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作者 张雅彬 《包装世界》 2019年第1期145-145,共1页
随着我国社会经济的不断发展,我国也在逐渐进入信息时代,'互联网+'的应用在我国各个行业应用也越来越为广泛,在这样的背景下,最主要的功能为培养国家技术人才的高职院校也开创了'互联网+'的新思路.目前,我国高职院校在&... 随着我国社会经济的不断发展,我国也在逐渐进入信息时代,'互联网+'的应用在我国各个行业应用也越来越为广泛,在这样的背景下,最主要的功能为培养国家技术人才的高职院校也开创了'互联网+'的新思路.目前,我国高职院校在'互联网+'时代的发展趋势下,所面临的主要问题有:在新的'互联网+'的时代背景下应如何改革其教学模式,促使高职院校会计教学跟上'互联网+'发展的趋势.本文将在分析我国高职院校会计教学现存问题的基础上,提出'互联网+'时代高职院校会计教学的新思路,促进我国会计教学取得良好的成效. 展开更多
关键词 '互联网+'时代 高职院校 会计教学 新思路
作者 刘昊鑫 《包装世界》 2019年第4期16-17,共2页
随着社会的发展,在当前社会中电子商务有着广阔的进步空间,网上购物凭借着没有时间的限制、物品样式多样化、性价比高以及便捷性等特点越来越受到广大消费群众的喜爱,并且如今一年一度的'双十一'也渐渐的成为广大消费者的购物... 随着社会的发展,在当前社会中电子商务有着广阔的进步空间,网上购物凭借着没有时间的限制、物品样式多样化、性价比高以及便捷性等特点越来越受到广大消费群众的喜爱,并且如今一年一度的'双十一'也渐渐的成为广大消费者的购物狂欢节.但是随着电子商务的快速发展,网购平台竞争的白热化,也在一定程度上显露出其缺陷和不足之处,也就是网购包装设计中存在的薄弱环节.因此,本文我们将围绕'互联网+'时代下的网购包装设计为主题来展开分析,通过详细的了解一下当前网购包装设计主要存在的问题,再进一步提出可行性的建议. 展开更多
关键词 '互联网+'时代 网购 包装设计
探讨'互联网+'时代下互联网产品的市场营销和市场推广 被引量:1
作者 侯星宇 《广东经济》 2017年第8X期105-106,共2页
21世纪是一个互联网高速发展的时代,21世纪还是一个千变万化的时代,互联网越来越成为人们工作与生活不可缺少的一部分.随着互联网的高度普及,互联网产品也随之进入大众视野逐渐成为时代发展的新潮流.因此,在'互联网+'的时代背景... 21世纪是一个互联网高速发展的时代,21世纪还是一个千变万化的时代,互联网越来越成为人们工作与生活不可缺少的一部分.随着互联网的高度普及,互联网产品也随之进入大众视野逐渐成为时代发展的新潮流.因此,在'互联网+'的时代背景下,互联网产品的市场营销和推广成为站在时代潮流上的品牌、 公司或个人走向成功的必要因素. 展开更多
关键词 '互联网+'时代 互联网产品 市场营销 市场推广
作者 吴一珉 《包装世界》 2019年第1期10-10,共1页
随着全球经济一体化的发展和新媒体技术的出现,包装设计与品牌传播作为文化的载体,其功能逐渐展现出来.尤其在'互联网+'时代背景下,品牌包装设计与传播极具创意性和文化性.那么如何把握'互联网+'时代背景做好品牌包装... 随着全球经济一体化的发展和新媒体技术的出现,包装设计与品牌传播作为文化的载体,其功能逐渐展现出来.尤其在'互联网+'时代背景下,品牌包装设计与传播极具创意性和文化性.那么如何把握'互联网+'时代背景做好品牌包装设计与传播呢? 展开更多
关键词 '互联网+'时代 品牌包装设计 传播 对策
作者 张冠中 《区域治理》 2018年第12期169-170,共2页
我国各地纪念馆的数量非常多,有关于历史文物古迹方面的、也有关于纪念历史人物方面的;这些纪念馆都是中国历史发展的见证,也是对年轻人进行思想教育的重要场所.伴随互联网技术的广泛应用,纪念馆的服务方式也发生了很大的改变.基于此,... 我国各地纪念馆的数量非常多,有关于历史文物古迹方面的、也有关于纪念历史人物方面的;这些纪念馆都是中国历史发展的见证,也是对年轻人进行思想教育的重要场所.伴随互联网技术的广泛应用,纪念馆的服务方式也发生了很大的改变.基于此,本文从'互联网+'时代背景下纪念馆服务创新现状入手,对纪念馆服务创新的特点等方面进行了简单的分析.希望通过本文的论述,能够为纪念馆服务工作人员提供有价值的参考. 展开更多
关键词 '互联网+'时代 纪念馆 服务创新
作者 多日诺 《中国经贸》 2017年第23期84-84,共1页
互联网时代,'互联网+'有无限可能性,互联网+传统集市,出现了淘宝;互联网+传统银行,出现了支付宝;互联网+国际贸易称为跨境电商.以跨境电商为例,代购的1.0时代即将成为过往,制造业进入电商,来到2.0时代.马云提出'eWTO',... 互联网时代,'互联网+'有无限可能性,互联网+传统集市,出现了淘宝;互联网+传统银行,出现了支付宝;互联网+国际贸易称为跨境电商.以跨境电商为例,代购的1.0时代即将成为过往,制造业进入电商,来到2.0时代.马云提出'eWTO',通过互联网买全球,卖全球,建立新的贸易秩序,称为跨境电商的3.0时代.那么教育能否打造'互联网+教育'3.0时代,创新经济与教育的双重发展模式,形成全球'互联网+教育'的新格局呢?笔者认为这个时代即将到来. 展开更多
关键词 创新经济与教育发展模式 '互联网+'教育的3.0时代
作者 张充 《视听》 2017年第12期177-178,共2页
电视媒体需要通过新闻来充分发挥自身的社会功能和舆论引导功能,即使进入到"互联网+"时代,这一情况也不会发生任何改变,新闻仍然是电视媒体彰显社会价值、履行社会职能的重要手段。因此,广电媒体纷纷开始践行新闻立台理念。但... 电视媒体需要通过新闻来充分发挥自身的社会功能和舆论引导功能,即使进入到"互联网+"时代,这一情况也不会发生任何改变,新闻仍然是电视媒体彰显社会价值、履行社会职能的重要手段。因此,广电媒体纷纷开始践行新闻立台理念。但在"互联网+"时代下,新旧媒体相互融合,在一定程度上对新闻立台产生了影响。基于此,本文对"互联网+"时代下的新闻立台进行简要分析。 展开更多
关键词 '互联网+'时代 媒介融合 新闻立台
作者 漆栋 《财讯》 2019年第2期50-50,共1页
进入21世纪以来,随着互联网移动互联式发展,以现代信息技术为核心的网络经济应运而生.新世纪的到来,市场对会计行业的人才培养提出了更高的发展要求;高职院校的会计教学也要顺应时代的发展而谋求新的教学思路.本文将分析'互联网+&#... 进入21世纪以来,随着互联网移动互联式发展,以现代信息技术为核心的网络经济应运而生.新世纪的到来,市场对会计行业的人才培养提出了更高的发展要求;高职院校的会计教学也要顺应时代的发展而谋求新的教学思路.本文将分析'互联网+'时代高职院校会计教学存在的不足,并针对问题对会计教学提出些许建议,希望对高职院校会计学教学有所帮助. 展开更多
关键词 '互联网+'时代 会计教学 网络教育
作者 高兆慧 《新东方英语(中学版)》 2018年第2期79-79,81,共2页
在21世纪的现代,信息技术得到了飞速的发展,使我们无论是生活社交还是购物各方面都因为互联网的出现而产生了巨大的变化,当然互联网的出现对于教育也产生了非常重大的影响,在近十年,电子化教育、多媒体教育都得到了普遍的发展.这是对于... 在21世纪的现代,信息技术得到了飞速的发展,使我们无论是生活社交还是购物各方面都因为互联网的出现而产生了巨大的变化,当然互联网的出现对于教育也产生了非常重大的影响,在近十年,电子化教育、多媒体教育都得到了普遍的发展.这是对于教学方式和教学理念一个重大的改革和突破,对于广大的教育者来说,互联网的出现一定能够对于教育行业带来翻天覆地的变化,同时在教育者进行教育的过程中,应该对互联网进行充分的应用,体验互联网带来的优势,当然也要运用合理的政策,减少互联网为英语课堂带来的不利影响. 展开更多
关键词 '互联网+'时代 初中英语 信息化教学
基于无线传感器网络定位技术的图书馆智能管理创新 被引量:3
作者 罗桦 陈勇 +2 位作者 张清 赵滟 黄猛 《大学图书情报学刊》 2016年第2期50-52,57,共4页
"互联网+"时代,信息技术的发展对图书馆的智能化管理工作提出了更高的要求。文章概述了无线传感器网络与定位技术,重点讨论了如何将WSN定位技术运用到图书智能管理,通过定位技术与大数据、云计算等信息技术的结合,推动图书馆... "互联网+"时代,信息技术的发展对图书馆的智能化管理工作提出了更高的要求。文章概述了无线传感器网络与定位技术,重点讨论了如何将WSN定位技术运用到图书智能管理,通过定位技术与大数据、云计算等信息技术的结合,推动图书馆智能系统建设和智能化发展。 展开更多
关键词 图书馆 智能管理 无线传感器网络 定位技术 互联网+
