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作者 罗文柳 杨玲 +3 位作者 叶懋 欧阳竑 许积文 唐纳 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第18期21-27,共7页
介电常数在光照下发生改变的特性可用于开发新型光控器件。采用传统固相烧结法制备了不同物质的量比的(1-x)(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3-x)(Ca_(0.5)Sm_(0.5))(Mg_(0.5)Nb_(0.5))O_(3)(KNN-x CSMN,0.02≤x≤0.06)陶瓷,研究了其结构与光致... 介电常数在光照下发生改变的特性可用于开发新型光控器件。采用传统固相烧结法制备了不同物质的量比的(1-x)(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3-x)(Ca_(0.5)Sm_(0.5))(Mg_(0.5)Nb_(0.5))O_(3)(KNN-x CSMN,0.02≤x≤0.06)陶瓷,研究了其结构与光致介电响应行为。引入CSMN组分后,陶瓷的相结构由正交相转变为赝立方相,晶粒尺寸明显减小。在365 nm波长的光照下观察到明显的光致介电响应,并在x=0.03和测试频率为80 Hz时陶瓷具有高达约249%的介电可调率。弥散指数从1.43增加到1.82表明其弛豫行为增强,光学带隙从3.00 eV降低到2.36 eV。在406 nm波长的光激发下陶瓷的光致发射光谱显示出强烈的橙红色发射。同时,在光的开与关状态下其电容值呈现出可逆的开关特性,电容比约为3.5。这些结果有助于探索新型非接触式器件,如光调电容式传感器、光开关。 展开更多
关键词 铌酸钾钠 光致介电响应 可调性 光致发光
压电材料K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)表面修饰高镍正极材料LiNi_(0.83)Co_(0.12)Mn_(0.05)O_(2)的电化学性能研究 被引量:1
作者 冯婷 王睿 +4 位作者 王京玥 王磊营 石沁灵 王立帆 詹纯 《稀有金属与硬质合金》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期89-95,共7页
采用原位包覆法制备压电材料K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)(KNN)表面修饰高镍正极材料LiNi_(0.83)Co_(0.12)Mn_(0.05)O_(2),并对其进行电化学性能研究。XRD图谱表明,KNN表面修饰样品并未改变高镍正极材料的层状结构。通过XRD结构精修也证实了... 采用原位包覆法制备压电材料K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)(KNN)表面修饰高镍正极材料LiNi_(0.83)Co_(0.12)Mn_(0.05)O_(2),并对其进行电化学性能研究。XRD图谱表明,KNN表面修饰样品并未改变高镍正极材料的层状结构。通过XRD结构精修也证实了KNN的存在且本体材料的晶体结构未受影响。EDS面扫描结果表明,KNN已成功地包覆在高镍正极材料的表面。电化学性能测试结果表明,在2.8~4.3 V电压范围内,0.1 C倍率下改性样品KNN@NCM83的初始放电比容量升高;循环100圈后,改性样品仍保持157.8 mA·h/g的放电比容量,容量保持率为82.3%,而原始样品NCM83仅保持133.6 mA·h/g的放电比容量,容量保持率为75.2%。与原始样品相比,KNN@NCM83表现出了更优异的倍率性能,在5 C和10 C倍率下的放电比容量分别为155.6、148.6 mA·h/g,表明KNN能有效提高高镍正极材料的Li^(+)传输效率,进而提高样品的倍率性能。EIS测试结果表明,在充放电循环后KNN@NCM83电极表面生成的固体电解质界面膜(CEI膜)薄而稳定且电荷迁移阻抗较小,充分说明改性样品的结构稳定,可逆性良好。 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 高镍正极材料 表面修饰 压电材料 k_(0.5)na_(0.5)nbo_(3)(knn) 电化学性能
作者 张超 郑东亮 +2 位作者 陶加华 杨平雄 褚君浩 《微纳电子技术》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第8期676-684,共9页
采用固相反应烧结法合成了(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)-xBi(Co_(0.875)Fe_(0.125))O_(3)(KNN-xBCF)多铁陶瓷,并且对其结构和光电磁等特性进行了系统的研究。结果表明,随着BCF组分x的增加,KNN-xBCF陶瓷表现出明显的由正交相向菱形相的结构... 采用固相反应烧结法合成了(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)-xBi(Co_(0.875)Fe_(0.125))O_(3)(KNN-xBCF)多铁陶瓷,并且对其结构和光电磁等特性进行了系统的研究。结果表明,随着BCF组分x的增加,KNN-xBCF陶瓷表现出明显的由正交相向菱形相的结构转变行为,而且其光学带隙也被降低到了3 eV。此外,源于正交相和菱形相的共存,KNN-0.01BCF陶瓷拥有最大的剩余极化强度,约为4.02μC/cm^(2)。同时,KNN-xBCF陶瓷的磁性可以由抗磁性转化为铁磁性,从而实现铁电性与铁磁性的共存。系统研究了无铅钙钛矿多铁KNN-xBCF陶瓷的结构相变、带隙窄化、铁电性和铁磁性,并且展示了其在多铁器件中的潜在应用。 展开更多
关键词 (k_(0.5)na_(0.5))nbo_(3)-xBi(Co_(0.875)Fe_(0.125))O_(3) 多铁陶瓷 相变 铁电性 铁磁性
高性能(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)陶瓷无铅医用超声换能器及其成像 被引量:1
作者 陈兴飞 黄尧 +5 位作者 李晓兵 孙丰龙 杨钊萍 李尧 罗来慧 周长江 《压电与声光》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第6期910-916,共7页
(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)(KNN)陶瓷作为一类重要的高性能无铅压电材料体系,有望推动医用超声成像换能器技术的无铅化。对KNN陶瓷进行有效掺杂改性研究,采用固相烧结法制备了具有优异压电性能的KNN基压电陶瓷,其压电常数达400 pC/N,机... (K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)(KNN)陶瓷作为一类重要的高性能无铅压电材料体系,有望推动医用超声成像换能器技术的无铅化。对KNN陶瓷进行有效掺杂改性研究,采用固相烧结法制备了具有优异压电性能的KNN基压电陶瓷,其压电常数达400 pC/N,机电耦合系数为55%。基于其高压电、低声阻抗的综合性能设计制备了高分辨力、大带宽及高频率的医用超声换能器,其纵向分辨率达47μm,-6 dB带宽达93%,中心频率为18.0 MHz。利用此换能器对人体组织模型进行B模式超声成像,获得管状组织的高分辨率结构图像。结果表明,KNN体系陶瓷是一种应用于医用高频超声成像中综合性能优异的材料。 展开更多
