually while approaching the wind barrier. It reaches the minimum value at a distance about 5 m before the wind barrier, and increases dramatically afterwards. The speed of wind at this location is linear with the speed of far field. The train aerodynamic coefficients decrease sharply with the increment of the embankment height. And they take up the monotonicity. Meanwhile, when the height increases from 3 m to 5 m, they just change slightly. It is concluded that the optimum anemometer location is nearly 5 m in front of the wind barrier. 展开更多
关键词 anemometer location wind barrier detached eddy simulation wind speed distribution
The “All in One”Smart Solar Cooling System
作者 Esam Elsarrag 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2018年第2期66-73,共8页
The need for moving away from traditional energy sources and to find alternate energy sources is undoubtedly one of the primary objectives for a sustainable progress to humankind. The design and construction of buildi... The need for moving away from traditional energy sources and to find alternate energy sources is undoubtedly one of the primary objectives for a sustainable progress to humankind. The design and construction of buildings in hot-humid climates requires high energy consumption typically for air conditioning due to higher thermal loads. In the Gulf Region, there is a rising concern on the current rate of energy consumption due to air conditioning, i.e. two thirds of domestic electrical loads. Considering the wider impacts of carbon emissions on our climate, and the need to reduce these emissions, effective energy efficiency solutions are necessary in order to achieve the overall goal of reducing carbon emissions. This paper presents the performance of the “All in One” fully integrated solar desiccant air conditioning system. The superefficient air conditioning system can provide 1,000 to 2,000 litre/s treated fresh air at supply temperature of 16 °C with 60% reduction in energy consumption compared to conventional systems. The system is locally manufactured and installed. 展开更多
关键词 Solar cooling desiccant dehumidification absorption chillers.
Distribution pattern and limiting factors of vegetation in coal waste pile of Xinzhuangzi coal mine in Huainan 被引量:2
作者 CHU Zhao-xia WANG Shun-chang WANG Xing-ming 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第4期413-417,共5页
In China, coal mine spoils have traditionally been dumped in cone-shaped heaps that have the potential to pollute air, soil and water environments. The coal waste pile occupies lots of arable land and endangers the ec... In China, coal mine spoils have traditionally been dumped in cone-shaped heaps that have the potential to pollute air, soil and water environments. The coal waste pile occupies lots of arable land and endangers the ecological system in the coal mine district. Vegetation restoration is an efficient approach for controlling the environment pollution of coal waste pile, and is also a topic of current interest in restoration ecology and degradation system ecology. This study focused on the distribu- tion pattern and limiting factors of vegetation in coal waste pile of Xinzhuangzi Coal Mine in Huainan. The results show that two stable plant communities (Synodon dactylon+Erigeron bonariensis.L+Setaria viridis community and Humulus scan- den+Erigeron bonariensis. L community) exist at the bottom of the pile. Synodon dactylon and Erigeron bonariensis. L have much higher values of summed dominance ratio, which denote that these two species can be used for restoration of coal waste piles. The high levels of pH (8.77) and salinity, low levels of total P and total K in coal mine spoil can be the limiting factors for the residence and growth of vegetation. 展开更多
关键词 coal waste pile vegetation distribution limiting factor regetation restoration Xinzhuangzi Coal Mine
Air-void parameters measurement of fresh concrete and hardened concrete 被引量:8
作者 李化建 谢永江 杨鲁 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期1103-1108,共6页
Air content, spacing factor and specific surface of fresh concrete and hardened concrete with different air contents, slumps and mineral admixtures (fly ash, slag, fly ash + slag, fly ash + slag + silica fume composit... Air content, spacing factor and specific surface of fresh concrete and hardened concrete with different air contents, slumps and mineral admixtures (fly ash, slag, fly ash + slag, fly ash + slag + silica fume composite) were studied by the air-void analyzer (AVA) method and the microscopical method. The correlations between the test results obtained from different methods were analyzed. The results show that, there is a close correlation of air content and spacing factor between the fresh concrete and the hardened concrete, but the specific surface correlation is weak. The air content of concrete measured by the AVA method is smaller than that of the pressure method and the microscopical method, because AVA device captures only the air voids with the size smaller than 3 mm. Spacing factor of the fresh concrete measured by the AVA method is greater than that of the hardened concrete measured by the microscopical method, while the specific surface is smaller. When the criterion of 4%-7% air content measured by the pressure method and microscopical method is acceptable for concrete freezing-thawing (F-T) durability in cold weather, the air content measured by the AVA method should be 2.4%-4.6%. For the concrete F-T durability, when the criterion of the spacing factor measured by the microscopical method is 300 μm, the spacing factor measured by the AVA method should be 360 μm. 展开更多
关键词 fresh concrete hardened concrete air content spacing factor specific surface
Research on the Phase Change Solar Energy Fresh Air Thermal Storage System
作者 Guohui Feng Lei Zhao +1 位作者 Yingchao Fei Kailiang Huang 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第2期232-236,共5页
In this article, a new kind of solar fresh air system is designed in order to realize the improvement of thermal efficiency by the integrated application of the PCMs and heat pipe technology. Under the adequate sunshi... In this article, a new kind of solar fresh air system is designed in order to realize the improvement of thermal efficiency by the integrated application of the PCMs and heat pipe technology. Under the adequate sunshine condition, the fresh air is directly delivered into the indoor environment after being heated by the solar collector. When the sun radiation is reduced, the heated air temperature can not satisfy the need of supply of air temperature.The main heat source is changed to phase change heat storage equipment instead of solar energy. The system adopt heat pipe for a high-efficiency and isothermal heat transfer which recover the shortcomings of PCMs such as: low coefficient of thermal conductivity and poor thermal efficiency. This article establishes the physical model of phase change solar energy fresh air thermal storage system and creates the mathematical model of its unsteady heat transfer to simulate and analyse the operation process by using Fluent software. The results of the study show that, compared to normal fresh air system, the phase change solar energy fresh air thermal storage system has a significant improvement in energy saving and indoor comfort level and will play an important role in the energy sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 Solar fresh air system heat pipe phase change thermal storage simulation analysis.