Implications of E-banking in Entrepreneurial Marketing --.Case From Albania 被引量:1
作者 Kozeta Sevrani Klodiana Gorica 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第1期67-75,共9页
The goal of this article is to determine the spread and use of e-banking technology in Albanian banks, to see the help and advantages that this service provides to the banks and to the customers, and of course to dete... The goal of this article is to determine the spread and use of e-banking technology in Albanian banks, to see the help and advantages that this service provides to the banks and to the customers, and of course to determine if our banking system is actually in the Internet era. In the last decade we notice that banks pay a growing attention to their marketing services and in particular to the use of the latest technologies for their promotions. The use of the lnternet has influenced in the fact that customers now are closer to their banks, their number has increased, and of course through the Internet we have a more efficient exchange of products and services. A questionnaire was developed to help us understand the internet banking acceptance in Albania and other issues related to it. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 9 banks operating in Albania and from the evaluation of the collected data results that all banks that underwent questionnaire, have a separate marketing department. So marketing has an important role in the banking business. The importance of marketing rose by increased interbank competition in recent years. Crisis and economic and financial difficulties have shown that banks, which face these difficult periods, have been those which had not only a healthy bank policy, but also a strong commercial policy. These things depend on many factors, among which we can mention: the tradition, which has taught people to trust "their financial secrets" only to someone who exercises the profession of banker; the cultural and infrastructural level of development of the population, which gives approval and insures the continuousness of any discovery or development in various fields; the ability of this kind of banking to be successful, that is and remains the basis on which to establish a trustful cooperation relationship of any kind. Strong policies to e-marketing have targeted to increase the percentage of elements such as banking and credit granting. E-banking also consists of counseling online with a bank employee or financial advisor. This kind of service is not only effective for the client, who saves his time, but also more economical for the bank, which reduces its costs in human resources (an adviser to the window only deals with a client, while he can handle online more than two credit cases simultaneously, so we decrease the number of employees in general). With its low-cost structure, direct consumer marketing and innovative services, the internet is going to present a real challenge to traditional forms of banking. E-banking is seen from the banks as an opportunity to create competitive advantage over its competitors. It offers a great deal of advantages both to the banks and to the customers. Clients are becoming more and more demanding and they are expecting even higher levels of service from their banks. 展开更多
Explore the impact of e-commerce network on development of regional economic 被引量:2
作者 Maarina 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期13-14,共2页