关键词 无铅压电材料 (k_(0.5)na_(0.5))nbo_(3)基陶瓷 超声成像 超声换能器
K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)陶瓷的冷烧及其介电与铁电性能 被引量:1
作者 李冰玉 刘美丹 +3 位作者 兰佳俊 马家平 黄辉顺 陈晓明 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期96-105,共10页
结合普通球磨与高能球磨法,制备了具有纯相、平均粒度约100 nm的K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)前驱粉体,前驱粉体加入一定量的去离子水作为液相,采用冷烧并退火工艺制备具有简单组成的K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)陶瓷。研究了冷烧温度、冷烧时间... 结合普通球磨与高能球磨法,制备了具有纯相、平均粒度约100 nm的K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)前驱粉体,前驱粉体加入一定量的去离子水作为液相,采用冷烧并退火工艺制备具有简单组成的K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)陶瓷。研究了冷烧温度、冷烧时间、压力等对冷烧试样物相和致密性的影响,对冷烧试样在不同温度进行退火,研究了退火温度对陶瓷的介电和铁电性能的影响。结果表明:在180℃冷烧并1100℃退火陶瓷的室温介电常数为345,室温介电损耗为0.03,剩余极化强度为25.8μC/cm^(2),最大极化强度为31.4μC/cm^(2),矫顽场为10.2 kV/cm,其介电和铁电性能均优于常规固相法制备的K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)陶瓷。 展开更多
关键词 k_(0.5)na_(0.5)nbo_(3)陶瓷 冷烧 介电 铁电
作者 韩铁鑫 高志鹏 +3 位作者 何瑞琦 杨功章 程耀世 房雷鸣 《光散射学报》 2022年第3期209-214,共6页
Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)是一种不含铅的新型压电材料。理解该物质在高压下的晶体结构变化,有助于深入认识并提高其材料的稳定性及压电性能。然而目前关于该物质在高压下的相结构演化过程还缺少实验研究。本工作采用基于金刚石对顶砧(DAC... Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)是一种不含铅的新型压电材料。理解该物质在高压下的晶体结构变化,有助于深入认识并提高其材料的稳定性及压电性能。然而目前关于该物质在高压下的相结构演化过程还缺少实验研究。本工作采用基于金刚石对顶砧(DAC)的高压拉曼光谱技术,研究了Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)的高压拉曼光谱特性与压致相变行为。研究发现Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)在高压环境下由于NbO 6八面体的振动模式发生改变,会依次发生正交相到四方相和四方相到立方相的可逆相变过程,其相变压力分别为4.0~5.5 GPa和5.5~6.4 GPa。 展开更多
关键词 na_(0.5)k_(0.5)nbo_(3) 高压拉曼光谱 压致相变
Bi_(0.5)(Na_(0.85)K_(0.15))_(0.5)TiO_3压电陶瓷溶胶-凝胶法制备技术研究 被引量:3
作者 王孝平 赁敦敏 +3 位作者 廖运文 吴浪 朱建国 肖定全 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第S1期470-473,共4页
分析了溶胶凝胶工艺制备Bi0.5(Na0.85K0.15)0.5Ti O3微粉中工艺条件的影响,得到了稳定的溶胶,并在750℃合成了颗粒尺寸为100nm左右的微粉;利用该粉体在1175℃烧结得到了性能较好的Bi0.5(Na0.85K0.15)0.5Ti O3陶瓷,d33=100pC/N,Qm=193.
关键词 Bi_(0.5)(na_(0.85)k_(0.15))_(0.5)TiO_3 无铅压电陶瓷 溶胶凝胶
Improved ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of(Na_(0.5)K_(0.5))NbO_(3)ceramics via sintering in low oxygen partial pressure atmosphere and adding LiF 被引量:1
作者 Bing-Yu Li Xiao-Ming Chen +3 位作者 Mei-Dan Liu Zi-De Yu Han-Li Lian Jian-Ping Zhou 《Journal of Advanced Dielectrics》 CAS 2021年第2期27-33,共7页
Dense(Na_(0.5)K_(0.5))NbO_(3)lead-free ceramics with the simple composition were prepared via sintering in low oxygen partial pressure(pO_(2),~10^(−12) atm)atmosphere and adding LiF.All the ceramics have pure orthorho... Dense(Na_(0.5)K_(0.5))NbO_(3)lead-free ceramics with the simple composition were prepared via sintering in low oxygen partial pressure(pO_(2),~10^(−12) atm)atmosphere and adding LiF.All the ceramics have pure orthorhombic structure.Compared to the LiF-added(Na_(0.5)K_(0.5))NbO_(3)ceramics sintered in air and the low pO_(2)-sintered pure(Na_(0.5)K_(0.5))NbO_(3)ceramics without LiF addition,the present ceramics exhibit improved piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties.The piezoelectric constant d33 is 125 pC/N,and the converse piezoelectric constant d_(33)^(*)is 186 pm/V.The dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the ceramics at room temperature and 1 kHz are 451 and 0.03,respectively.Under the measured electric field of 70 kV/cm,the remanent polarization is 25.9μC/cm^(2)and the coercive field is 13.9 kV/cm.Furthermore,if the base metals such as Cu and Ni powders were mixed into the green pellets and sintered in the low pO_(2)atmosphere,the base metals cannot be oxidized,suggesting possibility of using base metals as electrodes. 展开更多
