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“血食”探源 被引量:3
作者 李斐 《西安外国语学院学报》 2001年第4期55-58,共4页
“血食”一词在汉语中有着悠久的历史 ,究其原因 ,当与汉民族的民族心理及古老的祭祀方式有着密切的关系。本文试图从文字学、民俗学、考古学等多角度探寻“血食”一词的发生及发展演变历史 ,廓清其源流 ,从而加深对汉民族传统习俗、传... “血食”一词在汉语中有着悠久的历史 ,究其原因 ,当与汉民族的民族心理及古老的祭祀方式有着密切的关系。本文试图从文字学、民俗学、考古学等多角度探寻“血食”一词的发生及发展演变历史 ,廓清其源流 ,从而加深对汉民族传统习俗、传统观念的认识和理解。 展开更多
关键词 "血食" 人牲 祭祀方式 崇祖观念 汉族 传统习俗 民俗学 文字学 古代词汇 汉语 词源
基于水血食论脾气虚是动脉粥样硬化的始动因素 被引量:7
作者 李金双 刘子怡 +2 位作者 郭宇鹏 候美琪 朱爱松 《云南中医中药杂志》 2020年第3期100-102,共3页
动脉粥样硬化是一种慢性炎症性疾病,为冠心病、脑梗死的主要病因,并且已引起越来越多的重视。随着生活水平的提高,人们的饮食多见高脂、高糖,易引起血脂异常、肥胖、糖尿病等病变,这些病变不但与中医五脏之脾的生理功能密切相关,而且易... 动脉粥样硬化是一种慢性炎症性疾病,为冠心病、脑梗死的主要病因,并且已引起越来越多的重视。随着生活水平的提高,人们的饮食多见高脂、高糖,易引起血脂异常、肥胖、糖尿病等病变,这些病变不但与中医五脏之脾的生理功能密切相关,而且易诱发心血管疾病。脾气虚是脾功能异常的重要环节,可导致水血食运化失常,从而形成病理产物痰瘀,痰瘀进一步胶结在脉壁形成动脉粥样硬化。在这一过程中脾气虚为痰瘀之渐,痰瘀为脾气虚之极。故从"水血食"不运,形成痰瘀角度出发,探讨脾气虚是动脉粥样硬化的始动因素。 展开更多
关键词 脾气虚 血食 痰瘀 动脉粥样硬化 炎症
作者 黄晓晓 《农家之友》 2010年第9期40-40,共1页
关键词 血食
作者 红利 晋强 《烹调知识》 2000年第12期14-14,共1页
在人类饮食发展史上,以动物的血制作各种各样的“血食”,可谓屡见不鲜。在祖国的大江南北,有很多独具地方特色的“血食”,本文特整理数例,以飨读者。 1.江苏的“血丝酸汤” 在江苏的江阴、武进、常熟、张家港等地沿长江的农民、渔民喜... 在人类饮食发展史上,以动物的血制作各种各样的“血食”,可谓屡见不鲜。在祖国的大江南北,有很多独具地方特色的“血食”,本文特整理数例,以飨读者。 1.江苏的“血丝酸汤” 在江苏的江阴、武进、常熟、张家港等地沿长江的农民、渔民喜食一种“血丝酸汤”。其制作方法十分简单:首先把提前煮熟的猪血,切成“笋干丝”状或小方块,而后放入水锅内稍煮,撇去浮沫,加入木耳块、青豆鼓(或香蕈)、淡竹笋,调入精盐、味精、香醋。 展开更多
关键词 动物 血食 品尝 江苏 陕西
大江南北品“血”食 被引量:1
作者 牛国强 《烹调知识》 2009年第12期17-18,共2页
在人类饮食发展史上,以动物的血制作各种各样的“血食”可谓屡见不鲜。在饭店、酒家的菜单中,常出现的血食莱肴是“韭菜炒鸭血”、“煎猪血”、“烩羊血”及“三鲜毛血旺”等。不过,在大江南北,风味独特的“血”食有多少,知者甚少... 在人类饮食发展史上,以动物的血制作各种各样的“血食”可谓屡见不鲜。在饭店、酒家的菜单中,常出现的血食莱肴是“韭菜炒鸭血”、“煎猪血”、“烩羊血”及“三鲜毛血旺”等。不过,在大江南北,风味独特的“血”食有多少,知者甚少,故今特拟此题成文,介绍各地“血”食请君品尝。 展开更多
关键词 江南 发展史 血食 莱肴 风味
作者 杨冬梅 《烹调知识》 2003年第2期17-17,共1页
在人类饮食发展史上,以动物的血制作各种各样“血”食,可谓屡见不鲜。 广西“鸭血粑”。广西龙胜、三江等地侗族民间,杀鸭前先将糯米盛入一空盘内,杀鸭时将鸭血淋在糯米上,使鸭血盖过糯米,煮熟冷冻后,用刀切成片状,放汕、盐、葱、蒜等... 在人类饮食发展史上,以动物的血制作各种各样“血”食,可谓屡见不鲜。 广西“鸭血粑”。广西龙胜、三江等地侗族民间,杀鸭前先将糯米盛入一空盘内,杀鸭时将鸭血淋在糯米上,使鸭血盖过糯米,煮熟冷冻后,用刀切成片状,放汕、盐、葱、蒜等配料在锅里烩制即成香味扑鼻、咀嚼有味的鸭血粑。 展开更多
关键词 动物 烹饪原料 用方法 血食 制法
崔文成用茅根赭石止衄方治儿童鼻衄食火血热证经验 被引量:2
作者 郭雨薇 崔文成 《江西中医药》 CAS 2021年第6期26-28,共3页
关键词 儿童鼻衄 茅根赭石止衄方 热证 崔文成
作者 阮秀璇 郑振雄 +3 位作者 江国健 张和英 林榕 陈秋荣 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 2001年第4期38-39,共2页
关键词 体外循环 停搏液 CPB
作者 陈美玲 《农村百事通》 2013年第14期74-75,共2页
产后第二周——恢复体力、增加乳汁第2周恶露逐渐减少,伤口大致恢复,照顾小宝宝需要耗费许多的体力和精神,这个阶段要注意体力的恢复,哺乳的妈妈要注意饮食营养以增加乳汁。产后容易出现腰酸背痛的现象,也可以通过药膳调理来予以改善。... 产后第二周——恢复体力、增加乳汁第2周恶露逐渐减少,伤口大致恢复,照顾小宝宝需要耗费许多的体力和精神,这个阶段要注意体力的恢复,哺乳的妈妈要注意饮食营养以增加乳汁。产后容易出现腰酸背痛的现象,也可以通过药膳调理来予以改善。另外,产后气血流失。 展开更多
关键词 营养 体力 产后 乳汁 药膳 血食
表达食血蝙蝠唾液纤溶酶原激活剂的毕赤酵母菌株的构建 被引量:3
作者 刘堰 苏畅 +2 位作者 宋小双 汤雅岚 包振鸿 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期566-574,共9页
食血蝙蝠(Desmodus rotundus)在吸食大型动物血液时能保持创口处血流的畅通。本研究根据食血蝙蝠唾液中发现的纤溶酶原激活剂(Bat-PA,另称DSPAα1)的全长基因序列(GenBank Accession No.J05082),首次在体外人工合成Bat-PA全长基因并亚... 食血蝙蝠(Desmodus rotundus)在吸食大型动物血液时能保持创口处血流的畅通。本研究根据食血蝙蝠唾液中发现的纤溶酶原激活剂(Bat-PA,另称DSPAα1)的全长基因序列(GenBank Accession No.J05082),首次在体外人工合成Bat-PA全长基因并亚克隆到巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)表达载体pPIC9K上;转化毕赤酵母菌株GS115后,经甲醇诱导获得DSPAα1的分泌型表达,表达条带为47kD;通过抗G418浓度梯度筛选、毕赤酵母中小量表达后SDS-PAGE电泳检测以及纤维平板法测活,筛选出高表达的DSPAα1稳定菌株,对电泳中的目的蛋白条带进行密度扫描测定,产量达到约30mg/L。目前,DSPAα1主要来自哺乳动物细胞,如中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(CHO)、胚胎卵巢肾细胞(BHK)、非洲绿猴肾细胞(COS),代价高昂。在毕赤酵母中生产DSPAα1可以降低成本,增加产率,为探索Bat-PA作为新一代溶栓剂奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 蝙蝠 纤溶酶原激活剂 毕赤酵母 高效表达 纤维平板法
Genes Expression Profile Difference in Peripheral Blood Between Esophageal Carcinoma Patients and Normal Subjects 被引量:1
作者 钱丽娟 许沈华 +3 位作者 牟瀚舟 冯建国 朱赤红 刘祥麟 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第5期279-283,324,共6页