《现代制造》 2005年第4期26-26,共1页
自2004年末起,英格索兰“新一代小型空气压缩机技术交流会”陆续在北京、广州、上海、深圳、西安、杭州、沈阳、武汉等国内主要城市召开。此次英格索兰向广大用户推出了UNIGY新一代变频螺杆空气压缩机、Small UP螺杆空气压缩机和合理... 自2004年末起,英格索兰“新一代小型空气压缩机技术交流会”陆续在北京、广州、上海、深圳、西安、杭州、沈阳、武汉等国内主要城市召开。此次英格索兰向广大用户推出了UNIGY新一代变频螺杆空气压缩机、Small UP螺杆空气压缩机和合理化后的T30活塞式空气压缩机,这些产品可广泛用于食品饮料加工、医药、电子、化工、包装、汽车维修等行业,各种不同的机型可灵活、 展开更多
关键词 变频螺杆空气压缩机 UNIGY 一代小型空气压缩机技术交流会” 英格索兰
基于CFD模型的新密市餐厨油烟减排效果评估 被引量:1
作者 高恒飞 苏方成 +3 位作者 张云鹏 刘永刚 张长森 徐起翔 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第S02期313-320,共8页
近年来,居民源排放的餐饮油烟对大气环境影响逐渐凸显。以新密市武装部站点为研究对象,分析了站点处空气质量变化趋势、污染特征及其主要影响来源,在该监测站点周围安置餐厨油烟净化装置并设置不同气象条件下的污染物控制情景,采用计算... 近年来,居民源排放的餐饮油烟对大气环境影响逐渐凸显。以新密市武装部站点为研究对象,分析了站点处空气质量变化趋势、污染特征及其主要影响来源,在该监测站点周围安置餐厨油烟净化装置并设置不同气象条件下的污染物控制情景,采用计算流体动力学方法对不同控制情景下的空气质量进行模拟,评估了不同气象条件下净化装置对该站点处空气质量的改善效果。结果显示:2019年新密市空气质量相比2018年总体上有所改善,但2019年大气颗粒物浓度仍明显高于现行空气质量标准,颗粒物污染形势较为严峻。在加装净化装置后,不同气象条件下净化装置对污染物的减排均有正面效果,尤其是在不利扩散的静稳天气下,污染物净化装置能有效减轻污染状况,在持续运行的前提下可实现年均颗粒物浓度3~5μg的降低。 展开更多
关键词 CFD 餐厨油烟 空气质量
中国存在环境移民吗?——来自空气质量指数测算改革的自然实验 被引量:9
作者 刘欢 席鹏辉 《经济学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期38-54,共17页
2013年来中国各城市相继实施了空气质量新标准改革,为研究中国环境移民问题提供了良好的“自然实验”。本文利用2001-2016年城市面板数据,采用双重差分法分析了空气质量指数测算改革对人口迁移的影响。结果表明,采用空气质量新标准后各... 2013年来中国各城市相继实施了空气质量新标准改革,为研究中国环境移民问题提供了良好的“自然实验”。本文利用2001-2016年城市面板数据,采用双重差分法分析了空气质量指数测算改革对人口迁移的影响。结果表明,采用空气质量新标准后各城市空气质量指数明显提高,城市人口净迁入量出现明显性下降。这一效应在控制户籍制度及公共服务等因素后仍然显著。根据本文的进一步分析,环境移民存在个体社会经济地位的异质性效应,在面对更高的环境污染风险时,受教育程度与收入水平更高人群拥有更强的迁出意愿。本文对中国高质量发展的启示是:地方政府应当重新审视和定位经济增长与环境保护的关系,避免环境污染通过人力资本流失等渠道对地区经济长期发展可能的不利影响。 展开更多
关键词 空气质量标准 环境移民 高质量发展
The effects of giant cloud condensation nuclei on the structure of precipitation in hailstorm clouds
作者 YANG HuiLing XIAO Hui HONG YanChao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期126-142,共17页
The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) has been used to investigate the effects of varied giant cloud condensation nuclei (GCCN) concentrations on precipitation characteristics of the spring hailstorms in a s... The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) has been used to investigate the effects of varied giant cloud condensation nuclei (GCCN) concentrations on precipitation characteristics of the spring hailstorms in a semi-arid region. The simulation result shows that this variation has significant effects on the storm microphysical processes as well as on the surface precipitation. The coverage of hail and hail mixing ratio maxima in cloud increases with greater GCCN concentrations. The accumulation zone structure benefits the growth of hail particles. Higher GCCN concentrations lead to more supercooled rain water and cloud water available for freezing. This simulation also shows that increasing GCCN concentrations may produce more rainfall on the surface but less hail precipitation, and the total accumulated precipitation increases while the ice phase precipitation decreases. This effect is stronger in polluted air than in clean air. The surface flow field changes with different GCCN concentrations. The identification index of spring hailstorm is different from that of summer hailstorm with a different aerosol background. 展开更多
关键词 AEROSOL giant cloud condensation nuclei (GCCN) micro-physics HAILSTORM PRECIPITATION
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