In the era of rapid development of the Intemet, people began to adapt to the huge growth of the Internet to facilitate people' s daily lives, people have been accustomed to staying at home and can easily enjoy the co... In the era of rapid development of the Intemet, people began to adapt to the huge growth of the Internet to facilitate people' s daily lives, people have been accustomed to staying at home and can easily enjoy the convenience and needs of life to achieve quick and easy lifestyle. The advent of the Internet age also become more virtual to business models, and now the development of enterprises has involved the application of e-commerce technology, the company' s business model combines network through electronic technology to some extent, and it made great adjustments and changes in order to deal with the new face of increasingly fierce competition in the market. Thus a new term: "E-commerce" is well known and accepted as more and more people. A regional economic development need of the residents' daily consumption is driven, so local governments need to focus on the various steady development of local small and medium enterprises. Therefore, the development of electronic commerce network technology can indirectly affect a region' s economic development. This paper discusses this issue. 展开更多
关键词 e-commerce model Network IT regional economic development
A Case Study of Business Borderless Development in Internet Age
作者 李海舰 陈小勇 《China Economist》 2011年第5期120-128,共9页
A firm may expand in two ways: by tangible expansion through an increase in the scale of the physical company, or by intangible expansion, an optimization process drawing on both the firm's physical entity as well a... A firm may expand in two ways: by tangible expansion through an increase in the scale of the physical company, or by intangible expansion, an optimization process drawing on both the firm's physical entity as well as virtual resources, producing borderless growth. We take a case study approach to explore borderless development at business, managerial, and operational levels and to study four facilitators of borderless development: information technology, the virtual world, virtual operations, and concentration on core business. We conclude that firms may achieve global dominance in their area of core competency through borderless development. 展开更多
关键词 borderless development virtual operation core competency corporate reconstruction
An Analysis on the US New Media Public Diplomacy Toward China on WeChat Public Account
作者 Zhao Geng 《Sociology Study》 2016年第1期18-27,共10页
Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet, the appearance of WeCbat has a deep influence on the communication among people, WeChat public accounts have changed a lot to the experie... Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet, the appearance of WeCbat has a deep influence on the communication among people, WeChat public accounts have changed a lot to the experience of getting information for people of all ages at the same time. As a new platform for public diplomacy, many foreign embassies and consulates in China have built their own public accounts of WeChat. These public accounts have become a new type of media to learn about these countries' culture, society, and so on. The paper takes the WeChat public account of the US embassy in China as an example, collecting information during a period of time and summarizing their characteristics and revelations. As a model of new media public diplomacy, WeChat public accounts have a silent transforming influence of public diplomacy. In addition, the new media public diplomacy plays an important role in promoting the development of China's public diplomacy strategy, which increasingly becomes a useful supplement to China's foreign policy. Therefore, in the mobile lnternet era, the research of new media public diplomacy has an important implication. 展开更多
关键词 WeChat public accounts new media public diplomacy the US embassy in China
College English Teaching Language Information Output Ways Exploration in the Internet age
作者 PEI Guanjin 《International English Education Research》 2016年第1期53-55,共3页