Objective: To study the genes expression profile differences in the peripheral blood between esophageal carcinoma patients and normal subjects using the gene chip technique and screen out the esophageal early concera... Objective: To study the genes expression profile differences in the peripheral blood between esophageal carcinoma patients and normal subjects using the gene chip technique and screen out the esophageal early conceration associated genes. Methods: The total RNA was extracted and purified in the peripheral blood obtained from the patients with esophageal carcinoma and normal subjects. The first strand of cDNA was synthesized through retro-transcription and labeled with Cy5 and Cy3 fluorescence as probes. The mixed probes were hybridized with a piece of 4096 double dot human whole gene chip. The acquired image was analyzed by microarrav suite software using a digital computer, and the intensity of ttuorescence signal and its ratio were calculated. Results: A total of 92 genes were screened out and its expression difference was more than 2 times in the peripheral blood between the patients with esophageal carcinoma and normal subjects. Among these, the expression difference of 36 genes was more than 3 times. Two human urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor (UPAR) genes, 80K-L protein gene, human protein tyrosine-phosphatase gent arid proto-oncogene protein mRNA were significantly up-regulated, while the collagen V type (α-2 gene was markedly down-regulated. Conclusion: 80K-L protein gene, tyrosinephophatase gene, proto-oncogene protein arid the collagen V type α-2 gene might be associated with the ontogenesis, development and its metastasis in the esophageal carcinoma. The UPAR gene may play important roles in the diagnosing the micrometastasis in the peripheral blood of esophageal carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 human esophageal carcinoma: peripheral blood gene expression profile
Endoscopic findings in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding clinically classified into three risk groups prior to endoscopy 被引量:8
作者 Leonardo Tammaro Maria Carla Di Paolo +4 位作者 Angelo Zullo Cesare Hassan Sergio Morini SebastianoCaliendo Lorella Pallotta 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第32期5046-5050,共5页
AIM: To investigate in a prospective study whether a simplifi ed clinical score prior to endoscopy in upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) patients was able to predict endoscopic findings at urgent endoscopy. METHOD... AIM: To investigate in a prospective study whether a simplifi ed clinical score prior to endoscopy in upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) patients was able to predict endoscopic findings at urgent endoscopy. METHODS: All consecutive UGIB patients referred to a single endoscopic center during a 16 mo period were enrolled. Before endoscopy patients were strati- fied according to a simple clinical score (T-score), including T1 (high-risk), T2 (intermediate-risk) and T3 (low-risk). Endoscopy was performed in all cases within 2 h, and high-risk stigmata were considered for further analysis. RESULTS: Out of the 436 patients included into the study, 126 (29%) resulted to be T1, 135 (31%) T2, and 175 (40%) T3. Overall, stigmata of recent haem-orrhage (SRH) were detected in 118 cases (27%). SRH occurred more frequently in T1 patients than in T2/T3 cases (85% vs 3.2%; χ2 = 304.5309, P < 0.001). Older age (t=3.311; P < 0.01) and presence of comor-bidities (χ2 = 14.7458; P < 0.01) were more frequently detected in T1 than in T2/T3 patients. CONCLUSION: Our simplifi ed clinical score appeared to be associated with the detection of endoscopic findings which may deserve urgent endoscopy. A further,randomised study is needed to assess its accuracy in safely scheduling endoscopy in UGIB patients. 展开更多