关键词 CERAMICS dielectric properties ferroelectric properties piezoelectric properties na_(0.5)k_(0.5)nbo_(3)
Phase formation,structure and dielectric properties of ceramics(Na_(0.5)Bi_(0.5))TiO_(3)-(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)-BiFeO_(3)
作者 G.M.Kaleva A.V.Mosunov +2 位作者 N.V.Sadovskaya E.D.Politova S.Yu.Stefanovich 《Journal of Advanced Dielectrics》 CAS 2016年第1期69-73,共5页
Influence of BiFeO_(3)(BF)on phase formation,unit cell parameters,microstructure,dielectric and ferroelectric properties of solid solutions close to the morphotropic phase boundary in the(Na_(0.5)Bi_(0.5))TiO_(3)–(K_... Influence of BiFeO_(3)(BF)on phase formation,unit cell parameters,microstructure,dielectric and ferroelectric properties of solid solutions close to the morphotropic phase boundary in the(Na_(0.5)Bi_(0.5))TiO_(3)–(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3) system additionally modified by the low-melting KCl additives has been studied.The formation of pure perovskite structure samples decrease in the unit cell parameters and increase in the TC value stimulated by the BF addition have been revealed.It was proved that modification of compositions by small amounts of the BF and KCl additives leads to improvement of dielectric parameters. 展开更多
关键词 (na_(0.5)Bi_(0.5))TiO_(3) (k_(0.5)na_(0.5))nbo_(3) BiFeO_(3) kCL MPB perovskite structure microstructure ferroelectric phase transitions
作者 JINGXIAN ZHU MINGBIN ZHOU +2 位作者 ZHENRONG LI ZHUO XU XI YAO 《Journal of Advanced Dielectrics》 CAS 2011年第4期479-485,共7页
teviseuzobeptehberzoriLead-free(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)(KNN)nanopowder with perovskite structure was synthesized bymechanochemical synthesis method successfully.In order to investigate the perovskite phaseformation of... teviseuzobeptehberzoriLead-free(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)(KNN)nanopowder with perovskite structure was synthesized bymechanochemical synthesis method successfully.In order to investigate the perovskite phaseformation of KNN powders during the mechanochemical synthesis process,we set up three millingroutes with different transmission ratios(W_(v)/W_(p))acting on the mixed starting powders of Na_(2)CO_(3),K_(2)CO_(3)and Nb_(2)O_(5).KNN perovskite phase was not detected by XRD under the lowtransmission ratios-2 with the shock power of 273 W.When the transmission ratios wasincreased to-2.75 with the shock power of 683.4 W,KNN perovskite phase was formed aftermilling for 22 h.Based on these results it has been found,that in shock mode process(SMIP),thathigher shock power is helpful for the formation KNN perovskite phase.The critical shock powerPaitial and critical weight-normalized cumulative shock energy P^(*)_(critical)in KNN system are dis-cussed.Compared with SMP,when W_(v)/W_(p),=-3.5,in friction mode process(FMiP),KNN per-ovskite phase was formed after milling for 5 h.It implis that FMP benefit the formation of KNNperovslkite phase,The morphology of KNN powder was observed by transmsion electronmicroscopy(TEM). 展开更多
关键词 (k_(0.5)na_(0.5))nbo_(3)(knn) mechanochemical synthesis perovskite structure
Ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of lead-free Li_(0.06)(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))_(0.94)NbO_(3) thin films
作者 Xinyu Bu Changhong Yang +3 位作者 Mengjia Fan Wenxuan Wang Xiujuan Lin Shifeng Huang 《Journal of Advanced Dielectrics》 2023年第3期44-51,共8页
Lead-free(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)(KNN)and Li_(0.06)(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))_(0.94)NbO_(3)(LKNN)thin films were fabricated by a sol-gel method.The effects of Li substitution on crystal structure,microstructure and electrical ... Lead-free(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)(KNN)and Li_(0.06)(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))_(0.94)NbO_(3)(LKNN)thin films were fabricated by a sol-gel method.The effects of Li substitution on crystal structure,microstructure and electrical properties of KNN film were systematically studied.Li doping can enhance the ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of KNN film.Compared with pure KNN film,the LKNN film possesses larger remanent polarization(P_(r)~9.3μC/cm^(2))and saturated polarization(P_(s)~41.2μC/cm^(2))and lower leakage current density(~10^(−5)A/cm^(2)at 200 kV/cm).Meanwhile,a typical butterfly shaped piezoelectric response curve is obtained in the LKNN film with a high piezoelectric coefficient(d_(33)~105 pm/V).Excellent fatigue resistance(~10^(9)switching cycles)and aging resistance(~180 days)demonstrate the long-term working stability of LKNN film.These findings indicate that KNN-based lead-free piezoelectric films have a broad application prospect in microelectromechanical systems(MEMS). 展开更多
关键词 LEAD-FREE thin films (k_(0.5)na_(0.5))nbo_(3) sol-gel piezoelectric property
作者 LINGYAN WANG WEI REN +3 位作者 PHOI CHIN GOH KUI YAO PENG SHI XIAOQING WU 《Journal of Advanced Dielectrics》 CAS 2012年第4期55-61,共7页
Lead-free ferroelectric K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)(KNN)films with different thicknesses were prepared by polyvinlypyrrolidone(PVP)-modified chemical solution deposition(CSD)method.Their residual stresses were studied with... Lead-free ferroelectric K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)(KNN)films with different thicknesses were prepared by polyvinlypyrrolidone(PVP)-modified chemical solution deposition(CSD)method.Their residual stresses were studied with two methods of X-ray diffraction(XRD)and nanoindentation fracture.It was found that the tensile stress occurs in KNN films with small thickness of 1.3μm after all kinds of stresses were neutralized,which is mainly originated from the interaction across grain boundaries.With increasing the thickness to 2.5μm and above it,the residual stress changed from tensile stresses to compressive stresses,and the compressive stress decreased with the thickness increased.These results could explain why a thicker KNN film can show improved electrical properties and the larger the thickness,the better the ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties. 展开更多
关键词 k_(0.5)na_(0.5)nbo_(3)films different thicknesses residual stresses XRD method nanoindentation fracture method
Ultra-fast charge-discharge and high-energy storage performance realized in K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)-Bi(Mn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5))O_(3) ceramics