Language information output plays an important role in students' language acquisition process and is an important way to improve students' comprehensive language using ability and language level. Because college stu... Language information output plays an important role in students' language acquisition process and is an important way to improve students' comprehensive language using ability and language level. Because college students' English foundation is weak in our country at present stage, there are many problems in the process of language information output. In this case, we can increase the application of Intemet technology as a way to expand language output in English language teaching. This article is to explore college English teaching language information output ways in the Internent age. 展开更多
关键词 The Intemet age College English teaching Language information Output ways
Design of the visualization of the big data
作者 Zhang Xin 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期27-29,共3页
The arrival of the era of the Internet has brought about the rapid dissemination and spread of a big amount of the information and data. At present, we are surrounded by all kinds of the information, but the rich and ... The arrival of the era of the Internet has brought about the rapid dissemination and spread of a big amount of the information and data. At present, we are surrounded by all kinds of the information, but the rich and diversified information resources also brought about the chaos, so that the query of the messages is no way to start. In fact, the information resources can provide us with more convenience, but we have to spend a lot of energy to organize and filter the information, and the costs and the time of the investment are immeasurable. Usually, the information we want to query is often easy to understand, and the information design uses the more intuitive and vivid computing means to achieve the visualization of the big data, in order to reflect the beauty of the big data. 展开更多
关键词 Big data VISUALIZATION information design perception of the big-scale vulnerability
An Empirical Study on Intercultural Adaptation to Huxiang Culture among Intemational University Students in Hunan
作者 LU Sufen 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期77-80,共4页
This paper takes Changsha Medical University as an example and carries out an empirical investigation on the life, study and social networking of the international students from such countries as Pakistan, Zambia, Cam... This paper takes Changsha Medical University as an example and carries out an empirical investigation on the life, study and social networking of the international students from such countries as Pakistan, Zambia, Cameroon,Indonesia,Nepal. The survey results show that in the current Intemet Plus Era and Generalization Communication Era, students' cross-cultural adaptability of Huxiang Culture is related to their learning motivation, individual factors,social factors, and the management of their life and study in the university. The students' cross-cultural adaptability is,on the whole, strong.However, the differences between individuals are great with a trend of diversification and diversity, and students' interest in Huxiang regional culture and recognition is to be further strengthened in communication. 展开更多
关键词 Huxiang Culture Intercultural Adaptation International University Students in Hunan
The Mode of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Maker Space Based on "Intemet +"——Take 36 Kr as an Example
作者 SANG Xinxin 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期65-67,共3页