关键词 Upper gastrointestinal bleeding Urgentendoscopy Timing score Endoscopic treatment Oesophageal varices Peptic ulcer
Hemodynamic analysis of esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis using color Doppler ultrasound 被引量:24
作者 Feng-Hua Li Jing Hao +2 位作者 Jian-Guo Xia Hong-Li Li Hua Fang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第29期4560-4565,共6页
AIM: To study the portal hemodynamics and their relationship with the size of esophageal varices seen at endoscopy and to evaluate whether these Doppler ultrasound parameters might predict variceal bleeding in patien... AIM: To study the portal hemodynamics and their relationship with the size of esophageal varices seen at endoscopy and to evaluate whether these Doppler ultrasound parameters might predict variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. METHODS: One hundred and twenty cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices but without any previous bleeding were enrolled in the prospective study. During a 2-year observation period, 52 patients who had at least one episode of acute esophageal variceal hemorrhage constituted the bleeding group, and the remaining 68 patients without any previous hemorrhage constituted the non-bleeding group. All patients underwent endoscopy before or after color Doppler-ultrasonic examination, and images were interpreted independently by two endoscopists. The control group consisted of 30 healthy subjects, matched to the patient group in age and gender. Measurements of diameter, flow direction and flow velocity in the left gastric vein (LGV) and the portal vein (PV) were done in all patients and controls using color Doppler unit. After baseline measurements, 30 min after oral administration of 75 g glucose in 225 mL, changes of the diameter, flow velocity and direction in the PV and LGV were examined in 60 patients with esophageal varices and 15 healthy controls. RESULTS: The PV and LGV were detected successfully in 115 (96%) and 105 (88%) of 120 cirrhotic patients, respectively, and in 27 (90%) and 21 (70%) of 30 healthy controls, respectively. Among the 120 cirrhotic patients, 37 had F1, 59 had F2, and 24 had F3 grade varices. Compared with the healthy controls, cirrhotic group had a significantly lower velocity in the PV, a significantly greater diameter of the PV and LGV, and a higher velocity in the LGV. In the cirrhotic group, no difference in portal flow velocity and diameter were observed between patients with or without esophageal variceal bleeding (EVB). However, the diameter and blood flow velocity of the LGV were significantly higher for EVB (+) group compared with EVB (-) group (P〈0.01). Diameter of the LGV increased with enlarged size of varices. There were differences between F1 and F2, F1 and F3 varices, but no differences between F2 and F3 varices (P = 0.125). However, variceal bleeding was more frequent in patients with a diameter of LGV 〉6 mm. The flow velocity in the LGV of healthy controls was 8.70+1.91 cm/s (n = 21). In patients with liver cirrhosis, it was 10.3+2.1 cm/s (n = 12) when the flow was hepatopetal and 13.5+2.3 cm/s (n = 87) when it was hepatofugal. As the size of varices enlarged, hepatofugal flow velocity increased (P〈0.01) and was significantly different between patients with F1 and F2 varices and between patients with F2 and F3 varices. Variceal