作者 Xinru Nie Yan He +6 位作者 Qiangqiang Shi Yuqian Liang Lingling Wei Pengfei Liang Xiaolian Chao Guoxin Hu Zupei Yang 《Journal of Advanced Dielectrics》 2023年第1期46-56,共11页
Lead-free relaxor ceramics(1−x)K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)−xBi(Mn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5))O_(3)((1−x)KNN-xBMN)with considerable charge-discharge characteristics and energy storage properties were prepared by a solid state method.Rem... Lead-free relaxor ceramics(1−x)K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)−xBi(Mn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5))O_(3)((1−x)KNN-xBMN)with considerable charge-discharge characteristics and energy storage properties were prepared by a solid state method.Remarkable,a BMN doping level of 0.04,0.96KNN-0.04BMN ceramic obtained good energy storage performance with acceptable energy storage density Wrec of 1.826 J/cm^(3) and energy storage efficiencyηof 77.4%,as well as good frequency stability(1-500 Hz)and fatigue resistance(1-5000 cycles).Meanwhile,a satisfactory charge-discharge performance with power density PD~98.90 MW/cm^(3),discharge time t0.9<70 ns and temperature stability(30-180°C)was obtained in 0.96KNN-0.04BMN ceramic.The small grain size(~150 nm)and the high polarizability of Bi3+are directly related to its good energy storage capacity.This work proposes a feasible approach for lead-free KNN-based ceramics to achieve high-energy storage and ultra-fast charge-discharge performance as well as candidate materials for the application of advanced high-temperature pulse capacitors. 展开更多
关键词 k_(0.5)na_(0.5)nbo_(3)ceramics microstructure ultra-fast charge-discharge energy storage.
作者 许明浩 花开慧 +4 位作者 曾群 邸博 郑愚 汪洪祥 张国祥 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期649-658,694,共11页
钛酸钡(BaTiO_(3))和铌酸钾钠(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3))压电陶瓷因具有环境友好、电学性能良好、居里温度较好等优势而成为国际高新技术材料研究的前沿热点,有望替代部分铅基压电陶瓷应用于国防、航空航天、通信等领域的电子器件中。本... 钛酸钡(BaTiO_(3))和铌酸钾钠(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3))压电陶瓷因具有环境友好、电学性能良好、居里温度较好等优势而成为国际高新技术材料研究的前沿热点,有望替代部分铅基压电陶瓷应用于国防、航空航天、通信等领域的电子器件中。本文综述了BaTiO_(3)和K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)压电陶瓷材料的最新研究进展,从构造相界调控压电性能、BaTiO_(3)基压电陶瓷的材料体系设计、K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)基压电陶瓷的热稳定性及改善、压电陶瓷的新型成型及烧结工艺等方面进行客观分析和总结,并展望了两种材料的未来发展趋势,为开发高性能无铅压电陶瓷提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 无铅压电陶瓷 k_(0.5)na_(0.5)nbo_(3) BaTiO_(3) 相界 热稳定性
作者 朱海勇 张伟 《中国陶瓷》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期39-46,共8页
为了利用低成本的Nb_(2)O_(5)为原料在传统硅衬底上制备高质量的K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)(KNN)薄膜,利用溶胶-凝胶法非醇盐法制备KNN薄膜,对比了典型和改良的两种工艺流程,并利用表征工具分析两种工艺制备薄膜结构和性能。同时,通过改良... 为了利用低成本的Nb_(2)O_(5)为原料在传统硅衬底上制备高质量的K_(0.5)Na_(0.5)NbO_(3)(KNN)薄膜,利用溶胶-凝胶法非醇盐法制备KNN薄膜,对比了典型和改良的两种工艺流程,并利用表征工具分析两种工艺制备薄膜结构和性能。同时,通过改良的工艺制备不同层数的薄膜,利用表征工具和理论计算分析层数对KNN薄膜的晶体结构、应变、表面形貌和电性能的影响。XRD结果表明利用改进的工艺可以在硅衬底上制备出(100)高度择优取向的KNN薄膜,薄膜的最佳热解温度从500℃降低为150℃,并且薄膜的介电性能和铁电性能都得到改善。利用Scherrer和SSP公式计算表明随着薄膜层数的增加,薄膜的晶粒尺寸随之增加,晶相由四方相向立方相转变。当层数为14层时,观察到这种转变,此时薄膜应变达到最低值。SEM再次表明随着层数的增加,薄膜的晶粒尺寸随之增加,薄膜表面缺陷也得到改善。在层数为18时,1 kHz下薄膜的介电常数值达到最大值622.9。 展开更多
关键词 Nb_(2)O_(5) k_(0.5)na_(0.5)nbo_(3)薄膜 层数 非醇盐法
Investigation of the phase space in lead‐free(K_(x)Na_(1-x))_(1-y)Li_(y)(Nb_(1-z)Ta_(z))O_(3) ferroelectric ceramics