The lnternet age has penetrated deeply into people's life. Some existing Intemet patterrrs can not meet the needs of consumers.With the development of "Internet +", the innovation and entrepreneurship of Internet ... The lnternet age has penetrated deeply into people's life. Some existing Intemet patterrrs can not meet the needs of consumers.With the development of "Internet +", the innovation and entrepreneurship of Internet are emerging. New electric business, incubator, maker space are becoming popular innovative modes and develop rapidly. In this paper, we will discuss the change of innovation and entrepreneurship under the" lnternet +" era by taking maker space 3 6 Kr as an example. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Industries Internet Innovation ENTREPRENEURSHIP PIONEER MAKER Maker space 36 Kr O2O
Internet Thinking and the Transformation of Traditional Firms
作者 李海舰 田跃新 李文杰 《China Economist》 2015年第3期114-125,共12页
The Internet and mobile internet have made the transaction of a huge number of products and services possible in ways previously unimaginable, exerting an extensive and profound influence on commercial, industrial, fi... The Internet and mobile internet have made the transaction of a huge number of products and services possible in ways previously unimaginable, exerting an extensive and profound influence on commercial, industrial, financial and even medical enterprises, universities and government agencies. All of this wide variety of transformations can be distilled into the concept of "Internet thinking. " This paper poses that internet thinking consists of the following three levels. First is lnternet spirit, i.e., openness, equality, collaboration and sharing. Second is Internet philosophy, including interconnection between virtual and real entities, elimination of restrictions of time and space, modularization, personal imperialism, crowdsourcing and user-centered approaches. Third is the Internet economy, featuring long-tail theory at a technical level, market equilibrium theory at the level of transaction structure and consumer sovereignty theory at the level of transaction performance. According to Internet thinking, traditional firms must be transformed towards smart organizations characterized by network-based ecosystem, global integration, platform-based operation, users as contributors, borderless development and self- organizing management. As rightly pointed out by the CEO of Haier Group Zhang Ruimin, "There is no such a thing as a successful firm; there are only firms defined by their times. " Adapting to the times is key to the survival of all firms. 展开更多
关键词 Internet era Internet thinking smart organizations
Research on Human Resource Management in the "Internet plus" Era 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Pingping 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期70-72,共3页
Today's society has entered the Intemet era, the Internet technology has brought great changes to all walks of life.With the development of"Internet plus",traditional industry, service industry and business have to... Today's society has entered the Intemet era, the Internet technology has brought great changes to all walks of life.With the development of"Internet plus",traditional industry, service industry and business have to make the appropriate changes to meet the demand of the "Internet plus" era.Similarly,human resource management has to face new challenges in "Intemet plus" era.This paper expounds the characteristics of"Internet plus" era and the changes brought to the human resource management,put forward the idea that human resources management should make changes to meet the demand of the "Internet plus" era from three aspects:big data,decentration and staff self management,establishing a new talent incentive mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 "Intemet plus" Human resource management Big data INCENTIVE
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