bleeding was more frequent in patients with a hepatofugal flow velocity 〉15 cm/s (32 of 52 patients, 61.5%). Within the bleeding group, the mean LGV blood flow velocity was 16.6+2.62 cm/s. No correlation was observed between the portal blood flow velocity and EVB. In all healthy controls, the flow direction in the LGV was hepatopetal, toward the PV. In patients with F1 varices, flow direction was hepatopetal in 10 patients, to-and-fro state in 3 patients, and hepatofugal in the remaining 18. The flow was hepatofugal in 91% patients with F2 and all F3 varices. Changes in diameter of the PV and LGV were not significant before and after ingestion of glucose (PV: 1.41+1.5 cm before and 1.46+1.6 cm after; LGV: 0.57+1.7 cm before and 0.60+1.5 cm after). Flow direction in the LGV was hepatopetal and to-and-fro in 16 patients and hepatofugal in 44 patients before ingestion of glucose. Flow direction changed to hepatofugal in 9 of 16 patients with hepatopetal and to-and-fro blood flow after ingestion of glucose. In 44 patients with hepatofugal blood flow in the LGV, a significant increase in hepatofugal flow velocity was observed in 38 of 44 patients (86%) with esophageal varices. There was a relationship between the percentage changes in flow velocity and the size of varices. Patients who responded excessively to food ingestion might have a high risk for bleeding. The changes of blood flow velocity in the LGV were greater than those in the PV (LGV: 28.3+26.1%, PV: 7.2+13.2%, P〈0.01), whereas no significant changes in the LGV occurred before and after ingestion of glucose in the control subjects. CONCLUSION: Hemodynamics of the PV is unrelated to the degree of endoscopic abnormalities in patients with liver cirrhosis. The most important combinations are endoscopic findings followed by the LGV hemodynamics. Duplex-Doppler ultrasonography has no value in the identification of patients with cirrhosis at risk of variceal bleeding. Hemodynamics of the LGV appears to be superior to those of the PV in predicting bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 HEMODYNAMICS Esophageal varices Liver cirrhosis Color Doppler ultrasound
Factors associated with complicated erosive esophagitis: A Japanese multicenter, prospective, cross-sectional study 被引量:4
作者 Masahiro Sakaguchi Noriaki Manabe +11 位作者 Nobuo Ueki Jun Miwa Tomoki Inaba Norimasa Yoshida Kouichi Sakurai Masahiro Nakagawa Hajime Yamada Michiya Saito Koji Nakada Katsuhiko Iwakiri Takashi Joh Ken Haruma 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第2期318-327,共10页
AIMTo assess the clinical characteristics of patients with complicated erosive esophagitis (EE) and their associated factors.METHODSThis prospective, cross-sectional study included patients diagnosed with EE by upper ... AIMTo assess the clinical characteristics of patients with complicated erosive esophagitis (EE) and their associated factors.METHODSThis prospective, cross-sectional study included patients diagnosed with EE by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy between October 2014 and March 2015 at 106 Japanese hospitals. Data on medical history, general condition, gastrointestinal symptoms, lifestyle habits, comorbidities, and endoscopic findings were collected using a standard form to create a dedicated database. Logistic regression analysis was used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95%CI for the association with complicated EE.RESULTSDuring the study period, 1749 patients diagnosed with EE, 38.3% of whom were prescribed proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) were