作者 Henry E.MGBEMERE Rolf JANSSEN Gerold A.SCHNEIDER 《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期282-291,共10页
A library of ceramic compounds based on the lead-free(K_(x)Na_(1-x))1-yLiy(Nb1-zTaz)O_(3)solid solution has been synthesized and characterized using high-throughput experimentation(HTE)method.The phase space previousl... A library of ceramic compounds based on the lead-free(K_(x)Na_(1-x))1-yLiy(Nb1-zTaz)O_(3)solid solution has been synthesized and characterized using high-throughput experimentation(HTE)method.The phase space previously reported by Saito and Takao has been expanded to{{x,0.1,1.0},{y,0,0.1},{z,0,0.2}},and new phase boundaries are observed.The relative density values show that with the appropriate sintering temperature,~92%of the theoretical density can be reached.The relative permittivity values show that with increasing amount of K+and Ta5+,the dielectric constant values increase.The effect of density on the dielectric constant values is however minimal.Resistivity values ranging from 109 to 1013Ω·cm are obtained for the samples.The piezoelectric charge coefficient values for selected compositions show that higher values are obtained close to the phase boundaries rather than away from them.The properties for the ceramic library using the HTE method are generally 15%-20%less than from the conventional method.This method is therefore more suited for screening of sample compositions than for producing samples with high piezoelectric properties. 展开更多
关键词 FERROELECTRICS high-throughput synthesis (k_(x)na_(1-x))nbo_(3)(knn) lead-free ceramics
作者 肖礼康 冯秋 +6 位作者 房雷鸣 周章洋 熊政伟 蓝江河 杨佳 刘艺 高志鹏 《高压物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期57-68,共12页
在压力和温度分别为10 GPa和1050℃的条件下制备了Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)陶瓷样品,采用超声干涉法测量了样品在不同静水压力下的压缩波速和剪切波速。通过三阶有限应变状态方程拟合,获得了多晶Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)的体积模量(172.6 ... 在压力和温度分别为10 GPa和1050℃的条件下制备了Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)陶瓷样品,采用超声干涉法测量了样品在不同静水压力下的压缩波速和剪切波速。通过三阶有限应变状态方程拟合,获得了多晶Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)的体积模量(172.6 GPa)和剪切模量(54.6 GPa)及其压力依赖性。研究发现,样品的杨氏模量随着压力的升高而增大。基于弹性模量数据,得到样品的泊松比为0.342,表明材料具有延展性,但在高压下展现出脆性。随着压力的升高,维氏硬度和断裂韧性均增强;通过经验模型,得到陶瓷样品的维氏硬度为2.40 GPa,断裂韧性为2.33 MPa·m^(1/2)。基于弹性波速度和密度数据,推导出Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)陶瓷的德拜温度为513.1 K,Grüneisen常数γ为2.113。这些结果为评估Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)在高压下的声学性质和弹性相关的综合性质提供了科学依据,同时为Na_(0.5)K_(0.5)NbO_(3)在高压下的工程应用提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 na_(0.5)k_(0.5)nbo_(3) 高压 声速 弹性 硬度 断裂韧性
作者 DINGQUAN XIAO 《Journal of Advanced Dielectrics》 CAS 2011年第1期33-40,共8页
The research on lead-free piezoelectric ceramics has been one of the importantfields worldwide for years for the sustainable development of the world.In recent years,the author and his group concentrated their work on... The research on lead-free piezoelectric ceramics has been one of the importantfields worldwide for years for the sustainable development of the world.In recent years,the author and his group concentrated their work on perovskite lead-free piezoelectric ceramics,especially on(Bi_(1/2)Na_(1/2))TiO_(3)(BNT)-and K_(1/2)Na_(1/2)NbO_(3)(KNN)-based ceramics.In this paper,the researches of the composition design on BNT-and KNN-based lead-free piezoelectric ceramics,the effects of doping on the properties of these ceramics,the study of the temperature stability of these ceramics,and the fabrication technique used in the author's group for these ceramics are reviewed,and the further considerations and some prospects to be resolved in coming years from the viewpoint of the device applications of these ceramics are suggested. 展开更多