included. Of them, 143 (8.2%) had EE complications. Esophageal bleeding occurred in 84 (4.8%) patients, esophageal strictures in 45 (2.6%) patients, and 14 (0.8%) patients experienced both. Multivariate analysis showed that increased age (aOR: 1.05; 95%CI: 1.03-1.08), concomitant use of psychotropic agents (aOR: 6.51; 95%CI: 3.01-13.61), and Los Angeles grades B (aOR: 2.69; 95%CI: 1.48-4.96), C (aOR: 15.38; 95%CI: 8.62-28.37), and D (aOR: 71.49; 95%CI: 37.47-142.01) were significantly associated with complications, whereas alcohol consumption 2-4 d/wk was negatively associated (aOR: 0.23; 95%CI: 0.06-0.61). Analyzing associated factors with each EE complication separately showed esophageal ulcer bleeding were associated with increased age (aOR: 1.05; 95%CI: 1.02-1.07) and Los Angeles grades B (aOR: 3.60; 95%CI: 1.52-8.50), C (aOR: 27.61; 95%CI: 12.34-61.80), and D (aOR: 119.09; 95%CI: 51.15-277.29), while esophageal strictures were associated with increased age (aOR: 1.07; 95%CI: 1.04-1.10), gastroesophageal reflux symptom (aOR: 2.51; 95%CI: 1.39-4.51), concomitant use of psychotropic agents (aOR: 11.79; 95%CI: 5.06-27.48), Los Angeles grades C (aOR: 7.35; 95%CI: 3.32-16.25), and D (aOR: 20.34; 95%CI: 8.36-49.53) and long-segment Barrett&#x02019;s esophagus (aOR: 4.63; 95%CI: 1.64-13.05).CONCLUSIONAging and severe EE were common associated factors, although there were more associated factors in esophageal strictures than esophageal ulcer bleeding. Despite the availability and widespread use of PPIs, EE complications are likely to remain a problem in Japan owing to the aging population and high-stress society. 展开更多
关键词 COMPLICATION Erosive esophagitis Proton pump inhibitor Esophageal ulcer bleeding Esophageal stricture
Ghrelin's second life:From appetite stimulator to glucose regulator 被引量:10
作者 Pieter-Jan Verhulst Inge Depoortere 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第25期3183-3195,共13页
Ghrelin,a 28 amino acid peptide hormone produced by the stomach,was the first orexigenic hormone to be discovered from the periphery.The octanoyl modification at Ser3,mediated by ghrelin O-acyltransferase(GOAT),is ess... Ghrelin,a 28 amino acid peptide hormone produced by the stomach,was the first orexigenic hormone to be discovered from the periphery.The octanoyl modification at Ser3,mediated by ghrelin O-acyltransferase(GOAT),is essential for ghrelin's biological activity.Ghrelin stimulates food intake through binding to its receptor(GRLN-R) on neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus.Ghrelin is widely expressed throughout the body;accordingly,it is implicated in several other physiological functions,which include growth hormone release,gastric emptying,and body weight regulation.Ghrelin and GRLN-R expression are also found in the pancreas,suggesting a local physiological role.Accordingly,several recent studies now point towards an important role for ghrelin and its receptor in the regulation of blood glucose homeostasis,which is the main focus of this review.Several mechanisms of this regulation by ghrelin have been proposed,and one possibility is through the regulation of insulin secretion.Despite some controversy,most studies suggest that ghrelin exerts an inhibitory effect on insulin secretion,resulting in increased circulating glucose levels.Ghrelin may thus be a diabetogenic factor.Obesity-related type2 diabetes has become an increasingly important health problem,almost reaching epidemic proportions in the world;therefore,antagonists of the ghrelin-GOAT signaling pathway,which will tackle both energy-and glucose homeostasis,may be considered as promising new therapies for this disease. 展开更多
关键词 GHRELIN Blood glucose PANCREAS Diabetes Insulin
Recurrent massive bleeding due to dissecting intramural hematoma of the esophagus: Treatment with therapeutic angiography 被引量:8
作者 Jaejun Shim Jae Young Jang +6 位作者 Young Hwangbo Seok Ho Dong Joo Hyeong Oh Hyo Jong Kim Byung-Ho Kim Young Woon Chang Rin Chang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第41期5232-5235,共4页
Spontaneous or traumatic intramural bleeding of the esophagus, which is often associated with overlying mucosal dissection, constitutes a rare spectrum of esophageal injury called dissecting intramural hematoma of the... Spontaneous or traumatic intramural bleeding of the esophagus, which is often associated with overlying mucosal dissection, constitutes a rare spectrum of esophageal injury called dissecting intramural hematoma of the esophagus (DIHE). Chest pain, swallowing diffi culty, and minor hematemesis are common, which resolve spontaneously in most cases. This case report describes a patient with spontaneous DIHE with recurrent massive bleeding which required critical management and highlights a potential role for therapeutic angiography as an alternative to surgery. 展开更多
关键词 ESOPHAGUS Intramural hematoma Therapeutic angiography
Non-invasive prediction of oesophageal varices in cirrhosis 被引量:15
作者 Sambit Sen William JH Griffiths 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第15期2454-2455,共2页
Non-invasive predictors of varices in cirrhosis would reduce the need for screening endoscopies. Platelet count and spleen size have been shown to be useful parameters, in mixed groups of cirrhotics with different aet... Non-invasive predictors of varices in cirrhosis would reduce the need for screening endoscopies. Platelet count and spleen size have been shown to be useful parameters, in mixed groups of cirrhotics with different aetiologies. We evaluated this in two homogeneous groups with cirrhosis due to hepatitis C and alcohol. Non-invasive predictors appear promising in the former group, but less so in the latter group. 展开更多
Portal hemodynamics as predictors of high risk esophageal varices in cirrhotic patients 被引量:15
作者 Mohammad K Tarzamni Mohammad H Somi +1 位作者 Sara Farhang Morteza Jalilvand 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第12期1898-1902,共5页
AIM: To evaluate portal hypertension parameters in liver cirrhosis patients with and without esophageal varices (EV). METHODS: A cohort of patients with biopsy confirmed liver cirrhosis was investigated endoscopic... AIM: To evaluate portal hypertension parameters in liver cirrhosis patients with and without esophageal varices (EV). METHODS: A cohort of patients with biopsy confirmed liver cirrhosis was investigated endoscopically and with color Doppler ultrasonography as a possible noninvasive predictive tool. The relationship between portal hemodynamics and the presence and size of EV was evaluated using uni- and multivariate approaches. RESULTS: Eighty five consecutive cirrhotic patients (43 men and 42 women) were enrolled. Mean age (± SD) was 47.5 (± 15.9). Portal vein diameter (13.88 ± 2.42 vs 12.00 ± 1.69, P 〈 0.0005) and liver vascular index (8.31 ± 2.72 vs 17.8 ± 6.28, P 〈 0.0005) were found to be significantly higher in patients with EV irrespective of size and in patients with large varices (14.54 ± 1.48 vs 13.24 ± 2.55, P 〈 0.05 and 6.45 ± 2.78 v$10.96 ± 5.05, P 〈 0.0005, respectively), while portal vein flow velocity (13.25 ± 3.66 vs 20.25 ± 5.05, P 〈 0.0005), congestion