关键词 Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (Bi_(1/2)na_(1/2))TTiO_(3)(BNT) k_(1/2)na_(1/2)nbo_(3)(knn) perovskite structure
作者 YUN LIU RAY L.WITHERS +3 位作者 JIAN WANG LASSE NORÉN ANDREW J.STUDER YONGXIANG LI 《Journal of Advanced Dielectrics》 CAS 2012年第4期1-8,共8页
Morphotropic phase boundary(MPB)containing piezoelectric systems generally exhibit enhanced piezoelectric performance at compositions within,or close to,the MPB region.The mechanism/s underlying such enhancement,howev... Morphotropic phase boundary(MPB)containing piezoelectric systems generally exhibit enhanced piezoelectric performance at compositions within,or close to,the MPB region.The mechanism/s underlying such enhancement,however,are still contentious due to complex micro/nanostructure and apparently inherent local structural variability associated with octahedral tilt disorder/platelet precipitates in such piezoelectric materials.This paper reviews some recent structural analysis results from Bi_(0.5)Na_(0.5)TiO_(3)(BNT)and other binary,lead-free,piezoelectric materials systems derived from it via electron diffraction and in situ neutron diffraction.The results suggest that intrinsically existing local microstructure(LMS)in BNT essentially continues across the MPB region.The LMS,originating from inherent octahedral tilt disorder,is strongly temperature-,electric field-,pressure-and chemical composition-dependent,and may help to explain a series of phenomena observed in BNT-based binary materials systems,including the enhanced piezoelectric effect in the region of the MPB. 展开更多
关键词 Local structure PIEZOELECTRICS electron diffraction neutron diffraction Bi_(0.5)na_(0.05)TiO_(3) Bi_(0.5)na_(0.5)TiO_(3)-BaTiO_(3) Bi_(0.5)na_(0.5)TiO_(3)-Bi_(0.5)k_(0.5)TiO_(3)
Processing and characterization of lead-free ceramics on the base of sodium-potassium niobate
作者 E.D.Politova N.V.Golubko +6 位作者 G.M.Kaleva A.V.Mosunov N.V.Sadovskaya S.Yu.Stefanovich D.A.Kiselev A.M.Kislyuk P.K.Panda 《Journal of Advanced Dielectrics》 CAS 2018年第1期29-36,共8页
Lead-free sodium-potassium niobate-based piezoelectric materials are most intensively studied in order to replace the widely used Pb-based ones.In this work,the effects of modification of compositions by donor and acc... Lead-free sodium-potassium niobate-based piezoelectric materials are most intensively studied in order to replace the widely used Pb-based ones.In this work,the effects of modification of compositions by donor and acceptor dopants in the A-and B-sites of perovskite lattice on structure,dielectric,ferroelectric,and piezoelectric properties of ceramics from Morphotropic Phase Boundary in the(1-x)(K_(0.5)Na_(0.5))NbO_(3)-xBaTiO_(3) system and in compositions with x=0.05 and 0.06 additionally doped by Ni^(3+) cations have been studied. 展开更多
关键词 (ka_(0.5)na_(0.5))nbo_(3) BaTiO_(3) perovskite structure solid solutions phase transitions dielectric FERROELECTRIC piezoelectric properties
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