index (CI) (0.11 ± 0.03 vs 0.06 ± 0.03, P 〈 0.0005), portal hypertensive index (2.62 ± 0.79 vs 1.33 ± 0.53, P 〈 0.0005), and hepatic (0.73 ± 0.07 vs 0.66 ± 0.07, P 〈 0.001) and splenic artery resistance index (R/) (0.73 ± 0.06 vs 0.62 ± 0.08, P 〈 0.0005) were significantly lower. A logistic regression model confirmed spleen size (P = 0.002, AUC 0.72) and portal hypertensive index (P = 0.040, AUC 0.79) as independent predictors for the occurrence of large esophageal varices (LEV). CONCLUSION: Our data suggest two independent situations for beginning endoscopic evaluation of compensated cirrhotic patients: Portal hypertensive index 〉 2.08 and spleen size 〉 15.05 cm. These factors may help identifying patients with a low probability of LEV who may not need upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. 展开更多
关键词 Liver cirrhosis Doppler ultrasound Portalhemodynamics Esophageal varices PREDICTION
Expression of Livin and vascular endothelial growth factor in different clinical stages of human esophageal carcinoma 被引量:41
作者 Li Chen Guo-Sheng Ren +1 位作者 Fan Li Shan-Quan Sun 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第37期5749-5754,共6页
AIM: To investigate the role of Livin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in human esophageal carcinoma, and analyze its relationship to clinical stages.METHODS: Expression of Livin in fresh esophageal c... AIM: To investigate the role of Livin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in human esophageal carcinoma, and analyze its relationship to clinical stages.METHODS: Expression of Livin in fresh esophageal cancer tissues was detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC), Western blotting and reverse transcriptasepolyrnerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and VEGF by Western blotting and RT-PCR. All statistical analyses were performed by SPSS version 11.0. RESULTS: Livin positivity was also significantly correlated with tumor stages, increasing with tumor progression. Expression of Livin and VEGF increased with the process of esophageal carcinoma. In the fourth clinical stage, expression of Livin and VEGF was the most significant. Expression of Livin was positively correlated with VEGF. CONCLUSION: Over-expression of Livin and VEGF contributes to the pathogenesis of esophageal carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal carcinoma LIVIN Vascular endothelial growth factor
Esophageal capsule endoscopy 被引量:4
作者 Ignacio Fernandez-Urien Cristina Carretero +1 位作者 Raul Armendariz Miguel Muoz-Navas 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第34期5254-5260,共7页
Capsule endoscopy is now considered as the first imaging tool for small bowel examination. Recently, new capsule endoscopy applications have been developed, such as esophageal capsule endoscopy and colon capsule endos... Capsule endoscopy is now considered as the first imaging tool for small bowel examination. Recently, new capsule endoscopy applications have been developed, such as esophageal capsule endoscopy and colon capsule endoscopy. Esophageal capsule endoscopy in patients with suspected esophageal disorders is feasible and safe, and could be also an alternative procedure in those patients refusing upper endoscopy. Although large-scale studies are needed to confirm its utility in GERD and cirrhotic patients, current results are encouraging and open a new era in esophageal examination. 展开更多
关键词 Capsule endoscopy ESOPHAGUS Gastroe-sophageal reflux disease VARICES ESOPHAGOSCOPY PillCam ESO
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